Drug Study (Rocephin)

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DRUG STUDY Name of Patient: Age: Occupation: Date of A mission: Status: Diagnosis: Name of Drug: Generic Name: ceftriaxone

so ium #ran Name: Rocephin Classification "hemical: $r %generation cephalosporin& '%aminocephalosporanic aci Therapeutic: Anti(iotic Pregnanc) "ategor): # Patients Health Profile: Sex:


!nitial "omplaint:

Mechanism of Action !nterferes *+ (acterial cell *all s)nthesis () inhi(iting the final step in the cross% lin,ing of pepti ogl)can stran sPepti ogl)can ma,es the cell mem(rane rigi an protecti.e/ithout it& (acterial cells rupture an ie-

Contraindication H)persensiti.it) to cephalosporins or their components-

Route and Dosage I.V. Infusion I.M. In!ection: A ults: 0%1 g 2- - or in e2uall) i.i e oses (-i- 3aximum 4 g+ a)"hil ren: 56%'5 mg+,g+ a) in i.i e oses 2 01 hr- 3aximum 1 g+ a)-

Side Effects S*elling& re ness& pain& or soreness at the in7ection site ma) occur!nfre2uentl) cause loss of appetite& nausea& .omiting& iarrhea& or hea ache.er) serious si e effects occur: ar, urine& eas) (ruising+(lee ing& fast+poun ing+irregular heart(eat& sei8ures& unusual *ea,ness& )ello*ing e)es+s,in& change in the amount of urine& chest pain& trou(le (reathing-

Nursing Responsibilities Use ceftriaxone cautiousl) in patients *ho are h)persensiti.e to penicillins (ecause cross% sensiti.it) has occurre in a(out 069 of such patients!f possi(le& o(tain culture an sensiti.it) results& as or ere & (efore gi.ing rugProtect po* er from light:or !-;- use& reconstitute *ith an appropriate iluents& such as sterile *ater for in7ection or so ium chlori e for in7ection& as follo*s : 156%mg .ial& a 1-4 ml< 566%mg .ial& a 4-= ml< 0%g .ial& a >-? ml< an 1%g .ial& a 0>-1 ml to )iel 066 mg+mlfor pigg)(ac, (ottles& reconstitute *ith 06 ml of ilute in icate a(o.e for 0%g (ottle an 16 ml for 1%g (ottleAfter reconstitution& further ilute to ?6%066 ml *ith iluents in icate a(o.e an infuse o.er

$6 mins:or !-3- a ministration& reconstitute *ith an appropriate iluents& such as sterile *ater for in7ection or so ium chlori e for in7ection& as follo*s: 156%mg .ial& a 6-> ml< 566%mg .ial& a '-1 ml to ma,e a 156 mg+ml concentration- Sha,e *ell- !n7ect eepl) in the large muscle mass& such as the gluteus maxims3onitor #UN an serum creatinine le.els to etect earl) signs of nephrotoxicit)- Also& monitor flui inta,e an output< ecreasing urine output ma) in icate nephrotoxicit)3onitor patient for allergic reactions a fe* a)s after therap) startsAssess "#"& hematocrit& an serum AST& A@T& (iliru(in& @D& an al,aline phosphatase le.el uring long%term therap)Assess for perineal itching& fe.er& malaise& re ness& s*elling& rash an change in cough or sputum Athe) ma) in icate (loo )scrasiaB Assess for phar)ngitis& ecch)mosis& (lee ing an arthralgia Athe) ma) in icate (loo )scrasiaB

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