Kingdom of Spain: Ref: Climate Change and Human Health

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O DPO (Documento de Posio Oficial) um documento impresso entregue mesa diretora no primeiro dia de debates.

s. Nele, cada representao explicita e detalha sua posio a respeito do tema a ser discutido no comit. Dessa forma, um bom DPO deixa claro o posicionamento oficial de determinada representao, bem como suas propostas e expectativas de resoluo. O DPO deve conter o braso de armas do pas, o nome dos representantes, o comit e o tema a ser debatido, lembrando que o DPO no deve ultrapassar 1 pgina, segue um modelo de DPO:

Kingdom of Spain

Spanishs Mission Geneva To the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION Geneva, January 14, 2013. Ref: Climate change and human health Statement by Natalie Batista Universidade Federal de Uberlndia The Kingdom of Spain is really glad to be part of the World Health Organization to debate one of the most importantmodern topics in the international agenda: climate change and human health. As all the international community knows, such question is kind recentlyand, unfortunately, underestimated. Spanish people, supported by the 1978 Constitution, claim your willingness to cooperate in strengthening peaceful relations and effective cooperation among all peoples of the Earth. Hence, we also believe that prevention and preparation arethe health system key. Generally, public management and the health system in a country must be related, considering the fact that with good cities infrastructure, spreading information aboutclimate and health and the preoccupation about reducing pollutants gases are fundamental to increase the human health quality.

Thegovernment has been concerned in making several actions that help the decreasingof global warming. It is really important to mention this fact, due to the strict relation between this subject andthe public health. For instance, it can be highlighted the case of the clean energy generation since 2008 caused by the wind energy nowadays, Spain ranks the second place in this sort of energy. Combined with the generation of clean energy, the government also has been investing in the construction of less pollutants cars. As a result, the number of breathing diseases has decreased in the past 4 years in big Spanish cities. Therefore, our country is really worried about reducing carbon emissions. Regarding the Spanish commitment with the international community, during all these days in Geneva we hope to contribute significantly to the human healthy. We are prepared to propose solutions and help countries that suffer with floods, heavy rainy, heat waves (many in Europe as Spain does), natural disastersand vectorborne diseases to find their best way to promote the advance of the health of its populations

Kind regards, Natalie Batista Kingdom of Spain Representative for World Health Organization

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