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August 6, 2009

It’s Democrats Vs. Democrats That Really Worries
Obama And DNC

CNN: “White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Tuesday that he thinks the anger some of the
congressmen have experienced is manufactured.” (Kristi Keck, Mark Preston and Paul Steinhauser, “Democrats Say
Republicans Staging Town Hall Protests Story Highlights,” CNN, 8/5/09)


During Campaign, Obama Encouraged Supporters To Be Aggressive With Republicans. “I need you to go out and talk to
your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are
Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face.” (Senator Barack Obama, Campaign Remarks in Elko, Nevada, 9/17/08)

In Recent Obama Town Hall, In-Person Questioners Were Plants From Pro-Obama Groups And Video Questions Were
Hand Selected By Obama Staffers. “The questions posed from social media networks were selected by White House staffers,
and the three people he called on from the audience all were affiliated with advocacy groups that support Obama. White House
spokesman Robert Gibbs defended the event beforehand, saying the questions posed reflected ‘a representative sample of the
issues.’ Smith said the White House invited her to attend after she had spoken at events for Organizing for America, an Obama
grass-roots operation at the Democratic National Committee. Another questioner said he worked for Health Care for America
Now, and the third identified herself as a member of the Service Employees International Union." (Susan Page, “Obama Takes
Health Care Pitch To Virginia,” USA Today, 7/2/09)

ONLY ANGER BEING MANUFACTURED ARE DEMS RUNNING ADS AGAINST OTHER DEMS Attacking Blue Dogs. “ is on the radio, airing ads in the districts of three other conservative Blue
Dogs who voted against the Energy and Commerce reform measure -- Reps. John Barrow (Ga.), Jim Matheson (Utah) and
Charlie Melancon (La.).” (Ben Pershing, “Groups Take Health-Reform Debate To Airwaves,” The Washington Post, 8/5/09)
Obama Campaign Operation Targeting Dem Senators With TV Ads. "A wing of the DNC announced this week that it would
launch a new television ad to press Democratic senators from Arkansas, Indiana, Florida, Louisiana, North Dakota, Nebraska
and Ohio. The ad, funded by ... a wing of the DNC that was formed from the grass-roots operation of Obama's 2008
presidential campaign, urges senators to back an overhaul of the nation's healthcare system." (Alexander Bolton, "Reid Calls DNC
Healthcare Ads 'Waste Of Money,'" The Hill, 7/16/09)

Democratic Strategist’s Group Smearing Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE). “When Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) called the public plan
a deal breaker, a progressive group co-founded by Joe Trippi launched a campaign in Nebraska accusing the senator of being
a 'sellout' for special interests ..." (Carrie Budoff Brown, "Dems Vs. Dems On Health Bill," Politico, 6/11/09)
Group Founded By Former DNC Chairman Howard Dean Also Attacking Nelson As “Corrupt.”. “Liberal activists have
significantly ratcheted up their brewing fight with centrist Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.), who will be a pivotal vote in the
Senate’s healthcare reform debate. A liberal activist working with an advocacy group founded by former Democratic National
Committee chairman Howard Dean has attacked Nelson as ‘bought and paid for by health and insurance interests’ and
suggested he is ‘corrupt’ and ‘out of touch.’” (Alexander Bolton, “Nelson, Liberals Escalate Feud,” The Hill, 8/3/09)
Paid for by the Republican National Committee.
310 First Street SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500 -
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Howard Dean’s Political Group Teams With Left-Wing Organization To Target Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT). “[A]n ad will
begin airing in Montana charging Baucus with choosing monied interests over average voters who want the public insurance
option … Charles Chamberlain, political director of Democracy for America … [said,] ‘We consider the public option the core of
any real reform here. We are going to make sure voters in Montana know Baucus is standing with insurance companies, rather
than with Barack Obama.’ The push by Democracy for America and PCCC is the latest escalation in the Democrat versus
Democrat ad wars over health care reform.” (Carrie Budoff Brown, “Left Targets Baucus On Public Option,” Politico, 7/21/09)
Liberal Organizations Joins Unions In Running Ads Pressuring Blue Dog Democrats. “Healthy Economy Now is an ‘odd
bedfellows’ coalition -- increasingly common on the health care scene. Its members … [include] Families USA and the Service
Employees International Union. This is the third ad the coalition has released in an ad buy that has totaled more than $12
million… The goal of the ads is to press the fiscally conservative Blue Dog Democrats, who have been snarling about the cost
of a health care overhaul and other issues, to support the House bill. The ad urges people to call congressmen who have
expressed reservations to ask them to support the legislation.” (Andrew Villegas, “Ad Audit: If,” Kaiser Health News, 7/21/09)

Paid for by the Republican National Committee.
310 First Street SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500 -
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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