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Latest Data of EXIM Bank ltd:

Every Commercial Banks have their own personal information. EXIM Banks Information is as follows:

1. Ownership Pattern Of the Bank: EXIM bank is one of the leading

m ltinational private commercial bank in Bangladesh. !hey have collected their capital by introd cing their stocks in "#E $"haka #tock E%change&. !ho gh they introd ced their shares to the p blic' b t ma%im m n mbers of the share holdings are in the hand of the directors(sponsors. )ets have a look of EXIM Banks #hare holdings


21.23% 4.61% 1.20% 0.44%


Sponsors/Directors "orei!n indi#id$als

Corporate bodies-Local %on-resident &an!lades'i

Corporate bodies- orei!n (eneral p$blic

2. Organizational tr!"t!re: Each * every organi+ation maintains a str ct re.

EXIM Banks str ct re is as follows:

#. $ationwide $etwork: Bank has a plan to e%pand its area of operation by opening
new branches to cover rest of the important rban and r ral areas of the co ntry. -eeping this in view now EXIM Bank has .. branches all over the co ntry. !hese are:

0. Moti1heel Branch. .,. - stia Branch. ,. 2anthapath Branch. ./. 3olapgon1 Branch. /. 4grabad Branch. ... M daforgon1 Branch. .. -hat ngan1 Branch. 5. 3a+ip r Chowrasta Branch. 6. Imamgon1 Branch. 7. 3 lshan Branch. 8. #onaim ri Branch. 9. #ylhet Branch. 0:. ;owabp r Branch. 00. ;arayangon1 Branch. 0,. #himrail Branch. 0/. <a1 k 4ven e Branch. 0.. ;ew Eskaton Branch. 05. =ttara Branch. 06. )aksham Branch. 07. Chhagalnaiya Branch. 08. Mirp r Branch. 09. > blice <oad Branch. ,:. Elephent <oad Branch. ,0. Mowna Chowrasta Branch. ,,. Bogra Branch. ,/. >essore Branch. ,.. Malibag Branch. ,5. 4sh lia Branch. ,6. 4sh gon1 Branch. ,7. #hatmos1id <oad Branch. ,8. C"4 4ven e Branch. ,9. Chowmohoni Branch. /:. Bas ndhara Branch. /0. ?ench gon1 Branch. /,. Comilla Branch. //. <angp r Branch. /.. Mo loviba+ar Branch. /5. #avar Ba+ar Branch. /6. -owranba+ar Branch. /7. ;oria Branch. /8. @ead office Corporate Branch $3 lshanA0&. /9. 2ahartali Branch. .:. <a1shahi Branch. .0. -h lna Branch. .. Deposit % &d'an"e ratio: "eposits * 4dvances are two of the important 2art of 4 commercial Bank. EXIM Banks deposit * advance ratio are given bleow:

&d'an"es Bffice rent 3odown rent C

/ .'8.9',,6 9 '.,0'00. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA ( ()2*+)#(+

Deposits and other a""o!nts 4l wadiah c rrent deposits # ndry deposits $0:.0.0&

0'8/.'6.9'57, .'8/8':.9',/. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ,),*2),-.).+, ,'..:'807'85, 0'665',79'5/6 //':68':96':.7 0,'6::'.07'895 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (*)###)*-#)(*.


daraba savings deposits daraba short term deposits daraba term deposits daraba scheme deposits

/ L0:
#tat tory )iD idity <eD irement $#)<&: 0:E $incl ding 5E C<<& of average demand and time liabilities <eD ired reserve 4ct al reserve held !rpl!s12defi"it3 5'650',58'::: 6'//5'606'::: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA , .()#4.)+++

Cash <eserve <eD irement $C<<&: 5E of average demand and time liabilities of !k.56'50,'567'::: $of !k../'065'676'::: for ,::7& <eD ired reserve 4ct al reserve held with Bangladesh Bank !rpl!s12defi"it3 ,'8,5'6,9'::: .':60'//8'::: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1)2#4)*+-)+++

5. In'est6ent Portfolio: Investments are the core asset of a Bank. !he Bank gives emphasis to acD ire D ality assets and does appropriate investment risk analysis while approving commercial and trade facilities to clients.

