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the nanowrimo cookbook!

for the wrimos obligated to cook during the month of november

written for the wrimos by the wrimos editing and preface by dm 2013 nanowrimo edition 2014 camp nanowrimo edition

PAGE TH EE ! preface PAGE "#$E ! breakfast PAGE T%E&T'(")* ! snacks PAGE ") T'(+#, ! breads PAGE "#"T'(T%) ! soups PAGE +E$E&T'("#$E ! sandwiches PAGE E#GHT'(+#, ! salads and dressing PAGE &#&ET'("#$E ! beef dishes PAGE 10- ! chicken dishes PAGE 12- ! pork dishes PAGE 132 ! fish and shellfish dishes PAGE 13. ! vegetarian and vegan dishes PAGE 1-- ! pasta dishes PAGE 1.4 ! other meat dishes PAGE 1/4 ! side dishes PAGE 103 ! drinks PAGE 201 ! cakes PAGE 21. ! pies PAGE 224 ! cookies PAGE 23. ! other desserts


I feel miserable for skipping last year, like I let everyone down (my biggest fear). I was so depressed between the turn out of recipes and various other things that occurred. I didn't even post the new cookbook. So you'll find some surprises from last year that never saw the light of day. Thank you all for sticking with me and for your support. It means a ton to me. eep writing.

2A+#3 )4E5ET ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 #elgaer #&G E7#E&T+6 Two eggs "ilk $heese(s) %nything you can find, especially salmon and anything that grows P EPA AT#)&6 & #eat the eggs and add milk to taste. Slice off a part of butter, put it in the pan, turn on the heat and melt the butter all over the bottom. & Toss in all the e'tras you found and allow them to cook for a bit. %dd cheese. (our in the eggs. & "i' the whole thing with long, even strokes until it seems like all the e'tras and the cheese(s) are mi'ed in) then let the omelet cook. 7E&$E +A&7%#3H ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 *a+e,e

#&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) -our eggs -our slices of bread Three tablespoons of margarine (omit if you're on a diet) .ne&fourth cup of milk. .ne&half cup of ham, cubed or sliced into vertical small pieces. /p to you. %ny amount of green onions, diced .ptional) %ny amount of green peppers, diced P EPA AT#)&6 & "elt one tablespoon of margarine. & Take the tablespoon of melted margarine and mi' it with the four eggs and milk. 0hisk1beat until desired consistency. & Stir in the veggies (green onions and green peppers) and the ham as well. & 2eat up your skillet1pan. To grease it up, use margarine (the two tablespoons remaining), or cooking spray. & (our the egg mi'ture into the pan and leave it there for a few minutes) then use a spatula to flip it over carefully until it makes an omelet. If you want to, put cheese on it while it's still hot. & If desired, butter up the bread and grill on pan. (ut the omelet onto the bread. & $onsume.

3 EA4' #&+TA&T )AT4EA5 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6

ay (roctor

#&G E7#E&T+6 Two packets instant oatmeal .ne individual container yogurt (%ny flavors of each will do. *reek yogurt also works well.) P EPA AT#)&6 & (repare instant oatmeal according to directions on package, using hot water. Immediately mi' in yogurt, en3oy. " E&3H T)A+T ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 % !evil's Integrity #&G E7#E&T+6 -our eggs Sliced bread % splash of milk P EPA AT#)&6 & #eat the eggs and milk thoroughly. Take a slice of bread and coat both sides in 4batter4 mi', before placing in the pan with a little cooking oil. & 0ait until bottom is cooked (turns darker yellow with brown splotching) and then flip. 0hen done, turn out onto a plate. S5uirt with ketchup and en3oy) or if you have a sweet tooth, sprinkle with sugar or honey6 8A5TE &ATE " E&3H T)A+T E3#PE 87enny9s +ty:e; ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 7vil 8ueen #&G E7#E&T+6 -our eggs Two&third cup whole milk .ne&third cup flour .ne&third cup sugar .ne&half teaspoon vanilla .ne&fourth teaspoon salt .ne&eighth teaspoon cinnamon Si' slices Te'as toast thick bread Three tablespoons butter (owdered sugar #utter Syrup P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' together the eggs, milk, flour, sugar, vanilla, salt and cinnamon. & 2eat a large skillet or griddle. 0hen the skillet is hot, add one tablespoon butter. (If the butter smokes, your pan is too hot. Turn down the heat.) & !ip each slice of bread into the batter for thirty seconds on each side. & ,et some of the batter drip off, then put in skillet. & $ook each slice one and a half to two minutes per side until each side is golden brown. & %dd more butter, if necessary, to cook all of the slices. & To serve, put on plate, dust with powdered sugar. Serve with butter and hot syrup.;

2 EA<"A+T 2*

#T) ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ,imulus

#&G E7#E&T+6 Three eggs % spoon of salsa Two to three pan&fryable sausage links Some cheese Sour cream .ne to two tortillas P EPA AT#)&6 & 0hisk the eggs in a microwavable container, then add cheese and salsa to the eggs. & "icrowave the sausages for one minute, cut them into slices and add them to the eggs. & "icrowave the mi'ture for one to two minutes (depends on your microwave). & Spoon the cooked mi'ture into tortillas and add sour cream. +*&7A&3E EGG+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 (entoon

#&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) Two eggs Two thin rashers of lean bacon (diced) .ne&fourth ounce butter .ne ounce finely chopped button mushrooms Salt and black pepper, to taste .ne teaspoon double cream .ptional) $hervil P EPA AT#)&6 & -ry the bacon in the butter for about three minutes, add the mushrooms and cook for another two minutes season and spoon into two small or one larger ramekin. & #reak an egg into each one (or two in one if you're using the larger version), top with cream and sprinkle over fresh, chopped chervil. & (ut into a pre&heated oven at 9:;<-1=>;<$ for two to twenty minutes for the small, add a couple of minutes for larger version. 2AGE5= 3 EA4 3HEE+E A&7 " #E7 EGG ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ?ouko %licia #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & Toast you bagel while you fry your egg (again, I@ve never tried scramble but I@m sure it would be yummy too.) Spread cream cheese on bagel, then put fried egg on bagel. 7at like sandwich. I 2I*2,? recommend a plate or bowl to eat over. It@s messy.

4*GG#E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 +aphiroko #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) ?our favorite microwave&safe mug .ne&half teaspoon butter1margarine Two eggs Two teaspoons milk .ptional) % pinch of salt .ne&fourth cup shredded cheese (cheddar is the best) P EPA AT#)&6 & (ut the margarine or butter into the mug and cook it for twenty to thirty seconds until it's melted. & Slosh it around the sides of the mug so the eggs don't stick. #reak both eggs into the mug and add milk, then stir it up with a fork. & "icrowave on high for one minute. #reak apart with fork (I add the salt at this point because I like my eggs salty), and then microwave for twenty&ish more seconds. & Aemove while still soft and moist but cooked. Sprinkle cheese on top, and eat straight from the mug. & 7n3oy6 PA&3A<E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Shark=9 Bote from the contributor) ?ou can add pretty much anything to it and they come out great. #lueberries, strawberries, chocolate chips, nuts, et cetera. They taste great plain too. ?ou can substitute buckwheat for part of the flour, or add oatmeal for healthier pancakes. #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne cup self&rise flour (if you use all purpose, add about a tablespoon of baking powder) .ne cup milk .ne tablespoon sugar .ne tablespoon oil (I use canola. Cegetable should work 3ust as well) .ne egg (or a tablespoon of soy flour and about one&eighth cup of water) P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' it all together. & 2eat frying pan1skillet on medium until water si++les when dripped on surface. Spray with cooking spray or use butter to grease the pan. (our on the batter, cook until golden on bottom (the edge should be slightly dry), flip, and cook until golden on that side. & Top with your favorite topping6 %nd en3oy. D)

8A5TE &AT#$E PA&3A<E

E3#PE 8$egan; ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 bubble

#&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne cup flour (it's great with whole wheat flour, but I've also tried whole wheat pastry flour, and would probably work with all&purpose flour) .ne tablespoon sugar .ne teaspoon baking powder .ne&eighth teaspoon salt Three&fourths cup milk substitute (can use more if you're using a thin one) Two tablespoons vegetable oil (any mild&flavored cooking oil) 0ater, as needed (probably at least one&half cup) .ptional) .ne&eighth to one&fourth cup cornmeal, for te'ture P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' all ingredients together. "i'ture should flow easily off of the spoon. & 2eat pan over medium&high heat, adding a light coating of oil beforehand unless it's a nonstick pan. Test it by flicking water droplets at it && if they start si++ling immediately, but not all that fiercely, the temperature is about right. (our on the batter. & 0hen bubbles show on the upper side, flip the pancake. Aemove it from the pan when the underside is golden&brown or 3ust plain brown. Aepeat. If you needed to add oil to the pan at the beginning, you'll need to repeat it every one&two batches.; H*4PT' 7*4PT' P#E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 nerskin #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne slice of bread) any kind, cut in triangles .ne slice cooked bacon, broken into bits .ne egg Three ounces grated cheddar cheese Three tablespoons milk Three tablespoons salsa P EPA AT#)&6 & (lace bread in eight inch s5uare dish. "i' all other ingredients and pour over the bread. #ake thirty minutes at 9:;<-. 5E"T)$E 3 A&2E ' +A*3E 3 EPE+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 $in?man

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne cup sifted, all&purpose flour Two eggs .ne&half cup milk .ne&half cup water Two teaspoons melted butter ,eftover cranberry sauce (owdered sugar P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' flour and eggs in mi'ing bowl. 0hisk in the milk, water, and butter. 0hen the consistency is right (like very thin pancake batter) pour about one&fourth to one& third cup of the batter in an oiled skillet that is heated to medium. $ook and flip (turn over with spatula) for about two minutes on each side. (lace on plate. & 0arm the cranberry sauce. Spoon it into the middle of the crepe (actually, a line of cranberry sauce 3ust off center works better, roll it up, sprinkle with powdered sugar. *arnish with some strawberry slices. Serve warm.

EGG A&7 2A3)& G #55E7 3HEE+E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 $reative Euices Bote from the contributor) ?ou can decide not to make grilled cheese, and 3ust put mustard on the bread with the cheese, bacon, and egg) and it still makes a good sandwich. #&G E7#E&T+6 Two slices of white bread #utter Three slices of bacon Two slices of cheese (preferably .ne egg

raft, it melts perfectly)

P EPA AT#)&6 & -irst, cook the egg to your liking) add a pinch of pepper and salt, it makes the egg taste even better. & $ook the bacon up) microwave or pan, either is good. & (ut a slice of cheese on each piece of bread, then put the egg and bacon in the middle. (#utter the outside of the sandwich so it doesn't burn6) & $ook until lightly brown and crusted, wait three minutes for it to cool, consume, and en3oy. "EATHE 2E7 EGG+! 3)&T #2*T) 6 bighillgoddess #&G E7#E&T+6 Si' slices Te'as toast or Italian bread .ne and one&half cup grated white cheddar cheese (or any cheese you like) .ne and one&half cup whole milk (or three&fourths cup milk and three&fourths cup heavy cream) Si' large eggs .ne&half teaspoon salt, or use "rs. !ash .ne&half teaspoon pepper #utter P EPA AT#)&6 & ,iberally butter a F'=9 baking dish with butter. #utter one side of each slice of bread and place in dish buttered side up. Sprinkle salt and pepper over bread. %dd cheese. & #eat together the milk and eggs, then pour over bread and cheese. & $over and refrigerate overnight. & In the morning, uncover and place in cold oven. Turn oven to 9:;< and bake thirty&five to forty&five minutes, until eggs are puffed and golden brown. $ariations@ %dd any favorite omelet toppings over bread, under cheese. .ur family favorite is spinach and tomatoes.

+3 A425E7 EGG +A&7%#3H ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 #&G E7#E&T+6 Two eggs Tablespoon of butter or oil % little shredded cheese "ayonnaise, to taste Two slices of bread P & & &


EPA AT#)&6 Scramble eggs in butter. %dd cheese at the end to melt it a little. (ut into a bowl and add mayonnaise (I use about a spoonful) and mi' it together. (ut mi'ture between two slices of bread. +)* 3 EA4 3)""EE 2 EA7 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 2ideyo Bote from the contributor) It's not the shortest or the easiest, but I think it's worth the little bit of work. D9 #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne cup of butter Two cups sugar Two eggs .ne cup sour cream .ne&half teaspoon vanilla Two cups all&purpose flour .ne teaspoon baking powder .ne&fourth teaspoon salt -our teaspoons sugar .ne teaspoon cinnamon .ptional) .ne cup chopped pecans P EPA AT#)&6 & $ream butter and two cups sugar until light and fluffy. Then beat in eggs one at a time, mi' thoroughly. & #eat in sour cream and vanilla. & %dd in flour, baking soda and salt. & In a different bowl, combine the rest of the sugar, cinnamon and pecans. "i' well. & Spoon about half of the batter into a well greased pan. & Sprinkle half to three&fourths of nut mi'ture on top & Spoon in remaining batter and top with the rest of the nut mi'ture. & #ake in oven at 9:;<- for one hour, or until done. Aemove from pan and let cool on a cooling rack.


A&7 +A*+AGE +A&7%#3H ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 amateras

#&G E7#E&T+6 (eanut butter ($reamy works best) Sausage links #read P EPA AT#)&6 & 0hile toasting the bread, cook the sausage links as you like. (Some people like the stove top, but microwave is 5uicker6) & $ut the links into itty bits. & ,ather the now toasted bread with peanut butter (on facing sides). & The cut sausage links go onto one piece of bread, then the other slams down to make a delicious sandwich. 3 EPE+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 iaraSayre Bote from the contributor) 0hat really makes a crepe, though, is the filling. $repes can be sweet or savory. "y personal favorites are Butella or butter and powdered sugar for sweet crepes, or shredded mo++arella and basil for savory crepes) but options like peanut butter and 3elly or ham and cheese are always good too. Sweet crepes can also be made with some vanilla and cinnamon to taste in the batter. #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne cup flour .ne cup milk (or soy milk) Two eggs Two tablespoons butter P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' eggs and flour as best you can) gradually add the milk, and then the butter. The batter will be incredibly runny, but that's good. & -or least&lumpy results, refrigerate for upwards of half an hour before moving on or use an electric mi'er. (#ut being a poor college student with lots of night classes I do neither and it always ends up fine.) & *rease a pan or use a non&stick pan (larger is better6) and put it on medium&ish heat. (our a fourth of a cup of batter and tilt the pan to spread it around to get the crepe nice and thin) wait until the bottom of the crepe is cohesive and comes off the pan easily before flipping. !epending on your definition of 4medium heat,4 it can take a few minutes to cook on either side. EGG' 3HEE+' 5AA' T)4AT)(#+H +3 A425E7 EGG+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 "oosey #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' two eggs in normal&ish si+ed bowl, add salt and pepper and the tiniest dri++le of milk. & $ook for a few minutes in microwave, then top with grated cheese and nuke it some more, then dollop on some ketchup, and voila...a eggy, cheesy, disgusting&looking, great&tasting mess.

THE 2E+T 7A4& 2AGE5 E$E #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne whole&wheat bagel .ne tub of butter spread $innamon sugar

! 3)&T #2*T) 6 peppersweet

P EPA AT#)&6 & Slather the bagel with the butter spread, sprinkle (or dump on) on the cinnamon sugar and microwave for thirty seconds to a minute. /ntil the butter has reached your level of melted. (ray to god you remembered the plate this time. Aemove. 7at. Aepeat. 2 EA<"A+T P#E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 heart.mo3o #&G E7#E&T+6 Shortcrust pastry (enough for the base and the lid of the pie dish you use) G(astry cookery books should have a basic shortcrust recipe in them, I personally like to substitute plain flour for self&raising, because I like the pastry to be fluffyH Spinach (enough to fill, but not overflow your pie dish) #acon (enough to cover the base of the pie dish) -eta cheese (To taste, but enough to spread evenly in the pie) .ne small or medium onion, very finely chopped -ive to seven eggs (depending on how big the pie is) -resh parsley or coriander is nice too, if you have it. P EPA AT#)&6 & 2aving made your pastry, and with it now chilling in the fridge, pre&heat oven to =>;< celcius. & Aoughly chop the spinach and finely chop the onion. Aemove the fat and rind from the bacon. & Aoll half the pastry and cover the pie dish. ,ay the bacon evenly over the base, and put the spinach on top of the bacon. Spread the onion so that it goes everywhere and crumble the feta over the top. & This is the messy bit $arefully break the eggs on top, evenly spaced and (its not important, but it looks nice if) try not to break the yolks. (They will try to spill over the edges, I find that if you make a little divot in the spinach and space for it to run into, it helps) & 0ipe a bit of milk around the edges of the pastry. Aoll the other half of the pastry and put on top. & (ress the edges with a fork. (oke one little hole in the middle. & Trim the edges and brush with milk. & (ut in the oven for about forty minutes. ')G* T= G APE+ A&7 3E EA5 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Aadio&Bowhere #&G E7#E&T+6 $ornflakes1your favourite cereal *rapes -lavoured yogurt (obviously it doesn't have to be flavoured, but I like to use strawberry yogurt) "ilk P EPA AT#)&6 & ?ou pretty much 3ust put it in a bowl and eat it (but put the yogurt on top and the milk underneath, trying not to mi' them).

EGG A&7 T)A+T ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Aaksab Bote from the contributor) Insert obvious warning here about eating undercooked egg and potential food poisoning. I've eaten runny egg yolks for years and never had any problem, but if you're really worried, 3ust flip the egg over and cook till there's no runny parts left. #&G E7#E&T+6 Two slices toast .ne egg (as fresh as possible) #utter Salt, pepper, Tabasco, other condiments you like P EPA AT#)&6 & 2eat up a pan with the butter. 0hen it's medium hot, crack the egg in the pan and let the egg fry for a minute. (ut a cover on if you want the top to cook more and you don't feel like flipping it. & 0hile it's cooking, toast the bread and cut it into long finger&shaped pieces. & 0hen the white of the egg is set and the yolk is not 5uite cooked through, take your spatula and turn the egg onto a plate. Season to taste. & !ip the toast fingers into the egg yolk (they're called 4soldiers4), eat the whole thing and en3oy. .r if you're la+y, 3ust plop the whole fried egg onto toast and make yourself a breakfast (or anytime6) sandwich out of it. .r if you want, use more butter and instead of toasting the bread, plop it in the pan and fry it with the egg. ?um. .ptional additionsD & Sprinkle of cheese (add it to the hot egg or toast so it melts) & % few drops of truffle oil & ,eafy greens (good in a sandwich) & Sliced tomato and1or onion & % few drops of balsamic vinegar & "ustard (trust me on this one) THE 2E+T %A""5E E3#PE E$E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 pinkieh

#&G E7#E&T+6 Two cups buttermilk .ne stick melted, cooled butter Two eggs Two cups flour Three tablespoons brown sugar (preferably light, but all works) .ne tablespoon baking powder .ne teaspoon baking soda .ne teaspoon salt & Eust mi' it all together obvious1unimportant, but if you greased waffle iron. ?ou may want the very center tends to P EPA AT#)&6 (make sure you add the milk before butter, seems do it the other way it messes up) and ladle into to cook a bit above average heat1time, otherwise get gooey. eeps in the fridge for about a week.

2 EA<"A+T T) T#55A+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 -ruple Torti::a #@ #&G E7#E&T+6 -our tablespoons peanut butter (smooth or crunchy) Two tablespoons granola Two teaspoons honey Two tablespoons dried cranberries (or raisins) Two flour tortillas P EPA AT#)&6 & Spread two tablespoons peanut butter on each tortilla, spreading to the edges. & Sprinkle each tortilla with one tablespoon granola, one tablespoon dried cranberries, and dri++le each with one teaspoon honey. Aoll up tortillas lengthwise. Torti::a ##@ #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne&half cup cottage cheese .ne tablespoon granola .ne tablespoon brown sugar .ne tablespoon honey .ne banana .ne tortilla P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' cottage cheese, brown sugar, honey and granola. Spread on tortilla with a banana (sliced vertically). & 0rap tortilla by folding in sides and rolling up. C)H 4' G)7 TH#+ 3A&9T 2E G))7 ") 4EC(TA+T#3 %A""5E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 74

#&G E7#E&T+6 Two fro+en waffles, or however many you want depending on your hunger. .ne can of mandarin oranges $ool&0hip $hocolate 3immies1sprinkles P EPA AT#)&6 & Toast your waffles, unless you like fro+en, semi&cooked waffles. Then I guess put them on the plate and skip to the ne't step. & 0hen your waffles are done (or still fro+en. #y the way, I hope you can sense the sarcasm here...), open your can of mandarin oranges and sprinkle some of the orange 3uice1water over the waffles with a spoon, or a very precise hand on the can. Then pile some oranges on both of the waffles. 0hat's left can be served on the side or shoved into the fridge. & Top the oranges and waffles with a mahoosive bit of $ool&0hip. & Sprinkle the chocolate 3immies on top. & %ttempt to eat without making a mess.

2 EA<"A+T 7)&2* # ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Aae Aeneau Bote from the contributor) I know this probably doesn't sound that fabulous, but it's 5uite simple, makes a filling and 5uick meal, and does taste good, especially if you season it. (lay with the recipe a bit, and you can come up with a whole host of other options. #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne serving of white rice cooked (your choice I Easmine or regular white rice, whichever you prefer) .ne egg .ne piece of deli ham .ne tablespoon butter or vegetable oil Salt, pepper, and soy sauce to taste P EPA AT#)&6 & -i' the rice according to package directions. -or this to really be more authentic (true to Eapanese tradition), wash your rice first by putting it in a strainer and rinsing it with water before removing it to the pot for cooking. .nce the rice is cooking, pull out a small skillet. & 2eat one tablespoon butter or vegetable oil (your preference) in the skillet when the rice is almost finished cooking) once the butter is melted or the oil is shimmering, add your ham and crack the egg on top being careful not to break the yolk. & $ook on low heat until the yolk begins to set. %s this is based purely on preference, you can remove the egg and ham mi'ture from the heat at any time you feel it's to your liking. (ersonally, I like to let the yolk and white set 5uite firmly before I remove it from the heat, enough so that the yolk is still over& easy, but the egg isn't too gooey. #y this time your rice should be finished as well. & (ut the rice in a bowl but leave room at the top. Take your skillet off the heat and use a spatula to gently remove the ham and egg together and place on top of the rice. Season with salt, pepper, and1or soy sauce to taste. 3#&&A4)& T) T#55A+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 7lement&weaver #&G E7#E&T+6 -lour tortillas (at least two) #utter Sugar $innamon P EPA AT#)&6 & Take one of the tortillas and butter one side. & Spread1sprinkle the sugar and cinnamon on the buttered side of the tortilla. (?ou can add as much or as little of either, there's no real amount you should have, so you can e'periment) & Take the second tortilla, butter one side and stick it on top of the first tortilla. (The sugar and cinnamon should be in between the tortillas) %nd you're done6 ?ou can cut it into pi++a slices and eat it that way or you can leave it the way it is and (attempt to) eat it '!

3H#5AD*#5E+ 84#GA+; ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Aaksab Bote from the contributor) % cast iron pan works best for this since it can go straight from stove to oven, leaving you with only one dish to clean. #ut if you haven't got one, feel free to transfer the ingredients to a casserole dish for the second part. #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) $orn tortillas ripped into pieces Tomato salsa (canned pasta sauce will do if you're desperate) *rated or crumbled cheese $ooking oil S5uee+e of lime 3uice .ptional) 7ggs Sour cream #eans *round meat or shredded chicken. P EPA AT#)&6 & 2eat cooking oil in pan. (an&fry Stir in salsa and top with cheese. the dish. & S5uee+e some lime 3uice in (lime beans if you want. #ake in oven on hot. tortilla bits until they're moist and crispy. ?ou want there to be more tortilla than salsa in goes with everything in "e'ico). %dd meat or low heat until cheese is melted and everything's

Top with a fried egg for e'tra protein. Sour cream (table crema) is an optional condiment. Bot going to be picky about authenticity here) this is 3ust what I remember from when I went to "e'ico. If you're super la+y, you can use tortilla chips instead of tortillas and skip straight to the oven part) but they'll need to be rinsed in cold water first to soften them and remove some salt. 2 EA<"A+T 2EA& )PE&("A3E7 +A&7%#3H ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 i am the moon #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne egg .ne&fourth cup shredded mo++arella cheese .ne tablespoon butter .ne&fourth cup black beans .ne slice wheat bread P EPA AT#)&6 & Smear both sides of the bread with butter. $rack open the egg and fry on a skillet on medium heat until it reaches your preferred level of 4done&ness.4 Simultaneously heat the beans on low heat in a saucepan. & Scoop up the egg with a spatula and place the bread on the skillet. (lace the egg on top of the bread. !ust with cheese. 2eat until the cheese has melted. Spoon beans atop the lot. /se salt and pepper to taste.

)$E &#GHT " E&3H T)A+T 3A++E )5E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 simplywriting #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne&half cup butter or margarine Twelve slices of bread, or three cups of cubed bread (I prefer white, but have made it with whole wheat && doesn't taste the same) .ne cup brown sugar .ne teaspoon cinnamon or baking spice (or you can substitute with pumpkin spice blend which we do often) .ne teaspoon vanilla e'tract -ive eggs .ne and one&half cup milk .ne&fourth to one&half syrup, depending on taste P EPA AT#)&6 & (our melted margarine or butter into a F'=9 baking pan. In a small bowl, mi' together the brown sugar and your choice of spice. In a medium bowl, beat together the eggs, milk and vanilla. & In the bottom of your baking dish, layer with the first si' pieces of bread. Sprinkle half of your brown sugar1spice mi'ture over the bread. ,ayer the second half of bread on top of this. See the bottom for instructions on using cubed bread. & (our the egg mi'ture over all of it, and then sprinkle the remaining brown sugar and spice mi'. Take your half cup of syrup and dri++le it all over the top of the casserole. & $over and refrigerate overnight. -or the record, I have made this a couple of hours before wanting to serve it, and let it refrigerate for only two to three hours and that works fine too. 0hen you are ready to make it, cover with tin foil, and bake for thirty minutes at 9:;<-. Aemove the tin foil and continue baking fifteen more minutes. The casserole should be browned and set. 0hen you are ready to serve, you can sprinkle the top with nuts and1or powdered sugar. Serve with warm syrup and fresh fruit for a yummy breakfast. *+#&G 3*2E7 2 EA76 If you use cubed bread, I recommend putting in half, sprinkling with half the brown sugar1cinnamon mi' and then put in the remaining cubes of bread. (our the egg mi'ture over the entire thing and then use the rest of the brown sugar1spice mi' on top. Syrup can be dri++led over in the same fashion as above. P*4P<#& P#E #&+TA&T )AT4EA5 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 *eekilicious #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne packet of instant oatmeal (preferably the brown sugar kind) .ne cup of vanilla almond milk Two tablespoons pumpkin puree .ne&fourth teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice P EPA AT#)&6 & $ombine the almond milk, packet of instant oatmeal and microwave as per the instructions on the oatmeal bo'. & .nce combined thoroughly, add in the pumpkin and pumpkin pie spice and stir. It should be thick and creamy. ?ou can add more milk or pumpkin to taste. .ptional) Top with walnuts or pecans and a small dri++le of maple syrup.

)AT4EA5 %#TH EGG ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Aain&chan #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne egg .ne&third cup 5uick cooking oatmeal Two&thirds cup water Salt1sugar1spices1other condiments, as desired P EPA AT#)&6 & $rack your egg in a bowl, or other microwavable container. #eat it well, then add your water and mi' the two together. %dd in your oatmeal to the water&egg mi'ture and stir to combine. & (op your oatmeal into the microwave for about two and a half to three minutes, stirring and breaking down any eggy formations about once a minute at the beginning, and then every thirty seconds or so after the two minute mark. Stirring more often makes for a more homogenous mi'ture) less often, a denser mass. 2ow it cooks is your prerogative. & .nce the egg is cooked and the mi'ture is to the te'ture you like, take it out and add in your spices6 I like to salt my oatmeal and bring out the eggy flavor, but it also pairs well with sweet flavors and other normal oatmeal combos, such as brown sugar and cinnamon, pumpkin, or apple. It comes somewhere in between oatmeal and custard, which allows for plenty of possibilities. 7n3oy6 EAAA#9+ )AT4EA5 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ,ydiaJ7mber #&G E7#E&T+6 %bout a cup and a half of oatmeal (doesn't matter if it's 5uick or old fashioned or what) %bout two to three cups of milk (soy milk, cow milk, goat milk whatever you want) Two apples %bout a teaspoon of vanilla e'tract $innamon, to taste #rown sugar and1or honey, to taste If you have other fruits like berries or peaches or whatever, feel free to add it. P EPA AT#)&6 & %dd milk to a large pot. If you like it drier, add a little less, but this is supposed to be rather wet. %dd oats before it boils for softer oats, otherwise add when it boils. %dd vanilla. Stir, cover and simmer. & 0hile that's simmering, add water to a sauce pan and set to medium high heat. !ice an apple and saute. If you wanted other fruit, add some here, but not all. %dd a little cinnamon and sweetener of choice if desired. & #asically this is a 5uick applesauce, so when the apples start to turn soft, add to oatmeal. dice remaining fruit and add to oatmeal. %dd cinnamon and sweetener of choice to taste, though you may find that the fruit sauce is enough. & 0hile that's simmering, add water to a sauce pan and set to medium high heat. !ice an apple and saute. If you wanted other fruit, add some here, but not all. %dd a little cinnamon and sweetener of choice if desired.

2A<E7 APP5E(3HEE+E 3 EPE+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 $EF= #&G E7#E&T+6 $repes (leftover or store bought & we like making crepes for breakfast, so I use what's left over) .ne granny smith apple Several slices of colby 3ack cheese $ooking spray P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat the oven to K;;<-. Spray a baking pan with cooking spray, to prevent sticking. Slice the apple into appro'imately one&fourth inch thick slices, planning for three or four slices per crepe (I usually eat two or three crepes at a time, but you might want more). ,ay out the crepes and place the apple slices in stacks in the middle of each crepe. %dd cheese to your liking, then fold up each crepe like a burrito and place in the baking pan. (ut a little bit more cheese on top of each crepe, if you like. & #ake for ten to fifteen minutes. I don't remember e'actly how long I usually bake them, but I like them to come out with the apples still slightly crispy. The crepe may be slightly browned, but you don't have to wait for it to turn crispy. ?ou can also substitute whatever varieties of apples and cheese you like instead. They're e'cellent hot or cold, so I usually make a couple servings at a time. I like to put them in bento lunches. #3EC; ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 %miAemi Bote from the contributor) $autionD There are two reasons this Eapanese breakfast recipe is risky. .ne, many people are simply disgusted by the idea of eating an uncooked egg. If that's you, no big deal, 3ust find a different recipe. #ut this is worth trying at least once, and hey, BaBo0ri"o is about new e'periences, rightL Two, since it uses an uncooked egg, there is a risk of food poisoning. So don't even try this recipe unless you know that your eggs are fresh and safe. Ideally, you'll have access to farm&fresh eggs. If, like me, you don't, then buy the freshest eggs you can possibly get at the store, and make this within two days of buying them. Taking that precaution, I haven't gotten sick from this recipe yet, knock on wood. %nyway, this is a nice, 5uick, and filling meal, traditionally for breakfast, but good any time of day. %lso a good way to use leftover rice up, if you're derpy like me and you always make too much. #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne cup white rice, very hot .ne fresh egg Soy sauce to taste P EPA AT#)&6 & 0hile the rice is still very hot, use a spoon to make a dent in it. & $rack the egg into the dent. & Sprinkle soy sauce on the egg. (Bot the rice6 That's important6) & Stir it all together with a spoon or chopsticks until the egg sauce coats all the rice. & ?um. & %nd get back to writing. TA4AG) <A<E G)HA& 8CEGG )$E

THE 5)&E 4*+H ))4 8A&7 H)55A&7A#+E +A*3E; ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 bighillgoddess 4*+H ))4 #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 .ne large (ortabella "ushroom cap .ne poached egg Si' to eight baby spinach leaves Two tablespoons hollandaise sauce Two to three sliced cherry tomatoes *rated white cheddar & Scrape gills and stem from mushroom. #rown slightly under broiler then remove from oven. & ,ayer spinach leaves, tomatoes, egg, hollandaise sauce, then cheese in the browned mushroom. & (ut under broiler until cheese is bubbly and melted. H)55A&7A#+E #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 .ne egg yolk ,ess than one&eighth teaspoon !i3on mustard&this is a matter of taste. I use 3ust a smidge !ash of Tobasco sauce S5uee+e of lemon 3uice .ne tablespoon butter & $ombine egg yolk, mustard, lemon 3uice, and Tobasco in blender. $over and blend about five to seven seconds. This can be done with hand mi'er also. It is 3ust smoother from the blender. & "icrowave the butter until melted and hot. Start blender on high speed and stream in the butter. It will thicken immediately. P)PP'9+ 2 EA<"A+T 4#, ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 !ragon *al Bote from the contributor) "y (op made this for me for breakfast, and we had it served on a piece of buttered toast, but it can be done many ways. There is no e'act recipe, so the amounts depend on how many you're feeding, and times depend on how cooked you like your ingredients. #&G E7#E&T+6 .nion #acon Tomato Salt 0hite pepper $hili flakes *inger paste 7ggs P EPA AT#)&6 & !ice your onion(s) and cut the bacon into small pieces. $ut tomato(es) into wedges) sprinkle with salt and white pepper. & (lace onion into a frying pan and fry until half&cooked. & %dd bacon and cook for around five minutes before adding treated tomato. Sprinkle chilli flakes and ginger paste into mi'ture & Stir for around ten minutes. If desired, you can add half a glass of water here, but it isn't necessary. & Shift mi'ture to one side of pan. In the space left, crack eggs& one for each person you're serving for. & ,eave mi'ture until eggs are cooked on one side, then flip them and cook on the other side. & Scoop up mi'ture, and place an egg on the top of each person's serving.


H*44*+ 29TAH#&# ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 !anica: #&G E7#E&T+6 Two cups canned and drained garban+o beans Two large cloves fresh garlic Euice of one large lemon (may need more to taste) .ne teaspoon kosher salt .ne&third cup tahini (sesame seed) paste Two tablespoons water P EPA AT#)&6 & #lend all ingredients together in food processor until a fine paste. Taste test and ad3ust for seasonings. & Serve with toasted pine nuts on top and a dri++le of olive oil. "ay also sprinkle cumin on top if desired. Serve chilled with toasted pita bread or (ita chips and vegetable sticks. G)GGE5 4)GGE5 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 arma

#&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & Take one raw egg, and whisk it so the yolk is mi'ed up. %dd a teaspoon of vanilla e'tract and mi' again. Then add one or two teaspoons of sugar slowly while continuously mi'ing. Coila6 THE %)&7E +&A3< ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 larou' Bote from the editor) "uch to my chagrin and displeasure, the ama+ing title of this recipe was too long for the format. It's actual title is 4T27 I&T2IB &I'"&*.IB*&T.&!I7&%B!&B77!&%&(I$ &"7&/( 0.B!7A SB%$ .4 #&G E7#E&T+6 % cup % spoon % raw egg yolk (you don't cook the egg, so make sure it's fresh and from a reliable source, or has the red lion stamp which means it comes from chickens vaccinated against salmonella) % teaspoon of sugar -ive&si'ths tablespoon of double cream % generous dollop of strawberry 3am or lemon curd P EPA AT#)&6 & (ut the egg yolk in the cup and beat with the spoon until it's runny and smooth, one by one, beat in the other ingredients) savour. 2AGE5= 3 EA4 3HEE+E A&7 5*&3H 4EAT ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ?ouko %licia #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & Toast your bagel, then spread cream cheese on one side of the bagel and put a slice of cheese on the other. "icrowave until cheese is melted (usually about thirty to forty&five seconds). & (ut your lunch meat and pickles on bagel and put together like a sandwich.

&A&) +&A3< 4#, ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 0hat % $harmer Bote from the contributor) 0e make this every year and the whole family loves it. It makes a lot, so get some Miploc bags and package it up. It will stay fresh all month long. #&G E7#E&T+6 Two cups #ugles Two cups s5uare&shaped cheese flavored crackers Two cups pret+el sticks .ne cup $orn $he' cereal .ne cup bite&si+e shredded wheat .ne cup pecan halves .ne&half cup butter, melted .ne tablespoon maple syrup .ne and one&half teaspoons 0orcestershire sauce Three&fourths teaspoon $a3un seasoning .ne&fourth teaspoon cayenne pepper P EPA AT#)&6 & In a large bowl, combine the first si' ingredients. In another bowl, combine the butter, syrup, 0orcestershire sauce, $a3un seasoning and cayenne) pour over cereal mi'ture and toss to coat. & Transfer to an ungreased fifteen inch by ten inch by one inch baking pan. #ake, uncovered, at N:;<- for one hour, stirring every fifteen minutes. +P#&A3H("ETA P)3<ET+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 %maraAeyi #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne can pi++a crust (rectangular for easiest use) .ne&half package fresh spinach .ne cup feta .live oil .ne small onion *arlic and salt to taste P EPA AT#)&6 & Aoll out the pi++a crust on an oiled1sprayed sheet tray and cut into si' s5uares (can work with > s5uares but this can make it harder to fold over). $hop enough onion and spinach to half&fill the s5uares) add in feta to fill in the space. & Toss with a little bit of olive oil to get it to stick together a little better and add garlic1salt. %dd this filling to the s5uares (careful not to overfill them) and fold the s5uares diagonally into pockets, careful to close the seam. & #ake at 9O:< (about) it really depends on the brand of pi++a crust you used) for about twelve minutes or until they're brown. To make them e'tra&tasty, spread a little butter or olive oil with garlic on the upper crust before baking.

&)(3HEE+E &A3H)+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ,onely %ngel #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) Tortilla chips .ne&half can of black beans .ne&half small can of sliced olives Store&bought guacamole (can often be found in single serve pouches) Salsa (the fresh kind with diced tomatoes is better than the canned kind for this) my favorite is pico de gallo) .ptional) 2ot sauce or canned 3alapePo peppers, to taste P EPA AT#)&6 & -ill a plate with chips. & Ainse and drain the black beans (microwave them if you'd like, but they're fine either hot or cold) and dump on top of the chips. & (ile the guacamole in the center of the chips. & (ile salsa ne't to guacamole. & !rain olives and sprinkle over chips. & S5uirt on your favorite hot sauce, or add 3alapePos if you like things spicy. 2AGE5 7#P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 rileysmomma #&G E7#E&T+6 7ight ounce container of sharp cheddar cheese spread 7ight ounce container of whipped cream cheese *arlic powder, to taste P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' all ingredients until well combined. Serve with sliced pieces of bagel (Thomas' are the preferred brand here) or pret+els, or even veggies. I've eaten it on a toasted bagel with salami and that was 5uite tasty as well. P)TAT) %E7GE+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Sa+iikins #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & $ut up a potato into slices roughly the same si+e. .il a tray and put the potato slices on, covering them with the oil (it's nice and messy6) Season with salt and pepper and cover with mi'ed herbs. (ut in the oven at N:;<$ and leave until they start to go brown. !ish up and snack away. They're great with dip and they're also good cold. P#AAA7#A ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 rachael.leann #&G E7#E&T+6 Two tortilla shells (i++a sauce "eats and toppings P EPA AT#)&6 & Take one tortilla, spread sauce on it, put on toppings, place second tortilla on top and microwave or put in a sandwich maker.

