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Cabinet Ministers (as on 17.06.2013) 1 Dr.

Manmohan Singh Prime Minister and also in-charge of the Ministries/Departments not specifically allocated to the charge of any Minister viz.: (i Ministry of Personnel! P"#lic $rievances % Pensions& (ii Ministry of Planning& (ii Department of 'tomic (nergy& and (iv Department of Space. ) Shri '.*. 'ntony Minister of Defence. + Shri Sharad Pa,ar Minister of 'gric"lt"re! and Minister of -ood Processing .nd"stries. / Shri P. 0hidam#aram Minister of -inance. 1 Shri $h"lam 2a#i 'zad Minister of 3ealth and -amily 4elfare. 5 Shri S"shil6"mar Shinde Minister of 3ome 'ffairs. 7 Shri M. 8eerappa Moily Minister of Petrole"m and 2at"ral $as. 9 Dr. -aroo: '#d"llah Minister of 2e, and ;ene,a#le (nergy. < Shri S. =aipal ;eddy Minister of Science and >echnology! and Minister of (arth Sciences. 1? Shri Sis ;am @la Minister of Aa#o"r and (mployment. 11 Shri *amal 2ath Minister of Br#an Development! and Minister of Parliamentary 'ffairs. 1) Shri 'Cit Singh Minister of 0ivil 'viation. 1+ Shri 8ayalar ;avi Minister of @verseas .ndian 'ffairs. 1/ Shri Malli6arC"n *harge Minister of ;ail,ays. 11 Shri @scar -ernandes Minister of ;oad >ransport and 3igh,ays. 15 Shri *apil Si#al Minister of 0omm"nications and .nformation >echnology! and Minister of Aa, and ="stice. 17 Shri 'nand Sharma Minister of 0ommerce and .nd"stry. 19 *"mari SelCa Minister of Social ="stice and (mpo,erment. 1< Dr. $iriCa 8yas Minister of 3o"sing and Br#an Poverty 'lleviation. )? Shri $.*. 8asan Minister of Shipping. )1 Shri Praf"l Patel Minister of 3eavy .nd"stries and P"#lic (nterprises. )) Shri Shripra6ash =ais,al Minister of 0oal. )+ Shri Salman *h"rshid Minister of (Dternal 'ffairs. )/ Shri 8. *ishore 0handra Deo Minister of >ri#al 'ffairs! and Minister of Panchayati ;aC. )1 Shri Eeni Prasad 8erma Minister of Steel. )5 Shri =airam ;amesh Minister of ;"ral Development. )7 Shri *. ;ahman *han Minister of Minority 'ffairs. )9 Shri Dinsha =. Patel Minister of Mines. )< Shri M.M. Pallam ;aC" Minister of 3"man ;eso"rce Development. +? Shri 3arish ;a,at Minister of 4ater ;eso"rces. +1 Smt. 0handresh *"mari *atoch Minister of 0"lt"re.

-irst .ndia #an6 $ot .S@ : 0anara Ean6 -irst $overnor of ;E. : Mr. @s#orne Smith -irst .ndian governor of ;E. : Mr. 0 D Deshm"6h -irst Ean6 to .ntrod"ce '>M in .ndia : 3SE0 -irst Ean6 to introd"ce saving Ean6 in .ndia : Presidency #an6 in 19+? -irst Ean6 to .ntrod"ce 0he:"e system in .ndia : Eengal Ean6 179/ -irst Ean6 to introd"ce .nternet Ean6ing : .0.0. E'2* -irst Ean6 to introd"ce M"t"al -"nd : State Ean6 of .ndia -irst Ean6 to introd"ce 0redit 0ard in .ndia : 0entral Ean6 of .ndia -irst -oreign Ean6 in .ndia : 0omptoire dF(scompte de Paris of -rance in 195? -irst Ean6 Set Bp in .ndia : Ean6 of 3ind"stan in 177? -irst =oint Stoc6 Ean6 of Eritish .ndia : State Ean6 of .ndia -irst =oint Stoc6 Ean6 of .ndia : 'llaha#ad Ean6 -irst Ean6 that is oldest P"#lic Ean6 in .ndia : 'llaha#ad Ean6 -irst national #an6 that is merged ,ith P"nCa# 2ational Ean6 : 2e, Ean6 of .ndia in 1<<+ -irst .ndian #an6 to open #ranch o"tside .ndia in Aondon in 1</5 : Ean6 of .ndia -irst .ndian Ean6 started ,ith .ndian capital /indigeno"s Ean6 of .ndia : P"nCa# 2ational Ean6 -irst ;egional ;"ral Ean6 name Prathama $rameen Ean6 4as started #y : Syndicate Ean6 BANKS IN INDIA 0entral Ean6 1. 0entral Ean6 G ;eserve Ean6 of .ndia 0ommercial Ean6 ). P"#lic Sector Ean6 G (2ationalised Ean6 >otal )5 H 1/ ,ere nationalized in 1<5< I5 ,ere 2ationalized in 1<9? (o"t of these one #an6 ne, Ean6 of .ndia ,as merged ,ith P2E in 1<9+ ! I1 .DE. I SE. I1 S"#sidiary/'ssociates #an6s of State Ean6 of .ndia. +. Private Ean6s H ;E. in 1<<+ gave licences to 1) Private #an6 in ) phases 1? private #an6 in 1<<+ and ) private #an6 in )??+-)??/ /. -oreign Ean6s H +/ -oreign Ean6s are there in .ndia.