!he si+e of the investment portfolio in ,::8 is the !-. ,895.8, million while it was !k. ,.57.7, in ,::7. !he portfolio comprises Islamic investment Bond' #hares and 2ri+e Bonds.

3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 200) 1542.99 1633.03 2233.95 2)95.)2 2457.72


er'i"es rendered 78 Bank: EXIM Bank has been operating a n mber of pop lar and innovative financial prod cts and redesigning the offer from time to time considering the benefit of depositors' clients and bank. !he principal financial prod cts and services of the Bank are as follows:
Deposit Prod!"ts: 4lAFadiah C rrent "eposit 4cco nt. M daraba #avings "eposit 4cco nt $M#B' M#!"' <?C"' ;?C"&. M daraba term "eposit <eceipt. M daraba Monthly savings #cheme. M daraba Monthly Income #cheme. M daraba # per savings #cheme $"o ble #cheme&. M daraba M ltipl s #avings #cheme $!riple #cheme&. M daraba @a11 #cheme.

In'est6ent Prod!"ts: Corporate ?inance. Commercial ?inance. Ind strial ?inance. 2ro1ect ?inance. )ease ?inance. #yndicate ?inance. @ire 2 rchase ?inance. <eal Estate ?inance.

5orresponding Banking: Correspondent banks are the trade partners of international trade. EXIM Bank has already achieved tremendo s s ccess in foreign e%change b siness. !he Bank has established correspondent relationship' that is' B-E agreement with ,56 banks covering 009 co ntries across the world. Mer"hant Banking: !he Merchant Banking "ivision of EXIM Bank has already started its operation by providing its c stomer portfolio management services. !he Bank has form lated a n mber of c stomer friendly prod cts for its Merchant Banking "ivision. !he Bank has come o t with a diverse range of portfolio investment prod cts' s iting c stomer investment needs and providing prompt advices * sol tions to capital Market b siness problems.

5redit 5ard: !he Master Card service provided by EXIM Bank has gained good market rep tation' which has inspired people to make arrangements for la nching a new credit card. It is happy to note that by the grace of 4lmighty 4llah' EXIM Bank is going to introd ce Gisa Islamic Card $)ocal' International * " al C rrency& nder the principles of BaiAM radaba by ,::8' which is the first Islamic Card in tr e sense for any bank in Bangladesh.

EXIM Bank9s 4 8ear Perfor6an"e E'al!ation:

EXIM Banks 2erformance is remarkable from the past few years. !he performances of EXIM Banks are given below:

&n o'er'iew on the perfor6an"e of the Bank for the 8ear 2++(:
!he year ,::. was remarkable year sim ltaneo sly for development and achievements of contin o s growth rate in all the areas of banking operation.

1. Interest In"o6e % E:penses: Bne bank can earn interest from their investment
on different sector. @ere' EXIM Banks interest in"o6e is considered as Investment income. In ,::.' EXIM Banks interest income was !k.0' 8,:' ,8/'897 where in ,::/ the amo nt was !k. 0'/96':80'.,,. By comparing these two amo nts we can able to see the increasing amo nt of !k. .,.',:,'.75 in ,::.. Interest In"o6e $Investment Income& 2rofit on investment 2rofit on placement with other banks 2rofit on foreign c rrency 2++( 0'7:7'77:'556 0:9'98:'897 ,'5/,'... HHHHHHHHHHHHHH 1).2+)2.#).-* 2++# 0'/:9'/:9',7, 80'60:'0:, 5'06,':.8 HHHHHHHHHHHH 1)#-,)+.1)(22