4)49+ )&#)& 7#P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 3oeyh Bote from the contributor) This is fantastic. If you can, hold off until the ne't day the flavor intensifies. I like it with chips, but it is even better paired with steak6 7n3oy6 #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne large onion Two eight ounce blocks cream cheese #eef bullion P EPA AT#)&6 & #ring two blocks of cream cheese to room temperature so they get soft. & In a cup of hot water stir in bullion until it dissolves. Then using a bo' grater shred the onion on the finest setting so you get more 3uice and pulp. (!o it over a bowl) & Then add the cream cheese and a little bullion. "i' together. Then put it in the refrigerator to firm up again. 3HEE+' P)*" H) + 79)E$ E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 adeleketa #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne bag of cheesy poufs (the puffy kind, not the crunchy ones) .ne can of spray cheese .ne pair of chopsticks P EPA AT#)&6 & Select nicely shaped, large cheesy poufs. Top with spray cheese for a not&so& fancy hors d'oeuvre. 7at with chop sticks, so as not to get orange goo on your notebook or keyboard. 3H#P 7#P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 littlemissli++y #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne package low fat sour cream .ne package powdered soup mi' (onion) P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' powder into container of sour cream6 It doesn't get any easier than that6 P)*T#&E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 writeagain;K Bote from the contributor) This is our favorite birthday or other special occasion meal & like celebrating another BaBo win6 D) If you do a *oogle search for poutine images, you'll find lots of photos. %Q0 and !i'ie ,ee in $anada both serve a good poutine. #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & $ook up one bag of french fries. & 0hile that's cooking, heat one or two cans of St. 2ubert poutine sauce (or a good beef or chicken gravy if you can't get poutine sauce). & (lace each person's serving of fries in a bowl, cover with shredded mo++arella cheese, and top with gravy. %bsolutely yummy6

2EA& 7#P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Bovae-ire #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne can of refried beans .ne can of taco sauce Sour cream $heddar cheese Tortilla chips .ptional) .lives P EPA AT#)&6 & Spread the refried beans along the bottom of a glass baking dish. $over that with the taco sauce (as much or little as you like). $over T2%T with the sour cream (as much or little as you like). Shred the cheese on top. If you have olives, put them on top of that. #ake at 9:;< for twenty to twenty&five minutes. 7at with chips. 8A5TE &AT#$E 2EA& 7#P E3#PE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 3oeyh

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne can cannellini beans *arlic (to taste) I cheat and used the 3arred, minced variety) .live oil P EPA AT#)&6 & Throw in food processor and add olive oil until the bean spread or dip is the desired consistency.; GA AGE +A5E 7#P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Tarnished2alo #&G E7#E&T+6 7ight ounces 7ight ounces 7ight ounces 7ight ounces shredded cheddar cheese cream cheese (softened) salsa (the chunkier, the better) sour cream

P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' all ingredients together. Scoop with Tostitos chips, or whatever your heart should desire. D) So simple. So delicious. PEA&*T 2*TTE H*+H<#77'+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 %mber gris

#&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & Smear bread with peanut butter. & Sprinkle with miniature chocolate chips. & -old in half and hand to closest small child. & Aepeat as needed.

E&G5#+H 4*""#& P#AAA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 sasJessay #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne 7nglish muffin (i++a sauce *raded cheese and any other toppings (veggies, pepperoni...basically, any pi++a toppings you like. I suggest pineapple and olives.) P EPA AT#)&6 & Slice 7nglish muffin in half. & $over both halves in pi++a sauce. & (ut graded cheese on the pi++a sauce. & (ut your other toppings on top of the graded cheese. & (ut in microwave for a minute. (I think it tastes better if you put it in toaster oven for ten minutes at 9:;<&ish.) 4EA5 )& A 3 A3<E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 lrparks

#&G E7#E&T+6 -our ounces cream cheese, softened .ne&half cup mayonnaise .ne&fourth cup finely chopped onion .ne tablespoon lemon 3uice .ne&half teaspoon Tabasco sauce .ne&half teaspoon .ld #ay seasoning Si' ounces lump crab meat, drained P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat the oven to 9:;R-. & (lace all the ingredients e'cept the crab in a medium bowl and blend together with a spatula. Stir in the crab. Turn the dip into a one 5uart casserole and bake, uncovered, for thirty minutes, or until heated thoroughly. +T*""E7 3E5E ' ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Eager #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne whole bunch celery Several cups of sharp cheddar cheese Several cups mayonnaise P EPA AT#)&6 & Saw off root end of celery, separate, rinse, and scrub individual stalks. Set aside on paper plate. & *rate several cups of sharp cheddar cheese into a bowl. -luff. %dd mayonnaise to taste. "i' well. The filling should cling together, and to the fork. The filling is best set aside at this point, so that the flavors meld together overnight. .therwise, heap the filling inside individual celery stalks with a fork and serve at room temperature.

&)$E55#&G 7E5#GHT 8&)$E55E 9+ H*44*+; ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Bilbo Bote from the contributor) "y own recipe for hummus & the food know you need something healthy, but can't be bothered to cook be made in large batches to last several days and, if trusted, trained to perform this highly&needed task when the epic month swing.

of gods when you anything. This can children can be gets into full

#&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & -irst, pick whether you would like to use chickpeas (garban+o beans), as is more typical, or black bean for a good twist and more protein. "andatory) .ne head of roasted garlic .ne can of beans (chickpeas or black, your preference) Salt (to taste) .live oil (for te'ture) ,emon 3uice (to taste) $orn chips (for eating the hummus with) .ptional) Tahini (a couple of tablespoons, but optional) #alsamic vinegar (also optional, but makes things wonderfully yummy) A.%STIB* T27 *%A,I$D & Take a full head of garlic. (eel away the outer wrapper and chop off the top. (ut in foil, dri++le liberally with olive oil, wrap tightly in foil, and roast at K:;<until soft. This is the base for your ama+ing hummus. & In a food processor, put your beans, some olive oil, some lemon 3uice, the tahini, and all of your cloves of roasted garlic. #lend until smooth. & Bow you can add the balsamic vinegar and other ingredients until it tastes right and it the proper consistency. & Take this delicacy to your computer and eat it with corn chips, on bread in a sandwich with cheese, or with a spoon. D*#3< A&7 EA+' 3 EA4' TA3) 7#P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Simply0riting #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne package (si'teen ounce block) of processed cheese (typically by Celveeta, but we find generic brands constantly) .ne (si'teen ounce) container sour cream .ne package taco seasoning mi' P EPA AT#)&6 & -irst, cut the cheese into small cubes. In a microwave safe bowl, put the cheese cubes, sour cream and taco seasoning mi' and microwave covered for three minutes. & Aemove and stir well. & Aeplace in microwave and cook an additional two minutes. Aemove and stir. If it still needs heating, do it one minute increments until creamy and smooth. This dip can be served hot .A cold and tastes great with crackers, tortilla chips, corn chips or on meats or over rice. It@s a great versatile sauce1dip.

TEA 4A 25E7 EGG+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Shubult+ #&G E7#E&T+6 7ggs, however many (best if they can fit in one layer in the pot) Two tablespoons black tea, any kind (I usually use peppermint or oolong) Two cinnamon sticks .ne and one&half inches of vanilla bean .A one and one&half teaspoons of vanilla e'tract Two tablespoons low&sodium soy sauce .ne tablespoon salt .ne teaspoon sugar P EPA AT#)&6 & $over eggs in saucepan with cold water and bring to a boil over medium heat. 2ard boil the eggs (usually ten to twelve minutes cooking time). !rain eggs and allow them to cool enough that you can handle them. & /sing the back of a heavy spoon, crack the eggs all over, but do not remove the shells (or you can roll them a la (acino in %ngel 2eart). Try not to crack through the membrane under the shell. & (lace the cracked eggs back in the saucepan. %dd in the tea, cinnamon, vanilla, soy sauce, salt, sugar, and enough water to cover the eggs. & Simmer for at least an hour and up to two and one&half hours or longer. !rain and allow to cool to room temperature. ?ou can refrigerate these little guys in their shells. Eust peel them whenever you're ready to eat them. *reat for a snack or a party platter (halved with yolk& side down to show off the pretty marbling). 8A5TE &ATE TEA EGG E3#PE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 e'plosioned

#&G E7#E&T+6 -our hard&boiled eggs, peeled .ne&thirds cup of your favorite soy sauce -our bags (or four teaspoons) of your favorite #,%$ tea. I recommend plain black or oolong, but any black tea will do. ?ou can e'periment6 #oiling water, about two to three cups P EPA AT#)&6 & (lace tea in a glass bowl. & %dd soy sauce and hot water until there is enough li5uid in the bowl to completely cover eggs. & (lace eggs in bowl and let marinade in the refrigerator. ?ou can eat them after a few hours, but overnight gives the best taste.;

PAEE)&><#43H# PA&3A<E>G EE& )&#)& PA&3A<E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 felinius #&G .ne .ne %ny E7#E&T+6 cup water cup flour e'tra things you want to put in (not eggs)

P EPA AT#)&6 & ?ou basically add everything together. #atter should be more watery than thick. & 0hile you mi' everything in a bowl, heat your pan and put oil on it. (ut a few tablespoons on the pan. 0hen the top starts to become cooked (not li5uidy), flip it6 0hen you cook, it should be si++ling from the oil. If not, then it will burn and set off your fire alarm. eep putting enough oil on for it to cook whenever you flip it over. #oth sides should be browned. EA5APE&) P)PPE + ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Semirose #&G E7#E&T+6 #acon $ream cheese EalapePo peppers P EPA AT#)&6 & $ut 3alapePos in half and seed them and take out the membrane (unless you like it hot, then leave what you want in).S & -ill with cream cheese. & 0rap half (or a third) a slice of bacon around. $ook on oven wrack with pan under to catch drippings for ten to fifteen minutes at 9:;<-. .r if you 3ust want a couple, put on rack of toaster oven and have aluminum foil underneath to catch the drippings. I love using these to give sandwiches some e'tra interest, especially chicken or ham sandwiches. They're delicious on their own too. +T A%2E ' +A5+A ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 littlemissli++y

#&G E7#E&T+6 Two cups chopped strawberries .ne tablespoon chopped fresh mint .ne&half teaspoon grated lime rind .ne tablespoon lime 3uice .ne to one&half teaspoon li5uid honey P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' together in a bowl and en3oy6 Serve with plan Triscuit crackers or tortilla chips.

#3E 3 EA4 7#P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Sincerely(ink(anties #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) Ice cream $hocolate sauce Sprinkles $hips (any kind you like, but tortilla chips and nacho flavoured !oritos are the best) .ptional) Sprinkles P & & & & EPA AT#)&6 (ut a couple scoops of ice cream in a bowl. !rown in chocolate sauce. %dd sprinkles if you like. !ip chips of choice.

+H #4P 7#P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ?amino*eemu #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne > o+ package of plain cream cheese. (I personally like to use (hiladelphia brand cream cheese with all the fat and calories included, but you can use any type you like) .ne can of tiny peeled shrimp P EPA AT#)&6 & (ut the cream cheese out beforehand so that it softens. In the meantime, open and drain the shrimp and dump them in a bowl. /se a fork to mash them up very well. $ut the cream cheese block into pieces and mash it together with the shrimp until well& mi'ed. & ,eave it covered in the fridge when you're not eating. This is great on all sorts of crackers, crunchy breadsticks, pret+els, (and has the added bonus of holding the crackers together so that they don't drop as many crumbs on your keyboard6) and veggies. %nd it contains plenty of protein6 8A5TE &AT#$E +H #4P 7#P E3#PE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 merithyn

7ight ounces cream cheese, softened Three tablespoons mayonnaise Two tablespoons ketchup Two tablespoons brown mustard (or one teaspoon dry mustard) Two teaspoons onion powder Three cloves garlic, minced .ne medium cucumber, peeled, seeded and diced Two small cans tiny shrimp, drained & "i' the first si' ingredients together well in a medium bowl. %dd cucumber and shrimp, mi'ing very well. GShrimp will break down a little bit, and this is fine.H $hill for a couple of hours to allow flavors to mi', then serve on your favorite crackers. G"y crew love it on Triscuits.H;

3HEE+E 2A&A&A 2*

#T) ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 "archenplushieN>

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne slice of provolone .ne&half banana .ne tortilla P EPA AT#)&6 & (ut the provolone in the center of the tortilla. & $ut the banana into slices, and then put them on top of the provolone. (!epending on the si+e of the banana and the tortilla you may not want to use the whole thing.) & -old the bottom half of the tortilla up, then fold the left and right sides over top it. D*#3< 2AGE5 P#AAA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 aviekokyre #&G E7#E&T+6 (lain bagels (7nglish muffins are good to use too) (i++a sauce (or ketchup if lacking, not as good but works) Shredded cheese (finer the shred, 5uicker it cooks) P EPA AT#)&6 & .n a cookie sheet, cut bagels in half and spread pi++a sauce. #e generous as the bagel will absorb a good bit of moisture. & $over with cheese. & (lace bagels under an oven broiler until cheese is melted. % microwave can probably work here as well. I haven't tried adding toppings, but I would keep them small and possibly partially heated in the microwave. 4#3HE5E9+ 7#P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 katylinvw #&G .ne .ne .ne .ne E7#E&T+6 container (si'teen ounces) sour cream package fancy shred "e'ican cheese envelope ranch dressing mi' package precooked microwave bacon

P EPA AT#)&6 & $hop up the bacon in small pieces. "i' all ingredients together . & !ip your favorite crackers or chips && I especially like it with 0heat Thins6 3H#5# 7#P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 krbNg #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne can of chili (I like 2ormel's beanless turkey chili, but other kinds work too) .ne package of cream cheese .ne&half cup shredded cheese P EPA AT#)&6 & Spread cream cheese on bottom of glass pie dish, add chili, and sprinkle cheese on top. "icrowave until cheese melts. If you're using a metal pie dish, bake at 9N:<- until cheese melts.

3HEE+' +&))T' " *#T' +P EA7 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Aaksab #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne wedge of #rie .ne container of 3am or chutney $rackers or toast P EPA AT#)&6 & /nwrap #rie and put on microwave&safe plate. Spoon a generous helping of 3am over it. Buke in microwave until cheese is soft but not runny. Spread on crackers1toast and eat. This is the poor man's version of a cheese and fruit platter, which is why it's snooty. A5TE &AT#$E+6 ( Swap the #rie for a strong&flavored cheese and drink beer with it instead. & Sharp $heddar with apple slices is great. +P#3' 2)* 2)& PE3A&+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 wcmckim #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne pound pecan halves .ne&half cup bourbon .ne&half cup sugar .ne&half cup angostura bitters .ne tablespoon 0orcestershire sauce .ne tablespoon corn oil .ne&half teaspoon cayenne pepper .ne&half teaspoon salt .ne&fourth teaspoon freshly ground black pepper .ne teaspoon cumin P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9N:<-. & -ill saucepan with water and bring to a boil. !rop pecans in and cook for one minute) drain and set aside. & (our bourbon into small saucepan and bring to a boil. #oil steadily until three tablespoons remain. & $ombine bourbon and sugar. %dd bitters, 0orcestershire sauce and corn oil) stir in pecans. "i' throughly. ,et nuts sit for ten minutes. & Spread on 3elly roll pan. #ake in 9N:< oven for thirty&five minutes, or until li5uid is absorbed. Toss pecans with cayenne, salt, pepper and cumin) mi' well. Aeturn to baking sheet and let stand until cool and dry. & Store in tightly covered container for up to several days.

+T A%2E

' 2*

#T)+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 EulesAeed;=

#&G E7#E&T+6 -our or five strawberries, diced, .ne tablespoon of peanut butter .ne small flour tortilla P EPA AT#)&6 & -irst, lay the small flour tortilla on a small plate (or a regular plate, or a large plate. ?ou can go cra+y with your plate preferences). Spread the one tablespoon of peanut butter onto one side of the tortilla. "ake sure to reach the outsides of the tortilla as well) if you only spread in the middle, the burrito doesn't fold right. & Spread the diced strawberries down the middle (from top to bottom) of the peanut buttered tortilla. & Bow, to assemble...fold the bottom of the tortilla up slightly. 0rap one side of the tortilla around the strawberries, and wrap the other side of the tortilla round the first side. Ideally, this should form a pocket. If you aren't up for fancy folding, you could 3ust roll up the burrito, although, this ma'imi+es strawberry retention. This makes one burrito6 7n3oy6 3A&7#E7 &*T+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Aaksab #&G E7#E&T+6 /nsalted nuts (I prefer walnuts) Sugar % little butter P EPA AT#)&6 & Toast dry nuts in an oven (9:;<- works) until a bit brown (five to ten minutes). If you are easily distracted, set a timer to make sure you keep an eye on them. Take out when toasted and let cool. & Take a sturdy skillet. (ut sugar (maybe one&half cup for every two cups of nuts you plan to coat, ad3ust to taste) and a smidge of butter into skillet. (ut on stove and heat, stirring constantly, until sugar melts and turns all goldeny brown and all the crystals are dissolved. !o B.T give in to the temptation to lick the spoon or stick your finger in the sugar, 'cause it is really, really hot at this point. & #utter an oven&proof dish and spread the toasted walnuts in it. 0hen sugar is carameli+ed, pour it over walnuts and stir till the nuts are all coated. Spread walnuts out with fork so they don't all stick in one big clump. Sprinkle with a little cinnamon if you want. ,et cool. 7at. "akes a great topping for vinaigrette salads or ice cream. 0arningD 2I*2,? addictive. If a little leftover carameli+ed sugar sticks to your skillet (and it will), you can get rid of it by heating water in the skillet until the sugar dissolves.

A$)3A7) A&7 +%EET 3H#5# 7#P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 0riter"eegd=9 #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne avocado .riginal rice crackers Sweet chili sauce, to taste. P EPA AT#)&6 & "ash up the avocado, add in the sweet chili sauce to taste %B! !I( %0%?6 "A5+E P#AAA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 sierramcconell #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne piece of bread Two pieces of string cheese 7ighteen slices of turkey pepperoni Two teaspoons of ketchup P EPA AT#)&6 & Spread your ketchup on your bread. & (lace a layer of nine turkey pepperoni on the ketchup bread. & (ull apart the string cheese and make a grid on top of your Turkey (epperoni. & (lace a layer of the other nine Turkey (epperoni on top of the string cheese grid. & (ull apart the other string cheese and make another grid on top, possibly in the other direction. & (lace in the microwave and melt for thirty to si'ty seconds depending on your microwave. I ate this for lunch a few times because have specific foods in certain amounts (I to get me to make sure I was) so this like A7%, pi++a. ?ou can add ranch for I was on a calorie diet in which I wasn't eating and the doctors were was a fun e'ercise. T! It actually taste, too, or other things. %lso, want, toast the bread had to trying tastes if you first6

%H#TE 3H)3)5ATE 4#, ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 2omeward#ound Bote from the contributor) 0arningD this is e'tremely addictive. -ortunately, there is a ton of it to go around. "ake sure you use a very large bowl for mi'ing. #&G E7#E&T+6 -ive cups multi&grain $heerios -ive cups $rispi' Two cups salted peanuts Si'teen ounces plain "Q"s Ten ounces mini&pret+el twists Two twelve ounce packages of white chocolate chips Three tablespoons vegetable oil P EPA AT#)&6 & "easure and mi' together cereal, peanuts, "Q"s, and pret+els in a large bowl. "elt white chocolate chips and vegetable oil slowly in a double boiler. (our melted chips over other ingredients and mi' until evenly coated. ,ay out onto wa'ed paper and let dry. #reak into pieces and store in airtight container.

&A& 2 EA7 P#AAA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 waywardvictorianboy #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne piece of nan bread (found in the bakery or gourmet section of your local super market) ?our favorite pi++a toppings (cheese, peppers, et cetera) P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to K;;<-. & (lace nan bread on tray. & *rate cheese and sprinkle on pi++a. (Try not to get any on the very edge of the bread.) & %dd toppings of choice. & #ake for ten minutes, or until the cheese melts completely. &A&)% #4) T A#5 4#, ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 atrielle ingston Bote from the editor) $heck out more of atrielle's recipies at cookingmadesimple.ning.com6 #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne to two pounds dry roasted peanuts Si' ounces $raisins cherries Si' ounces $raisins blueberries Si' to ten ounces plain raisins .ne&half to one pound plain "Q"'s .ne container of chocolate covered or plain almonds P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' together and put in an air tight container or bulk foods plastic bag. This makes a lot, but you can snack on it all month. % good mi' of sugar, carbs, good nut fats and dried fruit is a balanced energy1brain food snack to keep the gears turning and fingers typing. E5E&A9+ 4#3 )%A$E +&A3< 4#, ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ecbaker #&G E7#E&T+6 %bout one tablespoon of butter .ne&eighth teaspoon of 0orcestershire sauce % pinch of both garlic and celery salt %bout a cup in total of $herrios, Shreddies, peanuts, pret+els, popcorn, or whatever sort of dried snack you would like in your mi' P EPA AT#)&6 & In a microwave safe bowl, melt the butter. %dd the 0orcestershire sauce, and the garlic and celery salts. "i' until combined. %dd your dried cereal1nuts1small snacks and coat with the butter sauce. & (ut in microwave on high for twenty seconds. Stir, then heat again for twenty seconds. If it is not crispy at this point, microwave once more for ten seconds or so.

+A$) ' EGG #& THE H)5E! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Aae Aeneau #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) !iced red onion .ne egg .ne slice of bread && can be any kind) choose your favorite #utter1margarine1cooking oil Salt and pepper, to taste .ptional) $heese slices P EPA AT#)&6 & (repare your food first since it won't take long to cook. Take out a cup or cookie cutter and punch a hole in the center of your bread) this will create the 4hole4 in the title. !ecide how much garlic and red onion you like for flavor and dice it up as finely as you like. $rack your egg into a small bowl careful not to break the yolk. & In a skillet, add your butter or cooking oil and heat over low heat until butter is melted or oil is shimmering. %dd your garlic and onion and cook, letting the flavors mingle until the onion is tender and the garlic speaks. Then add the outside of the holey bread slice, saving the hole to cook later if you like. %llow the bread slice to fry in the butter&garlic&onion mi'ture, absorbing the flavors. %fter a few minutes of frying, carefully pour the egg into the center of the hole and season with salt and pepper to taste. & ,et the egg and bread cook until the egg white has solidified and the yolk is more solid and then carefully flip the bread and egg. $ooking times will vary depending on whether you like your egg more cooked or not) do be careful not to undercook the egg, though. .nce you've flipped the bread, you can add a few pieces of cheese on top to melt into the bread and egg. $ook until the egg has reached the desired doneness and serve. If you're feeling ambitious, add a bit more butter or oil to the pan and fry up the bread in the remaining butter&garlic&onion flavor. It only takes a few minutes on high heat and is a delicious treat, despite being incredibly fattening. I know this is seriously not heart healthy, but I can't help loving eggs6 They're so versatile and easy to fi', and when paired with bread and cheese, they are one of my favorite things to eat6 A+P " *#T 7#P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Aosefighter #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne cup vanilla yogurt (plain will not work) Three&fourths cup creamy peanut butter P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' the two together until it is a light brown. $ut up fruit and dip in. 7n3oy6 I was given this recipe at my 3ob that I work with little kids ranging from kindergarten to eighth grade. "ost kids will say that they don't like fruit and after one taste of the dip, they are usually hooked.

PEA&*T 2*TTE #&G Two .ne Two

APP5E C+*+H#C ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ,adyStripey

E7#E&T+6 tablespoons of peanut butter half of an apple slices of wheat or white bread

P EPA AT#)&6 & $ut apple into slices about the si+e of a match. & $ut the slices of bread into thirds. & Spread peanut butter onto the bread. & (lace pieces of apple onto peanut butter in a row. & Aoll the bread together so it's a cylinder1sushi, using the peanut butter to keep it together. & 7n3oy. (#etter cold) 3HEE+' 3HEE+E +3)&E+ )" 3HEE+E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 "elkyre #&G E7#E&T+6 Two cups of flour .ne tablespoon of baking powder .ne&half teaspoon of salt .ne&half cup of butter Three&fourth cup of milk ,ots of cheese #asil P EPA AT#)&6 & 2eat oven to K:;<-. & "i' the flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl. %dd the milk and butter, and a handful of finely grated cheese (turn your grater6). & %dd as much basil as you'd like, but a couple shakes is enough. "i', probably going to need to use your hands at this point. & *rate lots more cheese. *et a pan and put some (am, parchment paper blah blah whatever you want. Take a small handful of dough and flatten in your palm. Stuff in a ball of cheese, then close the dough around the cheese. (lace on pan, and cover with cheese. Aepeat. Aepeat, repeat, until out of dough or cheese or sanity. & $ook for ten minutes, looking for brown bottoms. +HA<+H*<A ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 holyJshiitake #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 I use one can of crushed tomatoes (or whole tomatoes that you crush yourself if you're in a crushing mood). #ut the canned kind is pretty essential because you need the li5uid in order to do this second part. (.h, and a low pot is nice for this recipe.) .nce you've got the crushed tomatoes simmering in their li5uid, take a few eggs and crack them over the tomatoes. ,et them hang out on top of the tomatoes for a few minutes, covering your pot. %fter three or four minutes, take the cover off. The eggs should have cooked whites and slightly runny yolks. %dd salt, pepper and cumin to taste. ,adle into bowls and serve with chips, salsa&style. ?/".

3HEE+E +T A%+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6


#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne package (eight ounce) of shredded $heddar cheese (can really be any kind you like) .ne&half cup (one stick) of butter, softened .ne cup all&purpose flour .ne&fourth teaspoon of salt P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to K:;<-. & In the bowl, combine all four ingredients until you have a dough&like substance. The 5uickest way to do this is with your hands. nead it like cra+y. & -orm the mi'ture into little balls, and then roll them between your hands until you have a 'straw' about the length and width of your inde' finger. (lace on cookie sheet one to two inches apart. & #ake for about eight minutes, or until golden brown. & 7at and en3oy6 P*""E7 %HEAT 3A<E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 $atwoman==9> #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne cup corn syrup .ne cup brown sugar .ne&half cup margarine .ne&fourth cup cocoa Two teaspoons vanilla Bine cups puffed wheat P EPA AT#)&6 & $ombine corn syrup, brown sugar, margarine, and cocoa in a large saucepan and bring to a boil on medium heat. & ,et simmer for about three minutes. & Aemove from heat, stir in vanilla. & %dd puffed wheat and mi' until puffed wheat is coated. & (ress into F'=9 pan and let cool. +*PE (7*PE EA+' T) T#55A )55*P+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 bighillgoddess

#&G E7#E&T+6 -ive ten inch tortillas Salsa .ne block softened cream cheese .ne small container sour cream .ne can chopped black olives, drained .ne can chopped green chilies, drained .ne cup grated cheddar .ne&half cup finely chopped green onion .ne tablespoon taco seasoning P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' cream cheese, taco seasoning and sour cream thoroughly, then spread over the tortillas. & Sprinkle rest of filling ingredients evenly over the cream cheese and sour cream mi'ture. Aoll up tortillas. 0rap tightly in plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight. & To serveD unwrap and cut into half inch slices. Serve with salsa for dipping.

D*#3< 2E ' PA "A#T ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 bravray3 Bote from the contributor) ?ou can use any fruit you want with this one. -lavored yogurt is okay too. #&G E7#E&T+6 Si' ounces of yogurt, any type .ne half to one cup berries, sliced if needed .ne&half cup bran P EPA AT#)&6 & .btain a bowl or cup. "i' the yogurt if needed, and place some on the bottom of the bowl or cup. Top with some of the fruit, followed by the bran cereal. Aepeat until finished. Serve immediately or store in refrigerator until ready to eat. 2 *+3HETTA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 a3c -resh tomatoes (can be any type, even small cherries) -resh basil (about eight medium&si+ed leaves) -resh, or dried, oregano (appro'imately one half teaspoon chopped1dried) .ne&half cup chopped1finely diced white onion Two tablespoons e'tra&virgin olive oil .ne teaspoon balsamic vinegar .ne fresh mo++arella ball Salt and pepper to taste & $hop tomatoes and add in chopped basil, oregano and onion. Slice up the fresh mo++arella ball. %dd oil, vinear and salt and pepper. Toss and en3oy as a salad, .A slice thin mo++arella on top of crusty Italian bread. #ake under broiler until cheese is melted and bubbly, then add tomato salad on top and en3oy as fresh bruschetta. ?ou can also top with Aomano or (armesan cheese.

3 #+P' T) T#55A +T #P+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 mycatduncan #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne tortilla % mild or spicy seasoning of your choice (%" spray .ptional) Salt P EPA AT#)&6 & 2eat the frying pan to a medium&high setting. !on't make it too hot or your tortilla will burn right away. & .nce the pan is heated, put to tortilla onto it whole. (I used to cut it before, but found that this works better.) & Spray the top side of the tortilla with the (%" and sprinkle it with however much of the spice and salt you want. & ,et the tortilla cook until it is medium or light brown on the other side. !.B'T leave the stove while the tortilla is cooking, because it happens really fast. Trust me. & -lip the tortilla to the uncooked side. !epending on how much spice you'd like, you can now spray the cooked side and put seasoning on that, too. & ?ou can let the tortilla cook until it is crispy enough for you, then remove it and place it on a plate (or cutting board, if you decided to use the knife). Turn the stove off. Bow, take your scissors1knife and cut the tortilla into lengthwise strips 3ust thicker than, say, a pencil. ?ou can also cut it into triangles or circles or octagons) I don't think it affects the taste. & 7%T6 They taste good if you dip them in sour cream, and probably *reek yogurt, too.

<A5E PE+T) ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Aaksab #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne bunch of fresh kale, or one&half pound bag of fro+en .ne small onion, or half a big one .live oil Three&fourths cup grated parmesan cheese, or a couple of thumb&si+e chunks Three handfuls walnuts .ne clove garlic #lack pepper and salt ?ou will need a food processor for this recipe. .ptional) Aed pepper Scoop of plain yogurt P EPA AT#)&6 & If kale is fresh, wash and parboil it, let cool, and chop it into pieces that will fit in your food processor. If it's fro+en, dump it in a bowl, cover, and microwave on medium until it's lightly cooked. If the greens have a lot of li5uid in them, drain it out. & 2eat a skillet with some oil in it, chop the onion, and cook the onion bits until it starts to get soft. "ince the garlic and toss it in until it starts to get golden brown. If you're using red pepper, sprinkle it into the oil. Take the skillet off the heat and stir until the onions cool a little. -or bonus points, you can toast the walnuts. & %dd a handful of nuts to the food processor, and pulse until you have nut crumbs. %dd parmesan. Then toss in the onions and oil and a handful of kale and process some more. Sprinkle in some salt. eep blit+ing and ad3usting ingredients (you may need to add more oil or some yogurt) until you have a paste that suits your taste. Serve the pesto on toast or hot pasta. .r dip crunchy veggies in it. This makes several servings) store leftovers in fridge. This also works with broccoli, chard, spinach, peas, or any sturdy green edibles you have laying around. ?es, even fro+en (3ust nuke until cooked first). !on't try it with delicate salad greens though.

4' "A$)* #TE 2EE 2 EA7

E3#PE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 .rangeTango!oble

#&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9:;<. & $ombine three cups all&purpose flour, three teaspoons baking powder, one and one& half teaspoons salt, and one&half cup sugar & %dd twelve ounces beer. ,agers tend to be the best. !o not use Batty, "iller (even 2igh ,ife), or #ud. The only acceptable cheap beers are ,abatt and (#A. #ut I strongly recommend a Samuel %dams. Trust me, it makes a difference. & "i' thoroughly. #atter will be mostly smooth with a few lumps. If batter is very dry and lumpy, add a little water until it smooths out (you can also add e'tra beer if you have any, but make sure the beer you add is the same as the twelve ounces you originally mi'ed in). & #ake for fifty minutes (this would be a good fifty minuets to spend writing your novel). (our one&fourth stick of melted butter over bread. #ake for ten more minutes. ,et cool for fifteen minutes before eating. 8A5TE &AT#$E 2EE 2 EA7 E3#PE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 %niAemi

#&G E7#E&T+6 Three cups self&rising flour Three tablespoons sugar .ne bottle beer) and don't try to get all fancy and use a flavored beer. ?our average #udweiser or Sam %dams will do the 3ob. .ne&fourth cup melted butter P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9O:. *rease a loaf pan with butter or cooking spray and set aside. & $ombine sugar, flour, and beer. The fun part is pouring in the beer and watching it get all fi++y while you stir. & (our the batter into the loaf pan, and layer the melted butter on top. & #ake for = hour. & Serve hot, topped with butter and whatever else you please. I think this bread is fantastic topped with honey and served with a cup of strong black tea.;

%ET 3) &2 EA7 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 tidewaterbound #&G E7#E&T+6 Three cups white cornmeal (Indianhead from "! is best) .ne cup sugar .ne and one&half teaspoon salt .ne stick butter P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' dry together in very large bowl, then make a trench and put butter stick there. & %dd three cups of boiling water, stir and mi' completely & %dd three beaten eggs, also stir until well mi'ed & %dd two cups of milk (use some half Q half in that for e'tra body and sweetening), mi' completely & (our mi'ture into nine and a half inch by twelve inch baking pan with a dollop of oil in center. (If you like, you can spray the pan with non&stick spray too) & #ake at K;;< - for one hour. ($an vary in time, so watch it. $an be forty&five minutes. It depends on the humidity of the cornmeal) & Serve warm with plenty of butter. THE 2 EA7 THAT 4*+T &)T 2E &A4E7 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 rachie+ Bote from the editor) Thank you Bessarie for the name6 #&G E7#E&T+6 -ive and a half cups of all&purpose flour .ne&half cup of instant mashed potato flakes .ne&four cup, and three tablespoons of sugar .ne and one&third package1tablespoon of yeast Three&fourths teaspoon of salt .ne&fourth teaspoon of ground ginger Two&third cups of milk .ne&third cup of water .ne&third cup butter, softened Two&thirds cup pineapple 3uice Two eggs .ne and one&fourth teaspoon vanilla e'tract P EPA AT#)&6 & In large mi'ing bowl, combine two cups flour, potato flakes, sugar, yeast, salt, and ginger. In a small saucepan, heat the milk, water, butter, and pineapple 3uice to =N;&=9;<-. %dd to dry ingredients) beat 3ust until moistened. %dd eggs and beat until smooth. "i' in vanilla. Stir in enough remaining flour to form a soft dough. & Turn onto floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic, about si' to eight minutes. (lace in a greased bowl, turning once to grease top. $over and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about one hour. & (unch dough down. Turn onto lightly floured surface and divide in half. Shape each half into a ball or elongated loaf. (lace loaves on a greased cookie sheet. $over and let rise until doubled, about forty&five minutes. & #ake at 9O:<- for twenty to twenty&five minutes or until golden brown. & Aemove from pan to wire rack to cool.

% #TE AT%) <9+ 4)49+ "5*""' 2#+3*#T+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 writeratwork #&G E7#E&T+6 Two cups self&rising flour .ne&half cup shortening or butter Two&thirds cup milk or water P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' butter into flour with a fork until crumbly, add milk, mi' well. & nead dough gently onto floured surface (flour your hands). Aoll or pat to one& half inch thickness. & $ut with a biscuit cutter or small round cup dipped in flour. & (lace on a baking sheet, bake about ten to twelve minutes at K:;R-. "A# ' 2 EA7 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 nocturnalieN Bote from the contributor) So many people outside of %ustralia haven't heard of it, and it was a huge, awesome part of my childhood, so I thought I'd share it around. #&G E7#E&T+6 0hite bread #utter or margarine Sprinkles) hundreds and thousand P EPA AT#)&6 & Spread the butter or margarine on the white bread. "ake sure to reach into the corners. !on't & freak out about the amount used) it's mostly for adhesive purposes. & Sprinkle hundreds and thousands over the bread liberally. ?ou want a nice even coat. & Traditionally, cut the bread into triangles. Stars and hearts are also popular. & 7at6 (#e prepared to get sprinkles all over your lap6) +H) T2 EA7 7)*GH ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Telcontar Bote from the contributor) 7verybody knows that the dough is always better than the cookie, but raw cookie dough isn't supposed to be the safest thing to eat. Shortbread dough, however, has no egg or other ingredients that need to be cooked. %nd better yet, because it's a simple ratio rather than an actual recipe, you can make as much or as little as you want to get through your BaBoing adventure6 #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne part sugar Two parts butter Three parts flour P EPA AT#)&6 & Eust put these all in a bowl and cut them together with a pair of forks until they're super crumbly and delicious6 Then eat6 %lso, if you decide you do want to bake the shortbread, make enough to cover the bottom of an ungreased >'> inch cake pan and bake at KN:<- until the dough is light brown and flaky.

THE +#4P5E+T H)4E4A7E P#AAA 7)*GH E$E

! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Bunseik

#&G E7#E&T+6 K;;g of butter .ne cup of warm water (warm enough to melt the butter, but warm to 4handle it all4 also) .ne kilogram of flour .ne package of dry yeast Salt and sugar, or not6 !epends on you... I always forget to put salt6 .live oil Top as you want to P EPA AT#)&6 & 0arm the water, add the yeast and let it dissolve. & (ut the butter (and salt) in the water, and using your hands you have to melt the butter in the water as much as you can6 & %dd flour with care, stir the mi'ture while adding flour until the dough stops sticking to your hands... probably it will happen before you use the entire flour6 !on't worry, you will use it later. & nead the dough (you can use a little bit of anger here, I"(.AT%BT666) & (ut the dough in a bowl lightly coated with olive oil. Turn the dough around in the bowl so that it gets coated with the oil. $over with plastic and let it rest for about two hours in a warm place until It double in si+e6 It is pretty beautiful6 & Bow in a flat surface (previously cleaned and coated with flour) you will take a certain amount of the dough and open in the shape of a pi++a you want. (robably it won't work as e'pected, then you can use a rolling pin or a bottle to help you to open your pi++as. & Top as you want and carefully take it to the oven, medium temperature, for ten to fifteen minutes. The dough normally will be enough for five flat and crispy pi++as.

