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SS-001: Minutes of the 1st Meeting of the Fourth Year Level Officers, Block Presidents, and Block ice

Presidents, concerning the !"M 10# Se$inar S%ndication nd "O!&S OFF'"(, S)" Bldg* + floor, ,avier &niversit%- -teneo de "aga%an .:/0 a$ of 1ul% 12, +013

Presider: 1essa )ocaldo Present: 1*4 1essa 1o% )ocaldo +*4 (duardo Olango 3*4 8en 89ong /*4 Bianca :uangco 0*4 !oriel La$i;ue <*4 !oel%n Su5re$o #*41B Parrilla 2*4:erlison (gargo .*4 :ilo "onsolacion Overall 5ro6ect head -ssistant Pro6ect 7ead Overall Pro6ect )reasurer /th %ear !- Block President /th %ear !B Block President /th %ear !( Block President /th %ear !- Block /th %ear !B Block /th %ear !( Block ice President ice President ice President

Absent: )" Pahu%o - Pro6ect Secretar% =function assu$ed >% (duardo Olango4

Opening Prayer: :ilo "onsolacion Agenda: 1* 'ntroduction of the different co$$ittees and the corres5onding >locks 9ho 9ill head the$ +* S5ecific 1o> ?escri5tions of each >lock 3* Possi>le to5ics to >e 5resented to the clinical instructors /* Other @e$inders

1* 'ntroduction of "o$$ittees )he Presiding officer o5ened the discussion >% introducing to the grou5 the $ain co$$ittees that 9ill function for the s5ecific areas of the Se$inar S%ndication* )hese are the Progra$ "o$ittee, Logistics co$$ittee, Ph%sical set-u5 co$$ittee, ?ocu$entation co$$ittee, and the Finance and Marketing "o$$ittee* For the s5ecifications of the said co$$ittees, the 5residing officer also 5resented their individualiAed functions in the 5lanning and i$5le$entation 5hase of the se$inar* For the 5rogra$ co$$ittee, the% 9ill >e res5onsi>le for 5lanning the 5rogra$ flo9 of the se$inar and choosing the students 9ill >e the $asters of cere$on% of the se$inar* )he secretariat co$$ittee 9ill >e res5onsi>le for choosing and co$$unicating 9ith the s5eakers of the se$inar and conce5tualiAing the certificates to >e given to the 5artici5ants after the se$inar* )he logistcs and 5h%sical set-u5 co$$ittee 9ill have si$ilar function as to conce5tualiAing and the actual $aking of the 5osters, tar5aulins, costu$es, and stage design* )he ?ocu$entation co$$ittee 9ill >e the kee5ers of the i$5ortant docu$entations that 9ere noted on the entire 5lanning and i$5le$entation 5hase of the se$inar and the Budgeting and Marketing "o$$ittee 9ill >e held res5onsi>le in $aking the >udget 5lan and actualiAing the eB5enses that 9ill >e 5aid >% the grou5 in 5re5aring for the se$inar* )o >e a>le to deter$ine the >locks 9ho 9ill assu$e the res5onsi>ilities of the different co$$ittees discussed a>ove, the attendants decided to dra9 lots so that fairness 9ill >e eBercised in $aking u5 the final decision* 7ere is the result of the dra9 lots that 9ere re5resented >% the >lock 5residents: Block -- Logistics , Finance and $arketing and Ph%sical set-u5 co$$ittee Block B- Progra$ and Secretariat "o$$ittee Block (- ?ocu$entation =and registration4 "o$$ittee )he 5residing officer assigned the >lock 5residents to hold a $eeting regarding the co$$ittees decided and discussed* She also e$5hasiAed that this se$inar s%ndication should not >e an inco$e-generating 5ro6ect, as directed >% the clinical instructors, >ut s5onsorshi5s can >e 5ursued*

+* S5ecific 1o> ?escri5tions Since the co$$ittees 9ere alread% assigned to its designated >locks, the 5residing officer took this session as a chance to e$5hasiAe the s5ecific 6o> descri5tions of the co$$ittees, to >e noted u5on >% the officers 5resent during the discussion* )he follo9ing are the s5ecific functions of the co$$ittee:

-* Progra$ co$$ittee =cCo Block B4 "hoosing of e$cee 5ractice dates certificates 5la;ues flo9 of the activit% tool kits

B* Logistics "o$$ittee=cCo >lock -4 Budget 5ro5osed 5ro5erl% Pass to finance co$ Pro5er docu$entation )ar5 and editing "ostu$es

"* ?ocu$entation and @egistration =cCo >lock (4 -ssuring the signatories of the neccessar% letters @egistration -ttendance @ules and guidelines @oo$s Pictures Food More of controlling tea$ after or >efore the 5rogra$

3* )o5ics for the se$inar

)he attendants of the $eeting also gave suggestions for the 5ossi>le to5ics that 9ill >e the focus of the se$inar* )hese included "areer Planning, Suicide, @esearch, Forensic !ursing, and the Sco5e and Li$itations of the !ursing Practice* Ms* )ocaldo re$inded the officers to o5en this u5 to their res5ective >locks and ask for so$e $ore suggestions so that ever%one in the grou5 9ill >e a>le to 5artici5ate in the decision-$aking of this se$inar*

/* Other @e$inders

)he 5residing officer also re$inded the attendants that to >e a>le to facilitate organiAation of 9orkload and effective ti$e $anage$ent, out5uts should >e graduall% 5assed ever% 9eek as soon as the clinical instructors can decided 9hich to5ic 9ill >e fit for the grou5Ds se$inar* )here 9ere no s5ecifications %et as to the for$al for$at of the 9ritten out5ut >ut 5residents 9ill >e certainl% kno9 a>out this sooner* Further$ore, a face>ook 5age shall >e created >% Ms* )ocaldo, to serve as a kee5er for all the docu$entations that 9ill >e 5assed >% the different >locks*

Closing Prayer: Bianca :uangco


7aving covered all ite$s for discussion, the session for$all% ad6ourned at 10:10 in the $orning* )he 9hole duration of the $eeting 9as +0 $inutes onl%*

Pre5ared B%:

Eduardo Olango -ssistant Pro6ect 7ead

!oted B%:

Jessa Joy D. Tocaldo

Over-all Pro6ect 7ead

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