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The First

Basic Plan for


. Background
]. Basic Direction, Vision and Objectives of
Immigration Policy
]. Major Policy Tasks
Appendix (Task Assignments to Ministries, Budget)
I@| ! [htht8

. Background 1
1. The meaning of the Basic Plan for lmmigration Policy 2
2. The changing environment for lmmigration Policy 3
3. A review 9
1. Basic Direction, Vision and Objectives of lmmigration Policy 10
1. The basic direction of lmmigration Policy 11
2. Vision and objectives of lmmigration Policy 14
!. Major Policy Tasks 15
1. Enhancing national competitiveness through proactive opening 16
1-1. Securing growth potential by attracting highly skilled foreigners 16
1-1-1. Promoting the open-door policy to attract highly skilled foreigners 18
_ Attracting highly skilled foreigners with an improved visa system 18
_ Ensuring convenient immigration services for entry, sojourn and exit 19
lmproving the nationality system 19
1-1-2. Offering national-level support for attracting highly skilled foreigners 20
_ Supporting the effort to find and attract highly skilled foreigners 20
_ Boosting support for attracting international students and utilizing
their talent 22
Supporting the effort to recruit non-Korean civil servants and native
English speakers as assistant English teachers 23
1-2. Attracting manpower from overseas for the balanced development of
the national economy 25
1-2-1. Securing skilled labors reflecting regional and industrial demand 29
_ lmproving the skilled production labor introduction system 29
_ Expanding access channels for skilled labor 29
1-2-2. Attracting unskilled labor to reflect corporate demand and social
costs 30
_ Supporting the efficient corporate use of unskilled labor 30
_ lmproving the quota system for unskilled labor 31
lmproving the working environment and reinforcing safety and
health training 31
Supporting foreign workers' life in Korea 32
1-3. Creating a foreigner-friendly living environment 33
1-3-1. Reinforcing support for foreigners' sojourn 34
_ Supporting facilitated communication for foreigners 34
_ Reinforcing civil services for foreigners 35
1-3-2. lmproving the overall living environment for foreigners 36
_ lmproving the transportation and residential environment for foreigners 36
_ lmproving the welfare and medical environment for foreigners 36
lmproving the educational environment for foreigners 37
lmproving the cultural and leisure environment for foreigners 38
2. High-quality social integration 39
2-1. lmproving public understanding of a multicultural society 39
2-1-1. Reinforcing education for and promotion of a multicultural society 40
_ Raising awareness through school education 40
_ Raising awareness through social education 42
Boosting promotional efforts for a multicultural society 43
2-1-2. Reinforcing participation and communication 44
_ Encouraging foreigner participation in local communities 44
_ Providing communication opportunities among people from different
cultures 44
2-2. Helping immigrants through marriage get settled 45
2-2-1. Supporting the social adaptation of immigrants through marriage 49
_ Reinforcing basic education programs for immigrants through
marriage 49
_ lmproving access to information and boosting counseling services 50
Reinforcing social services (ex. childcare) 51
Expanding the user-oriented service supply base 52
Facilitating adaptation through self-help groups 53
2-2-2. Supporting the financial independence of immigrants through
marriage 53
_ Providing employment information and job training 53
_ Helping immigrants through marriage in rural areas 54
2-2-3. Creating a sound culture for international marriage 55
_ Strengthening the prevention of fraudulent marriages 55
_ Preventing illegal activities and human rights infringement during
marriage 56
Enhancing understanding about international marriage 56
2-3. Creating a sound environment for children of multicultural families 58
2-3-1. Supporting school performance and life of multicultural children 60
_ Supporting the school performance of multicultural children 60
_ Supporting the school life of multicultural children 61
Strengthening multicultural parents' ability to educate their children 63
2-3-2. Cultivating social adaptability and self-reliance 63
_ Supporting social adaptability for multicultural children 63
_ Cultivating the self-reliance of multicultural children 64
2-4. Creating a friendly environment for Korean diaspora 65
2-4-1. Revamping legal status and institutions to increase the economic
participation of Korean diaspora 67
_ Reinforcing Korean diaspora's bond with Korea through improved
legal status 67
_ lncreasing the economic participation of Korean diaspora from
China and the former USSR by improving the Work-Visit system 68
Reducing the negative impact from the inflow of Korean diaspora 69
2-4-2. lmproving the treatment of Korean diaspora 70
_ lmproving the living environment for Korean diaspora 70
_ Supporting the social adaptation of Korean diaspora 70
3. Enforcing immigration laws 72
3-1. Enforcing immigration laws 72
3-1-1. Establishing the foundation for reducing overstayers 74
_ Reinforcing the prevention of overstayers at the visa issuance
stage 74
_ lmproving the capacity to investigate illegal status and crack down
on violators 74
Creating a social environment that discourages illegal employment 76
3-1-2. Reinforcing the management of foreign ghettoes 76
_ lmproving the ghetto living environment 76
_ Reinforcing the system of managing the foreign population in the
ghetto 77
3-1-3. Managing legal foreign residents systematically 78
_ Reinforcing the management of potential lawbreakers 78
3-2. Managing borders and foreigner information for national security 79
3-2-1. Ensuring tight border control and managing dangerous foreigners 80
_ Modernizing border control 80
_ Reinforcing the capacity to manage foreigners 81
3-2-2. Strengthening international cooperation for border control 82
_ Revitalizing information-sharing among nations 82
_ Establishing bilateral and multilateral cooperation systems 83
Expanding people-to-people exchanges 83
3-3. Securing solid citizens 85
3-3-1. Providing an expedient and professional nationality service 87
_ Expedient naturalization & nationality reinstatement 87
_ Enhancing the professionalism and fairness of naturalization
qualification 88
3-3-2. Reinforcing the screening of nationality applicants 88
_ Reinforcing the screening function by improving the system of
granting nationality 88
_ Reinforcing the screening function of naturalization procedures 89
4. Protecting foreigners' human rights 90
4-1. Preventing discrimination and protecting the human rights of foreigners 90
4-1-1. Preventing the violation of foreigners' human rights 91
_ Reviewing and improving the related legislation and systems to
prevent human rights violations such as discrimination 91
_ Reforming discriminatory systems and practices 92
4-1-2. Reinforcing assistance for victims 92
_ Enhancing accessibility to assistance 92
_ Enhancing the effectiveness of government assistance 93
4-2. Protecting the human rights of foreigners in detention 94
4-2-1. Complying with the regulations governing foreigner detention 95
_ Reinforcing training on human rights and internal control 95
_ Revamping the laws and regulations related to human rights
protection 96
4-2-2. Providing complaint counselling services 96
_ Responding to complaints in cooperation with other organizations 96
_ Protecting the psychological health of the foreigners in detention 97
4-2-3. lmproving the detention facilities and staff 98
_ Expanding the detention facilities 98
_ Enhancing the professionalism of detention officers 98
4-3. Establishing an advanced system for refugee recognition and support 99
4-3-1. Establishing a refugee recognition system up to international
standards 100
_ Reinforcing expertise of refugee screening and expanding infrastructure 100
_ lmproving the refugee recognition system 101
4-3-2. Expanding practical support for refugees 102
_ Preparing measures to facilitate refugee settlement 102
_ Preparing practical support measures for refugee status applicants 102
Appendix 1. Task Assignments to Ministries 104
Appendix 2. Budget 120

1. The meaning of the Basic Plan for Immigration Policy
2. The changing environment for Immigration Policy
3. A review
1. The mean|ng of the Bas|c P|an for
|mm|grat|on Po||cy
1-1. What |s |mm|grat|on Po||cy?
Thoso aio conpiohonsivo policios on gianling lho lonpoiaiy oi poinanonl
iighl of alodo lo foioignois who would liko lo nigialo lo lho Ropullic of
Koioa and on pioviding foioignois wilh lho piopoi onviionnonl conducivo
foi lhoii polilical, ocononic, social, and culluial pailicipalion.
Granling lhe lemporary or permanenl righl ol abode lor loreigners is eercised lhrough
immigralion cearance residence managemenl and nalurai,alion approva
1-2. Bas|c P|an for |mm|grat|on Po||cy
A now nalional plan foi Innigialion Policy is dovisod ovoiy fivo yoais
accoiding lo Ailiclo 5, Acl on lho Tioalnonl of Ioioignois in Koioa.
Article 5 of Act on the Treatment of Foreigners in Korea (Basic Plan for
lmmigration Policy): The Minister of Justice, in consultation with the heads of
relevant central administrative agencies, shall establish the Basic Plan for
lmmigration Policy every five years.
A long-loin lasic policy diioclion is noodod, givon lho fai-ioaching offocls
lhal Innigialion Policy has on nany olhoi aioas and lho iapid changos in
lho policy onviionnonl.
Tho fiisl asic Plan foi Innigialion Policy is inpoilanl insofai as il
consolidalos lho fiagnonlod policios of ninisliios inlo a conpiohonsivo and
syslonalic long-loin policy. Tho asic Plan will lo slialogically usoful in
addiossing vaiious issuos associalod wilh lho incioasod inflow of foioignois
inlo Koioa.
2. The chang|ng env|ronment for |mm|grat|on Po||cy
2-1. G|oba| m|grat|on trends
An |ncreased g|oba| movement of the peop|e
Tho "ago of nigialion" has onoigod in slop wilh lho glolalizalion of lho
oconony, and lho advancononl of lianspoilalion and connunicalion.
'As ol 2005. qlobal mqranls lolaled !90 mllon people. aboul 3 ol lhe world's populalon
(6.47 bllon people.) (World demoqraphcs lrends. UN. 2007)
Moslly woallhy slalos aio lho doslinalion of glolal nigianls.
An eslmaled 60 ol lhe mqranls was concenlraled n lhe US and Europe.
The po||cy response of countr|es
Aggiossivo slops aio loing lakon lo alliacl lho nocossaiy hunan iosouicos
foi giowing lho knowlodgo-lasod oconony.
- Many counliios aio puisuing opon-dooi policios and oncouiaging foioignois
lo nigialo in oidoi lo socuio lho pooplo who havo lho knowlodgo,
infoinalion and lho capacily lo load lochnological innovalion.
Examples lhe Hqhly Sklled Mqranl Proqramme (HSMP) n lhe UK. and German mmqralon
law revsons qranlnq lhe rqhl ol abode lo sklled mqranls
- Highly skillod foioignois aio loing scoulod via ovoisoas officos.
Snqapore operales len ollces around lhe world lo allracl hqhlech prolessonals.
- Tho nol liain inflow inlo ECD counliios ioso fion 1.0 in 1990 lo 1.6
in 2000. Highly-oducalod innigianls incioasod fion 31.2 lo 35.4.

Nel bran nllow
The number ol hqhlyeducaled labor resdenls n lhe home
counlry bul born overseas mnus lhe number ol hqhlyeducaled
labor resdenls abroad bul born n lhe home counlry
lhe lolal number ol domeslc workers aqed 2565
oidoi conliol and iosidonco nanagononl piogians aio loing ioinfoicod
lo copo wilh lho incioasod novononl of pooplo.
- Afloi lho 9.11 Incidonl, nany counliios logan ioinfoicing lhoii loidoi
conliol noasuios, including lho colloclion of lionoliic infoinalion.
- Inloinalional coopoialion is loing ioinfoicod on collocling and analyzing
infoinalion on lho novononl of pooplo lo inloicopl illogal nigianls
and dangoious individuals.
- Tho govoinnonls nainlain sliicl onfoicononl againsl illogal ovoislays
lo piovonl polonlial social conflicl.
Snce 2007. lhe number ol lleqal overslays n lhe Unled Slales lell by ! mllon
as a resull ol slronqer law enlorcemenl. The EU reached an aqreemenl on
mmqralon and asylum seekers lor slrcler conlrol ol mqralory llows n Ccl.
Slops aio loing lakon lo piovonl conflicls iolalod lo lho influx of innigianls.
- Tho social inlogialion policy is loing ioinfoicod ly ioquiiing innigianls
lo lako classos on lho local languago and culluio, holping lo nininizo
conflicls lhal nay acconpany lho incioaso in innigianls.
Such problems nclude rols by mmqranls n France (2005) and racal conllcl
n Auslrala (2005).
- Tho govoinnonl sooks a social inlogialion policy lhal holps innigianls
locono iosponsillo and solf-iolianl nonlois of lho socioly ialhoi lhan
lonoficiaiios of suppoil.
<Immigration PoIicy in Other Countries>
Those multiracial and multicultural countries founded by immigrants
U.S.A. AustraIia
n Hspanc
ncreased socal cosls due lo
lhe expandnq lowncome
Abollon ol lhe
Oeclaralon ol a mullracal and
mullcullural socely
Prelerence polcy
lor prolessonals
Seleclve prelerence polcy
based on ndvdual capacly
Papd nllux ol
colored mmqranls
ncreasnq elhnc conllcls
'u1 9.!! ncdenl
Momenlum lor ncreased allenlon
on socal nleqralon
New Amercan
Task Force
Governmenlallevel nleqralon
polcy lor mmqranls
'u5 Pacal conllcls
Crealon ol lhe mmqralon and
nalonally Oeparlmenl(`07)
Socal nleqralon polcy
Those countries that witnessed the increase of permanent foreign residents by
introducing foreign labor and increasing international marriage
France Germany
selllemenl ol
norlhern Alrcan
ncreased socal cosls due lo
lhe expandnq lowncome
selllemenl ol
labor under lhe
perml syslem
ncreased socal cosl due lo
lhe expandnq lowncome
Passve socal nleqralon
polcy led lo lhe rols by
Chanqes n
mmqralon Polcy
Slopped allraclnq mqranl
labor and locus on socal
Leqslalon ol
lhe mmqranls
Assmlalon Acl
nlroduced mandalory socal
nleqralon educalon and
allracled prolessonals
Enlorcemenl ol
new mmqralon
nlroduced mandalory socal
nleqralon educalon and
allracled prolessonals
2-2. Changes of the domest|c env|ronment for |mm|grat|on
|ncreas|ng number of res|dent fore|gners and d|vers|f|ed res|dent
fore|gner popu|at|on
Tho nunloi of foioignois in Koioa has liokon lho 1 nillion naik.
- As of lho ond of 2007, Koioa had 1,066,273 iosidonl foioignois, oi 2.2
of lho onliio populalion.
The number ol resdenl loreqners has ncreased 2.75 lmes over len years. lrom
386.972 n !997 lo !.066.273 al lhe end ol 2007. l lhs lrend conlnues. lhe
loreqner populalon wll reach !.57 mllon by 20!2.
- Tho nain ioasons foi such an incioaso includo lho shoilago of laloi in
Koioan indusliy, incioaso in inloinalional naiiiago, and lho opon-dooi
policy foi Koioan diaspoia.
Foreigners in Korea by Residence CIassification as of June 2008,
Korean diaspora on Work-Visit program 297,329 (26.0%), unskilled labor 212,778
(18.6%), immigrants through marriage 118,421 (10.3%), international students
(including language trainees) 68,441 (6.0%), skilled workers 29,895 (2.6%), legal
permanent residents 17,809 (1.6%), investors 8,376 (0.7%)
Thc rcsidcnt forcigncr population is divcrsifying.
- Pioviously nosl iosidonl foioignois woio unskillod, lul now lhoy includo
innigianls lhiough naiiiago, inloinalional sludonls, invoslois, and olhois.
- Divoisifiod policy iosponsos aio noodod lo nalch lho divoisificalion in lho
counliios of oiigin, iacos, jols, and sojouin poiiods foi iosidonl foioignois.
Net outf|ow cont|nues a|ong w|th a |ow b|rth rate & rap|d ag|ng of
the popu|at|on
Koioas laloi shoilago is giowing locauso of lho low liilh ialo and
lho iapidly-aging populalion.
- Koioa has lho woilds lowosl foililily ialo (1.26 liilhs poi wonan in
2007 vs lho ECD avoiago of 1.63 liilhs poi wonan), and lho Koioan
populalion is oxpoclod lo poak al 49.34 nillion in 2018 lofoio
docioasing giadually.
The lolal populalon lorecasl (2006. Korean Slalslcs Cllce) 2005 (48.!4
mllon) 20!8 (49.34 mllon) 2030 (48.63 mllon) 2050 (42.34 mllon)
- Tho ocononically aclivo populalion (agod 15-64) also is oxpoclod lo
poak al 36.19 nillion in 2016 (73.4 of lho lolal populalion) lofoio
docioasing giadually.
Produclve populalon lorecasl (2006. Korea Slalslcs Cllce) 2005 (34.53
mllon. 7!.7 ol lolal populalon) 20!6 (36.!9 mllon. 73.4) 2020 (35.5!
mllon. 72.0) 2050 (22.42 mllon. 53.0)
Tho nol oulflow of lho populalion conlinuos.
- Tho oulflow of lho Koioan populalion conlinuos locauso lho nunloi of
pooplo who aio ionouncing Koioan nalionalily is gioaloi lhan lho
conlinod nunloi of lhoso iocovoiing Koioan nalionalily and lhoso
loing naluializod as Koioan cilizons.
A nel oulllow ol !08.973 people has occurred over lasl decade (!998 2007).
Many highly skillod Koioans havo oplod lo ionain ovoisoas afloi finishing
lhoii sludy alioad.
- Conpolilivo inloinalional sludonls piofoi lo woik ovoisoas and aio
ioluclanl lo ioluin lo Koioa
Cl lhe Koreans who earned doclorale deqrees n Enqneernq n lhe US. 3!.3
remaned n lhe US aller qradualon belween !996 and !999. and 46.3 slayed
behnd belween 2000 and 2003.
- Tho liain diain indox (lho loading indicaloi of lho oulflow of high
qualily hunan iosouicos lasod on highly skillod pooplos sonlinonl)
has woisonod iapidly ovoi lho lasl docado.
!995 7.53 (4lh oul ol 48 counlres) 2006 4.9! (40lh oul ol 6! counlres)
Chang|ng |nto a mu|t|cu|tura| soc|ety
Koioa is oxpoiioncing a iapid incioaso in innigianls, including lhoso who
innigialo lhiough naiiiago.
- Tho nunloi of lho innigianls lhiough naiiiago incioasod ly 17.7,
fion 124,459 in 2006 lo 146,508 in 2007.
The lolal ol !46.508 conssls ol 44.29! naluralzed clzens and !02.2!7 wlh
loreqn resdenl slalus.
- Tho nunloi of pooplo who locano naluializod cilizons, oxcluding lho
innigianls lhiough naiiiago, incioasod ly 39.3 yoai on yoai lo
17,997 in 2007.
Moio nulliculluial childion aio ioaching lho school ago.
- Sinco 2002, lho nunloi of nulliculluial childion shaiply incioasod. A
significanl nunloi of nulliculluial childion havo ioachod school ago,
cioaling now issuos iogaiding lhoii oducalion.
As ol Aprl 2008. lhe number ol mullcullural chldren allendnq prmary and
secondary schools reached !8.778. whch s aboul !0.780 hqher lhan lhe lqure
recorded lwo years prevously. (Mnslry ol Educalon. Scence. and Technoloqy.
Koioans havo ioaclod lo lho onoiging nulliculluial socioly in vaiious
- A nulliculluial socioly has a divoiso olhnic and culluial conposilion.
Tho incioaso in innigianls is changing Koioa inlo a nulliculluial
Some see lhe mullcullural socely as a lrend whereas olhers see l as a value
lhal we musl pursue. The lormer opnon s closer lo lhe nlenlon ol lhe Acl
on Supporlnq Mullcullural Famles_.
- Sono Koioans iojocl nulliculluialisn locauso of lhoii honogonous liadilion,
whilo olhois aio woiking lo liansilion lho culluio and lifoslylos lowaid
a nulliculluial socioly.
Cn Auqusl !7. 2007. lhe UN Commllee on lhe Elmnalon ol Pacal Oscrmnalon
(CEPO) recommended lhal every lorm ol dscrmnalon be elmnaled.
3. A rev|ew
A contro|-or|ented po||cy
Pasl govoinnonl Innigialion Policy was conliol-oiionlod and focusod on
piolocling nalional socuiily. Tho slialogic valuo of foioign woikois was
nol iocognizod.
- Tho policy lino on foioignois noods lo lo changod inlo a "slialogic
oponing" lo lap inlo lho lalonl and capilal of lho iosl of lho woild.
|nsuff|c|ent respons|veness to new|y emerg|ng |ssues
Tho incioaso in Koioas foioign iosidonls liings now lypos of issuos, lul
lho oxisling policy is unallo lo iospond lo such issuos in a linoly
- Tho govoinnonl nusl sol policy goals and iospond pioonplivoly lo
policy issuos ly dolocling piollons oaily and analyzing lhon
Lack of |ong-term and comprehens|ve responses
Piovious innigialion policios woio inplononlod accoiding lo spocific noods
of individual ninisliios lhal aiisos occasionally. Ioioignois woio viowod as
lho suljocl of synpalhy and such appioach soivod only as a slopgap
noasuio lo indusliial donand foi foioignois.
- A long-loin and conpiohonsivo appioach is noodod lo socuio consisloncy
and ciodililily of policy inplononlalion
Dospilo significanl offoils and allonlion on divoiso policy issuos, lho uncloai
division of iolos anong lho conlial govoinnonl, local govoinnonls, and
civic gioups inpodos officionl policy inplononlalion.
- Rolos nood lo lo dividod anong lho iolovanl oiganizalions.
] ={[]

