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Using clear language

Make the following sentences clearer and less verbose.

Some strategies:
- Use simpler or more appropriate words.
o Try avoiding words with -tion or -ality, or other long suffixes.
o Use caution when relying on a thesaurus: better to stick with words
youve wielded before
- Replace of with another preposition, a modifier, or a possessive
o bright colors of the painting bright colors in the painting
o history of art art history
o a friend of my father my fathers friend
- Get rid of redundancies and unnecessary words
o Relating to the topic of relating to OR on the topic of
o It is the belief of the author nothing.
o Will in the future be will be
o Each year annually each year OR annually

The object of the Bic Crystal Pen was in the past shown and exhibited at the location
of the Museum of Modern Art in the year of 2004, within the larger context of the
museum, in the role of being part of an art exhibit with the title Humble Masterpieces.





On a daily occurrence, we use and utilize such items and their ilk; the probability,
however, is that we render them the most minimal quantity of attention.




Using active instead of passive voice

Level 1: Change the passive to active voice.

1. The building was designed by the architect.



2. Several common items were featured in the new exhibit, such as Scotch Tape
and Post-It Notes.




3. Shelter was provided to the refugees by Shigeru Ban Architects as part of a
sustainable temporary housing project.




Level 2: Keeping some instances of passive voice
Once its easy for you to change passive to active voice, you may notice that
sometimes it doesnt make sense to do so.

For example:
Passive: Several calls were made to the police.
Active: Someone or some people made several calls to the police.

- Why is this active version not as good as the passive?

Passive: Origami, although a fine art in its own right, has also been analyzed by
mathematicians and engineers as a numerical problem.
Active: Mathematicians and engineers have analyzed origami as a mathematical
problem, although it is also a fine art in its own right.

- Why is this active version not as good as the passive? Hint: what is the most
important noun in the sentence?

Sometimes passive voice is appropriate. List some instances where passive voice
might be appropriate:

A plan for using active and passive voice judiciously:

1) Master level 1avoid passive voice whenever possible.
2) Master level 2use passive voice where it makes sense to do so.

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