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Mobile : Email : Address : +91 9368421622 # 9, Bhoor Bareilly

CAREER OBJECTIVE A result oriented, a ressi!e sales "ro#essional wi h cro!! f"#c io#al e$%er i!e , !eeki#& a challe#&i#& %rofile o mer&e i# o a dy#amic &lobally foc"!ed or&a#i'a io# ha will ! ra e&ically " ili'e my e$i! i#& !kill !e ! while %ro(idi#& o%%or "#i ie! o amal&ama e "ersonal enri$%ment &it% "ro#essional oals. ) ro#&hold e$%er i!e a#d k#owled&e i# Sales''Client Relations%i" Mana ement''Team Handlin S(A)SHOT Hi %'"er#ormin sales "ro#essional wi h e$%erie#ce of o(er 3 year! i# o% imi'i#& b"!i#e!! o%era io#! a#d re(e#"e &e#era io# for he or&a#i'a io#. *m%loyed wi h Eu eni$s medis$ien$es *"+ ,td, Bareill- *Cor"orate "artner )./+ a! Team ,eader wi h e$%erie#ce i# acco"# ma#a&eme# , !ale! a#d eam co+ordi#a io#. ones for c"! omer

,roficie# a $reatin ne& sales models or #ine'tunin e0istin ac-"i!i io#, re e# io#, clie# ma#a&eme# a#d marke re!earch. ) ro#& "lannin Keen ,earner and Out o# t%e bo0 t%in1er a#d com%e e# &or1in en!ironment a#d deli(er he work wi h commi me# .

and e0e$ution s1ills alo#& wi h a !y! ema ic a%%roach. o fo! er a stimulatin

Ade% i# &ritten . oral $ommuni$ation !kill! wi h i#+de% h "#der! a#di#& of (ario"! rele(a# co#ce% !.

AREAS O2 E3)ERTISE )ale! *#ha#ceme# B"!i#e!! 0e(elo%me# .om%e i or A#aly!i! ,re!e# a io# !kill! .lie# /ela io#!hi% 1eam 2a#a&eme# ,roce!! 3##o(a io# 3# er+%er!o#al !kill! ."! omer Ac-"i!i io# /e(e#"e *#ha#ceme# 2arke i#& .am%ai&#! 4ee# 5ear#er

4ORK E3)ERIE(CE Eu eni$s A"r 567'Mar 869s *Cor"orate "artner )./+ Team leader medis$ien$es *"+ ltd

Cease#ire O$t 56:'Mar 567s Mana er Business ;e!elo"ment Eure1a 2orbes ,td, BareillO$t 86: 1eam 5eader



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AREAS O2 E3)ERTISE Sales En%an$ement 3#(ol(ed i# ! ra e&ic %la##i#& o achie(e !ale! ar&e ! for !elf a#d eam. /e!%o#!ible for he crea io#, im%leme# a io# a#d e$ec" io# of ac io# !ale! %la#. )ale! call %la##i#& A#aly!i! of erri ory o%%or "#i ie!, ! ra e&ie! for effec i(e erri ory co( era&e, c"! om er re!earch a#d ide# ifyi#&, %ro!%ec i#& a#d cla!!ifyi#& c"! omer o# he ba!i! of !ocio+ eco#omic a#d c"l "ral fac or!, deali#& wi h di(er!e c"! omer %rofile!. 2e ic"lo"!ly mai# ai#i#& he 0aily )ale! /e%or 6i(e %rod"c demo#! ra io#, ma% c"! omer re-"ireme# o he %rod"c fea "re!, ,re%are )ale! %ro%o!al, e! abli!h c"! omer be#efi !, #e&o ia e a#d clo!e he b"!i#e!! .oordi#a i#& wi h /eal *! a e! 0ealer!, Broker! 7 /eal *! a e! 0e(elo%er! a#d %ro(idi#& ho!e Ad(er i!i#& )ol" io#!. *ffec "a i#& %re+%la##ed ! ra e&ie! for accom%li!hme# of %erforma#ce mile! o#e!. .rea i#& ade-"a e !ale! lead %i%eli#e for ac-"iri#& !ale! ar&e ! alo#& wi h 2arke i#& eam. .ha##el 2a#a&eme# o crea e )ale! %i%eli#e from referral! a#d %ri#ci%al!. 8ork co# i#"o"!ly wi h )e#ior 2a#a&eme# 9)ale! 7 0eli(ery: o crea e, offer e$ec" io# !"%%or , mea!"re, ad(i!e a#d "%da e o# !"! ai#able b"!i#e!! &row h ! ra e&ie! i#cl"di#& #ew !er(ice! crea io#. )e i#& b"!i#e!! %roce!!e! for )ale! a#d 2arke i#& o deli(er ma$im"m %rod"c i(i y a#d efficie#cy. 5ead 6e#era io#, .am%ai&# 2a#a&eme# 7 4#owled&e Ba!e 2a#a&eme# . *#d o *#d )"%%or o o#!i e )ale! eam which i#cl"ded lead &e#era io#, mee i#&!, Acco"# 2a#a&eme# , /;,!, ,ro%o!al!, <rder *$ec" io#, 4#owled&e Ba!e 2a#a&eme# . ;oc"!ed direc marke i#& cam%ai&#! = defi#ed me!!a&i#& , ar&e ed a"die#ce, %romo io#al offer!