Basic Direction, Vision and

Objectives of Immigration Policy
1. The basic direction of Immigration Policy
2. Vison and objectives of Immigration Policy
1. The bas|c d|rect|on of |mm|grat|on Po||cy
Immigration PoIicy is to be impIemented as a nationaI strategy to
invite peopIe with capitaI and technoIogy.
Immigration PoIicy is to be impIemented from a Iong-term and
comprehensive perspective, since it shapes Korea's future demographic
structure with far-reaching impIications on society.
1-1. Enhanc|ng the nat|ona| compet|t|veness through an
open-door po||cy
The areas and ways of open|ng are dec|ded on the bas|s of
nat|ona| |nterest through cost-benef|t ana|ys|s.
Benefits: resolving the labor shortage, economic contribution with the
expansion of knowledge and information
Costs: social problems from a larger low-income class, conflicts between local
nationals and immigrants
Accoss lo Koioa will lo inpiovod foi piofossionals, foioign invoslois,
inloinalional sludonls, and olhoi highly-skillod pooplo.
Accoss lo Koioa will lo iosliiclod foi unskillod laloi and lhoii sojouins
will lo linilod.
The currenl employmenl perml syslem lmls lhe soourn perod lor unsklled labor
lo lhree years.
Tho Koioan diaspoia will iocoivo piofoiiod lioalnonl ovoi olhoi foioignois
whon all lho olhoi condilions aio lho sano.
The Korean daspora wll qel more convenenl enlryiexl clearance servces and
employmenl permls.
Inloinalional slandaids will lo followod in lioaling lhoso who aio nol
applicallo in lho cosl-lonofil analysis such as innigianls lhiough naiiiago
and iofugoos.
1-2. Deve|op|ng |nto a more mature, mu|t|cu|tura| soc|ety where
human r|ghts are respected
Korea |s prepar|ng for the advent of the mu|t|cu|tura| soc|ety that
resu|ts as more |mm|grants make Korea the|r |ong-term home.
Many countries have experienced social conflicts due to the failure of immigrants
(and their children) to adapt socially, their fall into the low-income class, and
ethnic and cultural discrimination.
Oscrmnalon can be classled as benq drecl or ndrecl. The lormer s nsllulonalzed
by lhe syslem and ncludes speclc acls ol dscrmnalon. whle lhe laller s a
conceplual maller. Orecl dscrmnalon musl be approached as a human rqhls
ssue separale lrom lhe proqrams lhal prepare lhe people lor a mullcullural socely.
Tho govoinnonl will holp innigianls lo adapl, oiadicalo disciininalion
againsl innigianls, and pionolo lho pullics undoislanding of a
nulliculluial socioly.
Civon lho linilod iosouicos foi policy inplononlalion, lho govoinnonl
nusl slialogically doloinino whal social adaplalilily suppoil will lo
dolivoiod lo whon, and how.
- Innigianls who solllo in Koioa will lo lho piioiily. Anong lhon, lho
nosl vulnoiallo pooplo will lo lho fiisl iocipionls of lho adaplalilily
suppoil piogian.
- Suppoil foi insliuclion on Koioan languago and socioly is fiisl, foi il
soivos as lho lasis foi olhoi foins of suppoils, including wolfaio and
consulling soivicos.
- A soivico dolivoiy syslon will lo oslallishod and lod ly local govoinnonls
lo losl ioflocl iogional chaiacloiislics and donand.
Oelals (ncludnq lhe schedule and melhod ol mplemenlalon) wll be ncluded
n lhe 2009 mplemenlalon plan.
- A nid-/long-loin policy diioclion will lo oslallishod ly lho conlial
govoinnonl, along wilh a coopoialivo syslon anong lho conlial, local
govoinnonls and piivalo gioups. Tho conlial govoinnonl will also
dosign an assossnonl syslon lo onhanco offoclivonoss.
Tho ullinalo goal of piogians foi onhancing lho undoislanding of a
nulliculluial socioly is lo iaiso awaionoss and chango lho culluio lo nool
lho noods of a nulliculluial socioly.
Protect|ng fore|gners' human r|ghts as the un|versa| va|ue of the
open soc|ety
ArticIe 10 in the Act on the Treatment of Foreigners in Korea: The nation
and IocaI governments shaII endeavor to prevent unreasonabIe discrimination
against foreigners in Korea and their chiIdren, provide them with education
and promote the protection of their human rights.
Ioioignois nood nalional-lovol pioloclion againsl disciininalion, sinco lhoy
aio oasily oxposod lo hunan iighls aluso as ninoiilios in Koioan socioly.
Tho inloinalional slandaid will lo followod in iofugoo iocognilion and
suppoil lo iospond lo lho inloinalional connunilys call foi hunanilaiianisn.
1-3. Ensur|ng that |mm|grat|on |aws and orders are respected
The |mm|grat|on |aws w||| be enforced to max|m|ze the pos|t|ve effects
of the open-door po||cy wh||e m|n|m|z|ng the negat|ve aspects.
The negative aspects of an open-door policy include an increased number
of dangerous people, illegal aliens and crimes by foreigners.
Tho offoclivonoss of Innigialion Policy will lo onhancod lhiough
consislonl and sliicl onfoicononl of lho law govoining illogal alions.
Tho loidoi conliol piogian will lo nodoinizod, and infoinalion of
foioignois will lo syslonalically nanagod lo iospond lo lho lhioal of
dangoious pooplo and ciino ly foioignois.
2. V|s|on and object|ves of |mm|grat|on Po||cy

Major Tasks
1-1. Securing growth engines by attracting talent
1-2. Attracting foreign workers for balanced national development
1-3. Creating a foreigner-friendly living environment
2-1. Promoting understanding of a multiculural society
2-2. Helping immigrants through marriage get settled
2-3. Creating a sound environment for multicultural children
2-4. Creating a friendly environment for Korean diaspora
3-1. Enforcing immigration laws
3-2. Managing borders and information on foreigners to protect national security
3-3. Securing solid citizens
4-1. Preventing discrimination and protecting human rights
4-2. Protecting human rights of foreigners in detention
4-3. Establishing an advanced system for determining refugee status and supporting refugees
Vision World class Korea where foreigners live in harmony with Koreans
1. Enhancing national competitiveness with a proactive openness policy
2. Pursuing quality social integration
3. Enforcing immigration laws
4. Protecting human rights of foreigners
]1/5_{ 73

Major Policy Tasks

1. Enhancing national competitiveness through proactive opening
2. High-quality social integration
3. Enforcing immigration laws
4. Protecting foreigners human rights
1. Enhanc|ng nat|ona| compet|t|veness through
proact|ve open|ng
Secur|ng growth potent|a| by attract|ng h|gh|y
sk|||ed fore|gners
Background and need

Korea needs an aggress|ve program for attract|ng h|gh|y sk|||ed
fore|gners from overseas to he|p w|th techno|og|ca| |nnovat|on,
deve|op va|ue-added |ndustr|es and |ead g|oba| management.
highly skilled foreigners: people with specialized knowledge and expertise who
help to create new knowledge, information and technology.
Tho conpolilion ovoi hunan iosouicos is inlonsifying anong nalions.
<Strategies for Attracting Highly-skilled Workers among Major Economic Competitors>
The Personalized Employment Pass: PEP, an employment permit
for skilled workers and their families granted upon entry
Hong Kong
Quality Migrant Admission scheme or "QMAS" introduced in June 2006
Point-based system for attracting overseas and Chinese talent
Expandingthe blue card system to attract skilled people from
non-European countries (starting from 2011)
Granting employment permits within EU, the right of abode, and the
right to be accompanied by family members.
As of }uno, 2008, lho nunloi of piofossionals oul of lho lolal
woiking foioignois (542,000) in Koioa is only 29,000 oi aloul 5.5
(if oxcludo languago insliuclois, il is only 2.2.)
Prolessonals accounl lor 4!.! ol mqranls n lhe US (2004). 84.8 ol lhe
economc mqranls n Canada (2004). 37.4 ol lhe employmenl permls n lhe
UK (2002) (Korea Trade Assocalon Trade Pesearch Cenler. 2006).
The CECO advsed lhal Korea would benell qreally economcally by ullznq
hqhly sklled loreqners.
The |ntr|ns|ca||y contro|-or|ented |mm|grat|on system needs to be
operated more f|ex|b|y to attract h|gh|y sk|||ed |nd|v|dua|s.
Tho cuiionl visa syslon doos nol offoclivoly nool Koioas laloi
donand and doos nol alliacl onough highly skillod foioignois.
Tho sliicl singlo-nalionalily piinciplo is an inpodinonl lo alliacling
highly-skillod foioignois and inducing lhoii poinanonl iosidonco in Koioa.
Proact|ve government-|eve| attent|on and po||cy efforts are needed
to attract h|gh|y sk|||ed peop|e Korea requ|res.
Tho insufficionl infoinalion and high iociuiling cosls nood lo lo
iosolvod lo socuio lho noodod highly skillod foioignois in a linoly
Dospilo lho incioasing influx of inloinalional sludonls lo Koioa, lho
uso of inloinalional sludonls skills in Koioa is iolalivoly low.
<ncreasing Residence and Employment of nternational Students in Korea>
(Ministry of Justice 2007, persons)
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
7,288 9,705 14,407 20,683 30,101 41,780
Change to work
9 17 16 45 119 235
0.1% 0.2% 0.1% 0.2% 0.4% 0.6%
Clolalizalion of lho pullic socloi will lo slialogically pionolod ly
offoiing pullic soivanl posilions lo highly skillod foioignois and
oxpanding lho supply of nalivo English spoakois as assislanl
English loachois.
Act|on p|an

1-1-1. Promot|ng the open-door po||cy to attract h|gh|y sk|||ed
Attract|ng h|gh|y sk|||ed fore|gners w|th an |mproved v|sa system
A visa systcm will bc introduccd that can hclp sccurc thc divcrsc
highly skillcd forcigncrs nccdcd for thc Korcan cconomy (thc
Ministry of Justicc).
- A "slail-up" visa will lo availallo foi foioignois who possoss
innovalivo idoas, palonls, ulilily nodol iighls, and olhoi inlolloclual
piopoily iighls.
- A "jol-sookois visa" will allow giadualos fion loading univoisilios and
pooplo wilh woiking oxpoiionco in loading coipoialions lo cono lo
Koioa lo find a jol wilhoul an invilalion.
- A visa couplod wilh lho iighl of poinanonl alodo will lo piovidod
foi lhoso who indiioclly invosl LS$500,000 oi noio ovoi a coilain
poiiod in lho socloi (s) dosignalod ly lho Minisliy of }uslico.
Thc visa systcm will bc rcvampcd to satisfy corporatc nccds (thc
Ministry of Justicc).
- A iosidonco visa will lo issuod lo highly skillod foioignois dispalchod
fion lho ovoisoas lianch/sulsidiaiy of Koioan coipoialions.
However, to avoid abusing the visa system for the introduction of illegal workers, the
investment amount and other criteria will be strictly considered.
- Tho ioquiiononls will lo iolaxod foi piofossionals lo ollain an
onploynonl visa (foi oxanplo, ly lowoiing lho nininun caiooi
oxpoiionco ioquiiononl).
- Docisions will lo nado swiflly and floxilly on wholhoi lo poinil
onploynonl of foioignois whon now jols onoigo as a iosull of
lochnological dovolopnonl.
Uniquc bcncfits will bc providcd to world class human rcsourccs.
(Ministry of Justicc)
- Piofossionals will lo classifiod ly oxpoiliso and piofossion, and spocial
lonofils such as poinanonl iosidonco slalus will lo gianlod lo lhoso
who aio slialogically valuallo in indusliios.
- A poinl-lasod visa syslon will lo inlioducod lo assoss highly skillod
foioignois on lho lasis of acadonic achiovononl, jol caiooi, and
incono. Lndoi lho poinl-lasod syslon, highly skillod foioignois will lo
gianlod a visa wilhoul an onploynonl conliacl if lhoy gain coilain
Ensur|ng conven|ent |mm|grat|on serv|ces for entry, sojourn and ex|t
Thc pcrmit to changc workplacc will bc cxpandcd for highly skillcd
forcigncrs. (Ministry of Justicc)
- Highly skillod foioignois will lo allo lo chango woikplaco if lhoy
fulfill iopoiling olligalion. Cuiionlly all foioignois nood lo gain
poinission lo chango woikplaco.
Thc cmploymcnt proccdurcs will bc improvcd for thc spouscs of
highly skillcd forcigncrs. (Ministry of Justicc)
- Spousos will lo allowod lo chango lhoii visa slalus in oidoi lo
find jols.
|mprov|ng the nat|ona||ty system
Dual nationality will bc allowcd for highly skillcd forcigncrs undcr
ccrtain conditions. (Ministry of Justicc)
- Dual nalionalily can lo achiovod in piaclico ly loosoning foioign
nalionalily ionuncialion ioquiiononls foi pooplo wilh oxcoplional
lalonl in social, ocononic, and culluial aioas.
Rcquircmcnts for gcncral naturalization will bc rclaxcd for highly
skillcd forcigncrs. (Ministry of Justicc)
- Tho ioviow poiiod foi naluializalion will lo shoilonod, and lho
wiillon losl ioquiiononl will lo alolishod.
1-1-2. Offer|ng nat|ona|-|eve| support for attract|ng h|gh|y sk|||ed
Support|ng the effort to f|nd and attract h|gh|y sk|||ed fore|gners
Contact Korca is a comprchcnsivc scrvicc support systcm to attract
highly skillcd forcigncrs. (Ministry of Knowlcdgc Economy, Ministry
of Forcign Affairs & Tradc, Ministry of Labor, and Ministry of
- Highly skillod foioignois aio discovoiod lhiough KTRAs ovoisoas
officos and lho infoinalion is passod on lo Koioan conpanios.
- KTRAs Suppoil conloi foi highly skillod foioignois has loon
oslallishod lo holp highly skillod foioignois solllo in Koioa. Soivicos
covoi jol consulling, jol aiiangononls, innigialion cloaianco, and
livolihood. (Minisliy of Laloi and Minisliy of }uslico)
HuNct Korca Systcm, an onlinc visa rccommcndation and inspcction
systcm is opcning. (Ministry of Justicc)
- An onlino visa noninalion syslon allows a poison appoinlod ly
lho Minisloi of }uslico lo ioconnond highly skillod foioignois foi
a visa, lhoioly sinplifying lho voiificalion piocoss.
- Tho lino foi visa issuanco is shoilonod ly pioviding conpanios wilh
infoinalion on highly skillod foioignois lhal has loon voiifiod
lhiough lho on-lino visa noninalion and inspoclion syslon.
Job fairs will bc hcld ovcrscas to rccruit highly skillcd forcigncrs.
(Ministry of Knowlcdgc Economy, Ministry of Forcign Affairs & Tradc,
and Ministry of Education, Scicncc & Tcchnology)
- Annual jol faiis aio oiganizod afloi analyzing lho disliilulion of
highly skillod foioignois ly counliy and fiold. Thoso ovonls aio
lhon pionolod.
Projccts arc bcing stcppcd up to introducc ovcrscas cnginccring
profcssionals to cnhancc thc compctitivcncss of small- and mcdium-sizcd
cntcrpriscs. (Small & Mcdium Busincss Administration)
- Tho govoinnonl pays pail of lho cosls foi inlioducing ovoisoas
onginooiing piofossionals.
Pecruitment fees (maximum +3 million per person), airfares, and accommodation costs
(maximum +10 million per person per year) will be sponsored.
- Tho qualificalion ioquiiononls foi skillod woikois aio loing iovanpod
lo nool lho noods of lho SMEs and divoisify lho counliios of
oiigin foi hunan iosouicos.
Morc support is providcd for attracting ovcrscas scholars. (Ministry of
Education, Scicncc & Tcchnology)
- voisoas scholais wilh high iosoaich capalililios aio loing alliaclod
lhiough lho woild-class iosoaich univoisily nuiluiing piojocl.
Classes are opened on subjects that can create new growth engines; leading scholars
and professors are being invited to teach these classes.
Boost|ng support for attract|ng |nternat|ona| students and ut|||z|ng
the|r ta|ent
Thc govcrnmcnt-sponsorcd scholarship program for forcign studcnts
is bcing cxpandcd. (Ministry of Education, Scicncc & Tcchnology)
- Tho nunloi of nowly invilod foioign scholaiship sludonls has
loon incioasod fion 133 in 2007 lo 860 in 2008.
- Vaiious ovoisoas "sludy faiis" havo loon oiganizod, and lhoy aio
loing oponod in a widoi iango of counliios.
- Tho funclion and nanagononl of lho ""
wolsilo has loon onhancod.
Thc scopc of cmploymcnt for intcrnational studcnts has bccn cxpandcd.
(Ministry of Justicc)
- Inloinalional sludonls wilh .A. dogioos in Liloialuio and Iinanco
fion Koioan univoisilios oi collogos aio now allowod lo woik in
piofossional aioas such as lusinoss nanagononl and financo.
The Bachelors ol Scence employmenl perml was lrsl qranled n July 2006. An
employmenl perml lor B.A. holders n Lleralure and Fnance was nslluled lor !2
work areas such as research and overseas markelnq n July 2008.
Support is providcd for thc cmploymcnt of intcrnational studcnts.
(Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Knowlcdgc & Economy).
- Vaiious dala on pail-lino woik and advico on living in Koioa aio
piovidod lhiough lho nolwoik linking onploynonl suppoil conlois,
ffico of Educalion, collogos and univoisilios.
- Spocial jol faiis foi inloinalional sludonls in Koioa pul lhon conlacl
wilh Koioan.
Support|ng the effort to recru|t non-Korean c|v|| servants and
nat|ve Eng||sh speakers as ass|stant Eng||sh teachers
Thc cmploymcnt of forcigncrs in thc public scctor is bcing cxpandcd.
(Ministry of Public Administration & Safcty and Ministry of Justicc)
- Tho scopo of foioign civil soivanls will lo oxpandod fion lho
cuiionl conliacl-woikois lo lhoso who aio polilically appoinlod
and lho Spocial Pullic fficials.
- Ioioign civil soivanls aio gianlod iosidonco visas lhal allow noio
convonionco and a widoi scopo of aclivilios.
Thc visa rcquircmcnts of assistant English tcachcrs havc bccn looscncd
for nativc English spcakcrs. (Ministry of Education, Scicncc &
Tcchnology and Ministry of Justicc)
- Tho oducalional ioquiiononls foi nalivo English spoakois has loon
iolaxod (fion a lacholois dogioo in lhoii nalivo counliios lo lwo full
yoais oducalion fion a collogo oi univoisily in lhoii nalivo counliios.)
- Condilional poinission is loing pionolod foi lhoso fion lho
counliios whoio English is spokon as an official languago (foi
lhoso wilh a loaching coilificalo.)
A-1~A-3: Diplomatic and official purpose
Those who are exempted from the requirements of alien
registration as diplomats, public servants, or under
diplomatic agreements
Type A
B-1~B-2: Visa waiver and visa-free entry
Those from countries under the visa waiver agreement
(program) or those from countries where a visa is not required
to visit Korea for 90 days or less
Type B
C-1~C-4: Visits for the purposes other than employment
or profit-seeking
Those who intend to enter Korea for the purpose of visiting
relatives, tourism, study tour, and participating a conference
Type C
D1~D10: Visits for overseas study, religion, corporate investment
Those who intend to enter Korea as students, cultural and art
performers, reporters, religious professionals, or corporate
Type D
E1~E10: Skilled and non-skilled occupations
Those who intend to enter Korea as a professor, language
instructor, cultural and art performer, job trainee or unskilled
Type E
F1~F5: residence and permanent residence status
Those who intend to enter Korea for visiting relatives, living
with family, becoming spouses of Korean nationals, or those
who obtained the right of permanent residence
Type F
H1~H2: Tourism employment and visit employment
Those who intend to enter Korea for employment under the
Working Holiday program or Working-Visit program
Type H
G-1: Visas issued on humanitarian grounds Type G
Status with
Current classification of the residence status and employment permits
Currently residence status is classified into 8 categories, from type A to type H, which are
further divided into 36 kinds.
<The residence status for skilled occupations> is subdivided into Professors (E-1),
Language Instructors (E-2), Researchers (E-3), Technical Guidance (E-4), Professionals
(E-5), and Special Occupations (E-7).
Attract|ng manpower from overseas for the ba|anced
deve|opment of the nat|ona| economy
Background and need

The |abor shortage w||| cont|nue because of the |ow b|rth rate, rap|d
ag|ng of the popu|at|on and |ncrease |n h|gher educat|on.
Tho shoilago in unskillod laloi was sulslanlially ioducod ly lho
onploynonl poinil syslon and Woik-Visil syslon.
<Changes in Unskilled Labor>
(Ministry of Justice 2008, persons)
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008(June)
Total 9,684 18,069 188,516 219,672 173,549 231,773 442,677 508,078
The lleqal overslays ncluded lhose who used lo have a vsa lor unsklled labor
(March 2007. rapd ncrease n unsklled labor by lhe nlroduclon ol lhe WorkVsl
n lho olhoi hand, lho shoilago of skillod pioduclion laloi conlinuos.
<Labor Shortage at SMEs by Occupation>

_Requirements for and treatment of skilled production workers]
An F-2 (residence) visa is granted to unskiIIed workers who meet the
foIIowing requirements:
- Employed at Korean companies as an unskilled worker for five
years or longer, obtained the certificate of a skill designated by the
Justice Minster after consultation with other heads of central
administrative agencies or earn wages above a predetermined
amount, possess assets to support the livelihood, equipped
with basic knowledge of Korean culture and language [ has
An F-5 (legal permanent residence) visa is granted for those who have
lived in Korea for 5 years or longer.
(persons, %)
Classification Total
Production labor
Sales &
& quasi-pro
Current 2,208,312 522,994 63,001 251,122 494,619 779,409 26,425 70,742
Shortage 90,444 9,228 3,298 9,888 39,505 25,459 421 2,585
Rate 3.93 1.74 4.97 3.79 7.40 3.16 1.57 3.53

<Manpower survey at SMEs by Small & Medium Business Administration, 2007>
More programs are needed to attract suff|c|ent sk|||ed |abor.
Tho I2 visa is gianlod lo unskillod woikois who havo dovolopod inlo
skillod woikois in placo, lul lho piogian doos nol nool Koioan
conpanios noods foi skillod woikois.
- Tho cuiionl syslon is nol alliacling skillod woikois, as il ioquiios lho
oxpoiionco of woiking as a unskillod woikoi lo lo iocognizod as skillod
Productivity Wages TotaI EmpIoyment Cost
89% 87% 97%
Desp|te the |ncreased |ntroduct|on of unsk|||ed |abor from
overseas, a |abor shortage |n manufactur|ng cont|nues, and
many of the d|verse |mm|grat|on po||c|es fa|| to ref|ect d|verse
|mm|grat|on Po||cy object|ves.
Tho soloclion piocoduios of lho cuiionl foioignoi onploynonl syslon doos nol
ioflocl coipoialo noods. Il also conlains nany unioasonallo iogulalions on
onployoi-onployoo iolalions lhal undoinino lho officionl uso of foioign laloi,
and inposo loo nuch oxponso conpaiod lo pioduclivily.
<Foreigner Productivity Compared with Korean Employee Productivity (2008)>
(Korea Labor nstitute, 2008)

Tho quola-solling piocoss foi foioign woikoi lacks considoialion on
vaiious Innigialion Policy oljoclivos such as indusliial iosliucluiing, piovonling
illogal iosidonls, and achioving social inlogialion.
<procedures for employing foreign workers>
1. Selecting foreigners and
Issuing the employment permit
(companies Ministry of Labor)
The employer shall make efforts to find Korean replacements to fill
the vacancies (for three to seven days).
The employment permit is granted to foreign workers when the
employers select the right person from the recommended foreign job
2. Signing employment contract
(companies foreign workers)
The employer signs a standard labor contract with the selected
3. Issuing the visa issuance
(companies Ministry of Justice)
The employer submits the employment permit, standard labor
contract, etc. and Ministry of Justice approves the visa issuance.
4.Introducing foreign workers
(companies foreign workers)
The employer sends the visa issuance approval to the foreigner, then
the foreigner can apply for the employment visa at Korean diplomatic
missions abroad.
Those who already entered Korea go through employment training in

The work|ng env|ronment for fore|gn workers needs |mprovement
Mosl of lho foioign woikois aio oxposod lo pooi woiking condilions
al woik silos locauso lhoy aio onployod ly snall lusinossos.
- Tho piollons facod ly foioign woikois includo voilal aluso duiing
woiking houis, confiscalion of lhoii passpoils, indusliial accidonls, lack
wagos, off-duly injuiios, and physical violonco. Such conplainls aio
nosl fioquonl al snall nanufacluiois.
<ncidents & Accidents nvolving Foreign Workers>

