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SULIT Questions 1 4 Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

. Pilih perkataan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut. 1.

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Mr Samy went to the _______________ to make a report about his missing car. A B C D fire station police station petrol station railway station

!he two boy scouts used a _______________ to collect water from the stream. A B C D tray basket bucket knapsack


#ook o$er there% !he mare and its _______________ are galloping happily around the field. A B C D lamb foal calf kid


My aunt works as a _______________ at the famous chicken rice restaurant in Bangi. A B C D porter waiter waitress stewardess


SULIT Questions 5 7 Choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph. Pilih rangkai kata yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan perenggan dengan betul. Shasha and her sister Duraini are cleaning their bedroom.

014 /1

Shasha is _______________ '()

in the cupboard. Duraini is helping

to ______________ '*)

neatly on the shelf. !heir room looks

beautiful with a $ase of roses _______________ '+) (. A B C D *. A B C D drying the towels folding the dresses hanging the clothes ironing their bedsheets keep their pets play with the toys arrange their dolls put the teddy bears

of their bedroom.


SULIT +. A B C D at the corner in the centre near the table beside the door

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Questions 8 10 Study the pictures carefully. !hen choose the best answer. Lihat gambar dengan teliti. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik . ,.


Mr -ong is feeding his daughter at the table. Mr -ong and his family are ha$ing their dinner. Mrs -ong is preparing dinner for her family. Mrs -ong is setting the table for dinner.



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A B C D 10.

!he pupils are waiting at the bus stop. !he people are sitting on the floor at the bus stop. A boy is holding a rac/uet. A few people are boarding the bus.

. A B C D !he fishmonger is weighing the fish. 1n Ma2idah and her daughter are at a fruit stall #ina is holding some fruits and $egetables. 1n 3a2leen is choosing a fish to buy.


SULIT Questions 11 15 Choose the best answer to fit the situation shown in the picture. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik bagi situasi dalam gambar. 11

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Do you mind helping me with the dirty plates9


4f course5 6 do mind. 67m happy to help you5 Mum. 67ll put the plates in the sink. 8es5 there7re too many dirty plates.

6t7s hot today. 67m so thirsty. A B C D 8es5 shall we stop for a drink9 -hat would you like to eat9 6 en:oy the hot weather. ;o5 there7s no restaurant around here.


-ould you like some watermelon9


8es5 67ll cut it for you. 6 bought it for <M .00. !hanks5 it7s my fa$ourite :uice. !hank you. 67ll take one.


SULIT 1& 67m sure she will.

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6 hope mum will like this. -ill this dress fit her9 Don7t you think it7s too e=pensi$e9 -e7ll buy this one for mum7s birthday.

1( Sorry5 6 won7t buy it again. A B C D -here did you buy that 9 8ou mustn7t eat :unk food5 Amin. -hat are you eating5 Arif9 1lease eat healthy food5 son.

Questions 16 20 Choose the best answer to complete the sentences. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat-ayat yang berikut. 1*. Amin > -here is the bridge 9 Badrul > -alk _______________ the footpath until you see it. A B C D o$er along abo$e through



014 /1 !he Sri Selasih <eading Society members are listening _______________ to the story teller. A B C D noisily bra$ely talkati$ely attenti$ely


8esterday5 ?ncik <afik _______________ a bou/uet of carnations to his wife for her birthday. A B C D sent send sends sending


!he man ___________ we met yesterday is waiting for you at the office. A B C D who whose which whom


_________________ pupils borrowed ________________ storybooks from the library. A B C D A few @ some Any @ a few A lot @ many 1lenty @ any


SULIT Question 21 Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word. Pilih perkataan yang mempunyai sama erti dengan perkataan yang bergaris. 1.

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!he $illagers were gratefu to their headman for helping them during the recent flood. A B C D kind honest helpful thankful

Questions 22 ! 2" Choose the answer with the #orre#t s$e ing% Pilih jawapan yang mempunyai ejaan yang betul. . !he li$ing room of my new house is $ery _______________ . A B C D ". spacieous spaecious sepacious spacious

A male chicken is a _______________ . A B C D cockerell cockerle cockerel cockrell


SULIT Questions 24 25 Choose the sentence with the correct $un#tuation% Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul. &. A B C D ?ncik Shukri teaches maths5 doesn7t he9 ?ncik Shukri teaches Maths doesn7t he9 ?ncik Shukri teaches Maths7 doesn7t he9 ?ncik Shukri teaches Maths5 doesn7t he9

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6s the seafood restaurant at Aalan 1antai closed on monday9 6s the seafood restaurant at :alan pantai closed on Monday% 6s the seafood restaurant at Aalan 1antai closed on Monday9 6s the seafood restaurant at :alan 1antai closed on monday9


SULIT Questions 26 "0

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Based on the picture5 choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows. Berdasarkan gambar, pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk diisikan pada tempat kosong dalam teks yang berikut.