)&E(T%)(TH EE 2 EA7 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 freiman #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne teaspoon of salt Two tablespoons of oil, lard, butter, shortening or left over bacon grease (they work differently, but they all work) Three tablespoons of honey or sugar (to feed the yeast beasties) (two or three diner packets) .ne cup of sourdough starter, or N packs of yeast %bout four cups of all purpose flour. ?ou can substitute whole wheat flour, but not self rising %bout a cup of any kind of flour for kneading 7nough oil and flour to flour and grease two loaf pans and a big bowl .ne or two eggs, adds 4meatiness4 to the bread "elted butter (brush it over the loaf for a pretty crust) P EPA AT#)&6 & In a great big plastic or aluminum bowl, mi' the yeast with the warm water. If you are using starter, 3ust put a cup of starter in the bowl. %dd the oil, salt and the honey (and eggs, if you want). Stir it with a wooden spoon. %dd about 9 cups of flour. Stir until it becomes batter, and then keep adding flour until it becomes dough. It takes a few tries before you really know what that looks like, but it isn't tough to spot. & 0hen the dough is holding together, turn it out onto a floured surface. nead it until I gets firm (about ten minutes). To knead, fold the dough over onto itself and press it down. Turn the dough ninety degrees, and then do it again. *uys, women seem to love to watch a shirtless man knead dough (and the other way around, I guess). & ,et the dough sit for a minute, and go wash the bowl. !ry and then grease the bowl. !rop the dough into the bowl, and then flip the bowl over so that the dough falls out. Then drop the dough back into the bowl, oiled side up. & ,ay a damp, clean cloth over the top of the bowl, and set it in a warm, draft free place. .nce again, put it where pets, kids and spouses can't bump it. %t this point, you can go to work, or go to bed, or do anything else you want for a while. The dough has to rise at least to twice it's si+e, which takes about an hour. It's fine if it rises more than that. 0hen you are ready flour your hand, and gently punch the middle of the dough. The dough will fart bread scented air and make the entire house smell good. & nead until it becomes firm again. Aoll the dough out with a floured rolling pin or a floured empty (and lableless) wine bottle. *rease and flour a cookie sheet. Aoll the dough up, and fold the ends of the roll under. The idea is to keep the the gasses in the bread. (ut the long loaf diagonally on a cookie sheet and let it rise again until it has doubled in si+e again. #rush the loaves with melted butter to get a slightly crispier crust. & #ake the loaf at 9O:R- for about twenty&five minutes. eep an eye on it for the first few do+en loaves. %fter a while you can tell by the smell. The bread is done when you put a toothpick into it, and it pulls out clean and dry. & 0hen the loaves are done baking, let them cool on a wire rack. This prevents dry spots. ,et them cool before you slice them. % good 5uality bread knife is worth the money. !on't get in a hurry, if you cut it too soon, it wont cut right.

+*PE .ptional) (armesan $reme fraiche

"A+T A&7 EA+' T)4AT) A&7 2EA& +)*P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 fionchadd

#&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) Two tins chopped tomatoes .ne tin mi'ed beans .ne tin kidney beans Three garlic cloves =O; milliliters stock ,ots of fresh basil

P EPA AT#)&6 & !rain the beans. put beans, tomatoes and garlic in a blender. "i', but only for about ten seconds so the te'ture is still chunky. & (our into saucepan, add stock and heat. & Season with salt, pepper, herbs, as desired. & Serve with a sprig of basil, (armesan shavings and a dollop of creme fraiche (or 3ust eat). EA+' P)TAT) +)*P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 radioactivealchemist #&G E7#E&T+6 Three large potatoes Three strips of bacon (or ham), precooked and cut into one&half inch pieces Two pieces of garlic clove 2alf a red onion (regular onion is okay too, but I think red gives it more of a kick) Two teaspoons olive oil Salt, pepper, oregano and parsley to taste P EPA AT#)&6 & -inely chop the garlic and cut the onion into small pieces. SautU together over low heat with olive oil, salt, and pepper for about two minutes, then add bacon and go another minute or two. & (eel the potatoes, and cut into appro'imately half inch cubes. %dd them to the pot along with 3ust enough water to cover everything. & %dd oregano and parsley, and more salt and pepper as desired. #oil over medium heat for twenty&five to thirty minutes, until the potatoes are tender and their edges have become rounded.

8A5TE &AT#$E P)TAT) +)*P

E3#PE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 aurorablack

#&G E7#E&T+6 Two&thirds cup butter Two&thirds cup flour Seven cups milk -our large baking potatoes, baked, cooled, peeled and cubed, about four cups -our green onions, thinly sliced Ten to twelve strips bacon, cooked, drained, and crumbled .ne and one&fourths cups shredded mild cheddar cheese .ne cup (eight ounces) sour cream Three&fourths teaspoon salt .ne&half teaspoon pepper P EPA AT#)&6 & In a large !utch oven or stockpot over low heat, melt butter. Stir in flour) stir until smooth and bubbly. *radually add milk, stirring constantly, until sauce has thickened. & %dd potatoes and onions. $ontinue to cook, stirring constantly, until soup begins to bubble. Aeduce heat) simmer gently for ten minutes. & %dd remaining ingredients) stir until cheese is melted. Serve baked potato soup immediately.; 8A5TE &AT#$E P)TAT) +)*P E3#PE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 2omeward#ound

#&G E7#E&T+6 -our tablespoons butter1margarine .ne medium onion, diced %bout seven medium potatoes, diced .ne cup potato water .ne cup milk Two cans condensed $ream of $hicken or $ream of "ushroom soup .ne package of smoked sausage1(olish ielbasa, sliced Salt and pepper, to taste P EPA AT#)&6 & SautU onions in butter. $ook potatoes in water until tender. !rain potatoes, but reserve one cup of potato water. & In large pot, combine all ingredients, stir well to distribute condensed soup evenly throughout, and cover. Aeturn to low heat. Simmer at least thirty minutes, stirring often. (ersonally, I don't salt this very much. The condensed soup takes care of that nicely, I think. %lso, I prefer to simmer an hour or a bit more. "akes it nice and thick. This is a great meal for the autumn and winter, because it is so warm and filling. I know my family of three always goes back for seconds. It would definitely not serve si' or us6;

THE &))75E A&7 %HATE$E

E5+E ')* 3A& "#&7 +)*P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6


#&G E7#E&T+6 Instant 3ust add water noodles (I've discovered that half a block is 3ust about right for one person) %ny flavour stock or (weak) gravy of your choice -resh or fro+en peas (half a cup, or more depending on how many peas you want) P EPA AT#)&6 & *et a (fairly large) microwaveable bowl and break the noodles into small pieces into the bottom of it. Then add the peas on top of this. %dd the stock or weak gravy until the bowl is filled. Then simply put it in the microwave for four minutes (that's on >:;0 though). I suggest checking it and giving it a stir when it's about halfway done to stop anything sticking or overflowing. 0hen four minutes is over you have something that you can 3ust about get away with calling soup6 It's also a great one as you can add a lot more to it, beans, other vegetables, meat (though this needs to be cooked first). 25A3< 2EA& +)*P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 lrparks #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne tablespoon oil Two medium red onions, finely chopped .ne medium red, yellow or orange bell pepper, chopped .ne green bell pepper, chopped Two stalks celery, chopped -our cloves garlic, minced .ne tablespoon, plus one teaspoon cumin .ne pound dried black beans .ne tablespoon chopped canned adobo chile peppers -our (fourteen ounce cans) beef broth .ne tablespoon Tabasco chipotle sauce Two teaspoons salt .ne&fourth teaspoon black pepper Euice and +est of one lime .ne cup sour cream P EPA AT#)&6 & 2eat oil in large skillet over medium&high heat. %dd onions, peppers and celery and sautU until lightly browned. %dd garlic and cumin) stir one minute. Transfer onion mi'ture to slow cooker. & %dd beans, adobos, broth, Tabasco, salt, and pepper. $over and cook on high until beans are very tender, about si' hours. Transfer two cups of bean mi'ture, and the lime 3uice and +est, to blender) puree until smooth. Aeturn puree to the slow cooker and stir in. & ,adle soup into bowls. Spoon a dollop of sour cream into each bowl.

"#$E 3A& 3H#5# ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Sulwen #&G .ne .ne .ne .ne .ne .ne E7#E&T+6 can kidney beans can black beans can chicken broth can tomatoes with chilies can refried beans packet chili seasoning

P EPA AT#)&6 & !ump everything into a pot. Stir and heat. %nd you're done6 4EAT A&7 $EGG#E +TE% ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 3illb #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & I do this with a slow cooker (you can basically leave it all day to do its stuff). #rown some chunks of meat (beef or lamb are good, chicken is okay Guse chunks rather than minceH. !epends on the si+e of your slow cooker, I use about a pound. .r, you can replace it with an e5ually amount of 8uorn if you're a vegetarian.) & $hop a selection of vegetables into chunks (whatever you like that will fill the slow cooker). Aoot vegetables on the bottom "eat (all fat drained) on top "ushrooms on top of that (helps the gravy) .ther vegetables in layers on top of that, until slow cooker is full & "ake enough stock (I use vegetable stock) to 3ust reach the top layer of vegetable. ,id on, slowest cook option. !o this in the morning and leave it going (even while you're at work, it's safe for that) and you've got dinner sorted for when you get home. TA3) +)*P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 timeturner #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) Two pounds ground beef .ne large onion, chopped .ne can pinto beans .ne can whole kernel corn,drained .ne can stewed tomatoes, "e'ican style .ne can Aotel tomatoes .ne package original 2idden Calley ranch dressing mi' Two and one&half cups water or more, to make soup broth .ptional) .ne package taco seasoning mi' P EPA AT#)&6 & #rown ground beef and onions in a large pan, drain off fat. & %dd remaining ingredients and simmer for an hour or so. 0hen ready, serve in big soup bowls, and have a skillet of hot cornbread to eat, too. Bote from the contributor) %fter browning the meat you can dump it all in the crockpot and let it simmer on low all day long and it reheats perfectly. ?es, the ranch dressing sounds weird but, I promise, don't leave it out, it's what makes the whole recipe worthwhile.

3H#3<E& A$)3A7) +)*P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 brightlights #&G E7#E&T+6 Three cups chicken broth .ne avocado .ne twelve ounce 3ar of Salsa Cerde .ne cooked chicken breast, shredded Two teaspoons cumin .ne can cannellini beans Tortilla chips (-or the chicken, buying a small rotisserie chicken is easy too, and re5uires no cooking in advance.) P EPA AT#)&6 & #lend or mash the avocado unless almost smooth, and then heat everything together, e'cept for the tortilla chips. 0hen hot, sprinkle tortilla chips on top. E*G 3HEE+E +)*P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 yronae

#&G E7#E&T+6 Two chicken bouillon cubes -our cups water .ne cup chopped onions Two and one&half cups cubed potatoes Twelve ounces fro+en mi'ed veggies (it's best to get the kind with green beans, corn, peas, carrots, etc) Two cans of cream soup (your choice. $ream of chicken, cream of mushroom, cream of celery...etc) Si'teen ounces of Celveeta cheese. P EPA AT#)&6 & In a large pot, combine water, bouillon and veggies. #ring to boil, then simmer for thirty minutes. %dd cream soup and cheese. Stir until cheese is melted. THE TE&7E "))T9+ 3 )3<P)T 3H#5# ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 $hautona #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne restaurant&si+ed can of pinto beans (the big mondo things... you can substitute = lb of dried beans, soaked and cooked, as well) Three packages of Taco Seasoning (I prefer ,awry's) Three pounds of browned ground beef. Two to three (fourteen and a half ounces) cans of "e'ican diced tomatoes .ne (seven ounce) can of green chilies .ne to two large chopped onions Three to four tablespoons of powdered garlic P EPA AT#)&6 & !ump all ingredients in a large (si' 5uart) crockpot and cook on low for four to twelve hours (only 4needs4 four but can stay for ages). Serve with cornbread or oyster crackers. 0e like cheese heaped on ours. It's better than canned and -%ST.

C)H 4' G)7 # E*+T 4#GHT 7#EC 3H#5# ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 74 #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne and a half pounds of ground beef1chuck1sirloin. I'm not entirely sure how ground turkey would taste, so I'm not adding it to the list of ground meats you can use. Two medium si+ed cans of kidney beans Three cans of tomato sauce, the big ones. (#ut not the surplus si+e. /nless you're cooking for =N;. Then I guess that many.) Two packets of hot chili seasoning. 0e use the ones they have at (ubli' and they work 3ust fine. -rank's Aed 2ot #uffalo Sauce. (S07%A #? T2IS ST/--) Calentina 2ot Sauce. It's from "e'ico. If you have it in your area, it'll be in the 2ispanic -oods aisle (I believe I've also seen them at 0orld "arket, but don't 5uote me on this) of your grocery store. If not, I guess leave it out. $hili powder, crushed red pepper, garlic, black pepper, paprika, to taste. %bout four drops of steak sauce. P EPA AT#)&6 & #rown the ground beef. 0hile the ground beef is cooking, get out a large stockpot and combine the sauce, beans, and everything else. Stir. & 0hen the ground beef is done cooking, drain the grease and pour the collanderful (or whatever you used to drain the grease) of ground beef into the stockpot. Stir again. & ,et it simmer about two, three hours. Then serve with crackers, and if you need to cool it down (and we're not talking temperature), sour cream. ?ou can make this and then put it in the fridge and pull it out the ne't day or dinner, and it's going to taste great (a lot spicier too). This is a great way to warm up in the winter too. ?our lips will feel warm, your innards will feel warm... EA+' 3H#3<E& A&7 7*4P5#&G+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Sphyn' #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne can of cream of chicken soup .ne can of cream of mushroom soup Two cans of water .ne bullion chicken cube .ne cups of chicken .ne package of (illsbury biscuit dough Salt and pepper as needed. P EPA AT#)&6 & (lace all ingredients in crock pot. Turn on high for four hours, or cook on low for si' to seven hours. D) (ersonally, I like to wait until after the 4soup4 is cooked, and then add in the cooked biscuits, but that's 3ust my personal preference. 0ith this recipe you can add in what you think will be flavorful. If you want veggies in it, add in a ton of them I onions would be good in it too. It literally takes about five minutes to put together, and you can have a ton of writing time while they cook6

5AA' +)*P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Iridial Bote from the contributor) It's very good for when you're cold or sad, and if you literally don't have time for anything it can pass for a hot meal6 #&G E7#E&T+6 2ot water Cegetable bouillon cube Aed pepper P EPA AT#)&6 & #oil the water and pour into a mug, like you're going to make tea. & %dd bouillon cube and mash it up until it's 3ust bits floating in the water and could maybe possibly pass for soup. Then add as much red pepper as you like6 %nd anything else you want to add. THE +)*P )" THE P)) A&7 4A5&)* #+HE7 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 e3 runyon

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne can (rogresso ,entil Soup .ne can stewed tomatoes (Italian or "e'ican seasoned if you want) .ne chicken breast from -$ P EPA AT#)&6 & 7at the skin off the chicken (yummm) & Shred or chop up that piece of chicken. & "i' the soup, the stewed tomatoes and chopped chicken in a pan big enough to heat this all up. & /se low heat and warm this up for about twenty minutes (do a word war with yourself to pass the time). & Take a break and eat this with crackers. & *et back to work. $EGG#E +)*P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 #lack7yed*irl #&G E7#E&T+6 Two to three potatoes %ny other vegetable you like) I prefer +ucchini and broccoli. Ceggie broth P EPA AT#)&6 & $ut the vegetables and boil them in water with about two to three teaspoons of vegetable broth. eep in mind that the potatoes take longer, so you'll want to throw them in first and add the rest later. & #oil 'til everything's soft. !rain some of the water so the veggies are only 3ust covered in water. & /se a handheld blender to chop it all up 'till it's soup (I put the pot in the sink for this, otherwise it can get a little messy). & %dd salt and pepper to taste, and some shredded cheese on top if you like.

" E&3H )&#)& +)*P 2G0 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Spica #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) -our cups of sliced yellow onions Three tablespoons of melted butter Two tablespoons of sugar .ne&half cup of a dry wine ("erlot is my personal favorite. I've also used red wine vinegar and balsamic when I had nothing else, and the result wasn't the best, but certainly edible.) Seven cups of broth (beef is preferred, but I love mushroom.) Two to three cloves of garlic, minced Salt and pepper to taste .ptional) .ne loaf of -rench bread "o++arella and (armesan P EPA AT#)&6 & Toss sliced onions with melted butter. %dd garlic and sprinkle in a tablespoon of the sugar. $over and let simmer at medium temperature for forty minutes, occasionally scraping and stirring every so often. Sprinkle in some of the sugar and salt between each scraping. The onions should be completely and evenly carameli+ed before the ne't step. & Stir in the wine. ,ower temperature to simmer. %dd in a little bit of broth at a time, stirring gently after each addition. & ,et simmer for thirty minutes. Season to taste. (ersonally, I love -rench onion soup with 3ust a small sprinkling of cheese on top. #ut if you prefer the full gratineeD & (reheat oven to 9:;<-. (our soup into oven&safe bowls. & Slice baguette into half&inch slices and layer one in each bowl. Sprinkle mo++arella and (armesan mi'ture on top to taste. & #ake for fifteen to twenty minutes or until toasted. Serve. 4*+H ))4 A&7 2A 5E' +)*P! 3)&T #2*T) 6 %miAemi #&G E7#E&T+6 Two tablespoons butter .ne clove pressed or chopped garlic Two celery stalks, chopped finely Two large carrots, peeled and chopped finely .ne&half large sweet onion, diced -ifteen mushrooms, wiped clean and sliced Three cans chicken or vegetable broth .ne cup pearl barley, rinsed Salt and pepper to taste P EPA AT#)&6 & "elt the butter in a large pot over medium heat. %dd in the garlic, onions, carrots, and celery, and saute until the onion is translucent. & %dd the mushrooms and saute until they soften. & (our in the broth and the barley. & $over and simmer for at least = hour, until the barley is tender. & $atch up on your word count while you wait. & Serve hot with crackers or buttered bread.

P) < A&7 5E&T#5 +TE% ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 EoanJofJ8uark #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & 8uantities depend on your cooking pot) find a heavy&bottomed saucepan or casserole dish and hunt down enoughD .nion (otato $arrot (ork chops or cheap pork 3oint sliced into fillets (optional) #acon Sausages ,entils Vto fit it. To flavour it, use some or all of garlic, sage, bay leaves, rosemary, oregano, salt, pepper. ?ou will also be adding chicken stock or water. & !epending on the si+e of your lentils, you might want to soak them in water for a few hours if you have time, and then discard that water. The tiny orange lentils don@t need this. $an be cooked on the stove top or in the oven) if using an oven, heat it to a moderate heat. If using chops or fillets, brown them on both sides in a sautU pan with a little oil. & !ice the vegetables and cook in the base of your pot with a little oil until 3ust starting to colour. & %dd the herbs and condiments and mi' thoroughly. $hop bacon and sausages into bite&si+ed pieces and stir in. Bow add your lentils and li5uid. & Simmer on the stove top for about forty minutes or bake for around one hour, whichever fits your writing routine best. Tastes fine the ne't day so can be made in bulk in advance. HA4 A&7 2EA& +TE% ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 "adalyn #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne package of dried *reat Borthern #eans .ne packed of precooked, diced ham Salt and pepper to taste 0ater P EPA AT#)&6 & Ainse the beans and remove any gross looking ones. (ut them in the crock pot with enough water to cover them. ,et them simmer on high for about two hours, them switch to low and add the ham. ,et it cook for another four to five hours. I usually divide it up into serving si+es in free+er bags, that way when you want some at 9D;; %", you 3ust have to throw it in the microwave6

PE&3#55#& 3H#3<E& +)*P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Aaksab #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne set of raw chicken parts, precut .ne small onion, or two shallots Two to three large carrots .ne large celery stalk Ten whole black peppercorns Two cloves garlic .ne turnip .ne parsnip .ne leek, or bunch of spring onion .ne bunch parsley %ny other root vegetables you think would be good. #e careful if you use potatoes, because they can get mushy. %ll proportions are fle'ible. P EPA AT#)&6 & (ut all things in a big pot. (Skin the chicken parts first if you want.) -ill pot with water. & (ut pot on stove and turn on medium&high heat until it boils. Then turn it down to simmer. & ,eave it to cook for several hours or overnight (3ust don't leave the house empty with the stove still on). The chicken fat will float to the top in yummy golden blobs. Skim it off with a spoon and put it in a cup in the fridge && it makes good mat+o balls, or use it in any way you'd use butter. ?ou can even put it on toast, if you're feeling indulgent. It's okay if a little is left behind on the soup. The chicken and veggies should be soft and cooked through, and the soup should taste done. Strain the broth, do what you please with the leftover chicken and veggies. I like to eat 'em, but my mother usually gives them to the dog (cutting meat from bones first, B7C7A give cooked poultry bones to a dog). !ip yourself out a bowl, add salt to taste, and en3oy. -or additional sinus& clearing power, add a couple drops of hot sauce. 3H#3<E& T) T#55A +)*P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 pearannoyed #&G E7#E&T+6 Two large cans of chicken broth Two cans of cream of chicken soup (or substitute cream of celery or cream of mushroom) Two to three stalks of celery, diced 2alf an onion, diced Two large cans pre&cooked chicken Two cans of Aotel or other "e'ican seasoned canned tomatoes Two cans of black beans, drained Two cans of yellow or white hominy, drained (or substitute canned corn) $hipotle pepper, "e'ican oregano, cumin and chili powder to taste P EPA AT#)&6 & $ook over medium heat until everything is hot and the celery isn't crunchy. Serve with shredded cheese and1or sour cream and1or crushed tortilla chips.

8A5TE &AT#$E 3H#3<E& T) T#55A +)*P

E3#PE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Cickie Taylor

#&G E7#E&T+6 -our cups water .ne can (fourteen and a half ounces) diced tomatoes .ne cup shredded or cubed cooked chicken breast .ne can (four ounces) chopped green chili peppers .ne envelope noodle soup mi' with chicken broth .ne&half teaspoon ground cumin .ne&half teaspoon salt .ne&half teaspoon black pepper .ne&half cup grated "onterey Eack cheese .ne&half cup tortilla strips or crushed -ritos .ne onion, chopped P EPA AT#)&6 & $ombine water, tomatoes, chicken, chili peppers, soup mi', cumin, salt and pepper in four 5uart or larger slow cooker. & $over, cook on low four to si' hours. & *arnish with cheese, tortilla strips and onion to serve.; +TEA< A&7 P)TAT) +)*P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 radioactivealchemist #&G E7#E&T+6 "eat. ,eftover steak, marbled steak, whatever you've got hanging around. (otatoes $arrots .nions #eef broth .live oil *arlic, minced Spices %mounts don't really matter) use what you've got. ?ou can use more1different veggies if you like (celery or something). There should be enough beef broth to cover everything) you can add a little bit of water if it simmers down too much. -or spices, use whatever you've got handy. I like basil and cracked pepper. P EPA AT#)&6 & $ut your veggies and meat up into nice little pieces. (ut the meat in the bottom of your soup pot with the garlic, spices, and a little bit of olive oil) cook until browned. & %dd your veggies and broth and bring it to a boil over high heat. $over, reduce heat to medium, and let it simmer for about an hour while you go write. Test for doneness by piercing the potatoes or carrots with a fork. !epending on the amounts you use, you can make a lot or a little, and it tastes great. Two small pieces of round steak, four medium potatoes, a carrot, about one& half cup minced onion, and two si'teen ounce cans of beef broth makes about four servings, to give you an idea.

8A5TE &AT#$E +TEA< A&7 P)TAT) +)*P

E3#PE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6



#&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne package #ear $reek creamy potato soup mi' Two steaks, one inch thick, cubed into pieces .ne cup carrots, diced or medallion sliced .ne cup celery, diced about the same si+e as the carrots Two to three medium si+ed potatoes, 5uartered and cubed .ne to two tablespoons bacon bits (in soup) .ne to two tablespoons chives (fresh or dried in soup) Salt and pepper, to taste .ptional) *reen onion Sour cream $hives #acon bits Shredded cheddar .yster crackers -or this recipe, chop all veggies, meat and set out all the garnishes ahead of time. .nce you get started, this soup cooks fast. P EPA AT#)&6 & (at dry steaks with paper towel, cube and cook until browned in a skillet with a little olive oil. "eanwhile, in a large pot heat #ear $reek soup according to directions on package. It should be about the consistency of thickened gravy. 0hen meat is done, drain off fat, rinse, add to soup, as well as the vegetables and potatoes. & ,et simmer on low until vegetables'll need to stir it fre5uently, as potato based soups can burn easily if they are cooked at too high a temp. In the last few minutes of cooking, add a heaping spoonful of sour cream, bacon bits, chives and salt and pepper. Stir until sour cream is evenly distributed and melted in, and serve with garnishes.; 5)%(4A#&TE&A&3E "#+H +)*P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 $erridwene #&G E7#E&T+6 =;; grams salmon (fro+en work as fine as fresh) .ne chopped red onion .ne inch chopped leek .ne cup prawns (or fro+en shrimp) Sweet and sour sauce $hicken broth to your taste P EPA AT#)&6 & (ut salmon in pot, cover with water, add a touch a salt and let simmer on lower to medium heat for about fifteen (thirty if fro+en) minutes. (erfect time to do a word sprint or three while waiting. & (our off the water and add fresh until it covers the fish, add the leek and onion along with the sweet and sour sauce and the broth. ,et simmer for about five minutes. %dd prawn (if using fro+en shrimp give it one minute before serving), grab a plate and serve with a piece of bread and beverage of your choice.

2 )3)55#(3HEE+E +)*P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 writeratwork #&G E7#E&T+6 Two bottles of cheese whi+ (eight ounces each) Two cans condensed cream of celery soup (ten and a half ounces each) .ne and one half to two pounds broccoli (fresh or fro+en) -our cups half&and&half cream P EPA AT#)&6 & $hop broccoli (heads and stems) into bite&si+ed sections. "i' all ingredients together in a large crock pot, cook overnight (five to eight hours, or until broccoli is tender) on ,.0 heat. <AT9+ +P#3' TH EE 2EA& 3H#5# ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 atrielle ingston

#&G E7#E&T+6 Two tablespoons olive oil .ne pound ground beef .ne pound ground turkey Two tablespoons garlic, minced, divided .ne cup onion, minced -our cups water, divided Two packages "c$ormick .riginal chili seasoning Two cans (fifteen ounces each) diced tomatos .ne can (fifteen ounces each) dark red kidney beans, black beans and chili beans .ne whole green, red, and yellow bell pepper) diced or strips .ne tablespoon hot sauce .ne tablespoon creamy peanut butter P EPA AT#)&6 & In a large si' 5uart (or more) pot, combine the first si' ingredients (half the water and half the garlic). & %llow meat to brown in water and spices until cooked through and well broken apart. !rain meat and return to pot. & %dd the rest of the water and garlic to drained meat. & "i' in both packages of chili seasoning. %llow to simmer on medium heat one&half hour while you dice the bell peppers. & %dd all canned ingredients (rinse the beans in a colander before adding to the pot) and diced bell peppers. ?ou can add one to two cups e'tra water. This will help prevent scalding on the bottom of pot. & %llow the beans and peppers to cook at least one hour on low to medium heat. & %dd the last two ingredients to pot, stir together and allow chili to simmer another one hour on ,.0 heat, stir fre5uently. & In the last half hour of cooking, prepare corn bread, and grate cheddar cheese if you'd like cheese on your chili. PEA&*T 2*TTE A4E& +)*P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 %ryna

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne oriental flavored ramen package (I haven't tried this with any other flavor.) Two tablespoons e'tra chunky peanut butter (really any will work, but that's what I prefer.) !iced apple (It's up to you as to how much you put in.) P EPA AT#)&6 & (repare ramen as per the instructions then mi' in the peanut butter and the apple. 7n3oy.

EA+' 2EE" +TE% ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 golfgal;> #&G E7#E&T+6 %bout one pound stew meat (or however much you need for however many people you plan on serving) .nion $arrots (I like to use a fro+en bag of cut carrots to save on prep time) (otatoes $elery .ne can stewed tomatoes (I use crushed tomatoes to avoid chunks...) #arley #eef broth1bullion #ay leaf #asil, oregano, parsley, salt, pepper, and other spices to taste P EPA AT#)&6 & #rown the meat and the onions in some olive oil. %dd cut carrots, potatoes, and celery to the pot1crock pot. !ump in the tomatoes and any seasonings you desire (including the bay leaf). %dd beef broth (I usually use a mi' of beef broth and plain water). %dd any other vegetables you may so desire in your stew (if you're not morally opposed to slimy fungus, go ahead and throw some mushrooms in, add some sweet potato or winter s5uash for variety, whatever floats your boat). & ,et the stew cook for nigh on forever. Soak the barley for while before adding it. ,et it cook a while more. Top with (armesan when served if desired. 3HEATE 9+ 3H#3<E& A&7 +A*+AGE G*42)! 3)&T #2*T) 6 flyery #&G E7#E&T+6 Three skinless, boneless chicken thighs, chopped -our tablespoons unsalted butter .ne pound %ndouille, crumbled -our stalks of celery, chopped .ne large yellow onion, chopped Three cloves garlic, finely chopped Two tablespoons flour -our cups chicken broth (more can be added if you want it soupier, or 3ust add water) .ne bay leaf % dash of paprika Twelve okra, sliced in rounds P EPA AT#)&6 & #rown chicken and sausage with two tablespoons butter and the transfer to boll & %dd vegetables to pan and cook until softening (two minutes). & %dd remaining butter and flour and stir for two minutes. & %dd broth and bring to a boil. Aeturn meat to pan. & %dd okra, reduce heat to medium and simmer until thick.

<A EA5A& PA+T# 82EE" +TE%; ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 nerakrose #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne kilogram beef inner steak or what it's called in 7nglish .ne and one&half teaspoons salt -reshly ground pepper olive oil for frying -our deciliters white wine Three deciliters apple 3uice Two beef stock cubes .ne&half deciliter soy sauce Two to three laurel leaves Two teaspoons rosemary %ppro'imately ten potatoes (medium si+ed to large) Three to four carrots Two onions .ne parsnip .ne fennel -our cloves garlic .ptional) .ne&half deciliter di3on mustard (can be left out...I hate mustard so I never put it in, and it's none the worse for it) .ne bag (twenty grams) figs -or a simpler recipe, white wine and apple 3uice can be substituted with water, and the vegetables can be varied. I most often use only onions, potatoes and carrots as that's something I always have. P EPA AT#)&6 & Slice the meat into smaller slices and fry with salt and pepper in a cast iron pot until golden on each side. %dd the white wine and apple 3uice (or water if that's what you're using), the soy sauce, mustard, figs, stock cubes, laurel leaves and rosemary. %ll the vegetables are thrown in on top (peeled and chopped, carrots into coins and potatoes into 5uarters, onion into 5uarters). "ake sure the broth covers everything. (ut the lid on the pot and put in the oven and leave on =:;<c for at least two hours. The longer the better. The meat gets really really tender, the broth is savory and divine (also a bit sweeter if you use the apple 3uice) and this serves many people or a few for some days. $an be stored in the cast iron pot in the fridge and can be reheated on the stove.

3) & A&7 2EA& $EGETA #A& 3H#5# ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Semirose #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne onion, chopped .ne green bell pepper, chopped Two 3alapePo peppers, seeded and chopped (or less than seeded if you like e'tra heat) -our cloves garlic, chopped Two cans black beans (or one big can), drained and rinsed Two cans diced tomatoes (or one big can), undrained .ne and one&half cups water .ne tablespoon chili powder .ne teaspoon ground cumin .ne&half teaspoon sea salt .ne cup fro+en corn Cegetable oil P EPA AT#)&6 & In a large saucepan heat the oil over medium heat and cook onion, bell pepper, 3alapePo pepper, and garlic in oil until tender, about five to seven minutes. & %dd black beans, tomatoes, water, chili powder, cumin and salt. 2eat until boiling. & Aeduce heat and cover. $ook for thirty minutes stirring occasionally. & %dd corn and heat until boiling. Aeduce heat and simmer for five more minutes uncovered. Suggestions)I like to top it with sour cream and cheese, if you mi' in enough of both it gets to a consistency that's awesome to use as a chip dip, which I've done to bring to parties and it was always a hit. If you want meat brown however much you want ground turkey (or beef or lamb or chicken) and add some cumin and chili powder and stir in. I live alone and can cut this recipe in half and have it feed me for days. EA+' $EGETA #A& 3H#5# ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 i am the moon #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne tablespoon e'tra&virgin olive oil Two bell peppers (any color), chopped .ne and one&half cups chopped mushrooms .ne large onion, chopped Two celery stalks, chopped Three garlic cloves, minced .ne tablespoon chili powder .ne tablespoon dried oregano .ne teaspoon ground cumin .ne&fourth teaspoon salt Two fifteen ounce cans pinto beans .ne fourteen and a half ounce can no&salt&added diced tomatoes, with 3uices P EPA AT#)&6 & In a large saucepan, heat oil over medium heat. %dd peppers, mushrooms, onion, celery, and garlic) cook, stirring, until vegetables begin to soften, about seven minutes. %dd chili powder, oregano, cumin, and salt) cook, stirring occasionally, five minutes more. & %dd beans and tomatoes with their 3uices. #ring to a gentle simmer and cook, stirring occasionally, until chili is fragrant and slightly thickened, twenty&five to thirty minutes. Serve warm.

3H) #A) 2EA&+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 grenouille #&G E7#E&T+6 %s many cans of read bans in salty sauce as needed $hori+o sausage *arlic Salt, pepper, chili, Tabasco, mar3oram, et cetera P EPA AT#)&6 & .pen the can, pour the beans into a saucepan, warm them up. $ut the chori+o up and add to the saucepan. %dd crushed garlic, salt, pepper, chili, a bit of Tabasco, mar3oram and any other spices you like. 0ait for the chori+o to warm up, then serve. Tastes best after three days. +A54) EE) 8GAAPA3H); ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 BayraF #&G E7#E&T+6 % blender or a mi'er Si' or tomatoes (to get a big bowl) %bout four thick slices of bread. In Spain we use country&style bread but any kind of bread you have will do. % tablespoon or two of vinegar % small cup of oil, ideally olive oil % tablespoon of salt Two eggs P EPA AT#)&6 & Start by boiling the eggs, mainly because if you boil them when everything else is done you'll waste eight precious minutes of writing. & (eel the tomatoes (not obligatory) and chop them in small pieces, as if you were to make a salad. & #lend the tomatoes until you get kind of a puree. & %dd the bread and blend again. & %dd the olive oil, vinegar and salt and blend. %d3ust the seasoning depending on what you like, but be generous with the oil. & (ut it in the fridge if you want to en3oy it cold, and peel and chop the eggs in very small parts. Bow, when you are about to eat the salmore3o, simply sprinkle the chopped eggs on top of it. If you don't like eggs or you want more flavours, you can also use chopped cucumber, onions or ham, or all of them together, or any other vegetable you like.

$EGETA25E +)*P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 $ousinEenny #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne tablespoon vegetable oil (can be sunflower, olive, whatever you fancy) .ne onion *arlic (any amount from none, if you don't like it, to lots if you do) Two tomatoes .ne red or green pepper (aka bell pepper in the /S%) .ne large carrot (or a couple of little ones) 2alf a small cabbage (or spring greens1curly kale1other dark green leafy vegetable) .ne large leek .ther seasonable vegetable(s) & maybe parsnip, turnip, beans, s5uash, whatever's around and cheap in the shop really. .ne big handful red lentils, washed (put in bowl, cover in lots of cold water, swirl round briefly with your hand and pour water out, trying to lose as few lentils down the plughole as possible) .ne big teaspoon full of yeast e'tract (aka "armite in the / ) (2onestly, you Scan'tS taste it, I promise) "i'ed dried herbs & go on 3ust throw an indiscriminate amount in, no need to measure .ptional) Small amount of cheese #read P EPA AT#)&6 & (ut oil in a large saucepan (I use my wok) and set on a low&ish heat to warm up (the oil is hot enough if, when you add a piece of onion, it immediately si++les). "eanwhile, finely chop onion, chop or crush garlic if you're using it (you can also use ready chopped onion if you'd prefer). %dd onion (and garlic) to pan and stir to coat in oil. $over pan, lower heat and leave to soften. & "eanwhile, peel those vegetables that need it, chop all vegetables up into rough chunks (around an inch cubed is fine) and shred1slice up cabbage. ,ike with the onion, you can often get packs of stewing vegetables and cabbage ready chopped, so feel free to use those instead. & 0hen the onion's been doing for about five minutes it should be starting to go translucent and will be soft. %dd all vegetables to the pan, throw in lentils and herbs and add cold water to cover vegetables. Turn heat up, cover pan and wait for the water to boil. & 0hile it's doing that, grate some cheese and set it aside for later (it's for sprinkling on top of the soup if you want to boost the protein, so you don't have to have it). 0hen the water's boiling, add yeast e'tract and stir until it's dissolved. ,ower heat under pan, put lid back on and leave to simmerS for twenty&five minutes. & 0hen it's done, ladle into a bowl, sprinkle some grated cheese over it, serve with bread (with or without butter1spread, however you prefer). If you like your soup smooth, 3ust shove it in a blender1food processor. S & -or those who aren't sure what simmering is (how many cookbooks actually e'plain itL) & this means to turn the heat down until the li5uid is barely bubbling. If you put your ear close to (not on66) the pan you can 3ust hear it bubbling away, but if you take the lid off you can't see it happening.