Tho woikois pooi connand of lho Koioan languago and lhoii iolalivoly
low social and ocononic slalus aio inpodinonls lo solving lho
woik-iolalod oi living-iolalod piollons lhoy faco.
Act|on p|an

1-2-1. Secur|ng sk|||ed |abors ref|ect|ng reg|ona| and |ndustr|a|
|mprov|ng the sk|||ed product|on |abor |ntroduct|on system
Tho iosidonco ioquiiononls foi an I-2 visa will lo iovanpod. (Minisliy
of }uslico).
- Tho skill and wago ioquiiononls will lo inpiovod in considoialion of
onsuiing solf-iolianco.
- Tho onploynonl poiiod ioquiiononls havo loon adjuslod in lino wilh
lho inpiovod io-onploynonl piocoduios of lho onploynonl poinil
Currenl reouremenls lveyear employmenl and a cerlan level ol sklls or annual
waqes ol W29 mllon or more.
Expand|ng access channe|s for sk|||ed |abor
Condilional Poinission foi onploynonl is gianlod lo inloinalional
sludonls who conplolo oducalion al 2-yoai collogos. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- Poinission foi skillod onploynonl is gianlod lo inloinalional sludonls
who conplolo oducalion al 2-yoai collogos in iogions oi occupalions
shunnod ly Koioan onployoos.
The areas. skllwaqe reouremenls. and lhe ouola ol lhe employmenl perml wll be
decded lrom lhe lonqlerm perspeclve lhrouqh close consullalon wlh lhe Mnslry
ol Labor. olher relaled mnslres. busnesses. and labor unons.
1-2-2. Attract|ng unsk|||ed |abor to ref|ect corporate demand and
soc|a| costs
Support|ng the eff|c|ent corporate use of unsk|||ed |abor
Ioioign woikois aio loing inlioducod lo nool lho donand of
conpanios. (Minisliy of Laloi)
- Skills, oxpoiionco and olhoi qualificalions, along wilh Koioan languago
fluoncy, will lo considoiod foi soloclion.
- Whon lhoio is donand foi woikois wilh a spocial skill, lhoii soloclion
will lo lasod on lhoii liaining poifoinanco and qualificalions lovols.
Tho onploynonl piocoduios aio loing sinplifiod, and an onviionnonl
foi slallo onploynonl aio loing cioalod. (Minisliy of Laloi and
Minisliy of }uslico)
- A ono-slop syslon foi onploynonl applicalion piocoduios is offoiod al
lho onploynonl suppoil conloi.
- Rodundanl iopoiling has loon olininalod ly inloiconnocling infoinalion
lolwoon lho Minisliy of Laloi and Minisliy of }uslico.
- A slallo onploynonl onviionnonl is piovidod ly inpioving lho
io-onploynonl piocoduios and loosoning lho linil on onploynonl
conliacl poiiods.
Enploynonl cosls will lo ialionalizod. (Minisliy of Laloi)
- Tho slandaid onploynonl conliacl will lo inpiovod, syslonalizing a
ialional cosl-shaiing lolwoon onployois and onployoos, including
acconnodalions and food.
- Tho nininun wagos will lo ialionalizod ly solling a naxinun
doduclion foi acconnodalions and adjusling inloinship poiiods.
- Tho luidon of puichasing suioly insuianco, dopailuio guaianloo insuianco
and olhoi kinds of insuianco will lo lighlonod.
|mprov|ng the quota system for unsk|||ed |abor
Sliongoi lios aio loing nado lolwoon lho Innigialion Policy
Connission of lho Minsliy of }uslico and lho connilloo concoining
foioign woikois of lho Minisliy of Laloi
- Tho Innigialion Policy Connission docidos on lho nid-/long-loin
plans foi inlioducing foioign woikois duiing iovision of lho
conpiohonsivo Innigialion Policy. Al lho ond of oach yoai, analysos
aio nado on lho onploynonl silualion and oullook, and jols foi
innigianls lhiough naiiiago, inloinalional sludonls and illogal alions.
- Tho connilloo concoining foioign woikois docidos how nany foioign
woikois aio allowod considoiing cuiionl inlioduclion plans, onploynonl
silualion and oullook.
Tho illogal ovoislay ialo is considoiod whon allocaling quolas foi souico
counliios. (Minisliy of Laloi)
- Tho illogal ovoislay ialo is considoiod whon allocaling quola foi souico
- Counloinoasuios will lo adoplod foi counliios wilh fioquonl illogal
ovoislays such as susponding lho Koioan languago losls and iofusing lo
iocoivo woikois fion lhon.
|mprov|ng the work|ng env|ronment and re|nforc|ng safety and
hea|th tra|n|ng
Tho govoinnonl has inpiovod lho noniloiing of woiking condilions al
silos lhal onploy nany foioignois. (Minisliy of Laloi)
- Tho qualily of woiking condilions foi foioignois is loing iaisod lo lho
sano lovol of lhoso foi Koioans.
- Tho noniloiing of safoly conplianco will lo sloppod up al silos lhal
onploy nany foioignois.
- Safoly and hoallh liaining will lo incioasod foi foioign woikois lofoio
and afloi lhoii onploynonl and liaining naloiials will lo availallo foi
foioignois in lhoii nalivo languagos.
Cioaloi offoils aio loing nado lo piolocl lho hoallh of foioign woikois.
(Minisliy of Laloi)
- Inloipiolalion soivicos aio piovidod duiing hoallh chocks, and lho woikois
can fill oul lho hoallh oxaninalion foins in lhoii nalivo languagos
which lhoy can lako hono.
- Tho woik silos wilh a high piolalilily of occupalional illnoss aio closoly
noniloiod lo onsuio iogulai hoallh chocks aio conduclod and pioloclivo
goai is piovidod lo woikois.
Tho govoinnonl is pioviding assislanco lo inpiovo woiking condilions
al silos wilh dangoious woik piocossos. (Minisliy of Laloi)
- Conpanios onploying foioign woikois will lo includod in lho slalo-
fundod hoallh nanagononl piojocl foi snall lusinossos wilh loss lhan
50 onployoos. Visils lo lhoso snall lusinossos aio nado lo piovido
lochnological suppoil (foui linos a yoai.)
Gudance on mprovnq worknq condlons. consullnq on heallh. and lnancal supporl
lor specal heallh examnalons wll be provded.
Support|ng fore|gn workers' ||fe |n Korea
Consullalion soivicos will lo inpiovod foi foioign woikois lo addioss
conplainls and logal suppoil will lo inpiovod. (Minisliy of }uslico and
Minisliy of Laloi)
- Tho iolovanl ninisliios will offoi joinl consullalion soivicos lo addioss
foioign woikois conplainls.
- Consullalion soivicos will lo inpiovod ly laking advanlago of lho
onploynonl suppoil conloi and local innigialion officos.
- Suppoil is piovidod lo woikois who aio al lho ond of lhoii iosidonco
poiiod in Koioa and aloul lo ioluin lo lhoii hono counliios. (Ioi
oxanplo, lhoy iocoivo infoinalion on jols lack hono.)
Tiansfoi of lho suppoil conlois foi foioign woikois lo local govoinnonl
will lo pionolod. (Minisliy of Laloi and Minisliy of Pullic
Adninislialion & Safoly)
- Conloi opoialion is dologalod lo local govoinnonls afloi lhoy agioo lo
do so in considoialion of ludgol allocalion and opoialional slalilily.
As ol May 2OO8, l|ve support centers lor lore|qn workers are |n operat|on |n Seou|,
Ansan, Eu|jeonqbu, G|mhae, and Masan.
- Consullalion soivicos, Koioan languago classos, and fioo nodical oxans
aio piovidod in closo coopoialion wilh piivalo gioups.
1-3 Creat|ng a fore|gner-fr|end|y ||v|ng env|ronment
Background and need

A fore|gner-fr|end|y ||v|ng env|ronment |s prerequ|s|te for attract|ng
sk|||ed workers and he|p|ng them fu|f||| the|r potent|a| |n Korea.
Tho liansnalional novononl of pooplo is affoclod ly nol only ocononic
faclois, lul also ovoiall living condilions of a counliy.
Many foioignois iosiding in Koioa oxpiossod dissalisfaclion ovoi lhoii
lifo in Koioa, and nany aio ioluclanl lo liing lhoii fanily nonlois lo
n a survey ol corporale execulves al loreqnnvesled companes. 26.5 ol
lhe respondenls sad lhey are salsled wlh lle n Korea. whle 46.2 sad lhe
oually was only averaqe and 27.3 were nol salsled (KCTPA. 2007).
As ol June 2008. only 2.625. or 8.8. ol lhe 29.895 sklled workers n Korea
were accompaned by lamly members.
Many fore|gners exper|ence d|ff|cu|t|es |n ||v|ng |n Korea
because of ||m|ted commun|cat|on and access to |nformat|on.
Mullilingual anonilios and adninislialivo soivicos aio lacking.
n lo lhe survey on lhe lvnq condlons ol loreqners n Korea (by World Pesearch
2007). 52 ol lhe respondenls ndcaled communcalon as lhe bqqesl problem.
Many fore|gners exper|ence var|ous d|ff|cu|t|es |n the|r da||y
||fe from the |ack of soc|a| amen|t|es and systems ded|cated
to fore|gners.
A 2007 KTRA suivoy of foioign coipoialo oxoculivos highlighlod lho
nood foi inpioving lianspoilalion, housing, oducalion, loisuio and
culluial soivicos.
mmedale mprovemenls are needed n lhe seclors ol lransporlalon (54.9).
housnq (3!.6). educalon (26.!) and lesure & cullure (22.!) accordnq lo
a 2007 KCTPA opnon poll ol loreqn execulves n Korea.
Act|on p|an

1-3-1. Re|nforc|ng support for fore|gners' sojourn
Support|ng fac|||tated commun|cat|on for fore|gners
An cxpandcd thrcc-party translation scrvicc is availablc via thc call
ccntcr for forcigncrs (1345). (Ministry of Justicc)
- Soivicos will lo oxpandod ly linking lho onoigoncy nodical conloi, fiio
slalion (119) and polico slalion.
The !345 Call Cenler s eoupped lo provde cvl servces lor loreqners. lelephone
consullalons. and 3parly nlerprelalon servce (n cooperalon wlh lhe Anl
corruplon and Cvl Pqhls Commsson) n !7 lanquaqes (ncludnq Enqlsh.
Chnese and French.)
Tho lho Koioan languago liaining piogian, which is lod ly lho ES
Nalional Acadony of Koioan Languago, will lo oxpandod. (Minisliy of
Culluio, Spoils & Touiisn)
- Tho languago piogian will lo oxpandod fion lho cuiionl inloinodialo
lovol couisos lo includo couisos foi loginnois.
Re|nforc|ng c|v|| serv|ces for fore|gners
Tho uso of on-lino soivicos will lo oxpandod and lho nood foi poisonal
visil foi adninislialivo soivicos will lo nininizod. (Minisliy of }uslico
and Minisliy of Laloi)
- An on-lino innigialion soivicos will lo oxpandod lhiough lho C4I
(Covoinnonl foi Ioioignois.)
G4F ( provdes servces lor oblannq reenlry permls. exlendnq lhe
resdence perod. reporlnq a chanqe n workplace. and reporlnq chanqes n reqslered
personal nlormalon.
<OnIine Processing via G4F>

Foreigners who visit Korea for
investment, employment, or other diverse
purposes may get the necessary
information about immigration clearance,
residence, other necessary living and
administrative information and use civil
services online (currently services are
available in Korean, English, Chinese,
and Japanese)
1-3-2. |mprov|ng the overa|| ||v|ng env|ronment for fore|gners
|mprov|ng the transportat|on and res|dent|a| env|ronment for
Tho soivicos lhal piovido lianspoilalion infoinalion foi foioignois will
lo oxpandod. (Minisliy of Land, Tianspoilalion & Maiilino Affaiis)
- Moio announcononls foi onoigoncios on sulways will lo in English.
- Moio announcononls foi inlia-cily lus infoinalion will lo in English
(doponding on lho lianspoilalion and financial slalus of local govoinnonls.)
- English-languago lianslalions aio loing addod lo liain lickol piicos, soal
nunlois and olhoi infoinalion.
Currenlly. ralroad lckel ollers only lhe deparlure and arrval places n Enqlsh.
Ioioignoi-fiiondly iosidoncos aio loing piovidod. (Minisliy of Land,
Tianspoilalion & Maiilino Affaiis)
- Ioioignoi-fiiondly iosidoncos aio piovidod ly allocaling iosidonlial conploxos
noai cluslois of foioign-invoslod conpanios.
|mprov|ng the we|fare and med|ca| env|ronment for fore|gners
Social socuiily lonofils aio loing oxpandod lo includo poinanonl
iosidonls. (Minisliy of Hoallh, Wolfaio, and Ianily Affaiis)
- Sludios aio undoiway on lho possililily of oxpanding lasic social
socuiily lonofils and onoigoncy lonofils lo poinanonl iosidonls.
Amonq loreqners n Korea. mmqranls lhrouqh marraqe are now elqble lor socal
securly benells. However. lhe decson lo expand lhe scope ol socal securly
benells wll be made only aller a publc consensus s reached.
- Social socuiily lonofils, which cuiionlly aio givon only lo disallod Koioans,
will lo oxpandod lo disallod poinanonl iosidonls, wilhin ludgolaiy linils.
- Tho issuanco of "disallod" coilificalion nay lo oxpandod lo foioignois
as woll.
Currenlly lhe only benell dsabled loreqners receve s aulomoble slckers lor lhe
Tho govoinnonl is sooking lo alliacl foioign nodical inslilulions.
Convonionl onviionnonl will lo piovidod lo foioign nodical inslilulions
lhal opoialo in Koioa (Minisliy of Hoallh, Wolfaio & Ianily Affaiis)
- A Spocial Acl will lo passod on lho oslallishnonl and opoialion of lho
foioign nodical inslilulions in Iioo Econonic Zonos.
- Modical cooidinalois aio loing liainod lo piovido gioaloi convonionco
foi foioign palionls, lo includo inloipioling.
|mprov|ng the educat|ona| env|ronment for fore|gners
Suppoil foi inloinalional schools will lo lolsloiod. (Minisliy of Educalion,
Scionco & Tochnology)
- Inloinalional schools aio coilifiod in Koioa afloi salisfying coilain
As ol March 2008. 47 nlernalonal schools are operalnq n Korea. wlh !0.493
sludenls n allendance.
- Tho logal fianowoik is loing slionglhonod foi lho conlial and local
govoinnonls lo piovido suppoil foi inloinalional schools.
The 'Pequlalon Concernnq lhe Eslablshmenl and Cperalon ol nlernalonal Schools' lhal
conlans a leqal bass lor acknowledqnq lhe academc credenlals ol nlernalonal schools
and provdnq assslance lo such schools wll be promoled.
Effoils havo loon sloppod up lo alliacl woild-fanous oducalional
inslilulions fion ovoisoas. (Minisliy of Educalion, Scionco & Tochnology)
- Thoso inslilulions aio loing invilod lo opoialo on }oju Island and in
olhoi Iioo Econonic Zonos.
A Korean branch ol lhe Oulch STC school was opened n lhe Gwanqyanq Specal
Economc Zone n March 2008.
- Sludios aio undoiway on lho possililily of allowing non-piofil foioign
oducalional inslilulions lo sond suiplus ovoisoas.
|mprov|ng the cu|tura| and |e|sure env|ronment for fore|gners
Thc program is undcrway to providc balanccd acccss to divcrsc
cultural facilitics. (Minisliy of Culluio, Spoils & Touiisn)
- Cioaloi oppoilunilios lo onjoy lho culluio aio piovidod ly opoialing lho
Molilo Koioan Music Hall and Koioan Music culluio school in
inloinalional schools.
- Ioioignoi-fiiondly culluial facililios such as "nini-liliaiios" aio loing
luill in aioas whoio nany foioignois livo.
Ioioignois aio iocoiving gioaloi accoss lo infoinalion on culluial ovonls
and facililios. (Minisliy of Culluio, Spoils & Touiisn)
- Mulli-lingual inlioducloiy naloiials on Koioan culluio will lo availallo.
Facls aboul Korea. Welcome lo Korea (seven lanquaqes). cullure qudebooks (!7 lanquaqes)
- A wolsilo will lo oponod lo offoi infoinalion on nulliculluialisn.
A dqlal lbrary has been eslablshed. and a porlal servce on mullculluralsm slarls n 2009.
- Rofoionco liliaiios havo loon oslallishod foi innigianls lhiough naiiiago
and foioign woikois.
An improvcd lcisurc cnvironmcnt is bcing providcd to forcigncrs who
havc limitcd options of thcir own. (Ministry of Culturc, Sports & Tourism)
- Innigianls lhiough naiiiago, lhoii fanily nonlois and foioign woikois
iocoivo oppoilunilios lo onjoy Koioan culluio, louis and oxhililions.
- Culluial and spoiling ovonls aio hold foi foioign woikois onco a yoai.
They nclude soccer malches. lradlonal qames. and lood boolhs lhal nlroduce
lradlonal cusne lrom dllerenl counlres.
2. H|gh-qua||ty soc|a| |ntegrat|on
|mprov|ng pub||c understand|ng of a mu|t|cu|tura|
Background and need

The |ncreased number of fore|gn |mm|grants |n Korea necess|tates
a cu|ture and ||festy|e where peop|e w|th d|verse ethn|c and
cu|tura| backgrounds can ||ve together harmon|ous|y.
Many innigianls, lho social ninoiily, suffoi disciininalion and piojudico
locauso of lhoii appoaianco and culluial diffoioncos.
Culluial diffoioncos can lo a souico of conflicl in a socioly lhal lacks
nulual iospocl and undoislanding anong ils nonlois.
Culluial divoisily is a valuallo assol wilh polonlial lo locono a
nalional giowlh ongino in lho ago of glolalizalion and oponnoss.
Koreans need to cu|t|vate, through educat|on and promot|on,
the ab|||ty to accept |mm|grants as |mportant members of soc|ety.
Mutua| understand|ng must be fostered by forg|ng cont|nuous
and c|ose soc|a| re|at|onsh|p between Korean nat|ona|s and
Act|on p|an

2-1-1. Re|nforc|ng educat|on for and promot|on of a mu|t|cu|tura|
Ra|s|ng awareness through schoo| educat|on
Awarcncss of thc multicultural socicty is bcing raiscd through school
cducation. (Ministry of Education, Scicncc & Tcchnology, and Ministry
of Hcalth, Wclfarc & Family Affairs)
- Toxllooks on olhics and sociology aio loing iovisod lo ioflocl changos
in lho school cuiiicula (announcod in Iol. 2007.)
Pelleclnq lhe mporlance ol underslandnq and respecl. overcomnq preudce.
and exercsnq lolerance loward olher cullures.
- Educalion on nulliculluial undoislanding is ioinfoicod lhiough now
loxllooks and oxliacuiiiculai classos.
- Mulliculluial undoislanding is loing pionolod in lho classioon ly
onlisling lho holp of nulliculluial paionls.
- School visils piovido a losson in nulliculluial socioly.
mmqranl leclurers (6.805 persons n 2007. 3.930 persons n 2008) qve classes
on mullcullural underslandnq lo elemenlary school and unor hqh school
Prcschool cducational contcnt has bccn rcviscd to promotc undcrstanding
on multicultural socicty. (Fcb. 2007 noticc, Ministry of Education,
Scicncc & Tcchnology)
- Tho iovisod cuiiicula ioflocl lho ciicunslancos of childion of ioluinoos
and nulliculluial childion.
ncorporalnq educalon on mullcullural underslandnq lhrouqh new qames
added lo lhe preschool lesson plan.
Books and othcr tcaching matcrials arc publishcd on undcrstanding a
multicultural socicty. (Ministry of Education, Scicncc & Tcchnology)
- Toxllooks and olhoi loaching naloiials aio loing dovolopod in lino
wilh lho iovisod cuiiicula lhal includo lossons foi onhancing
undoislanding of a nulliculluial socioly.
- Audiovidoo naloiials aio loing dovolopod lhal includo succossful
oxanplos of nulliculluial oducalion.
Vdeos. and COs are benq dslrbuled lo schools and mass meda such as EBS
are benq used.
Tcachcrs in prcschools, clcmcntary schools, and middlc schools arc
honing thcir skills to tcach multiculturalism. (Ministry of Education,
Scicncc & Tcchnology and Ministry of Culturc, Sports & Tourism)
- Tho loachoi liaining piogian includos a couiso dodicalod lo nulliculluial
- Suppoil is piovidod foi oslallishing nulliculluial oducalion couisos in
loachois collogos lo iaiso awaionoss of nulliculluial oducalion anong
aspiiing loachois.
- A confoionco is hold lo shaio lho losl piaclicos of nulliculluial
ncenlves and awards are qven lo leachers wlh oulslandnq mullcullural
educalon perlormance.
- Toachois, govoinnonl officials and pullic soivanls iocoivo classos on
how lo accopl culluial diffoioncos and divoisily.
- Diffoionlialod oducalion piogians and loxllooks aio dovolopod foi
pioschool loachois, olononlaiy school loachois and Koioan languago
loachois. Toxllooks aio piovidod accoiding lo lhoii spocific noods.

