What Is Islam

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The Arabic word 'Allah' is a proper noun of the Creator The Arabic word 'Islam' means in English 'Submission'

to Allah www.Allah.com www.Muhammad.com In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Most Merciful hat is Islam Ahmad !arwish No cop"right

IN T#E NAME $% A&&A#, T#E ME'CI%(&, T#E M$ST ME'CI%(&

%'$M M(#AMMA! T#E MESSEN)E' $% A&&A# T$ #E'AC&I(S* T#E )'EATEST $% '$MANS.

+eace be upon those who follow !i,ine )uidance. I therefore in,ite "ou to embrace Islam, surrender to Allah to be in peace. Allah will doubl" reward "ou, but if "ou turn awa" the sin of the Arians will rest upon "ou.

-.+eople of the /oo0, 12ews and Christians3, let us come to a common word between us and "ou that we will worship none e4cept Allah, that we will associate none with #im, and that none of us ta0e others for lords besides Allah.5 If the" turn awa", sa"* ./ear witness that we are Muslims 1those ha,e surrendered to #im35.6 7oran 8*9:

The +rophets of Allah mentioned in the #ol" 7oran Muhammad, 2esus, 2ohn, ;achariah, Elisha, Ellias, 2onah, E<e0iel, 2ob, Solomon, !a,id, Aaron, Moses, Shuaib, 2oseph, 2acob, Isaac, Ishmael, &ot, Abraham, Salih, #ood, Idris, Noah and Adam

To the reader*

%irst of all we would li0e to than0 "ou for ta0ing the time gain a better understanding of Islam which is the religion of absolute submission to the Creator of man0ind and prophets ali0e, Allah.

e sincerel" hope that "ou will benefit from this authentic introduction to Islam, and that it ma" deepen "our 0nowledge and increase "our interest.

+eople such as "ourself with in=uiring minds in,ariabl" ha,e families and friends of similar inclination, and we in,ite "ou to gi,e them a cop" of this boo0let.

The Mos=ue of the Internet team


E,er"thing seems to be turned upside down these da"s. Cra<" things are happening all o,er the world, we are fed with partial information, misinformation and so on, that man" of us find oursel,es in a state of comple4 ignorance, that is we are ignorant that we are ignorant and do not 0now the whole truth through no fault of our own, and we form our opinions accordingl".

This brief boo0let presents Islam in its true form and we stress that it is not that of the fanatical Saudi ahabi cult, responsible, since its inception for terrorism and the murder of man" innocent people as well as Muslims. Their actions are totall" against the principals of Islam and Islam re?ects and condemns their actions. Islam is the religion of peace, brotherhood, and tolerant co@e4istence among all man0ind, not ?ust amongst its followers.

The foremost principal of Islam is the belief in the $neness of )od, the Creator of all, who has no partners, who is the sender of the +rophets to whom he ga,e #is guidance, who is the sender of the last prophet, +rophet Muhammad who was sent for all man0ind and not to one nation as were the missions of pre,ious prophets. +raise and peace be upon all the prophets of Allah.

Man" people ha,e the inherent desire for guidance. #owe,er, in this complicated, fast mo,ing technological societ", the pace of life is so consuming that one is soon distracted from hisAher search. New religions are born almost e,er" da" onl" to fade into obli,ion soon after.

Man" of us tr" to do good, but how man" times has it turned out to be the oppositeB e ha,e all heard the phrase, the road to hell is pa,ed with good intentions. So what are we to doB ithout the correct guidance we are going to 0eep falling into the same error time and time again.

Islam addresses each and e,er" aspect of our life from conception to death. It is a complete religion, both spirituall" and materialisticall" that shows us the right path to ta0e, and Allah, the Arabic pronoun for )od, confirms this in the opening ,erses of chapter two in #is #ol" /oo0, the 7oran -That is the 1#ol"3 /oo0, where there is no doubt. It is a guidance for the cautious.6

Muslims are no in doubt that the Arabic 7oran recited toda" is the same as it was when it was first re,ealed to +rophet Muhammad because Allah in #is Merc" promises in the 7oran to protect this, #is %inal ord from alteration. The 7oran contains guidance for e,er" age up until the end of time and contains miraculous signs that await disco,er" in the appropriate centuries. $ne such sign that awaited disco,er" was the de,elopmental stages of the fetus in the womb. This process onl" became 0nown to ph"sicians recentl", man" centuries after the re,elation of the 7oran, and it is impossible that it would ha,e been 0nown at the time of the sending down of the #ol" 7oran.

