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Loading of Transaction data using a flat file into Standard DSO

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Create a source file (.csv) Create Info area, Info object catalogs and Info Objects Use existing Source interface (ZHARI) Use existing application component Create data source Create Info package Create Data target ( DSO) Create Transformations (Between data source and DSO) Create DTP

1. Create a source file (.csv)

2. Create Info area, Info object catalog and Info objects For product quantity select the data type as Quantity and give the value EA in Fixed Unit of Measure. For product cost select the data type as Amount and give the value INR in Fixed Currency.

3. Use existing Source interface (ZHARI)

4. You can use any existing application component (But you have to select file system interface)

5. Create Data source

6. Create Info package Check the records in PSA

7. Create Data Target Go to Info provider Right click on your info area Click on create data store object Give the technical name and description and click on create. Click on info object catalog iconDouble click on char catalog Expand characteristics folder Drag and drop your primary key into Key fields folder Drag and drop remaining characteristics info objects to Data fields folder.

Click on info object catalog iconDouble click on key figure catalog Expand Key figures folder Drag and drop your key figures into Data fields folder Activate DSO.

8. Create Transformations

Right click on Data source Click on create Transformation Select the object type as Data store object Give the technical name and click on continue.

Activate the Transformation and observe the Display MessageContinue with the message.

9. Create Data transfer process Right click on Data source Click on create data transfer process Continue with the pop up screen and activate DTP

Click on execute tab click on execute button continue with the message by clicking Yes Refresh Request until all the traffic signals turns into Green

Click on Administer Data target

Now go to Contents Tab Click on New Data table button Click on Execute.

But we can do Reporting on DSO from Active data table only. So we need to activate the request, at that time the data will delete from new data table and will move into active data table and as well as change log table. Now go back and click on request tab Select the request and click on activate.

One pop up screen will open then select the request Click on Start

Click on Refresh several times until that Request becomes Zero

Now close the window Refresh one time Go to contents Tab Click on active data table Click on execute.

Now go back and click on Change log table and click on execute.

Observe 0RECORDMODE column

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