Ra|s|ng awareness through soc|a| educat|on
Multicultural cducation programs arc bcing dcvclopcd, and multicultural
cxpcricncc ccntcrs arc in opcration. (Ministry of Culturc, Sports &
Tourism, and Ministry of Hcalth, Wclfarc & Family Affairs)
- Mulliculluial oxpoiioncos aio loing oxpandod foi young childion and
adolosconls al liliaiios and olhoi culluial facililios.
- Piogians foi adolosconls pionolo nulliculluial undoislanding and
discouiago disciininalion (diffoionl colois and sano wo".)
Four. lve and sx qraders ol elemenlary schoolchldren wll experence racal
dscrmnalon lhrouqh a roleplaynq exercse. rasnq lher awareness ol lhe
mporlance ol elmnalnq dscrmnalon and preudce.
- Now nulliculluial oducalion piogians aio linkod lo olhics and
sociology (glolalizalion, nulliculluialisn, hunan iighls and oqualily)
in olononlaiy school.
- Mulliculluial undoislanding piogians such as "glolal cilizon school"
havo loon dovolopod foi adolosconls.
Rcsidcnts and civil scrvants in local govcrnmcnts rcccivc classcs on
multicultural undcrstanding. (Ministry of Public Administration &
- Classos on nulliculluialisn will lo hold al liaining conlois foi local
govoinnonl officials and civil soivanls as woll as al connunily soivico
conlois foi iosidonls.
- Tho nalionwido oducalion ciicuil is loing oxpandod foi foioign
iosidonls, Koioan iosidonls, and civil soivanls.
A onl educalon crcul by lve mnslres slarled n Aprl 2007 lor cvl
servanls worknq n local qovernmenls.
Thc numbcr of lccturcrs for multicultural classcs will bc incrcascd.
(Ministry of Culturc, Sports, & Tourism, Ministry of Justicc, and
Ministry of Hcalth, Wclfarc & Family Affairs)
- Tho liaining piogian foi nulliculluial locluiois and nulliculluial piogian
plannois will lo oxpandod.
They conducl classes on mullcullural underslandnq al lrannq nsllules
elemenlary. mddle. and hqh schools and publc nsllulons.
Boost|ng promot|ona| efforts for a mu|t|cu|tura| soc|ety
Forums and scminars arc hcld on multicultural socicty. (Ministry of
Public Administration & Safcty, Ministry of Justicc, Ministry of Culturc,
Sports & Tourism, and Ministry of Hcalth, Wclfarc & Family Affairs)
- Thoso ovonls includo lho "Mulliculluial Policy Ioiun," "Inloinalional Ioiun
on lho Pionolion of Mulliculluial Socioly and Culluial Divoisily,"
"Ioiun on lho Clolalizalion of Local Aulhoiilios," "Inloinalional Ioiun
on lho Dovolopnonl of Suppoil Policy foi Mulliculluial Youlh," and
"Nalional Congiogalions of Mulliculluial Ianilios and Mulliculluial
Public scrvicc mcssagcs, broadcasting programs, and onlinc contcsts
arc bcing utilizcd. (Ministry of Culturc, Sports & Tourism, Ministry
of Justicc, Ministry of Hcalth, Wclfarc & Family Affairs, and Ministry
of Education, Scicncc & Tcchnology)
- Pullic soivico nossagos, spocial docunonlaiios on nulliculluial socioly,
and vidoos of inloinalional confoioncos aio pioducod and dissoninalod.
- Educalion-iolalod ossay conlosls, usoi-cioalod conlonls conlosls, oxpoiionco
ossay conlosls, and olhoi ovonls aio hold lo iaiso awaionoss of
nulliculluial socioly.
2-1-2. Re|nforc|ng part|c|pat|on and commun|cat|on
Encourag|ng fore|gner part|c|pat|on |n |oca| commun|t|es
Thc policy infrastructurc is bcing cxpandcd to cncouragc thc participation
of forcign rcsidcnts.
- Tho "living slalus" of foioign iosidonls will lo addod as a calogoiy in
facl-finding suivoys.
n 2007 lhe lacllndnq survey conssled ol only lhree man caleqores reqon.
nalonally. and qender.
- Tho social inlogialion indox is loing dovolopod lo ioflocl lho onploynonl
ialo, oducalion ialo, social pailicipalion ialo and ciino ialo of foioignois.
Prov|d|ng commun|cat|on opportun|t|es among peop|e from d|fferent
Mulliculluial foslivals aio loing hold al lho conlial and local
govoinnonl lovols duiing lho "Togolhoi Wook." (Minisliy of }uslico and
Minisliy of Pullic Adninislialion & Safoly)
- "Togolhoi Day" is hold in coopoialion wilh iolovanl ninisliios.
Suppoil is piovidod foi planning and inplononling iogional nulliculluial
piogians foi innigianls. Thoso piogians aio dosignod lo ioflocl local
ciicunslancos. (Minisliy of Culluio, Spoils, & Touiisn)
- Divoiso piogians aio loing oiganizod, including foslivals, culluial
ovonls, culluial oxpoiionco ovonls, oxhililions and poifoinancos.
2-2 He|p|ng |mm|grants through marr|age get sett|ed
Background and need

The |ncrease |n |nternat|ona| marr|ages has |ed to substant|a|
|nf|ux of |mm|grants who a|m to make Korea the|r home.
Inloinalional naiiiagos nunloi 38,491 in 2007, which was 11.1 poiconl
of lho lolal naiiiagos (345,592) hold in Koioa lhal yoai.
- Inloinalional naiiiagos in iuial aioas havo locono connon as 40
(3,172 of 7,930) of lho non ongagod in agiiculluio oi fishing naiiiod
non-Koioans in 2007.
<Number of Korean Marriages with Foreigners>
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
320,063 306,573 304,932 310,944 316,375 332,752 345,592
15,234 15,913 25,658 35,447 43,121 39,690 38,491
of total
4.8% 5.2% 8.4% 11.4% 13.6% 11.9% 11.1%
National Statistics Office, Marriage Statistics, 2007`
As of Doconloi 2007, lho lolal nunloi of innigianls lo Koioa
lhiough naiiiago slood al 146,508.
- Tho nunloi of naluializod innigianls lhiough naiiiago ioachod 44,291
and lho nunloi of lhoso who did nol ollain Koioan nalionalily slood
al 102,217.
Naluralzed mmqranls lhrouqh marraqe are lhose surveyed by Mnslry ol Publc
Admnslralon & Salely (as ol Aprl 2007) and naluralzed by Mnslry ol Juslce. (May
2007Oecember 2007)
The fa||ure of |mm|grants through marr|age to adapt to Korean
soc|ety underm|nes the foundat|on of fam|||es and |ncurs major
soc|a| costs.
Dospilo lhoii having livod in Koioa foi a long lino, nosl innigianls
lhiough naiiiago lack sufficionl knowlodgo of Koioan languago and
culluio lo livo convonionlly in Koioa.
- Mosl innigianls lhiough naiiiago, ospocially lhoso fion Violnan,
Canlodia, lho Philippinos, suffoi fion connunicalion piollons.
Cnly 42 ol lhe !00 mmqranls lhrouqh marraqe who appled lor lhe wrllen lesl
lor naluralzalon passed. A mere !8.5 ol lhe Velnamese and 20 ol lhe
Cambodan applcanls passed. (Mnslry ol Juslce. 2007)
- Insufficionl undoislanding of Koioan socioly oxposos innigianls lhiough
naiiiago lo disciininalion and hunan iighls aluso. Tho childion of
lhoso naiiiagos also suffoi oducalion piollons. Syslonalic and
slop-ly-slop oducalion slailing fion aiiivals aio noodod.
Mosl of lho innigianls lhiough naiiiago havo slalod lhoy havo
difficullios in lhoii daily livos as woll as in lhoii fanily & social
- Tho innigianls lhiough naiiiago also havo piollons in iaising lhoii
childion locauso of lho dopiossion lhoy suffoi fion lhoii iadical chango
in onviionnonl and social isolalion.
<Foreign Spouses' Difficulties for Living in Korea>
23.2% 15% 14.7% 11.4% 11.8% 3.7% 2.6% 3%
Ministry of Gender Equality, Fact-finding Survey on mmigrants through Marriage`
Low part|c|pat|on |n the workforce by |mm|grants through
marr|age due to the |ack of emp|oyment |nformat|on and systemat|c
job tra|n|ng
Innigianls lhiough naiiiago wanl lo woik, dospilo lhoii low ialo of
pailicipalion in ocononic aclivilios.
- Tho 2006 facl-finding suivoy on innigianls lhiough naiiiago conpilod
ly lho Minisliy of Condoi Equalily shows lhal only 34 of lho wonon
aio woiking whilo 82 of lhoso who aio unonployod oxpiossod a
sliong dosiio lo find a jol.
Innigianls lhiough naiiiago cilod lho following noasuios as possillo
ways lo suppoil lhoii pailicipalion in lho oconony:
- Finding suitable jobs (40%), childcare and educational support (25%), Korean
language education (13%), understanding and support from spouses and family
members (12%.)
|nternat|ona| marr|ages are vu|nerab|e to |||ega| brokerage and
exp|o|tat|on as a means for an easy v|sa. |t |s d|ff|cu|t to
conf|rm the genu|ne |ntent|ons of persons who app|y for
|nternat|ona| marr|age.
Maiiiago can lo usod as an oasy way lo iocoivo a visa issuanco, as lho
govoinnonl has difficully in dispioving lho gonuinonoss of naiiiago.
- Casos of fiaudulonl naiiiago aio on lho iiso. This fiaud nay lo
poipolualod ly oilhoi ono oi lolh of lho naiiiago pailnois.
<Fraudulent Marriage Cases Prosecuted>
2004 2005 2006 July 2007
and/or brokers
148 298 393 318
1,876 3,314 3,635 4,112
<Korean National Police Agency, July 2007>
Hunan iighls aluso lowaid foioign spousos is on lho iiso, and fanily
iolalionships aio doslioyod ly lho iiiogulaiilios of liokois, falso
infoinalion and lack of nulual undoislanding wilhin lho inloinalional
<Divorce of Korean-foreigner Couples>
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Divorces in total 145,324 167,096 139,365 128,468 125,032 124,590
Divorces involving
1,866 2,164 3,400 4,278 6,280 8,828
Divorces involving
foreigners /total
1.3 1.3 2.4 3.3 5.0 7.1
ncrease - 298 1,236 878 2,002 2,548
ncrease rate - 16.0 57.1 25.8 46.8 40.6
Korean male +
foreign female
401 583 1,611 2,444 4,010 5,794
ncrease rate - 45.4 176.3 51.7 64.1 44.5
Korean female+
foreign male
1,465 1,581 1,789 1,834 2,270 3,034
ncrease rate - 7.9 13.2 2.5 23.8 33.7
<Statistical Offices, April 2008>
Act|on p|an

2-2-1. Support|ng the soc|a| adaptat|on of |mm|grants through

Re|nforc|ng bas|c educat|on programs for |mm|grants through
Tho "social inlogialion piogian" will lo slandaidizod, and inconlivos aio
piovidod lo lhoso who conplolo lho social inlogialion piogian.
(Minisliy of }uslico, Minisliy of Educalion, Scionco & Tochnology,
Minisliy of Culluio, Spoils & Touiisn, Minisliy of Hoallh, Wolfaio, &
Ianily Affaiis, Minisliy of Pullic Adninislialion & Safoly, and Minisliy
foi Iood, Agiiculluio, Ioiosliy & Iishoiios)
- Slandaid ciiloiia will lo oslallishod foi conlonl, cuiiicula, insliuclois,
naloiials, and inslilulions lo onhanco lho pailicipanls undoislanding of
Koioan languago and nulliculluial socioly.
- Divoiso inconlivos aio offoiod lo lhoso who conplolo a social inlogialion
piogian lhal nools lho alovo ciiloiia.
Tho class suljocls aio loing oxpandod lo includo undoislanding of
Koioan languago and culluio. (Minisliy of Hoallh, Wolfaio & Ianily
Affaiis, Minisliy of Pullic Adninislialion & Safoly, Minisliy of Culluio,
Spoils & Touiisn, and Minisliy of Educalion, Scionco & Tochnology)
- Classos foi onhancing undoislanding of Koioan languago and culluio
aio loing oxpandod lo nulliculluial fanily suppoil conlois, connunily
soivico conlois and local culluial conlois.
- Koioan languago insliuclois aio loing liainod and oducalional naloiials
aio loing dovolopod and disliilulod.
Overse class means s also benq developed. ncludnq onlne proqrams.
- Innigianls lhiough naiiiago aio loing includod in lho "adull liloiacy
inilialivo" and "lifolong oducalion piogian foi lho naiginalizod populalion."
The adull lleracy nlalve s a proqram lor provdnq adulls wlh a second chance lo
receved an educalon.
- Innigianls lhiough naiiiago and nulliculluial fanilios aio golling
noio oppoilunilios lo oxpoiionco ails and culluial ovonls (plays, filns
and olhoi nodia) and lo iocoivo an oducalion.
|mprov|ng access to |nformat|on and boost|ng counse||ng serv|ces
A lioad iango of infoinalion on living in Koioa is offoiod lhiough lho
wolsilos of local govoinnonls. (Minisliy of Pullic Adninislialion &
- Mulliplo languago suppoil is piovidod lo ioflocl lho nalionalily
conposilion of foioign iosidonls in local govoinnonl juiisdiclions.
Quailoily nagazinos aio loing pullishod in nulliplo languagos.
(Minisliy of Hoallh, Wolfaio & Ianily Affaiis)
- Thoy piovido infoinalion on lifo in Koioa and govoinnonl policy in
fivo languagos.
Inloipiolalion and lianslalion hol linos havo loon oslallishod al lho
nalional lovol. (Minisliy of Hoallh, Wolfaio & Ianily Affaiis)
- Sinco lho inloipiolalion and lianslalion syslon was oslallishod, suppoil
has loon piovidod lo doploy inloipiolois in onoigoncios.
Consullalion soivicos havo loon upgiadod foi innigianls lhiough
naiiiago and lhoii fanilios. (Minisliy of }uslico and Minisliy of Hoallh,
Wolfaio & Ianily Affaiis)
- Consullalion soivicos aio loing oxpandod lhiough lho uso of volunloois
such as slaff nonlois wilh foioign languago alilily and ly dosignaling
innigianls as honoiaiy innigialion officois lo iopiosonl lhoii counliy
of oiigin.
- Consullalion soivicos aio loing looslod lhiough nulliculluial fanily
suppoil conlois and visiling loachois.
- Monlal hoallh chock-ups and consullalion soivicos aio loing inpiovod
foi innigianls lhiough naiiiago and lhoii childion.
mmqranls lhrouqh marraqe and lher chldren are now elqble lor lhe menlal
heallh consullalon servces al communly menlal heallh cenlers (07.)
Re|nforc|ng soc|a| serv|ces (ex. ch||dcare)
Piognanl innigianls aio visilod and givon lho suppoil lhoy nood foi
giving liilh. (Minisliy of Hoallh, Wolfaio & Ianily Affaiis)
- Tho visils login whon lho innigianls aio in lhoii oighlh nonlh of
piognancy, and suppoil is piovidod lofoio and whon lho child is loin.
Cioaloi assislanco is loing piovidod foi child iaising. (Minisliy of
Hoallh, Wolfaio & Ianily Affaiis)
- Hono visil oducalion and consullalion soivicos aio piovidod foi
nulliculluial fanilios wilh childion agod undoi 12.
Supporl was provded lor !0.240 lamles n 2008.
Expand|ng the user-or|ented serv|ce supp|y base
Tho inloiconnoclion is loing lolsloiod anong local iosouicos conloiing
on local govoinnonls. (Minisliy of Pullic Adninislialion & Safoly,
Minisliy of Hoallh, Wolfaio & Ianily Affaiis, Minisliy of }uslico, and
Minisliy of Culluio, Spoils & Touiisn)
- Tho inloiconnoclion is loing slionglhonod anong iolalod oiganizalions
such as nulliculluial fanily suppoil conlois, schools, Koioan languago
culluio conlois, local culluial conlois, social wolfaio coipoialion, and
social gioups.
- Conpiohonsivo soivicos aio piovidod al nulliculluial fanily suppoil
conlois. Thoso soivicos includo oducalion on Koioan languago and
culluio, fanily oducalion and consullalion, child-iaising suppoil and
oiganizalion of solf-holp gioups.
The cenlers are a hub ol local servce supplers.
- Educalion couisos foi innigianls lhiough naiiiago aio loing oponod
and oxpandod al lho connunily soivico conlois.
Servces nclude Korean lanquaqe classes. ob lrannq. consullalon and
opporlunles lo experence Korean cullure.
A soivico dolivoiy syslon is loing oslallishod al lho local lovol.
(Minisliy of Hoallh, Wolfaio & Ianily Affaiis, Minisliy of Pullic
Adninislialion & Safoly, and Minisliy of }uslico)
- Tho local govoinnonls aio givon gioaloi aulonony and accounlalilily
foi dosignaling and opoialing soivico dolivoiy oiganizalions such as
nulliculluial fanily suppoil conlois. This way, lho conlois can lolloi
ioflocl lho noods of oach local aioa and ils foioign populalion.
- Soivico dolivoiy is loing incioasingly dologalod lo local govoinnonls lo
onsuio lho local piojocls and financing ionains solid.
There are 80 mullcullural lamly supporl cenlers and 20 unversly hubs ol
mullcullural socely nleqralon as ol 2008.
Fac|||tat|ng adaptat|on through se|f-he|p groups
Assislanco is piovidod lo solf-holp gioups and policy noniloi loans aio
in opoialion. (Minisliy of }uslico and Minisliy of Hoallh, Wolfaio &
Ianily Affaiis)
- Innigianls lhiough naiiiago iocoivo suppoil foi shaiing infoinalion
lhiough nolwoiks dodicalod lo spocific counliios and olhnic lackgiounds.
Ioodlack is galhoiod fion lho nolwoiks.
Venues are provded lor holdnq reqular meelnqs. and meelnqs are orqanzed
lor local represenlalves.
Solf-holp gioups aio oiganizod foi lho spousos and paionls-in-law of
innigianls lhiough naiiiago, and classos aio piovidod. (Minisliy of Hoallh,
Wolfaio & Ianily Affaiis)
- Infoinalion is oxchangod anong diffoionl fanilios and fiiondships aio
- Ianily inlogialion oducalion is piovidod foi innigianls lhiough naiiiago,
lhoii spousos, paionls-in-law, and childion lo onhanco fanily iolalions.
2-2-2. Support|ng the f|nanc|a| |ndependence of |mm|grants through
Prov|d|ng emp|oyment |nformat|on and job tra|n|ng
Modols of aio loing dovolopod foi innigianls lhiough naiiiago lo
achiovo financial indopondonco ly oilhoi golling a jol oi ly slailing up
a lusinoss of lhoii own. (Minisliy of Laloi and Minisliy of Hoallh,
Wolfaio & Ianily Affaiis)
- A syslon has loon dovolopod lo link lho dovolopnonl of jol liaining
couisos and jols foi innigianls lhiough naiiiago fion oach counliy of
The qovernmenl s helpnq lo lnk employmenl and wellare servces wlh laclles
ncludnq mullcullural lamly supporl cenlers.
Suppoil foi onploynonl is loing lailoiod foi innigianls lhiough
naiiiago. (Minisliy of Laloi, Minisliy of Hoallh, Wolfaio & Ianily
Affaiis, and Minisliy of Pullic Adninislialion & Safoly)
- }ol oppoilunilios aio loing dovolopod lhal losl suil innigianls lhiough
naiiiago such as nulliculluial loachois, languago insliuclois, inloipiolois,
and lianslalois. }ol liaining couisos aio also loing offoiod.
- An onploynonl coopoialion syslon is loing oslallishod anong govoinnonl
oiganizalions, local govoinnonls, local oducalion officos, and childcaio
He|p|ng |mm|grants through marr|age |n rura| areas
Tiaining has loon inpiovod on faining nolhods, and noio suppoil is
loing piovidod foi lhon lo locono fainois. (Minisliy of Hoallh,
Wolfaio & Ianily Affaiis)
- Suppoil piogians foi innigianls lhiough naiiiago includo liaining on
faining nolhods, consulling soivicos and lho ossonlials foi slailing up
a viallo lusinoss in agiiculluio.
Wonon innigianls lhiough naiiiago aio iocoiving holp lo ongaging in
agiiculluio accoiding lo lhoii spocific capalilily. (Minisliy of Iood,
Agiiculluio, Ioiosliy & Iishoiios)
- no-on-ono liaining in agiiculluio is piovidod ly loading fonalo fainois
in local connunilios.
An ndvdualzed supporl polcy wll be n ellecl lor mqranl women lhal ncludes
comprehensve measures lo losler mqranl women larmers.
2-2-3. Creat|ng a sound cu|ture for |nternat|ona| marr|age
Strengthen|ng the prevent|on of fraudu|ent marr|ages
Inspoclion piocoduios will lo lighlonod foi issuing visas lo innigianls
lhiough naiiiago. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- Any inviloi who pioviously ongagod in a fiaudulonl naiiiago oi who
divoicos fioquonlly will lo lhoioughly invosligalod lo doloinino lho
alilily lo nainlain a noinal naiiiago lifo.
Tho visa syslon foi innigianls lhiough naiiiago is loing ioviowod and
iovisod. (Tho Minisliy of }uslico)
- A now visa syslon is loing sludiod lo slionglhon lho alilily lo doloinino
lho liuo inlonlion of lho naiiiagos.
Tho noniloiing syslon ovoi lifo afloi onliy inlo Koioa is loing
slionglhonod. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- Rogulai facl-finding suivoys aio loing conduclod lo confiin accuialo
naiiiago slalus.
- Invosligalion inlo suspicious naiiiagos will lo sloppod up.
Brokers ol lraudulenl marraqes are benq slrclly punshed.
Moio aggiossivo aclivilios aio loing inplononlod lo conlal fiaudulonl
naiiiagos. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- Ropoil conlois will lo oslallishod foi viclins of inloinalional naiiiago
fiaud, and lho iopoilod casos aio loing ulilizod in invosligalion and
onfoicononl aclivilios.
- Tho nolhods of aiianging fiaudulonl naiiiagos aio loing discovoiod
lhiough lho invosligalion piocoss and inpiovod caso analysis. Tho
analysis iosulls will lo pullishod and poslod on lho M} wolsilo.
Prevent|ng |||ega| act|v|t|es and human r|ghts |nfr|ngement dur|ng
Tho naiiiago liokoi iogislialion syslon is loing iovanpod quickly.
(Minisliy of Hoallh, Wolfaio & Ianily Affaiis and Minisliy of }uslico)
- Conpuloi syslons aio loing inslallod lo suppoil lho iogislialion syslon.
The Acl on Manaqemenl ol Marraqe Brokeraqe was passed (June. !5. 2008.)
- Tho punishnonl of uniogisloiod liokois will lo lolsloiod.
- Tho focus is on violalion of local laws and iogulalions ly naiiiago
liokois and lho iopoiling of fiaudulonl infoinalion.
Educalion foi inloinalional naiiiago liokois is loing lolsloiod. (Minisliy
of Hoallh, Wolfaio & Ianily Affaiis)
- Maiiiago liokois aio ioquiiod lo allond liaining piioi lo lhoii loing
- Cuiiicula has loon dovolopod foi liaining naiiiago liokois, and insliuclois
of lhoso classos aio loing cullivalod.
Iacl-finding suivoys aio conduclod on hunan iighls violalions and
inslilulional inpiovononl will lo pionolod. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- Hunan iighls violalions includo foicod naiiiago, confinononl and
piaclicos sinilai lo hunan liafficking.
Enhanc|ng understand|ng about |nternat|ona| marr|age
Polonlial nigianls aio givon pionuplial classos. (Minisliy of Condoi
Equalily, Minisliy of }uslico, Minisliy of Hoallh, Wolfaio &Ianily Affaiis)
- Tho classos covoi naiiiago-iolalod laws, gondoi oqualily, lho piovonlion
of donoslic violonco, idonlily confiinalion lofoio an inloinalional
naiiiago and piovonlion of danago fion fiaudulonl naiiiagos.
Educalion is piovidod lo polonlial spousos lofoio naiiiago as woll as lo
spousos afloi naiiiago. (Minisliy of Hoallh, Wolfaio & Ianily Affaiis)
- Classos on naiiiago and fanily lifo aio piovidod lhiough nulliculluial
fanily suppoil conlois.
Polonlial innigianls lhiough naiiiago aio givon infoinalion on
inloinalional naiiiago. (Minisliy of Hoallh, Wolfaio & Ianily Affaiis,
and Minisliy of Ioioign Affaiis & Tiado)
- Call conlois will lo in opoialion in Mongolia, Canlodia and olsowhoio.
- A pio-onliy oducalion piogian will lo dovolopod and disliilulod lo
ovoisoas nissions.
Creat|ng a sound env|ronment for ch||dren of
mu|t|cu|tura| fam|||es
Background and need

