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F0R INNEBATE RELEASE: Contact: Allen Blakemoie
Tuesuay, Novembei 19, 2u1S 71S-S26-SS99

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A0STIN - Baiiy Smitheiman, Chaiiman of the Texas Railioau Commission, anu
conseivative canuiuate foi Texas Attoiney ueneial, was enuoiseu by the C Club of
Bouston at theii lunch meeting touay.

C Club PAC Chaiiman, }oe Slovacek, announceu the enuoisement:

"The C Club of Bouston is extiemely piouu to enuoise anu suppoit Baiiy
Smitheiman foi Texas Attoiney ueneial. Baiiy is the conseivative we neeu
in this sensitive anu impoitant post. Bis backgiounu, expeiience anu
qualifications make him the best possible choice. The unique blenu of piivate
anu public sectoi leaueiship expeiience was a key factoi in oui choice. Be is
the only canuiuate who has hanus on expeiience iunning two majoi state
agencies. Be is the only canuiuate with ieal expeiience as an Assistant
Bistiict Attoiney. We uige othei conseivatives to join us in voting foi Baiiy
Smitheiman in the 2u14 Republican Piimaiy foi Texas Attoiney ueneial."

"I am honoieu to ieceive this enuoisement. The C Club is compiiseu of 1uu of
Bouston's leauing business leaueis anu entiepieneuis who iecognize I'm the only
canuiuate in this iace with the necessaiy piosecutoiial anu executive leaueiship
expeiience to uo the job well," saiu Smitheiman.

Noie infoimation about Baiiy Smitheiman anu his campaign is available at


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