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By: Anastasia Roulita (008) Christie Angella (039) Febby Lutfiani (00)



Political Dynasty is a phenomenon that had been exists since proper system of government was established back in the day. This kind of system often built on power that passed from father to sons, to daughters, grandsons et cetera. Being in a political family kind of prepare the descendants to understand how the political works. It is actually a good way to pass political legacy to someone who has the caliber and ability to rule in the political world, and it often create one vision in the family that actually could lead to a progressive development for a country. These are good practices that have been done by some prominent Political Clan: 1. The Kennedy Family. The Kennedy family is known to one of the most prominent political families in America. The highest achievement that their family ever had was John Kennedy was elected as president on 1961. During his time, JFK created programs like Rural Development, Food for Peace and he established new systems that prevent farmers from receiving low incomes. He was, and still is, considered as one of the most reliable president by the American citizen. 2. Bhutto Family The Bhutto family is a Pakistani political family which has been dominant in the Pakistan Peoples Party for most of Pakistan's history since independence. The most notable politician from this line of family was Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and her daughter Benazir Bhutto. Both had became the president of Pakistan and both had the same tragic ending to their lives. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was elected as president in the mid 70s and later as Pakistans Prime Minister. During his time, he established stable relationships with other countries such as; China, USA, and Germany. He brought back Pakistan from great depression and started to build it back with new policies like reforming Pakistans education, constitutions, domestic, land, flood and agriculture, also setting up new economic policies like providing material support to the poor. His Daughter, Benazir following his dads footsteps, became the 11th Pakistani Prime Minister. During her time, she builds back the Pakistani Military Service with her own personal funding. She also created a space policy that was expected to enrich the Pakistans knowledge and strengthen the state protection. Both Zulfikar and Benazir had a mass of supporter during their time and certainly made some enemy. Zulfikar died in Jail with life sentence, and Benazir was shot after her political rally. 3. The Soekarno Family. The Soekarno Family is one of the most credible political families in Indonesia. Soekarno was succeeded by Megawati. Soekarno is Indonesias first president, in which he created history by supporting and giving Indonesia a hand to be free. He was known as an excellent orator, and made good relations with many states in the world. He was succeeded by his daughter, Megawati Soekarnoputri, which rise to the presidential throne after elected from Vice President to President in 1999. Although many people think she was not capable enough to take care of the corruption matters in Indonesia at that time, she was considered good in handling the massive Asian Financial Crisis.

Political dynasty is a kind of system that has a strong relation to nepotism. This is not new in the political world. It creates unhealthy competition and also creates some sort of family monarch in a country. As we all know, a monarchy, if its dragged on too long cannot be that good for a country. it could prevent developments and it harm so many people in the society. Some people whose family is one of the most prominent families in the political world tend to get to where they are now with nepotism. This kind of thing is not surprising when you have to compete with thousands of people with creative visions, its the only choice for you, use your family name. Here are some malpractices that have been done in the past by several political families in the past. 1. The Bush Family. The Bush family is also known as the family with long line of president, senators and politic figures, as well as bankers and businessmen. George W. Bush Sr. the 41st President of America was known for his intelligence and his career as CIA director. His son, George W. Bush Jr. was infamously known as the 43rd President of America. During his time, George W. Bush Jr. had so many wars going on that it actually cost America almost everything for weapons and aircrafts. He is known for his ruthlessness, sent many men to Afghanistan to keep the war going on when what the society wanted was just for him to stop and made peace and treat the Afghan fairly. He fought terrorism with brutality and that hurt so many people in the process. 2. The Soeharto Family Soeharto is the 2nd President of Indonesia. He was famous for his ruthlessness in ruling Indonesia for 32 years. During his realm, he established some policies that inconveniently hurt so many people and spiked deep anger in the society. It was believed that if you speak ill of him you will be jailed for no apparent reason, or worse, killed by Petrus. He corrupted almost half of the states money and transferred it to The Bank of Swiss. It was very convenient for his family as it also gained them so much, like properties, lands, connections, plants, shares, etc, which made the Soeharto family rich. He lived in Menteng, Cendana Street to be exact, and up to this day, the street is packed with bodyguards and people cant pass without permission. The family also known as The Cendana Clan. 3. The Marcos Family of Phillipine Ferdinand Marcos was elected for presidency on 1965 and continued to rule until 1986. During his time he had been accused of malpractices such as killings, corruptions, and some other kind of criminals. The Marcos family had been in the politic since 1935, where his dad, Miriano Marcos had been a candidate for the National Assembly of Phillipine. Ferdinand, along with his father, Miriano, and his brother in law, Quirino Lazardo, was known for the murder of Nalundasan. When Ferdinand was elected as President he was believed to be gifted with excellent memory. During his ruling, he was accused of involved in the assassination of his opponent, Benigno Aquino. He was also exiled to Hawaii with his wife,