2EE"= 2A 5E' A&7 $EGETA25E +)*P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 7lycium Bote from the editor) (ointed out by the contributor when submitting, this is a 0eight 0atchers friendly meal) worth four points per serving. #&G E7#E&T+6 Three&fourths uncooked pearl barley Seven cups water -our cups beef or chicken broth .ne and one&half teaspoon salt .ne&four teaspoons black pepper .ne and one half cup cremini (baby bella) mushrooms Twenty&four ounces lean beef, cubed Three ounces potato, white or red Two and one&half ounces carrots, sliced Two ounces onions, sliced .ther veggies are optional, to taste. P EPA AT#)&6 & $ombine the off any foam, & Aeduce heat tender, about beef, barley, water, and broth in a large pot. #ring to a boil. Skim then add veggies, salt, and pepper. Aeturn to a boil. to a simmer and covered, cooking until beef and veggies are fork forty to si'ty minutes. '*44' 3H#3<E& A&7 #3E +TE% ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 faithlessone

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne tablespoon oil of your choice (I use sunflower) .ne leek, finely chopped Two carrots, finely chopped =;; grams mushrooms, roughly chopped .ne liter chicken stock =;; grams rice N;; grams diced chicken Salt and pepper P EPA AT#)&6 & ,ightly fry the chicken in a frying pan1skillet. .nce done, remove chicken, and add the leek. -ry the leek for eight to ten minutes until soft. & %dd carrots, mushrooms, rice and stock to saucepan. Season as re5uired. #ring to the boil, then simmer until the rice is cooked through. (%round eight to ten minutes according to type). & %dd the chicken and leek to the saucepan. Simmer for a further five minutes. $heck the seasoning, add more if you want. & Serve immediately. ("akes four reasonable portions)

5E"T)$E +)*P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 0riting*eekFO Bote from the contributor) This is a kind of soup !ad makes out of left&over turkey from Thanksgiving. I'm kinda guessing at what he does because he doesn't tell us. 0hatever it is, it's good. (?ou can leave out the turkey, but it doesn't taste as good. %lso, chicken works e5ually well.) This soup is also really good for colds and flus. #&G E7#E&T+6 Turkey or chicken bones with some meat still on them Two cups of rice .ne cup of peas .ne cup of corn .ne cup of carrots (if they're big carrots, chop them up) if they're baby carrots, they should be fine as&is) % couple sticks of celery (chopped up) %n onion (chopped up) -our large potatoes (chopped up) % can of diced tomatoes *arlic powder P EPA AT#)&6 & Take of roughly half the meat off of the bones and keep it somewhere. #oil the bones in water until it turns into broth. Strain the broth so you don't choke on the bones and can't write your novel. & Simmer the carrots and potatoes in the broth for about an hour. %dd in the peas, corn, celery, onion, and tomatoes. (ut in as much garlic powder as you want. Simmer it for another hour or so. (The longer it cooks, the better it is.) T* <E' $EGETA25E 3H)%7E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ayaellaO

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne tablespoon butter .ne onion, chopped Two potatoes, peeled and diced Two cups of fro+en mi'ed vegetables Two cups turkey or chicken stock .ne&half teaspoon salt -reshly ground black pepper Two tablespoons flour .ne and one&half cup milk .ne and one&half cup finely diced cooked turkey Two tablespoons fresh basil or parsley P EPA AT#)&6 & In a large saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. %dd onion) cook, stirring for three minutes or until softened. & %dd potatoes, fro+en vegetables, turkey stock, salt and pepper. #ring to a boil) reduce heat, cover and simmer for fifteen minutes or until vegetables are tender. & In a bowl, blend flour with one&fourth cup of the milk to make a smooth paste) add remaining milk. Stir into saucepan) bring to a boil and cook, stirring, until thickened. %dd turkey, $heddar cheese and basil) cook for N minutes or until piping hot. ?ou can 3ust as easily make this in a slow&cooker. It tastes really good, the ne't day. So it's definitely one that can be made in advance.

5E&T#5 +)*P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 2epatica #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne medium onion, peeled and chopped 5uite small .ne medium carrot, peeled Q sliced fairly fine Two medium potatoes, peeled and chopped fairly small (about one&half bite si+e) Cegetable oil Cegetable stock cube and boiling water (or boiling water with salt and dried herbs added, e.g. oregano) 2andful of red lentils (A7(%A%TI.BD & SautU the onions in a bit of oil (small puddle on the bottom of your pan) until they're a bit see&through. add the carrots and potatoes. continue sautUing for a few minutes until beginning to catch. add stock (either stock cube and water or water alternative above), then add lentils. & Turn down the heat and simmer for about fifteen to twenty minutes until the lentils and vegetables are cooked. /se a potato masher to s5uash the veg down if you prefer a smooth soup. P)TAT) 5EE< +)*P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 -antasyfreaka+oid #&G E7#E&T+6 Si' slices of bacon, chopped Two leeks, chopped (3ust use the light green Q white parts) .ne thirty&two ounce container of chicken broth Two cups water -ive medium potatoes, peeled and cubed .ne cup carrots, diced .ne cup celery, diced .ne teaspoon garlic powder Salt and pepper, to taste *arnishD Shredded cheddar cheese, bacon pieces P EPA AT#)&6 & $hop and clean the leeks and fry in pan until soft with bacon. $hop up the remaining vegetables, throw everything in a pot and bring to a boil. Aeduce to a simmer and ignore until cooked. It usually takes thirty to forty minutes for me. If you want a creamy soup near the end mi' two cups half and half and one&half cup all purpose flour.

3)3)&*T 3H#3<E& +)*P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 0oodsmoke #&G E7#E&T+6 Two lemongrass stalks Three tablespoons vegetable oil Three medium onions, peeled and finely sliced Three garlic cloves, crushed Two tablespoons fresh root ginger, finely grated Two to three kaffir lime leaves .ne and a half tsp turmeric .ne red pepper, deseeded and sliced K;; milliliter can coconut milk =.= litres vegetable or chicken stock NO: grams easy cook long&grain rice NO: grams cooked chicken meat Three tablespoons fresh chopped coriander .ne tablespoon fresh Thai fish sauce -resh chopped pickled chillies, to serve P EPA AT#)&6 & !iscard outer leaves of lemongrass stalks and place on chopping board. (ound gently to bruise. Aeserve. & 2eat vegetable oil in a large saucepan and cook the onions over a medium heat for about ten to fifteen minutes until soft and beginning to change colour. & ,ower the heat, stir in the garlic, ginger, lime leaves and turmeric, and cook for one minute. %dd the red pepper, coconut milk, stock, lemon grass and rice. #ring to the boil, cover and simmer gently over a low heat for about ten minutes. & $ut the chicken into bite&si+e pieces, then stir into the soup and coriander. %dd a few dashes of Thai sauce to taste, then reheat gently, stirring fre5uently. Serve immediately with the chillies on top.


%HA4(2A4(+5A4(C# 3A&&)T 2E A +E7C(3HEE+#E(T)A+T#E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 "oosey #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & Two slices of breadD scrape a tiny bit of butter (try saying that three times fast W() on one side of each, then lay them on a plate butter side down. & *rate cheese directly onto them, then add a slice of so of ham, them dollop on a little tomato ketchup, and stick in the toaster (either in one of them baggies or toasting utensil thingy that comes with the toaster). & *rill till cheese is melted, or the bread starts to smoke. (.r maybe on second thoughts, before the bread burns...) (%ctually, you scrape the butter on the outside so that it doesn't burn... ) (?ay, third set of brackets in a row6) %#"E(HAPP' 25T+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 freiman Bote from the contributor) These are the big guns. !on't pull this one out until she's ready to kill you. Then, after you tell her you need to write, and she says 4fine,4 slink off. She will go someplace to fume. If you are a decent husband, you know where that is. "ake this up, take it to her, and leave it beside her. Aesist the urge to say anything at all. Eust set down the food and back away. #&G E7#E&T+6 #read Si' strips of center cut bacon per dinner *arden tomato ,ettuce "ayo P EPA AT#)&6 & (ut the bread in the toaster. & (ut the bacon in the pan, on medium high heat (O:X). & 0hile the bacon is cooking, slice the tomato very thin. ?ou want it about as thick as a beer coaster. & Tear the lettuce into thin strips. ?ou want to avoid big sheets of lettuce, because they can make the sandwich hard to eat. & ,ay out paper towels on the plate. ?ou want two sheets on the bottom, and one on the top. & (ut the mayo on the bread. & 0hen the bacon is done, lay it on the paper towels. It will be too hot to handle when it comes out of the skillet, so lay it out on the paper towels and wait for it to cool. & 0hile the bacon cools, give the pan a scrub with dish soap and a green scrubby pad. *ive the knife a once over with the pad or a sponge. & Set the pan on the stove, on the same eye upon which you cooked the bacon. It will dry there. & (ut the sandwich stuff on the sandwich, bacon, lettuce, tomatoes. & 0ipe the pan down with the oily paper towel. & (ut the pan and knife away. 0ipe down the stove and the counter. & (ut the sandwiches on the plates. Serve them to your wife with potato chips and a coke. "akes wives happy again.


A&7 P#3<5E +A&7%#3H ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 %et ,indling

#&G E7#E&T+6 Two slices of bread (eanut butter .ne kosher pickle, either sliced into rounds or cut lengthwise. P EPA AT#)&6 & "ake a sandwich out of the ingredients. If you've forgotten how to do this, you may need to tone down your word goal a little bit and take breaks to see the outside world. 4#&# "))T2A55 +*2+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 aurorablack #&G E7#E&T+6 "eatballs Spaghetti sauce Individual&si+e rolls P EPA AT#)&6 & To make a batch, first prepare your favorite meatball recipe, shaping each meatball into a mini football before cooking. .nce they're cooked, add the meatballs to a skillet of spaghetti sauce and warm them through. & -or each sub, cut a C&shaped notch from the top of an individual&si+e roll, place a meatball in the roll, and top with cheese shred laces. -inally, get the sandwiches in a huddle on a cookie sheet and place them in a warm oven for a few minutes to melt the cheese. H)4E4A7E 4)&TE 3 #+T)+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 $id #&G E7#E&T+6 Si'teen slices thick&cut bacon .ne&half cup maple syrup .ne&half cup brown sugar Two tablespoons butter 7ight slices whole wheat bread Carious cheeses Three eggs, beaten .ne&half cup powdered sugar P EPA AT#)&6 & So you can cook the bacon how you normally like to cook it, only gla+e the bacon with maple syrup and sprinkle with brown sugar. & 0hile your skillet is heating up, lay out your bread and apply your cheeses6 Sharp cheddar is a favorite for this but I like mo++arella and feta and muenster) depends on your taste6 & (ut your bacon on your sandwiches, you can add some veggies too) when I made it for my parents my dad likes to add lettuce and tomato, my mom adds black olives. & Top off your sandwiches with another piece of bread, dip them into your three beaten eggs and plop onto your skillet and cook each side until the bread is brown and the cheese is melty6

49+ 7AG%))7+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 rileysmomma #&G E7#E&T+6 Two loaves mini sweet Italian bread .ne and a half pounds honey smoked turkey breast .ne and a half pounds brown sugar baked ham 2alf pound hard salami 2alf pound smoked *ouda 2alf pound white %merican 2alf pound lacy swiss P EPA AT#)&6 & Slice the loaves of bread in half lengthwise. ,ayer the sandwich fillings on half of each loaf. I generally layer turkey, & *ouda, salami, swiss, ham, white %merican. .nce the layers are complete, top with the other half of the loaf and wrap tightly with plastic wrap. Aefrigerate for at least one hour before serving. Slice into one and a half inch slices. *reat on its own or served with your favorite sandwich accompaniments. P )+3#*TT) A&7 EA4 +A&7%#3H ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 fallbackcorpse #&G E7#E&T+6 $iabatta bread, but any bread will do Two to three slices of prosciutto (sliced thin) *oat cheese Eam (fig is best, but strawberry1raspberry will do 3ust fine) Aed onions, chopped P EPA AT#)&6 & $arameli+e the red onions. Toast one side of bread with the 3am and prosciutto, and the other slice with the goat cheese and onions at 9:;< until toasted. 3* #E7 +4)<E7 T* <E' A&7 " *#T % AP! 3)&T #2*T) 6 lrparks

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne&half cup mayonnaise .ne tablespoon minced garlic .ne teaspoon curry powder -our (ten inch) flour tortillas Two cups thinly sliced soft&leaf lettuce .ne medium sweet onion, halved and thinly sliced .ne granny smith apple, cut into one&fourth inch matchsticks .ne firm, ripe an3ou or bosc pear, cut into one&fourth matchsticks .ne&half pound thinly sliced smoked turkey P EPA AT#)&6 & 0hisk together mayonnaise, garlic, and curry powder and set aside. & ,ightly toast tortillas, one at a time, over moderately low heat until browned in spots but still fle'ible, about thirty seconds on each side. & Spread two tablespoons of the mayo mi'ture on each tortilla. ,ayer on the lettuce, onion, apple, pear, and turkey then tightly roll up tortillas and cut in half diagonally.

A55 7A' 25T ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 confidante #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne to two slices of bacon, with or without rind Three slices of honey leg ham Two tablespoons of whole egg mayonnaise .ne large, round roll Two slices of lettuce .ne&half a tomato, sliced .ptional) .ne slice of cheese P EPA AT#)&6 & -ry up the bacon till crispy and delicious. & $ut open roll and spread on mayonnaise thickly. (ersonally, I don't think this recipe works well with butter %B! mayonnaise. & (lace lettuce on the bun, then bacon, ham, tomato and cheese in that order. Bow the TAI$ D & If you choose to add cheese, I prefer using the shredded for this reason, pop your bun in the microwave for about one minute, not too much longer, to melt the cheese and warm all that is inside the bun. T#P+6 & ,ightly toast the bun. & Sprinkle a little bit of salt and1or on the tomato layer .B,?. It gives flavour to all the ingredients, but is separated from the bacon so doesn't over salt the #,T. & eep some if not all of the bacon rind, ignore the fat content. Its chewy, delicious and adds te'ture. EGG #& THE 4#775E )" 2 EA7 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 (eeps #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne egg .ne piece of bread #utter P EPA AT#)&6 & #utter the piece of bread. $ut out a shape in the middle of the bread. (*et as creative as you want6 S5uare, circle, star...) & 2eat a pan, put a little bit of butter (so the egg doesn't stick), and put the bread in, butter side down. & $rack egg into the middle of the bread, and let cook. .nce it's fairly solid and flippable, I usually flip it, to cook all the way through. (#ut don't overcook it. "ake sure the yolk is still soft.) & ?ou're done6 Season to taste with salt or pepper or whatever else you want, and en3oy.


4A&9+ 2 *+3HETTA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 "oosey

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne large&ish beef tomato (or any tomatoes actually, 3ust in amount they should be e5uivalent to a large&ish beef tomato) Sliced bacon (will need to be cooked first) Two slices of bread P EPA AT#)&6 & Slice bacon into small chunks. $hop tomato into roughly two centimeter cubes. 2eat up a frying pan, and cook the bacon chunks. & .nce done, add the tomato pieces and dri++le olive oil, salt, pepper and miscellaneous pi++a herbs over it while it heats up, stirring and mi'ing it around of course. & .oh, toast the bread while you're doing this by the way. .kay) maybe add any other things you want, like cheese, basil leaves or balsamic vinegar (heck, I love the stuff6), then place your slices of toast on a plate, and top with the tomato1bacon creation, and voilaD poor man's (but delicious tasting) bruschetta. +A&7%#3H G)7 EAT+ %HE& HE9+ HA$#&G A 2A7 7A' ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 $hangeling-ae Bote from the contributor) !on't eat this in any sort of company. 7ver. ?ou will look like an animal. % very happy, satisfied animal, but an animal nonetheless. #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne egg .ne bagel #utter %bout one&fourth cup tomato sauce % handful or so of favorite cheese .ptional) *arlic .regano #lack pepper P EPA AT#)&6 Bote) Some of these directions can be done simultaneously, and should be, to keep everything warm. It takes a few tries to get the se5uence right, usually. & Start by defrosting your bagel. I don't know if I'm the only person who does this, but skip it if you prefer. Toast it afterwards. & 0arm up a frying pan to medium heat, and spray it with (am, or whatever you have. & -ry the egg. & 0hile the egg is cooking, put the tomato sauce, cheese and any spices in a bowl and nuke 'em until the cheese melts. (The amounts of sauce and cheese might need some tampering with to suit your tastes. -igure out what you like.) & 0hen all this is done, the egg, the bagel, the sauce&cheese&stuff, put it all together. #utter the bagel, put the egg on top of one half, the sauce on top of that, and the other half of the bagel on top of T2%T. & 7n3oy the deliciousness.


+A&7%#3H ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Tamakari

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne package (eight ounces) cream cheese Two tablespoons mayonnaise .ne small onion, chopped Three medium cucumbers, chopped and seeded P EPA AT#)&6 & It's simple6 "i' and put on bread, preferably white. & $ut into triangles. THE 7A&GE )*+ 4)3HA )3<ET "*E5 +A&7%#3H ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Aaksab

#&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & Spread Butella on your favorite bread. Sprinkle the bread halves with a few roasted coffee beans (or a small spoonful of fresh, unused ground coffee) on the sandwich, then put it together. (ut in the toaster so the chocolate gets melty. 7at and en3oy novelling on your new caffeine1sugar high. % glass of milk would be good with it... 3A5A)&E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 rachael.leann #&G E7#E&T+6 Two bo'es of Eiffy (i++a $rust "i' (i++a sauce -avorite pi++a toppings *arlic salt (armesan cheese "onterrey 3ack cheese (shredded or in cubes) -lour P EPA AT#)&6 & /se the directions on the bo' to make the pi++a crust. I don't suggest waiting the five minutes the bo' says to wait though. .nce mi'ed well, put a handful of flour on top and turn it over. (ut a handful of flour on that side. Bow, separate the dough into four small balls. Take a rolling pin to roll them out into flat dough shapes. It doesn't have to be round, 3ust flat, not too thin. & Spread sauce on entire flat dough rolled out. .n the bottom half of your dough, pile on your favorite toppings and "onterrey 3ack cheese. -old the top part of the dough over the bottom half, covering the ingredients. (inch the sides together to make a closed pocket. !ust the outside of the crust with (armesan cheese and garlic salt. #ake in the oven at whatever temp is on the Eiffy bo' and for as long as the Eiffy bo' says so.

EA55' EA+'= E&$'(E&7*3#&G +TEA< +A&7%#3H ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 musinladi Bote from the contributor) I make this for my boyfriend for his lunches, and he always raves about them and how his coworkers are 3ealous6 #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne pound top round steak (Eust about any steak will do, but I found top round is easier to work with.) "ontreal steak seasoning 0hole wheat bread .ne&eighth to one&half cup preferred shredded cheese per sandwich (I usually use "e'ican or taco) P EPA AT#)&6 "ake ahead) & Trim as much fat of the steak as you can and cut into about three inch by three inch pieces. & Sprinkle some of the seasoning on each side of the pieces of steak. I usually use about a half teaspoon per side. & Sear the steak (usually about five to seven minutes on each side, depending on the thickness of the steak). & $ut the steak into slices. (!on't be surprised if the center is still red, the ne't step will take care of that6) & (ut the slices back on the pan for a few seconds per side to cook the center (but not overcook the outside). & Store the slices of steak in the refrigerator in an air tight container. 0hen you're hungry) & Aetrieve the steak, bread, and shredded cheese. & /sing a toaster oven, toast the slices of bread until they are very lightly toasted (?ou want to feel the warmth and the crusts starting to get hard, but you don't want to over do it.) .nce done, put one slice off to the side for later. & .n one slice of bread, create a layer of steak using the pieces you made ahead. & .n top of the steak, put the shredded cheese. & (ut the slice with the steak and cheese back into the toaster oven until the cheese has melted. This usually takes about three to four minutes. & .nce the cheese has melted, put the slice out and press the second slice on top. ?ou can also make this recipe substituting boneless, skinless chicken breast and chicken seasoning. Instead of searing the chicken, you bake it and don't slice it until it's time to actually make the sandwich. The rest is essentially the same though6

T* <E' 2A3)& 4E5T+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 rileysmomma #&G E7#E&T+6 Two slices bread (I use an 7nglish toasting bread or sourdough) Aoom temperature butter Two slices smoked *ouda Si' slices honey smoked turkey breast (.scar "eyer) -our slices pre&cooked bacon P EPA AT#)&6 ( 2eat bacon in the microwave according to package directions. #utter one side of each slice of bread. (ut the first slice butter side down in a skillet. ,ayer the fillings && *ouda, turkey, bacon, turkey, *ouda && and top with the second slice of bread. $ook 3ust like regular grilled cheese sandwiches. I've had this in a restaurant before where it comes served with tomatoes as part of the filling. 2E+T $EGETA #A& +A&7%#3H E$E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 i am the moon

#&G E7#E&T+6 Two to three slices e'tra&firm tofu .ne&half cup raw spinach leaves .ne&fourth cup sliced onion Two slices tomato Two slices wheat bread .ne slice "uenster cheese "ustard, to taste "ayonnaise, to taste $urry powder, to taste P EPA AT#)&6 & Aub the tofu slices with curry powder and fry on medium heat on a skillet until golden brown. & Toast bread, and add condiments1veggies to taste. Slap on the tofu and cheese. $onsume. <A5E G #55E7 3HEE+E! 3)&T #2*T) 6 *eekilicious #&G E7#E&T+6 % handful of kale torn into pieces Two slices of bread (multigrain is great) .ne tablespoon of olive oil or a few sprit+es of cooking spray Two slices of 2avarti or muenster Salt and pepper "argarine or butter P EPA AT#)&6 & In a large skillet, heat one tablespoon olive oil over medium&high heat. %dd the kale, season with salt and pepper and cook until slightly crispy. (ut off to the side for a moment. & 0ipe pan and return to heat. Spread margarine on both sides of each slice of bread and place on pan. & Turn them once then place one slice of cheese and some of the kale on one side, then top with a second slice of cheese and bread. Turn the sandwich a one more time before taking it off the pan to make sure the cheese is melted all the way through.

+TEA< 4E5T ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 "iss!ana #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) Steak (can use chicken, turkey, even lunch meat) Swiss (or shredded cheese of choice) #read (toastable) Thousand Island dressing .ptional) .nions *reen peppers P & & & & & & & & & EPA AT#)&6 Slice steak, onions, and green peppers. $ook steak to temp. Toast bread lightly. Spread Thousand Island on toast. (ut onions and green peppers on toast. Spread steak on top. Spread a liberal amount of cheese on top of steak. $ook in broiler or toaster oven until cheese melts. 7at open faced or as a sandwich. $an get messy.

If using lunch meat, 3ust put the melt in the broiler for a few minutes without cheese, then add cheese and cook more. H)T 7)G +A&7%#3HE+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 writeratwork #&G E7#E&T+6 Two hot dogs (regular si+e, not bun length) .ne slice cheese (my family uses raft singles, but whatever you like works) "ayonnaise Sandwich bread P EPA AT#)&6 & -ry the hot dogs with a tiny bit of cooking spray or oil, until they're slightly crispy on the outside. Slice them in half lengthwise. Spread the mayonnaise over the bread and add the hot dog halves while they're still hot. Top with cheese and en3oy.

G' )+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Ayanna $oleman #&G E7#E&T+6 "eat mi'ture) 2alf a kilogram lamb (or beef), minced .ne&fourth cup diced onion Two cloves garlic, crushed Two teaspoons salt .ne teaspoon black pepper .ne and one&half teaspoons cumin .ne&fourth teaspoon nutmeg .ne teaspoon dried oregano Two teaspoons fresh lemon 3uice (ita bread ,ettuce !iced tomato T+at+iki sauce P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' all of the meat mi'ture ingredients in a bowl and then dry fry them as much as possible in a fry pan. #y dry fry, this means as little oil as possible so as make sure you drain the fat off your meat if it is getting oily in the pan. 0hile frying your mince, we need to organi+e the pita production line. *et the tomatoes diced. & To compile your gyro, you need to lay the pita bread on a flat surface. Spread t+at+iki sauce onto the bread. %dd the lettuce leaf, and optional diced tomato then your mince filling. -old the bottom edge then left over right. ?ou may then add an e'tra dollop of t+at+iki to your gyros. 4E7#TE A&EA& "5AT2 EA7 3H#3<E& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 whitedove

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne piece of flatbread !ill dip -resh baby spinach Sauceless $ooked $hicken (e'. $urly's Sauceless (ulled $hicken) Shredded $heese (e'. mo++arella) P EPA AT#)&6 & ,ay the flatbread on a microwaveable plate. & $over top of flatbread with dill dip. & Shred baby spinach and sprinkle over the top of the dip. & Shred or dice the chicken and spread over the bread. & $over with cheese. & "icrowave until cheese is melted. & #est eaten with a fork.

sa:ads and dressing

7 E++E7(*P T*&A +A5A7 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 3anestrummer #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne can of tuna fish, drained .ne whole wheat pita bread #lack olives "ayonnaise $elery P EPA AT#)&6 & "ake a basic tuna salad with the tuna, mayo and celery. Slice some black olives in half and stir them in. Slice the pita bread in half and fill pockets with the tuna mi'ture for a yummy, novel saving dinner. 5A42 +A5A7 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 $opperStone #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & Take some diced lamb and toss it into a fry pan with stuff like herbs, olive oil, lemon 3uice, seasoning. eep tossing it about the place until its well cooked through. "eanwhile, take a pot of boiling water and throw in baby chat potatoes, and above it steam some baby beans and asparagus. & Towards the end of cooking the lamb, throw in some diced tomatoes or halved cherry tomatoes, then toss in the beans, asparagus and diced baby chat tomatoes. %dd a splash of cream, some more herbs, lemon whatever you like. Toss it all round (there's a lot of tossing involved here, I know) then dish it out...yumm. +H #4P +A5A7 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 writeratwork #&G E7#E&T+6 Small salad shrimp .ne tomato .ne cucumber .ne head of lettuce (armesan cheese Aanch dressing P EPA AT#)&6 & Shred1chop the lettuce and dump in a big mi'ing bowl. !ice cucumber and tomato, add. #oil and peel the shrimp, add. & "i' well, sprinkle with (armesan cheese and add as much ranch dressing as you like.

A#&2)% " *#T +A5A7 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 kalmay #&G E7#E&T+6 Salad) .ne cup sliced fresh strawberries .ne cup cubed cantaloupe .ne cup diced kiwi fruit (about three medium) .ne cup sliced bananas (about one large) .ne cup fresh blueberries !ressing) Two tablespoons fro+en (thawed) orange 3uice concentrate .ne tablespoon honey Three&fourths teaspoon poppy seeds P EPA AT#)&6 & (lace the fruit in a large in a small bowl, and stir to & (our the dressing over the chill for one to three hours bowl, and toss to mi'. (lace the dressing ingredients mi'. fruit, and toss to mi' well. $over the salad, and before serving. THE D*#3< HEA5TH' )&E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 wherethethymeblows #&G E7#E&T+6 -resh spinach #alsamic vinegar Aaspberry 3am P EPA AT#)&6 & Take a spoonful of raspberry 3am and dump it into a bowl. (%ctually, I like to make pots of this and keep it in the fridge) & Tip some balsamic vinegar onto it. #eat with a fork. Taste. (It's not an e'act science) wait 'til it tastes a bit more vinegary than you would like) & (ut spinach leaves into the bowl, and mi' again, this time with a spoon. Taste. I normally add a bit more balsamic at this stage. 7at6 It's as simple as that...made with actual raspberries it would probably be really good... 3H#&E+E 3H#3<E& &)775E +A5A7 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 alei3i #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne&half pound sliced deli chicken (cut into small pieces) .ne pound angel hair pasta .ne&half cup soy sauce .ne&fourth cup sesame oil .ne&fourth cup rice vinegar Two to four cloves garlic (crushed) $ilantro, to taste P EPA AT#)&6 & In a large bowl, combine soy sauce, sesame oil, rice vinegar, and crushed garlic. #oil noodles until tender, drain, and add to the bowl. "i' well. %dd the chicken and cilantro and toss. *ood warm and cold & no reheating necessary.

A+#A& G #55E7 3H#3<E& +A5A7 A&7 7 E++#&G ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 +A5A7 #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 Salad "andatory) .ne package of uncooked ramen noodles. .ne cup sliced almonds .ne cup sunflower seeds .ne can mandarin oranges .ne head of Bapa $abbage -our grilled chicken breasts Salt and pepper, to taste $oarse garlic powder 2ickory Smoke %sian dressing


.ptional) .ne cup chopped green onions Three to four cups lettuce if needed (only use lettuce if head of Bapa cabbage is small) & Shred Bapa cabbage greens, then slice the white interior in long strips. If using lettuce as well, shred that also. & *rill chicken breasts on -oreman grill if possible, using salt, pepper, coarse garlic powder. about one minute to forty&five seconds before chicken is done, pour 2ickory Smoke on top of each breast letting it soak in for the minute before taking the breast off the grill. (?ou can usually find it with the cooking sauces, namely 0orcestershire sauce, or %=, or the hot pepper sauces.) & .nce chicken is done, then cut into bite si+e chunks and toss into salad. & $rumble ramen noodles (I used a spoon and whacked the package until it was in very small pieces). .pen the package and pour out onto a baking sheet covered with foil. !iscard seasoning packet and package. "i' sunflower seeds and almonds on the baking sheet as well. C7A? $%A7-/,,? lightly toast these for about five to seven minutes in a preheated oven at 9:;<. !. B.T ,7%C7 %B! !. S."7T2IB* 7,S7. Trust me. ?ou will burn them if you do. I did. The color of these almonds will not change, ?ou do not want them to turn brown. Eust a slight hardening of the outside of them so the dressing and oranges do not make them soggy. Toss into salad. & %dd mandarin oranges and green onions when about to eat. & %dd dressing and the most delicate and delicious flavors will assault your tongue. 7 E++#&G #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 "ake sure to mi' this is something you can shake6 .ne&half cup of rice wine vinegar (2owever, can be regular if you don't have the rice wine.) .ne&half cup sesame oil Three&fourths cup of either brown of white sugar Two tablespoon of soy sauce .ne teaspoon of salt .ne to two teaspoons pepper (to taste) .ne to two teaspoons ground ginger (to taste) & Shake it up very vigorously and it is ready to go.

PA+TA +A5A7 %#TH A A#&G ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Cin'man #&G E7#E&T+6 Three&fourth cup mayonnaise (I prefer 2ellmansYfor the difference between mayo and salad dressing, I refer you to The .atmealD httpDZtheoatmeal.com1blog1miracleJwhip) Two tablespoons -rank's Aed 2ot or some other hot sauce. I like -rank's for this because it's not too hot. Two tablespoons red wine vinegar Two or three tablespoons olive oil .ne&fourth teaspoon basil Q black pepper to taste .ne pound of tricolor rotini .ne head of broccoli .ne&half pound salami or pepperoni (cubed) (If you're not a meat eater, substitute a can of garban+o beans.) .ne cup black olives -our to eight ounces cubed cheese Some sliced carrots Some sliced green peppers Some sliced celery .nion 7t cetera P EPA AT#)&6 & $ook up a pound of tricolor rotini, add broccoli florets, black olives, cubed cheese and cubed pepperoni or salami, some diced onion, and then whatever else I have available. I often put in cherry tomatoes (halved), celery, snap peas, and whatever else I have available. & Then add the dressing, holding back about a 5uarter cup. $hill, and since the rotini will absorb some of the moisture in the dressing, add the last of the dressing before serving. APP5E PE3A& +A5A7 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 7li+abethJSabourin #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) Aomaine lettuce .ne diced green apple Shredded cheddar cheese Aaspberry vinaigrette Two&thirds cup of pecans (or walnuts, whatever you prefer) .ne&third cup of sugar .ne and one&half tablespoons of margarine .ptional) !ried cranberries !iced chicken P EPA AT#)&6 & "icrowave sugar and margarine for about a minute, or until margarine is melted and all sugar is covered. "i' in pecans and heat for another minute. $hop up when cool. & "i' salad together. %mounts of cheese, pecans, and the optional ingredients are to your own taste.

PEA&*T PA+TA +A5A7 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 lrparks #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne pound pasta (cappellini, spaghetti, linguine, fettuccini) Three boneless chicken breasts, diced (about one pound) Si' tablespoons peanut oil Si' tablespoons peanut butter Si' tablespoons of soy sauce (Tabasco brand preferable) .ne tablespoon toasted sesame oil .ne&half teaspoon Tabasco pepper sauce Three tablespoons brown sugar .ne tablespoon minced ginger .ne&fourth teaspoon crushed red pepper .ne&half cup chopped green onions, divided .ne&half chopped bell pepper, divided .ne&half cup honey dry roasted peanuts, coarsely chopped and divided P EPA AT#)&6 & #oil the pasta until it is al dente, then drain. & -ry the chicken until done. & 0hile the chicken and the pasta is cooking whisk together the oil, peanut butter, soy sauce, Tabasco sauce, sugar, ginger, and pepper flakes until uniformly combined. & 0hen the pasta is drained, toss in one&third cup each of the bell peppers, onions, and peanuts in half of the dressing mi'ture. $over tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate until chilled, about two to three hours. & 0hen ready to serve add the remaining dressing and toss. *arnish with the remaining nuts, onions and peppers. Bote from the contributor) & I use red, or orange bell peppers for the color, but green will work 3ust fine. & I prefer the Tabasco brand soy sauce for this 3ust to get a little e'tra kick. If you can't find it at your local grocer the good folks at %very Island will ship it to you. Eust visit their web site at A +A5A7 %#TH &) &A4E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ,ynoir Bote from the editor) contributor didn't give a name. I sat for like five minutes thinking what to call it, and this is what I got. #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne bag&o&salad from the store. I prefer the baby greens or spring mi'. .ne half to one whole bo' of grape or cherry tomatoes .ne handful of fresh mint) roughly chopped .ne chive leaf) thinly sliced. Two handfuls of almonds P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' the above in a large bowl. $over and store in the refrigerator until ready to eat. #efore serving, dri++le with balsamic vinaigrette. 7n3oy6

2A3)& +A5A7 7 E++#&G ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 0estwoods #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne tablespoon olive oil .ne tablespoon bacon bits (precooked is the easiest way to go) Small splash of vinegar (white, apple cider, or balsamic, I prefer balsamic) %ppro'imately one cup lettuce P EPA AT#)&6 & -ry bacon bits in oil until crisp. Aemove from heat. %dd vinegar. (our over lettuce and eat. If you accidentally put in too much vinegar you can counteract it with a little sugar. A5TE &AT#$E6 & Aeplace lettuce with one&half cup fresh spinach and add a handful of cooked bowtie pasta (eat this either cold or hot). ?ou can also add mushrooms if you like. D*#3< +A5A7 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 kalmay #&G E7#E&T+6 Aomaine lettuce % couple of apples % cup of raisins Sesame seeds and unsalted, shelled sunflower seeds to taste P EPA AT#)&6 & (ut everything in a bowl and toss. ?um6 A T#3H)<E PA+TA +A5A7 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 "iss!ana #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & $ook whole wheat pasta al dente (penne or rigatoni are good choices). & In a food processor or blender, combine a drained can of artichoke hearts, three to four tablespoons of olive oil, two tablespoons of lemon 3uice, two cloves of garlic, and a pinch of sea salt. #lend until smooth. & In a large bowl mi' the hot, drained pasta with the artichoke sauce. Then add two cups of chopped spinach, one large chopped tomato (or ten to fifteen cherry tomatoes), and one&half cup fresh peas or blanched green beans. & Toss together and serve. +A5A7 )" '*4 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 lui+amm #&G E7#E&T+6 ,ettuce $arrots #eets .ne tomato Two slices of whole grain bread (re&bought dressing P EPA AT#)&6 & Shred the lettuce by hand, chop the carrots, beets and the tomato (all raw). Toast the two slices of bread and shred them into small pieces that can be mi'ed in with the rest. (ut everything on a plate and cover it in dressing. (epper is nice, too6

%'<E79+ %#3<E7 3H#3<E& GA 2A&A) +A5A7 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 wykedangel Bote from the contributor) This is the fastest meal I've ever made. It's what I eat, while in the gym. It's high in protein, low in carbs and fat and will stay with you for a few hours after eating. It takes, literally, five minutes to make. #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne can chicken breast .ne can garban+o beans .ne&half cup salsa .ne&fourth shredded cheese, fat free or not (note from the editor) the contributor did not say whether it was a cup or a bag, and I kept forgetting to send a message. I would T2IB it's cup, but don't blame me if it goes wrong.) .ne small 3alapePo pepper, diced fine Two tablespoons cilantro, chopped P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' all ingredients in a medium&si+ed bowl. 7at what you want, refrigerate the rest. !one. See, that was fast. %A57) " +A5A7 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 #luesy"onday #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) -our good&si+ed "acintosh, or other multicolored apples % s5uirt or two of lemon 3uice .ne large stalk of celery % whole lotta raisins % few good handfuls of walnuts Two to three tablespoons of mayonnaise .ptional) .ne si'teen ounce bag cole slaw mi' P EPA AT#)&6 & 0ash apples and slice them into wedges (one of those corer1slicer things work best). Set apple slices aside and s5uirt some lemon 3uice to keep them from browning. & Ainse cole slaw mi' and put into a huge bowl with a lid. 0ash celery and chop into bite&si+ed pieces and put them in a bowl. Toss in apples, raisins, and walnuts. $over up bowl and shake until well&mi'ed. "i' in mayonnaise and shake again. ,et chill in refrigerator for a while.

2EA& A&7 3) & +A5A7 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Cin'man #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne can of sweet corn .ne can of black beans Some red wine vinegar (or apple cider vinegar and some honey). P EPA AT#)&6 & !rain the beans and corn, put in a bowl. %dd some of the vinegar (5uarter of a cup or so). & Then, chop up and add any of the following in any amountD celery, green peppers, black olives, green olives, your favorite cheese, fresh peas, tomatoes, onions, lunch meats, hard boiled eggs, carrots, and most other veggies you'd find in salads. & (ut a little more vinegar on top, "i'. $hill. ,asts for two or three days, depending on how much you make and what veggies you add.

beef dishes
3 )3<P)T )A+T ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 livinKtheblue #&G E7#E&T+6 Two pounds beef roast (nothing too 5uality, this cooks for ages and gets really tender anyway) .ne can cream of mushroom soup .ne dried onion soup mi' (-rench onion, onion, whatever you can find at the store) P EPA AT#)&6 & (ut roast in crock pot. %dd soup and soup mi'. %dd a smidglet of water if it looks a bit thick. & $ook on high for three to four hours or low for seven to eight. Serve over egg noodles or rice. (I prefer egg noodles, personally.) 2EE" #3E A&7 $EGETA25E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ,atarra #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne pound ground beef 7ight ounces broccoli Three cups water Three packages of gravy mi' Two and one&half cups rice P EPA AT#)&6 & #rown hamburger. 0hile it's browning, chop up the broccoli. .nce brown, add broccoli, water, gravy, and rice. & #ring to a boil and then turn off, cover, stir sometimes, until rice is done. HEA T' #TA5#A& 2EE" ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Aain,yte #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne beef roast (three to four pounds). ?ou can use a cheap cut for this6 .ne medium si+ed onion, cut in half then sliced .ne&fourth cup water .ne package 2idden Calley Aanch seasoning mi' or your own mi' of seasonings (season salt, garlic powder, ground pepper, Italian seasoning, T. sugar is my favorite blend to use) .ne package sub rolls (you need that heavier crust) P EPA AT#)&6 & Toss all of this in a crock pot on low T27 BI*2T #7-.A7. $over and don't bother to check. #y noon the ne't day, you have scrumptious Italian beef. /se tongs or a slotted spoon to load up your sub bun and en3oy6 TATE T)T 3A++E )5E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 khris;==O

#&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' one large can cream of mushroom, one pound cooked hamburger and two cans of -rench cut green beans. & Spread in F'=N dish cover with fro+en tater tots & #ake one hour at 9:;<.