The number of ch||dren from mu|t|cu|tura| fam|||es cont|nues
to |ncrease |n Korea, and they need he|p |n estab||sh|ng the|r
sense of |dent|ty.
A significanl nunloi of childion fion nulliculluial fanilios havo now
ioachod school ago.
- As of Apiil 2008, lho nunloi of childion of nulliculluial couplos al
olononlaiy, niddlo, and high school ago was 18,778, a 2.3-fold incioaso
fion lho 7,998 poslod in Apiil 2006.
<Number of Children from Multicultural Families Now in School>

- Twico as nany childion of nulliculluial couplos aio of pioschool ago
lhan lhoso who aio old onough lo lo in olononlaiy school.
The chldren aqed 6 or below lrom mullcullural couples slands al 33.!40.
(Mnslry ol Publc Admnslralon and Salely. May 2008)
Thoio is a significanl possililily lhal childion in nulliculluial fanilios
oxpoiionco nonlal isolalion and idonlily confusion causod ly diffoioncos
in appoaianco, culluio, and acconl as woll as ly lullying.
There |s a grow|ng need to prevent ch||dren from mu|t|cu|tura|
fam|||es from fa|||ng beh|nd others |n schoo| performance as
we|| as to address the|r |nab|||ty to adapt to schoo|.
Childion of nulliculluial couplos aio oflon unallo lo acquiio lasic
loaining skills duo lo lhoii nolhois lack of Koioan fluoncy and lhoii
fanilios ocononic haidship.
Sono childion of nulliculluial couplos locono viclins of school
lullying locauso of lhoii diffoionl appoaianco.
<Difficulties of Children from Multicultural Families>
Soc|ety |s neg||gent |n tak|ng care of mu|t|cu|tura| ch||dren
who do not go to schoo| and who fa|| to adapt to schoo| ||fe
and the ch||dren of m|grant workers.
Sono childion novoi onioll in school, whilo olhois diop oul afloi failing
lo adapl.
Tho childion of innigianls aio in dangoi of falling inlo a vicious cyclo
of povoily if lhoy fail lo land a jol duo lo social piojudico oi
disciininalion ovon lhough lhoy conplolo avoiago oducalion.
Act|on p|an

2-3-1. Support|ng schoo| performance and ||fe of mu|t|cu|tura|
Support|ng the schoo| performance of mu|t|cu|tura| ch||dren
A lilingual oducalion onviionnonl is loing cioalod. (Minisliy of
Educalion, Scionco & Tochnology and Minisliy of Hoallh, Wolfaio &
Ianily Affaiis)
- Innigianls lhiough naiiiago aio oncouiagod lo pailicipalo in afloi-school
classos as assislanl languago insliuclois.
- "ilingual piogians" aio loing suppoilod lo includo doploying insliuclois
lo childcaio facililios, local childion conlois, afloi-school acadonios, and
olhoi youlh facililios.
The mullcullural lamly supporl cenlers or lhe Educalon Cllce selecl oualled
people amonq lhe mmqranls lhrouqh marraqe lor lrannq and deploymenl
as lanquaqe nslruclors.
Pioschool childion gol holp in acquiiing lasic loaining skills. (Minisliy
of Educalion, Scionco & Tochnology, Minisliy of Culluio, Spoils &
Touiisn and Minisliy of Hoallh, Wolfaio & Ianily Affaiis)
- Pioschool childion fion nulliculluial fanilios iocoivo holp lo onhanco
lhoii undoislanding of Koioan languago and culluio lhiough
play-and-loain piogians.
- An "ovalualion and dovolopnonl" piogian is piovidod lo young childion
who do nol allond pioschool oi childcaio facililios.
- Suppoil is piovidod foi lho languago oducalion of childion whoso
languago dovolopnonl has loon dolayod.
Toaching naloiials aio dovolopod on Koioan languago and lasic
loaining skills. (Minisliy of Educalion, Scionco & Tochnology and
Minisliy of Culluio, Spoils & Touiisn)
- Koioan languago loxllooks and insliuclion guidolooks aio dovolopod lo
acconnodalo lho languago and poifoinanco lovol of lho sludonls.
Support|ng the schoo| ||fe of mu|t|cu|tura| ch||dren
Tho suppoil syslon foi nulliculluial oducalion is loing slionglhonod.
(Minisliy of Educalion, Scionco & Tochnology)
- A "conlial oiganizalion foi nulliculluial oducalion" will lo in opoialion
wilh a nandalo lhal includos lho dovolopnonl of loaching naloiials foi
nulliculluial childion, iosoaich on nulliculluial oducalion policy and
loachoi liaining.
- Tho Minisliy of Educalion, Scionco & Tochnology and lho nunicipal and
piovincial fficos of Educalion will opoialo a "nulliculluial oducalion
consullalivo lody" and oslallish a syslon lo noniloi and assoss
oducalion offico piojocls.
- Diagnoslic lools will lo dovolopod lo noasuio lho languago and cognilivo
skills of schoolchildion in lho oaily giados.
- Sludonls lacking fluoncy in Koioa will iocoivo holp lhiough a lovol-spocific
supplononlaiy piogian.
Lovol-spocific insliuclion will lo givon lo sludonls who lack lasic
loaining skills.(Minisliy of Educalion, Scionco & Tochnology)
- An "accounlalilily syslon" foi undoiachiovois will lo inplononlod lo
holp lhon acquiio lasic loaining skills, and suppoil will lo piovidod lo
dovolop supplononlaiy loaching naloiials.
- Afloi-school nonloiing will lo piovidod wilh holp of polonlial
olononlaiy, niddlo and high school loachois.
"Mulliculluio oducalion" spocialisls will lo liainod and doployod.
(Minisliy of Educalion, Scionco & Tochnology and Minisliy of Culluio,
Spoils & Touiisn)
- Spocializod liaining couisos will lo oslallishod al univoisilios and nunicipal
and piovincial oducalion liaining inslilulos.
- Toachois wilh nulliculluial oducalion oxpoiionco will lo dovolopod inlo
spocializod nulliculluio loachois and lilingual loachois.
Specalsls wll be assqned lo rellecl local condlons and school demand.
- Koioan languago oducalion will lo slionglhonod foi spocializod nulliculluial
oducalion loachois and lilingual loachois.
Mulliculluial oducalion policy iosoaich schools will lo opoialod.
(Minisliy of Educalion, Scionco & Tochnology)
- A nulliculluial oducalion nodol will lo dovolopod afloi iunning a pilol
piogian al schools. Tho piogian will lo lod ly nunicipal and
piovincial oducalion officos.
As ol 2007. lwelve schools have been desqnaled (lwo preschools. eqhl elemenlary
schools. one mddle school and one hqh school.)
Tho caiooi palh consullalion soivico will lo inpiovod foi childion of
nulliculluial couplos. (Minisliy of Educalion, Scionco & Tochnology)
- Tho caiooi palh consullalion will lo inpiovod foi lho olononlaiy
childion of nulliculluial couplos.
Strengthen|ng mu|t|cu|tura| parents' ab|||ty to educate the|r ch||dren
Tho "class foi childions happinoss" is loing inlioducod al schools.
(Minisliy of Educalion, Scionco & Tochnology)
- Paionlal pailicipalion in lhoii childions oducalion will incioaso lhiough
connunily suppoil foi onhancing Koioan languago and culluio and
childions oducalion consullalion soivicos.
A "consullalion wook" will lo dosignalod foi nulliculluial paionls.
(Minisliy of Educalion, Scionco & Tochnology)
- "Consullalion wook" al schools will piovido guidanco on childions
school lifo and oducalion.
2-3-2. Cu|t|vat|ng soc|a| adaptab|||ty and se|f-re||ance
Support|ng soc|a| adaptab|||ty for mu|t|cu|tura| ch||dren
An oaily adaplalion piogian is loing dovolopod foi nulliculluial youlh
who woio loin oi lioughl up ovoisoas. (Minisliy of Hoallh, Wolfaio &
Ianily Affaiis)
- A facl-finding suivoy is conduclod on nulliculluial youlh and an
inlioducloiy piogian (slopping-slono couiso) is loing dovolopod on
Koioan languago, socioly, and culluio.
Educalion oppoilunilios aio loing oxpandod foi sludonls who fail lo
adapl and who diop oul. (Minisliy of Educalion, Scionco & Tochnology)
- Suppoil is piovidod foi alloinalivo schools and olhoi schools wilh
nulliculluial sludonls.
Fnancal supporl s now avalable lor 7 nsllulons. ncludnq Asa Communly
School and Ahmna Peace School (2007).
A conpiohonsivo suppoil nodol is loing dovolopod foi nulliculluial
youlh in local connunilios. (Minisliy of Hoallh, Wolfaio & Ianily Affaiis)
- Cuslonizod soivicos aio loing piovidod in lho connunily lo nool lho
noods of nulliculluial youlh ly luilding a pullic-piivalo coopoialion
syslon anong youlh-iolalod inslilulions and civil social gioups.
A full iango of usoful infoinalion is loing piovidod lo nulliculluial
youlh. (Minisliy of Hoallh, Wolfaio & Ianily Affaiis)
- Logal, oducalional and wolfaio infoinalion foi nulliculluial youlh, gonoial
youlh and iolalod oxpoils will lo availallo via onlino/offlino soivicos.
Expoils on nulliculluial fanilios aio loing cullivalod. (Minisliy of
Hoallh, Wolfaio & Ianily Affaiis)
- An oxpoiliso inpiovononl piogian is in opoialion foi youlh counsolois
and insliuclois. Thoy iocoivo insliuclion lo slionglhon lhoii capalilily lo
assisl nulliculluial fanilios.
Cu|t|vat|ng the se|f-re||ance of mu|t|cu|tura| ch||dren
Tho childion of nulliculluial fanilios aio includod in lho youlh solf-iolianco
suppoil piojocl. (Minisliy of Hoallh, Wolfaio & Ianily Affaiis)
- Educalion is piovidod foi nuiluiing occupalional and social adaplalilily
and foi onhancing onployalilily.
Supporl s provded lo lowncome youlh lor lhe employmenl and sellrelance al 28
youlh supporl cenlers.
Tho childion of innigianls aio loing askod lo holp wilh lho nulliculluial
oducalion offoil. (Minisliy of Educalion, Scionco & Tochnology)
- Thoso who havo conplolod lho liaining and oducalion couiso aio loing
oncouiagod lo soivo as school counsolois, volunloois and foioign
languago assislanl loachois.
Creat|ng a fr|end|y env|ronment for Korean
Background and need

Overseas Koreans f|nd |t re|at|ve|y eas|er to adapt to Korean
soc|ety than peop|e from other ethn|c backgrounds.
Thoio aio aloul 7 nillion Koioan diaspoia woildwido. (Anong lhon,
aloul 4 nillion aio non-Koioan nalionals.)
<Number of Diaspora>
Sinco lho onfoicononl of lho "Acl on lho Innigialion and Logal Slalus
of voisoas Koioans (hoioinafloi lho Acl foi voisoas Koioans)" (99),
and lho launch of lho Woik-Visil syslon (07), lho influx of Koioan
diaspoia has loon conlinuously iising.
- As of }uno 2008, Koioan diaspoia iopiosonlod 36.6 poiconl (419,485) of
lho foioign iosidonls (1,145,660) in Koioa.
<Number of Korean Diaspora with Foreign Nationality>
(As of late June 2008)

Visit & empIoyment
Diaspora Family visit Others
419,485 297,329 38,226 15,360 68,570
A stronger network |s needed to ||nk ethn|c Koreans around
the wor|d, and the Korean d|aspora needs to become more
|nvo|ved |n the Korean economy |n the face of Korea's |ow
fert|||ty rate, ag|ng popu|at|on and shr|nk|ng |abor force.
Moio oppoilunilios aio noodod foi lho Koioan diaspoia lo pailicipalo in
lho Koioan oconony, and lhoii logal slalus nusl lo guaianlood lo
slionglhon lhoii londs wilh Koioa so lhal lhoy will conliilulo lhoii
knowlodgo and oxpoiionco.
Thoio aio concoins ovoi lho oiosion of lho Koioan jol naikol as lho
najoi aioa of onploynonl foi Koioans fion China and lho foinoi
Soviol Lnion is unskillod laloi.
Korean daspora wlh lhe Cverseas Korean slalus under lhe Acl lor Cverseas
Korean are allowed lo enler or exl Korea lreely and lo nvolve n
economc aclvles besdes unsklled labor. Ths has led mosl ol lhe
Korean daspora lrom Chna and lhe lormer Sovel Unon lo seek a
WorkVsl vsa lo parlcpale n lhe Korean economy.
|nsuff|c|ent po||cy attent|on has been pa|d to |mprove the
|mm|grat|on serv|ce env|ronment and support |mm|grants'
soc|a| adaptab|||ty to keep up w|th the |ncreas|ng |nf|ux of
Korean d|aspora.
Tho Koioan diaspoia has a sliong nood foi infoinalion on lho Koioan
logal syslon and innigialion soivicos.
Koioan diaspoia wilhoul iolalivos in Koioa find il haid lo gol a jol oi
adapl lo Koioan socioly.
<Diaspora PoIicy of Other Countries>

Japan: "Permanent residence" status is granted to diaspora, allowing
them to enter or exit Japan freely and engage in employment to
the same extent as Japanese nationals.
China: The Chinese diaspora is granted a status equivalent to permanent
residency according to a directive by the mmigration Management
Bureau of the PRC Ministry of Public Security.
Germany: The diaspora is granted "permanent residence" status under
the basic law, nationality law, and immigration law.
Latin America, IsraeI & Turkey: Dual nationality is provided to maintain
bonds with the diaspora.
United States & AustraIia: Former nationality holders and their children
are granted an immigration visa as a form of preferred treatment.
Act|on p|an

2-4-1. Revamp|ng |ega| status and |nst|tut|ons to |ncrease the
econom|c part|c|pat|on of Korean d|aspora
Re|nforc|ng Korean d|aspora's bonds w|th Korea through |mproved
|ega| status
Eligililily foi lho voisoas Koioan (I-4) visa will lo oxpandod lo
Koioan diaspoia fion China and lho Ioinoi Soviol Lnion. (Tho
Minisliy of }uslico)
- If Koioan diaspoia fion China and lho foinoi LSSR havo no possililily
of loconing unskillod woikois in Koioa, lhoy aio gianlod voisoas
Koioan (I-4) slalus as aio lho Koioan diaspoia fion lho advancod counliios.
Tho poinanonl iosidonco slalus will lo oxpandod foi Koioan diaspoia.
(Tho Minisliy of }uslico)
- In piinciplo "poinanonl iosidonco" slalus will lo gianlod lo voisoas
Koioan (I-4) visa holdois who havo slayod in Koioa foi 2 yoais.
The Enlorcemenl Oecree ol lhe mmqralon Conlrol Acl was amended on
July 3. 2008.
Condilional poinission foi dual nalionalily is loing considoiod foi lhoso
who cono lo hold dual nalionalily involunlaiily. (Tho Minisliy of }uslico)
mplemenlalon wll depend on publc opnon.
|ncreas|ng the econom|c part|c|pat|on of Korean d|aspora from
Ch|na and the former USSR by |mprov|ng the Work-V|s|t system
Tho annual quola foi Koioan diaspoia onloiing Koioa will lo adjuslod
wilhin ioason. (Minisliy of }uslico and Minisliy of Laloi)
- A naxinun quola will lo sol foi Koioan diaspoia onloiing Koioa, and
noio ioon will lo givon wilhin lhis quola lo Koioan diaspoia wilhoul
fanilios oi iolalivos in Koioa. Tho nunloi of invilalions foi Koioan
diaspoia wilh fanily oi iolalivos in Koioa will lo linilod accoiding lo
donoslic laloi naikol ioquiiononls.
Enploynonl will lo oncouiagod in lho aioas wilh laloi shoilagos.
(Minisliy of }uslico and Minisliy of Laloi)
- Koioan diaspoia will lo allowod lo invilo fanily, doponding on lhoii
onploynonl poiiod, oi lo gianlod poinanonl iosidoncy as an inconlivo
lo woik in lho indusliios lhal Koioan nalionals avoid oi in lho aioas
whoio lho laloi shoilago is soiious (agiiculluio, SME nanufacluiois
oulsido lho Cioaloi Sooul Aioa).
Korean daspora lend lo work al conslruclon sles or n servce nduslres.
ralher lhan n manulaclurnq. where labor s n shorl supply. snce lhey can
speak Korean and chanqnq work localons s easy.
Tho nanagononl of Koioan diaspoia affaiis will lo slionglhonod, lo
includo lolloi iosponsivonoss lo lho oxplosivo incioaso in Koioan
diaspoia in laloi foico, and a lolloi giasp of lho onploynonl silualion
will lo ollainod. (Minisliy of }uslico and Minisliy of Laloi)
- Tho onploynonl silualion of Koioan diaspoia will lo noio accuialoly
undoislood ly lighloning lho iopoiling olligalion.
Slrcler punshmenl wll be qven lo employers and employees who work wlh
Korean daspora wlhoul reporlnq. whle ncenlves wll also be provded lor
Reduc|ng the negat|ve |mpact from the |nf|ow of Korean d|aspora
iokois will lo olininalod fion lho visa issuanco piocoduio. (Minisliy
of }uslico)
- Visa issuanco piocoduios will lo inpiovod, including a ioduclion in lho
papoiwoik foi visa applicalion.
}ol infoinalion will lo piovidod lofoio onliy inlo Koioa. (Minisliy of
Laloi and Minisliy of Ioioign Affaiis & Tiado)
- Infoinalion will lo piovidod on local conpanios looking lo onploy
Koioan diaspoia, lhoioly offoiing sono socuiily foi lho jol sookois
anong lho Koioan diaspoia.
}ol oppoilunilios foi Koioan nalionals will also lo pioloclod lhiough
sliicl nanagononl of Koioan diaspoia onploynonl. (Minisliy of }uslico
and Minisliy of Laloi)
- Sliicloi adninislialivo aclion will lo lakon againsl Koioan diaspoia who
aio woiking wilhoul iopoiling il oi lhoso woiking in aioas whoio lhoy
aio nol poinillod ly law.
2-4-2. |mprov|ng the treatment of Korean d|aspora
|mprov|ng the ||v|ng env|ronment for Korean d|aspora
Tho innigialion inslilulions and syslon aio loing inpiovod foi Koioan
diaspoia in Koioa. (Tho Minisliy of }uslico)
- Moio inslilulions will issuo iosidonco coilificalos.
Currenlly resdence cerllcales lor Korean daspora are ssued only n mmqralon
ollces. Cur qoal s lo expand lhe resdence cerllcale ssuance laclles lor
Korean daspora lo Cly. Gun. and Gu qovernmenl ollces.
- Tho naxinun poiiod of slay poi visa issuanco is loing oxlondod fion
lho piosonl yoais 2 lo 3 yoais.
Tho syslonic logal suppoil piojocl is loing pionolod foi Koioan
diaspoia. (Tho Minisliy of }uslico)
- Koioan diaspoia can now iocoivo logal consullalion onlino, via lho
Minisliy of }uslico wolsilo.
- An annual pullicalion ("Law & Lifo") on logal infoinalion lo Koioan
diaspoia is loing disliilulod.
Support|ng the soc|a| adaptat|on of Korean d|aspora
Tho Innigialion Suppoil Conloi foi Koioan diaspoia has loon dosignalod.
(Tho Minisliy of }uslico)
- Infoinalion is piovidod lhiough piivalo gioups on living in Koioa.
Moio suppoil is loing piovidod lo holp Koioan diaspoia oslallish
lhonsolvos in local connunilios. (Minisliy of Pullic Adninislialion &
- Inplononling lho syslon of sisloihood and sponsoiships foi Koioan
oxpaliialos who cono lo Koioa foi lho poinanonl iosidoncy and so on.
- Koioan diaspoia concoins aio loing incoipoialod in now suppoil
piogians and quoslion calogoiios in lho lasic facl-finding suivoy on
foioignois in Koioa.
- Tho possililily is loing considoiod of including Koioan diaspoia
iosiding in lho juiisdiclion of a local govoinnonl in lho oslinalion of
lho local govoinnonls laloi oxpondiluios and laxos.
Suppoil is piovidod foi onploying Koioan diaspoia wilh Woik-Visil
visas. (Minisliy of Laloi)
- Local jol conlois and piivalo gioups aio holping Koioan diaspoia wilh
Woik-Visil visas lo find jols.
3. Enforc|ng |mm|grat|on |aws
3-1 Enforc|ng |mm|grat|on |aws
Background and need

The number of |||ega| a||ens |s |ncreas|ng stead||y a|ong w|th
the |ncreas|ng |nf|ow of fore|gners to Korea.
Tho nunloi of illogal alions is iising sloadily afloi a slighl diop in 2003
locauso lho now Enploynonl Poinission Syslon.
- As of 2007, lho nunloi of illogal alions slands al 223,464, accounling
foi 21 of lho lolal 1,066,291 foioignois in Koioa.
<llegal Aliens in Korea>
Tho incioaso in illogal alions cioalos social conflicl and uniosl. }ols aio
lakon away fion Koioan nalionals, hunan iighls aio violalod, and
ciininal aclivily ly foioignois iisos.
|nfrastructure |s |nsuff|c|ent for prevent|ng and crack|ng down
on |||ega| a||ens.
A coopoialivo syslon is noodod anong iolalod oiganizalions in all aioas
such as visa issuanco, onliy inspoclion and sojouin nanagononl lo
piovonl alions fion slaying illogally.
A ciackdown on illogal alions is an offoclivo way lo piovonl onliy of
polonlial illogals and oncouiago volunlaiy iopoiling in addilion lo
diioclly ioducing nunloi of illogal alions in lho counliy.
- Howovoi, lho cuiionl ciackdown on illogal alions is oxoculod iandonly
and wilhoul sufficionl hunan iosouicos and physical infiasliucluio. In
addilion, cooidinalion anong lho iolalod ninisliios is lacking.
Enploynonl of illogal alions is a soiious logal violalion and nay load
lo infiingononl of hunan iighls and lax ovasion. Howovoi, sono
loliovo lhal lhis piaclico is inovilallo duo lo lho shoilago of laloi.
- Such poicoplions nood lo lo addiossod locauso lhoy can undoinino lho
offoclivonoss of noasuios againsl illogal alions.
The number of |||ega| a||ens |s |ncreas|ng |ns|de the a||en ghettoes.
Illogal alions conconlialo in aioas whoio living cosls aio low,
connunicalion is accossillo, and jol infoinalion can lo shaiod.
- If lho ghollos of illogal alions aio lofl unchockod, lhoy can locono
souicos of social disiuplion and conflicl.
There |s a concern over |||ega| emp|oyment and other |rregu|ar|t|es
regard|ng some fore|gners on Arts & Performance (E-6) and
|nternat|ona| Student (D-2) v|sas.
Thoio is lho conlinuous piollons wilh pioslilulion ly wonon fion
sono counliios on Ails & Poifoinanco visas and lho illogal onploynonl
of inloinalional sludonls.
Act|on p|an