In ,::.' EXIM Banks Interest e:penses $profit paid on deposits' borrowings' etc.& was !k. 0'.,5'500'6,, that where in ,::/ it was 0'0,0'/:9':68. ;o do bt' there is also an increasing trend among this two year. #o' in ,::.' !k. /:.',:,'55. had increased. Interest E:pense $2rofit paid on deposits' borrowings' etc& 2rofit on deposits 2rofit on call borrowings 2rofit paid on repo 2enal profit paid to Bangladesh Bank 2++( 0'.0.'./9'6,5 0:'5:9'/99 559'697 ,'9:0 HHHHHHHHHHHHH 1)(24)411),22 2++# 0':.7',.0'570 7,'096'070 0'870'/,6 A HHHHHHHHHHHH 1)121)#+-)+,.

2. $on;Interest In"o6e % E:penses: 4 Banks Bperating Income is also known as

$on;Interest In"o6e. @ere' a bank doesnt get any interest from their investments. In ,::.' EXIM Banks total Bperating Incomes were !k. 0',09':76'987 where in ,::/ Bperating Income was !k. 8.:'6:/'7/.. #o' the total increasing nonAinterest income of EXIM Bank is !k./78'.7/',5/.

$on;Interest In"o6e Income from investment $#hares(sec rities& Commission' e%change and brokerage 3ain on sale of investment in shares Bther operating income <otal Operating In"o6e

2++( 78'6/9'5:0 597'695'89/ 7/'6./'.5/ 7.'/,5'865 HHHHHHHHHHHH 1)21-)+*,)-.*

2++# 0,0'5/5'7/5 /79'9,9'.7. 9'669'905 5.'696',56 HHHHHHHHHHHHH .(+),+#)*#(

4 Banks $on;Interest E:penses are also known as Bperating E%penses. In the year of ,::.' EXIM Banks total operating e%penses were !k. /8/',69'57. where in ,::/ operating e%penses were !k. ,77'9.0'80:. #o' the total increasing nonAinterest e%pense of EXIM Bank in ,::. is !k.0:5'/,7'76..

$on;Interest E:penses #alaries and allowances <ent' ta%es' ins rance lighting etc. )egal e%penses 2ostage' stamp' telegram and telephone 4 dit fees #tationary' printing' advertisement etc. Managing directors rem neration Managing directors fees "irectors fees "epreciation on and repairs to Banks 2roperty Bther e%penses <otal Operating E:pense

2++( 08/':89'057 5:'.56':7. 0':9:'98, ,:'7.:'.00 080'75: 08'99/'5.7 ,'.::'::: /07'5:: /'0/:'::: ,6'0,7'560 76'7.,'59, HHHHHHHHHHHHH #.#)2,-)4*(

2++# 0/.'::.'57. .0':76'9/8 5,,'08. 0.'677'//, 056'75: 0/',99':0. ,'08.'::: ,9,'5:: ,'60/'67, 09'7//'0.7 .9' /80'699 HHHHHHHHHHHHHH 2**)-(1).1+


#. Earning Per hare 2EP 3: In Bangladesh Earning per #hare $E2#& in Every
Bank has been comp ted by dividing the basic earnings by the n mber of ordinary shares o tstanding as on every years /0st "ecember. In ,::.' EXIM Banks Earning per #hare was 6:.8, where in ,::/ the ratio was 6:.,:. !he difference between this , years is :.6,.

(. 0et!rn on &sset 20O&3: <B4 means how m ch a Bank get beck profit(benefits
from the assets they invested in a organi+ation or a b siness. In the year of ,::.' EXIM Banks <et rn on Investment $<B4& was /...E where in ,::/ it was /.05E. !hat means EXIM Bank got ret rn from their asset :.,9E more than previo s year.

4. 0et!rn on E=!it8 20OE3: In ,::.' E%im Banks <BE was 0,.8: times where in
,::/ there was no ret rn on eD ity of the bank. It seems there was no eD ity in ,::/.