0ooperative Ean6: 0ooperative Ean6s H Ean6 those are registered "nder 0o-operative Societies 'ct 1<51! 0o-operative Ean6s are also ,or6s as 0ommercial Ean6! these are made #y self 3elp $ro"p! or #y the 0omm"nities or #y $ro"ps.


1. S"Cata Singh G 2e, -oreign Sec. She s"cceeded ;anCan Mathai ). ="stice P Sathasivam - 2e, 0=.(/?th 0hief ="stice of .ndia . 3e S"cceeded 'ltamas *a#irFs +. 'vinash 0hander - 2e, Defence ;esearch and Development @rganisation (D;D@ 0hief replaced 8.*. Saras,at /. .nfosys appoints 2arayana M"rthy as (Dec"tive 0hairman 1. S"nil Soni G 2e, Director $eneral of E"rea" of .ndian Standards 5. Shashi *ant Sharma - 2e, 0omptroller and '"ditor $eneral (0'$ of .ndia! replaced 8inod ;ai. 7. *"shal Singh - 2e, 0hairperson of 2ational 0ommission for Protection of 0hild ;ights (20P0; 9. ="stice SanCay *ishan *a"l- ta6es oath as ne, 0= of P"nCa# % 3aryana high co"rt <. S"dha Sharma: 2e, 0ED> chief (0entral Eoard of Direct >aDes . She s"cceeded Poonam *ishore SaDena 1?. * ; *amath ;e-(lected as the 0hairman of .ndian Ean6sJ 'ssociation (.E' 11. S* ;oy- 2e, 0hairman of Aife .ns"rance 0orporation 1). 'sian 'thletics 'ssociation PresidentJs - Dahlan ="maan 'l-3amad 1+-4ho is 0hairperson of 2ational 4omen 0ommissionK 'ns Ms Mamta Sharma. 1. 4ho is the Present 'ttorney $eneral HLL $oolam (ssaCi 8ahanvati ). 4ho is the Present Solicitor $eneral HLL Mohan Parasaran +. 4ho is the Present 0omptroller and '"ditor $eneral HLL Shashi *ant Sharma /. 4ho is the Present 'rmy 0hief HLL At. $en. Ei6ram Singh 1. 4ho is the Present 0hief of 'ir staff HLL 2orman 'nil *"mar Ero,ne 5. 4ho is the Present 0hief of 2aval Staff HLL Devendra *"mar =oshi 7. 4ho is the Present 0hief (lection 0ommissioner HLL 8. S. Sampath 9. 4ho is the Present 2ational 3"man ;ights 0ommission! 0hairman HLL *.$ Eala6rishnan <. 4ho is the Present 2ational 0ommission for 4oman! 0hairperson HLL Mamta Sharma 1?. 4ho is the Present 0hief .nformation 0ommissioner HLL Deepa6 Sandh" 11. 4ho is the present -inance 0ommission! 0hairman HLL M.8. ;eddy