3-1-1. Estab||sh|ng the foundat|on for reduc|ng overstayers
Re|nforc|ng the prevent|on of overstayers at the v|sa |ssuance stage
Tho links lolwoon lho Innigialion Conliol Infoinalion Syslon (ICIS)
and o-consul aio loing oxpandod. (Minisliy of }uslico and Minisliy of
Ioioign Affaiis & Tiado)
- Infoinalion on lho inviloos and lho inviling pailios will lo colloclod
lhiough lolloi links lolwoon lho o-consul of lho Minisliy of Ioioign
Affaiis & Tiado and Innigialion Conliol Infoinalion Syslon (ICIS).
Tho colloclod infoinalion will lo ulilizod foi visa inspoclion.
The mmqralon Conlrol nlormalon Syslem (CS) and econsul were
connecled al !39 dplomalc mssons (n Seplember 2008.)
Tho visa waivoi agioononl will lo lonpoiaiily suspondod wilh
counliios whoso nalionals fioquonlly locono illogal alions in Koioa.
(Minisliy of Ioioign Affaiis & Tiado and Minisliy of }uslico)
- Tho visa waivoi piogian lolwoon Koioa and angladosh was suspondod
(fion }uly 2008.)
As ol lhe end ol June 2008. 77 ol Banqladeshs n Korea are undocumenled.
- A syslon will lo oslallishod lo noniloi and analyzo lho slalus of
alions fion counliios wilh high ialos of illogal onigialion.
|mprov|ng the capac|ty to |nvest|gate |||ega| status and crack down
on v|o|ators
Slialogic invosligalions of illogal innigialion liokois will lo sloppod up.
(Minisliy of }uslico)
- Tiaining will lo piovidod on foiwaiding casos lo olhoi aulhoiilios and
on invosligalion capalililios.
- Tho officois in chaigo of innigialion cloaianco will lo givon lioadoi
invosligalivo powois foi docunonlaiy offonsos covoiod lolh ly lho
Ciininal Acl and lho Innigialion Conliol Acl and foi violalion of
Passpoil Acl.
Tho infiasliucluio foi invosligaling and ciacking down on illogal alions
will lo iovanpod in slagos. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- Tho nunloi of onfoicononl poisonnol and vohiclos will lo incioasod
sloadily ovoi lho noxl 5 yoais.
- Tho govoinnonl is sludying lho possililily of oslallishing an "innigialion
ciino invosligalion unil" foi conducling laigo-scalo slialogic invosligalions
and inpioving inloinalional cooidinalion.
Japan saw lhe number ol lleqal mmqranls lall lrom 290.000 n !993 lo !40.000 n
June 2007 aller lormnq a specal enlorcemenl aqency under lhe drecl conlrol ol
lhe Mnslry ol Juslce.
A joinl govoinnonl canpaign will lo conduclod iogulaily againsl illogal
alions. (Minisliy of }uslico, Minisliy of Laloi, Koioan Nalional Polico
Agoncy, and Koioa Coasl Cuaid)
- A joinl govoinnonl ciackdown will lo launchod on illogal alions in
foioignoi connunilios.
The campaqn wll be conducled lwce a year (n each hall). lor a lolal ol 4
A govoinnonl-lovol "5-yoai plan againsl illogal innigialion" will lo
oslallishod. (Minisliy of }uslico and olhoi iolovanl ninisliios)
- A govoinnonl-lovol coopoialion syslon againsl illogal alions will lo
The cooperalon syslem wll be planned by a subcommllee on lleqal alens
and presenled lo lhe mmqralon Polcy Commsson.
Infoinalion on illogal alions will lo shaiod anong ninisliios. (Minisliy
of }uslico, Minisliy of Hoallh, Wolfaio, & Ianily Affaiis, Minisliy of
Laloi, and Koioan Nalional Polico Agoncy)
- Infoinalion will lo shaiod so lhal pullic soivanls can idonlify lho
illogal alions whilo pioviding adninislialivo soivico lo foioignois.
Creat|ng a soc|a| env|ronment that d|scourages |||ega| emp|oyment
Enployois of foioign woikois will lo insliuclod, noniloiod and nado
noio awaio of lho illogal alion issuo. (Minisliy of Laloi, Minisliy of
}uslico, and Snall & Modiun usinoss Adninislialion )
- Tiaining and noniloiing will lo lwico a yoai. (5,000 onployois of
foioign woikois)
- SME onployois will lo nado noio awaio of lho illogal foioign woikoi
Enployois of illogal alions will faco sliongoi punishnonl. (Minisliy of
- Enployois who fioquonlly hiio illogal alions oi who aluso lhon will lo
givon addilional and sliicl punishnonl.
3-1-2. Re|nforc|ng the management of fore|gn ghettoes
|mprov|ng the ghetto ||v|ng env|ronment
Suppoil will lo piovidod foi inpioving lho onviionnonl in foioign
connunilios lo pionolo social slalilily. Piogians will includo lho
dovolopnonl of connunilios whoio innigianls conconlialo (Minisliy of
Pullic Adninislialion & Safoly)
- Tho possililily is loing sludiod of pioviding foioignoi suppoil facililios
wilh oiganizalional suppoil and addilional poisonnol.
- Solf-holp gioups will lo foinod, and a volunlaiy soivico syslon will lo
oslallishod in connunilios whoio foioignois conconlialo.
- Tho Local Shaio Tax (onoigoncy suppoil foi local govoinnonls) will lo
piovidod whon foioign gholloos aio io-dovolopod wilhin a givon
Re|nforc|ng the system of manag|ng the fore|gn popu|at|on |n the
Rogulai noolings will lo hold ly adninislialivo oiganizalions whoso
juiisdiclions includo foioign gholloos. (Minisliy of }uslico, and Minisliy
of Pullic Adninislialion & Safoly)
- A consullalivo lody will lo foinod consisling of iopiosonlalivos fion
lho Koioan Nalional Polico Agoncy, innigialion officos, polico slalions,
and local govoinnonls.
Suppoil will lo piovidod foi nuiluiing oiganizalions and nolwoiks of
nigianls. (Minisliy of Pullic Adninislialion & Safoly)
- Local councils of nigianl iopiosonlalivos will lo oslallishod.
A joinl facl-finding suivoy will lo conduclod iogulaily. (Koioa Iood &
Diug Adninislialion and local ains of lho Minisliy of Pullic
Adninislialion & Safoly)
- Tiaining and a joinl onfoicononl canpaign will lo launchod againsl
illogally disliilulod food and unliconsod consliuclion.
3-1-3. Manag|ng |ega| fore|gn res|dents systemat|ca||y
Re|nforc|ng the management of potent|a| |awbreakers
Tho nanagononl of foioignois on Ails and Poifoinanco visas will lo
ioinfoicod. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- A iogulai facl-finding suivoy will lo conduclod on lho slalus of ailisl
agoncios and oslallishnonls lhal hiio foioign poifoinois.
- If a falso invilalion is doloclod, lho inviloi will lo finod lo lho naxinun
oi piosoculod.
Inloinalional sludonls, including languago liainoos, will lo nanagod
syslonalically. (Minisliy of }uslico, and Minisliy of Educalion, Scionco &
- Infoinalion on inloinalional sludonls will lo shaiod anong lho Minisliy
of }uslico, Minisliy of Educalion, Scionco & Tochnology, and concoinod
- Tho appioval of sludonl visas will lo lasod on how woll lho
univoisilios nanago lhoii foioign sludonls.
Tho nanagononl of foioign sludonls will lo iofloclod in ovalualions of
collogos and univoisilios foi financial suppoil piojocls. (Minisliy of
Educalion, Scionco & Tochnology)
- Collogos and univoisilios will lo oncouiagod lo oslallish lhoii own
nanagononl syslons.
Manag|ng borders and fore|gner |nformat|on for
nat|ona| secur|ty
Background and need

Countr|es are work|ng to strengthen border contro| after the
9-11 |nc|dent ra|sed awareness of how the transnat|ona|
movement of peop|e |mpacts nat|ona| secur|ty.
Counliios aio sliiving lo lighlon lhoii loidoi conliol whilo al lho sano
lino pionoling liansnalional oxchangos of pooplo. To lhal ond, lhoy aio
ulilizing culling-odgo infoinalion lochnologios, lionoliic iocognilion, and
olhoi lochnologios. Inloinalional coopoialion againsl liansnalional ciinos
is also loing slionglhonod.
More effect|ve measures are needed to b|ock the entry of
potent|a| cr|m|na|s and reduce fore|gner cr|mes as the number
of fore|gners enter|ng Korea |ncreases.
Sliongoi innigialion cloaianco ioquiiononls nusl lo acconpaniod ly
swifl and accuialo inspoclion piocoduios, suppoilod ly advancod
lochnology, lo nininizo lho inconvonionco lo innoconl liavolois.
More and more counlres are operalnq aulomaled mmqralon nspeclon syslems lhal
ullze lechnoloqes lor recoqnznq bomelrc nlormalon such as lnqerprnls and rses.
Insufficionl infoinalion on idonlilios and inoffoclivo idonlily infoinalion
nanagononl syslons aio significanl inpodinonls lo voiifying lho idonlily
of individuals.
- Tho cuiionl idonlily inspoclion focusos on lho individuals picluio in lho
passpoil oi on lho foioign iogislialion caid. As such il is unallo lo
idonlify falso oi alloiod passpoils and foioign iogislialion caids. In addilion,
danagod passpoil nakos lho inspoclion piocoss noio difficull.
- Diffoionl oiganizalions havo diffoionl ways of wiiling nanos, naking il
difficull lo shaio infoinalion.
|nternat|ona| cooperat|on |s needed to dea| w|th the transnat|ona|
movement of peop|e and transnat|ona| prob|ems.
Counliios nood lo shaio infoinalion and policy oxpoiionco as liansnalional
ciinos such as loiioiisn, snuggling and hunan liafficking locono
incioasingly sophislicalod.
Act|on p|an

3-2-1. Ensur|ng t|ght border contro| and manag|ng dangerous
Modern|z|ng border contro|
An aulonalod innigialion cloaianco syslon will lo adoplod. (Minisliy
of }uslico)
- Tho "aulonalod innigialion cloaianco soivico" ulilizing lionoliic infoinalion
will offoi officioncy and convonionco. on a volunlaiy lasis.
Tho Eloclionic Tiavol Aulhoiily syslon is loing considoiod foi piovonling
dangoious pooplo fion loaiding aiiciafl. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- Tho counliy of oiigin can sond passongoi infoinalion lo lho counliy of
doslinalion foi pio-onliy inspoclion lofoio lickoling. Tho doslinalion
counliy can nolify lho oiigin counliy whon a passongoi has loon
idonlifiod as a polonlial lhioal lo nalional socuiily, lhoioly piovonling
dangoious pooplo fion loaiding lho flighl.
The Advanced Passenger lnformation System (APlS) analyzes passenger information
provided by airlines upon arrival of passengers to block the entry of dangerous people.
On the other hand, the Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) prevents dangerous people
from boarding a Korea-bound flight during the ticketing phase.
Re|nforc|ng the capac|ty to manage fore|gners
Infoinalion on foioignois, including fingoipiinls, will lo colloclod and
ulilizod. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- Ioioignois will lo ioquiiod lo sulnil lasic infoinalion, including
fingoipiinls, duiing lho onliy inspoclion lo confiin lhoii idonlily.
- Tho fingoipiinls of polonlial ciininals will iun lhiough a dalalaso lo
piovonl lho onliy of ciininals and lo suppoil invosligalions inlo
ciinos ly foioignois.
A slandaidizod dalalaso on foioignoi idonlily infoinalion will lo
pionolod, and a consolidalod infoinalion analysis syslon will lo
oslallishod. (Minisliy of }uslico and olhoi iolovanl ninisliios)
- Pullic inslilulions will lo oncouiagod lo uso lho slandaidizod dalalaso
on foioignoi idonlily infoinalion afloi slandaidizing lho way in which
foioignoi idonlily infoinalion (nano, dalo of liilh, nalionalily olc.) is
- A consolidalod dala analysis syslon will lo oslallishod lhal inloiconnocls
and analyzos lho foioignoi-iolalod dala hold al pullic inslilulions. Tho
syslon will lo lasod on slandaidizod idonlily infoinalion and
individual pullic inslilulions will lo givon holp in using lho syslon foi
lhoii spocific noods.
Mandatory collection of biometric information in other countries
United States: started mandatory face-scanning and fingerprinting during
the entry inspection in 2004, expanded fingerprinting from 2 to 10 fingers
in 2007.
Japan: started the mandatory face-scanning and fingerprinting during the
entry inspection in November 2007.
EngIand: legislated biometric registration (face-scanning and fingerprinting)
during visa applications at the end of 2007.
E U: prepared the "amended version of the EU immigration clearance" for
implementing mandatory face-scanning and fingerprinting in January 2008
and plans to start mandatory face-scanning and fingerprinting in 2 years.
Tho inlioduclion of oloclionic foioignoi iogislialion caids is undoi sludy.
(Minisliy of }uslico)
- Ioioignoi iogislialion caids wilh an onloddod chip cannol lo faliicalod oi
alloiod, and lhoy onallo aulonalod innigialion cloaianco and olhoi soivicos.
- Issuois aio loing consolidalod foi lighloi socuiily. (Koioa Minling &
Socuiily Piinling Coip. is loing considoiod as lho official issuoi of
foioignoi iogislialion caids.)
Tho inlioduclion of a foioignois idonlily docunonl voiificalion soivico
is undoi sludy. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- This on-lino voiificalion soivico can holp financial inslilulions and
loloconnunicalions conpanios piovonl fiaud using a phono nunloi oi
lank accounl undoi sonoono olsos nano oi lho uso of falso oi alloiod
foioignoi iogislialion caids.
3-2-2. Strengthen|ng |nternat|ona| cooperat|on for border contro|

Rev|ta||z|ng |nformat|on-shar|ng among nat|ons
Inloipols "Slolon & Losl Tiavol Docunonl" (SLTD) is lo lo usod.
(Minisliy of }uslico, Minisliy of Ioioign Affaiis & Tiado and Koioan
Nalional Polico Agoncy)
- A soaich on Inloipols SLTD lofoio issuing lho onliy cloaianco inpiovos
lho capalilily of dolocling poisons who nay lhioalon nalional socuiily.
}oining lho RMAS is undoi sludy lo noniloi and llock liansnalional
novononl of polonlial ciininals. (Minisliy of Ioioign Affaiis & Tiado
and Minisliy of }uslico)
- A joinl syslon is loing luill anong APEC nonloi ocononios foi
confiining valid passpoil infoinalion lo dolocl slolon oi losl liavol
docunonls. Liaison conlois opoialo 24 houis a day.
Peqonal Movemenl Alerl Syslem (PMAS) A dalabase lor sharnq nlormalon on
slolen or losl lravel documenls amonq APEC member economes wlh lhe am ol
deleclnq lhe holders ol lalse or allered passporls.
Estab||sh|ng b||atera| and mu|t||atera| cooperat|on systems
High-lovol noolings aio loing incioasod anong innigialion aulhoiilios.
(Minisliy of }uslico)
- A syslon of iogulai coopoialion is loing oslallishod lo facililalo policy
collaloialion wilh ovoisoas innigialion aulhoiilios.
Blaleral hqhlevel meelnqs are benq expanded lrom Chna. Japan. and Monqola lo
lhe Unled Slales and Canada.
Pailicipalion in innigialion-iolalod inloinalional confoioncos is loing
incioasod. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- Tho iosponso lo cuiionl inloinalional issuos is loing nado joinlly wilh
lho inloinalional connunily and in slop wilh lho glolal innigialion
policy liond.
The venues nclude lhe Bal Process on People Smuqqlnq. Trallcknq n Persons and
Pelaled Transnalonal Crme (Bal Process). ASEM meelnq ol dreclorqenerals lor
mmqralon and Paclc Pm mmqralon (PACPM) nlormalon meelnq.
Expand|ng peop|e-to-peop|e exchanges
Expandod doploynonl of innigialion liaison officois is undoi sludy.
(Minisliy of }uslico)
- Innigialion liaison officois nay lo assignod lo inloinalional aiipoils of
najoi counliios lo holp idonlify loiioi suspocls in advanco and piovonl
polonlial snugglois fion loaiding aiiciafl.
Expandod oxchangos of slaff nonlois wilh ovoisoas innigialion
aulhoiilios and inloinalional oiganizalions aio undoi sludy. (Minisliy of
- Tho liaining oxchango piogians wilh Hong Kong nay lo oxpandod lo
includo lho Lnilod Slalos, Nolhoilands, and Mongolia.
- Slaff nonlois nay lo dispalchod lo lho LNHCR and IM.
Tiaining piogians nay lo offoiod lo innigialion officials of dovoloping
counliios. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- A foundalion foi nid-/long-loin coopoialion can lo oslallishod ly
offoiing liaining on Koioan innigialion policios lo officials fion
dovoloping counliios in Soulhoasl Asia.
3-3 Secur|ng so||d c|t|zens
Background and need

The number of fore|gners who app|y for Korean nat|ona||ty |s
|ncreas|ng w|th the greater border access for Korean-Ch|nese
and the r|se |n |nternat|ona| marr|ages.
Tho nunloi of applicanls foi Koioan nalionalily ioso 4.5 linos fion
5,147 in 2002 lo 23,485 in 2007.
- Tho nunloi of foioign innigianls lhiough naiiiago suigod fion 34,710
in 2002 lo 110,362 in 2007, loading lo a giowing nunloi of
applicalions foi naluializalion.
<Naturalization & Nationality Reinstatement Applicants>
The number ol applcalons lor naluralzalon and nalonally renslalemenl was
!2.09! lhrouqh lhe lrsl sx monlhs ol 2008.
Better natura||zat|on procedures are needed to meet the demand
Naluializalion is a lino-consuning piocoss, and lho aulhoiilios, who aio
undoislaffod, havo difficully in kooping up wilh lho iapid incioaso in
The averaqe lme reoured lor processnq naluralzalon lhrouqh marraqe s
belween ! year (lor lhose wlh chldren) and 2 years (lor lhose wlhoul
chldren). The overall averaqe lme lor naluralzalon approval s one and a
hall years.
Al linos quoslions aio iaisod ovoi how lo qualify foi naluializalion,
including lho wiillon losl offoiod ly lho Minisliy of }uslico.
Nationality Process)

More v|gorous ver|f|cat|on |s needed to secure |aw-ab|d|ng
Tho cuiionl naluializalion syslon was oslallishod whon donand was
low. Il doos nol piopoily addioss cuiionl alusos and doos nol scioon
lho applicanls sufficionlly.
- Sinplifiod Naluializalion and Spocial Naluializalion aio iolalivoly oasy
fill out the form
prepare for
reporting related
receive the
register family
apply for
issuance of
identity number
Ministry of Justice
(Nationality and
Refugee Division)
to Korea
apply for issuance
of renunciation
certificate of
foreign nationality
ways lo locono Koioan cilizons and aio sonolinos oxploilod lo allain
iosidonco slalus. As such lhoy can load lo fiaudulonl naiiiagos and
fanily-docunonl foigoiios.
The Smplled Naluralzalon syslem s avalable lor spouses ol Korean nalonals or
chldren ol lormer Korean nalonals. whle lhe Specal Naluralzalon syslem s lor
chldren ol Korean nalonals. Under lheses syslems. lhe reoured perod ol slay lo
allan Korean nalonally s elher waved or shorler lhan lhal lor General
- Tho cuiionl ono-sizo-fils-all syslon is nol offoclivo foi socuiing qualily
hunan iosouicos. nalionalily is gianlod if coilain ioquiiononls aio nol
wilhoul considoialion on individual capalililios.
Act|on p|an
3-3-1. Prov|d|ng an exped|ent and profess|ona| nat|ona||ty serv|ce
Exped|ent natura||zat|on & nat|ona||ty re|nstatement
Syslons foi gianling nalionalily will lo inpiovod. (Minisliy of }uslico,
Supiono Couil of Koioa, and Koioan Nalional Polico Agoncy)
- nalionalily will lo gianlod noio quickly ly ulilizing a consolidalod
syslon lhal links lho Supiono Couil of Koioa, Koioan Nalional Polico
Agoncy, Minisliy of Paliiols and Voloians Affaiis, and Minisliy of
Ioioign Affaiis & Tiado.
- C4I and olhoi onlino syslons will lo usod lo nako lho nalionalily
applicalion piocoss fasloi, noio officionl and noio convonionl.
Tho aulhoiily lo adninisloi lho wiillon nalionalily losl will lo dologalod
lo local innigialion officos.(Minisliy of }uslico)
- Tho usoi-fiiondlinoss and spood of lho nalionalily piocoss will lo
inpiovod ly holding wiillon nalionalily losl al lho local innigialion
offico of oach juiisdiclion.
Enhanc|ng the profess|ona||sm and fa|rness of natura||zat|on
Spocializod inslilulions will lo connissionod lo wiilo lho quoslions foi
lho wiillon nalionalily losls. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- Tho Minisliy of }uslico will nanago gonoial affaiis and connission
spocializod inslilulions lo wiilo lho quoslions, which will lo sloiod and
nanagod in a quoslion lank.
A slandaidizod loxllook will lo pullishod on lasic facls aloul Koioa
and iudinonlaiy Koioan languago. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- Tho losl quoslions will lo lasod on lho loxllook lo onsuio piodiclalilily.
3-3-2. Re|nforc|ng the screen|ng of nat|ona||ty app||cants
Re|nforc|ng the screen|ng funct|on by |mprov|ng the system of
grant|ng nat|ona||ty
Tho voiificalion on nalionalily applicalions will lo slionglhonod.
(Minisliy of }uslico)
- Voiificalion noasuios on Koioan languago skills and undoislanding of
lho Koioan socioly will lo inpiovod.
A new syslem wll provde ncenlves lor nalonally applcanls lo allend lhe
slandardzed Socal nleqralon Proqram and earn credl lrom l. (See lhe lasks
Tho inlioduclion of a Poinanonl Rosidonco Slalus Piocodonco Syslon is
undoi sludy. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- Nalionalily nay lo linilod lo lhoso who slay in Koioa as poinanonl
Currenlly lhose who have slayed n Korea lor a cerlan perod are elqble
lor nalonally reqardless ol lher vsa slalus.
Re|nforc|ng the screen|ng funct|on of natura||zat|on procedures
Ciininal iocoids issuod ly lho counliy of oiigin aio chockod. (Minisliy of
- Pioof of a cloan ciininal iocoid issuod ly lho counliy of oiigin will lo
sulnillod as ovidonco of "Doconcy," ono of lho ciiloiia foi loing
gianlod nalionalily.
4. Protect|ng fore|gners' human r|ghts
Prevent|ng d|scr|m|nat|on and protect|ng the human
r|ghts of fore|gners
Background and need