&n o'er'iew on the perfor6an"e of the Bank for the 8ear 2++4:
!he year ,::5 was also remarkable year sim ltaneo sly for development and achievements of contin o s growth rate in all the areas of banking operation.

1. Interest In"o6e % E:penses: EXIM Banks interest in"o6e is considered as

Investment income. In ,::5' EXIM Banks interest income was !k.,'.60'/67',08 where in ,::. the amo nt was !k. 0'8,:',8/'897. By comparing these two amo nts we can able to see the increasing amo nt of !k. 6.0':8/'/,0 in ,::5. Interest In"o6e $Investment Income& 2rofit on investment 2rofit on placement with other banks 2rofit on foreign c rrency 2++4 ,'.,8':/.'97. //'//,',.. A HHHHHHHHHHHHHH 2)(,1)#,*)21. 2++( 0'7:7'77:'556 0:9'98:'897 ,'5/,'... HHHHHHHHHHHH 1).2+)2.#).-*

In ,::5' EXIM Banks Interest e:penses $profit paid on deposits' borrowings' etc.& was !k. 0'8,0'8,,'5./ that where in ,::. it was !k.0'.,5'500'6,,. ;o do bt' there is also an increasing trend among this two year. #o' in ,::.' !k. /96'/0:'9,0 had increased. Interest E:pense $2rofit paid on deposits' borrowings' etc& 2rofit on deposits 2rofit on call borrowings 2rofit paid on repo 2enal profit paid to Bangladesh Bank 2++4 0'797'58,'959 ,.',/9'58. A A HHHHHHHHHHHHH 1).21).22)4(# 2++( 0'.0.'./9'6,5 0:'5:9'/99 559'697 ,'9:0 HHHHHHHHHHHH 1)(24)411),22

2. $on;Interest In"o6e % E:penses: 4 Banks Bperating Income is also known as

$on;Interest In"o6e. @ere' a bank doesnt get any interest from their investments. In ,::5' EXIM Banks total Bperating Income was !k. 0'600'569',07 where in ,::. Bperating Income was !k. 0',09':76'987. #o' the total increasing nonAinterest income of EXIM Bank is !k./9,'.9,',/:


$on;Interest In"o6e Income from investment $#hares(sec rities& Commission' e%change and brokerage 3ain on sale of investment in shares Bther operating income <otal Operating In"o6e

2++4 85'7:5'606 75/'087',5: ,,'506'58. 00:'605':9, HHHHHHHHHHHH 1),11)4,-)21*

2++( 78'6/9'5:0 589'99:':59 7/'6./'.5/ 7.'/,5'865 HHHHHHHHHHHHH 1)211)#*1)14#

4 Banks $on;Interest E:penses are also known as Bperating E%penses. In the year of ,::5' EXIM Banks total operating e%penses were !k. ./5'8:6'0/9 where in ,::. operating e%penses were !k /75'56/'7.:. #o' the total increasing nonAinterest e%pense of EXIM Bank in ,::5 is !k. 6:',.,'/99.

$on;Interest E:penses #alaries and allowances <ent' ta%es' ins rance lighting etc. )egal e%penses 2ostage' stamp' telegram and telephone 4 dit fees #tationary' printing' advertisement etc. Managing directors rem neration Managing directors fees "irectors fees "epreciation on and repairs to Banks 2roperty Bther e%penses <otal Operating E:pense

2++4 ,/0'7,,'.06 58',:,'759 0'578'900 ,6'.56'68, 08,'875 ,.'5,9'/0. /'05:'::: ,8:'::: ,',70',0: ,8'0.:'866 59',95'0:6 HHHHHHHHHHHHH (#4).+,)1#-

2++( 08/':89'057 5:'.56':7. 0':9:'98, ,:'7.:'.00 080'75: 08'99/'5.7 ,'.::'::: /07'5:: /'0/:'::: ,6'0,7'560 69':/6'758 HHHHHHHHHHHHHH #*4)4,#)*(+


#. Earning Per hare 2EP 3: In Bangladesh Earning per #hare $E2#& in Every
Bank has been comp ted by dividing the basic earnings by the n mber of ordinary shares o tstanding as on every years /0st "ecember. In ,::5' EXIM Banks Earning per #hare was .8.60 where in ,::. the ratio was 6:.8,. !he difference between this , years is 0,.,0.

