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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Perth Transitions 1.

Is there a separate entrance and exit for Grade 7&8 students? The bus students in 7&8 will be dropped off at the current front doors of the school and the Grades 9-12 will be dropped off at the back of the school. 2. Do the Grade 7&8s eat lunch with the students in Grades 9-12? No, there is a different lunch time than that of 9-12 that will be supervised in the cafeteria. Students must remain on school property during lunch and recess times. 3. What is the daily schedule for students? School Day: 8:00 am start, lunch and break times will posted once timetabling has been completed, dismissal at 2:10 to board buses. 4. What are the lunch hour routines for students? Clubs, gymnasium time for intramurals and the actual time of lunch will be posted once the timetabling is complete. Gr 7&8s will eat in the cafeteria and have access to buy food if desired. Students must remain on school property. 5. Do you have enough gym space for the new students? Yes, we have Gym 3 dedicated for 7&8 students use. 6. How will you manage students with serious allergies?: Each year we have training for staff and students. Students who have been prescribed EpiPens must keep them with them at all times. 7. What other types of programs are available to students in addition to what they typically had at the elementary schools? Students exposure to shops, media arts and others will be explored once we have all staff members in place. 8. Will the students have dances and will they be with the Grades 9-12? Dance for Grades 7&8 will be during the day and will be separate from those for Grades 9-12 that are held at night. 9. What are the usual sports teams that students can try out for? Cross country running, soccer, basketball, volleyball and track & field. We are working on establishing a football program for students in Grades 7&8. 10. Now that the elementary schools go up to Grade 6, with there be a Grade 8 graduation each year? Grade 8 Graduation each spring will take place at PDCI during the last week of classes in June. 11. Will there be rotary timetable or a set up that each subject is taught by a different teacher? Timetables have yet to be developed but will be similar to the current experiences in feeder schools. Subjects such as French and Music will require teachers other than home room teachers to instruct students. 12. Will the French Immersion and Non-French Immersion students be blended together for some classes? Yes, they will be blended for half of each day for classes in Science, Math and English.

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