The 7oran found in toda"5s boo0 stores can be compared to the first copies e,er to be written down, such as the one in /u0hara, (SS', there is no difference between them. This in itself is a miracle as rabbis and priest ali0e admit their boo0s ha,e been, for one reason or another, sub?ected to alteration andAor parts deleted o,er the passage of time. Allah refers to the alterations in the 7oran sa"ing* -Some 2ews tampered with the words 1altering3 their places sa"ing* . e heard and we disobe",5 and .hear, without hearing,5 and .obser,e us5 twisting with their tongues traducing religion C.6 7oran :*:9

The )ospel gi,en to +rophet 2esus b" Allah is no longer found in the New Testament, what remains, for the most part, are the teachings of +aul who was not a prophet.

Islam is not a new religion. It is the completion of teachings of +rophets Abraham, Moses and 2esus, all of whom preached that )od is $ne and has no partners. It is tolerant and respectful of all other hea,enl" religions and their followers who share the belief in the $ne and onl" )od. The #ol" 7oran teaches* DThere is no compulsion in religion. 'ighteousness is now distinct from error. #e who disbelie,es in the idol and belie,es in Allah has grasped the firmest tie that will ne,er brea0, Allah is #earing, 7nowing.6 7oran E*EF9


It is false to call Islam Muhammadanism, as has been done so fre=uentl" in the est. e ha,e alread" pointed out that Muslims belie,e that Islam is the eternal message which Allah sent to all prophets, peace be upon them, from the dawn of man0ind, and not a new belief which began with the +rophet Muhammad 1praise and peace be upon him3

Muslims call their religion Islam, and the Arabic word -Islam6 implies the attainment of peace through submission to Allah. The word -Muslim6 is an ad?ecti,e deri,ed from the noun Islam, and implies one who has peace within himself from his submission to Allah.

Muslims belie,e in the $ne, Eternal )od, who created the hea,ens and the earth and all that e4ists. In Arabic, )od is called Allah.

There is absolutel" no difference between Allah and the )od of Abraham, Moses and 2esus . Muslims do not belie,e that +rophet Muhammad was the onl" prophetG rather the" belie,e that he was the last of the prophets of the $ld and New Testaments. The #ol" 7oran is the re,ealed and sacred scripture of Islam, and it teaches* DSa" 1$ Muslims3, . e belie,e in Allah and that which is sent down to us, and in what was sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, 2acob and the tribesG to Moses and 2esus and the prophets of their &ord. e do not differentiate between an" of them, and to #im we are submissi,e 1Muslims.36 7oran E*H89.

S$ME /ASIC /E&IE%S $% IS&AM The most fundamental concept of Islam and the fountainhead of all its other principles and practices is the $neness of Allah. Islam is monotheism in its purest form, and the logic of pure monotheism is the thread that runs through the entire fabric of the Islamic wa" of life.

Islam teaches a fundamental difference between Allah, the Creator and that which #e has created. The s0", the moon, the stars, the harmon" and perfection

of the natural world, the grace and beaut" of the human bod" and the e4cellence of the human mind, the alternation of da" and night, the change of the seasons, and the m"ster" of life and death all point to something be"ond, greater than themsel,es.

To the belie,er these are all signs of Allah. Islam teaches that Allah is not to be li0ened to an"thing that #e has created. #e is AllI+owerful, All@7nowingG #e is be"ond an" imperfection, and is the fulfillment of all +erfection. #e is not a substance, nor is #e li0e an" of #is creatures. Allah is not a far awa" and distant )od, nor is #e unapproachable ideal. #e is All@7ind, All Merciful, and the Turner of hearts.

Islam teaches that Allah is eternal. #e was not #imself born, nor has #e fathered a son or a daughter. Islam re?ects the concept of the incarnation of Allah, which is found in #induism, Christianit", and other religions, and belie,es that the concept of incarnation limits the concept of Allah and destro"s the belie,er's con,iction of the acti,eness and perfection of Allah.

