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Dika Muftia Patappa / F05112072 The Origin Of Species 1.

Hybrids between tigers and lions, called tiglons, occur only in A) B) C) D) India captivity Madagascar central Africa

2. The leopard frogs of the eastern United States are A) B) C) D) a group of related species the same species unrelated entirely hybrids

3. Differences in mating ritual of Hawaiian Drosophila have likely resulted from A) B) C) D) the founder effect natural selection mutations reinforcement

4. Speciation is more likely to occur in cases of A) B) C) D) sympatry antipatry allopatry copatry

5. Among plants, fertile individuals may arise from sterile ones by A) B) C) D) haploidy statiploidy diploidy polyploidy

6. Darwin explained his theory of evolution in a book called A) B) C) D) On the Origin of Species The Principles of Survival of the Fittest Around the World in Population Eighty Days

7. Human interference has sometimes caused the uncharacteristically rapid extinction of a number of species, primarily due to ___________________. A) B) C) D) hunting encroachment on natural habitat alteration of natural habitat All of these are human interference that lead to extinction.

8. Changes in gene frequencies within a population are called A) B) C) D) gene flow macroevolution polymorphism microevolution

9. Which of the following is not a prezygotic isolating mechanism? A) B) prevention of gamete fusion temporal isolation

C) D)

production of sterile hybrids geographical isolation

10. Geographical isolation is associated with A) B) C) D) allopatric speciation sympatric speciation clones prides

11. Which of the following terms is analogous to races? A) B) C) D) subspecies varieties both of the above neither of the above

12. The sperm of species A dies when it comes in contact with the female reproductive tract of species B. This is an example of A) B) C) D) sexual selection a prezygotic isolating mechanism a postzygotic isolating mechanism gradualism

13. Which of the following is not one of the main groups into which the species of Darwin's finches can be placed? A) B) C) D) warbler finch ground finches tree finches flightless finch

14. Behavioral isolating mechanisms may occur when two species have different A) B) C) D) sized and shaped copulatory organs courtship displays times of the day that they are sexually active habitat ranges

15. Periods of stasis are associated with A) B) C) D) gradualism punctuated equilibrium ecotypes sexual selection

16. Which of the following statements is true? A) B) C) D) Clusters of species are found only on islands, never on continents. Despite its large size, California has a low number of plant species. The stronger the selective forces, the faster a population will change. All of the above are true.

17. Two species of wild lettuce grow in the same areas, but one flowers in early spring and the other flowers in summer. This is an example of a A) B) C) D) postzygotic isolating mechanism geographical isolating mechanism behavioral isolating mechanism temporal isolating mechanism

18. Which of the following statements is most likely to be true about two species? A) B) C) D) they occupy different niches they can never hybridize they will intergrade extensively if they occur in the same area none of the above is true

19. Under which of the following conditions would you expect rapid evolution of species to occur? A) B) C) D) among populations in similar habitats in large, randomly breeding populations in populations with few reproductive isolating mechanisms among populations exposed to climatic and other environmental changes

20. Which of the following statements about species and speciation is true? A) B) C) D) species B. Essay 1. Define the term sympatry. Why is sympatric speciation thought by many to be unlikely? 2. What is the biological species concept? 3. What is the difference between prezygotic and postzygotic isolating mechanisms? 4. How does selection relate to population divergence? 5. Define the term polyploidy. hybrids are always selected against in nature polyploidy is very rare in plants reproductive isolating mechanisms are usually selected against in nature a single species can undergo adaptive radiation and produce a cluster of

Answer 1. Sympatry is the occurrence of several species together in one place. Sympatric speciation is improbable because species tend not to hybridize in nature; those that do tend to produce infertile offspring. Furthermore, species sharing genes expand the species gene pool, which tends to bring them together, not separate them. 2. The biological species concept holds that a species is all individuals that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring. 3. Prezygotic mechanisms prevent zygote formation. Postzygotic mechanisms prevent zygotes that do form from functioning properly. 4. Selective forces that are strong produce rapid divergence. If forces are similar, there is slow divergence. Reducing dispersal can increase divergence. 5. Polyploidy is an amount of genetic material greater than 2N.

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