6t is half past ten. !he pupils are at the school ______________ . 1uan #eha and her son ' *) are busy selling food and drinks at the _______________ . !here are packets of nasi lemak and ' +) a few____________on it. !he girl5 _______________ a plate of rice and her friend are looking ' ,) ' .) for a place to sit. Amir5 who is sitting _______________ his friend at the table is en:oying his ' "0 ) cold drink.



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hall library shelf counter cups glasses drying holding ne=t to along


canteen laboratory cabinet D locker






plates saucers washing arranging behind opposite






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Questions "1 "5 <ead the dialogue below and answer the /uestions that follow. Baca dialog dibawah dan kemudian jawab soalan-soalan berikut.

Madam Sue


Bood morning class. Cow was your holiday9 67m glad to see you in class today. -ho can tell me what is the national flower of Malaysia9 Can 6 try9 6t7s the hibiscus. ?=cellent. ;ow5 is the hibiscus plant short or tall9 6t7s my turn to answer. 6t is a short plant. <ight. 6t has many stems too. Short plants that ha$e many stems are called shrubs. A hibiscus plant is a shrub. Madam Sue5 is the tea plant also a shrub9 8es5 it is also a shrub. A shrub is different from a tree in height. !he number of stems also differs. A shrub is short but a tree is tall. shrub has many stems. A tree has only one stem called a trunk.

<ose Madam Sue Canie Madam Sue Chan Madam Sue A Dain Madam Sue

> > > > > >

> >

Madam Sue5 is a coconut plant a tree9 A coconut plant is actually a palm. So are oil palms and betel palms. !hey ha$e no branches and they ha$e featherElike lea$es. 4h5 there goes the bell. -e7ll continue our lesson tomorrow. Don7t forget to &an' in your scrapbooks to me before recess.


Madam Sue and her pupils were discussing about _______________ . A B C D the tea plant the hibiscus plant shrubs only different types of plants 1 SULIT


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" .

!he phrase &an' in can best be replaced with A B C D send complete take hold


-hich plant is not a palm9 A B C D hibiscus plant. coconut plant. betel palm. oil palm


!he best word to describe Madam Sue7s pupils is ___________________ . A B C D inacti$e passi$e li$ely /uiet


3rom the dialogue5 we know that A B C D a tree has many stems like a shrub. the stem of a tree is called a trunk the hibiscus plant has feather like lea$es. oil palms and betel palms ha$e many branches.



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Questions "6 40 <ead the notice below carefully and then answer the /uestions gi$en. Baca notis di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikut.

Calling All Members of the ?nglish Society

( Tri$ to )raser*s +i
!he ?nglish Society will organise a trip to 3raser7s Cill after the F1S< e=amination for two days and one night. !he bus will lea$e the school compound for 3raser7s Cill at +.&( a.m. on Saturday5 * September 010 and we will be back by ..00 p.m. on Sunday. All members who are interested to :oin the trip must >E a) get permission from their parents. 3orms for the trip can be obtained from the 8ear Si= ad$isor5 Mr. -ong Chin Chuan. b) 1ay a fee of <M1 0.00. !his includes accommodation5 transport and meals. All fees must be paid in full on or before ( September 010. c) Cand in the permission form together when paying the fee. Hurry! 4nly the first "0 members will be accepted for the trip.

Secretary Kevin Nunis



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!he notice abo$e is put up by the ?nglish Society ______________ A B C D to inform them about a trip to 3raser7s Cill. to inform them about the F1S< e=amination. to ask them to pay up their fees. to in$ite them for a meeting.


Members who wish to :oin the trip must register themsel$es early because_______ A B C D they need to get their parents7 permission. only "0 members are allowed to go. they need to pay the fees early. they ha$e to see their ad$isor.


Shahrul wishes to :oin the trip. !he first thing that he must do is to _____________ A B C D pay the fee. get the form. hand in the form. see Mr Ge$in ;unis.


!he fee does not include the cost of ____________ A B C D meals. bus fare. the forms. accommodation..


!he bus will lea$e at ______________ A B C D half past se$en. /uarter to se$en /uarter to eight. half past eight 1( SULIT


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