The 7oran describes Allah being perfect and acti,e* DAllah, there is no god e4cept #e. The &i,ing, the E,erlasting. Neither do<ing nor sleep o,erta0es #im. To #im belongs all that is in the hea,ens and the earth. ho is he that shall intercede with #im e4cept b" #is permissionB #e 0nows what will be before their hands and what was behind them, and the" do not

comprehend an"thing of #is 0nowledge e4cept what #e willed. #is Seat embraces the hea,ens and earth, and the preser,ing of them does not wear" #im. #e is the #igh, the )reat.D 7oran E*EFF.

Islam re?ects the notion that 2esus, peace be upon him, was the son of )od. 'ather it honors and respects him as one of the great messengers and prophets of Allah to the children of Israel. Islam re?ects the +auline concept of trinit" and considers it a contradiction of pure monotheism. It also re?ects the argument of some Christians that )od made #imself incarnate in 2esus, peace be upon him, so that )od could be 0nown b" men, and also re?ects the argument that 2esus, peace be upon him, died on the cross for man0ind's sins.

To begin with, Islam belie,es that man can come to 0now Allah and feel close to #im b" means of proper pra"er, fasting, charit", pilgrimage, and righteous deeds. The ,er" practice of Islam is meant to purif" the belie,er's soul and to bring himAher closer to Allah. ith regard to 2esus d"ing for our sins, Islam teaches that no human being can bear the burden of another's responsibilit".

Allah is ,er" aware of our human wea0nesses and imperfection. #e does not condemn us because we are imperfectG rather #e guides us to self@perfection and #e forgi,es us and showers #is Merc" upon us when we fail and then sincerel" as0 #is forgi,eness.

Muslims belie,e in the !i,ine origin of the /ible although Muslims doubt the historical authenticit" of some parts of the $ld and New Testaments and do not belie,e them to be e4act representations of what Allah originall" re,ealed.

The 7oran upheld this ,iew of the te4t of the $ld and New Testaments hundreds of "ears ago, and in recent "ears, this ,iew has been upheld b" te4tual studies of biblical scholars. Muslims belie,e in the Angels of Allah, and #is +rophets, peace be upon them. The" belie,e in the resurrection of the dead at the end of the worldG the" belie,e in the coming of the !a" of 2udgement and eternal life in +aradise or #ell.

Although Muslims belie,e that Allah is All@+owerful and maintains complete control o,er #is creation, the" also belie,e that Allah has created man with free will and the abilit" to choose and act, and that Allah is ?ust in ma0ing man morall" responsible for what does during hisAher lifetime. It is false to sa" that Islam teaches its followers to resign mee0l" and passi,el" to their fate or destin". 'ather, Islam challenges the belie,er to fight against wrong and oppression and to stri,e for the establishment of righteousness and ?ustice.



%aith without action is a dead letter. Islam teaches us that faith b" itself is not enough until it is transformed into action.

+rophet Muhammad saidG D%aith does not depend on raising hopes, but it is something which is firml" established in the heart and testified to b" action. Indeed, there are people who ha,e been decei,ed b" their hopes, so that the" finall" lea,e this world without merit. The" used to sa", ' e ha,e good e4pectations from Allah.' Jet the" onl" decei,ed themsel,es. %or had the" trul" placed good e4pectations in Allah, the" would ha,e e4celled in good deeds.D

Each Muslim is taught that heAshe is personall" responsible for hisAher own actions. Islam teaches that e,er" indi,idual must carr" the responsibilit" of hisAher own actions and that no one can carr" that burden for them.

T#E +$SITI$N $%


Islam teaches that the woman is not inherentl" inferior to manG rather man and woman are of similar nature. The" both are e=ual in intellectual and spiritual capacit". %urthermore, the" are both e=uall" responsible for their deeds before Allah.

It is also true that Islam regards the woman as ha,ing a primar" role to pla" in the constitution and running


of the famil". Such is the importance of the role of motherhood that +rophet Muhammad informed us that +aradise lies under the feet of the mother, in other words one must respect, honor and be good to one5s mother. If "ou ,isit a Muslim home it will become ,er" noticeable how the entire famil" pi,ots around her and it is e4tremel" rare in Muslim countries to hear of a mother or father being farmed off into a nursing home when the" are elderl".

