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Chris Caravello 7-12-12 Comm 450 Final Essays 1.

The yesable proposition is a draft of a proposal to which the opposing party will reply with the word yes that will be sufficient, realistic, and operational. This reduces the risk that your immediate self-interest has blinded you to the necessity of meeting concerns of the other side. My Interests: 1. Is to increase profit 2. Provide better accommodations for the tenants 3. Better reputation 4. Increase value of the apartment 5. Good relationship 6. Have tenants that will pay their rent on time Their Interests: 1. Fair trade not an increase in profit for the same accommodations 2. A reason to stay 3. Better Accommodations 4. Have the same address, no hassle in moving 5. Good relationship To Brent (Tenant of Caravello Housing), Brent, in order for myself to be sure, I hear that you are thinking about leaving our apartments instead of paying an increase in rent? I want to thank you for being a great tenant thus far living within our apartments. I appreciate that you always pay your rent on time and that you keep your living quarters clean. My concern is that I want to make sure that you are leaving this apartment with the right knowledge of why I want to increase the rent for the apartments. I want to be fair in this increase. My increase in the rent is based on these reasons: 1. Improve the reputation of my apartments 2. Increase the value of the apartment 3. Maintain good relations between the tenants and myself. I want that every single guy in Rexburg wants to be in the apartments that I provide. That can only happen by having a good relationship between you and I, and increasing the worth of the apartment. I would like to hear your feedback on what I could provide in order for you to stay. I want that if we make an agreement, it would be fair to the both of us. Sincerely

Chris Caravello Apartment Owner Brainstorm on what they would want 1. Give better services, internet, free laundry, cable, TV * 2. Better management fix up stuff * 3. Free parking 4. Refurbishment real furniture, working utilities * * Fair trade not an increase in profit for the same accommodations To Brent, Thank you on your feedback on how to improve the housing from a tenants perspective. It has given me a better insight on how to improve the apartment. Firstly, I would like to say that it is my highest interest that I am performing my negotiations that are fair and honorable with every one. I want to make sure you know that I would not want to exploit you or the other tenants. As for your interests, It is a mutual interest that we have better furniture and accommodations here in this apartment. Another mutual interest is to have good managers that will help you and communicate from me effectively. It is the managers duty to make sure your apartments are in excellent order. Please be sure that you and the other tenants are speaking to them about those issues of fixing the small things of the apartment. If they do not do their job correctly, feel free to contact me, and I will do what it takes to correct it. A concern of mine for the services that are already provided for the tenants are being paid by myself. I understand that the tenants would like to have better Internet and cable but I do not want to spend any more money that I would like. However, we can agree that a portion of the increase in rent will provide better services. For the Laundry units, we both know that single young men do not provide too much consideration for the care for items that do not belong to them. I can provide better and larger laundry units in exchange to an increased statement in the contract that if the units are damaged or mal-treated; the students will have to pay for repairs. As for parking, there are no other apartments in Rexburg that provide free parking, and I cannot accommodate for that if there is no fair trade. In summary; 1. The rent money will provide better furniture, repairs, etc. 2. A portion of the rent can be used to provide better services 3. Better and Larger Laundry Units must be maintained by the tenants; failure to do so will have costs in repairs In return, I will make sure I hire outstanding managers to help and facilitate repairs for the tenants, and that the tenants will follow the contract in paying rent and keeping clean quarters. Sincerely, Chris Caravello

