Appendix L Market Survey Template

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Market Research Survey Template

This template was adapted from the Food For Thought Cafe market research survey conducted at Portland State University. You should modify it according to your most pressing concerns and the community landscape you are working in. Tips for conducting market research with surveys: You may also want to try making an online survey with these questions instead of or in addition to paper surveys. Try to reach as close to a random sample of students as you can y sending it to random email addressed from your campus! data ase or asking your student government to help you access a large and road ase of recipients.

[insert name of your co-op here if you have one]: A New [Caf !Market] Concept Hello. We are a student group proposing a new [cafe/grocery market] on campus and would like to ask you a few questions. It will take about five minutes. Your feedback will be instrumental in elping decide t e future direction of our campus food c oices. !lease select only one answer" unless ot erwise specified. # anks$ Are you a" student affiliated wit t e university faculty member staff visiting sc olar not

#hat is your ma$or!%epartment& ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' #hat is your a(e (roup& %nder &' &'()* #hat is your (en%er& #here %o you live& )+(), Male campus dorms *-(*. )emale sorority */(+. +/(.. ./0

not i%entifie% w!a particular (en%er fraternity student co(op off campus

How satisfied are you with current food options around campus?
Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied

*ow satisfie% are you with"

*ours of foo% service +uality of foo% service 1ery satisfied 1ery satisfied 2omew at satisfied 2omew at satisfied 2omew at satisfied 2omew at satisfied 2omew at dissatisfied 2omew at dissatisfied 2omew at dissatisfied 2omew at dissatisfied 1ery dissatisfied 1ery dissatisfied 1ery dissatisfied 1ery dissatisfied

,alue for your money 1ery satisfied Atmosphere 1ery satisfied

- purchase foo% at [insert name of a foo% court or eatery on campus]

3ever 4ess t an once a mont mont & to * times a week + to / times a week 5nce or twice a mont 6 or more times a week & to * times a

- purchase foo% at [insert name of another foo% court or eatery on campus]

3ever 4ess t an once a mont 5nce or twice a mont & to * times a week + to / times a week 6 or more times a week & to * times a mont

I purchase food from cafes/restaurants near campus

3ever 4ess t an once a mont 5nce or twice a mont & to * times a week + to / times a week 6 or more times a week & to * times a mont

#hich cafes!restaurants near campus %o you re(ularly eat at& 777777777777777777777777777777777777 77777777777777777777777777777777777 When I eat on or near campus I usua y spend!
%nder 8* 8* to 8. 8. to 86 more t an 86

.n a scale of / to 01 how important are the followin(& / 9 very important :1I; 2 9 somew at important :2I; 4 9 3ot important :3I; 0 9 very unimportant :1%; 4ivable wages for employees 2upporting t e local economy 5rganic and sustainable products <educed packaging" recycling =tmosp ere :art" music" culture" etc.; >onvenient" nearby location =ffordable food Hig quality food 2tudent owners ip of t e cafe & & ) & & ) * ) & & & & & ) * + * ) ) ) ) ) * + * * * * *

3 9 indifferent :I;

+ + + + + + . . + .

. . . . .

1egetarian ?ood 1egan ?ood

& &

) ) & ) & & &

* * ) * ) ) )

+ + * + * * *

. . + . + + + . . . .

= place to buy basic groceries on campus = place to study = place to ang out wit friends = place to listen to live music/poetry 2easonal menu &

If there was a new caf" on/near campus featuring organic# oca y grown food# how often wou d you eat there?
@aily Weekly <arely

What kinds of items wou d you ike to see at the new caf"? $check a that app y%
Hot dis es :stir fry" pasta" etc.; 2andwic es 2oups/ 2tews Areen 2alads Breakfast !astries Bagels !asta 2alads @essert Burritos 5t er 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

*ow often woul% you like the menu to chan(e&

5aily #eekly Rarely

#oul% you (o to this new caf & 6c eck all t at apply; weekdays
7 am to /&am //:8/am to 2pm 2:8/pm to 0pm 0:8/pm to 7pm 'C-&pm to &-pm &-C-&pm to midnig t 3ever


7 am to /&am //:8/am to 2pm 2:8/pm to 0pm 0:8/pm to 7pm 'C-&pm to &-pm &-C-&pm to midnig t 3ever

Do you have any comments or suggestions a&out the proposed 'caf"/market(?


777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

Thank you for takin( the time to complete this survey9 -f you have any :uestions or want to (et invovle%1 please feel free to contact us9 [insert an email1 we;site an%!or phone num;er]

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