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Non verbal communication Communication without using words is called non verbal communication.

By nonverbal communication we mean all communication that involves neither written nor spoken words but occurs without the use of words. Types of non verbal communication-

Body Language or Kinesics

a person transmitt the message by moving various parts of his body.

Proxiemics or space Language

Distance between speaker and listener define their relation

Chronemics or Time Language

time gap between exchange of any information communicate a lot.

Para Language
Para languge is a study how a speaker verbalises

movement of hands . personal appearance .eye contact .posture

Delaying in reply to a business letter. come late for work or for meeting. are the examplke of time language

voice quality pitch variation speaking speed are the example of para language

Body Language In body language When the person transmit message by moving various parts of his body such as face, eyes, head, hands etc. for instance, nodding head up and down convey agreement ,while shaking head from side to side shows disagreement. Kinesics means the study of the role of body movements such as winking, shrugging, etc, in communication. Elements of body languagePersonal appearance- personal appearance act as a significant non verbal clue to what we intend to communicate .the audience judge as initially from our physical appearance- our physique, attractiveness, personal hygiene, body odour, hair style etc. Facial Expression- Facial expression adds meaning to the verbal content. The facial expression like smile, a frown, the rising of eyebrows or tightening the jaw muscle conveys a lot in communication. Facial expression conveys happiness, anger, surprise, boredom, fear, liking disliking etc. Head Head has several movements, such as nodding, jerk etc. I different mental feeling and attitudes. Head ,for example, when held high a sign of honour, confidence, and self respect. Posture or body position posture refers to the way one stand, sits and walks. The position of the hands and legs and other parts of the body reveals not only an individuals state of mind weather he vibrant, alive, dynamic , nervous and jittery.

Smell and touch- various odours and artificial fragrance on human beings can sometimes convey emotions and feeling better than words. Similarly, touching people in different ways can silently communicate love friendship, hatred anger and other feeling etc.l Eye contact- the eye being the window of the mind express elemental passions and the varying moods of a person. One can gauge the sincerity, intelligence, attitudes, and feelings of a person by looking at ones eyes. Gestures it is also an important component of body language. The physical movement of arms, legs, hands and head convey meaning. As gesture have meaning so they should be coordinated with proper intensity of speech .The greater the gesture, the louder the speech and vice versa. Advantages of body language Body language convey feeling and intentions Body language adds intensity to the process of communication. Body language is an easily visible aspect of communication. Body language complements verbal communication. Disadvantages Facial expression gesture ,posture become ineffective when listener is inattentive. Ineffective in large gathering. People belonging to different culture backgrounds use different body language to convey their message. Body language misleading in case a person can hide their facial expression effectively.

Proxemics/space language-

Some of the most subtle aspect of nonverbal communication are associated with the use of both space and distance as these influence meanings we arouse in others.
Proxemics means proximity which means closeness .it means distance between us and other people tell us about our relations with other and the nature to our communication with them. In brief space, distance and territory are factors related to proxemics communication.

Intimate(physical contact 18 inc) Personal(18inc to 4 feet) Social (4 feet to12 feet) Public(12feet to range of eye sight) The types and quality of our communication activities differ in each of these four zones. but we determine these areas individually and can change by them by changing our physical location. Way of communication depends upon the relationship between speaker and listener.

Chronemics(time language)- time has its own importance. Time communicate a lot . it involves the meaning given to time dimension when we are communicating it to someone. Example of time language- delay in replying to a business letter, or a phone call, coming late for work or for meeting are the example of the time language.

Paralanguage-paralanguage is the study of how speaker verbalize. Voice quality and the extra sounds one makes while speaking are also the part of non verbal communication. It shows as to how the words are spoken or uttered. The word para refer to Like thus para language is like language For example if a woman greets a man by saying Hello in a flat tone,it will indicate th e attitude of the woman to whom that man is an unwanted guest. Likewise if somebody knocks at your door ,you open the door and say Hello,your rising tone implies that you want to know who the man is. Vocalics and its impact can be studied under the following headsVoice voice has great importance in verbal tells us many thgings like sex, background ,education training and temperament of the speaker. The impact of the voice is determined by the following elements Pitch variation Speaking speed and pause Volume variation Word stress Role of paralanguage Completion of message Personal and educational background of the sender National background Mental state of the communicator Learning exercise Limitations Lack of reliability Chance of misguiding Lack of uniformity Requires patience

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