(. 0et!rn on &sset 20O&3: <B4 means how m ch a Bank get beck profit(benefits
from the assets they invested in a organi+ation or a b siness. In the year of ,::5' EXIM Banks <et rn on Investment $<B4& was /..9E where in ,::. it was /...E. !hat means EXIM Bank got ret rn from their asset :.:5E more than previo s year.

4. 0et!rn on E=!it8 20OE3: In ,::5' EXIM Banks <BE was 0:.5/ times where in
,::. the ratio was 0,.8:. !hat means the difference of these , years ratio is ,.,7


&n o'er'iew on the perfor6an"e of the Bank for the 8ear 2++,:
!he year ,::6 was also remarkable year sim ltaneo sly for development and achievements of contin o s growth rate in all the areas of banking operation.

1. Interest In"o6e % E:penses: EXIM Banks interest in"o6e is considered as

Investment income. In ,::6' EXIM Banks interest income was !k. /'8:8':85'566 where in ,::5 the amo nt was !k. ,'.60'/67',08. By comparing these two amo nts we can able to see the increasing amo nt of !k. 0'/.6'708'/.8 in ,::6. Interest In"o6e $Investment Income& 2rofit on investment 2rofit on placement with other banks 2++, /'7.9',6.'608 58'8,:'9.8 HHHHHHHHHHHHHH #).+.)+.4)4,, 2++4 ,'.,8':/.'97. //'//,',.. HHHHHHHHHHHH 2)(,1)#,*)21.

In ,::6' EXIM Banks Interest e:penses $profit paid on deposits' borrowings' etc.& was !k. ,'95/'6:7'609 that where in ,::5 it was !k.0'8,0'8,,'5./. ;o do bt' there is also an increasing trend among this two year. #o' in ,::6' !k. 0'0/0'785':76 had increased. Interest E:pense $2rofit paid on deposits' borrowings' etc& 2rofit on deposits 2rofit on call borrowings 2++, ,'9.0'5.:'95, 0,':66'667 HHHHHHHHHHHHH 2)-4#),+*),12++4 0'797'58,'959 ,.',/9'58. HHHHHHHHHHHH 1).21).22)4(#

2. $on;Interest In"o6e % E:penses: 4 Banks Bperating Income is also known as

$on;Interest In"o6e. @ere' a bank doesnt get any interest from their investments. In ,::6' EXIM Banks total Bperating Income was !k. ,':0/'956'/5: where in ,::5 Bperating Income was !k. 0'600'569',07. #o' the total increasing nonAinterest income of EXIM Bank is !k..:,'/87'0//.


$on;Interest In"o6e Income from investment $#hares(sec rities& Commission' e%change and brokerage 3ain on sale of investment in shares Bther operating income <otal Operating In"o6e

2++, 0,:'.60'/75 88,'976'0:5 998'967 055':.0'956 HHHHHHHHHHHH 2)+1#)-4,)#4+

2++4 85'7:5'606 75/'087',5: ,,'506'58. 00:'605':9, HHHHHHHHHHHHH 1),11)4,-)21*

4 Banks $on;Interest E:penses are also known as Bperating E%penses. In the year of ,::6' EXIM Banks total operating e%penses were !k. 6/5',8/',77 where in ,::5 operating e%penses were !k ./5'8:6'0/9. #o' the total increasing nonAinterest e%pense of EXIM Bank in ,::6 is !k. 099'.77'0/8.

