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Evaluation Task 2

There is a range of different narrative structure types. The first structure is open narrative, which means there is no conclusion, and doesnt reach an end. This isnt used in my story as at the end it does reach a conclusion, but a common example of this would be that soap operas use this structure because there episodes lead onto the same storylines used and carry on to the next day to day storyline. The opposite structure to an open narrative is a closed narrative which is what I used in my story. A closed narrative is where there is a conclusion at the end and the story is finished by using text, for example, And they all lived happily ever after is closing the story with media text. Quite a few films have a storyline so it starts and ends within the 90 minutes of a film. My story uses closed narrative as at the end there is a conclusion met and this is closed when the wolf is killed and I wrote The End to highlight that it was the end of the story. But it could of also been an open narrative because its ended on a cliffhanger and there could be another story written to stress the mothers pain as she doesnt know her daughters been killed and we dont know then what happened to the woodchopper. A single-strand is a story which just has one storyline based in it. This can be mainly used in childrens books because they would struggle to cope with a lot of different storylines. My story has only one storyline within the story because it focuses on Red Riding Hoods journey to her grans and then sees the wolfs journey to her mums. But it doesnt swap between different storylines or different characters storylines. Whereas a multi-strand is a narrative which has multiple storylines within it. This is mainly focused in storylines when they jump between different characters and their lives in episodes. My story isnt multi-strand and keeps to one storyline which makes the story better than jumping between different people and situations in such a short story, it would become too confusing.

Linear narratives have a clear, structured storyline and goes from the start to end and all the events happen in between and in an order. Its a very popular, clear way of storytelling and films, books and journalism often use this method of writing. My story does have a linear narrative and this makes the story very clear and understandable when being read. It starts off with a start, then events take their place in an order then there is an end. Unlike non-linear narratives which include flashbacks or flash forwards which makes the story jump forwards or backwards and causes the story to have no clear structure and doesnt make the story as straight forward. I dont have a non-linear narrative in my story as it would make it too complicated to understand and keeps the fairytale simple and clear. Realist narratives focus on real-life events that would happen to real people and not something unrealistic. Realist writers focus on peoples day to day lives and like to focus on believable events. Soap operas are realist based. Even though some storylines can be exaggerated to make an impact, they still focus on peoples day to day life and have realistic views on events which could happen to anyone. My story doesnt have a realist narrative because its a fairytale so it focuses on more unrealistic things which wouldnt be seen in real life. For example, the wolf wouldnt walk and talk in real life or kidnap an old woman. The opposite of realist narrative is anti-realist. This focuses more on unrealistic ideas that wouldnt be spotted or seen in real life events. Fantasies and sci-fi genres use this type of narrative and this is what I used in my story. This is because fairytales arent focusing on real life situations and has that element of strange and unusual situations which isnt seen in real life so mine includes a wolf killing Red Riding Hood after following her to her grans and kidnapping her nan and then dressing up as Red Riding Hood to kill again. This wouldnt be seen happening in real life as it isnt a realistic view.

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