1). 4ho is the Present .S;@! chairman HLL Dr. 6. ;adha6rishnan 1+. 4ho is the present S(E. chairman HLL B* Sinha 1/. 4ho is the present S"preme 0o"rt 0hief ="stice of .ndia HLL P. Sathasivam 11. 4ho is the ne, chief of ;esearch and 'nalysis 4ing (;'4 K 'ns,er: 'lo6 =oshi 15. 4ho is the ne, chief of .ntelligence E"rea" (.E K 'ns,er: Syed 'sif .#rahim 17. 4ho is the ne, chief of 0E.K 'ns,er: ;anCit Sinha

P"n#$ %ines o& so'e Co''er#ia% Ban(s in In)ia

3"m 3ai 2a .0.0. $ood People >o $ro, 4ith .ndian @verseas Ean6 $ood people to gro, State Ean6 @f .ndia >radition @f >r"st'llaha#ad Ean6 >r"sted -amily Ean6 Dena Ean6 $ood People >o Ean6 4ith Bnion Ean6 @f .ndia 4orldJs Aocal Ean63SE0 4e Bnderstand Mo"r 4orld3D-0 M"ch More >o Do 4ith M@B .n -oc"s'ndhra Ean6 ' -riend Mo" 0an Ean6 Bpon8iCaya Ean6 >ogether 4e Prosper Ean6 @f ;aCasthan Mo"r Perfect Ean6ing Partner-ederal Ean6 >a6ing Ean6ing >echnology >o >he 0ommon Man .ndian Ean6 (Dperience @"r (Dpertise Mes Ean6 E"ild ' Eetter Aife aro"nd Bs0entral Ean6 @f .ndia Serving >o (mpo,er= % * Ean6 >he 0hanging -ace @f Prosperity Aa6shami 8ilas Ean6 4here (very .ndivid"al .s 0ommitted @riental Ean6 @f 0ommerce 'ao Soche Eada.DE. ' -aithf"l % -riendly -inancial Partner Syndicate Ean6 ;elationships Eeyond Ean6ing Ean6 @f .ndia 3ono"rs Mo"r >r"stBco Ean6 Smart 4ay >o Ean6*ar"r 8aisya Ean6 ' Passion >o PerformDe"tche Ean6 (Dperience 2eDt $eneration Ean6ingSo"th .ndian Ean6 >he 2ame Mo" 0an Ean6 BponP"nCa# 2ational Ean6

N"#%ear *esear#$ Centers In In)ia

1 Saha .nstit"te of 2"clear Physics *ol6ata 1</< ) Physical ;esearch Aa#oratory (P;A 'hmeda#ad 1</7

+ 0enter of (arth ScienceJs St"dies >rivendr"m (*erala 1<79 / 2"clear -"el 0ompleD 3ydera#ad 1<71 1 Eha#ha 'tomic ;esearch 0enter >rom#ay (M"m#ai 1<17 5 (lectronics 0orporation of .ndia 3ydera#ad 1<57 7 'tomic (nergy 0ommission ('(0 M"m#ai 1</9 9 Brani"m 0orporation of .ndia =ad"goda 1<57 < .ndia ;are (arths Aimited 'l,aye (*erala 1<1? 1? .ndira $andhi 0entre -or 'tomic ;esearch >amil 2ad" 1<71 11 2ational 0hemical Aa#oratory (20A P"ne! Maharashtra 1<1? 1) 3igh 'ltit"de ;esearch Aa#oratory $"lmarg! *ashmir 1<5+ 1+ 0entral Mechanical (ngineering ;esearch .nstit"te D"rgp"r! 4est Eengal 1<19 1/ 0entral Mining ;esearch .nstit"tion Dhan#ad! Eihar 1<15 11 ;adio 'stronomy 0enter >amil 2ad" 1<59 15 8aria#le (nergy 0yclotron 0enter M"m#ai 1<77 17 'tomic Minerals Directorate for (Dploration and ;esearch 3ydera#ad 1</9

CMDs an) CE s o& Ban(s in In)ia 2013 (As o& 12.0+.2013)

