Ou Horn Quartet 2013.Poster-Form

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The SEVENTH Annual Horn Quartet Workshop - C. Scott Smith host Sun!

a" No#em$er %& %'()

mem$ers of *H+* VA,,E- H*.N Q/A.TET 0uest artists an! clinicians
The Horn Quartet Workshop is open to 16-20 advanced high school aged students who are recommended by the student s band!orchestra director or private instructor" #ach hornist will be assigned a part in the massed Horn $hoir and a Horn Quartet"
Tentati#e Sche!ule %&00 '( )egistration %&*0 Welcome + Quartet ,art 'ssignments 10&00 Warm up!)ehearsal!$oaching 12&00 ,( -unch on your own + uptown 1&00 -arge #nsemble )ehearsal 2&00 (ini $oncert!(aintenance .essions *&00 Quartet )ehearsals /&00 ,i00a1 6&00 2inal $oncert + 'll #nsembles

School of Music Presents

The *hio Valle" Horn Quartet is one o3 the newest horn 4uartets in the horn chamber music scene"

C. SC*TT SM+TH5 'ssociate ,ro3essor o3 Horn and Theory5 6oined The 7hio 8niversity .chool o3 (usic in 1%%2"
(r" .mith per3orms as soloist5 chamber musician5 clinician5 and ad6udicator nationally" 9n addition to per3orming with 7hio:rass and 7hioWinds + the in-residence 3aculty ensembles at the 78 .chool o3 (usic5 (r" .mith is ,rincipal Horn o3 the (aine .tate :allet 7rchestra and a member o3 the 7hio ;alley .ymphony" 9n the summers5 (r" .mith teaches horn and per3orms in 3aculty ensembles at <ew #ngland (usic $amp in .idney5 (aine" ,/1E 2-,A has per3ormed as second horn with the West ;irginia .ymphony 7rchestra since 1%=%" He also per3orms with the 7hio ;alley .ymphony in >allipolis5 7H and the )iver $ities 7rchestra in ,arkersburg5 W;5 the (uskingum ;alley .ymphonic Winds and is active as a chamber music musician with the #astlawn :rass Quintet5 the ?ulia-'nn Quartet and @Threeba1A5 a low brass trio where he per3orms on the Wagner Tuba" ' graduate o3 West ;irginia 8niversity B:( and ((C5 he studied horn with David .ternbach5 Douglas -undeen and Dale Whitman" He began his study o3 the horn with two graduate students at 7hio 8niversity5 William $ooper and ?oseph Thayer and later studied with William :rophy5 pro3essor o3 horn at 78" -uke Eyla also serves as artistic director and conductor o3 the ,arkersburg $horal .ociety" 3+M S+M*NS*N has a (asterFs degree in Horn per3ormance 3rom Gansas 8niversity5 currently plays with the 7hio ;alley .ymphony and 7hio ;alley Horn Quartet and works as an 'ssociate ,ro6ect Director 3or $ompletion by Design at .inclair $ommunity $ollege in Dayton5 7hio" ?im was a member o3 the 8.'2 :and o3 2light and per3ormed with a number o3 orchestras and chamber ensembles including the $hicago Tower :rass Quintet5 )iver $ities .ymphony 7rchestra5 Waukegan .ymphony5 and -awrence BGansasC .ymphony" $ontact 9n3ormation& $" .cott .mith + 7hio 8niversity - .chool o3 (usic + )obert >lidden Hall + 'thens5 7hio H/=01 ,hone BsecretaryC& =H0-/%*-H2HH + #mail& ssmithHIohio"edu Website& www"3inearts"ohio"edu!music JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJD#T'$HJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ JJJJJJJJJJJJJ

.e0istration 4orm 5 Please Print 5 .e0istration !ea!line is Mon!a" No#em$er (6 %'() B,lease return this 3orm K 2##& L20"00 :#27)# 11-1M-201*N L2/"00 '2T#) 11-1M-201* to the address below + $hecks payable to 7" 8" .chool o3 (usicC .tudent <ame& OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 'ddress& OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO $ity5 .tate5 Eip& OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ,hone& OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO #mail& OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO <ame o3 .chool& OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Pear& 2r" oneC .oph" ?r" .r" Bcircle

How long have you played hornQ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO )ecommending instructor& OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ,arent!>uardian permission& OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 9nstructor ,hone& OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Musicians making a difference.

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