Imelda Marcos. It is later known that in the 20 years of his regime, he had embezzled money from the Philippine Society and moved it from one account at US to another at Switzerland. His wife, Imelda Marcos, after Ferdinands death in Hawaii, came back to Manila and became the 10th First Lady of Philippine. During her time, she spent so much money on unnecessary things like throwing miss pageants event, living a lavish lifestyle, million dollar shopping trip, bought million dollar properties and so on. Sources: Tempo: Edisi Khusus Kemerdekaan


Secretary is one of the most important roles in the corporate world, but in this modern world, many
professed that the role of a secretary is not needed anymore, especially in the future there will be service provided by technology that considered more effective and reliable.

Why the Secretarial role is still needed for the future company: 1. Because secretary is able to create good communication and networking in the work

environment. Based on Shanti L. Poesposoetjiptos (one of Indonesias management expert) statement, there are some facts that prove a good networking is an active process which controls the relation between a company with others. It needs human, especially secretary. Secretary is the actor or the brain to do those things, because technologies can not make the relation between two or more companies. It is the task that only secretary can do. (Source: Book Kompetensi Sekretaris Profesional)
2. Secretary is used and responsible for networking Responsibility (Responsibility

Branch Company) Secretary is responsible for expanding the horizons of companies with the aim of increasing competitiveness. Its realization is through the company's efforts to expand the network, organize and supervise the implementation of formal and informal events organized by the office in relation to efforts to maintain and participate in developing the company's image. (source: A.B Susanto, 1997: 14-15 in
3. Setting up a meeting or conference, and others.

Technology can not replace the role of Secretary in preparing for a meeting. Secretary is the one who has the knowledge to prepare matters relating to the meeting effectively, because a lot of things that require thought, creativity, and initiative. (Drs. Sutarto, 1992: 80-83)

Why secretary is not needed anymore for the future company: 1. Technology is good because it provides society with faster and more efficient methods for a variety of purposes, such as communication and research. Technology can provide growth and advancements for the population, helping with things in our everyday lives. (statement by Marc Andreessen) With this kind of advancements available in everyday life, certainly society will prefer
something with less hassle and more effective than the human itself. Technology is faster, savvier, and has a range of creativity that the human brain sometimes failed to deliver.

2. Conserves energy and produces more goods. Technology allows us to find creative alternatives and innovations to use nonrenewable and costly resources. From hybrid vehicles to energy efficient light bulbs, there are ways to save everywhere. One machine can do today in minutes what in years past would have taken days to accomplish. (statement by Onno W. Purbo) With technology effectiveness that make things easier and faster to process, the role of secretary might not be needed for the future company. 3. Technology represents the innovation of man, and increasing advancement in human society. If companies start to take technology seriously, they will combine the role of human and computer to create something seriously great that could lead the company to a better future and better income. This applies to administrative works that could be automated by technology such as secretarial duties. Innovations are always a good.

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