Customer> Client Relations%i" Mana ement B"ildi#& a#d mai# ai#i#& heal hy b"!i#e!! rela io#! wi h ma>or clie# ele, e#!"ri#& ma$im"m c"! omer !a i!fac io# by achie(i#& deli(ery 7 -"ali y #orm!. ,la##i#& 7 ma#a&i#& a ! ro#& 7 fr"i f"l rela io#!hi% wi h he c"! omer acro!! hi! life+ cycle. *ffec i(e c"! omer+comm"#ica io# hro"&h i#+de% h a#aly!i! 7 ! ra e&i'i#&. 3m%ro(i#& he c"! omer e$%erie#ce a#d crea i#& a !"! ai#able marke %re!e#ce wi h foc"! oward! he &oal of he or&a#i'a io#. 3de# ifyi#& %ro!%ec i(e clie# !, e! abli!hi#& ! ra e&ic %ar #er!hi%! a#d allia#ce!, &e#era i#& b"!i#e!! from e$i! i#& acco"# ! a#d achie(i#& %rofi abili y a#d i#crea!ed !ale! &row h. *ffec i(e rela io#!hi% ma#a&eme# ac i(i ie! wi h re&io#al a#d i# er#a io#al b"!i#e!! %ar #er!. Business ;e!elo"ment> Mar1et Resear$% *$%er i!e i# i#i ia i#& a#d de(elo%i#& rela io#!hi%! wi h key deci!io# maker! i# ar&e or&a#i'a io#! for b"!i#e!! de(elo%me# . 3de# ifyi#& %ro!%ec i(e clie# ! from (ario"! !ec or!, &e#era i#& b"!i#e!! from he e$i! i#&, hereby achie(e b"!i#e!! ar&e !.


/e!%o#!ible for he de(elo%me# of b"!i#e!! i# he area hro"&h ,romo io#al .am%ai&#! ,re%ari#& a#d &i(i#& %re!e# a io#! a#d demo#! ra io#! o he %ro!%ec i(e clie# . Ade% a ide# ifyi#& #ew area! ? !e&me# ! for di(er!ifyi#& a#d %romo i#& %rod"c !. *(ol(i#& marke !e&me# a io# 7 %e#e ra io# ! ra e&ie! o achie(e ar&e !. @a#d! o# e$%erie#ce i# co#d"c i#& marke %o e# ial a#d marke charac eri! ic! re!earch. )y# he!i'i#& da a %re%ara io# a#d a#aly!i!

Mana ement @a#dholdi#& a#d &"idi#& #ew a%%oi# me# ! a#d e#!"ri#& heir de(elo%me# . B"ildi#& a# ac i(e eam of ."! omer )ale! )%eciali! hro"&h A"ali y recr"i me# . 0i! rib" io# of re!%o#!ibili y %er ai#i#& o he clie# ! 7 %ro!%ec i(e clie# ! be wee# .)). 5eadi#&, rai#i#& a#d mo#i ori#& he %erforma#ce of eam member! o e#!"re efficie#cy i# %roce!! o%era io#! a#d mee i#& i#di(id"al a#d &ro"% ar&e !. .o#ce% "ali'i#& rai#i#& a#d de(elo%me# i#i ia i(e! for im%ro(ed %rod"c i(i y, b"ildi#& ca%abili y. /e!%o#!ible for crea i#&, &"idi#& a#d #"r "ri#& a !ale! force !%read acro!! he differe# &eo&ra%hie! of he co"# ry. ,ro(idi#& workable !ol" io#! o %roblem!, co+ordi#a io# wi h ma#a&eme# a#d re!o"rce!. ACA;EMIA 2BBC 3#(er i!e 3#! i " e of 2a#a&eme# Bareilly %a er# of @o"!ehold !ec or7 2" "al ;"#d a! a#


Resear$% )ro?e$t: 3#(e! me# 3#(e! me# 1ool.

)RO2ESSIO(A, I(TER(SHI) Or ani@ation: @0;. ) a#dard 5ife 3#!"ra#ce +*(al"a io# of ."! omer )er(ice!, 9Bareilly: ;uration: 1! 2ay DB6 + 31! E"ly DB6 ;esi nation: ..;... Res"onsibilities: A#aly'i#& he (ario"! di(i!io#! a#d heir o%era io#! i#cl"di#& i#(e! me# %or folio of @0;. ) a#dard 5ife 3#!"ra#ce. *(al"a i#& he co#!"mer %erce% io# oward! @0;. ) a#dard 5ife 3#!"ra#ce a! 3#(e! me# or a! a B"!i#e!! %ar #er!hi%. )ERSO(A, ;ETAI,S ;ate o# birt%: F h ;ebr"ary, 1981 Interests: 5i! e#i#& o m"!ic, i# erac io# wi h %eo%le, )"rfi#& o# 3# er#e a#d 1ra(eli#& )ass"ort ;etails: GGGGG ,an ua es Kno&n: *#&li!h a#d @i#di

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