Islam places great emphasis on the role of the Muslim woman as a wife and particularl" as a mother, and Muslims are often of the opinion that the best position for the woman is in the home with her children and famil". #owe,er, the Muslim woman is not prohibited from lea,ing her home to pursue education, a career, or other worthwhile and constructi,e goals that profit not onl" her but societ" as well. The 7oran establishes the spiritual e=ualit" and mutual responsibilit" of man and woman in ,erses such as the following* D/ut whosoe,er does good wor0s of righteousness, whether the" be a belie,ing male or female, shall enter +aradise, and not be wronged a pit mar0 of a date stone.6 7oran :*HE:.

DAnd indeed their &ord answered them, 'I do not waste the labor of an" that labors among "ou, male or female, "ou are from each other.6 7oran 8*HKF.

The relationship of the Muslim husband to his wife is not that of master to sla,e. 'ather the entire responsibilit" of economic support is placed on the


shoulders of the husband alone. #e cannot demand of his wife that she also become economicall" producti,e to support the famil", although she is able to do this if she desires.

The 7oran e4plains this responsibilit" of men to women in the following ,erse* DMen are the maintainers of women for that Allah has preferred in bount" one of them o,er the other, and for that the" ha,e spent their wealth. 'ighteous women are obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah has guarded.D 7oran :*8:.

The important point that should be made is that the religion of Islam has great respect for the woman. It does not teach that she is without a soul or that she is the root of all e,il, neither does it define a woman as being inferior and must be 0ept in seclusion and sub?ugation.

e are often as0ed wh" Muslim women wear blac0 and are completel" ,eiled. This practice is nationalistic and not from Islam. The attire of a Muslim woman is that of modest", where her figure is not apparent to outsiders, not of ,eiling, howe,er a scarf is a necessit". In this da" and age in particular where rape is a common occurrence in the west she finds modest clothing to be a protection from unwarranted ad,ances b" the opposite se4. Also, modest clothing has recentl" been ad,ocated b" cancer ph"sicians as a form of protection against the sun5s harmful ra"s that cause melanoma, s0in cancer.


. /oth 2udaism and Christianit" preach that the fall of Adam from the )arden of Eden was the fault of E,e and as such women are to blame. This is not the teaching of Islam, the 7oran directs all the responsibilit" to Adam himself, while adding that Allah turned to Adam in merc" and forga,e him his sin. Therefore, Adam's sin stops with Adam himself, and Allah does not hold man0ind responsible for the sin of Adam and re?ects the concept of original sin.

e cannot den" that the condition of women has at times been regrettable in the Muslim world, but the same can also be said of the rest of the world at large. e do not wish to ?ustif" these circumstances, but onl" to ma0e the point that the" did not originate from the teachings of Islam itself. 'ather the" are the results of short sightedness, ignorance and human failure. Those belie,ing women who were un?ustl" treated will be recompensed for their patience in the #ereafter because Allah is 2ust and does not lo,e in?ustice.

/'$T#E'#$$! AN! EL(A&ITJ $% MAN7IN! Islam teaches that the human famil" is one, that there is no superiorit" of white o,er blac0 or blac0 o,er white. Islam re?ects radicall" all notions of racial pre?udice and teaches that the onl" basis of distinction between human beings is their belief and indi,idual moral =ualities.


The concept of Islamic brotherhood has two primar" dimensionsG the relationship of Muslims to Muslims and the relationship of Muslims to non@Muslims. As for the first categor", Islam teaches that the brotherhood between all Muslims is to be absolute and total. The Arab has no pri,ileges o,er the non@ Arab, and, since there is no clerg" or priesthood in Islam, all Muslims are basicall" e=ual, from top to bottom, from rich to poor, from educated to uneducated.

As for the relationship between Muslims and non@ Muslims, the teaching of Islam is that this is to be a relationship of mutual respect and particularl" of tolerance. It is preferable that Muslims and non@ Muslims li,e in peace, protect each other, and cooperate with one another. As the 7oran sa"s* DThere is no compulsion in religionD 7oran E*EF9 and DTo "ou "our religion, and to me m" religion.6 7oran HMK*9

'EAS$N Muslims consider their religion to be ,er" rational and consistent with the dictates of the belie,ing and reasoning mind.

