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Sherlock Holmes, the best fictional consulting detective, renowned for his astute logical reasoning, practises in forensic

science and ability to adopt any disguise. His character as an individual inspired me to transform the base play, A Dolls House by Henrick Ibsen to Sir Arthur Conan Doyles novel, Sherlock Holmes. He was based at the heart London, and remained at the heart of the novel, the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. As the protagonist, he did indeed experience an adventure; with the many cases he was presented with which is why I thought it would be appropriate to place Nora Helmer within his countless adventures. Nora Helmer was clearly facing a difficult case, where Krogstad was threatening to sue her, take her to court and humiliate her publically if she did not secure his position at a bank. The case revolved around blackmail, deceit and was definitely a case that could only be handled by a professional. His level of expertise was crucial in this case which is why I chose to include him and put these two individuals together. I wrote this piece in the style of a diary account. I wanted the reader to view Holmes in a regular, typical way, Holmes and I were just finishing up with our duties for the day. It had been a long, strenuous evening and still, the many piles of paperwork still remained. He was a detective, a skilled one at that, who lived a normal life in the city of London, rather than with a celebrity status. Although, he was still very well-known which is how Nora came to know about him. I also wanted Noras character and situation to make an impact on Sherlock in order to sensationalise and dramatize her case, which is demonstrated by the way Sherlock seemed rather fixated on her and her proposal, In fact, Holmes had been rather quiet since afternoon. I didnt want to intrude, but I reckoned it was something to do with the young lady who he spoke with earlier today. It was important for me to place much emphasis on Noras contact with Holmes, and their growing relationship to indicate to the reader that it wasnt strictly platonic, Coming to think about it, his behaviour had been rather odd lately and this wasnt the typical way in which he behaves towards a case. Something was very different here. I wanted to make clear that Nora, the flirtatious and sensuous individual she is, was what appealed most to Holmes, rather than the case itself. Plus, I thought itd be quite interesting to add a slight twist to the two texts. Holmes was gradually becoming an odd character, engaging himself with zany activities, dabbling in several bits of everything. Nora was something new to him, she most definitely wasnt your typical housewife.

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