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June - July 2009 Simona Caba Afrika Wa Yesu – Inhaminga, Mozambique

With so much help we were able to divide the field in

Dearest and precious friends and family, stations: game stations, bible verse memorizing station,
God is so good to me! Again I saw His abundant love we also had a station were they were given cookies and
covering me in a very special way. He permitted that my juice; and another one were we gave them notebooks and
dad, one of my brothers Alin and one of my sisters pencils. Daena had groups going through her station were
Manuela to they heard Noe’s story. It was a mess but a nice one…
come and The Children heard one more time the Word of God and
visit me here they learn in a practical way that He loves them. Many of
in them gave their lives to Jesus and students were praying
Mozambique. for them. After that morning all of the students were set
It was a short to do the same thing at their homes after they will leave
trip; just for 2 Inhaminga. I pray that will happen.
weeks but it Encounter with God
was so worth Right at the beginning of this month we had a seminar
it! with this theme with our students. For 3 days our team
For few years and students went to a place of surrender and to know
they could God in a
hear with so much excitement many stories about different
Mozambique but now they were able to identify them and way.
understand much more. Like Ellie said: for me it was very God’s
important – it needed my father priestly anointing that presence
will take me to another level and will open more doors of always
understanding in the ministry. changes
It was so great that my two families: the one from us. When
Romania and the one from Mozambique met each other. we are
Besides other ministries they had a short trip to Milange: able to
was fruitful and they were blessed to know and minister stop,
to those special people. My dad had the opportunity to silence the noise of our thoughts, emotions and words -
preach and pray for the people who were in so much need we can hear God even if He is speaking soft and gentle. I
for deliverance and healing. had to speak on the first day of the seminar about it. My
For sure the church in Romania will pray more specific experience started when I was preparing for what I was
from now after this visit. They went back with lots of going to speak; when God started to call me closer to
pictures and memories and lot to say and pray about it. reveal more of Jesus in me. I learned that I needed to
Children’s Day identify my self with Jesus in me, surrendering all as He
This year was very special because we celebrate it with surrender to the Father; that I will need to walk only
the children from 6 different places: Kamkomba, Villa, where He walks and speak only what He speaks. In the
Mazamba, Massandza, Cicuziri and Nhamagaringa. That “Encounter” God reveals His son to us and our lives will
enable us to minister to a larger number of children in the never be the same. It is only one revelation but comes
same time; we didn’t need to rush and it was more gradually and it will be complete when Jesus comes
efficient. Part of our team, many of our students and some again.
of the youth of Inhaminga were ministering to more than Youth from Inhaminga: Coming back from Milange I
1000 kids. With the help of 15 students we celebrate Kids received a very sad news about some of the youth from
Day in Inhaminga on the big football field. Inhaminga in whom we are investing so much. One of the
Wow! Even we were doing this for some years I am girls was living in immorality. We felt hurt, betrayed and
always amazed of how many children we have here so disappointed. For so many years we are pouring out
around us and how much they need to know Jesus. our lives to them, sharing all God is giving to us, not
It was a first experience of this kind for the students. They holding anything from them, speaking in love and truth
were took by surprise when they saw that the flood of and still we had to go through this.
children which never stop to come.
It is hard! But we are not We were able to visit 4 more zones around Chite: Baua,
loosing hope. In the Chomba, Nhansoswe and Zongunguni. I all 5 places we
middle of this awful showed Jesus film. In some places we were able to visit
situation we know that some huts. In Nhansoswe was encouraging because we
God can turn it for our saw God’s kingdom being extended and the joy of the
good, for the good of her
friends and colleges from
the youth group. We
know that if they are
coming to true repentance
God is able to restore
them and make everything new. This time God is calling
us to prayer, intercession, crying out for these generation;
we need a breakthrough; we are going to prevail in
This sin of immorality will not have anymore power over
the youth we are ministering and pray with. We are
gaining our territories in prayer without giving up. Lord on people’s faces because they met with Jesus.
Last youth meeting when we were praying, Holy Spirit There is hope always because God loves these precious
was commending me to don’t look around, just pray the people. As long He never gives up on them we will not
heart of God for them. Looking at them or looking at the give up on them either.
circumstances it could influence the way I intercede for
Women’s Conference – Inhaminga
them. I need to pray and intercede in the Spirit the will of
It was a privilege for me to see the miracle of
God, doesn’t matter the circumstances around us.
transformation in every each lady that participated.
Prevailing in prayer until we see the move of God
Personally I saw so clear the change in the ladies from
happening in our midst.
Massandza, Chite and Nhansoswe. Majority of them were
Afrika Wa Yesu Conference baptized in the Holy Spirit. Now they have so much life
The time spent together at the conference was so
wonderful! I experienced so much freedom in the spirit,
God took us to a different level of worship and we had an
amazing time in the Word!
I realized that we as a team are the church and also the
youth in itself is the church! I believe that many struggles
we had were because we didn’t understood and knew
clearly our responsibility in the body of Christ. We were
living as “an attachment” to the church but we are
actually the church.
With this new understanding in our last youth meetings
when I was sharing what I received at the conference; I
could see how a veil was taking off. Acts 3:41-47 brought
a new revelation on the next steps we need to take as a and joy in their worship, never getting tired to pray and
group, as youth of this nation. kneel before God; their hands were lifted up and their
eyes were full with tears; they had so much to tell to
South African team visit Jesus. On the last day they were so full of excitement
I loved it! This team was a blessing! We had a great time about going home; like Samaritan woman they had great
in Chite. Like always, they were ready to serve and work news to share with their people.
hard. From the youngest to the oldest, they love the Dearest friends I pray that I will be able to see some of
people of Mozambique. you as God is opening the door for me to visit United
The Mozambican ladies were touched by the gentleness States. I will be there from September 2nd until October
and kindness of our ladies which were washing their faces 2nd. Please let me know through email if we can meet and
and hands, putting cream, make up and perfume. They where I can contact you. I am so grateful to our God for
understood that they are so special and beautiful before each one of you and I love you with all my heart,
God and also opened their hearts for the Word of God. Simona Caba

For those who would like to help support me, your tax-deductible donation can be send to:
Christ for the Nations(MAPS Program)
P.O.Box 769000, Dallas, TX 75376 – 9000 (Include a note stating: For Simona Caba in Mozambique)
For those who would like to write to me: Simona Caba, a/c Afrika Wa Yesu, P.O.Box 67, Beira, Mozambique

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