2EE"A )&# ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 $eraphym #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne package plain macaroni noodles .ne pound ground meat Spaghetti sauce $heese P EPA AT#)&6 & "ake the macaroni according to the directions. & #rown the meat. & "i' together with as much spaghetti sauce as desired. Top with cheese (shredded cheese to melt into gooey goodness, or 3ust sprinkle on (armesan). +5)PP' E)E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 kalmay #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne pound hamburger .ne can tomatoes .ne can tomato soup .ne can pork and beans or kidney beans P EPA AT#)&6 & %dd your own seasonings, or a part of spaghetti sauce, season to taste to, or add celery, cucumber, green onion, grated carrots, mushrooms, anything goes6 & If need more li5uid add a tin of water. & (our on baked potato or toast or pasta. H)2) 7#&&E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 angelfreak>K

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne&fourth to one&half pound ground beef .ne apple, sliced .ne potato, sliced .ne&third bag of baby carrots .ne&half onion, sliced %ppro'imately one&fourth stick of butter sliced and mi'ed throughout (can also use olive oil instead of1in addition to the mi'ture in order to keep food from sticking) P EPA AT#)&6 & (lace ingredients on foil and roll into a pouch. If using grill, cook on high heat for about twenty&five minutes a side. If oven, around K:;<- for the same amount of time. !efinitely need to make sure the meat is done. "y fiancU and I make this whenever we go camping and it's wonderfully delicious, easy to prepare at home, and very healthy. It's 5uite easy to dump the contents of the foil onto a plate if needed.

E,T E4E5' EA+' 4EAT5)A"! 3)&T #2*T) 6 chrisdd #&G Two .ne Two E7#E&T+6 pounds ground beef, chuck or round bo' of Stove Top Stuffing type "i' eggs

P EPA AT#)&6 & $ombine ingredients in a bowl. If you like, you can add one&half of the li5uid called for on the Stove Top bo'. "i' thoroughly and bake at 9O:<- for an hour. -ree+es well if you double this recipe. 3 )3<P)T 2EE" A&7 2EE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Tryllyam

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne four to five pound lean, boneless beef roast .ne envelope onion soup mi' .ne can (fifteen ounces) tomato sauce .ne can (twelve ounces) beer P EPA AT#)&6 & (lace all the ingredients in a crockpot. & $over and cook on low for seven to eight hours. Aemove the beef from the crock. Shred the beef and return it to the crock. Stir the beef into the sauce. Serve on rolls. "akes twelve to si'teen sandwiches. 4EAT5)A" 2* GE + ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Incandescent #&G E7#E&T+6 Three pound ground beef that's at least >;X lean (preferably >:X) Three eights %bout two cups of breadcrumbs (the from&a&bo' stuffing works really well too. It tastes better, but some people don't like the chunkiness) .ne&fourth cup of ketchup .ne&half cup of "oore's marinade or other incredibly&salty&and&delicious marinade mi' ("oore's is almost entirely soy sauce and brown sugar) .ne yellow onion, diced very fine .ne&fourth cup of brown sugar % dash of white sugar Spices to your heart's content P EPA AT#)&6 & !ice onion as finely as you can. ,et it marinate in the marinade, brown sugar, white sugar and spices for at least ten minutes. Separate onion mi'ture into two bowls unless you have a really huge bowl that can hold all of this. & %dd ground beef and ketchup. "i' it around with your hands (spoons don't even it out enough) until it's all roughly the same te'ture (probably gloopy). %dd eggs. "i' again. "i' in bread crumbs until you reach the desired consistency && I like mine pretty firm so the patties don't fall apart. -orm into patties and cook on the stove. This makes around ten to fifteen patties and they reheat well, so it's a great 4I need enough food to keep me alive for a week4 recipe. %nd since it isn't 3ust ground beef in the patties, it's a little bit easier on your wallet (and personally, I think it tastes better than 3ust ground beef).

)A+T E'E )"

)*&7 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 lrparks

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne teaspoon cumin seeds .ne teaspoon coriander seeds .ne&half teaspoon whole black peppercorns Three&fourths teaspoon salt .ne&half teaspoon ground ginger .ne&eighth teaspoon cayenne pepper Two and one&half pounds russet potatoes, peeled, cut into one&inch chunks 7ight medium carrots, peeled, cut diagonally into two&inch lengths -our tablespoons e'tra&virgin olive oil .ne three to three and one&fourth pound beef eye of round roast .ne garlic clove, thinly sliced Two tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9:;R-. (lace first three ingredients in heavy small plastic bag. /sing meat mallet or rolling pin, crush spices. Transfer crushed spices to small bowl) mi' in salt, ginger and cayenne. & Toss potatoes, carrots and threes tablespoons oil in large bowl. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Spread vegetables in large roasting pan. Aoast thirty minutes. & "eanwhile, using tip of knife, make several slits in roast) insert garlic into slits. #rush roast with remaining one tablespoon oil. Aub spice mi'ture over roast. & (ush vegetables to sides of pan, leaving space in center. (lace roast in center of pan. Aoast until meat thermometer inserted into center of meat registers =N:Rfor medium&rare, about one hour. Transfer roast to platter. Tent with foil. Increase oven temperature to K:;R-. Spread vegetables in pan) continue roasting until vegetables are tender and brown, about ten minutes. Sprinkle with cilantro. Surround roast with vegetables. $ut roast into thin slices and serve. This recipe is great and easy for a group of about eight or to give you sandwich meat for a week. EAPA&E+E T #(3)5) E7 7)&2* # ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 wolfboytane #&G E7#E&T+6 7ggs Spinach, carrots, or any brightly&colored vegetables *round beef Soy sauce *inger, chopped *arlic, minced Sugar Salt (epper Aice P EPA AT#)&6 & $ook rice. & Scramble eggs with soy sauce, salt, pepper, and sugar. %mounts are to your taste. $ook scrambled eggs) set aside. & SautU1steam your vegetables. Bo flavor needed. I like either spinach sautUed with garlic or plain steamed carrots) fro+en peas work, too. & #rown ground beef in pan with soy sauce, ginger, garlic, sugar to make teriyaki& like flavor. I like it sweet, so I add more sugar than necessary. & Serve your tri&colored food over a bowl of hot white rice.

4A&G) 2* GE

! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Sincerely(ink(anties

#&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) "ango (you can substitute any fruit you like, orange and pear are also both very good) #urger patty #agel $ream cheese Sliced cheese (cheddar is best) .ptional) Sweet honey mustard P & & & & EPA AT#)&6 $ook your burger however you like and toast your bagel if you like. Spread bagel with cream cheese. %dd burger, cheese, and a slice or two of your chosen fruit to a bagel half. Top with other half and en3oy. E&3H#5A7A+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 aurorablack #&G E7#E&T+6 Two pounds lean ground beef .ne large chopped onion .ne&eighth teaspoon garlic salt Twelve (eight inch) flour tortillas Two teaspoons vegetable oil 7ight ounces shredded $olby cheese Two (nineteen ounce) cans enchilada sauce P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9:;<- (=O:<$). & In a heavy saucepan or skillet, brown the ground beef and onions. Season the ground beef mi'ture with garlic salt and set aside. & In a skillet, fry the tortillas in vegetable oil. Spoon some meat mi'ture and cheese into the center of each tortilla, roll them up and arrange them in a nine by thirteen inch baking dish or oblong pan. (our the enchilada sauce over the rolled enchiladas and top with any remaining meat or cheese. & #ake in the oven twenty to thirty minutes.

+PA&#+H(+T'5E 2EE" A&7

#3E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Igneous-eline

#&G E7#E&T+6 Two cups beef stock .ne and three&fourths cups water .ne tablespoon butter Two cups white enriched rice .ne tablespoon e'tra&virgin olive oil, one turn of the pan .ne and two&thirds pound ground sirloin Salt and pepper .ne large onion, finely chopped -our cloves garlic, chopped .ne green bell pepper, seeded and finely chopped .ne tablespoon 0orcestershire sauce Two cups tomato sauce .ne&fourth teaspoon ground cloves Two teaspoons ground cumin, one&third palmful, twice .ne&fourth cup chopped flat&leaf parsley, a couple of handfuls P EPA AT#)&6 & 2eat beef stock, water and butter to a full boil. %dd rice, reduce heat (to like low) and cover pot. $ook twenty minutes, until tender and li5uids are absorbed. & 2eat a large, deep skillet over medium high heat. %dd oil and beef and season with salt and pepper. #rown meat, two or three minutes. %dd onion, garlic, bell pepper, 0orcestershire. $ook together five to seven minutes, until veggies are 3ust tender. %dd tomato sauce, cloves, cumin and parsley. #ring mi'ture up to a bubble and reduce heat to low. $ombine cooked rice with meat mi'ture and serve. 2EE" 2)* G*#G&)& 8#& THE 3 )3<P)TH; ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 $all"e$ordelia #&G E7#E&T+6 Three pounds beef stew meat .ne tablespoons olive oil .ne onion, chopped into large chunks .ne cup carrots (chopped or baby, your choice) -our garlic cloves, smashed and chopped .ne tablespoon herbs de provence .ne teaspoon kosher salt .ne&half teaspoon black pepper .ne tablespoon tomato paste Two cups red wine & /se a si' olive oil. onion distribute the P EPA AT#)&6 5uart slow cooker. In the bottom of your stoneware, smear around the %dd sliced onion and garlic. (ut the meat into the pot on top of the and garlic, and sprinkle on dried spices and herbs. Toss the meat to spices to all sides. %dd tomato paste and throw in the carrots. (our wine over the whole thing. & $over and let cook on low for eight to nine hours, high for four to five, or until meat has reached desired tenderness. ?ou may want to stir the meat about an hour before serving so more li5uid is absorbed into the meat. Serve with whipped mashed potatoes, and a ladle full of crock 3uices.

I love the fact that I can 3ust throw everything into the crockpot and forget about it, while writing, until dinner.

TA3) 2A<E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 kristiJcagle #&G E7#E&T+6 Two pounds ground beef (browned) .ne can tomato soup 7ight flour tortillas, cut into ='= s5uares .ne cup milk .ne 3ar salsa (I've found that a runnier salsa works better. "y favorite is the kind I can get at my local %ldi) Two cups shredded cheese (I like the "e'ican blends, but cheddar works 3ust as well) P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to K;;<-, and slice your tortilla shells. It's easiest to keep them all stacked together, and cut one inch strips, before cutting those into bite si+ed pieces. $ombine browned ground beef, pieces of tortillas, tomato soup, salsa and milk. "i' thoroughly. %dd one cup cup of shredded cheese and mi' in. & !ish mi'ture into a casserole dish, and cover. #ake for thirty minutes. It's best to take it out then, and see if it's bubbly. If it is, even the slightest bit, go ahead and add the remaining cheese on top, and put it back in to melt. .nce cheese on top is melted, remove from oven and en3oy6 8A5TE &AT#$E TA3) 2A<E E3#PE6 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Tobaeus #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne package tortillas Two pounds ground beef Two packets taco seasoning .ne can corn .ne can tomatoes .ne can refried beans Two cups shredded cheese .ptional) .ne can chopped olives P EPA AT#)&6 & In the bottom of a =9'F baking dish, layer two tortillas. $over with an even layer of refried beans. & #rown ground beef in a skillet and drain off e'cess fat. %dd taco season according to directions. "i' in corn, tomatoes, and olives. & Spread half of the meat mi'ture over the refried beans. Sprinkle three&fourths cup of cheese over the mi'ture. ,ayer again with tortillas, refried beans, meat mi'ture, and cheese. Top with two more tortillas and the rest of the cheese. #ake at 9O:<- for ten minutes. ,et stand for five minutes and serve.;

+5)% 3))<E7 2EE"

AG* ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Shamrock

#&G E7#E&T+6 :;;g or so of beef, diced or cut into smaller pieces if purchased as one large piece (some of the tougher cuts are perfect for this dish e.g. boneless gravy beef or chuck) olive oil .ne small onion, diced .ne cloves garlic .ne tablespoon flour (I use gluten free because I'm gluten intolerant and it works 3ust fine) Three&fourths cup beef stock (also gluten free in my case) N;;g cherry tomatoes .ne sprig fresh thyme (I used dried thyme and basil to taste) .ne small roasted bell pepper, sliced (or capsicum as it's called in %ustralia) (This is optional but it's great for flavour) Some fresh basil leaves (I didn't have any so I added the dried herb in with the thyme earlier in the recipe) pinch of sugar (asta and grated parmesan to serve P EPA AT#)&6 & Season the beef with salt and pepper and brown in a large frying pan with some olive oil. & Aemove and place in the casserole dish. & %dd more oil to the pan and cook the onion and garlic for a minute or two until soft. & %dd the flour, making sure the onion is coated, and scrape up any residue from the base of the pan. & *radually pour in the stock and stir until the mi'ture boils. & (our over the beef in the casserole dish and add the tomatoes and thyme. (If using fresh herbs, it's 3ust the thyme, otherwise add both the dried thyme and basil) and a small pinch of sugar. & $over and cook in a moderate oven for appro' one and a half to two hours. (It's not a bad idea to check it a couple of times 3ust to give it a 5uick stir and add more stock to keep the beef covered.) & Towards the last fifteen or twenty minutes of cooking, I roasted a sliced bell pepper1capsicum in the oven. 0hen it was soft, I added it to the ragu. & Shred the beef using two forks. & If using fresh herbs, you can add the basil leaves at this point, 3ust before serving. & Serve over pasta and sprinkle with parmesan cheese. #on appetit6 D)

HA+H ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Aaksab #&G E7#E&T+6 4A&7AT) '6 Two cups leftover cooked rice .ne small can of cooked protein of your choice (tuna, chicken, corned beef), or one&half cup leftover cooked meat, diced .ne egg .ne&half cup milk or cream .ne tablespoon cooking oil or butter Seasoning optionsD soy sauce, fish sauce, hot sauce, salt and pepper, furikake, whatever. )PT#)&A56 .ne cup diced onion or cabbage P EPA AT#)&6 & #eat the egg into the milk. If using canned meat, flake it with a fork. Turn the stove to medium heat, and heat the oil in the pan. If you're using onion or cabbage, add it now and cook five minutes or until it gets soft and golden, stirring occasionally. & %dd the rice to the hot pan and stir to loosen. (our the milk1egg mi'ture over the rice and stir again so the rice is all coated. $over, turn down the heat to low, and go write N;; words. & 0hen it's hot, add the meat and continue to cook until the meat is warmed through. Season as desired. Scoop into a bowl and eat up. Serves two. This also works with leftover diced potatoes, or small pasta. "i' and match as you please. ?ou can do fried rice, kedgeree, 3ambalaya, etc. etc. etc. 4EAT 3*P3A<E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 doregan> Bote from the contributor) These can be made ahead up to two hours before baking. %nd they reheat in the microwave nicely. #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne pound ground beef, chuck or turkey .ne&half cup barbecue sauce .ne tablespoons minced onion, or one&fourths cup chopped onion Two tablespoons brown sugar .ne&half cup shredded cheese (I have always used sharp cheddar, pepper3ack would rock this as well) .ne can flaky biscuits (like (illsbury *rands for e'ample) "uffin pan (not cupcakes, muffins6 the bigger ones6) P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to K;;<-. & #rown meat in large skillet and drain. & Stir in ##8 sauce, brown sugar, and onion. -latten out and slightly stretch each biscuit and fit one into each of the muffin cups, which do need to be greased up with a cooking1baking spray. (ress the dough in the bottom and up the sides, 3ust to the top. & Spoon in about one&fourth cup of meat into each cup and sprinkle cheese on top. & #ake at K;;<- for ten to twelve minutes, or until the edges of the dough are golden brown. $ool for one minute and serve.

chicken dishes
3 )3<P)T 3H#5# 3H#3<E& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 tamiris #&G E7#E&T+6 #oneless, skinless chicken (breasts or thighs, depending on your preference) .ne 3ar chunky salsa (your choice of temperature) .ne can corn, drained .ne can black beans, drained P EPA AT#)&6 & (ut salsa, corn, and beans into crockpot and stir together. %dd chicken and stir again to coat. $ook for si' to eight hours on low, or four hours on high. Shred chicken when you're ready to serve. +<#55ET 3H#3<E& PA 4E+A& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Eustice #&G E7#E&T+6 Two or three chicken tenderloin pieces "arinara sauce "o++arella cheese (asta of your choice P EPA AT#)&6 & -irst cut up the chicken into small pieces roughly one inch by one inch. (ut the skillet on the stove and put heat to about medium. & Spread around the skillet a small amount of olive oil and dump the chicken in. Stir the chicken around, ensuring that all sides are browned, and then let cook for an e'tra couple of minutes. & .nce that's done, pour roughly one&third of a 3ar of marinara sauce, or whatever your heart's content may be. ,oad the top with cheese and drop your heat to 3ust above low. %nd cover it. That's important too. ?ou want to let this sit for about twenty minutes, but it can sit longer depending on your needs. & %fter you've covered the skillet, start boiling your water for the pasta. $ook accordingly, drain, add sauce, and they should be done together6 +A5+A 3H#3<E& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 e'cele'cel Bote from the contributor) This makes a yummy filling for burritos or tacos. !epending on how many you're cooking for, this could serve as several meals during BaBo && serve over rice for one meal, have as tacos for another. #&G Si' .ne .ne .ne E7#E&T+6 boneless skinless chicken thighs can black beans (drained and rinsed) cup fro+en corn && you could use fresh or canned, as well cup salsa

P EPA AT#)&6 & $ook on low for five hours. & Serve over rice with grated cheddar or other cheese. Top with avocado, if desired.

D*E+A7#55A+ )" 7))4 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 7mperor of $olorado Bote from the editor) The accompanying salsa, aptly titled 4Salsa of !oom,4 can be found below this recipe. #&G E7#E&T+6 -lour tortillas .ne can of mushrooms 2alf a bunch cilantro Shredded chicken (fried chicken works great for this. I use about five thighs.) .ne medium&si+ed chopped red onion Shredded cheese (I use 3ack, but cheddar works well) #utter .il P EPA AT#)&6 & "elt butter in pan and sautU onion for several minutes. %dd cilantro, mushrooms, and chicken. SautU about five minutes. If using store bought tortillas, microwave them for about twenty seconds. & (ut shredded cheese on half of a tortilla and then some of the chicken mi'ture, and more cheese on top. -old tortilla in half and secure it with a toothpick. $ontinue until you run out of chicken mi'ture, tortillas, cheese, or toothpicks. & 2eat oil in pan. -ry each 5uesadilla, about thirty seconds each side. & -or vegetarians, add more of the other ingredients, and1or green or red bell peppers. They can also be baked or put into a 5uesadilla grill if you don't want to fry them (they 3ust don't taste as good). 8+A5+A )" 7))4 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 7mperor of $olorado Bote from the contributor) % variation of this is 4felony salsa4 which is useful if you're peppers aren't spicy enough or you're cra+y. Eust add some pepper spray into the salsa and mi' it up. %pparently, it's a felony in $alifornia, so don't do it if you live there. #&G E7#E&T+6 Three cans tomatoes (whole or crushed) Spicy peppers (EalapePos or habaneros recommended, amount depends on how spicy you like your salsa. I use two habaneros.) .ne&half cup lemon 3uice .ne bunch cilantro .ne bunch chopped green onions Three tablespoons cumin Three to four tablespoons salt Three to four tablespoons garlic P EPA AT#)&6 & Aoast the peppers in a skillet until the skins are mostly brown. 0hile they're roasting, open the tomatoes. If you're using crushed, dump them directly into a large bowl. If you're using whole, blend them first. Set some tomato aside in the blender. & 0hen the peppers are done, place them in a brown bag and let them cool. $hop the cilantro and green onions and add to the tomatoes. & Aemove the stems from the peppers and peel the skins off, then put them in the blender with the e'tra tomato. #lend until li5uefied and add to bowl (the optional 4doom4 step is to smell the peppers right after they've been blended). %dd the lemon 3uice and spices, and stir.;

TE #'A<# A&7 H)&E' +)' 3H#3<E& &A3H)+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 confidante #&G .ne .ne .ne .ne .ne .ne .ne .ne E7#E&T+6 chicken breast (large if you prefer a lot of chicken) 3ar of honey soy marinade half bag of $heese Supreme !oritos half bag of stringy mo++arella cheese 3ar of salsa chili can of your favourite type of beans tablespoon of oil or butter

%nd if you feel adventurous to add to thisD one satchel of teriyaki spices P EPA AT#)&6 & $hop the chili finely, feel free to remove the seeds. (our honey soy marinade into a bowl, add the teriyaki spices if you choose to, and add the now chopped chili. & Slice the chicken into strips and add to the marinade. The longer you leave it, the yummier it will be. I usually leave it about an hour. & -ry the chicken in the oil or butter until crispy. & (our the !oritos into a bowl, add the beans and chicken. & Toss gently then sprinkle copious, sinful amounts of delicious cheese on top, throw in the microwave for about a minute. .nce out, add salsa in you wish. +%EET A&7 +P#3' +5)%(3))<E7 3H#3<E& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 palmetto Bote from the contributor) It fed me for days. There's at least si' servings in there, and it'd make a great burrito filling with some cheese #&G E7#E&T+6 Three fro+en boneless skinless chicken breasts .ne&half cup brown rice Si'teen ounce 3ar of peach salsa Two cans black beans P EPA AT#)&6 & (ut the boneless, skinless chicken breasts at the bottom of a crock pot. (ut everything else in on top (I did it beans, rice, salsa) and cook on low for eight hours. The rice will break down, but it does add a nice te'ture. #TA5#A& 3H#3<E& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 chrisdd #&G E7#E&T+6 -our to si' boneless skinless chicken breasts or boneless1skinless chicken thighs (about two and a half pounds) .ne&half bottle of bottled Italian salad dressing, shaken well P EPA AT#)&6 & Spray crockpot with cooking spray. & (our some of the dressing on the bottom and layer chicken and dressing. /se about one&half bottle. & $ook on low for si' to eight hours. Serve with rice and green beans or broccoli or whatever.

HA%A##A& 3H#3<E& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 "ike.Speegle #&G Si' .ne .ne .ne E7#E&T+6 chicken breasts packet onion soup mi' 3ar peach pineapple 3am bottle Aussian dressing

P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9O:<. $ombine the soup mi', 3am and dressing in bowl. & (lace chicken in pan and pour mi'ture over it. & (lace in oven and cook for thirty minutes, then flip and cook for thirty more minutes until chicken is done (will vary based on chicken weight1thickness). 2A 2E3*E 3H#3<E& P#AAA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 darkJphoeni' #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne pre&made pi++a crust #arbecue sauce Aed onion $ooked chicken "o++arella and cheddar cheese P EPA AT#)&6 & Throw all the ingredients onto the pi++a crust, and bake the crust according to directions. The key here is using the barbecue sauce as the base instead of tomato sauce. I really like it, and they charge an awful lot for this e'act pi++a at, for e'ample, #oston (i++a restaurants. "ake it at home, it's much cheaper6 D*#3< 2A+#5 3H#3<E& 2 EA+T ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 !angerous"eg #&G E7#E&T+6 $hicken breast -resh basil Tomato "o++arella cheese .live oil P EPA AT#)&6 & 2eat about two tablespoons of olive oil in a skillet. & #utterfly cut the chicken and stuff with a few leaves of basil, a slice of mo++arella cheese, and a slice of tomato. Season both sides with salt and pepper to taste. & $ook on both sides about four minutes. & !ice the rest of the tomato and toss into skillet, turn heat down to medium, and let simmer until chicken is fully cooked. ?ou can add a bit of chicken broth to make more sauce and add diced garlic and onion on the first step if you like. This goes really well with a loaf of thick bread and a nice green salad. #asil also grows well as a house plant, so hooray for indoor gardens6

G)* 4ET 3H#3<E& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 nerskin #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne package norr #earnaise sauce, made according to package (takes a cup of milk and one&fourth cup butter) Seventeen ounce can chopped .rtega green chilies Three boneless chicken breasts, cubed and cooked, or one package chicken chunks (about one and one&half pounds) P EPA AT#)&6 & $ook the #earnaise, add the can of .rtega chilies and the chicken. (ut in a casserole dish and heat at 9:;< until warm throughout, about fifteen minutes. Serve with rice. TA+T' TA+T' 3H#3<E& %#&G+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 $atnip itty #&G E7#E&T+6 -resh raw (or defrosted) chicken wings .ne to one and one&half cups of flour .live oil or vegetable oil Salt (epper *arlic powder .nion powder #arbecue sauce (!ianna@s or your favourite) P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat the oven to K;;<& (lace all the chicken wings in the large bowl. (our the olive oil over the chicken wings and mi' them together with your hands until all the wings are coated in oil. "i' in the flour, salt, pepper, garlic powder and onion powder and mi' again with hands until all the chicken wings are evenly coated. & (lace the chicken wings on a cookie sheet and put in the oven and bake for forty& five minutes. 0hen the wings are cooked, take them out of the oven, turn off the oven and put the wings back in the (cleaned) bowl and toss them with your favourite barbecue sauce. & (ut back on cookie sheet and put back in the turned off oven to sit for five minutes. & Aemove from oven and serve. EA+' 3H#3<E& #&G Two .ne .ne Two *2 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 alinamv

E7#E&T+6 tablespoons curry powder teaspoon onion1garlic powder (I prefer onion) teaspoon soy sauce teaspoons paprika

P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' in spices in bowl. Aub vigorously into chicken. #ake at 9:;<- for twenty&five to thirty minutes. This chicken is perfect with some sautUed mushrooms with onionsD & *et some mushroom, whatever kind you want, and some chopped onion. "i' them together and cook in a pan until they're cooked and toss in few splashes of soy sauce. %nd then serve with green giant sweet and buttery corn, which you can microwave in the bag for four minutes.

TH EE 3HEE+E 3H#3<E& 2A<E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 7merald&7kohs #&G E7#E&T+6 $hicken breasts, as many as you want Spaghetti sauce Sharp or e'tra sharp white cheddar cheese (armesan cheese (rovolone cheese (or your favorite cheese) *arlic powder #read crumbs (I recommend the Italian seasoning) P EPA AT#)&6 & #ake chicken at whatever temp you need until it's white all the way through, and still 3uicy. .r grill it6 & ,et cool on tray for five minutes. & Spread tomato or spaghetti sauce (cooked or uncooked) evenly over the cooked chicken breasts. & *rate cheddar cheese over chicken to create a pi++a&like look. & *rate your favorite cheese over that, in a fine layer. & Sprinkle (armesan. ,ightly sprinkle garlic powder and a thin thin thin thin sheet of seasoned bread crumbs. & (lace in oven until cheese is melted, or microwave it. 3HEE+' 3H#3<E& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 !ragonchilde #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) #oneless skinless chicken breast (I buy a four pack and cut them in four pieces each, total of si'teen) Two cans crescent rolls .ne cup of milk (or soy milk tastes good too) .ne cup shredded cheddar cheese .ne can cream of chicken .ne can cream of mushroom (if you don't like mushrooms make it two cans cream of chicken) .ptional) .ne small can of mushrooms P EPA AT#)&6 & (re&cook chicken until there is no pink (broil, heat in microwave, or saute in a bit of olive oil). & "i' the milk, cheese, cream of chicken1mushrooms, and mushrooms and heat in microwave 3ust enough to melt cheese. 0rap each piece of chicken in a crescent roll and place in a greased pan ((am spray works best). (our mi'ture over the chicken. & $ook in the oven at 9:;<- for thirty minutes. Aeady to serve. %void serving with more starches && it's a bit too much with rice on the side. *reat with green beans, though6

TE #'A<# +T# (" ' ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 %suka #&G E7#E&T+6 Two half chicken breasts Sesame oil Cegetable oil ?our preferred brand of teriyaki sauce #roccoli .nions #ean Sprouts $elery %nd whatever other vegetables you like6 P EPA AT#)&6 & Slice chicken into pieces about the si+e of your finger. & (our a fifty1fifty vegetable oil1sesame oil mi' into a large, deep pan. (ut chicken into pan. $ook until chicken is opa5ue white. & 0hile chicken is cooking, chop up vegetables, as much as you like. I like lots of vegetables in my stir&fry. (ut in more oil if needed, and then the vegetables. $ook until the broccoli is bright green. & Splash on a bunch of teriyaki sauce, and cook for two to three more minutes. 7n3oy. 4)49+ 3H#3<E& 3* ' 3A++E )5E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 "ike.Speegle

#&G E7#E&T+6 -our boneless skinless chicken breasts .ne&half cup mayonnaise .ne can cream of broccoli or cream of chicken soup .ne medium&si+ed bag of fro+en broccoli (thawed) Two to four slices of bread % ,.T of cheddar cheese .ne teaspoon curry powder !ash of lemon 3uice P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9:;<. $ook chicken on frying pan or whatever other method you prefer, 3ust so it is no longer pink inside. "i' mayonnaise, soup, and curry powder together, and then add a splash of lemon 3uice. $hop chicken into one inch chunks and put in bottom of F'=94 casserole dish. (lace broccoli on chicken, and then pour soup mi' on top. %dd as much cheese as you want, and then tear up bread into one inch s5uares and place on top of cheese. (lace in oven for thirty minutes at 9:;<. I like to put this on top of rice and serve it with peaches. $omfort food to the ma'. 3 )3<P)T 3H#3<E& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 feather3ean #&G E7#E&T+6 -our fro+en chicken breasts (two pounds of tenders works, too6 %nd yes, fro+en6) .ne packet Italian dressing mi' .ne cup chicken broth or water P EPA AT#)&6 & (ut fro+en chicken in crock pot. Sprinkle dressing mi' over it. (our in broth1water. $ook on low for eight to ten hours.

8A5TE &AT#$E 3 )3<P)T 3H#3<E&

E3#PE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 cgindles

#&G E7#E&T+6 #oneless skinless chicken breast $ream of chicken soup .A cream of mushroom soup & (ut chicken in crock pot. (our soup over chicken. $ook on low all day. I typically either serve this over rice or eat it by itself with green beans.; D*#3< A&7 EA+' )A+T 3H#3<E& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 "ynerva Bote from the contributor) ?ou can prep this the day before or first thing in the day for a 5uick, no hassle dinner. #&G E7#E&T+6 -our to si' chicken legs with skin (can use thighs) Salt (epper, black and white *arlic sauce (,ea Q (errins $ook's 2elper or similar) ,emon 3uice (I'm la+y so I use Eif bottle lemon 3uice) or one real lemon) Cegetable oil (sunflower or olive) "argarine P EPA AT#)&6 & "ake sure chicken pieces are clean and defeathered and whatnot because you're going to want to eat the skin6 (ut them in a plastic free+er bag. & %lso into the bag goesD one teaspoon salt, little black pepper, very little white pepper, a few good splashes of garlic sauce and 3uice from one lemon or e5uivalent of bottled lemon 3uice and a little dri++le of oil. Tie bag off, mi' it all up, then leave in fridge to marinate overnight or a couple of hours at least. & (reheat oven to =>;<$ (about 9:;<-). Take roasting dish. $ut the bag and pour in chicken pieces and all the marinade sauce && and here's the trick && on the inner side of the leg1thigh, pull the skin down a bit and make an inch&long slit, close to the bone. (ack this slit with one&half to three&fourths teaspoon of margarine. (ull the skin back over and arrange the pieces with skin side up1margarine side down. !ri++le with a little more oil. & $ook for forty&five minutes to one hour depending on si+e and 5uantity of chicken & maybe thirty to forty minutes in 3ust roll them over once in their 3uices, then roll them back to skin side up position. The skin should be a nice golden colour, dry but not too crispy & Serve with... well, whatever you like (I usually make go for mashed potatoes). %lso I hope the instructions make sense & I've done it so many times I don't even measure anything anymore, 3ust chuck it all in. 3H#3<E& %A""5E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 rae5uiem Bote from the contributor) ?es, it sounds weird and kind of disgusting, but it's surprisingly tasty6 %nd very 5uick to make and eat, as well. #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne fro+en chicken patty .ne plain waffle 0hite pasta sauce, either from a 3ar or from scratch P EPA AT#)&6 & Toast the waffle and chicken (the chicken may take longer). 2eat up (or cook) the white sauce. 0hen your waffle is nice and crispy and your chicken patty's warmed thoroughly, pour some sauce on the waffle. Top it with the patty. 7at6

EA+'= HEA T'= 7E5#3#)*+ A&7 HEA5TH' 4EA5 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 favamas #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & Aoughly cut up a variety of vegetables (onions, shallots, mushrooms, peppers, courgettes1+ucchini, aubergines1eggplants, cherry tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, etc.) and mi' with olive oil, salt, pepper, and fresh or dried herbs (fresh rosemary is particularly good), in an oven proof roasting or casserole dish. (lace in medium&hot oven. $heck on it from time to time to make sure nothing is burning. Test potatoes with fork once in a while. 0hen they're done, everything else will be. & $ut the top off a bulb of garlic, place it on a foil s5uare, dri++le olive oil over and season. & 0rap it up in the foil and put it in the oven with the other vegetables. (I would suggest doing this first, and at a higher heat, and then turning the heat down when you introduce the other veggies) & Slowly cook chicken breasts over a fairly low heat (either dry fry or use a small amount of oil). If you have an iron skillet, use it. 0hen done, s5uee+e a fresh lemon over. +P#3' 3H#3<E& +T #P+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 esby .ne&half cup plain or vanilla yogurt, the vanilla .ne&fourth cup to one&half cup /ncle $hen's 2ot $hili go towards a =D= (anko flakes. ?ou can get honey panko #&G E7#E&T+6 give it a bit of a sweetness (aste (or is it sauceL) && I ratio co+ I likes the spicy. flakes too, which are great. .live oil

This should be enough for two boneless skinless chicken breasts cut into strips or bite si+ed pieces and I can feed four to si' people with rice, one more breast and I feed nine. P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' the yogurt and chili paste1sauce together and put the panko in a bowl. & (reheat the oil in a large pan, I do it at medium high. I leave it to you to decide how much oil, I eyeball it. & !redge the chicken in the yogurt1chili mi' then in the panko and plop it in the hot oil. !on't worry about it not being covered, I generally flip it to get both sides. It usually takes a couple of batches to get it all done. I scrape the remainder bits of panko to the side between panfuls. I generally put the chicken on baking racks to cool off and serve it with rice. The original recipe called for dipping in ranch dressing but it's great without. Aanch is for wimps.

3 )3<P)T 3H#3<E& 3*

' ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Therinian

#&G E7#E&T+6 Ten boneless chicken thighs or breasts (two and three&fourths of a pound), skins removed .ne 3ar (si'teen ounces) chunky salsa .ne onion, chopped Two to three tablespoons curry powder .ne cup sour cream P EPA AT#)&6 & (lace chicken in slow cooker. $ombine ne't three ingredients) pour over chicken. $over with lid. & $ook on low for eight to ten hours, or on high for five hours. & Aemove chicken to serving platter) cover to keep warm. %dd sour cream to slow cooker) stir until well blended. Serve over chicken. *ood with rice or egg noodles. Serves four to si' people) especially good for BaBo0ri"o gatherings6 THE 3H#3<E& ')* 3A& 5#$E )"" )" ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Shadowed0hispers #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne piece of chicken .ne onion .ne&half pepper (asta sauce (I use tomato and basil but you can vary it) 7ighty grams of rice Cegetable stock cube 2andful of peas .ne clove of garlic P EPA AT#)&6 %dd rice and vegetable stock cube to pan of boiling water. Stir occasionally. $hop up the onion, pepper, garlic and chicken into pieces and throw them, along with a dash of sunflower oil, into a frying pan on low heat. (If you want the chicken browned, put that in first for a minute or two). & eep things moving in the frying pan. %dd the peas to the rice. & %round seven minutes later, add pasta sauce to the mi' in the frying pan, along with any herbs you may en3oy adding to your cooking. & 0hen all is cooked, drain the rice and put that and the frying pan mi' onto a plate and voila. &

"#$E 4#&*TE 3H#3<E& PA 4E+A& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Incandescent #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & #uy those awful chicken patties made by #an5uet or -ree+er 8ueen. The ones that are unnaturally round and probably processed to hell and back. They usually taste disgusting, but in this recipe, they're actually the best thing I've found && I tried to make it with a few different higher&class chicken pieces, and they all came out sub&standard. %nd the processed&to&hell patties cost around fifty cents per patty, so I'm happy with it. & #uy your favorite brand of in&a&3ar spaghetti sauce (I love #i&,o's mushroom and garden vegetable, personally). 2ave mo++arella or provolone, and a bit of (armesan cheese. & "icrowave chicken patty until it's almost completely reheated. -or my microwaves, that's between =D;; and =D=:. Aemove chicken from microwave. & $over chicken with a very thin layer of spaghetti sauce (usually around two teaspoons). %dd spices to suit your own preferences && I love %ldi's (i++a and (asta spice. %dd (armesan cheese and either mo++arella or provolone. "icrowave until the cheese melts (less than thirty seconds). *arnish with parsley if you want it to look pretty. %lso good if served over pasta with more red&sauce in it. THE 3H#3<E& ) THE EGG ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 e'plosioned

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne egg .ne serving of chicken (one&half chicken breast or one boneless thigh is a good measure) "irin or milk Salt and pepper to taste (red pepper is nice too6) P EPA AT#)&6 & %dd a dash of either mirin or milk (depending on if you want 7uropean or %sian& style eggs), salt, and pepper to the egg. Scramble in a pan. & "eanwhile, cut the chicken into small cubes. 0hen the egg is done, add the chicken cubes to the pan along with more salt and pepper. & $ook chicken thoroughly over medium heat. Serve with starch of your choice.