%urthermore, the 7oran teaches that rational facult" is one of the greatest gifts of Allah to man, and encourages us to use and de,elop this facult". Islam does not as0 its followers to belie,e and then follow


e,er"thing blindl" and un=uestioningl". The 7oran sa"s, for instance* DIf "ou are in doubt of what e 1H3 ha,e sent down to $ur worshipper 1+rophet Muhammad3, produce a chapter comparable to it. Call upon "our helpers, other than Allah, to assist "ou, if "ou are true.D 7oran E*E8

1H3 hen pronouns are capitali<ed the" refer to the Creator, Allah. E4amples* Jou, #e, #im, #is and, $wn while pronouns such as $ur, $urs, (s and e denote #is )reatness not pluralit".

Islam encourages reasoning, thought and personal opinion. The +rophet said* DThe differences of opinion among the learned of m" followers are Allah's merc".D Islam has great respect for learning science and for man's e4ploration of the secrets of nature and of creation. In fact Allah challenges man on man" occasions in the 7oran to deepen his faith, 0nowledge, and wisdom from stud" and contemplation of the natural world, its harmon", s"mmetr", and beaut". %or e4ample* -1It is #e3 who created the se,en hea,ens, one abo,e the other. Jou cannot see an" inconsistenc" in the creation of the Merciful. Then return "our ga<e once more and "et again, "our ga<e comes bac0 to "ou da<<led, and tired.6 7oran 9N*8@:.

The indi,idual capacities and uni=ue abilities of people are the gift of Allah, to be de,eloped, perfected, and used for the benefit of humanit". Islam does not tr" to crush the indi,idualit" of its belie,ers,


but rather to guide each belie,er to perfection and purif" his own uni=ueness.

This multiplicit" of e4pressi,e and de,eloped personalities enriches societ" and places it on a higher le,el, li0e the beaut" of an intricate but unified arabes=ue.




In the e"es of some commentators on Islam in the est, Islam has been portra"ed as a militant religion, a religion of blood, fire, and sword. e ha,e alread" tried to draw attention to the fundamental concern of Islam for tolerance and religious freedom, and ha,e also commented upon the emphasis Islam places on peace and cooperation among man0ind. #owe,er, Islam is a practical religion, a religion which ne,er ignores for a single moment the comple4ities and demands of the harsh realities and facts of life. Islam is fundamentall" concerned with establishing societies in which the rights of freedom of belief, human rights, and protection of life, dignit", and propert" are secure from both internal and e4ternal threats.

Therefore, e,en as Islam teaches its followers to be merciful and inclined toward forgi,eness and peace e,en in times of war, it ne,er teaches them to turn the other chee0. The philosoph" of Dturning the other chee0D ma" be appropriate for pri,ate indi,iduals and small da"@ to@da" affairs, howe,er, it spells social


suicide if it is implemented b" societ" as an absolute ,alue.

Islam therefore stipulates principles that Muslims are to follow before, during, and after war. +eace is to be established on the basis of ?ustice. Muslims are not to be aggressi,e or to ,iolate treaties the" ha,e concluded with others, but war is to be waged in defense of the Muslim communit" and what it stands for. It is forbidden for Muslims to be the initiators of war or terrorist acti,ities.

!uring war, 0illing of ci,ilians and those who do no participate directl" in the war is strictl" forbidden. +risoners are to be treated humanel". !estruction of lands, fruit trees, animals, and towns and ,illages are also forbidden where a,oidable. Muslims are to incline to peace if the enem" is truthfull" inclined to peace, and ma0e treaties and agreements to preser,e that peace and then obser,e those treaties as long as the enem" obser,es them. The concept of D?ihadD is one of the highest concepts in Islam. The term has at times been translated as D#ol" arD. #owe,er, this translation is incomplete for ?ihad also means b" language Dstruggling.D It is a concept that places great emphasis on the struggle of oneself with the temptations of satanG to do good and sacrifice.

+rophet Muhammad said, that the greatest ?ihad is the stri,ing of the Muslim to purif" himself.


2ihad consists of all the stri,ing the Muslim does in his e4ternal life, charit", righteous li,ing and acts, the constant effort to achie,e the 'ight +ath in his dealings with his fellow men. This is true stri,ing in the a" of Allah.