$on;Interest E:penses #alaries and allowances <ent' ta%es' ins rance lighting etc. )egal e%penses 2ostage' stamp' telegram and telephone 4 dit fees #tationary' printing' advertisement etc. Managing directors rem neration Managing directors fees "irectors fees "epreciation on and repairs to Banks 2roperty Bther e%penses <otal Operating E:pense

2++, //:'99,'966 7,'058'7,. /':9:'67. /9',:0'660 /8,'875 ,8'88/'88, /'909':/, 096'5:: 0'578':96 ..'7.8'0/8 00:'0/:'7,9 HHHHHHHHHHHHH ,#4)2.#)2**

2++4 ,/0'7,,'.06 58',:,'759 0'578'900 ,6'.56'68, 08,'875 ,.'5,9'/0. /'05:'::: ,8:'::: ,',70',0: ,8'0.:'866 59',95'0:6 HHHHHHHHHHHHHH (#4).+,)1#-


#. Earning Per hare 2EP 3: In Bangladesh Earning per #hare $E2#& in Every
Bank has been comp ted by dividing the basic earnings by the n mber of ordinary shares o tstanding as on every years /0st "ecember. In ,::6' EXIM Banks Earning per #hare was ./..8 where in ,::5 the ratio was .8.60. !he difference between this , years is 5.0/.

(. 0et!rn on &sset 20O&3: <B4 means how m ch a Bank get beck profit(benefits
from the assets they invested in a organi+ation or a b siness. In the year of ,::6' EXIM Banks <et rn on Investment $<B4& was /.9.E where in ,::5 it was /..9E. !hat means EXIM Bank got ret rn from their asset :..5E more than previo s year.

4. 0et!rn on E=!it8 20OE3: In ,::6' EXIM Banks <BE was 7.7. times where in
,::5 the ratio was 0:.5/. !hat means the difference of these , years ratio is ,.79


&n o'er'iew on the perfor6an"e of the Bank for the 8ear 2++*:
!he year ,::7 was also remarkable year sim ltaneo sly for development and achievements of contin o s growth rate in all the areas of banking operation.

1. Interest In"o6e % E:penses: EXIM Banks interest in"o6e is considered as

Investment income. In ,::7' EXIM Banks interest income was !k. .'9./'.68':8, where in ,::6 the amo nt was !k. /'8:8':85'566. By comparing these two amo nts we can able to see the increasing amo nt of !k. 0'0/5'/8,'506 in ,::7. Interest In"o6e $Investment Income& 2rofit on investment 2rofit on placement with other banks 2++* .'88.':,0'./: 59'..6'65, HHHHHHHHHHHHHH ()(-#)(,.)+.2 2++, /'7.9',6.'608 58'8,:'9.8 HHHHHHHHHHHH #).+.)+.4)4,,

In ,::7' EXIM Banks Interest e:penses $profit paid on deposits' borrowings' etc.& was !k. /'587'5/6',,8 that where in ,::6 it was !k. ,'95/'6:7'609. ;o do bt' there is also an increasing trend among this two year. #o' in ,::7' !k. 6//'9,8'6:9 had increased. Interest E:pense $2rofit paid on deposits' borrowings' etc& 2rofit on deposits 2rofit on call borrowings 2++* /'585':/6',,8 ,'5::'::: HHHHHHHHHHHHH #)4.*)4#,)22. 2++, ,'9.0'5.:'95, 0,':66'667 HHHHHHHHHHHH 2)-4#),+*),1-

2. $on;Interest In"o6e % E:penses: 4 Banks Bperating Income is also known as

$on;Interest In"o6e. @ere' a bank doesnt get any interest from their investments. In ,::7' EXIM Banks total Bperating Income was !k. ,'8,:'.,,'577 where in ,::6 Bperating Income was !k. ,':0/'956'/5:. #o' the total increasing nonAinterest income of EXIM Bank is !k.8:6'.66',,7.