4) )33A& TAG#&E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ?asaibatake #&G E7#E&T+6 Two tablespoons oil Two tablespoons butter $hopped up onion % pinch of salt % pinch of nutmeg .ne&half teaspoon ground cinnamon .ne teaspoon ground ginger (can be substituted with one teaspoon half cinnamon1half clove mi') .ne teaspoon ground cumin (can be substituted with one teaspoon chili powder) .ne teaspoon ground coriander (can be substituted with one teaspoon fennel, ground if you have it, seeds if you don@t) % few cranks of a pepper mill % pinch of cayenne % dash of vanilla !iced tomatoes, about a can and a half Three ?ukon gold potatoes, chopped $hopped carrots -our chicken thighs, cut more or less into eight e5ual chunks #o' of couscous. I like the garlic seasoned couscous, but if you wanted plain or another seasoning you could. ?ou could also put the garlic into the chicken1veggie mi'ture too if you wanted. .ne of the things that makes this dish so easy is that you can use it as a 4fridge cleaner4 dish. !on't have any carrots, but have some +ucchini to use upL *reat, throw it in. ,eftover peas you don't know what to do withL Throw 'em in6 CegetarianL Take the chicken out. I've given my favorite version, but really, anything goes. P EPA AT#)&6 & -ind a big skillet that you can cover up later. (ut the oil and butter into it) once it all melts together, add the onions. & $ook for a while and add all the spices. Stir it up. .nce it@s good and mi'ed, add in the veggies I the carrots, potatoes, and tomatoes. %dd the vanilla if you haven@t already and bring to a high simmer. & *et your chicken cut into chunks if you didn't before. Slide each chunk into the skillet) they@ll only be half&covered in the sauce, but that@s okay. ,eave them be and cover up the skillet. Turn down the heat so it@s at a low simmer and won@t boil over. & ,et it simmer until the chicken is super tender. It took mine about fifty minutes. I@d guess around half an hour you should start checking on it once in a while. 0hen it@s done, the chicken is so tender you don@t even need a knife to cut it. & Aight before the chicken is done, make the couscous. If you@re making it from the bo' like I do, it only takes si' or seven minutes. & -luff the couscous and put it on the bottom of a serving dish or 3ust on your plate first. The chicken and veggies goes on top) let the couscous soak up what e'tra sauce there is (but there won@t be much). 7n3oy (probably a little too much because it@s so good)6

7E3EPT#$E5' EA+' A&7 G))7 A&3H 3H#3<E& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Incandescent Bote from the contributor) I didn't believe my boyfriend when he told me what we were going to be eating. 40ell, it's chicken. %nd bread crumbs. %nd ranch dressing. %nd around twenty minutes in the oven.4 4%le',4 I said, 4That sounds like a sludgy mess of goopy breadcrumbs with some half&cooked chicken chunks floating around in it.4 40atch and see,4 said the boyfriend, and I watched, and I saw. #&G E7#E&T+6 Some 5uantity of raw chicken (I usually use half a pound for two people, plus some leftovers) Aanch dressing (I suggest 2idden Calley && it's the one that tastes best with this recipe, in my opinion. #ut I'm a ranch snob) #read crumbs, preferably Italian or seasoned P EPA AT#)&6 & !efrost your chicken if it's fro+en. & $hop chicken into strips that are about an inch wide. & !ip chicken into breadcrumbs. !on't e'pect too terribly much to stick to it. This 3ust keeps it from getting goopy, so you only need a very thin layer. & (lace the breadcrumb'd chicken into a baking dish. & $over the chicken in a thick dri++le of ranch. 0hen in doubt, use more rather than less && you can add breadcrumbs later, but it tastes weird if you add ranch later. & $oat the entire pan in breadcrumbs. & Stick it in the oven on 9N:< to 9:;< for around twenty minutes. .ptionalD $ook egg noodles to serve it over. #e warnedD this doesn't taste good reheated unless you bake or toast it. Tastes awful the second day if you microwave it. ?ou've been warned. 2A<E7 P)TAT) %#TH 3HEE+E A&7 3H#3<E& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 nerakrose #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne large potato for baking Some shredded cheese of your own choice % thick slice of goat cheese or blue cheese (or other strongly flavoured cheese of own choice) $heese sauce6 2omemade or premade, doesn't matter. I use cheddar. #its of fried chicken (may be substituted with, for e'ample, mushrooms) Some butter P EPA AT#)&6 & Slice a cross into the potato and put some butter inside it. 0rap in tinfoil and bake for fifty to si'ty minutes by N;;&NN:<$. & 0hen baked, take the potato out and 4open4 it & I fold it a little so that it becomes sorta star shaped, if that makes sense. !on't remove the tinfoil, rather leave it so that it looks like the potato is in a tinfoil nest. & (our in the cheese sauce, add the chicken, sprinkle shredded cheese on top, and on top of that the thick slice of your favourite tasty cheese. (ut back into the oven for about ten minutes or until the cheese is nicely golden. & 7%T6 *ood with salad on side or toasted bread or whatever you feel like. This is great for cold and depressing Bovember, as it's warm and filling and lovely.

%#57 4*+H ))4 A&7 2A5+A4#3 3H#3<E& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Igenous-eline #&G E7#E&T+6 Salt .ne&half pound or+o pasta (or any other pasta preference) Two tablespoons e'tra&virgin olive oil, two turns of the pan -our boneless, skinless chicken breasts, si' ounces (epper Two tablespoons butter Twelve cremini or baby portobello mushrooms, sliced Twelve shiitake mushrooms, stems removed and sliced Twelve white mushrooms, sliced Two large cloves garlic, chopped .ne tablespoon thyme leaves, a couple of sprigs, chopped Two large shallots, thinly sliced Two tablespoons all&purpose flour .ne and one&half cups chicken stock .ne tablespoon balsamic vinegar, eyeball it Three tablespoons heavy cream or half&and&half, a couple turns of the pan .ne&fourth cup chopped flat&leaf parsley, a generous handful P EPA AT#)&6 & 2eat a large pot of water to a boil. Salt the water and add or+o pasta. $ook to al dente. & (reheat a large nonstick skillet over medium&high heat and add e'tra&virgin olive oil, two turns of the pan. Season chicken liberally with salt and pepper and add to the hot skillet. $ook the chicken for five to si' minutes on each side. Aemove the chicken from the pan and cover with foil to keep warm. & Aeturn the skillet to the heat, turn heat back a bit, and add the butter. .nce the butter melts add the mushrooms and brown stirring occasionally for about four to five minutes. .nce the mushrooms are brown season with salt and pepper then add the garlic, thyme and shallots. $ook stirring occasionally for about two minutes or until the shallots are wilted. Sprinkle the flour into the pan and cook two minutes more. 0hisk in the stock, balsamic vinegar and the cream. Turn the heat up to high and simmer for about two minutes or until thickened. Slice the chicken on an angle. %dd the parsley and the chicken back to the skillet to heat up, about one minute. To serve, pile or+o on dinner plates and top with the sliced chicken and sauce. 3H#3<E& %#TH PE+T) ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 golfgal;> #&G E7#E&T+6 (asta of your choice (I usually use rigatoni or cheese tortellini) (esto sauce (homemade or store bought) $hicken (usually cooked in olive oil with some basil and lemon 3uice) P EPA AT#)&6 & $ook the pasta and the chicken, dollop on some pesto sauce, and mi' together. %dd fresh basil and diced tomatoes if you desire. Sprinkle with (armesan or add mo++arella.

3H#&E+E 3)3A(3)5A 3H#3<E& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Aae Aeneau Bote from the contributor) The measurements given here will probably be off, as I'm guessing. "y friend $harlotte made this for me in $hina and used the guesstimates method of measuring for her chicken. #&G E7#E&T+6 Two chicken breasts (if cooking for more than two people, add more according to your tastes) & boneless is best) though the skin is the best part Two tablespoons salt .ne to two teaspoons chopped ginger Two to three teaspoons chopped green onion 7nough $oca&$ola to cover $ooking oil P EPA AT#)&6 & In a saucepan, heat a sufficient amount of cooking oil over low heat. 0hile the oil is heating, cut your chicken breasts into bite&si+ed pieces to be added to the oil. 0hen the oil is shimmering, toss in the chicken to cook, adding salt, ginger, and green onions. %llow chicken to cook until it is fully cooked, turning up the heat as desired to make it cook faster or slower. & 0hen the chicken is completely white, pour in enough $oca&$ola to cover the chicken completely and cover with a lid. ?ou can leave the heat high or let it simmer depending on how long you want it to cook. ,et the $oca&$ola cook down until it's created a nice, syrupy sauce on the chicken. Serve with rice or noodles depending on your preference. ?ou can use more or less ginger and green onion according to your tastes. $harlotte tells me all $hinese use ginger and green onion as staples in their cooking, and she probably used more than I suggested in the chicken she made for us, but as I'm not a big fan of ginger, I think it's probably fine to use less or none at all if you don't want the added flavor. 3H#3<E& 3* ' ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 flyery

#&G E7#E&T+6 Two tablespoons canola oil .ne pound boned chicken thighs, bones removed and set to the side, meat chopped .ne tablespoon (atak's $urry (aste Three tablespoons flour Two cups chicken broth Two cups #alkan&style plain yogurt P EPA AT#)&6 & 2eat oil in pan until warm then add chicken meat, cook until sealed. & %dd curry paste, making sure to cover all pieces and cook for two minutes. & %dd flour, making sure to cover all chicken, cook for another two minutes. & %dd bones and chicken broth to pan, stirring, cook for eight minutes. & "aking sure that the sauce is relatively cool, add the yogurt slowly, stirring a lot as otherwise it will curdle. & Simmer until happy with consistency, or about ten min, and serve.

3H#3<E& #& %#&E 8THE 5AA' $E +#)&; ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ,isiche #&G E7#E&T+6 $hicken pieces, bone in Aed wine .live oil *arlic salt .regano $an of large, pitted black olives (otato This is always guesstimated. There is no art to this recipe at all. !o not worry about having measurements, it always turns out fine. P EPA AT#)&6 & Take the bone&in chicken pieces & any kind works well, but my family's very fond of drumsticks and wings & and stick them in a roasting pan, flat. & (our in enough red wine to cover the bottom to at least one&fourth inch depth. & (our in about half that in olive oil. (!on't worry if you put in too much because the oil helps the chicken stay moist. #etter too much than too little6) & Shake a generous amount of garlic salt and oregano on the chicken. !on't worry about too much6 0e want seasoning. D) & (our in can of olives, brine and all. & $over the roasting pan and leave it in the fridge until the ne't day. .r a few hours. ((referably the ne't day because you're basically brining the chicken and it makes it very moist.) & 0hen you're ready to cook it, preheat the oven to N>:<- and stick the chicken in (with the roasting pan lid on) and cook for about three hours, or until it's 3ust falling off the bone. %nd it will. .h, it will. & %bout two hours in stick in the potatoes (cut into wedges). & If you remember, twenty minutes or so before you want to take it out of the oven take off the lid and it cook the for that last stretch uncovered. There should be lots of gloop in the bottom of the pan. It is delicious. #ecome friends with the dripping and cover your chicken and potatoes with it. This is one of those dishes that tastes better the ne't day, and it free+es magnificently. #e not afraid to make a large batch and save single portions for later6

*++#A& AP #3)T 3H#3<E& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Tu'*irl #&G .ne .ne .ne .ne E7#E&T+6 bottle raft Aussian dressing 3ar apricot preserves packet onion soup mi' package of chicken breasts

Aussian salad dressing comes in a really small bottle from raft. ?ou can also use other brands of Aussian, or any brand of $atalina. 2owever, in those cases, only use two&thirds of a bottle, since those all tend to come in normal&si+ed bottles. P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' the first 9 ingredients in a bowl. (ut chicken breasts in a baking dish. (our sauce over them, and move them a bit to make sure they get some sauce beneath them too. #ake until the chicken's not raw anymore. (?eah, I'm an e'act cook... really) Serve with rice. 0hen storing leftovers, put the chicken and sauce in with the rice. It will be insanely yummy after soaking together overnight6 GE) GE9+ +PE3#A5 "AE#TA+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 rosiroo #&G E7#E&T+6 $hicken slices (eanut butter $hopped cucumber ,emon 3uice Salt and pepper $hilies (can be powdered, sweet chili sauce, hot sauce, however you like it) -a3ita wraps P EPA AT#)&6 & "ake the sauce. 2eat the peanut butter in a pan with the chili sauce1powdered chili and add salt and pepper to taste. & Sprinkle the cucumber with the lemon 3uice and grill the chicken (you can add a bit of lemon to this beforehand, if you like.) & 2eat the fa3ita wraps in the oven1microwave, and you're ready to go6 Eust wrap up the chicken and cucumber and add the spicy sauce. So delicious.

3 )3<P)T 3 EA4 3HEE+E 3H#3<E& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 7lycium Bote from the editor) (ointed out by the contributor when submitting, this is a 0eight 0atchers friendly meal) worth si' points per serving. #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne and one&half pounds boneless chicken breasts -ifteen ounces black beans, drained -ifteen ounces corn, drained Si'teen ounces salsa 7ight ounces fat&free cream cheese P EPA AT#)&6 & (ut fro+en chicken breasts in crockpot. & !rain the corn. & $over with black beans, corn and salsa. & $ook on high four to five hours or until cooked. & $ut cream cheese into small blocks and on top and cook one&half hour more or until cheese is melted. The left over salsa&bean mi'ture is really tasty served over rice or potatoes. 3H#3<E& %#TH ") T' 35)$E+ )" GA 5#3 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 dancerJkirsten Bote from the contributor) "y little brother had this one night, and then had to go to work (he's a bus driver) to do a night shift. 2is passengers were mostly too drunk to notice, but his colleagues could tell he'd had garlic6 #&G E7#E&T+6 %bout two kilograms of chicken) legs and breasts. ?ou'll need some meat with the bones still in it. .ne large sliced onion -orty cloves of garlic (about three bulbs I'd say). (77,7!6 =:; milliliters dry white wine =O: milliliters chicken stock (from a cube is fine) -our sprigs of thyme .ne sprig rosemary .ne bay leaf Salt and pepper #utter and1or oil ,arge pan that can go in the oven P EPA AT#)&6 & (eel the cloves but don't cut them. ,eave them whole & (reheat the oven to =F;<$. Season the chicken with salt and pepper. 2eat some butter or oil in the pan and brown the chicken on a fairly high heat. Take the chicken from the pan and throw out most of the fat. & (ut the onion and garlic in the pan and stir till golden on a medium heat. & (our in the wine, stir well, bring wine up to the boil and add the chicken. (our in the stock and add the herbs. #ring back to the boil, put the lid on the pan, and put the pan into the oven to cook for about twenty&five minutes or until the chicken is completely cooked. & Take the chicken out of the pan. Strain the cooking li5uid into another pan or pot. Throw away the thyme, rosemary and bay leaf. (ut the garlic and onion into a blender and blend till smooth. !egrease the cooking li5uid and put back into the original pan and put back onto a low heat. Stir in the garlic&onion mi', add the chicken and gently reheat for three to four minutes. & Serve.

) A&GE 3H#3<E& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Tobaeus #&G E7#E&T+6 Three cups uncooked rice -our boneless chicken breasts Si' cans mandarin oranges (or pineapple, if you prefer) .ne&half cup butter .ne cup brown sugar .ne tablespoon ginger P EPA AT#)&6 & Start by combining oranges, butter, brown sugar, ginger (and any other spices you wish to use) in a medium saucepan over medium&low heat. 2eat until the orange segments have burst and all ingredients are incorporated. & 0hile this is happening, bake the chicken and cut into small pieces. %dd to the saucepan and stir. & In another saucepan, prepare the rice according to the directions. Serve rice with orange1chicken sauce on top or mi' together. "A4#5' E3#PE 3H#3<E& 3A++E )5E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 thefirefly>F

#&G E7#E&T+6 Two chicken breasts, precooked and cut up into pieces Two cups of mi'ed vegetablesD the broccoli, carrot and cauliflower one (if people are fussy, change that to two potatoes, precooked and cut into slices) % packet of dry chicken soup (I sometimes use a curried chicken soup for some flavour) Two tablespoons of mayonnaise .ne and one&half cups of milk *arlic .ne big packet of potato chips (I prefer lightly salted, but any chips work) .ne tablespoon butter1margarine *rated cheese to your taste P EPA AT#)&6 & In a 3ug or small bowl, whisk the chicken soup, mayonnaise, garlic and milk together. & In an oven proof dish, put the chicken and veggies and mi'. & (our the sauce made in step one over the chicken and veggies. & In another bowl, crush the chips up, add the butter and the cheese and mi' together & (our the chips1cheese mi'ture over the chicken. This will make your crust. & (ut it in the oven at =>;R$ for about twenty min. & Serve with rice. G A&74A9+ 3H#3<E& #3E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 DFantFniIerse IB*A7!I7BTSD Two chicken breasts, diced Three garlic cloves, pressed or grated .ne cube dry vegetable or chicken bouillon .ne&half tablespoon cooking oil .ne teaspoon butter .ne&half cup white rice, uncooked and washed .ne and one&half cup water (A7(%A%TI.BD & In a two or three 5uart pot, heat the butter and oil. Sautee the garlic briefly and then fry the chicken in it untill it turns golden. & %dd the bouillon and let it dissolve, then add rice. ,et the rice and chicken fry together briefly, add water, and let it simmer on low heat with a half&lid for about twenty minutes.

pork dishes
T)4AT) 3A++E )5E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Bovae-ire #&G E7#E&T+6 Several tomatoes % sweet onion .ne or two slices of bread, torn % few slices of cooked bacon (a few slices) $heddar cheese .ne&half cup brown sugar (to taste) P EPA AT#)&6 & $hop everything up and mi' it together in a casserole dish. Shred the cheese on top so it covers everything. #ake at 9:;< for twenty&five to thirty minutes. Sweet and yummy. 3 )3<P)T 2A 2E3*E 3* ' P) < ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 (ookaprincess

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne pork loin (or tenderloin), three to four pounds (boneless skinless chicken thighs may be substituted) .ne cup ##8 sauce .ne cup mango chutney .ne to three teaspoons curry powder (depending on one's taste) .ne coarsely chopped onion (optional) .ne coarsely chopped bell pepper (optional) P EPA AT#)&6 & (ut all in crock pot. $ook on low until falling apart (eight hours). +%EET A&7 TA T P) < 5)#& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 lrparks #&G E7#E&T+6 % boned pork loin that will fit in your crock pot, or si' thick cut pork chops .ne can or 3ar of pie filling .ne tablespoon of lemon 3uice I prefer tart cherry, apricot or peach, however any commercially available fruit pie filling will work. P EPA AT#)&6 & $ombine all of the ingredients in a crock pot and cook until the meat reaches an internal temp of =[:<. I usually cook the meat until it falls apart.

3 )3<P)T P*55E7 P) < ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 rosymamacita #&G E7#E&T+6 % couple handfuls fro+en chopped onions (in fro+en vegetable aisle of grocery store) .ne handful of fro+en chopped peppers .ne small can of plain tomato sauce (eight ounces) .ne chopped chipotle chili in adobo sauce (you can buy a whole can, puree or chop it, and store in fridge, 3ust use by tablespoon) Salt, pepper, cumin, oregano % big ol' hunk of meat like pork loin or fresh picnic ham P EPA AT#)&6 & $ook on high four hours or low eight hours. & Shred. Serve in a tortilla with guacamole, pico de gallo, cheese, or whatever you like. H*22'9+ P) < 3H)P+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 merithyn #&G E7#E&T+6 Si' thick&cut pork chops (boneless preferred) .ne can cream of mushroom soup .ne can cheese soup Si' potatoes, peeled and cut into one&half inch slices P EPA AT#)&6 & /se spray oil to coat an >'=; glass pan. ,ayer the potatoes on the bottom until it's completely covered. & Top the potatoes with the pork chops. "i' the soups together in a bowl then pour over pork chops and potatoes. #ake in a 9O:<- open for one hour. Serve with thick slabs of bread and a fresh salad. 2A 2E3*E P) < +A&7%#3HE+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 writeratwork #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne can (fourteen ounces) beef broth (warm water can be substituted) season with basil, oregano, and pepper) .ne bottle (eighteen ounces) barbecue sauce (season with "ontreal steak seasoning, black pepper, garlic, oregano, and a small amount of salt) Three pounds boneless pork ribs. P EPA AT#)&6 & (our can of beef broth into slow cooker, and add boneless pork ribs. $ook on high heat for four hours. & 0hen meat is done cooking, remove and shred with two forks. & Stir in barbecue sauce and place in baking dish. & #ake for fifteen minutes or until heated through, then serve on hamburger buns or rolls. *oes great with baked beans and -rench fries.

P) < 3H)P+ %#TH 25A3< 2EA& +A5+A ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 !"$ole #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) -our pork chops, si' to eight each (bone in, bone out, doesn't matter, but they should be fairly thick) .ne cup salsa (any basic tomato salsa will do. I don't find that this works very well with fancy mango salsas and the like) .ne can black beans, rinsed and drained (or appro'imately one to one and one&half cups of prepared black beans) Salt and pepper, to taste .ptional) .ne&half cup fro+en corn kernels P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9:;<-. Season the pork chops with salt and pepper and brown in a skillet (oven proof if you have one, if not you'll transfer the chops to a baking dish after browning). ?ou want them to get a nice golden brown color. & "i' salsa, beans, and corn together and pour over pork chops. $over and bake for thirty minutes or until pork is cooked through. (Thirty minutes is usually good on a boneless chop up to an inch thick if you've browned them well, but it may take more like forty&five minutes for bone&in chops.) I serve this with brown rice. ?ou can also add a little cheese at the end if you'd like. +5)% 3))<E HA4 A&7 +%#++ 3H#3<E& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 atrielle ingston Bote from the contributor) This saucy casserole allows you to en3oy the traditional flavors of chicken cordon bleu with less effort. #&G E7#E&T+6 Two eggs Two cups milk, divided .ne&half cup butter, melted .ne&half cup chopped celery .ne teaspoon onion, finely chopped 7ight slices bread, cubed Twelve thin slices deli ham, rolled up Two cups (eight ounces) Swiss cheese, shredded Two and one&half cups cooked chicken, cubed .ne can (ten ounces) condensed cream of chicken soup, undiluted P EPA AT#)&6 & In a large bowl, beat the eggs and milk. %dd butter, celery and onion. Stir in bread cubes. (lace half the mi'ture in greased slow cooker. & Top with half the rolled up ham, cheese and chicken. $ombine soup and remaining milk, pour half over the chicken. Aepeat layers once. & $over and cook on ,.0 for four to five hours.

G*' "A%<E9+ 2A<E7 P)TAT) +* P #+E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 EoanJofJ8uark Bote from the contributor) this should alert you to the provenance of this recipe, taking advantage of the 7nglish #onfire Bight being at the beginning of BaBo I I believe across the pond 4streaky bacon4 is called 4$anadian bacon.4 #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne large potato .ne sausage (anything from hot dog to lovingly handcrafted artisan) .ne to two rashers streaky bacon #aking foil to wrap each potato P EPA AT#)&6 & 2eat the oven to gas :1=F;<$19O:<-1moderately hot. It@s much more efficient to bake plenty of these things at once, and they keep for days in the fridge and make e'cellent winter novelling fuel. & 0ash the potato skins thoroughly as most people will be eating these. 0rap the sausage in bacon, spiraling the bacon around it. Bow either cut a hole lengthwise through each potato with an apple corer or paring knife or, if your sausage is very thick (some of you may feel the need to say, 4oo&err, missus64 at this point) cut the potato in half and scoop out a little trough in the flesh to make enough of a cavity for it to rest in. & "aneuverer bacon and sausage into potato, wrap potato in foil, and bake for two hours. (If you have a bonfire handy, you could finish them off for the last hour in the bonfire). 2old in gloved hand and eat straight from the foil whilst watching fireworks, typing, or both, or on a plate with baked beans and salad. 4)49+ D*#3< A&7 HEA5TH' +P#&A3H 3A++E )5E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 pr9tty/gly #&G E7#E&T+6 Two cups of pre&cooked rice Three&fourths cup of fro+en chopped spinach (*reen *iant) .ne can of low&fat cream of mushroom soup Two cups of low&free chicken broth Two cups of shredded cheddar cheese .ne cup of shredded (armesan cheese .ne package of Eohn "orrell cooked ham strips (or any brand) .ne package of fro+en onion, celery, carrots mi'ed ("irepoi') P EPA AT#)&6 & (recook your rice in the microwave. (ut aside until other ingredients are mi' together in pot. & In a si' to eight 5uart pot, spray non&stick cooking spray and sautU package of fro+en onion, celery and carrots. & %dd chopped spinach, chicken broth, cream of mushroom soup, ham strips and simmer ingredients in pot for three to four minutes. & Slowly add rice and (armesan cheese, mi'ing ingredients together. & Aemove from stovetop and pour ingredients into a larger rectangular glass bowl. & %dd shredded cheddar cheese on top of mi'ture. & $over with foil. & $ook in oven at 9:;<- for fifteen to twenty minutes.

7)*25E T )*25E 2A 2E3*E P) < ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 e'plosioned #&G E7#E&T+6 Two small pork cutlets (boneless) Several strips of bacon (how many you use depends on how much you like bacon) #arbecue sauce of your choice P EPA AT#)&6 & $ut bacon and pork into small, thin strips. I like to make my bacon pieces very small, but you can switch up the si+e to suit yourself. & -ry bacon in a pan. 0hen it is done, remove from the pan and place on a paper towel. Aeserve some of the grease. .ptional stepD 0hile bacon is frying, marinade pork strips in a bowl with barbecue sauce. & $ook pork over medium low heat in the reserved grease and as much barbecue sauce as desired. & .nce pork is almost done, turn heat to low and add bacon. ,et cook over low heat for several minutes to lock in the barbecue flavor. & Serve and en3oy6 A+#A& PEA&*T 2*TTE P) < ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 patfan

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne and a half to two pounds of pork (tenderloin or loin seem to work best) .ne onion, sliced in rings .ne&fourth cup soy sauce .ne&fourth cup brown sugar Three tablespoons white wine vinegar Three tablespoons water Two garlic cloves, chopped or minced .ne&half cup peanut butter P EPA AT#)&6 & /sing a four to si' 5uart crockpot, put onion slices into the bottom of your crockpot. (ut pork on top. %dd brown sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, water, garlic, and peanut butter. Bo need to stir, the peanut butter needs to melt before you do so. & $over and cook on low for eight hours, or on high for four to si' hours. & The longer you cook it, the more tender the pork. .ne hour before serving, flip the meat over in the crock pot to allow the other side to soak up the peanut buttery goodness. +A& 3H)' 2A* ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 myviolettears #&G E7#E&T+6 :;; grams pork mince Si' fresh shiitake mushrooms, thinly sliced .ne&fourth oyster sauce N:; gram packet of fried rice in ninety seconds 7ight iceberg lettuce leaves P EPA AT#)&6 & 2eat a large non&stick frying pan over medium heat. $ook pork mince, stirring with a wooden spoon to break up any lumps, for five minutes or until the mince changes colour. %dd mushroom and cook, stirring occasionally, for two minutes or until soft. %dd the oyster sauce and stir until well combined. & %dd the rice and cook, stirring, for two minutes or until the rice is heated through. !ivide the pork mi'ture among lettuce leaves. This is really yummy and can have whatever added to it. !on't like mushroomsL *ot a can of beans lying aroundL /se that instead.

T) 7#E ")

)A+T ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 levicc;;=N9

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne packet brown gravy mi'. .ne packet ranch dressing mi'. .ne packet Italian dressing mi' .ne and one&half cups water Aoast (I used a pork butt for this.) P EPA AT#)&6 & (ut roast into crockpot. & $ombine brown gravy, ranch dressing, and Italian dressing mi'es into bowl and sprinkle over roast & (our in water and put on lid & ,et cook for seven to nine hours.

fish J she::fish dishes

T*&A A&7 P)TAT) P#E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 E.". 2arding #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne cup peas .ne cup corn kernels .ne carrot .ne medium tin tuna Two cups milk Three to four large potatoes .ne packet "aggi Tuna Q (otato (ie sauce powder $heese to grate P EPA AT#)&6 & *rate the carrot into a medium&si+ed bowl. %dd peas, corn, tuna and the sauce into a large bowl. %dd the milk, and stir thoroughly. & Spray the sides of a casserole dish (so it won't stick and be hard to wash later) and tip the mi'ture in. Spread evenly, and set to one side. & (eel and boil the potatoes. "ash when they are cooked, and add grated cheese to them for e'tra flavour. & Spread over top of tuna mi'ture, and spread evenly with fork. & (ut in the oven for one and one&half to two hours on N:;<$. Serve either singly or with vegetables. Bote from the contributor) Instead of putting the cheese through the potato, you can also put it on top of and under the mashed potato, or any combination. %lternatively, cheese spread && such as (hiladelphia cheese && is probably less fattening and 3ust as tasty. Two cups of milk may not be enough for the mi'ture) as I've never actually tried to follow a recipe on this one, I can't say whether or not you might less or more. #ut like anything) ad3ust however you want. +H #4P A&7 G #T+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 e'plosioned #&G E7#E&T+6 Instant grits $heddar cheese #utter -ro+en peeled, detailed shrimp % couple slices of bacon Scallions, chopped *arlic, one or two cloves ,emon 3uice Salt and pepper, to taste P EPA AT#)&6 & -ry up the bacon. $rumble. Set bits aside. & (ut shrimp, a little butter, chopped scallions, chopped garlic, lemon 3uice, and seasoning into a frying pan. -ry those suckers until the shrimp are pink and delicious lookin'. & "ake your grits with the cheese and a little butter. & Serve with shrimp and bacon bits over the grits.

+H #4P P#D*A&T ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 lrparks #&G E7#E&T+6 #.I,7! S2AI"() -our cups water Two bay leaves .ne&fourth cup vinegar Twp teaspoons salt .ne tablespoon original Tabasco sauce Two pounds of shrimp, peeled and deveined .ne small onion, sliced (I8/%BT S%/$7) Two&thirds cup ketchup Two tablespoons prepared horseradish .ne&third cup chili sauce Two tablespoons lemon 3uice Two tablespoons drained capers, chopped .ne&half teaspoon original Tabasco sauce +H #4P P EPA AT#)&6 & $ombine water, vinegar, Tabasco, onion, bay leaves, and salt in a four 5uart saucepan and bring to a boil. %dd shrimp and cook two to three minutes or 3ust until pink. !rain well) remove and discard onion and bay leaves. ") THE P#D*A&T +A*3E6 & $ombine all ingredients in a large bowl and mi' well. %dd shrimp and toss to coat well. $over and refrigerate. Serve on lettuce&lined plates, if desired. 5E4)& PEPPE A&7 GA 5#3 +A4)& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 -o'wind #&G E7#E&T+6 (er four to si' ounce piece of salmonD .ne&fourth stick butter .ne spoon minced garlic Two spoon lemon pepper (note from the editor) The contributor did not say whether it was a teaspoon or tablespoon, and I'm not in the market to gamble, try both, and ruin salmon. I'm %SS/"IB* it is a teaspoon, but don't 5uote me on that.) (more of any of those is fine, I'm being kinda conservative) P EPA AT#)&6 & "elt the butter in a frying pan on medium heat, and toss in the garlic and lemon pepper, mi'ing it all together. & (lace the salmon in the pan, turn the heat up to high, and cook for four or five minutes, flip over, turn down the heat, and cook 'til cooked through, usually five to seven minutes, depending on the thickness of the salmon. ?ou'll know it's done when it's a uniform color throughout and flakes easily. & Turn the heat back up to high for a minute near the end of cooking time if you want to blacken the lemon pepper and garlic some. %nd ta&dah6 0onderful +ingy, lemony salmon with four ingredients and a frying pan in less than fifteen minutes.

T*&A 3A++E )5E 4A7E EA+' A&7 )& A 2*7GET@ A&7 &)= #T 7)E+&9T TA+TE 5#<E THAT %E# 7 T*&A 3A++E )5E ')* G A&74A 4A<E+ THAT 4A<E+ ')* %A&T T) +<#P 7#&&E THAT &#GHT ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 cheshare #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne bo' of noodles Two cans of tuna .ne can of $ambell's $ream of "ushroom .ne can of $ambell's $ream of "ushroom with roasted garlic .ne&half cup (or more) of grated cheese .ptional) Sour cream and onion chips P EPA AT#)&6 & 2eat noodles in pot over stove until cooked. (reheat oven to 9:;<-. & In a bowl, combine tuna, cream of mushroom, and cream of mushroom with roasted garlic. "i' well. & *rate a small plateful of cheese. (Aoughly one&half cup) though I usually go for more like a cup myself) & Strain noodles then pour into a pot and stir in tuna mi'ture until well mi'ed. & Sprinkle cheese on top until there is a nice coating. If you want crunch some chips on top as well. & (ut in oven for ten minutes or until cheese has melted. Serve and en3oy. D9 *oes well with string beans6 +H #4P +T# (" ' ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 e'plosioned #&G E7#E&T+6 -ro+en, peeled, tailless shrimp (uncooked is best) -resh, cut veggies. #roccoli, carrots, celery, bean sprouts, bok choy ... anything that can stand up to being sautUed %sian sauce of your preference. I stick to the ol' standby of soy sauce, but some hoisin sauce or oyster sauce in there is nice .il & it tastes best if you have a bit of sesame oil to splash in there, but plain cooking oil is fine .ne teaspoon to one tablespoon ginger (fresh or powdered), depending on how much you like ginger .ne to two cloves fresh garlic) I don't know what that is in garlic powder Salt, to taste (epper (red pepper is nice), to taste P EPA AT#)&6 & (ut the oil, the spices, and the shrimp in a frying pan. $ook until the shrimp are pink. & %dd your veggies and sauce. "i' them around until they're cooked the way you like. & Serve on a bed of rice or rice noodles (rice noodles are easier to cook and should be in most grocery stores).

T*&A P )$E&3A5E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 EoanJofJ8uark #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) %bout four to five hundred grams canned tuna, drained. -our to five hundred grams canned tomatoes .ne onion .ne green (bell) pepper .ne red pepper Two courgettes or +ucchinis .ne aubergine or eggplant *arlic, salt, pepper .live oil .ptional) Three to four eggs If time, chop the aubergine into bite&si+ed pieces, sprinkle with salt, and leave for a couple of hours before draining. P EPA AT#)&6 & $hop all vegetables and saute in oil in a large, heavy pan until starting to colour. Stir in seasoning, tuna and tomatoes and simmer for about forty minutes. If using eggs, make wells in the mi'ture after about thirty&five minutes, break the eggs into the dips, and let them poach as the mi'ture finishes cooking.

T)"* 5A+A&GA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Sanctimonia #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne large can of diced tomatoes .ne package of spinach .ne&half package of vegan mo++arella cheese (non&vegan cheese if you're not vegan) .ne&half bo' of lasagna noodles .ne 3ar of pi++a marinara sauce .ne onion -ive or more cloves of garlic .ne tablespoon olive oil .ne package e'tra firm tofu, fro+en (epper, sea salt, oregano and basil (to taste) P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9:;<-. & /nthaw the tofu, either by letting it sit in the fridge overnight or microwaving it. & Aeady a pot of boiling water. .nce water is boiling, add the pasta. & $hop the onion and garlic and sautU it in a large pan in the olive oil for about five minutes or until soft. (ush it around fre5uently so it doesn't burn. & 0ash the spinach and put it in the pan. Stir often. .nce it has wilted and shrunk in si+e, add in the diced tomatoes, marinara sauce, and spices to taste. & .nce the tofu is thawed, grab a hunk of it and s5uee+e it with your hands until most of the li5uid has come out and the tofu becomes crumby. Aepeat until all of the tofu is finished. %dd it to your sauce mi'ture. & .nce the noodles are finished, drain and let them cool. *et an >'=; baking pan and spray it with nonstick spray or spread a light coating of olive oil with a paper towel. #egin with a layer of noodles at the bottom, sauce mi'ture ne't, until most of the sauce is gone. %dd some noodles at the top, with a light coat of the sauce. *rate your cheese and place it on the top, and put the pan of lasagna in the oven until warm. If using vegan cheese, turn on the broiler until cheese melts. T)4AT)(3HEE+E 4E5T ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 astults #&G E7#E&T+6 Two slices of bread Two tablespoons of shredded cheddar cheese .ne small tomato, sliced P EPA AT#)&6 & Sprinkle cheese on bread slices. & Top with tomato slices and place in toaster over, or under broiler, for two to three minutes or until cheese melts.

P)TAT)($EGG#E(TH#&G ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 #lack7yed*irl #&G E7#E&T+6 Two to three potatoes .ne +ucchini .ne yellow pepper (I've also used a couple of tomatoes here when I didn't have yellow pepper handy) P EPA AT#)&6 & #oil potatoes. & $hop +ucchini and yellow pepper into tiny pieces and fry in olive oil. & $ut the boiled potatoes into pieces (!on't peel6 The skin adds flavour) and add to the veggies. %dd pepper, salt and oregano to taste. & Stir until everything is mushy. Serve. )PE&("A3E7 $EGG#E +A&7%#3H ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 3illadelario #&G E7#E&T+6 $ream cheese ,emon 3uice .live oil .ne red bell peppers .ne small +ucchini, sliced .ne red onion, sliced .ne small yellow s5uash, sliced Two ciabatta roll sandwich things, split hori+ontally P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' cream cheese and lemon 3uice) add 3ust enough lemon 3uice to make an easily spreadable paste. & #rush the ciabatta bread with butter and fry it in a skillet until lightly toasted. & SautU veggies in olive oil until cooked. & Spread the cream cheese mi'ture on the toasted side of all pieces of bread, top with veggies and serve open&faced. GE 4A& P)TAT) PA&3A<E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ecbaker #&G E7#E&T+6 %bout five large potatoes .ne and one&half tablespoon of flour .ne egg Salt and pepper to taste % bit of oil for your frying pan P EPA AT#)&6 & (eel and wash your potatoes. $arefully shred them into a bowl with a cheese grater. .nce finished, s5uee+e out the e'cess li5uid, and place back in bowl. & %dd the egg, flour, and salt and pepper. Stir well. 2eat up a frying pan with a bit of oil. .nce hot, drop some of the potato mi'ture into the pan in a circle shape, and flip once the edges turn a bit brown. !o the same with the rest of the mi'ture.