SBI , Asso#iates State Ean6 of .ndia Pratip 0ha"dh"ri! 0MD State Ean6 of Ei6aner 'nd =aip"r E. Sriram!MD State Ean6 of 3ydera#ad M Ehagavantha ;ao!MD State Ean6 of Mysore Sharad Sharma!MD State Ean6 of Patiala 'chal *"mar $"pta!MD State Ean6 of >ravancore P. 2anda *"maran!MD Nationa%ise) Ban(s 'llaha#ad Ean6 S. '. Panse!0MD 'ndhra Ean6 E. '. Pra#ha6ar!0MD Ean6 of Earoda S. S. M"ndra!0MD Ean6 of .ndia Smt 8. ;. .yer !0MD Ean6 of Maharashtra 2arendra Singh!0MD 0anara Ean6 ;. *. D"#ey !0MD 0entral Ean6 of .ndia ;aCeev ;ishi!0MD 0orporation Ean6 8acant Dena Ean6 'sh,ani *"mar !0MD .DE. Ean6 Atd M.S. ;aghavan!0MD .ndian Ean6 >. M. Ehasin!0MD .ndian @verseas Ean6 M.2arendra!0MD @riental Ean6 of 0ommerce S. A. Eansal!0MD P"nCa# 'nd Sind Ean6 Devendra Pal Singh! .'S!0MD P"nCa# 2ational Ean6 *. ;. *amath!0MD Syndicate Ean6 S"dhir *"mar =ain! 0MD B0@ Ean6 'r"n *a"l!0MD Bnion Ean6 of .ndia D.Sar6ar!0MD Bnited Ean6 of .ndia 'rchana Ehargava!0MD 8iCaya Ean6 3.S Bpendra *amath!0MD

Pri-ate Ban(s 'Dis Ean6 Smt. Shi6ha Sharma!MD % 0(@ 0atholic Syrian Ean6 Shri.8.P .s,ardas !MD % 0(@ 0ity Bnion Ean6 Ealas"#ramanian S! Development 0redit Ean6 M"rali M. 2atraCan!MD % 0(@ Dhanala6shmi Ean6 'mita#h 0hat"rvedi!MD % 0(@ -ederal Ean6 Shyam Srinivasan!MD % 0(@ 3D-0 Ean6 'dtya P"ri! MD % 0(@ .0.0. Ean6 Smt 0handa *ochar! MD % 0(@ .nd"sind Ean6 ;omesh So#ti! MD % 0(@ .2$ 8ysya Ean6 Shailendra Ehandari! MD % 0(@ =amm" % *ashmir Ean6 M"shta: 'hmad! MD % 0(@ *arnata6a Ean6 P. =ayarama Ehat! MD % 0(@ *ar"r 8ysya Ean6 *. 8en6ataraman! MD % 0(@ *ota6 Mahindra Ean6 Bday *ota6 ! MD Aa6shmi 8ilas Ean6 P.;. Somas"ndaram! MD 2ainital Ean6 Devendra Pratap Singh!0hairman 0(@ ;atna6ar Ean6 8ish,avir 'h"Ca! MD % 0(@ So"th .ndian Ean6 Dr.8.'.=@S(P3! MD % 0(@ >amilnad Mercantile Ean6 *.E. 2agendra M"rthy! MD % 0(@ Mes Ean6Js Atd ;ana *apoor! -o"nder/MD % 0(@ .orie/n ban( ..#o"ntr0 1ea) In)ia 0ity Ean6 Pramit =haveri! 0iti 0o"ntry @fficer! .ndia 3SE0 Ean6 2aina Aal *id,ai!0o"ntry 3ead! 3SE0 Standard 0hartered Ean6 S"nil *a"shal! chief of .ndia operations

1. (ster #ond is the #ond #et,een t,o amino acids in a protein. ). >he process of Separation of cream from mil6 is called dem"lsification. +. Photo-#iology is the st"dy of effect of light on vario"s #iological life process. /. 'ntoine-Aa"rent Aavoisier is the father of modern chemistry. 1. $B. stands for $raphical Bser .nterface. 5. 2"clear force is the strongest force in "niverse. 7. Aong distance short-,ave radio #road casting "ses ionospheric ,ave. 9. 'tomic po,er plant ,or6s on the principle of fission. <. ;emote sensing is the techni:"e of collecting information a#o"t an o#Cect from a distance ,itho"t ma6ing physical contact ,ith it. 1?. Eha6ra 2angal dam is the largest/#iggest dam in .ndia.

11. >ehri Dam on Ehagirathi ;iver is the highest dam in .ndia.

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