$on;Interest In"o6e Income from investment $#hares(sec rities& Commission' e%change and brokerage 3ain on sale of investment in shares Bther operating income <otal Operating In"o6e

2++* 0,.'/78'55: 0':.,'.56'/9. 80',06'/// ,06'./9'..6 HHHHHHHHHHHH 2).2+)(22)4**

2++, 0,:'.60'/75 88,'976'0:5 998'967 055':.0'956 HHHHHHHHHHHHH 2)+1#)-4,)#4+

4 Banks $on;Interest E:penses are also known as Bperating E%penses. In the year of ,::7' EXIM Banks total operating e%penses were !k. 90,',08'5,8 where in ,::6 operating e%penses were !k 6/5',8/',77. #o' the total increasing nonAinterest e%pense of EXIM Bank in ,::7 is !k. ,76'9/5',50.

$on;Interest E:penses #alaries and allowances <ent' ta%es' ins rance lighting etc. )egal e%penses 2ostage' stamp' telegram and telephone 4 dit fees #tationary' printing' advertisement etc. Managing directors rem neration Managing directors fees "irectors fees "epreciation on and repairs to Banks 2roperty Bther e%penses <otal Operating E:pense

2++* 505'785'807 8/'969'//, 0'809',76 .,':88'050 ,/5'0,5 /,'6.7'99. .'887'::: 0..'::: ,'077',07 57'/.9'/.. 070'005',7, HHHHHHHHHHHHH -12)21.)42.

2++, //:'99,'966 7,'058'7,. /':9:'67. /9',:0'660 /8,'875 ,8'88/'88, /'909':/, 096'5:: 0'578':96 ..'7.8'0/8 00:'0/:'7,9 HHHHHHHHHHHHHH ,#4)2.#)2**


#. Earning Per hare 2EP 3: In Bangladesh Earning per #hare $E2#& in Every
Bank has been comp ted by dividing the basic earnings by the n mber of ordinary shares o tstanding as on every years /0st "ecember. In ,::7' EXIM Banks Earning per #hare was ./..5 where in ,::6 the ratio was ./..8. !he difference between this , years is :.:/.

(. 0et!rn on &sset 20O&3: <B4 means how m ch a Bank get beck profit(benefits
from the assets they invested in a organi+ation or a b siness. In the year of ,::7' EXIM Banks <et rn on Investment $<B4& was ..:9E where in ,::6 it was /.9.E. !hat means EXIM Bank got ret rn from their asset :.05E more than previo s year.

4. 0et!rn on E=!it8 20OE3: In ,::7' EXIM Banks <BE was 9.:, times where in
,::6 the ratio was 7.7.. !hat means the difference of these , years ratio is 0.,8


&n o'er'iew on the perfor6an"e of the Bank for the 8ear 2++.:
!he year ,::8 was also remarkable year sim ltaneo sly for development and achievements of contin o s growth rate in all the areas of banking operation.

1. Interest In"o6e % E:penses: EXIM Banks interest in"o6e is considered as

Investment income. In ,::8' EXIM Banks interest income was !k. 6'575'/8.'.80 where in ,::7 the amo nt was !k. .'9./'.68':8,. By comparing these two amo nts we can able to see the increasing amo nt of !k. 0'6/0'906'/99 in ,::8. Interest In"o6e $Investment Income& 2rofit on investment 2rofit on placement with other banks 2++. 6'5,,',.9'679 5 /'0/.'8:, HHHHHHHHHHHHHH ,)4*4)#.()(.1 2++* .'88.':,0'./: 59'..6'65, HHHHHHHHHHHH ()-(#)(,.)+.2

In ,::8' EXIM Banks Interest e:penses $profit paid on deposits' borrowings' etc.& were !k. .'8:7'.89'::9 that where in ,::7 it was !k /'587'5/6',,8. ;o do bt' there is also an increasing trend among this two year. #o' in ,::8' !k. 0',09'95,'780 had increased. Interest E:pense $2rofit paid on deposits' borrowings' etc& 2rofit on deposits 2rofit on call borrowings 2++. .'779'7,,'/., , 7'766'667 HHHHHHHHHHHHH ().+*)(.-)++2++* /'585':/6',,8 ,'5::'::: HHHHHHHHHHHH #)4.*)4#,)22.