'*44' $EGETA #A& 3*

' ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 selfcallednowhere

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne to four tablespoons green curry paste (I used three, which was the perfect amount of spiciness for me, but I like things pretty spicy. ?ou might want to use less. %lso, I actually used red curry paste 'cos it was what we had, and it worked fine.) Seven ounces coconut milk Seven ounces evaporated skim milk .ne tablespoon soy sauce .ne and one&half inch slice ginger root, peeled and shredded Si' to eight kaffir lime leaves (or the +est from one lime) -our cups chopped assorted vegetablesD +ucchini, cauliflower, broccoli or carrots (I found at the grocery store a bag of cauliflower, broccoli and carrots already chopped up and ready to go.) -our cups cooked white rice or noodles Ten fresh basil leaves, minced P EPA AT#)&6 & In a wok or large frying pan, bring the curry paste, coconut milk and evaporated skim milk to a simmer. Stir in the soy sauce, ginger, lime leaves or +est, and vegetables) simmer until tender, about five to seven minutes. (I actually had to do it for about =:, I don't know why it called for such a short time. "y mom says if they were in smaller pieces it would have been faster though.) Aemove and discard the lime leaves. Serve the curry over rice or noodles. *arnish with basil. E)E'9+ D*#3HE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 3oeyh #&G E7#E&T+6 7ight to twelve eggs (depending on how many people you are feeding) .ne package fro+en chopped broccoli or spinach (defrost and drain) 7ight ounces of e'tra sharp cheddar cheese Salt and pepper .ne&half to three&fourths cup milk .ne premade pie crust. P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9O:<. & 0hisk eggs together first until combined then add veggies of your choice (feel free to e'periment, the above are the favorites in my house). %dd the cheese and seasonings to taste. Then pour into the pie shell. (I have also made this is a casserole dish and have made it without the crust && 3ust use non&stick spray.) & #ake in oven from forty minutes to an hour until it turns lightly golden on top. (ut foil around the crusts if they start to cook too 5uickly. 2)%5()(HEA5TH ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 lui+amm #&G E7#E&T+6 (ack of fro+en vegetables *ranola (re&bought spice mi' of your choice P EPA AT#)&6 & /nfree+e the veggies, toss them in an individual bowl, cover them with a layer of granola, throw in as much spice as you want, mi' the whole thing and eat it with a spoon D)

)$E&( )A+TE7 3H#3<PEA+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 e'cele'cel #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne (twelve ounce) can chickpeas (garban+o beans), drained and rinsed Two tablespoons olive oil .ptional) Sea salt *arlic or onion powder $ayenne pepper P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to K:;< -. & (at chickpeas dry with a paper towel to remove e'cess moisture. In a large bowl, toss chickpeas with olive oil. If desired, season to taste with salt, garlic powder, and cayenne pepper, and toss well to coat. Spread on a baking sheet. #ake thirty to forty minutes or until browned and crunchy. eep an eye on them during the last ten minutes or so to prevent burning. ($ooking time may vary according to your oven's eccentricities.) & Store in an air&tight container for several days (if they last that long). Cariations) Try seasoning the chickpeas with wasabi powder, chili powder, curry powder, taco seasoning, or your favorite spices. They're also good plain or seasoned with 3ust salt. 5E&T#5+ A&7 PA+TA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 coloniaJw #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne onion, chopped .ne cup lentils -our cups chicken stock1veggie stock1beef broth .ne cup pasta (smallish pasta, like elbows or something) .live oil Salt P EPA AT#)&6 & $hop onion. SautU in saucepan with butter1margarine and1or oil. 0hen browned1carameli+ed, add four cups of stock (or water, if you're out of stock, but final product may lack flavor), and lentils. $ook for thirty minutes, stirring occasionally. & 0hen the lentils are cooked (to taste), add pasta, and enough water1stock to make sure that pasta is covered. %lso add olive oil, salt, and anything else you want to add to flavor (chili powder tastes ama+ing with this). & $ook pasta for about ten minutes, stirring occasionally and making sure it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan. & Serve hot and en3oy6 $an top with (armesan cheese if desired.

3 *+T5E++ +P#&A3H D*#3HE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 dei.gratia.hobbit #&G E7#E&T+6 Si' eggs Three cups shredded cheese (I like sharp cheddar) .ne can chopped spinach, drained P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9:;R-. *rease a nine&inch pie pan. "i' all three ingredients together in a bowl until eggs are blended and spinach is unclumped. (our into pie pan. (op into the oven for 9; minutes .A until eggs are set in the middle (it always seems to take longer than I e'pect). Bom, and keep the leftovers on hand for a super&5uick lunch.

)&) H*44*+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 2ideyo #&G E7#E&T+6 Two cans (fifteen and a half ounce si+e, if you can't find those si'teen ounce cans work too) garban+o beans .ne&fourth cup olive oil .ne tablespoon white wine vinegar .ne&fourth cup coarsely chopped yellow onion (I have used sweet onions here and it's 3ust as good) Two cloves garlic (I use three to four for a stronger garlic taste), coarsely chopped % pinch of cayenne pepper (more or less depending on your taste) Salt, to taste P EPA AT#)&6 & .pen both cans of garban+o beans, drain one of them, and then pour both cans into a food processor. %dd everything else. (rocess until it's very smooth. Serve with crackers, pita bread1chips, cucumber slices, any other veggies. *ood in wraps, can be used where mayonnaise is used in most recipes. -or a thicker consistency, drain both cans. "akes three to four cups. It's filling, high in protein, and tasty. $EGETA #A& D*E+A7#55A ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Ceruca #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne large (ten inch) flour tortilla .ne bag of grated cheese (I usually go for the "e'ican&style cheese, which has taco seasoning already in it) Two tablespoons vegetable oil .ptional) Two tablespoons salsa .ne teaspoon taco seasoning .ne bag of "orning Star brand 4$hick'n Strips4 P EPA AT#)&6 & Sprinkle as much grated cheese onto your flour tortilla as you want) make sure you cover the entire thing, getting close to the edges too. & 2eat tortilla for about three seconds in microwave) 3ust long enough for the cheese to start melting. If you want to add any fau' meat (like the grilled chicken strips), salsa, or taco seasoning, do this after taking the 5uesadilla out of the microwave. & -old the tortilla in half. Set a burner on your stove to 4high4 and place skillet on the burner. & %dd two tablespoons of vegetable oil (you might have to use more, depending upon how much gets used up when cooking). (lace the folded tortilla and reduce heat on the burner to medium. /sing a spatula, lightly press down on top of the tortilla to get the cheese to melt and stick on both sides of the inside of the tortilla. & %fter about forty&five seconds to a minute, flip the tortilla and cook the other side. $ontinue flipping every minute or so to make sure the tortilla doesn't burn. 0hen the cheese looks melted enough on the inside (and the 4chicken4 strips cooked, if you chose to add them) then go ahead and remove the 5uesadilla from the skillet. !on't forget to turn off the burner, too6

4' "A$) #TE 3)*+3)*+

E3#PE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 .rangeTango!oble

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne cup couscous .ne and one&half cups water 7ight kalamata olives, pitted and chopped -our cloves garlic .ne tablespoon capers -eta) to taste, well&crumbled Aed pepper, to taste $umin, to taste $oriander, to taste P EPA AT#)&6 & $oat a saucepan with olive oil on medium heat. 0hen the oil is hot, put in cumin, coriander, garlic, and olives. $ook about one minute, then add capers. .ne minute later, add red pepper. .ne minute later, add water, raise heat to high. & 0hen water boils, add feta, then couscous. "i' well and return to boil. .nce water boils, remove from heat, cover, and let sit for five minutes. -luff couscous and serve. 7A$#7 5'&3H #& A T*, ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 wagnerian #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne teaspoon olive oil .ne clove garlic, minced .ne cup 5uinoa Two cups water, boiling .ne&half tablespoon #etter than #ouillon Cegetable Soup base (or two cubes veggie bouillon) Two cups broccoli florets .ptional1fun additions) Sliced mushrooms Earred pimentos -resh basil $orn 0alnuts or pine nuts -rench fried onions (I like Trader Eoe's brand) P EPA AT#)&6 & 2eat olive oil in one 5uart saucepan over medium heat until shimmery. %dd garlic, cook until fragrant, then stir in 5uinoa. Toast about two minutes so it can soak up garlicy oil. & %dd water, bring to a boil while stirring, then reduce heat to low and cover. %llow to simmer about seven minutes. & Stir in bouillon, and if there is still li5uid present, cover and simmer another three to five minutes. 0hen water is absorbed, stir in broccoli and other vegetables. Aemove from heat and keep covered for at least three minutes. Top with nuts and onions when serving.


A4E& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 3anestrummer

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne package of ramen noodles Two cups vegetable stock -ro+en mi'ed veggies P EPA AT#)&6 & $ook the ramen in the boiling veggie stock, then add the fro+en veggies. Three minutes later, voila6 Bovel food6 $A&9+ A%E+)4E H*44*+ PA+TA 2A<E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 % Can *uard #&G E7#E&T+6 Some hummus Some pasta Salt (epper $ayenne pepper #read crumbs1(armesan *reen stuff (herb1scallion) P EPA AT#)&6 & #oil your pasta so it's 3ust underdone. Bow take it out, put it in a baking dish, and mi' it with your delicious hummus. & "i' some salt and pepper in there too, and if you like your food spicy, do the cayenne thing too. & Top it with bread crumbs and1or (armesan, bake at 9:;<- until the top is nice and golden brown, and serve on a plate. & *arnish it with your desired green stuff so you feel a little less guilty about your carb e'plosion. & 7n3oy6 3)3)&*T 4#5< 3* ' ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 e'plosioned

#&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne can, about fourteen ounces, coconut milk. !on't buy coconut water or any other similar li5uid coconut product. "ilk is what you want. $urry powder or paste. /se two to three paste, one tablespoon soy sauce and one to two teaspoons powder, allowing for taste. Cegetables, meats, tofu, potatoes & whatever you want the curry to be. I recommend potatoes, chicken, leeks, green onions, and broccoli, but feel free to stick whatever you want in there6 .ptional) $hutney P EPA AT#)&6 & (repD If you are adding meat, sautU beforehand in the pan. I recommend sautUeing in olive oil, salt, and red pepper. & (our about one&third of the can of coconut milk in a wok or slope&sided pan. %dd curry and soy sauce and heat to a boil, stirring constantly. & .nce the milk mi'ture has been brought to a boil, add curry ingredients and the rest of the milk. $ook everything thoroughly and serve over rice with chutney.

+PEE7' " #E)5E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Aaksab #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne big or two small cans of beans *arlic (two to four cloves) Salt $ooking oil Splash of chicken broth (or water in a pinch) .ptional) .nions $hilies (inch of cumin ,ime 3uice *rated cheese -inely chopped bacon $ilantro (for garnish) P EPA AT#)&6 & 2eat oil in smallish pot. $rush garlic. %dd garlic to hot oil and brown it over low heat. %dd onion, chilies, cumin, and1or bacon if using. $ook until onion gets soft. Ainse and drain beans. & %dd beans with small amount of li5uid (that's the chicken broth) to the pot. $ook beans for five to ten minutes, stirring regularly, until they start to lose their shape. Smash with potato masher until you have a chunky thick sauce. Season to taste with salt and lime 3uice. & $ook a few minutes more, uncovered, until it thickens into runny paste. If using cheese, sprinkle it on and let it sit on the hot beans long enough to melt. 7at with corn tortillas. .ne can of beans with ade5uate tortillas feeds one to two hungry people, or up to four as a snack. %lso makes a decent dip for chips. -ri3oles may look scary, but they are good as leftovers. Some people even think it tastes better the ne't day. If you are in need of e'tra calories, you can melt butter or bacon fat into the fri3oles while reheating, and then you get refried beans.

EA+' $EGG#E 4E75E' ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 polyna #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) Two carrots Three handfuls fresh snow peas (about three cups, if you're persnickety about measuring) Two handfuls sliced mushrooms .ne&half of an onion .ne tablespoon sesame seeds Two cloves garlic .ne to two tablespoons olive oil Salt and pepper to taste .ptional) -inely chopped parsley P EPA AT#)&6 & 0ash carrots, mushrooms, and peas. /se a peeler to 5uickly slice the carrots into thin ribbons. (.ptionally, finely chop parsley.) & Thinly slice the onion and garlic. 2eat olive oil in sautU pan1skillet over high heat (9:;<) and add snow peas, mushrooms, and onion. SautU about two minutes before adding the carrot, sesame seeds, garlic, and parsley. SautU appro'imately si' to eight more minutes or until snow peas turn bright green. Ceggies should still have a crisp te'ture when done. Season with salt and pepper, serve. 0ays to shake it upD %dd shredded cooked chicken (such as leftover roasted chicken) with the carrots, if you're the meat&eating sort. Toss cooked veggies with spinach linguine or angel hair and a bit of olive oil HEA5TH' 2EA& 2* GE + ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 "iss!ana #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne generous cup cooked kidney beans .ne&half cup rolled oats (not instant) Two tablespoons soy sauce, or to taste .ne&fourth teaspoon garlic powder 7'peller&pressed canola oil, for skillet .ne small red onion, sliced into rings for topping .ptional) .ne&fourth teaspoon ginger powder .ne&fourth teaspoon garam masala % few drops of $olgin li5uid smoke P EPA AT#)&6 & !rain and mash kidney beans. %dd oats, soy sauce and spices. & "i' thoroughly. %dd more oats if too soggy. $hill twenty minutes in fridge. & "ake patties. (an&fry in oiled skillet. #rown both sides.

7E5E3TA25E $EGETA25E 3A++E )5E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 wherethethymeblows #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) Three or four new potatoes 2alf a small courgette .ne large tomato #asil .ne cup vegetable stock (personal preference is norr Cegetable Stock) *rated cheese, to taste (I like e'tra mature cheddar, although mo++arella would probably be really good with this) .ptional) %bout ten butter beans (added so that there would be some kind of protein in it6) P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to about =>;<$. & Slice all of the veg into thin disc&shaped bits. & !ri++le a little bit of olive oil into the base of a casserole dish. & $over it with a layer of the thinly&sliced potato. & .n top of this, add the courgette slices and a few butter beans. & .n top of this, add another layer of potato. & .n top of this, add tomato slices and a few more butter beans. & (ut a little bit of basil and salt on the tomatoes. & %dd another layer of potato slices. (%t this point, I stop making layers because there's only one of me. If making for more than one, repeat layers as desired). & $over with cheese and dri++le a bit more olive oil. & Tip boiling vegetable stock all over it. & (ut it in the oven. & $ram a few hundred words in. & Take casserole out after about an hour (might be worth checking at forty minutes). & Spoon into a bowl. & 7n3oy.

TH EE <E'+ &#225E A&7 &)+H ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 biscuit #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne tablespoon olive oil .ne small onion, minced .ne bo' beef broth .ne bo' chicken broth Two cans of your favorite tomato sauce Two cups of water .ne to two cups white "inute Aice Salt and (epper 2erbs, to taste) I use dried rosemary, thyme, bay leaves and red pepper flakes .ptional) .ne to two carrots, peeled and sliced into coins P EPA AT#)&6 & %dd .live .il to a medium si+ed stew pot and set stove on medium to heat for two minutes. %dd onion and carrots to the oil, stir it round and cook until onions are softened (this does not take long, a couple minutes, but I have never timed it). & %dd beef broth, chicken broth, water and tomato sauce. Season with salt and pepper. Stir it round, turn heat on high and bring to a boil. (If you are using additional dry herbs add those with the salt and pepper.) 0hen soup has come to a boil add rice, stir and reduce heat back to medium, cover pot with lid. $ook for five to ten minutes over heat, stir, then remove from heat and let rest fifteen to twenty minutes with lid .B. If the soup is thicker than you would like you can add water to thin out the broth. Then taste, add salt and pepper if needed. (I use kosher salt, it has a nicer flavor than table salt and I also use % ,.T of black pepper, it really works in this soup.) Soup is ready at this point. If you want to A7%,,? love itD & Skim a few slices from your favorite brick of cheese. (I usually go for pepper3ack or a medium cheddar) & Toast and butter your favorite bread. & Snag a small bunch of red grapes. & (our a tall glass of sweet iced tea. This is completely delightful every time I make it.



P#E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 %niAemi

#&G E7#E&T+6 $rust) .ne and one&half cups flour .ne&half stick of butter -our tablespoons $risco -illing) Three large potatoes, peeled and sliced into rounds .ne sweet onion (not red or green), chopped into half&moons .ne&half stick of butter, chopped .ptional) Salt and pepper, to taste (lease note that the fats must be cold when you cut them into the flour. $risco can be stored in the fridge without a problem. Take the butter out about thirty minutes before you start & it'll be soft enough to work with, but still cold. ?ou can use a pre&made pie shell for this recipe, but the crust described here is not that hard to make, and is pretty near decadent when done right. P EPA AT#)&6 ( /se a food processor, pastry blender, or two knives to cut the fat into the flour until you get a pearly te'ture like coarse cornmeal. !ri++le in enough cold water to make a dough and form it into a ball. ,eave it in the fridge to rest for at least thirty minutes. & In the meantime, preheat the oven to 9:;<- (=>;<$). #oil the potatoes in clean water until they are soft, but still hold their shape (about fifteen minutes) (lunge them in cold water immediately to stop the cooking process. & $ut your crust dough in half and roll it out. /se one half for the bottom crust, one half for the top. ,ine the bottom of your baking dish with the crust. Toss the potatoes and onions together with the salt and pepper and then layer them into the dish. %dd the butter chips, and then the top crust. & #ake for forty&five minutes or until the crust is golden. Serve with your favorite condiment and any other sides you like. "y favorites are mustard, sharp cheddar, and sausage. Some people prefer steak sauce or ketchup. %bout four servings. #e sure to sing 4%dmiral 2alsey4 by (aul "c$artney at random intervals during the cooking process.

#3E 3))<E

#3E A&7 2EA&+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 3aedi

#&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne cup rice of your choice && 3asmine, basmati, brown, etc. .ne can beans of your choice && black, pinto, kidney, etc. (add beans undrained, then add the li5uid) .ne cup water or broth && chicken, beef, vegetable, etc. (if using brown rice, increase to one and one&half cups) Seasonings1spices of your choice .ptional) Cegetables of your choice && fresh, fro+en or canned (if using canned, drain first) P EPA AT#)&6 & ,ayer everything into the rice cooker in the order listed & don't stir (you want the rice on the bottom to be sure it fully cooks). Set to 4cook.4 0hen it pops, it's done6 Stir and serve. 7stimated cooking times) Twenty to thirty minutes for white rice) forty to fifty minutes for brown rice +*GGE+T#)&+6 & -or seasoning, things like chili powder, paprika oregano, basil, salt, olive oil, Italian seasoning work well. #asically, it's whatever you like. & -or rice and lentils, you can substitute one&half cup dried lentils for the beans) 3ust increase the water to one and one&half cups. Aeally good seasoned with curry powder. & -or veggies, anything goes && it's all about what you like1have on hand. I like to add fro+en mi'ed vegetables (like a broccoli1carrot1green beans1green pea mi'tures). & ?ou can also add things like leftover chicken. & ?ou can substitute a can of Aotel for the water1broth. Bote from the contributor) I bought Gmy rice cookerH for thirteen dollars at the grocery store. It's tiny (three cups uncooked rice capacity), nonstick (easy to clean), and no frills (e.g., no steamer basket and 3ust a cook1warm switch), and it works great6 4A3A )&# A&7 T)4AT) E*#3E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ara>FN #&G E7#E&T+6 % bo' of your favorite pasta (twelve ounces) % large bottle or can of tomato 3uice .ne pound of %merican $heese P EPA AT#)&6 & $ook pasta according to directions on bo'. & !ump tomato 3uice into a separate pot and boil it & .nce the 3uice is boiling, add the cheese piece by piece, stirring occasionally, leave boiling. & (ut the pasta in a bowl and add as much of the sauce as you want. & S7AC7 %B! 7BE.?666


#E7 $EGETA25E 3A++E )5E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ,aughSing,ive

#&G E7#E&T+6 ?ou have a lot of choices of ingredients here, some based on what you have around, the rest on personal taste. .ne bag fro+en vegetables (green bean1mushroom1soybean mi' or broccoli are my favorites) Two or three cans condensed cream of something soup .ne cup mayonnaise (B.T "iracle 0hip6) .ne to three tablespoons lemon 3uice .ne teaspoon to three tablespoons curry powder .ptional) .ne&half cup cheddar cheese .ne can garban+o beans, drained .ne pound panee, tofu, cooked chicken or canned turkey, cut into one&half info cubes P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9:;<-. & Thaw the fro+en vegetables, and dump them in a F'=9 pan. %dd the garban+o beans and the protein to the pan, and stir it gently. Spread the mi'ture evenly in the pan. & In a medium mi'ing bowl, combine the soup, mayonnaise, lemon 3uice, and curry powder, stir until thoroughly mi'ed. & (our the soup mi'ture over the vegetable mi'ture, spreading it all the way to the edges of the pan. & #ake for thirty minutes at 9:;<. If using cheese, sprinkle it over the top after twenty minutes. This is diabetic&friendly, but if you can eat carbs, you can serve this over noodles or rice. This reheats well. I have no idea if it free+es well, it has never lasted long enough in my house to re5uire free+ing, even when I lived alone. +%EET P)TAT)E+ %#TH "ETA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 flyery #&G E7#E&T+6 -our large sweet potatoes, peeled and sliced into rounds Three tablespoons olive oil .ne&fourth pound crumbled feta .ne&third cup pine nuts .ne tablespoons chopped fresh or fro+en thyme The 3uice of one lemon P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to K;;<-. & (lace potatoes in baking dish. & !ri++le with oil, season with salt and pepper, toss. & $over with aluminum foil and bake for twenty minutes. & /ncover, sprinkle on feta, pine nuts and thyme and bake for eight to ten minutes. & Aemove from oven, dri++le with lemon, serve.

$EGA& +P #&G

)55+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 "iss!ana

+P #&G )55 #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 Two ounces dry black bean spaghetti or buckwheat soba noodles cooked according to package, drained and reserved. .ne&half cup cilantro, loosely packed and roughly chopped .ne&half cup scallions, thinly sliced Ten basil leaves, chiffonade or minced if necessary Twenty mint leaves, chiffonade or minced if necessary .ne&half cup purple or regular carrot, grated Three&fourths cup cabbage, thinly sliced .ne&half cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced, about two inches long .ne&half red bell pepper, thinly sliced, about two inches long .ne&half yellow bell pepper, thinly sliced, about two inches long (Toss above ingredients together in a bowl and reserve.) .ne firm avocado, halved and pit removed .ne package spring roll wrappers P EPA AT#)&6 & -ind an undamaged sheet of rice paper and dip it into warm water for about fifteen seconds or until the sheet is pliable. (lace the sheet onto a wooden cutting board or large ceramic plate. (lace about one ounce of filling onto the rice paper, off&center, closest to you. /sing a spoon, scoop out a one&fourth inch thick wedge of avocado and set it onto the filling. (ull the bottom of the rice paper over the top of the filling then fold both sides over toward the center (like a burrito). *ently pulling toward you, roll the spring roll up toward the top. $ut spring rolls in half and serve with dipping sauce. 7#PP#&G +A*3E #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 The 3uice of one lemon, one lime, and two tangerines .ne teaspoon minced fresh ginger .ne&fourth teaspoon minced raw garlic .ne tablespoon rice wine vinegar Three&fourths cup reduced sodium soy sauce & 0hisk all ingredients in a bowl and reserve cold.

+T*""E7 P)3<ET+ )" +*2+TA&3E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Shadows&Incarnated #&G E7#E&T+6 (i++a dough (use the refrigerated kind in a can for convenience6) Small white potatoes #utton mushrooms Sausage of your choice of animal or plant 7'tra virgin olive oil *arlic cloves or garlic powder, onion powder, rosemary, and any other spices you can find that work with your sausage (armesan cheese (or nutritional yeast if you're vegan) Salt and pepper P EPA AT#)&6 & (rep your veggies, and cut your sausage into bite si+ed pieces. & 2eat up a large frying pan with lots of olive oil and your spices of choice. & -ry up your food, starting with the potatoes, then sausage, then mushrooms. Stop when the potatoes are soft but not mushy, and the meat is cooked. & Season with your cheese1yeast, salt, and pepper. & !ivide out your dough into si' portions per container, and roll out each one. & (ortion your food and wrap in the dough segments. & #ake at 9:;<- for fifteen to twenty minutes until lightly browned. ?ou can eat them plain, but they're good or with tomato sauce, or even with ketchup. #ut on their own, they're great as a one handed snack or a 5uick meal6 If you're okay with something a bit more messier, try adding some cheese (dairy or alternative) in the pockets before you bake them. ?ou can basically add anything in them, but this recipe is the one I mostly use. 0hile you may want to eat them all at once, if you can hold yourself off, they keep in the fridge for five days and in the free+er for three months. Eust heat them up for one and a half to two, and four to five minutes in the microwave respectively. #ut remember to make some holes in them first, or else they'll be bombs of steam6 %nd if you do plan to reheat, !.B'T S I"( .B T27 .I, 027B -A?B*, unless you want really dry fillings.

$EGETA #A& " #TTATA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 2ooraySayTheAoses #&G E7#E&T+6 7ggs !iced onion -ro+en peas *arlic Aed pepper flakes Salt and pepper .live oil Some shredded cheese if you want. P EPA AT#)&6 & SautU your onions and peas with the oil and garlic until they@re soft. (%lways add fro+en ingredients first and cook them slightly longer before adding the onion and garlic) & %dd the red pepper and salt and pepper to taste. #eat the eggs, you@ll need enough to completely cover your pea1onion mi'ture. (our the beaten eggs over the mi'ture, if you want the cheese sprinkle that on top, cover the sautU pan and put it in the oven at 9O:< $heck on it every five minutes or so. 0hen the frittata feels springy, not gooey in the middle, you@re done. I usually make a small pan of this and it@s good for two meals, and it@s packed with protein. ?ou can make it with egg whites for a healthier version if you want. %lso the ingredients are sort of up to you. This one is good but my absolute favorite is made with fro+en spinach and roasted red peppers. %dd whatever you have lying around, season however you want. It@s pretty low maintenance.

pasta dishes
&)(&))75E +PAGHETT#= 2G0 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 !" #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) (rego Spaghetti Sauce, Italian Sausage and *arlic, but whatever you generally use is fine. 0e use four 3ars, but we have three healthy appetites in our family. (epperoni. .n a stick, or in the pillowpak. 0hichever. *round beef1chuck1sirloin1whatever else they have out there now. %bout a pound. *arlic, season salt, oregano, basil, dehydrated onions, salt, "s. !ash, cracked pepper. It also helps if you have Tones Spicy Spaghetti Seasoning. That cuts out a lot (the oregano, basil and dehydrated onions). If you're feeling adventurous, a little bit of crushed red pepper. Three cans of mushrooms, but if you don't like them, I guess they're not necessary. .ptional) EalapePos. The ones from the 3ar are 3ust easier, because they don't have as much of a bite and won't burn your hands when you try and chop them. Calentina 2ot Sauce. It's "e'ican. ,ike, our first bottle of it (our grocery store began selling it through an %merican distributor shortly after we got it for the first time) was =;;X in Spanish. It's awesome. The innards of about three Italian sausages. %m not kidding. "ost recently when we made it, my dad added about two and a half teaspoons of -rank's Aed 2ot 2ot Sauce and it was goooooood, k. P EPA AT#)&6 & In a big stockpot, combine the spaghetti sauce, pepperoni, mushrooms and seasonings. If you have the 3alapePos, go ahead and put them in (not too many && probably about fifteen at ma') Then in a skillet, brown the ground beef1chuck1sirloin. Sprinkle it with garlic before it begins cooking, and stir it around to make sure you get all the garlic distributed evenly. If you decide to murder the Italian sausages, s5uee+e the fillings out and put them into the ground beef about halfway through cooking. & !rain the ground beef and put it in the sauce mi'ture. %dd a tiny bit of the grease from the ground beef so you have some of the flavour. If you're health conscious, I guess this can be omitted. Stir up the sauce, and let it simmer for a good four or five hours. The brilliance of this is that you can cook it the night before, and if you have enough, put it in the fridge (it gets better when you do that) and eat it the ne't day (or the rest of the week if you're single). If you heat it up, add a little bit of water so it doesn't scorch. %nd if you don't want to heat it up, that's fine too. It's absolutely wonderful cold.

PE&&E A5 $)7<A %#TH 4*+H ))4+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 2atching (hoeni' #&G E7#E&T+6 .live oil .ne clove garlic .ne&fourth crushed red pepper (to taste) 7ight ounces sliced mushrooms (I prefer brown mushrooms, but any type is fine) .ne fourteen ounce can diced tomatoes (Italian style works best) .ne&third cup vodka .ne&third cup heavy cream .ne pound penne pasta P EPA AT#)&6 & (ut on some water for the (asta. (repare penne according to bo' directions. & $oat the bottom of a saucepan lightly with olive oil. %dd the garlic, mushrooms, and red pepper. heat on medium for a few minutes, until the mushrooms begin to brown. & %dd the tomatoes and vodka. Simmer for ten minutes. Stir every so often. & Aeduce the heat to low and stir in the cream. The sauce should be a nice pink color. eep the sauce warm until the pasta is finished cooking. & !rain the pasta and return it to the pot. (our the sauce over the penne and toss for about a minute. The penne should be well coated. D*#3< A&7 EA+' PA+TA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 luvya #&G E7#E&T+6 "antatory) .ne cup of your favorite pasta .ne&half cup of grated cheese .ptional) !ash of chicken salt P EPA AT#)&6 & #oil water on stove. & $ook pasta until al dente. & !rain pasta and put on plate. & Sprinkle cheese over top. & Sprinkle chicken salt on top (if desired). & Serve. HEA5TH' TA+T' PA+TA 7#+H ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 %*"eade #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne package of pasta (we use #arilla (lus Aotini, or something whole wheat), cooked to directions .ne package crumbled feta (some of the herb varieties are great too) .ne tomato, chopped .ne&half onion, chopped Aoasted garlic infused oil (we use grape seed, but olive works, too6) P EPA AT#)&6 & Toss the cooked pasta with a dri++le of the garlic oil all the other ingredients. *reat hot or cold6 Bot so good for reheating. Try it with some of the leftover chicken from the other fantastic recipes here.

4A3A )&# 3A++E )5E 8&)$E42E E7#T#)&; ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 %suka Bote from the contributor) "ost casseroles include tiresome actual cooking. In every month but Bovember, I spend an hour on a casserole, grating cheese, cooking macaroni, and actually using the oven. I simplify it a bit for BaBo... #&G E7#E&T+6 (referred brand of bo'ed macaroni and cheese (I like -our slices bread raft)

P EPA AT#)&6 & $ook macaroni according to bo'. & "ake toast. & (ut macaroni and cheese in bowl. $rumble toast over top. 7n3oy the delicious dish. &)T($E '(4A3A )&# PA+TA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 goldenblue #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne&half packet of pasta .ne carrot, grated .ne onion, chopped .ne cup of peas (fro+en) .ne cup of corn (fro+en) .ne and one&half teaspoons minced garlic .ne and one&third teaspoon mustard (if using wholegrain mustard, drop it down to one, or one and a half, teaspoon, depending on preference) Two packets cheese sauce (powder) Three or more cups milk (epper, to taste $heese, grated, to serve P EPA AT#)&6 +T)$ET)P@ & (repare water for cooking the pasta. 0hile waiting for it to come to the boil, put the grated carrot, chopped onion, peas and corn in a wok or frying pan and cook on a low heat. & 0hen water boils, add pasta. %dd the mustard, pepper and minced garlic to the vegetables, and stir in well. & %dd the milk and packets of cheese sauce to the wok1frying pan, and stir thoroughly. Turn from low to medium heat. If the cheese sauce thickens, add more milk. & !rain pasta and add to vegetables and sauce. "i' well, and serve with grated cheese as garnish. )$E&@ & (repare water for cooking the pasta. 0hile waiting for it to boil, mi' the peas, corn, grated carrot and chopped onion in a large bowl together. & %dd minced garlic and mustard to vegetables, and mi' thoroughly. & %dd cheese sauce and milk to vegetables, mi'ing well, adding more milk if mi'ture is too dry. & !rain pasta and add to bowl, mi'ing through. Spray a medium&si+e casserole dish with cooking spray (this helps avoid stickiness) very handy for the washing&up6) and carefully tip mi'ture in. Smooth over with a fork, and sprinkle cheese on top. & (lace dish in the oven and cook until mi'ture is warm1hot in the middle & serve out and en3oy6

AE9+ 2A<E7 PA+TA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 rae5uiem #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne pound pasta (penne Gpencil&pointsH and farfalle Gbutterflies1bowtiesH are good, but 3ust about anything will work. I like trying weird shapes) .ne 3ar tomato sauce (again, mi' it up with different flavors) .ne metal casserole dish (mine is F4 ' =94 ' =.:4) Tinfoil (or, if your dish has one, a sliding metal cover also works) .ptional) %ppro'imately one&half bag shredded cheese, to taste (mo++arella and other Italian cheeses are good, but I've done it with "e'ican cheese and gotten e5ually delicious results) P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9:;<-. !ump pasta into bottom of casserole dish. (our entire 3ar of sauce over it. -ill 3ar halfway with water, put on lid, shake 3ar to get e'cess sauce off the sides, and pour that in too. $over it TI*2T,? with tinfoil or a lid, and stick it in the oven. Set the timer for forty&five minutes, and go write. (0hat's happening in your dish right now is that the e'cess water you used to clean the 3ar is evaporating and going into the pasta, softening and cooking it. That's why it's important to make sure that tinfoil is as well&sealed as possible & if that steam gets out, your pasta will be crunchy6) & 0hen the timer goes off and you're dragged out of your work, take the dish out. /se potholders) burned hands means no writing6 Take off the tinfoil, crumple it up, and try to shoot it into the trash can. If you make it, pat yourself on the back. Stir the pasta and sauce together && mmm, smells good, rightL ?ou can eat it now if you want, I 3ust like cheese. & If you are also a fan of cheese, sprinkle it on. Bo, more. "ore, I tell you6 *ive it a good thick coating. 0hen you're satisfied, put those potholders back on and stick it back in the oven for fifteen minutes, or until the cheese is melty and delicious. Aemove, scoop out a hearty serving, and en3oy6 Serves four to si'. ,eftovers can get covered and keep well in the refrigerator. -or a meat&sauce variation, brown a pound of ground beef and put that over the pasta before you add the sauce and water. #ake, stir and cheese as before. EA+' +PAGHETT# 3A 2)&A A ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 BaBoJ#ot #&G E7#E&T+6 2alf packet spaghetti (N:;g) 2alf packet bacon bits (=N:g) .ne tablespoon butter Two eggs -ifty grams cheddar cheese Salt and pepper, to taste P EPA AT#)&6 & #ring a pot of (salted) water to boil, add spaghetti. & 0hile spaghetti is cooking, cook bacon bits in butter over medium low temperature. & In a separate bowl, beat eggs and add cheese plus salt and pepper. & .nce spaghetti is cooked, use a pasta lifter to transfer directly from the pasta water to the bacon pan & you do not need to drain the spaghetti beforehand & and stir briefly to coat with butter and bacon fat. & (our over egg mi' and stir until spaghetti is coated and egg is 3ust cooked.

A &)4 &)4 &)4 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6


#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne&half cup risoni 2alf a racher of bacon .ne&fourth cup grated cheese *arlic, half a clove % s5uee+e of lemon 3uice % twitch of parsley Salt) as per risoni packet, and then another pinch #utter) as per risoni packet, and then another titch P EPA AT#)&6 & Throw some risoni in to cook as per instructions on packet. & "i' some garlic, lemon 3uice and parsley together in a bowl and set to the side for now. & !rain risoni and throw it into the bowl with butter, salt and pepper. & %dd some grated cheese and bacon on top. Coila. Super 5uick, super yummy and heaps of writing power within6 EA55' A%E+)4E A4E& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 #uffy>O=

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne package chicken flavored ramen $ooked chicken cut in pieces (leftovers or deli chicken work great) $ooked bacon, chopped or diced %ny combination of the following diced veggiesD onion, bell pepper, hot peppers, carrots, mushrooms, snap peas, shallots, chives *arlic salt, pepper, .live or corn oil 7ggs P EPA AT#)&6 & $ook the veggies with the spices in the oil until crisp1tender. & %dd chicken and bacon and cook until hot. & $ook ramen. "eanwhile, fry one egg. I like them with the yolk runny, but I'm not too scared of salmonella. I'm terrified of salmonbetty though. *et itL & Save the soup with the ramen) don't drain it. & (lace chicken, veggies and egg in ramen. & Stir. " #E7 A$#)5#+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ,ydiaJ7mber

#&G E7#E&T+6 Ceggie oil (ackage of ravioli (this works with pirogies, too) I don't think they have to be thawed out. "y cousin took fro+en pirogies and they turned out fine. P EPA AT#)&6 & %dd oil to a pan and set to med1low heat. %dd a few ravioli, taking care to not burn them. Turn them periodically until both sides are golden brown.

#3E A&7 "* #<A<E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Shubult+ #&G E7#E&T+6 Aice -urikake P EPA AT#)&6 & -ollow the directions for your rice cooker to make however much rice you want. eep in mind that rice isn't that great reheated. Be't, let the rice cool a little bit before putting it into a bowl and putting however much furikake on it as you'd like. Its a very open ended recipe, but it's yummy and kinda healthy. C A4E&C ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 -idelis #&G E7#E&T+6 Mandatory; .ne&half bag egg noodles 0ater for boiling Two cups hot water .ne&half bo' chicken stock -our chicken bouillon cubes .ne tablespoon garlic powder .ne teaspoon onion powder % splash of soy sauce Optional; % sprinkle of sesame oil P EPA AT#)&6 & #oil egg noodles until they are the desired doneness, then strain. Aeturn noodles to pan. & %dd two cups hot water and chicken stock to the noodles. 2eat on medium as the ne't ingredients are added. & It is helpful but not re5uired to crush the bouillon cubes before adding. 5A+A&GA! 3)&T #2*T) 6 StephySy #&G E7#E&T+6 Two bo'es of lasagna noodles .ne large 3ar of your favorite pasta sauce) or if you are like me, a 3ar of home canned sauce .ne large tub of ricotta cheese Two eggs .ne&half cup of sugar P EPA AT#)&6 & "ake noodles by the directions on the side of the bo'. & In a bowl mi' together the ricotta cheese, the eggs, and the one&half cup of sugar then set aside. 0hen noodles are finished drain completely and to stop the cooking process place them under cold running water. in a nine by thirteen baking dish pour in enough sauce to cover the bottom completely. & Be't layer the noodles on top of the sauce, then a layers of ricotta cheese mi', noodles, ricotta cheese mi', noodles, finish with a layer of noodles. Then pour the rest of the sauce on top. (lace into a preheated to 9N:< oven for about twenty&five minutes. ?ou will know when the lasagna is finish if you look at the ricotta cheese layer and it is not longer runny. & If you are making ahead let the lasagna cool, cut into single servings put in the fridge for about three hours, then place in free+er bags and place in free+er. They stay good for thirty days.