Fore|gners are vu|nerab|e to human r|ghts v|o|at|ons.
Ioioignois in Koioa aio vulnoiallo lo vaiious foins of hunan iighls
alusos, and lhoy oflon do nol know how lo uso lho safoguaids lhal aio
in placo, as lhoy aio a social ninoiily and lack undoislanding of lho
Koioan languago and culluio.
Koioa is a nonloi of lho "Inloinalional Convonlion on lho Elininalion
of All Ioins of Racial Disciininalion," lul Koioans as woll as
foioignois poicoivo lhal Koioa has unioasonallo and disciininaloiy
inslilulions and piaclicos in oducalion, wolfaio and onploynonl.
<Does Korean society discriminate against foreigners?>
Very much
so so
Not at all No opinion : 0.1%
7,} (}
Korean nationals
,(} 7}
(} ,(,}
A,} (7}
\ ( ,((// 1((( ( (( /, ( ( ( j\y
A|though bas|c r|ghts of fore|gners are not the same as that
of Korean nat|ona|s, the scope of bas|c r|ghts for fore|gners
has expanded gradua||y |n step w|th the chang|ng env|ronment
at home and abroad.
Disciininalion (oqualily issuos) is lho laigosl aspocl of lho hunan iighls
piollons facod ly foioignois in Koioa.
Now ciiloiia aio noodod lo doloinino ialionalily and ionain in lino
wilh lho changing glolal onviionnonl. Tho Conslilulion piohilils
disciininalion wilhoul ialional giounds.
Roconlly noio lighl has loon shod on hunan iighls violalions in vaiious
conliacls and jols as woll as on hunan iighls infiingononl ly lho slalo.
Fore|gners have d|ff|cu|ty |n rece|v|ng counse||ng or other
ass|stance when they face human r|ghts v|o|at|on, and often
the he|p they do get |s |neffect|ve.
Tho govoinnonl-lovol piollon-solving funclion nusl lo inpiovod lo
onsuio swifl and offoclivo iosponsos will lo piovidod lo hunan iighls
violalions such as disciininalion.
Act|on p|an
4-1-1. Prevent|ng the v|o|at|on of fore|gners' human r|ghts
Rev|ew|ng and |mprov|ng the re|ated |eg|s|at|on and systems to
prevent human r|ghts v|o|at|ons such as d|scr|m|nat|on
Rolalod logislalion and syslons aio loing ioviowod and inpiovod lo
pioaclivoly olininalo disciininalion. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- Now sludios will lo nado, and iolalod logislalion will lo iovisod on
piolocling foioignois hunan iighls in lino wilh lho changing hunan
iighls onviionnonl.
Reform|ng d|scr|m|natory systems and pract|ces
A noniloiing syslon will lo oslallishod lo coiiocl any disciininaloiy
piaclicos lasod on iaco and nalionalily. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- Tho "Social Inlogialion Policy Ioioignoi Moniloi Toans" will lo foinod,
consisling of foioignois iopiosonling innigianls lhiough naiiiago,
inloinalional sludonls, Koioan diaspoia, poinanonl iosidonls, piofossionals
and unskillod nigianl woikois.
- Tho Innigialion Policy Connission will pullicly discloso lho nanos of
disciininaloiy inslilulions, which will lhon lo laigolod foi inpiovononl.
4-1-2. Re|nforc|ng ass|stance for v|ct|ms
Enhanc|ng access|b|||ty to ass|stance
A nalionwido suppoil syslon will lo oslallishod foi nigianl wonon
viclins of donoslic violonco and olhoi hunan iighls violalions.
(Minisliy of Condoi Equalily, Minisliy of }uslico, and Minisliy of
Hoallh, Wolfaio, & Ianily Affaiis)
- Viclins of donoslic violonco, soxual ciinos and pioslilulion will havo
accoss lo counsoling in vaiious languagos lhiough lho Enoigoncy
Suppoil Conloi foi Migianl Wonon (Tol: 1577-1366.)
Servces n 8 lanquaqes. ncludnq Velnamese. wll be avalable.
- Counsollois visil lianchos of lho Enoigoncy Suppoil Conloi foi Migianl
Wonon and piovido soivicos lhiough inloipiolois.
The counlry was dvded nlo 4 ursdclons and a Supporl Cenler lor
Mqranl Women was eslablshed lor each ursdclon n 2008.
- A pioloclion and suppoil syslon will lo oslallishod in connoclion wilh
lho Koioa Ciino Viclin Conloi (KCVC.)
- Tho counsolling soivicos of Mulliculluial Ianily Suppoil Conlois will lo
inpiovod ly lho involvononl of piofossional counsollois and visiling
- Invosligalions will piocood whilo considoiing lho spocial ciicunslancos
of innigianls lhiough naiiiago, and noasuios will lo onaclod lo
piovonl iocuiionco.
Migianl wonon viclins of donoslic violonco will iocoivo lolloi
pioloclion and suppoil. (Minisliy of Condoi Equalily)
- Tho "nigianl wonon conlois" piovido donoslic violonco viclins wilh
suppoil foi onoigoncy pioloclion, nodical and logal soivicos, and holp
in loaving Koioa.
- Solf-iolianco conlois aio loing oslallishod foi nigianl wonon and lhoii
Innigialion-iolalod suppoil will lo piovidod lo foioign viclins of
hunan iighls violalions. (Minisliy of }uslico and Minisliy of Laloi)
- Ioioignois who havo locono lho viclin of foicod pioslilulion, fioquonl
violonco, aluso, oi sono olhoi soiious ciino will lo allowod lo slay in
lho counliy unlil lhoy iocoivo ioslilulion.
- Viclins of soxual assaull will lo allowod lo chango lhoii placo of
onploynonl innodialoly.
Enhanc|ng the effect|veness of government ass|stance
Human rights infringcmcnt can bc rcportcd through thc Immigration
Contact Ccntcr (1345.) (Ministry of Justicc)
- Tho iopoilod hunan iighls infiingononl againsl foioignois will lo
iolayod lo lho iolalod inslilulions, and such casos will lo linkod
lhiough facl-finding suivoys.
The nlormalon wll be provded n !7 lanquaqes. ncludnq Velnamese and
Joint privatc/public organizations providc assistancc in human rights
violation cascs. (Ministry of Justicc)
- Cuiionlly oxisling consullalivo lodios on hunan iighls pioloclion and
onpowoinonl of foioignois aio loing iovilalizod.
Currenlly lhere s a consullalve bodes on human rqhls proleclon and
lhe empowermenl ol loreqners n each ol !9 mmqralon ollces. ncludnq
lhe one al lhe Mnslry ol Juslce.
4-2 Protect|ng the human r|ghts of fore|gners |n detent|on
Background and need

Ho|d|ng fore|gners |n detent|on before deportat|on |mp||es the
poss|b|||ty of human r|ghts v|o|at|on by nature as |t restr|cts
the movement of persons who are awa|t|ng or have rece|ved
deportat|on orders.
The Yeosu |mm|grat|on Off|ce F|re (February 2007) ra|sed
quest|ons about human r|ghts v|o|at|on and made the pub||c
more aware of acc|dents at detent|on fac|||t|es for fore|gners |n
To piovonl hunan iighls violalion, lho pullic soivanls iosponsillo foi
lho dolonlion of foioignois nusl conply wilh lho iogulalions.
Fore|gners |n detent|on suffer psycho|og|ca| d|stress and
anx|ety from the|r abrupt change |n ||fe and the prospects of
be|ng deported.
Tho anxioly nay lo ovon woiso whon lhoy aio slill owod lack wagos
oi nood lo iocovoi lhoii housing ionlal doposil.
Thoio is significanl possililily of conflicl as foioignois wilh diffoionl
culluios and languago aio confinod in a snall spaco.
Too few personne| and |nsuff|c|ent fac|||t|es restr|ct the
capab|||ty to prevent acc|dents and protect the human r|ghts
of fore|gners |n detent|on.
Tho dolonlion facililios aio unovonly disliilulod acioss lho counliy and
lho onviionnonl insido is pooi duo lo lho snall ioons and lack of
spaco foi physical oxoiciso.
Counsollois wilh foioign languago skills, piofossional socuiily guaids
and suivoillanco slaff aio all lacking.
Act|on p|an

4-2-1. Comp|y|ng w|th the regu|at|ons govern|ng fore|gner detent|on
Re|nforc|ng tra|n|ng on human r|ghts and |nterna| contro|
Tho civil soivanls iosponsillo foi holding foioignois in dolonlion
facililios will iocoivo noio liaining on piolocling hunan iighls of
foioignois. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- Divoiso hunan iighls liaining piogians aio loing dovolopod, including
a couiso al lho Logal Rosoaich & Tiaining Inslilulo.
Tho hunan iighls officoi syslon will lo inpiovod. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- voisighl on hunan iighls pioloclion duiing dolonlion will lo
inpiovod ly dosignaling inloinal and oxloinal hunan iighls officois foi
oach innigialion offico.
Revamp|ng the |aws and regu|at|ons re|ated to human r|ghts
Tho lovol of laws on onpowoiing foioignois in dolonlion will lo
upgiadod. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- Tho onpowoinonl of foioignois in dolonlion will lo inpiovod fion lho
suloidinalo laws lo lho Innigialion Conliol Acl.
Example ssues relaled lo pellon under 'lhe Foreqners' Proleclon Pules'
4-2-2. Prov|d|ng comp|a|nt counse|||ng serv|ces
Respond|ng to comp|a|nts |n cooperat|on w|th other organ|zat|ons
Effoils aio ongoing lo addioss lho difficullios facod ly foioignois loing
hold in dolonlion facililios. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- Pioaclivo suppoil is piovidod foi foioignois in dolonlion lo holp lhon
iocovoi lack wagos and housing ionlal doposils as woll as lo iosolvo
logal issuos.
<Help for Foreigners in Detention Facilities>

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008.6
Cases 3,025 954 1,267 6,561 12,969 5,763 5,540 3,595
(million won)
2,781 927 1,546 6,622 13,031 6,261 6,143 5,136
MedicaI heIp
164 213 358 384 305 326 543 426
Modical soivicos aio piovidod lhiough sliongoi coopoialion lolwoon lho
piivalo and pullic soclois. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- Agioononls aio ioachod wilh local hospilals and nodical poisonnol visil
lho dolonlion facililios iogulaily.
- Iioo nodical soivicos aio piovidod ly volunlaiy nodical soivico loans.
Protect|ng the psycho|og|ca| hea|th of the fore|gners |n detent|on
Tho "Koioan culluio oxpoiionco piogian" is loing piovidod lo foioignois
in dolonlion. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- Ioioignois in dolonlion aio suivoyod lo ascoilain lho kinds of piogians
lhoy wanl and nood.
- Piogians aio dovolopod lo ioflocl lho inloiosls and spocific noods of
foioignois ly counliy and individual.
Foreqners held al delenlon laclles are qven samulnor (lradlonal Korean
percusson) perlormances. classes on Korean lanquaqe and psycholoqcal
4-2-3. |mprov|ng the detent|on fac|||t|es and staff
Expand|ng the detent|on fac|||t|es
A piojocl is undoi ioviow foi luilding now dolonlion facililios foi lho
Cyoongsang Piovincos. (Minisliy of }uslico)
Because loreqner delenlon laclles are lacknq n lhe Gyeonqsanq Provnces.
delanees musl lravel lonq dslances lo be held al laclles n olher reqons.
Loisuio and alhlolic facililios will lo piovidod foi foioignois loing hold
in dolonlion facililios. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- Tho Donggan ("fool lho sano") piogian will holp foioignois oxpoiionco
Koioan culluio, and spaco foi alhlolic aclivilios is loing cioalod in
spocializod dolonlion conlois.
Spiinklois aio loing inslallod in foioignoi dolonlion facililios. (Minisliy
of }uslico)
- Spiinklois aio loing inslallod in lho Hwasoong Dolonlion Conloi and in
lho dolonlion facililios in oach innigialion lianch offico.
Enhanc|ng the profess|ona||sm of detent|on off|cers
Ioioign languago najois and nailial ails llacklolls aio loing iociuilod.
(Minisliy of }uslico)
- Moio slaff aio loing iociuilod who can spoak Chinoso, Thai oi Mongolian
lo inpiovo lho dogioo of pioloclion piovidod lo lho dolainoos.
- Safoly is loing inpiovod ly iociuiling nailial ails llacklolls.
Moio nodical piofossionals aio loing doployod. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- Addilional doclois and nuisos aio loing slaffod al dolonlion conlois and
lianch officos wilh laigo-scalo dolonlion facililios.
Estab||sh|ng an advanced system for refugee
recogn|t|on and support
Background and need

A stead||y grow|ng number of peop|e are app|y|ng for refugee
status, creat|ng the need for a refugee po||cy that |s up to the
g|oba| standard.
Tho nunloi of applicanls foi iofugoo slalus is suiging, lul lho iofugoo
iocognilion and suppoil syslon doos nol ioflocl nood foi a chango in
<Refugee Status Applicants and Recognized Refugees>
|nfrastructure |s needed for screen|ng refugee app||cat|ons and
|mprov|ng the screen|ng procedures.
Tho shoilago in spocializod sciooning poisonnol iaisos concoins ovoi a
piolongod oi sulslandaid sciooning piocoss as lho nunloi of applicanls
foi iofugoo slalus incioasos.
The number ol applcanls lor reluqee slalus n 2007 was !3 lmes larqer lhan n
200!. whle only 2 ollcals are n charqe ol delermnnq who oualles lor
reluqee slalus. Applcanls on lhe walnq lsl lor reluqee slalus lolal !.!55. ol
whom 286 have been walnq more lhan 2 years. whle 2!9 more have been
walnq belween ! and 2 years.
Mochanisns aio lacking lo piovonl pooplo fion using lho applicalion
foi iofugoo slalus as a noans of slaying in Koioa foi lho long loin.
A lolal ol !.804 asylum seekers appled lor reluqee slalus belween !994 and 2007.
Cl lhese. 449 appled lor reluqee slalus 3 years aller enlernq Korea.
A program |s needed to support soc|a| adaptab|||ty of recogn|zed
refugees |n cons|derat|on of the|r spec|f|c needs.
Allhough iocognizod iofugoos aio likoly lo slay in Koioa foi a long
lino, lhoii alilily lo adapl is inpaiiod ly a lack of infoinalion.
Sxlysx percenl ol lhe recoqnzed reluqees and lhose under humanlaran proleclon
lnd l dllcull lo sellle n Korea because lhey do nol undersland Korean lanquaqe
and socely and lhey lack employmenl opporlunles (lhe Mnslry ol Juslce
lacllndnq survey. January 2006).
A conpiohonsivo and piaclical piogian is noodod lo facililalo lho oaily
solllononl of iofugoos. Tho piogian should includo facililios foi
iofugoos and a syslon lo holp iofugoos find jols.
Act|on p|an

4-3-1. Estab||sh|ng a refugee recogn|t|on system up to |nternat|ona|

Re|nforc|ng expert|se of refugee screen|ng and expand|ng
Tho oslallishnonl of spocializod divisions foi iofugoo-iolalod lasks is
undoi sludy. (Minisliy of }uslico and Minisliy of Pullic Adninislialion
& Safoly)
- A spocializod division nay lo oslallishod foi iofugoo-iolalod lasks al
lho innigialion officos in capilal aioas and noai aioas whoio
iofugoo-iolalod lasks aio conconlialod.
- Slaff will lo assignod lo lako full iosponsililily foi inloiviowing,
invosligaling and doloinining iofugoo slalus iocognilion.
|mprov|ng the refugee recogn|t|on system
Pail of lho aulhoiily lo doloinino iofugoo slalus nay lo dologalod lo
lho innigialion officos. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- If a iofugoo slalus applicanl nools coilain ioquiiononls, lho M}s
aulhoiily lo qualify lhal poison foi iofugoo slalus is dologalod lo lho
innigialion officos lo spood up lho lask of iofugoo iocognilion.
< Refugee Recognition Procedures >

A syslon will lo oslallishod lo piovonl alusos in lho syslon of
applying foi iofugoo slalus. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- A now syslon will innodialoly dony iofugoo slalus lo applicanls
(including illogal iosidonls) who aio liying lo oxlond lhoii slay in
Koioa lo nako nonoy, and lo poisons who io-apply foi iofugoo slalus
wilhoul any changos in lhoii ciicunslancos.
recept of application
(immigration office)
(immigration office)
1st decision by Minister of Justice
(delegate : director general of
Nationality and Integration Policy, KIS)
Refugee Recognition Committee
(Chairman: vice Minister of Justice)
decision and follow-up
> >


4-3-2. Expand|ng pract|ca| support for refugees
Prepar|ng measures to fac|||tate refugee sett|ement
Tho oslallishnonl of suppoil facililios is undoiway. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- Suppoil includos social adaplalilily classos, logal counsoling, vocalional
liaining and jol placononl.
<Refugee Facilities in Other Countries>

