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le 18 fvr. 2013 11:44, dernire modification effectue par Pastor Shirley Isaac le 18 fvr. 2013 11:44 Definition of Honesty: Honest means to be marked by truth or truthfulness, Without pretention, without disillusion, to be frank, without fraud, not deceptive. Honesty means trust worthy, loyal, genuine, sincere, fair and most importantly dependable. The most important of it all is that quality of being dependable. 2Timothy 2:2, 20-22 Men of honesty are faithful. Vessels are of two groups in a great house, some to Honour and some to dishonor. What can make a vessel of Honour or dishonor? Purpose! We are made for God's Honour but we can decide whether we are going to be for Honour or unto dishonor. We have to prepare ourselves for whatever God is going to do with our lives! We should be in a state of readiness. Honesty has to do with your personality, your character which you put in anything. An honest man is honest irrespective of the situation or place he finds himself

In dealing with honesty, consider: -Faithfulness -The state of ones heart

Synonyms of Honesty -Sincerity

- Integrity - Candor - Genuineness - Fairness - Dependable - Conscientious

Antonyms of Honesty - Dishonest - Deceitfulness - Fraudulent - Corruption - Discontentment - Lying - Mendacious - given to lying, misleading - Prevaricating - purposely ambiguous - Untruthful

We have to be at a state of readiness for God to do something with our lives. You can use the power of God without God using you! What God is looking for is a heart that is right. An honest heart is a perfect heart, it's filled with love and kindness, it can be influenced and corrected by the word of God A child of God will yield to the spirit of God, he is always willing to develop We should only be unyielding to the devil.

2Chronicles 25:1-2 A perfect heart can be judged with several things such as: - provocation - test with money - test with power

2Chronicles 12:13-14 Evil is done when you prepare in your heart not to seek The Lord

1Chronicles 28:9; God understands the imaginations of the thoughts of your heart The Lord understands all imaginations of our thoughts Ezra 7:10; Prepare your heart to do the word of God and then to teach it. Be ready for every good work. Be sanctified and fit for the masters use. When God wants something done, He looks for honest men.

HOW GOD CHOSES MEN [THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING AN HONEST MAN] 1Timothy 1:12-13 Faithfulness is a quality of your personality Prepare yourself to be fit for the masters use. 2Kings 42:4-7 Honesty shows those who have positive character Be so faithful that you wouldn't need any policing.

Can you Be so trusted??? Luke 16:10-12 When you do things, have you satisfied your heart that you're actually taking the right steps? The responsibility is yours to seek more information. Become an expert in the field by getting the work done, so get expert information. You have no excuse to know too little about the responsibility you're given. Unfaithful men don't necessarily know that they are unfaithful, but rather they flatter themselves. 1Corinthians 4:2, 3John 1:5, Nehemiah 7:1-2 How much do you fear God that makes you a faithful man, compared to others? Ecclesiastes 7:7, Deuteronomy 16:19 A bribe twists the words of a righteous. Proverbs 17:23 Never allow yourself to be moved in the direction of accepting a bribe which converts the course of justice.

HOW GOD PICKS THOSE HE WANTS TO USE Exodus 18:21; Leaders should be men and women who hate covetousness, don't lust after funds that have been placed in your care. Don't lay claims on what isn't yours. Your attitude to money will show whether you have a perfect heart. If you would function as God wants you to, as He has told us to, you would prosper. Don't seek that any man should give you anything, do the word, serve The Lord. Acts 6:1-3

Be a man of Honest report Honesty is a quality of ones heart, and its expressed in what you do. 1Samuel 16:7; In your service to God, are you serving with a perfect heart or with complains and with anger, are you serving with discontentment or with bitterness?

EXAMPLES OF DISHONEST MEN IN THE BIBLE - Saul 1Samuel 15:1-24 Don't do things because of the fear of men You don't do every thing the people say, because the people can be wrong, but you do what is right in the sight of God. Proverbs 29:25 -Gehazi 2Kings 5:15-27 Be careful of what you do with the offerings and tithes that come from people to God. Stay away from offerings in the house of God. - Judas Iscariot John 12:1-6 The Lord understands all the imaginations of our thoughts. - Ananias and Sapphira Acts 4:33-37 Acts 5:1-11 Don't come to the house of God with a deceptive heart. Don't conspire with anyone to lie unto God. An exaggeration that misleads judgement is wrong.

There's a distinction between telling the truth and being a talebearer Proverbs 11:13; Leviticus 19:16-18; Acts 24:24

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