Pastor's Notes:: Woodruff Church of God E-Edition Newsletter November 19, 2013

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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter November 19, 2013

Pastors Notes: What a great weekend of ministry!!!! It started on Saturday with a great time of ministering to the needs of people. Several people gathered together to distribute 300 meals. Ham, macaroni & cheese, dressing (just to name a few things) were cooked and placed in "to go "boxes and delivered to needy individuals. What a great expression of the love of Jesus. Special thanks to Donna Burdette and the Extreme Kidz Ministry for heading this up. Also, thank you to some of our youth and music department that joined in to help. We thank all those that prepared the food, prepared the boxes and went out to make the deliveries. You are making a difference for the Kingdom of God!!!!! Then Sunday morning, ACTS Student Ministries did an amazing job leading us in worship. They were in charge of the entire service. The dramas were great, the singing was anointed and the message brought by Pastor Jason was absolutely ON TIME! I hope many people joined in and began to pick up the mantles. Thank you Pastor Jason and your staff for providing for us such a wonderful and meaningful service. Finally, on Sunday night, we sang and testified for almost 2 hours. What a great way to focus on being thankful .....taking time to testify for what the Lord has done in our lives. We found out that God has done great things in marriages, in physical healing, in providing children through adoption.... WOW, what a mighty God we serve. This coming Sunday morning, we will be giving an opportunity for Church Membership. If you are born again and wish to unite with the Woodruff Church of God, please meet Pastor Terry at 9:30 AM in the CLC Council Room. Come in the door marked "STAFF" and go into the room directly in front of you. Let me be among the first to say WELCOME to the family! Sunday night, we will be partaking in Communion together. This is another great way to focus on being thankful. We will take time to reflect on the Lord's great sacrifice and offer thanks for His broken body and shed blood. I hope you will make your plans now to be with us on Sunday night. Our custom during the week of Thanksgiving, is to move our Wednesday night service to Tuesday evening. This gives families a little more time together as well as gives an opportunity for travel time should you be required to travel. This year, we have been asked to join together with the Woodruff Baptist Association and

have also been asked to be part of the program. Pam Garrett will be singing and Pastor Terry will be delivering the Word. So our service will be transferred to Cavins Baptist Church, Tuesday night November 26th at 7:00 PM. Please make your plans to be part of the meeting and support this community service effort. Thank you in advance for being there! If you want your infant to be in the baby parade this year on December 15th, please see Jollene Priester. Thank you! Please use the cloak room for coats, hats and umbrellas only. Do not store other items in the cloak room. We need this space to look nice at all times as visitors may pass by. Thank you! Prayer List

AMERICA, Raymond Lowman, Kim Roberson, Mary Ann Cox, Rhonda Rhodes, Ashley Layton, Tammy Pierson, Alicia Landurm, Megan Laster, Darryl Crowe, Michael Edmond, The Smith Family, Paula Beck & Family, Kayla Lister, Jackson Knight, vivkie Wyatt, Dreya Aiken, Derrick Cooper, Mavis Blackwell, Tiffany Cartee, Odell Jenkins, Sammy Watson, Houston Cobb, Ammie Wyatt, Rudell Frazier, Jerry Knight, Annette Lanford, Steve Lida, Tina Price, McKailley Smith, Tommy Wallce, Jewell Hammons, Mike Cox, Cindy & Coty Cox, Cheryl Corbett, Teanna & Shea Cox, Barbara Logan, Tabatha Baker, Gia Olden, James Perini, James Arnold, Randy Lambert, Those needing jobs, Caregivers, Shut-Ins, & Those in nursing homes

The choir will wear robes this Sunday! Thank you all so very much for your support of "Miracle on Poole Street". This is truly a church-wide effort. Here's what we still need: (3) 5-6 foot Christmas trees (2) more families/groups to adopt a Christmas tree to decorate 8 storage bins Small items for men's gift bags (work gloves, small flashlights, tape measure, etc) Small boxes of crayons LOTS of Christmas candy Any items that can given away in a drawing (gift cards, bicycle, tv, etc) If you are interested in helping with this community outreach event, let Todd or Vickie know asap! It's going to be a wonderful night of ministry!

MONTHLY JOY CLUB MEETING: Our Regular meeting of the Joy Club will be this Thursday, November 21, at 6:30 PM. If you have not yet signed up but wish to attend, please call the church office and your name will be added. Also, please remember to bring something cooked in a pot, a stew, soup, beans, among many other dishes. We also need, tea, corn bread and desserts, etc. Come and help make this a great meeting. We look forward to seeing you there. Also, be sure to stop by the SPOTLIGHT board and see photos from the recent S.A.M. Travel Club adventure to the Pennsylvania Amish Country. We all had a great time, and appreciate the efforts of those who made this trip available to us.

