Uninstall KMPlayer From Windows and Mac - Tips To Follow Up

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Uninstall KMPlayer from Windows and Mac Tips to Follow up

Published on November 20, 2013

Features of KMPlayer
KMPlayer (KMP), a freeware, is a Korean movie and audio player that supports a wide ran e of !ode!s and file formats in!ludin "#$, $"$, %"&, MK", ' , '(M, 3(P, MP)(*1+2+,, -M", .ealMedia, /0" and 1ui!23ime4 &t also handles a wide ran e of subtitles and allows one to !apture audio, video, and s!reenshots4

KMPlayer has !onvin!ed wide ran e of P# users that it is superior to "0# and has made them to !at!h on to it with the followin advanta es5

/ull "#$+$"$ playba!2 fun!tionality even when handlin hi h definition formats4 6imple and users*friendly interfa!e4 )7!ellent audio 8uality ensures even the smallest of details bein heard !learly4 )asy !ontrol sin!e bri htness, volume, s!reen*resolution, pause, resume, stop, minimi9e !an be done by 2eyboard4

Comments from PC Users

KMPlayer !an be downloaded from #N)3 where, however, ne ative responses from the broad P# users !an also be found4 .e ardless of the reputation it has ained by its li htwei ht, fast, self !ontained and enhan!ed features and fun!tionality not found elsewhere, the latest free version suffers from the diffi!ulty of ainin popularity4 6ome !onsidered the ri ht side panel is unne!essary4 :ut a!!ordin to the !omments by users, the most disli2e about KMPlayer is the advertisement that !annot be !overed by full*s!reen video, nor !an it be removed4 'nly firewall !an stop bein harassed by the ads that always pop up at the ri ht*hand side4

'ther disli2es about KMPlayer in!ludin the followin 5 /ailure to install the pro ram, no matter how many times P# users have tried4 Mp, files and %"#;$ file, format for hi h definition, !annot be played, even be downloaded4 6lowness when e7it KMPlayer4

/reeware as KMPlayer is, advertisement is unavoidable due to the fa!t that the ads help brin profit for KMPlayer<s operation4 3hat<s why almost all P# e7perts don<t re!ommend freewares4 ;owever, insist on employin KMPlayer !an be fulfilled without bein harassed

by randomly pop*up advertisements at the same time when reinfor!ement on the se!urity of browser !onfi urations has been implemented, su!h as !overin up the open resour!e !ode of a web site, enablin pop*up blo!2er, imposin restri!tions on %pa!he, disablin web banner as well as $ire!tory inde7, turnin off re8uest from 3.%#) ;33P, et!44 Most of the a!tions !an only be a!hieved throu h #M$ lines with e7pert s2ills4 &f one, la!2 of re8uirements to reinfor!e the web se!urity, wants to 2eep usin KMPlayer without bein irritated by ads, professionals from VilmaTech nline !upport will do you a favor4 'ne thin to whi!h attention should be paid is that KMPlayer, li2e any other pro rams, installs itself into system dis2 whi!h is usually # dis2 throu h =re!ommended> installation manner, whi!h is not re!ommended by P# e7perts for su!h installation mi ht in!ur system failure to ive rise to error messa es4 3hou h KMPlayer o!!upies only 304?@M: of the whole system, 6oftoni!<s install routine whi!h the payer utili9ed would install the rest of the files su!h as 3witube, .e #lean Pro and possibly toolbar or sear!h en ine that would !han e the default one4 %s a !onse8uen!e, other system operation may be!ome slow as additional runnin pro!esses ta2e up resour!e in the system dis24 &f reinstallation is intended be!ause of the install failure, another better video payer has been found, or tardy operation happens, uninstall KMPlayer with the followin steps4 .einstall !an be resumed thereafter4 6hould there be other 8uestions or une7pe!ted issues, please live !hat for instant answers and solutions4

Ways to Uninstall KMPlayer from Windows and Mac

" #$
Uninstall KMPlayer with its own widget. #li!2 on 6tart Menu to find KMPlayer by a!!essin %ll Pro rams4 Point the !ursor to KMPlayer4 Aou<ll et a drop*down list by the left*headed trian le4 #li!2 on!e on =Bninstall KMPlayer> to allow KMPlayer uninstall itself automati!ally4

" #%
Uninstall KMPlayer from Windows with Add or Remove Programs function.