Sources 1. Capture Chapter 3&4 2. Capture Chapter 7 2. Fractuation is a basic conflict reduction tactic that suggests that conflict can be reduced by focusing attention on the sizing of disputes. Conflicts can be broken down from one big mass into several smaller, more manageable conflicts. For the Forms-4-Less case, we have a situation that had this giant corporation that was behind in their payments. This corporation gave us a good deal amount of profit, and we now had a situation where we are to decide to give up this company or allow them another dely. This situation is in a difficult situation because at the same time the company is suffering from a lot of loses, that is requiring the head honcho(aka me/group) to determine how to save this companys resources, customers, and money. We are to follow the companys main imperatives as well. After determining that the company, UGI, was to be given a delay in payment, there was a threatening case held against us. Some of the workers are threatening to sue that I am giving preferential treatment for a specific worker. That worker has two areas, a lot of customers, and he is the only one that hasnt been affected by the companys troubles. I am in a situation where if I dont solve things correctly, I may lose my job. This whole conflict can be reduced down into: Determine if a lawsuit has legitimacy Explain to my boss why I did such actions Fix up a plan to improve team morale Determine how to allow the best worker to keep certain rights and privileges but be fair to the rest of the team Create a plan that will help the company save money and cut unnecessary extras. This Fractuation relates to Principled Negotiation in creating resolution in conflict management by reducing into smaller parts. Principled Negotiation is negotiation in merits with 4 parts: Separate the people from the problem Focus on interests, not problems Generate a variety of options before deciding what to do Insist that the result be based on some criteria With principled negotiation, it can help determine how and why to break down the big conflict. After being broken down, it can get a low simpler on how to deal with the entire situation.

Sources: 1. Chapter 8, Interpersonal Conflict by Wilmont and Hocker 2. Chapter 7, Interpersonal Conflict by Wilmont and Hocker 3. A fair negotiation has three elements: 1. A wise agreement 2. Efficient 3. Improve or not damage the schedule In the brother apartment case, my brother-in-law Brent was hoping to borrow $15,000 from me to renovate his house and turn a portion of it into a an apartment to rent out. He has had problems with managing money, and takes risks in where he looses it. This is not the first time he has borrowed from me, and doesnt have a foolproof plan to pay it back. I am also in the idea of reconstructing my house by putting up additions to it. I have $50,000 saved up, and with a contractor, it would cost $70,000, or by myself a little less than $50,000. Deciding upon our interests, my wife and I decided that our interests are: 1. Teaching Brent a lesson 2. Helping Brent We decided that we wanted Brent to be secure with his family and home, but at the same time make sure he understands that he has ruined his financial stability. We decided that just giving Brent the 15 grand would be a mistake, so we offered to give him a second job by allowing him to help me add-on to my house. We also decided that he was to create a plan that would help him be financial stable and to follow that plan to the point. With his help, we agreed that we will allow a contractor to turn his house into an apartment, that way Brent wont accident mess something up. We wanted to make sure that this was a good negotiation as well. We thought this to be a wise agreement because it will help Brents and his familys morale by allowing him the flexibility of turning his house into an apartment so that he can gain success from his own plan. We thought this to be efficient because of we gain/keep the interest of adding on to our house with an extra worker, and forcing Brent to make a plan to where his family becomes financially stable. This is also efficient because it plays to our interests as well as Brents by giving him what he wants and needs. Lastly, we thought this to be within the schedule. Brents idea to turn his house into an apartment will be faster with the use of a contractor, and he will be able to rent out his house faster. This plays to our timeline by adding on to our house at our own time. Source 1. Capture Chapter 1

2. 4. In the case of Victoria Ruvolo and Ryan Cushing, Ruvolo was in a serious a car accident due to the foolish acts of Cushing. She was put into serious care in the hospital, and her damages prolonged. Ruvolos case is interesting because she found out everything she could about Cushing, and tried to give the least damaging sentence for the boy. Some would say that she forgave the boy, but that would be a common misconception. The misconception would be that Forgiveness does not minimize an or situation. It acknowledges the truth about what happened and the consequences that followed. Forgiveness does no excuse or condones the behaviors or actions of another. It does not say, Oh well, he just couldnt help it. Rufolo sought much more information on Cushing than she needed. She found out the way he was raised, how he sees life, and what was done to him before. She then gave the least damaging sentence to the boy. In this case, a living way is critical. A Living Way is a way that serves individuals, families, and societies in the future. This means that we cant minimize the actions of others because that will not prevent the same actions being done again later. In order to fully forgive the boy and make sure that they will lead the living way, the boy should have receive the fairest and most deserving punishment possible. This could prevent the same injury from happening again. Sources 1. Chapter 10, Interpersonal Conflict by Wilmont and Hocker 2. Forgiveness by Gordon B. Hinckley

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