Toy Closet items for this week: Hair bows and Hair accessories

Band Of Brothers had their first monthly meeting in the new man cave and what an awesome time was had by all. Guys, if you have not see it, get with me and I will show you around and I believe yall are going to be proud of your area of ministry. The fellowship was great and the food was awesome, as usual. If you missed it plan on being at the December meeting. Also, this coming Friday we are having a campout at Croft Park. If you are interested in going, please make sure you sign up or you can call Brother Phil Pruitt at 864-809-7501 to let him know you will be attending and to be filled in on all the details. Hope to see you there. Band of Brother s December meeting is going to be Thursday December 5th at 6:00 PM. Make plans to join us!

Saturday November 30th we will be watching the Clemons/Carolina Game on the Big Screen in the youth building. Sign up on the Bulletin Board in the Hallway.

Youth Events Nov 20 Youth P&W Practice 5:45pm Youth Thanksgiving in Youth Building 6:30-8:00 Nov 24 Youth Drama Practice 4:45pm Dec 1 Drama Practice 4:45pm Sunday Night Live 6pm Dec 4 Youth P&W Practice 5:45pm Dec 8 Drama Practice 4:00pm Dec 11 Youth P&W Practice 5:45pm Dec 14 Youth Ice Skating 1pm - 6pm Dec 18 Youth Christmas Celebration 6:30pm - 8pm

Drama practice for 6-12 year old Sunday @ 5:00. Christmas Play Practice @ 6:00 for ages 2-12. Saturday November 23 Extreme Kidz skating for ages 6-12 year old, we will leave the church at 10:30. The cost of skating and lunch will be provided by the church. If your child would like to play games, by a snack or an extra drink they will need money for that. We will return back at the church at 1:30.If you have any question please see Ms. Donna. If you would like to Volunteer to work in the Extreme Kidz department please see Ms. Donna. We need volunteers for Sunday and Wednesday nights! We just want to say thank you to all those who donated, cooked, packed, drove bus and vans, cleaned up, and delivered the Thanksgiving meal to the community last Saturday! Thank you for all your support and sharing Christ's love with the community! The smiles on the faces said it all! THANK YOU! Upcoming Events: Extreme Kidz will be going to LOOK UP LODGE in MAY! The first deposit of $20.00 is due December 4th. If you have any question please see Ms. Donna. A letter will be sent home to explain more. December 14 Extreme Kidz Dress rehearsal for Christmas Play. 2-5 year old will practice at 9:30 and 6-12 year olds will practice at 11:00. We will provide lunch at 10:30 for both age groups! December 14 Extreme Kidz presents WE THREE SPIES @ 10:30! Make plans to come and investigate the meaning of Christmas.

Thank everyone that came out and ate with us last Sunday. On the 24 th the Hispanic group is having their THANKSGIVING DINNER. We would like everyone to come and join us, November 24, 2013 after the morning service. Thank you and enjoy the rest of the week.

SPOTLIGHT: SAM Travel Club Amish Trip Ministry Leaders for This Week Greeters- Jeanette Bragg & Kathy Simmons Sunday School Greeter Robert D. Sloan CLC Greeter Paul Lundberg Crossing Guard- David Hoyt Head Ushers Charles OShields & Bobby Brown Finance Committee Ryan Ballard & Sam Garrett Usher Team #2 Ryan Ballard, Sam Garrett, Walter Housand, Paul Lundberg, John Nemitz, Paul Nichols, & Phillip Pruitt Wednesday Bus Pickup: Phillip Pruitt and Garren Bus Take Home: Clint and Donna Van 1 Pickup: Tabitha and Brian Van 2 Pickup: Richard and Buster Van 1 Take home: Garren and Thomas Van 2 Take home: Tim and June Wednesday Night Late Workers: Deanna, Wayne, & Ramona NurseryWednesday-Izzy Nichols AM Ann Knight & Cindy Cooper PM: Brooke Jones Youth Workers for Kidz Church- Alison, Savannah, Josh, & Zack Music- Wednesday- Lavonda Stonell AM- Jason Hayes PM- Adam & Brooke Jones Praise Team- Gold Computer Patrick Guitar Korey, Freddie, John

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