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Co-curricular activities (CCAs) earlier known as Extracurricular Activities (ECA) The components of non-academic curriculum helps to develop various

us aspect of the personality development of the child and students. For all-round development of the child, there is a need of emotional, physical, spiritual and moral development that is complemented and supplemented by Co-curricular Activities.

Co-curricular Activities Importance In the absence of these activities the child education will suffer from many gaps and handicaps. Productive and Creative activities help in the harmonious development of 4 H's-Head Heart, Hand and Health.

NEW EMPHASIS ON CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES There is a greater stress on these activities now. The change in their name from extra-curricular to co-curricular provides an indication of this new emphasis. The new education recognizes that child comes to school for all around and harmoneous development.

TYPES OF CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES (1) Aesthetic development (2):Activities for Leisure:(3)Moral Development Activities: (4)Productive Activities: (7)Social Welfare Activities: Aesthetic development Activities: (1) Drawing and Painting (2)Music (6) Preparation of Charts and Models Activities for Leisure: (1) Photography (2)Stamp collection (3)Album making (4)Decoration (3)Dramatics (4)Exhibitions (5)Fancy Dress (5) Physical Development Activities :( 6) Scientific Activities:

Moral Development Activities: (1)Morning Assembly Productive Activities: (1)Kitchen (6)Cardboard Work (2)Gardening (3)Soap Making (4)Toy Making (5)Embroidery (2)Celebration of birth days of great men (3)Social Service Activities

(7)Knitting Leather Work

Physical Development Activities: (1)Mass Drill (8)Swimming (2)Athletics (9)Cycling (3)N.C.C. (4)Wrestling (5)Indoor games (7)outdoor Games

(10)Yogic Asanas

Scientific Activities: (1)Science Clubs (4)Science Quiz Social Welfare Activities: (1)Scouting or girl Guiding Values of Co-curricular Activities (1)Psychological Value (5)Civic Value (9)The Disciplinary Value Psychological Value These activities can play a significant role in the training of emotions. These activities are a potent means of ensuring and developing mental health. (2) Aesthetic Value (6)Academic Value (10)Cultural Value (3)Recreational Value (4)Social Value (7)Physical Value (8)Ethical Value (2)Social Service Society (Red Cross, First Aid) etc. (2)Science Fairs (3)Visits to Scientific Establishments

Aesthetic Value Aesthetic sensibility is desirable quality of all human beings. But Aesthetic sensibility can not developed through text books or class room discussion. It can be learned in concrete life situation and activities, etc., Classroom decoration ,drawing, painting, clay modeling etc., are helpful in developing artistic outlook and a sense of beauty.

Recreational Value Through social service student acquires the sense of selfless services and scarifies. First aid, Red Cross and scouting guided him to work and live for others. Through team work he realizes the relation between individual and society. These activities are full of lesson and experiences in social living.

Civic Value These activities provide practical training in the civics of the life. While participating in co-curricular activities the child learns about his rights and duties and the rights of the other children. He learns to respect the rights of other children.

Such a practical training will help him to become a responsible citizen of his country.

Academic Value Academic work can both be theoretical and practical. Most of the classroom teaching is theoretical nature. But there is need to supplement this theoretical work by some practical experience. The teaching of science will be greatly supplemented by science club activities, science fairs, scientific hobbies, scientific Quiz, and relevant extension lectures. The teaching of language will be supplemented by the literary society activities, school magazine. Wall magazine, dramatic Club, etc.

Physical Value Children's who participate in games, sport and athletics become energetic and active. They become mental alertness, courage, and stamina to face difficulties. They remains physically fit for hard work. Games , drill, N.C.C. etc. are some such activities. These activities provide healthy outlets for surplus energy and helps in normal growth and development of the body. They contribute towards sound health, sound body, strength, stamina, physical beauty, and healthful habits.

Ethical Value The social training that these activities provide includes moral training as well. The pupils learn to act in obedience to the will of the group and in accordance with the standards of the group. Morning assembly and celebrations of festivals provide nourishment of ethical value from time to time.

The Disciplinary Value The Student learns to appreciate the rule and condition of various activities and games. They learn to follow and obey the pre-determined rules for the sake of smooth conduct of the activities.

Cultural Value Many of the programmes presented under co-curricular activities are named as cultural programmes. The activities like folk Music, folk dance, dramatic, celebration of religious social and national festivals, exhibitions, , visits to museums, etc. are rich in imparting knowledge of culture, and awakening cultural interesting among the students.

Guiding Principles for the Organization of Co-curricular Activities (2)Selection of activities (2) Providing Facilities Equal Opportunity (2)Definite and worthy objectives (2) Aptitude as the basis (2)Maintaining Records

(2) Growth of the Programme (2) (2)Motivation (2)Selection of activities

(2) Guidance and advice

The activities should be started after a wise scrutiny and selection. Their number should neither be too large (to become unwieldy), nor too small (to impose restrictions on the students when they join). They should be sufficient in number to provide opportunities to all the pupils to participate in some of them.

Providing Facilities Before Launching upon an activity, necessary facilities like time, place, materials, teachers to guide, and funds should be ensured.

Definite and Worthy objectives There should be definite and worthy objectives behind the selection of an activity. These objectives should be brought and kept throughout into the notice of the concerned students and teachers. In the end it should be evaluated whether the objectives have been attained or not.

Equal Opportunity The students should enjoy equal opportunities to belong to any of the activities.

Aptitude as the basis The member ship of each activity should be preferable to given to those who have special aptitude for that. The school guidance service should help the student in making suitable selection for themselves.

Motivation There should be genuine motivation for the students to participate in them. The teacher in-charge must be a person with genuine interest, sound background rich experience and strong motivation in it.

Guidance and Advice Guidance and advice for all the activities have to be provided by the member of the staff and the headmaster.

All of them must possess relevant qualification, interest quality to run the activities. They should be able to provide true leadership, enthusiasm, encouragement, and recognition to the student participants. They should be offer expert advice to improve the quality of the programmes.

Maintaining Records Record of the various activities in the form of a manual a report, participation of students, nature of activities, evaluation of the programmes of statement of expenditures has to be maintained.

LIMITATIONS AND DANGERS Interference with studies: The over-enthusiastic headmaster and teachers may give too much importance to these activities which is bound to interfere with the curricular work over emphasis on them will certainly distract everybodys attentions on from regular studies. The students who are good in these activities get so much praise that they forget for the time being their responsibility towards studies.

Lack of staff: The activities cannot be introduced profitably in a school with inadequate staff. Some of the activities like games, music, fine arts, and scientific hobbies need specialized staff. But quite a number of schools may be without teachers in music, and fine arts and P.T.I's. When they are already overburdened with teaching work on account of shortage of staff, the teachers will shirk the extra responsibilities of these activities.

Reference Sidhu, S.K. (2001). School Organization and administration. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Submitted To: Submitted By: Madam Misbha Syed Mateen Iqbal Roll No.708

MEd (Week-End Program) 3rd Semester Saadia firdous Roll No.706 MEd (Week-End Program) 1st Semester Education Department University of Sargodha

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