Privacy Settings For Browsers

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Stop your browser from reporting your activity Stop your browser from reporting your activity These

steps apply to the Firefox browser. They will help prevent your surfing ac tivities from being reported to the web sites you visit.

Firefox has a feature called Prefetching that downloads the pages that it thinks y ou are going to go to before you go to them. This means that all of these pages get to access your browser and it's contents even though you never went there an d without your consent. To turn this off copy the line below and paste it into the address bar of Firefo x and press enter. about:config Agree to the warning about the warranty. Copy the line below and paste it into the Search bar. network.prefetch-next Click on the result which will toggle the setting from true to false.

Referer logging is used to allow websites and servers to know where you've been. To turn this off copy the line below and paste it into the address bar of Firefo x and press enter. about:config Agree to the warning about the warranty. Copy the line below and paste it into the Search bar. Network.http.sendRefererHeader Set the value to 0

Firefox will tell websites where you re located via Geo-Location To turn this off copy the line below and paste it into the address bar of Firefo x and press enter. about:config Agree to the warning about the warranty. Copy the line below and paste it into the Search bar. geo.enabled Click on the result which will toggle the setting from true to false.

Firefox has a feature called "DOM storage" in newer versions of Firefox which ca n be used to track you. To turn this off copy the line below and paste it into the address bar of Firefo x and press enter. about:config Agree to the warning about the warranty. Copy the line below and paste it into the Search bar. Click on the result which will toggle the setting from true to false. ________________________ Vidalia logs: socks warning - Vidalia If you receive this warning, either: Use socks4a with polipo and privoxy (rather then the default socks5). Configure Firefox to use remote DNS resolution. Because of this potential problem I used socks-4a in this tutorial. To configure Firefox to use remote DNS resolution , type about:config in your ur l and type 'socks' in the filter bar. Change network.proxy.socks_remote_dns to t rue. network.proxy.socks_remote_dns true ________________________ Re: Firefox, Privoxy, Tor This is what I found out: - If the socks client and the socks 5 proxy TOR are used in the correct way priv acy is not reduced. - h*tps:// services There are several versions of socks: SOCKS SOCKS SOCKS SOCKS 4 proxies require an IP from the client (a web browser is an example of a client). 4a always accepts a hostname. 5 can accept either an IP or a hostname.

Using a socks 4 proxy reduces privacy. To keep privacy it is necessary to use a socks 4a or socks 5 proxy. If using a socks 5 proxy this alone is not enough if the client sends the DNS request itself. To keep privacy it is necessary to conf

igure the client in such a way that it does not do DNS requests itself but gives the hostname directly to the socks 5 proxy. Regarding Firefox there are at leas t 2 important parameters: - network.dns.disablePrefetch - network.proxy.socks_remote_dns But there might be other config parameters that are important for privacy of whi ch I do not know. If TOR should be used as safe as possible with regards to privacy it must be use d together with activated Torbutton which takes care of all important config par ameters. - h*tps:// "As of Tor release, Tor includes its own DNS resolver which will d ispatch queries over the mix network." It is necessary to use the newest version of TOR. - h*tps:// "In the past, Tor bundles included an HTTP proxy like Privoxy or Polipo, solely to work around a bug in Firefox that was finally fixed in Firefox 6. Now you don 't need a separate HTTP proxy to use Tor, and in fact leaving it out makes you s afer because Torbutton has better control over Firefox's interaction with websit es." It is necessary to use the newest version of Firefox. Last edited by toruser8888 : November 27th, 2011 at 06:28 AM.

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