(o into #ontrol Panel from 6tart menu to sele!t Pro rams or %dd+ .emove Pro rams4

#hoose KMPlayer4 ;it the CBninstall< button on the top of the list or ri ht !li!2 on the sele!ted to tap CBninstall<4 /ollow the uninstall wi9ard+ on*s!reen instru!tion to uninstall KMPlayer4

Uninstall KMPlayer from Mac withApplication function.

$ouble !li!2 on the =%ppli!ations> i!on4

6!roll throu h the list of appli!ations shown there to lo!ate KMPlaye4

Press and hold the =#trl> (!ontrol) button to brin up a table of options and a!tions4

#li!2 on the operation =move to trash4>

" #&
Uninstall KMPlayer from Windows y modifying! deleting its registry "eys.

-indows ?

;over mouse to any border of the 6tart s!reen to enable the 6ear!h #harm bar4 3ype =Cre edit<+Cre edit4e7e<> followed by )nter 2ey4 Navi ate to the followin 2eys and remove them4

-indows D+EP+"ista

;old -in 2ey and . 2ey to ether to brin up the .un bo74

3ype Cre edit< there followed by )nter 2ey4 Navi ate to the followin 2eys and remove them5

;K)AF#B..)N3FB6).G6oftwareGKMPlayer ;K)AFB6).6GHletterIJHa series of numbersIG6oftwareGKMPlayer (HletterIJHa series of numbersI mi ht differ from system to system)

/inally remove the folder in!ludin its sub*folder, if any, alto ether (ta2e # dis2 as e7ample)5

#5GPro ram /ilesG3he KMPlayer or #5GPro ram /iles (7?@)G3he KMPlayer #5GBsersGHyour usernameIG$o!umentsG3he KMPlayer #5GBsersGHadmin+usernameIG$o!umentsG3he KMPlayer (where KMPlayer was installed onto the uest a!!ount)

Uninstall KMPlayer from Mac y removing application preferences and support files

'pen the 0ibrary folder on your hard drive4

0oo2 for and remove any files named after KMPlayer or its developer in the =+0ibrary+>, =+0ibrary+Preferen!es+>, and =+0ibrary+%ppli!ation 6upport+> folders respe!tively4

'pen the 0ibrary folder in your ;ome folder4

0oo2 for and remove any files named after KMPlayer or its developer in the =K+0ibrary+>, =K+0ibrary+Preferen!es+>, and the =K+0ibrary+%ppli!ation 6upport+> folders respe!tively4

Tips' 3he third*party pro rams brou ht in by KMPlayer !annot be determined to be mali!ious or not4 :ut if additional toolbar bein mounted onto the tar et !omputer, ads poppin up a lot or sear!h en ine bein repla!ed without the possibility to modify ba!2, it is advisable to re!tify the browser settin s ba!2 to normal in an attempt to prevent the formin of vulnerability whi!h !an be easily e7ploited by mali!ious items and infe!tions4 (ood P# pra!ti!e in!ludin adoptin =!ustom> installation manner is always in desperate need4 Keepin the system dis2 as default, unless one 2nows how to reinfor!e the se!urity of system there, is the maLor 2ey to uarantee a smooth flow of operation4 %lso only one video payer is suffi!ient on a ma!hine, while, a!!ordin to the survey by "ilma3e!h .esear!h 0ab, a lot of P# users would li2e to install two or

more4 &f one would li2e to uninstall KMPlayer out of whatever reason but run into troubles, live !hat here with !omputer e7perts who are always ready to help4

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