T#E %IOE +I&&A'S $% IS&AM Islam sets down fi,e principle duties that are obligator" upon all Muslims, and form the structure, or pillars, of hisAher life. The" are*

H. /elief in the $neness of Allah, and the bearing of witness to this belief with the words* DI bear witness that there is no god e4cept Allah, and that Muhammad is #is +rophet and Messenger.D

E. The fi,e dail" pra"ers at dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset and nightfall. These fi,e dail" pra"ers help one to de,elop Allah consciousness in hisAher e,er"da" life. The importance of these cannot be o,er emphasi<ed. The" are a constant reminder to the worshipper of the +resence and +ower of Allah and help the worshipper to 0eep hisAherself from de,iating from the 'ight +ath.

8. The bestowal of charit" on one's fellow man. Islam places great emphasis on generosit" and charit" as a means of purif"ing one's soul and drawing closer to


Allah. The Muslim is en?oined to gi,e ,oluntaril" whene,er heAshe canG howe,er, heAshe is re=uired each lunar "ear to pa" an obligator" charit" ta4 of E PQ of hisAher annual sa,ings. This obligator" charit" is then gi,en to orphans, the need" and the poor. The ;a0at, which means obligator" charit", enables the Muslim communit" to ta0e care of all its members and insures that no one will be depri,ed of hisAher basic human right to e4ist.

:. %asting during the ninth month of the lunar "ear called D'amadan.D This fast is en?oined upon Muslims of good health and sound bod" who ha,e attained the age of ph"sical maturit" and are not pre,ented from performing the fast b" ,arious circumstances li0e tra,el, sic0ness, mental illness, or specificall" in the case of women, menstruation, or childbirth. The fast of 'amadan begins at dawn and lasts until sunset. !uring this period the Muslim abstains from eating, and drin0ing, se4ual acti,it" and smo0ing. %asting teaches self@discipline and control, while purif"ing the soul and bod" and strengthening one's consciousness of Allah.

F. The pilgrimage to Mecca. The pilgrimage is re=uired of all Muslims at least once during their lifetime, if the" ha,e the financial means. The annual pilgrimage to Mecca is one of the greatest e,ents of the Muslim world, uniting Muslims from e,er" race and from e,er" corner of the world. This is a great e4perience in the life of a Muslim that enables himAher to draw closer to Allah. The greatest blessings of going on pilgrimage is that all one5s pre,ious sins are wiped awa" and the pilgrimage returns as pure as the da" heAshe was born. e would


li0e to remind the reader that the #ol" Mos=ue in Mecca was built b" +rophet Abraham and his son, +rophet Ishmail .

#$ IS A M(S&IMB Since there is no priesthood in Islam, no clerg" and no official religious institution, all one has to do to become a Muslim is to be personall" con,inced of the truth of the teachings of Islam and bear witness that DThere is no god e4cept Allah, and that Muhammad is #is +rophet.D

$ne of the great beauties of Islam is its simplicit", naturalness, and lac0 of formalities. Islam is the religion of Adam and of man0ind in its earliest and most ad,anced stages of de,elopment. Allah sa"s in the #ol" 7oran* DTherefore set "our face to the religion purel", the upright creation upon which #e originated people. There is no changing of the creation of Allah. This is the ,aluable religion, although most people do not 0now.6 7oran 8M*8M.

A T#$()#T +'$O$7IN) L(ESTI$N Allah as0s "ou, -!id "ou thin0 that e had created "ou onl" for pla", and that "ou would ne,er be returned to (sB 7oran E8*HHF. #a,e "ou e,er stopped and as0ed "ourself what is this life all about, what is the purpose of being here, the purpose of "our creationB The correct answer to this =uestion is that "ou see0 the truth, worship Allah alone, do good


deeds for which there is the greatest reward, the reward of li,ing eternall" in +aradise.


Among the many benefits of embracing Islam are that once you bear witness that !"here is no go# e$ce%t Allah& an# 'uhamma# is (is )ro%het&! all your %ast sins are forgi*en an# are transforme# into merits with an enormous rewar# awaiting you in )ara#ise+ In a##ition& you recei*e the rewar# of belie*ing the religion of the )ro%het ,esus& if you are a -hristian& or )ro%het 'oses& if you are a ,ew& an# the religion of )ro%het 'uhamma#& which means that you recei*e two huge rewar#s& an# you .now that Allah lo*es you because (e gui#e# you to (im/


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