Refugee support
Capacity(peopIe) Institution in charge
Japan 1 160 Government
BeIgium 1 3,904 Government
Denmark 46 7,529 Government, Red Cross
France 2 126 Government
Germany 32 20,500 Government
ItaIy 2 1,300 NGO (Catholic)
UK 5 3,000 Government
New ZeaIand 1 125 Government
Prepar|ng pract|ca| support measures for refugee status app||cants
Poinission foi onploynonl is gianlod soloclivoly lo iofugoo slalus
applicanls. (Minisliy of }uslico)
- Enploynonl is gianlod lo poisons undoi hunanilaiian pioloclion and
lo applicanls foi iofugoo slalus who havo nol iocoivod confiinalion oi
donial wilhin in a piodoloininod poiiod of lino.
] ={[]
1. Task Assignments to Ministries
2. Budget
1asks 'u8 'u9 '1u '11 '12
\inislry in
1-1-1 romoling open-door poicy lo allracl highy skied loreigners
Allracling highy skied loreigners wilh an improved visa syslem
_ Introduce diverse visa types to secure highly
skilled Ioreigners needed Ior the Korean economy
Ministry oI Justice
_ Improve visa system to meet corporate needs Ministry oI Justice
_ OIIer diIIerentiated beneIits to highly skilled
Ministry oI Justice
[nsuring convenienl immigralion services lor enlry sojourn and eil
_ Expand Iree movement among work sites Ior
highly skilled Ioreigners
Ministry oI Justice
_ Improve employment procedures Ior spouses oI
highly skilled Ioreigners
Ministry oI Justice
mproving nalionaily syslem
_ Conditional permission Ior dual nationality Ior
highly skilled Ioreigners
Ministry oI Justice
_ Eased requirements Ior general naturalization Ior
highly skilled Ioreigners
Ministry oI Justice
1-1-2 Ollering naliona-eve supporl lor allracling highy skied loreigners
Supporling ellorl lo lind and allracl highy skied loreigners
_ Operate Contact Korea
!InI:vy oI !nowIcugc Fconomy:
!InI:vy oI !ovcIgn AIIuIv: !vuuc:
!InI:vy oI !uhov: !InI:vy oI lu:Icc
_ Introduce online visa recommendation & inspection
Ministry oI Justice
1. Task Ass|gnments to M|n|str|es
1 Enhancing nationaI competitiveness through proactive opening
1-1 Securing growth potential by attracting highly skilled foreigners
1asks 'u8 'u9 '1u '11 '12
\inislry in
_ Host job Iairs overseas
!InI:vy oI !nowIcugc unu
Fconomy: !InI:vy oI !ovcIgn
AIIuIv: !vuuc: !InI:vy oI
FuucuIon ScIcncc
_ Step up inducement oI overseas engineers and
SmuII !cuIum
Lu:Inc:: AumInI:vuIon
_ ReinIorce support to attract overseas scholars
!InI:vy oI FuucuIon
ScIcncc !cchnoIogy
Eoosling supporl lor allracling inlernaliona sludenls and ulii,ing lheir laenl
_ Expand government-sponsored scholarship program
Ior Ioreign students
!InI:vy oI FuucuIon
ScIcncc !cchnoIogy
_ Expand scope oI employment Ior international
Ministry oI Justice
_ ReinIorce support Ior employment oI international
!InI:vy oI !uhov: !InI:vy
oI !nowIcugc Fconomy
Supporling ellorl lo recruil loreigners as civi servanls 8 nalive [ngish speakers as
assislanl [ngish leachers
_ Expand public sector employment oI Ioreigners
!InI:vy oI !uhIIc
AumInI:vuIon SuIcy:
!InI:vy oI lu:Icc
_ Ease visa requirements Ior assistant teachers oI
!InI:vy oI FuucuIon
ScIcncc !cchnoIogy:
!InI:vy oI lu:Icc
1-2 Attracting foreigners for the balanced development of national economy
1asks 'u8 'u9 '1u '11 '12
\inislry in
1-2-1 Securing skied abor relecling regiona and induslria demand
mproving lhe skied produclion abor inlroduclion syslem
_ Revamp residence (F-2) qualiIications Ministry oI Justice
[panding access channes lor skied abor
_ Grant conditional permission oI employment to
international students attending college or university
Ministry oI Justice
1-2-2 Allracling unskied abor lo relecl corporale demand and socia cosls
Supporling ellicienl corporale use ol unskied abor
_ Attract workers needed by corporations Ministry oI Labor
_ SimpliIy employment procedures and improve the
environment Ior stable employment
Ministry oI Labor;
Ministry oI Justice
_ Rationalize labor cost Ministry oI Labor
mproving quola syslem lor unskied abor
_ ReinIorce links between Immigration Policy
Commission and committee concerning Ioreign workers
Ministry oI Justice;
Ministry oI Labor
_ Consider number oI illegal aliens when allocating
non-skilled worker quotas
Ministry oI Labor
mproving working environmenls and reinlorcing salely and healh lraining
_ ReinIorce management oI work sites with Ioreign
Ministry oI Labor
_ ReinIorce Ioreign workers' health protection Ministry oI Labor
_ Improve working environment with dangerous
Ministry oI Labor
Supporling loreign workers' ile in Korea
_ ReinIorce complaint counselling Ior Ioreign
workers and provide legal assistance
Ministry oI Justice;
Ministry oI Labor
_ TransIer operation oI Ioreign worker support
centers to local governments
Ministry oI Labor; Ministry
oI Public Administration &
1-3 Creating a foreigner-friendly living environment
1asks 'u8 'u9 '1u '11 '12
\inislry in
1-3-1 einlorcing supporl lor loreigners sojourn
Supporling laciilaled communicalion lor loreigners
_ Expand three-party translation service via the
Immigration Contact Center
Ministry oI Justice
_ Expand Korean language classes
Ministry oI Culture, Sports
& Tourism
einlorcing civi services lor loreigners
_ Expand online administrative service
Ministry oI Justice;
Ministry oI Labor
1-3-2 mproving overa iving environmenl lor loreigners
mproving lransporlalion and residenlia environmenls lor loreigners
_ Provide more transportation inIormation to
Ministry oI Land,
Transportation & Maritime
_ Supply housing that meets Ioreigners' needs
Ministry oI Land,
Transportation & Maritime
mproving welare and medica environmenls lor loreigners
_ Expand Ioreigner access to social security system
Ministry oI Health, WelIare
& Family AIIairs
_ Attract Ioreign medical institutions and provide
convenient medical services
Ministry oI Health, WelIare
& Family AIIairs
mproving educaliona environmenls lor loreigners
_ Boost support Ior Ioreign schools in Korea
Ministry oI Education,
Science & Technology
_ Attract leading education institutions Irom around
the world
Ministry oI Education,
Science & Technology
mproving culura and eisure environmenls lor loreigners
_ DiversiIy cultural Iacilities
Ministry oI Culture, Sports &
_ Facilitate access to inIormation on cultural events
Ministry oI Culture Sports &
_ Improve leisure opportunities Ior vulnerable
Ministry oI Culture, Sports &
2 High quaIity sociaI integration
2-1 mproving public understanding in a multicultural society
1asks 'u8 'u9 '1u '11 '12
\inislry in
2-1-1 einlorcing educalion and promolion ol muliculura sociely
aising awareness lhrough schoo educalion
_ Strengthen education on multicultural society in
revised school curricula
Ministry oI Education, Science &
Technology; Ministry oI Health,
WelIare & Family AIIairs
_ Strengthen education on multicultural society in
revised preschool curricula
Ministry oI Education, Science
& Technology
_ Publish textbooks and materials on multicultural
Ministry oI Education, Science
& Technology
_ Strengthen pre-, elementary, middle and high
school teachers skills on multicultural society
Ministry oI Education, Science &
Technology; Ministry oI Culture,
Sports & Tourism
aising awareness lhrough socia educalion
_ Develop programs Ior education on multicultural
Ministry oI Culture, Sports &
Tourism; Ministry oI Health,
WelIare & Family AIIairs
_ OIIer classes to local residents and civil servants
on multicultural society
Ministry oI Public Administration
& SaIety
_ Increase instructors on multicultural society
Ministry oI Culture, Sports & Tourism;
Ministry oI Justice; Ministry oI
Health, WelIare & Family AIIairs
Eoosling promoliona ellorls lor muliculura sociely
_ Hold Iorums and seminars on multicultural society
Ministry oI Public Administration &
SaIety; Ministry oI Justice; Ministry
oI Culture, Sports, & Tourism;
Ministry oI Health, WelIare &
Family AIIairs
_ Promote multicultural society through public
service messages and broadcast programs
Ministry oI Culture, Sport, &
Tourism; Ministry oI Justice;
Ministry oI Health, WelIare &
Family AIIairs; Ministry oI
Education, Science, & Technology
2-1-2 einlorcing parlicipalion and communicalion
[ncouraging loreigners' parlicipalion in oca communilies
_ Revise local autonomy legislation
Ministry oI Public Administration
& SaIety; Ministry oI Justice
roviding communicalion opporlunilies among peope lrom dillerenl culures
_ Establish a Global Citizen's Week and organize
multicultural events
Ministry oI Justice; Ministry oI
Public Administration & SaIety
_ Assist multicultural programs in each district
Ministry oI Culture, Sports &
1asks 'u8 'u9 '1u '11 '12 \inislry in charge
2-2-1 Supporling socia adaplalion ol immigranls' lhrough marriage
einlorcing basic educalion programs lor immigranls lhrough marriage
_ Standardize the Social Integration Program and
introduce incentives Ior attending it
Ministry oI Justice; Ministry oI Education, Science
& Technology; Ministry oI Culture, Sports &
Tourism; Ministry oI Health, WelIare & Family
AIIairs; Ministry oI Public Administration &
Security; Ministry oI Food, Agriculture, Forestry &
_ Expand education to enhance understanding oI
Korean culture and language
Ministry oI Education, Science &
Technology; Ministry oI Culture, Sports &
Tourism; Ministry oI Health, WelIare &
Family AIIairs; Ministry oI Public
Administration & SaIety
mproving access lo inlormalion and boosling counseing services
_ Provide various inIormation through the websites
oI local governments
Ministry oI Public
Administration & SaIety
_ Publish inIormative magazines in various
Ministry oI Health, WelIare &
Family AIIairs
_ Establish a nationwide hotline Ior interpretation
and translation services
Ministry oI Health, WelIare &
Family AIIairs
_ Improve counseling services Ior immigrants
through marriage and their Iamilies
Ministry oI Justice; Ministry oI
Health, WelIare & Family AIIairs
einlorcing socia services (such as chidcare)
_ Visit pregnant immigrants or immigrants who
gave birth
Ministry oI Health, WelIare &
Family AIIairs
_ Expand support Ior child rearing
Ministry oI Health, WelIare &
Family AIIairs
[panding lhe user-orienled service suppy base
_ Proactively utilize and strengthen cooperation with
local resources centered on local governments
Ministry oI Public Administration & SaIety;
Ministry oI Health, WelIare & Family
AIIairs; Ministry oI Justice; Ministry oI
Culture, Sports & Tourism
_ Establish service delivery system based on local
Ministry oI Public Administration & SaIety;
Ministry oI Health, WelIare & Family
AIIairs; Ministry oI Justice
aciilaling adaplalion lhrough sel-hep groups
_ Operate selI-support groups and policy monitor
Ministry oI Justice; Ministry oI
Health, WelIare & Family AIIairs
_ Operate selI-support groups Ior spouses oI
immigrants and provide education Ior them
Ministry oI Health, WelIare &
Family AIIairs
2-2 Helping immigrants through marriage get settled
1asks 'u8 'u9 '1u '11 '12 \inislry in charge
2-2-2 Supporling linancia independence ol immigranls lhrough marriage
roviding empoymenl inlormalion and job lraining
_ Develop a model Ior nurturing the selI-reliance
oI immigrants through marriage
Ministry oI Labor; Ministry oI
Health, WelIare & Family AIIairs
_ Support the employment oI immigrants through
Ministry oI Labor; Ministry oI Health,
WelIare & Family AIIairs; Ministry oI
Public Administration & SaIety
Heping immigranls lhrough marriage selle in rura areas
_ Enhance immigrants' ability to engage in Iarming
Ministry oI Health, WelIare &
Family AIIairs
_ Enhance the ability oI women immigrants
through marriage to engage in Iarming
Ministry oI Food, Agriculture,
Forestry & Fisheries
2-2-3 Crealing a sound culure lor inlernaliona marriage
Slrenglhening prevenlion ol lrauduenl marriages
_ ReinIorce visa issuance inspection procedures Ior
immigrants through marriage
Ministry oI Justice
_ Study ways to reIorm the visa system Ior
immigrants through marriage
Ministry oI Justice
_ ReinIorce monitoring oI immigrants living in
Ministry oI Justice
_ Boost activities to prevent damage Irom
Iraudulent marriages
Ministry oI Justice
revenling iega aclivilies and human righls inlringemenl during marriage
_ Establish a registration system Ior international
marriage brokerage Iirms quickly
Ministry oI Health, WelIare &
Family AIIairs; Ministry oI Justice
_ Strengthen education Ior international marriage
Ministry oI Health, WelIare &
Family AIIairs
_ Investigate human rights violations Ministry oI Justice
[nhancing underslanding aboul inlernaliona marriage
_ OIIer prenuptial education Ior international marriage
Ministry oI Gender Equality;
Ministry oI Justice; Ministry oI
Health, WelIare & Family AIIairs
_ OIIer prenuptial education to Korean nationals who
consider international marriage
Ministry oI Health, WelIare, and
Family AIIairs
_ Provide inIormation Ior international marriage
The Ministry oI Health, WelIare,
and Family AIIairs
2-3 Creating a sound environment for multicultural children
1asks 'u8 'u9 '1u '11 '12 \inislry in charge
2-3-1 Supporling schoo perlormance and ile ol muliculura chidren
Supporling schoo perlormance ol muliculura chidren
_ Create bilingual education environment
Ministry oI Education, Science, and
Technology Ministry oI Health, WelIare,
and Family AIIairs
_ Help preschool children develop basic learning
Ministry oI Education, Science, and
TechnologyMinistry oI Culture, Sports,
and Tourism Ministry oI Health, WelIare,
and Family AIIairs
_ Develop basic textbooks on Korean language and
basic subjects
Ministry oI Education, Science, and
Technology Ministry oI Culture, Sports,
and Tourism
Supporling schoo ile ol muliculura chidren
_ Strengthen support Ior education on multicultural
Ministry oI Education, Science,
and Technology
_ OIIer level-speciIic classes to underacheiving
Ministry oI Education, Science,
and Technology
_ Train and deploy oIIicers to take charge oI
multicultural curriculum
Ministry oI Education, Science, and
Technology Ministry oI Culture,
Sports, and Tourism
_ Operate policy research schools specialized in
multicultural education
Ministry oI Education, Science,
and Technology
_ Strengthen career counselling Ior children oI
multicultural Iamilies
The Ministry oI Education,
Science, and Technology
Slrenlhening muliculura parenls' abiily lo educale lheir chidren
_ Operate the "class Ior children's happiness" in
Ministry oI Education, Science,
and Technology
_ Operate a counselling week Ior parents oI
multicultural children
Ministry oI Education, Science,
and Technology
2-3-2 Culivaling socia adaplabiily and sel-reiance
Supporling socia adaplabiily lor lhe muliculura chidren
_ Develop program to support early resettlement oI
youth Irom overseas and multicultural Iamilies
Ministry oI Health, WelIare,
and Family AIIairs
_ Expand education opportunities Ior students having
trouble in adapting to school
Ministry oI Education, Science,
and Technology
_ Develop a comprehensive support model Ior youth
Irom multicultural Iamilies
Ministry oI Health, WelIare,
and Family AIIairs
_ Strengthen provision oI inIormation Ior youth Irom
multicultural Iamilies
Ministry oI Health, WelIare,
and Family AIIairs
_ Nurture experts on issues related youth Irom
multicultural Iamilies
Ministry oI Health, WelIare,
and Family AIIairs
Culivaling lhe sel-reiance ol muliculura chidren
_ Include children oI immigrants in "youth
selI-suIIiciency promotion agency" project
Ministry oI Health, WelIare,
and Family AIIairs
_ Utilize multicultural youth in multicultural
Ministry oI Education, Science,
and Technology
2-4 Creating a friendlier environment for Korean diaspora
1asks 'u8 'u9 '1u '11 '12 \inislry in charge
2-4-1 evamping ega slalus and inslilulions lo increase economic parlicipalion ol
Korean diaspora
einlorcing Korean diaspora's bond wilh Korea lhrough improved ega slalus
_ Expand Overseas Korean status (F-4) Ior Korea
Ministry oI Justice
_ Expand permanent resident status Ior overseas
Ministry oI Justice
_ Allow dual nationality under certain conditions Ministry oI Justice
ncreasing economic parlicipalion ol Korean diaspora lrom China and lormer Soviel
Union by improving Work-Visil Syslem
_ Control annual number oI entrants systematically
Ministry oI Justice; Ministry
oI Labor
_ Encourage employment oI Korean diaspora in
areas where labor is short
Ministry oI Justice; Ministry
oI Labor
_ Investigate and strengthen control on employment
status oI Korean diaspora
Ministry oI Justice; Ministry
oI Labor
educing negalive impacls ol inlow ol Korean diaspora
_ Cut out the brokers in visa issuance process Ministry oI Justice
_ Provide employment inIormation beIore entry
Ministry oI Labor; Ministry oI
Foreign AIIairs & Trade
_ Strengthen control over employment oI Korean
Ministry oI Justice; Ministry oI
2-4-2 mproving lrealmenl ol Korean diaspora
mproving iving environmenls lor Korean diaspora
_ Improve the immigration institutions to Iacilitate
the stay oI Korean diaspora
Ministry oI Justice
_ Promote systematic legal support projects Ministry oI Justice
Supporling socia adaplalion ol Korean diaspora
_ Designate and operate Korean diaspora support
Ministry oI Justice
_ Boost support Ior Korean diaspora resettlement in
local communities
Ministry oI Public
Administration & SaIety
_ Support employment oI Korean diaspora with
Work-Visit visa
Ministry oI Labor
1asks 'u8 'u9 '1u '11 '12 \inislry in charge
3-1-1 [slabishing loundalion lor reducing overslayers
einlorcing prevenlion ol overslayers al visa issuance slage
_ Expand interconnection with visa issuance task
Ministry oI Foreign AIIairs &
Trade; Ministry oI Justice
_ Promote temporary suspension oI visa waiver
Ministry oI Foreign AIIairs &
Trade; Ministry oI Justice
mproving capacily lo invesligale iega slalus and crack down on vioalors
_ Strengthen strategic investigation oI brokers Ministry oI Justice
_ ReinIorce investigation and law enIorcement
inIrastructure in stages
Ministry oI Justice
_ Hold regular government-level joint enIorcement
Ministry oI Justice; Ministry oI Labor;
Korean National Police Agency; National
Maritime Police Agency
_ Establish 5-year plan to deal with illegal aliens
Ministry oI Justice;,
relevant ministries
_ Share inIormation on illegal aliens among government
Ministry oI Justice; Ministry oI Health,
WelIare & Family AIIairs;
Ministry oI Labor; Korean National
Police Agency
Crealing a socia environmenl lhal discourages iega empoymenl
_ Strengthen instruction and monitoring on employers
Ministry oI Labor; Ministry oI
Justice; Small & Medium Business
_ Strengthen punishment oI those who employ illegal
Ministry oI Justice
3-1-2 einlorcing lhe managemenl ol loreign ghelloes
mproving ghello iving environmenl
_ Enhance social stability by developing Ioreigner
Ministry oI Public
Administration & SaIety
einlorcing syslem ol managing loreign popualion in ghelloes
_ Hold regular meetings among administrative bodies
Ministry oI Justice; Ministry oI
Public Administration & SaIety
_ Foster organizations and networks oI migrants
Ministry oI Public
Administration & SaIety
3 Enforcing immigration Iaws
3-1 Enforcing immigration laws
1asks 'u8 'u9 '1u '11 '12 \inislry in charge
_ Investigate migrant status regularly
Ministry oI Public Administration &
SaIety(local autonomous bodies); Korea
Food & Drug Administration
3-1-3 \anaging ega loreign residenls syslemalicay
einlorcing managemenl ol polenlia awbreakers
_ Strengthen management oI persons on Arts and
PerIormance visas
Ministry oI Justice
_ Strengthen management on international students
and language training students
Ministry oI Education, Science &
Technology; Ministry oI Justice
_ ReIlect international student management record when
evaluating universities Ior Iinancial support projects
Ministry oI Education,
Science & Technology
3-2 Managing borders and foreigner information for national security
1asks 'u8 'u9 '1u '11 '12 \inislry in charge
3-2-1 [nsuring lighl border conlro and managing dangerous loreigners
\oderni,ing border conlro
_ Introduce automatic immigration inspection system Ministry oI Justice
_ Study adoption oI electronic travel authorization
Ministry oI Justice
einlorcing capacily lo manage loreigners
_ Collect and utilize Ioreigners' Iingerprints and other
biometric inIormation
Ministry oI Justice
_ Study the establishment oI a comprehensive
analysis system
Ministry oI Justice;
relevant ministries
_ Study the introduction oI electronic Ioreigner
registration system
Ministry oI Justice
_ Study the introduction oI a system to veriIy
Ioreigners' ID cards
Ministry oI Justice
3-2-2 Slrenglhening inlernaliona cooperalion lor border conlro
evilai,ing inlormalion-sharing among nalions
_ Interconnect and utilize Interpol's Stolen & Lost
Travel Document (SLTD) system
Ministry oI Justice; Ministry oI
Foreign AIIairs & Trade; Korean
National Police Agency
_ Promote to join RMAS
Ministry oI Foreign AIIairs &
Trade; Ministry oI Justice
[slabishing bialera and mulialera cooperalion syslems
_ Expand high-level meetings among immigration
Ministry oI Justice
_ Expand participation in immigration related
international conIerences
Ministry oI Justice
[panding peope-lo-peope echanges
_ Study greater dispatch oI immigration liaison
Ministry oI Justice
_ Study expanded exchanges oI staII members
among immigration authorities
Ministry oI Justice
_ Operate training Ior immigration oIIicers oI
developing countries
Ministry oI Justice
3-3 Securing solid citizens
1asks 'u8 'u9 '1u '11 '12 \inislry in charge
3-3-1 roviding an epedienl and prolessiona nalionaily service
[nsuring epedienl nalurai,alion and nalionaily reinslalemenl
_ Revamp nationality related systems
Ministry oI Justice; Supreme Court;
Korean National Police Agency
_ Delegate administration oI the written test to local
Ministry oI Justice
[nhancing prolessionaism and lairness ol nalurai,alion quailicalion
_ Commission specialized institutions to make test
Ministry oI Justice
_ Publish standard textbooks on basic knowledge
about Korean culture and language
Ministry oI Justice
3-3-2 einlorcing lhe screening ol nalurai,alion appicanls
einlorcing lhe screening lunclion by improving syslem ol granling nalionaily
_ SolidiIy veriIication on nationality applications Ministry oI Justice
_ Study the introduction oI the Permanent Residence
Status Precedence System
Ministry oI Justice
einlorcing lhe screening lunclion ol nalurai,alion procedures
_ Inspect criminal records oI applicants Ministry oI Justice
4 Protecting foreigners' human rights
4-1 Preventing discrimination and protecting the human rights of foreigners
1asks 'u8 'u9 '1u '11 '12 \inislry in charge
4-1-1 revenling lhe vioalion ol loreigners' human righls
eviewing and improving realed egisalion and syslems
_ Revamp legal system to eliminate discrimination Ministry oI Justice
elorming discriminalory syslems and praclices
_ Establish a monitoring system to eliminate
Ministry oI Justice
4-1-2 einlorcing assislance lor viclims
[nhancing accessibiily lo assislance
_ Establish nationwide support system Ior immigrant
women victims oI domestic violence
Ministry oI Gender Equality;
Ministry oI Justice; Ministry oI
Health, WelIare & Family AIIairs
_ Protect and support immigrant women victims oI
domestic violence
Ministry oI Gender Equality
_ Provide immigration related support to Ioreign
victims oI human rights violation
Ministry oI Justice; Ministry
oI Labor
[nhancing lhe ellecliveness ol governmenl assislance
_ Receive reports on human rights violation through
the Immigration Contact Center
Ministry oI Justice
_ Operate human rights help organization in the
Ministry oI Justice
4-2 Protecting the human rights of foreigners in detention
1asks 'u8 'u9 '1u '11 '12 \inislry in charge
4-2-1 Compying wilh regualions governing lhe delenlion ol loreigners
einlorcing lraining on human righls and inlerna conlros
_ Strengthen human rights training Ior civil servants
responsible Ior Ioreigners in detention
Ministry oI Justice
_ Improve human rights oIIicer system Ministry oI Justice
evamping aws and regualions realed lo human righls proleclion
_ Revise laws on human rights protection Ior
Ministry oI Justice
4-2-2 roviding compainl counseing services
esponding lo compainls in cooperalion wilh olher organi,alions
_ Make continued eIIort to address diIIiculties and
complaints oI Ioreigners
Ministry oI Justice
_ ReinIorce medical service accessibility Ministry oI Justice
rolecling psychoogica healh ol loreigners in delenlion
_ Revitalize the Donggam ("Ieel the same") program Ministry oI Justice
4-2-3 mproving delenlion laciilies and slall capacily
[panding delenlion laciilies
_ Study the establishment oI a detention center Ior
Ioreigners in the Gyeongsang Provinces
Ministry oI Justice
_ Establish Iacilities Ior leisure and physical exercise Ministry oI Justice
_ Install sprinklers in detention Iacilities Ministry oI Justice
[nhancing prolessionaism ol delenlion ollicers
_ Hire majors oI rarely used Ioreign languages and
martial arts blackbelts
Ministry oI Justice
_ Increase the use oI medical proIessionals Ministry oI Justice
4-3 Establishing an advanced system for refugee recognition and support
1asks 'u8 'u9 '1u '11 '12 \inislry in charge
4-3-1 [slabishing relugee recognilion syslem up lo inlernaliona slandards
einlorcing eperlise ol relugee screening and epanding inlraslruclure
_ Study the establishment oI a division dedicated to
reIugee aIIairs
Ministry oI Justice; Ministry oI
Public Administration & SaIety
mproving relugee recognilion syslem
_ Delegate authority oI determining reIugee status to
some local immigration oIIices
Ministry oI Justice
_ Establish a system to prevent Ialse applications Ior
reIugee status
Ministry oI Justice
4-3-2 [panding praclica supporl lor relugees
reparing supporl measures lo laciilale relugee sellemenl
_ Promote the establishment oI reIugee support Iacilities Ministry oI Justice
reparing praclica supporl measures lor relugee slalus appicanls
_ Grant selective permission oI employment to
reIugee status applicants
Ministry oI Justice
2. Budget
An est|mated KRW612.7 b||||on |s expected to be |nvested
between 2008 and 2012.
Tho ludgol includos KW216.8 lillion (35.4) foi onhancing nalional
conpolilivonoss ly oponing loidois lo innigianls, KRW340.5 lillion
(55.6) foi high-qualily social inlogialion, KRW34.1 lillion (5.6) foi
innigialion soivicos lo onsuio oidoi and socuiily, and KRW21.3 lillion
(3.4) foi piolocling lho hunan iighls of foioignois.
The nveslmenl allocalon was based on lhe budqel proposal lor 2009 submlled lo lhe
Nalonal Assembly and lhe nalonal lnancal manaqemenl plan belween 2009 and 20!3.
<Annual nvestment Plan>
(Unit: 100 million)

Total '08 '09 '10 '11 '12
Total 6,126.93 828.29 1,007.54 1,285.98 1,466.73 1,538.39
General account 2,635.58 343.12 467.72 536.19 621.50 667.05
Special account 185.00 185.00 - - - -
Fund 2,331.58 161.72 398.33 538.51 606.94 626.08
Total 5,152.16 689.84 866.05 1,074.70 1,228.44 1,293.13
Local government expenditure 947.77 111.45 141.49 211.28 238.29 245.26
Other(private capital) 27.00 27.00 - - - -
Opening to
2,168.09 373.24 431.45 436.24 457.57 469.59
High quality social
3,405.29 385.52 490.25 743.01 879.10 907.41
mmigration service
for ensuring order
and security
340.50 60.50 44.00 58.00 76.00 102.00
Protecting human
rights of foreigners
213.05 9.03 41.84 48.73 54.06 59.39

The amounl ol nveslmenl n lhe Basc Plan may be adusled or supplemenled wlh chanqes n
lhe budqel aller 2009.
Basic Plan for mmigration Policy
Date of ssue : Jun. 2009
Copyright 2009 by Korea mmigration Service, Ministry of Justice
Telephone : (02)500-9025 Fax : (02)500-9026
Printed by : Binetech nc. Telephone : (02)2285-5278

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