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Q.1. First Computer isAbacus Calculator Anatur None of the above Q.2.

CD stands forCompact Disk Computer disk Connector DJ None of the above Q. . A!D stands forAdvanta"e !icro Distance And !ad Dam Advanced !icro Devices None of the above Q.#. CD-$ stands forCompact Disk - $ecordable Collect Data - $adium Color Data - $in" None of the above Q.%. &!$ stands for&ptical !ark $eader &ptical !ark $eadin" &ptical !ark $adar None of the above Q.'. (AN stands for(ocal Area Net)ork (imited Area Net)ork (imit And Notice None of the above Q.*. +++ stands for+orld +ide +eb

+orld +ide +ebsites +orld +ider +ebs None of the above Q.,. -. /tands for-ina .0te -erra .0te -eam .0te None of the above Q.1. +hat is the full form of .2&/.asic 2nput &utput /0stem .2& /ettlement .2&/// None of the above Q.13. +hat is the short ke0 for C&45ctrl 6 . ctrl 6 C ctrl 6 A None of the above Q.11. +hat is the short ke0 for C7-ctrl 6 8 ctrl 6 C ctrl 6 ! None of the above Q.12. +hat is the short ke0 for 4A/-9ctrl 6 : ctrl 6 A ctrl 6 . None of the above Q.1 . +hat is the short ke0 for .&(Dctrl 6 C ctrl 6 . ctrl 6 A None of the above

Q.1#. +hat is the short ke0 for ;elpF1 F2 F# None of the above Q.1%. +hat is the short ke0 for searchF2 F F# None of the above Q.1'. +hat is the short ke0 for $9.&&-ctrl 6 Alt 6 Del Alt 6 Del Del None of the above Q.1*. +hat is the short ke0 for ;549$(2N<ctrl 6 < = < None of the above Q.1,. +hat is the short ke0 for =&--& menu in !/-+ordC-$( 6 " A b None of the above Q.11. +hat is the short ke0 for 2nsertion of a ne) slide in !/-4o)er4oint> ctrl 6 2N/9$ctrl 6 N ctrl 6 o None of the above Q.23. A/C22 stands for C47 C7 !emor0 None of the above Q.2'. ))).testonnet.blo" is an eAample ofremovin" deletin" uninstallin" None of the above Q.2#. C7 is the part ofC47 C7 A(7 None of the above Q.2%. A(7 is the part of2nterchan"e Australia /tandard Code For 2nter 2nterchan"e None of the above Q.21. A(7 stands forArithmetic (o"ic 7nit Artur (o" 7nit Armetur (e" 7nit None of the above Q.22. A tape drive offers??????access to data. timel0 se@uentiall0 random None of the above Q.2 . $emovin" a video properl0 re@uires??????it. American /tandard Code For 2nformation 2nterchan"e American /tandard Code For 2nter

F2 Facebook 4a"e +ebsite .(&= None of the above Q.2*. 4$&!B 94-$&!B C 994$&! are the eAamples of$&! $A! ;arddisk None of the above Q.2,. /$A! stands for/tatic $A! /hri $A! /at0am $A! None of the above Q.21. 2!AC is the name of!achine 4rocessor !odem None of the above Q. 3. F(A/; is a$&! ;ard)are /oft)are None of the above Q. 1.A 4lotter is a 2nput Device &utput Device .oth None of the above Q. 2. -o name a file or folder ????? ke0 is used F1 -im .erner (ee Charles .abba"e /h)et -ripathi None of the above /h)et -ripathi Charles .abba"e -im .erner (ee None of the above Q. ,. +ho is the father of +++ctrl6& ctrl6N & None of the above Q. *. +ho is father of computer.old 2talic Name None of the above Q. '. -o open a file in !/-+ordB)e use ctrl6D ctrl65 5 None of the above Q. %. ctrl6. is used forQ. F None of the above . 7ndo is done b0ctrl6A ctrl65 ctrl6D None of the above Q. #. $edo is done b0-

Q. 1. -he format of correct 9-!ail isusernameEdomainname username Name6domainnnn None of the above Q.#3. Find a ri"ht e-mailsh) /h) sat0am .com None of the above Q.#1. -he eAtension of !/-9Acel is.Als ."if .doc None of the above Q.#2. -he eAtension of !/-+ord is.docA .Als .ppt None of the above Q.# . -he eAtension of !/-4o)erpoint is.ppt .Als .html None of the above Q.##. -he eAtension of Note4ad is.tAt .doc .ttf None of the above Q.#%. -he eAtension of +ord4ad is.rtf

.ttf .tAt None of the above Q.#'. -he eAtension of )eb pa"e is.html .hhtm .mp# None of the above Q.#*. -he eAtension of ima"e file is.Fp" .amr .mp None of the above Q.#,. -he eAtension of video file is. "p .rhtml .Fp" None of the above Q.#1. -he eAtension of "raphic file is."if .hhtm .blo" None of the above Q.%3. -he eAtension of !/-Access is.accdb .http .html None of the above Q.%1. !9! and C(/ are internal D&/ commands. -rue False Q.%2. (2N78 is an open source operatin" s0stem. -rue

False Q.% . Nibble is e@uals to # bit. -rue False Q.%#. Audio &utput device can output onl0 music. -rue False Q.%%. $&! is a 4ermanant memor0. -rue False Q.%'. $A! is a -emporar0 memor0. -rue False Q.%*. .DocA is the eAtension of !/-9Acel. -rue False Q.%,. -im .erner (ee is the father of +++. -rue False Q.%1. Charles .abba"e is the father of computer. -rue False Q.'3. C47 is the brain of computer. -rue False Q.'1. !other-.oard is also kno)n as /0stem .oard. -rue False Q.'2. 7/. stands for 7nion /erial .us. -rue False

Q.' . 2nternet is the eAample of connectivit0. -rue False Q.'#. Debu""in" is the process of findin" errors in soft)are code. -rue False Q.'%. 1-. G 132#!.. -rue False Q.''. Computer can not understand the binar0 lan"ua"e. -rue False Q.'*. -he +indo)s ke0 )ill launch the /-A$button. -rue False Q.',. -o move the be"innin" of a line of neAtB press 9ND ke0. -rue False Q.'1. -. stands for -an"o .0te. -rue False Q.*3. <. stands for kilo bit. -rue False

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