2. $on;Interest In"o6e % E:penses: 4 Banks Bperating Income is also known as

$on;Interest In"o6e. @ere' a bank doesnt get any interest from their investments. In ,::8' EXIM Banks total Bperating Income was !k. /'5.9'//0'785 where in ,::7 Bperating Income was !k. ,'8,:'.,,'577. #o' the total increasing nonAinterest income of EXIM Bank is !k. 7,8'9:9',:8.


$on;Interest In"o6e Income from investment $#hares(sec rities& Commission' e%change and brokerage 3ain on sale of investment in shares Bther operating income <otal Operating In"o6e

2++. . 9',9:'68, 0'/58'58.'/:9 .'958'9/: / 68'6:,'/9, HHHHHHHHHHHH #)4(-)##1)*.4

2++* 0 ,.'/78'55: 0':.,'.56'/9. 8 0',06'/// , 06'./9'..6 HHHHHHHHHHHHH 2).2+)(22)4**

4 Banks $on;Interest E:penses are also known as Bperating E%penses. In the year of ,::8' EXIM Banks total operating e%penses were !k. 0':/:'9.,'7:: where in ,::7 operating e%penses were !k 9 0,',08'5,8. #o' the total increasing nonAinterest e%pense of EXIM Bank in ,::8 is !k. 008'7,.'07,.

$on;Interest E:penses #alaries and allowances <ent' ta%es' ins rance lighting etc. )egal e%penses 2ostage' stamp' telegram and telephone 4 dit fees #tationary' printing' advertisement etc. Managing directors rem neration Managing directors fees "irectors fees "epreciation on and repairs to Banks 2roperty Bther e%penses <otal Operating E:pense

2++. 5 ..':58'9,, 0 ::'0/8'/88 /'./9'756 . 6'/09'7:5 ,.7'5:: . 6'5:7'9,7 5'/,9'8:: A ,'585'9,. 6 8',.8'98. , 0.':65'79. HHHHHHHHHHHHH 1)+#+)-(2)*++

2++* 5 05'785'807 8 /'969'//, 0'809',76 . ,':88'050 ,/5'0,5 / ,'6.7'99. .'887'::: 0..'::: ,'077',07 5 7'/.9'/.. 0 70'005',7, HHHHHHHHHHHHHH - 12)21.)42.


#. Earning Per hare 2EP 3: In Bangladesh Earning per #hare $E2#& in Every
Bank has been comp ted by dividing the basic earnings by the n mber of ordinary shares o tstanding as on every years /0st "ecember. In ,::8' EXIM Banks Earning per #hare was .:.95 where in ,::7 the ratio was /..76. !he difference between these , years is 6.09.

(. 0et!rn on &sset 20O&3: <B4 means how m ch a Bank get beck profit(benefits
from the assets they invested in a organi+ation or a b siness. In the year of ,::8' EXIM Banks <et rn on Investment $<B4& was 0.8/E where in ,::7 it was ,.::E. !hat means EXIM Bank got ret rn from their asset :.07E more than previo s year.

4. 0et!rn on E=!it8 20OE3: In ,::8' EXIM Banks <BE was 7.85 times where in
,::7 the ratio was 00.,8. !hat means the difference of these , years ratio is /../.


5on"l!sion: <he p
rpose of EXIM Banks banking b siness is' obvio sly' to earn profit' b t the promoters and the eD ity holders are aware of their commitment to the society to which they belong. 4 ch nk of the profit is kept aside and(or spent for socioAeconomic development thro gh tr stee and in patroni+ation of art' c lt re and sports of the co ntry. EXIM Bank wants to make a s bstantive contrib tion to the society where they operate' to the e%tent of their separable reso rces.


1. 2. #. (.

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