8A5TE &AT#$E 5A+A&GA

E3#PE 8C3HEAP A&7 EA+'C; ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Eira

#&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & #oil four to five lasagna noodles. & Throw onto a plate, rip in half to make them fit better. & Toss some mo++arella cheese on (and maybe ricotta if you have it lying around) & Toss some marinara sauce on. & Buke in the microwave for about a minute and a half or until cheese has melted to your preference.; AA *+)2A ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 guardianterra #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne package of ramen (discard the seasoning packet) .A soba Two tablespoons or more (on+u (citrus seasoned soy sauce) !ash of wasabi P EPA AT#)&6 & "ake the ramen1soba (I make mine in the microwave) & !rain the water out of the ramen1soba and place in a bowl and place in fridge for a few moments till chilled. If you lack the fridge you can put the noodles in a strainer and run under cold water till chilled too. & !ress with (on+u and 0asabi mi' and en3oy. THE HEA T5E++ )&#G# # E3#PE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ...itisasarah

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne piece of plastic wrap or foil (Aeuse yours6 ?ay, recyclage. 0ell, maybe wee bits of broken down plastic will get into your food...) %bout a handful of cooked white rice ("ake a batch on the stove and 3ust take handfuls of it as you make these6) Sushi vinegar (like anyone 2%S that on can also use vinegar\sugar\salt, which is less good but makes more sense) (ickled anything, furikake, tuna, smoked salmon...any filling, really P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' the rice with vinegar && not a lot6 7nough to make it not too sticky and to flavor it nicely. "i' in some salt and sugar, if you don't have sushi vinegar. & ,ay the plastic wrap flat, and put a clump of rice on it. -latten it to make a round patty about with a diameter three times the si+e of your finished riceball, no less than half a centimeter thick. %d3ust the thickness for your filling. 0et tuna deserves to have a slightly thicker base. & (lace your filling in the center of the rice circle. (retend there's a tic&tac& toe grid. .nly fill the center s5uare or risk spillage. !on't go too high6 Top that with some more rice. 0hen I have time I like to make little rice 4walls4 surrounding the filling, but this is Bovember6 Bo time6 Bo time6 & $arefully gather the four corners of the plastic wrap together so you have a little package. $arefully make sure there are no gaps in the rice where the filling comes out. If there are, release the corners and patch up said hole. & /sing your other hand, gently s5uee+e the rice patty so it envelops the filling. The beauty is that the plastic wrap keeps your hands from getting dirty6 ?ay6 So you can form it beautifully without breaking. & $arefully peel the wrap off && not too hard, seeing as the rice is s5uished into a little ball by now && and voila6 & ?ou could wrap a bit of nori (roasted seaweed6) around your riceball, but this is Bovember. Bo time6 Bo time6

EGG &))75E+ A&7 7*4P5#&G+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 radioactivealchemist EGG &))75E+ #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 Two eggs .ne&half cup water salt Three cups flour & #eat eggs) add water and mi'. %dd salt, and flour until you have a not&too&sticky dough. & Aoll out and let harden for an hour or so, then cut into strips and drop into boiling water. $ook until done. 7*4P5#&G+ #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 Two cups flour -our teaspoons baking powder .ne teaspoon salt -our tablespoons butter .ne cup milk & $ombine flour, baking powder, and salt. $ut in softened butter. Stir in milk lightly. Aoll into balls) stuff with something (meat, veggies, et cetera) if you're ambitious6 & !rop them into gently boiling water1soup1stew. $over to steam, and check for doneness after about ten minutes. "ight need to cook them a little longer than if you put meat in. A5" E7) %#TH $EGG#E+ A&7 2EA&+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 -antasyfreaka+oid #&G E7#E&T+6 Boodles of your choice .ne bag of fro+en mi'ed vegetables) I use the $alifornia mi' that has carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower) .ne 3ar of your favorite alfredo sauce .A your own homemade sauce .ne can of idney #eans (I use the reduced sodium kind) ("y own homemade sauce is pretty simple. .ne tablespoon of butter, one&half to one cup of (armesan cheese, and half and half until it reaches the desired consistency. Stir in pepper and paprika to taste and pour over noodles) P EPA AT#)&6 & #ring water to a boil in a pot and add noodles and vegetables. $ook noodles as directed and vegetables will be done at the same time. & Strain and add back into pot. (our in sauce and beans, drained and rinsed. "i' and en3oy6

PA+TA +A 7# ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 SA #&G E7#E&T+6 (lenty of olive oil (mild works nicest && in my e'perience but whatever you prefer yourself, as long as it's plain, not flavored) .ne&half stock cube .ne hundred grams parsley, minced1cut up (or more if you like) Two to four chili peppers, cut up (depending on how spicy you like it, I use the dried variety, they work fine, powdered doesn't work so well) Three medium to large cloves of garlic, sliced1cut up (fresh is best, dried works fine too) (asta6 ($an use any pasta you like but I like regular ol' spaghetti, the filled pastas don't work though.) .ptional additions) red onion and1or bacon bits. P EPA AT#)&6 & #oil pasta in water with a splash of olive and a clove of garlic (sliced). & 0hen the pasta is almost done (you know the infamous rule, if it sticks to the wall it's ready W(, though I try it on the lid of the pan) get out your stir&fry pan or other pan as long as it's pretty deep1big. & (our in a good layer of oil, you'd want at least the bottom of the pan filled up and heat up the oil. $rumble the stock cube to it and wait for it to dissolve. ,ightly bake the onions (if you use them) and bacon bits (if you use them) then add the chopped up garlic gloves. #e careful not to let them burn or it'll taste terrible. %dd the cut up chillies to the mi' and lastly add the parsley for a few moments 3ust to heat it all up. Stir and mi' it all together of course. & If you time it right by this point your pasta should be done and you can drain the pasta, after draining it dump the dry pasta in the frying pan as well (low fire1setting) and stir it through. This is the hardest part and might get messy depending on the si+e of the pan1type of pasta. 0hen everything is mi'ed it's done and ready to eat. ?ou can eat it straight form the pan (my personal favorite, less dishes) or put it on plates. "ake sure to use deep plates or bowls as the oil will have to drain out to the bottom a bit or it won't be too yummy. ?ou can play around with the ingredients, more parsley, less parsley, less garlic, more garlic, to get it 3ust the way you like it. ?ou can make it for one person or for twelve, it's 5uick and easy to make. I- you want to make it look more fancy instead of stirring in the bacon and onion you can fry them gently on the side and then place them over the top of a bunch of the finished product, that way it'll look a bit more like it came from a restaurant rather than a pasta mash... W( D*#3< THA# 3* ' ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 lo'osceles

#&G E7#E&T+6 Ears of curry paste. % little goes a long way $oconut milk (lite or regular & I use regular and mi' it with water) #ags of fro+en veggies Aice (any kind) P EPA AT#)&6 & "ake the rice (you can figure that part out yourself) & "i' a can of coconut milk with one to three teaspoons of curry paste in a large skillet or pot. & !ump in a bag of fro+en veggies (optionally, add tofu or meat). Simmer on low until veggies are soft (about ten min). & Serve the curry over the rice. Aefrigerate leftovers for 5uick reheating ne't time you get hungry.

PA+TA +* P #+E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 rachaelJleann #&G .ne .ne .ne .ne .ne .ne Two E7#E&T+6 or two cups of spaghetti noodles (any kind will do) spoonful of butter spoonful sour cream pinch of garlic salt shake of (armesan cheese half handful shredded cheese shakes of bacon bits other ingredients into a bowl and mi' up paste. .nce the noodles are done, drain of your mi'ture. Stir until consistent fork and eat6

P EPA AT#)&6 & 0hile you cook the pasta, blend all the very very well. Should turn into a little the water out and pour the noodles on top and melted throughout the noodles. *rab a

D*#3< A&7 EA+' PA+TA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 musinladi #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne bo' pasta (I usually use whole wheat penne or rotini) .live oil (e'tra virgin is best) -avorite spice blend P EPA AT#)&6 & "ake pasta according to directions on bo'. & !ivide pasta into serving si+e portions. ("ake sure the bowls are microwavable6) & !ri++le about a tablespoon of olive oil over each portion. & Sprinkle about a tablespoon of your favorite spice blend over each portion. & $lose each bowl and shake until the oil and spices coat the pasta as evenly as you can. !on't be surprised if you get some spices clumped together) it happens6 & Aefrigerate the servings until needed, then pop in the microwave for about a minute and half. If you want, you can bake up some boneless, skinless chicken breast, then cut it into one&half inch cubes. !ivide the chicken into the portions of pasta for a little added protein. 4)AA E55A T)4AT) PA+TA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 flyery #&G E7#E&T+6 -our cups pasta, al dente Three tomatoes Two mo++arella balls (wet), or one (dry) .ne cup ricotta Two tablespoons chopped basil !ash of balsamic vinegar !ash of olive oil Two cups (armesan P & & & & EPA AT#)&6 (reheat oven to 9:;<-. Toss all ingredients in casserole dish (e'cept (armesan). $over top with (armesan. #ake until bubbling, about fifteen minutes.


#GAT)&# 2A<E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 simplywriting

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne package (sixteen ounces) rigatoni noodles or any other large tube pasta Two tablespoons butter .ne&fourth cup all&purpose flour .ne&half teaspoon salt Two cups milk .ne&fourth cup water -our eggs, lightly beaten .ne (sixteen ounce) can of spaghetti sauce (use garlic or four-cheese spaghetti sauce for more flavor) Two cups (eight ounces) mo++arella cheese .ne&fourth cup grated (armesan cheese P EPA AT#)&6 & $ook the pasta according to the package directions. In a small saucepan, melt the butter. Slowly stir in the flour and salt until smooth. *radually add the milk and the water. #ring it to a boil, cook and stir for two minutes until it gets thicker. & !rain the pasta and place it in a large bowl. %dd the eggs to the pasta and stir. & (our the pasta into a F'=9 pan. ,ayer the top of the noodles with the spaghetti sauce. Sprinkle the mo++arella cheese over the top. Be't spoon the white sauce over the cheese. Sprinkle (armesan cheese over the entire thing. & #ake uncovered for thirty to thirty&five minutes at 9O:<- or until a meat thermometer reads =[;<-. If you have doubled the recipe, or 3ust want to save this one && it needs to be covered and can be fro+en for up to three months. 0hen ready to serve, thaw in the refrigerator overnight. Then cover and bake at 9O:<- for forty minutes. /ncover and bake seven to ten minutes longer or until meat thermometer reads =[;<-. THE 2E+T "#+H A&7 PA+TA 7#+H ')* %#55 E$E TA+TE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 $aveat,ector

#&G E7#E&T+6 -resh pasta. I usually use two packets, but it depends. ?ou'll need rather a lot. Salmon fillets (I usually use four. Make sure that you don't get smoked salmon or something like that) Cegetables of your choice (red and yello peppers do the trick !uite nicely) Shredded mo++arella P EPA AT#)&6 & Set the oven to =O:<$ ("#$%&) & !on't cook the salmon, but make sure it isn't fro+en & #oil the pasta (since this is fresh pasta' it on't take more than three or four minutes) & $ut up the vegetables into small pieces and the salmon into slightly larger pieces & -ind a large dish that can go in the oven & (ut in a layer of pasta (use a(out half of it) & (ut the salmon pieces in a layer on top, which should cover all of the pasta & Then the vegetables & (ut the last pasta on top of the vegetables and make one more layer of it. & (ut mo++arella on top, make sure it covers all of the pasta & (ut it in the oven for about fifteen minutes until the mo++arella is golden and crisp There'll be food for several people and it can be microwaved if needed.

7 E++E7(*P 4#+) +)*P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 !" Bote from the contributor1editor) I love the "r. /don udon soup lunches, but the flavouring for the miso wasn't strong enough for my tastes. So I decided to give it a shot by putting the paste I had from another set of mi'es I had and now I'm addicted. I don't eat my udon unless I have the miso paste anymore. #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne package of "r. /don Eapanese miso flavour udon soup Shinsyu&ichi "iso Soup with Tofu, both the miso soup base and the packet of tofu, chives and nori. I'm not sure where to track this down, but I do know I got mine at 0orld "arket. I wouldn't think it'd be much different with any other miso soup mi') so if you're open to messing around, try it out. $hopped, dehydrated garlic P EPA AT#)&6 & #oil the noodles from the "r. /don package in water. ?ou don't have to let them boil long) as the great thing about udon noodles, or atleast this package, is that they're already soft and you don't have to cook them that long. ((rotipD they're good cold and uncooked. I promise.) & 0hen it boils, fill the bowl about halfway with the water, then add the udon noodles. & (ut the seasoning packet from the "r. /don package and mi' it up. Then take the soup base from the miso soup packet and put it in. "i' it up again. #ecause this is a paste instead of actual seasonings, you have to be really careful to mi' it up and get it all in there. & %dd the garlic, mi' it in and let it stand for a few seconds. Then add the tofu, the chives, and a little bit of the nori from the Shinsyu&ichi mi') but this is really based on your tastes. I personally don't like nori, so I don't put much in. -inally, add the 4dried flake satchel4 from the "r. /don pack (this is the best part I I love these6). !on't mi' any of these up, because they'll get moved around as you eat. T*&A A&7 &))75E+= A+ 7)&E 2' #& A&7 HE 4)4 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Ainnian

#&G E7#E&T+6 7gg noodles or 3umbo macaroni (as much as you feel you'll need) .ne can tuna .ne can cream of chicken P EPA AT#)&6 & #oil the noodles until soft, then drain them. Then 3ust add the tuna and cream of chicken. Salt and pepper and you're done. It takes maybe ten minutes or so, but is a decent meal. %lternatively, I once had the cream of chicken replaced with cream of mushroom. #ut that was when I was little and picky and my cousins, knowing I'd refuse to eat it if I knew, replaced the cream of chicken that they didn't have with the cream of mushroom that they !I! have. I begrudgingly admit that from what I recall all those years ago, it didn't taste too different. I probably wasn't paying attention to chunks of mushroom in it. %fter I finished eating, my cousins sprung it on me that it wasn't chicken.

+D*A+H A&7 2A3)& PA+TA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 flyery #&G E7#E&T+6 Two pounds peeled and seeded winter s5uash, cut into cubes .ne yellow onion, thinly sliced -our strips bacon Two tablespoons olive oil .ne tablespoons sage, finely chopped % dash of paprika .ne pound pasta .ne&half cup (armesan P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to KN:<-. & Toss s5uash, onion and bacon in oil and place on baking sheet. Season with sage and paprika. $ook for fifteen to twenty min & #ring pasta to boil and cook until al dente. Aeserve one&fourth cup of cooking water. & %dd contents of baking sheet to pot. & Toss for one minute on high heat. & Turn off heat, add (armesan, serve. T#E A PA+TA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 lui+amm #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) 8uinoa whole grain pasta % bottle of soy sauce $arrots (eas .ptional) Two soy burgers P EPA AT#)&6 & $hop the carrots. $ook the pasta normally in one cooking pot. "eanwhile, cover a medium&si+ed frying pan with a thick layer of soy sauce (no oil is necessary) and toss in the peas, the carrots and the optional soy burgers. ,et the soy sauce boil then start stirring the whole thing with a spoon. (If you did put soy burgers in the mi', use your spoon to cut them into rough little s5uares that mi' in with the rest of the sauce.) & 0hen the pasta is done, serve it with the whole contents of the frying pan mi'ed in6 I recommend you tasting the whole thing before adding any spices, since the soy sauce tends to be spicy enough on its own6 CariationsD ?ou can use broccoli, too, or tomatoes. I imagine both would taste lovely.


A$#)5# 3A++E )5E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 simplywriting

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne 3ar spaghetti sauce .ne package fro+en cheese ravioli, cooked and drained Two cups small curd cottage cheese -our cups shredded mo++arella cheese .ne&fourth cup grated (armesan cheese P EPA AT#)&6 & In a F ' =9 casserole dish, spread about a half cup of spaghetti sauce on the bottom. .n top of the sauce, layer about half of the cheese ravioli, then top with about one to one and one&fourths cup sauce, one cup cottage cheese and two cups mo++arella cheese. Aepeat layers again starting with the ravioli. Sprinkle the top with (armesan cheese and bake, uncovered at 9:;<- for thirty to forty minutes or until bubbly. %llow the dish to stand for about five to ten minutes before serving. If the casserole was previously fro+en, allow to thaw in refrigerator for twenty& four hours before serving. %llow to sit on counter for a half hour before cooking. +PAGHETT# #3E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 freedomwriterO=[ Bote from the contributor) If you have left overs, don't add the cheese or sauce, make it with an individual serving and add cheese and sauce before microwaving #&G E7#E&T+6 0hite minute rice Tomato sauce (like for pasta)) heated 3ust a little (armesan cheese P EPA AT#)&6 & $ook the rice. & 0hile the rice is still hot, fill a bowl. & (our as much sauce as you like and mi' it with the rice. & $over the top with the cheese. & ,et the cheese melt (usually takes about two minutes) 3)55EGE 4A3 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 7mpressTheodora #&G E7#E&T+6 Small pasta, like elbows or ditalini .ne to two raft singles .ne to two ounces butter "ilk Salt and pepper P EPA AT#)&6 & $ook however much pasta you plan to eat. & Strain the pasta, put it back in the pan and add one to two ounces of butter and one to two raft singles, torn up, depending on how much pasta you have, and a drop of milk. & Stir until the pasta is completely coated with delicious macaroni cheese. ?ou may need to add more milk. & Salt and pepper to taste.

P# )G# ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 a3c P# )G# #&G E7#E&T+6 Two cups flour .ne&half teaspoon salt, or more) to taste Two eggs .ne&half cup water "#55#&G #&G E7#E&T+6 .ption one) Two egg yolks .ne cup cottage cheese or ricotta .ne teaspoon black pepper, to taste -resh chives or other herbs .ne&half cup white onion, diced .ption two) $hori+o or spicy sausage .ne&half cup white onion, diced .ne&half cup red pepper, diced .ne&half teaspoon garlic pepper .ne&half cup mo++arella cheese (optional) !ri++le of olive oil or one teaspoon butter P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' the flour, eggs and salt and add water slowly until doughy. /sing small amounts of dough, roll onto flat surface until one&fourth to one&eighth inch thick. $ut circles about two inches in diameter (using bottom of a si'teen ounce can) or however large you want them. Spoon filling in center of circle. -old in half. Aoll up ends and use fork to crimp them. & Set in boiling water for appro'imately five minutes (depending on si+e of pirogi, maybe a minute less). Aemove from water when they start floating. Top with butter or olive oil and en3oy6 .ne variation is to take a fresh&boiled pirogi and add to hot fry pan and sear on both sides until lightly fried. 3HEE+E($EGETA25E(3H#3<E& 4A3A )&#! 3)&T #2*T) 6 &-antasy0riter& #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne bo' macaroni and cheese .ne to two chicken tenders, or some plain chicken .ne bag fro+en vegetables P EPA AT#)&6 & (repare the macaroni and cheese and vegetables according to the instructions. $ook or reheat the chicken, then cut into bite&si+e pieces. !ump everything into a bowl. "i' together. 7n3oy.

3HEE+' 3H#3<E& +A*+AGE PA+TA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 etoiline #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne bo' pasta (linguini is best, but farfalle is fun) .ne 3ar alfredo cheese sauce (I usually pick the roasted garlic kind). This would also work if you 3ust threw in some olive oil and your shredded cheese of choice, though of course you won't really have a sauce then. .ne package chicken apple sausage, chopped into one&fourth inch coins .ne can diced tomatoes, drained (go for the Italian style or one with garlic and onions) P EPA AT#)&6 & $ook the pasta according to package directions, then drain. If using, fry chicken sausage until edges turn brown and add to drained pasta (the frying is optional, since this kind of sausage usually comes precooked). (our in the 3ar of cheese sauce and the can of tomatoes. "i' and serve6 +A*+AGE A&7 $EGG#E 2*TTE E7 &))75E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 "youbu&sama #&G E7#E&T+6 7gg noodles .ne to two bell peppers .ne onion .ne or two Italian sausages .ne carrot .ne celery stick hatever kind of oil that you ant to use.) .ne&half to three&fourth stick of butter

Two teaspoons olive oil (or

P EPA AT#)&6 & (repare the veggies by cutting them into pieces. & #oil water and place in egg noodles & 2eat a frying pan and pour in about two teaspoons of oil. & (ut the sausage in the frying pan and cook until almost done & 0hen the sausage is almost done, put the celery, carrot, onion, bell peppers. 2eat these until the sausage is fully cooked and the onions are translucent. & 0hen the noodles are done, strain them and add the butter. & %dd the sausage and veggies. 7n3oy6

+PAGHETT# P#E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 %nime/S"$ #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne si' ounce package spaghetti Two tablespoons butter .ne&third cup grated (armesan cheese Two eggs, beaten .ne pound lean ground beef .ne&half cup chopped onion .ne&fourth cup chopped green bell pepper .ne clove garlic, minced .ne fourteen and a half ounce can diced tomatoes .ne si' ounce can tomato paste .ne teaspoon white sugar .ne teaspoon dried oregano .ne cup cottage cheese .ne&half cup shredded mo++arella cheese P EPA AT#)&6 & $ook and drain spaghetti. Stir in margarine, (armesan cheese and eggs, while spaghetti is hot. -orm spaghetti mi'ture into a crust in a buttered ten inch pie plate. & (reheat oven to 9:;<- (=O:<$) & In a skillet cook the beef, onion, green pepper and garlic. !rain off the fat and stir in the undrained tomatoes, tomato paste, sugar and oregano. 2eat through. & Spread cottage cheese over the spaghetti crust then pour in the beef and tomato mi'ture. & #ake for twenty minutes. Sprinkle mo++arella cheese over the top of the pie then bake for : minutes longer, until cheese melts. )A+TE7 4*+H ))4+>4#,E7 $EGETA25E+ %#TH PA+TA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 0oodsmoke #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne pound of mi'ed, fresh mushrooms & cut in large pieces (mi'ture could include (ortabella, Shiitake, $rimini, and .yster) .ne sweet red bell pepper, cut in one inch chunks .ne large +ucchini, cut in one inch chunks .ne medium onion, cut in eight wedges Two tablespoons olive oil .ne teaspoon minced garlic .ne&half teaspoon salt .ne&eighth teaspoon ground black pepper 7ight ounces rotelle (corkscrew) pasta P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to K:;<-. In a =9 ' F ' N inch non&stick baking pan (or spray a conventional pan with vegetable cooking spray) place mushrooms, bell pepper, +ucchini and onion. Toss with olive oil, garlic, salt and black pepper. & #ake uncovered, until mushrooms and vegetables are tender, about twenty minutes. "eanwhile, cook pasta according to package directions) rinse and drain. (lace pasta in a serving bowl) cover to keep warm. Spoon mushroom mi'ture over pasta) toss gently.

EA+' PA+TA %#TH 3 EA4' +A*3E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 0estwoods #&G E7#E&T+6 (asta (I prefer bowtie, but whatever) Small amount of cream cheese, about one ounce .live oil CeggiesD I prefer broccoli, carrots, +ucchini, but generally use whatever I have on hand. "ushrooms .ne clove garlic, minced .ne&fourth to one&half cup milk .ne tablespoon cheese, any kind that melts well. I've been using mo+arella because that's the only kind I could find. (esto, pesto sauce mi', or basil P EPA AT#)&6 & (ut pasta in water and begin cooking & (ut about one tablespoon of olive oil in a skillet. %dd the clove of garlic. 0hen the garlic is a little brown, add the veggies and mushrooms and stir. $over with a lid or plate and cook for two to three minutes. & Turn down to low&medium heat and add milk and cream cheese. Stir until cream cheese is melted. & %dd cheese, stir well until cheese is melted and blended well with the milk and cream cheese. (Important6 If you add the cheese before the cream cheese your sauce will be lumpy) & %dd the pesto, small amount of pesto sauce mi' or basil & !rain pasta, pour vegetables and cheesy delicious sauce over pasta.

other meat dishes

THE +A*+AGE(A&7( #3E TH#&G' ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 belleoftheball #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne onion, chopped .ne package sausage .ne can chili beans % few tomatoes *reen pepper, chopped .ne can kidney beans Some rice P EPA AT#)&6 & #rown the sausage on the stove, then add the onions and pepper. 0hen they've browned, too, dump in the cans of beans (3uice, too) and tomatoes. ,et it simmer for a while, until it's all cooked. I think it takes about ten to fifteen minutes. Serve over rice. +)*THE & H)2) 7#&E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 2elen !avid

#&G E7#E&T+6 Si' large potatoes 7ight medium si+ed carrots .ne large onion Two packages of 2illshire -arms smoked sausage .ne can cream of mushroom soup .ne can golden mushroom soup Salt (epper 0ater P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to K;;<. & (eel and slice carrots. & $ut potatoes into chunks. & Slice and dice the onion. & $ut sausage into pieces. & Take the bottom half of a broiler pan and layer ingredients in this orderD (otatoes $arrots Salt (lightly due to sodium in soups) (epper Sausage .nion & "i' both kinds of soup in a bowl with 3ust enough water to make it pourable. (our over all. & %dd a little water to the pan to aid the steaming process for the carrots and onions, and to help the soup make the gravy. & $over with aluminum foil and bake for one hour.

7E5#3#)*+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 #&G .ne one .ne are .ne


E7#E&T+6 to two cans of green beans, depending on how much you like them. to two cans of cream of mushroom soup can of whole potatoes. (The reason you use the can of potatoes is because they already cooked and therefore soft) package of polska ((olish) kielbasa.

P EPA AT#)&6 & $ut kielbasa up into one inch circles. 2eat it in skillet, then put all the other ingredients in. Salt and pepper to taste while cooking. Serve in bowls, like a stew. -ills you up and has great flavor. EA42A5'A ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 (ookaprincess #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) Two tablespoons vegetable oil or olive oil .ne package (olish sausage .ne medium yellow onion .ne bell pepper Two cups rice -our cups water Two fifteen ounce cans diced tomatoes .ne teaspoon salt .ne and one&half teaspoons pepper Two cloves garlic, minced .ne tablespoon dried rosemary .ne tablespoon dried thyme -ive to si' dashes hot pepper sauce .ptional) .ne eight ounce can tomato sauce .ne ten ounce package baby shrimp P EPA AT#)&6 & $hop onion and pepper roughly. & Slice polish sausage into one&fourth inch slices. & In a large pot heat oil and add polish sausage. $ook for one to two minutes. & %dd onion and pepper. $ook until onion is translucent. & %dd all other ingredients e'cept shrimp. (The optional tomato sauce 3ust makes it more tomato&y) Stir. & $over and simmer on medium, stirring at every fifteen minutes. Taste and re& season as needed. & 0hen rice is almost cooked (thirty to forty&five minutes) add shrimp. $ook an additional ten minutes. #3EA25E+ A&7 +H4EAP ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 !ruidT #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & In one pot put rice and any veggies that need boiling, say carrots and broccoli. In another pot, put random meat and whatever else you fancy (say mushrooms) with a can of tomato soup and chopped tomatoes. Season to taste.

A4AA#&G %H)5E %HEAT P#AAA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 "aemi Bote from the contributor) I have my favorite pi++a recipe6 In theory it takes about two hours to make, but a lot of that is actually waiting for the dough to rise and cooking time, so you could get some writing done6 #&G .ne .ne .ne .ne .ne Two .ne %ny E7#E&T+6 teaspoon white sugar and one&half cups warm water (==;<-1K:<$) tablespoon active dry yeast tablespoon canola oil teaspoon salt (or salt substitute) cups whole wheat flour and one&half cups all&purpose flour pi++a toppings you want

P EPA AT#)&6 & In a large bowl, dissolve sugar in warm water. Sprinkle yeast over the top, and let stand for about ten minutes, until foamy. & Stir the olive oil and salt into the yeast mi'ture, then mi' in the whole wheat flour and one cup of the all&purpose flour until dough starts to form. Tip dough out onto a surface floured with the remaining all&purpose flour, and knead until all of the flour has been absorbed, and the ball of dough becomes smooth. (lace dough in an oiled bowl, and turn to coat the surface. $over loosely with a towel, and let stand in a warm place until doubled in si+e, about one hour. & 0hen the dough is doubled, tip the dough out onto a lightly floured surface, and divide into two pieces for two thin crust, or leave whole to make one thick crust. -orm into a ball, and let rise for about forty&five minutes, until doubled in si+e again. & (reheat the oven to KN:<- (NN;<$). /sing cooking spray or oil on a round pi++a tin, and place the dough on it. nead it by&hand until it's stretched into a circle the si+e of your liking. Top pi++a with sauce, cheese, etc. & #ake for si'teen to twenty minutes (depending on thickness) in the preheated oven, until the crust is crisp and golden at the edges, and cheese is melted on the top. +A*+AGE>+A*E < A*T 3 )3< 4EA5 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 0illowEoy

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne twenty ounce can (or 3ar) of sauerkraut .ne&fourth cup brown sugar .ne pound smoked sausage, cut into chunks .ne small onion, sliced and separated into rings P EPA & "i' sauerkraut and brown sugar. (lace into crock pot. (lace sausage on mi'ture and top with & $ook on high for two hours then on low for another two AT#)&6 top of onion. hours.

T* <E' T)4AT) HA+H ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 gwennie9:O Bote from the contributor) I had a bunch of random ingredients around the kitchen, so I 3ust threw this together. I'm not a great cook) but it turned out so fabulous, I fell in love with it6 Bot only is it super easy and fast, it's also filling and 5uite economical6 I ate it alone, but I imagine it would make a fabulous brunch alongside an omelet or scrambled eggs. #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne package ground turkey (I think it's usually about =.9 lbs) Three&fourths package prepared refrigerated hash browns (can use more or less depending on taste) .ne can seasoned black&eyed peas .ne can diced tomatoes (plain or Italian) "inced garlic, to taste $umin, to taste .ptional) *round red pepper, to taste P EPA AT#)&6 & SautU turkey in skillet until cooked through) drain. Season with plain salt and pepper. & %dd in garlic and sautU until 3ust golden. & %dd in hash browns and cook until they soften up and start to brown a bit. & %dd black&eyed peas and tomatoes) heat through. & Stir in cumin and red pepper. (I used a ,.T of cumin, because I love the smoky taste... I also used a fair bit of the pepper... it turned out pretty spicy6) The great thing about this is that you can substitute pretty much anything for what you have on&hand. !on't have ground turkeyL /se ground beef or chicken (or veggie crumbles for a meat&free alternative). Bo black&eyed peasL /se cannellini beans or black beans instead. So easy6 #3E 3))<E 3H#3<E& A&7 +A*+AGE EA42A5A'A ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 7ralath

#&G E7#E&T+6 Three chicken breasts, boiled, de&boned, and cut into bite si+e Two links smoke sausage, cut up .ne can beef broth (or bouillon) .ne stalk celery, chopped .ne bell pepper, chopped Two onions, chopped .ne can sliced mushrooms, drained .ne stick butter, melted Two cups raw rice (measuring cup, not rice cooker cup) P EPA AT#)&6 & %dd all ingredients together in rice cooker. 0hen it starts to boil, stir together to mi' melted butter well. Then when it goes off (rice cooker), stir in onion tops and parsley. Takes twenty minutes to cook. ,et stand thirty minutes on warm.

P#AAA P)T P#E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 0ritten0ord #&G E7#E&T+6 Two cans (illsbury pi++a dough .ne 3ar (fifteen ounces) #ertolli alfredo sauce Sargento shredded mo++arella cheese %siago cheese (I shredded it myself) .ne medium green bell pepper, diced .ne medium onion, diced Twenty pieces 2ormel pepperoni .ne&eighth package Eimmy !ean sausage .regano #asil Aosemary !ill *arlic powder P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to K;;<& In a nine inch cake pan, unroll one can pi++a dough, pressing around bottom and up all sides. Trim to fit. & (our alfredo sauce into pi++a dough. & In a small bowl, mi' shredded mo++arella and shredded asiago. Sprinkle liberally on top of alfredo. & Top with pepper, onion, pepperoni, and sausage. & $over top of pi++a with second can of pi++a dough. $ut slits in center to vent. & Sprinkle top crust with spices to personal preference. & #ake for seventeen to twenty minutes or until crust is golden brown. $ut and serve. P#G+ #& A 25A&<ET ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 aeirdwyn Bote from the contributor) This is something my kids love, so for those that have kids and need something 5uick and easy for them, because you are going to write and eat something later... #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & Take a package of eight hot dogs. Then get a package of $rescent rolls. ?ou can get (illsbury, but I buy store brand because they are 3ust the same and cheaper. Slice each hot dog length wise halfway through. !o not go all the way through the hot dog. .nly end to end. & Then take cheddar, or my personal favorite, $olby Eack cheese, slice one by four inch slices, then lay them in the hot dogs, which have been cut halfway through lengthwise. 0rap each of these hot dogs, with cheese stuffed inside of the slice, into one crescent roll apiece. 0rap the rolls the way it says to on the package. "ake sure the cheese is facing upwards once stuffed and place them each on a foil covered baking sheet, I use a cookie sheet. & #ake using directions from the crescent roll package, usually 9:;< for about ten to twelve minutes. 'Tis the most scrumptious hot dog delicacy you can have.

)A+TE7 T* <E' ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 artofcheatery Bote from the contributor) Turkey is better for you than chicken, is easy to make, and gives you an e'cellent e'cuse to sit in the kitchen for several hours writing. The measurements are purposely vague as they depend on the si+e of the turkey you are cooking. The recipe will also work on a turkey breast, it will 3ust take much shorter to cook. #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) % whole turkey or a turkey breast (note to yourself how many pounds the turkey it) .live oil (other oils are acceptable) Salt (epper Twine %luminum foil .ptional) Sage Aosemary Thyme Store bought stuffing mi' P EPA AT#)&6 !efrosting) ?ou will probably need to use a combination of the two methods to defrost the turkey. !o not remove the packaging until you are sure the turkey is mostly soft and pliable. Slow methodD (lace turkey on a tray to catch condensation and melted ice. %llow turkey to sit for several hours at room temperature, then place in refrigerator (!o not leave out for more than twelve hours. !o not leave to defrost in a refrigerator for longer than a week). -ast methodD (lace the turkey in a large bowl. -ill the bowl with room temperature water and allow to sit. Turn the turkey so that it is submerged as needed. If you need it defrost faster, place the bowl and run room temperature water over it. !. B.T /S7 2.T 0%T7A. %fter unpackaging, run water through the inside of the turkey to clean out any e'cess ice and to help remove the giblets (if present). & (reheat oven to 9N:R-. & Aub down the turkey with olive oil. Season will all of the seasonings. Tuck the wings behind the turkey's back. Stuff chest cavity with stuffing (optional). Tie legs together with twine (do not use rubber bands or plastic). (Bote from the editor) %s of late, I've noticed any turkey we've bought, the legs are already tied together. 0ith what, I can't 5uite remember) but I do recall this.) (lace turkey breast side up in a roasting pan. (lace in heated oven. If the turkey browns before it is finished cooking, cover loosely with foil. % turkey takes about fifteen minutes per pound. %dd another fifteen to thirty minutes if you stuffed it. Bever assume that it is done without checking the temperature. $heck the temperature in the thickest part of the thigh and breast making sure not to touch the bone. If the turkey is stuffed, check the stuffing too. % turkey is safe to eat at =>;R-. ?ou cook it to =[:R-, then let it sit (untouched) for fifteen to twenty minutes (at which time it reaches =>;R-). %lternately you can cook it until it reaches =>;R-, but it will be drier. Then you can scoop out the stuffing (if present) and carve it.

&A&3'9+ %H#TE E&3H#5A7A+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 anikkawoods Bote from the contributor) "y mom started this recipe. I've continued it, though it's named after her. This is a great recipe for 3ust after Thanksgiving when you have all that leftover turkey. #&G E7#E&T+6 Two cups chopped turkey or chicken Two pounds shredded white cheese (I use a mi' of "onterey 3ack and pepper 3ack, but I've also used a mi' of "onterey 3ack and mo++arella or "onterey 3ack and white cheddar) .ne&fourth cup milk .ne can diced green chilies Two tomatillos, chopped fine .ne medium onion, chopped fine .ne tablespoon garlic powder (or two whole garlic cloves, mashed and chopped very fine) Two teaspoons chili powder .ne&half teaspoon chipotle powder (if you want to...this is something I use once in a while) Twelve ten inch flour tortillas P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9:;<-. Spray glass =9'F baking dish with cooking spray or brush lightly with olive oil. & Set aside turkey and one&fourth of the cheese. In a large pan on medium heat, place the rest of the cheese and start melting. (our in the milk. Stir constantly to prevent burning. .nce the cheese is three&fourths melted, toss in the chilies, tomatillos, onion, and spices. $ook until cheese is completely melted. & .nce everything is mi'ed together, separate out one&fourth of the mi'ture into a smaller pan and place on low heat to keep the cheese from getting too cold. Take the rest of the mi'ture and add in the turkey. Stir until well mi'ed. & 0arm tortillas in microwave. (lace mi'ture in each tortilla, wrap, and put in the baking dish. (our the sauce you set aside over the enchiladas and then sprinkle remaining cheese over the top. #ake for twenty to twenty&five minutes. Aemove from the oven and serve. Bote about this recipe) ?es, I reali+e it takes a lot of prep work. There's a reason I make it right after Thanksgiving. I can get three to four meals out of this one recipe because I cut the enchiladas in half and serve with bagged salad. .ne half of these darn things is enough for a meal, and they reheat very well either in the oven or in the microwave. +%EET 3H#5# 3 )3<P)T 4EAT2A55+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 *ryphonsflight #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne bottle of regular $atalina salad dressing .ne 3ar of orange marmalade (about a cup and a little e'tra) % healthy splash of 0orcestershire sauce (the bigger the better) % heft of red chili flakes (roughly one to one and one&half tablespoons) % dash of chili powder % dash of cayenne (epper % dash of sugar Two packages of fro+en meatballs (roughly forty to forty&five depending on bags) P EPA AT#)&6 & Throw it all in a crock pot on low for four to five hours or on high for about two and a half, and throw a few on a roll to eat like a budget&conscious king for days (or hours).

3H#3<E& A&7 3H) #A) +TE% ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 #eautiful Illusion #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) -our to twelve skinless, boneless chicken thighs1breast fillets (fro+en fillets work 3ust as well, but need to be defrosted before use) .ne to twocans of peeled plum or chopped tomatoes .ne chori+o sausage or one pack of sliced chori+o1proscuitto1pancetta1smoked ham .ne to two red bell peppers .ne to two yellow bell peppers .ne teaspoon smoked paprika or chili powder .ne teaspoon cooking oil .ptional) .ne to two onions, peeled .ne&half teaspoon Tabasco sauce 2andful of green olives P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat the oven to 9N; <- (9;; <- for fan&assisted ovens). & (lace the chicken on a baking sheet and put them in the oven) they don't need to be fully cooked, and it's easier to 3ust leave them in there while you're preparing the other ingredients. Season them with a little paprika before they go in, if you like. & Slice the bell peppers and onion(s) into thin strips and, if using a whole chori+o sausage, cut it into either disks or cubes. If you're using pancetta cubes, fry these first according to the pack instructions, then add the peppers and onions. 2am or packet chori+o need not be fried and can 3ust be added to the dish at the end. & (our the oil into the frying pan and heat. %dd the diced chori+o, peppers and onions and fry for five to ten minutes until the chori+o is cooked and the peppers and onions are slightly soft. Set aside. & .pen the can(s) of tomatoes and pour them into a saucepan, adding the paprika or chili powder and Tabasco sauce if using. %dd the chori+o, pepper and onion mi'ture from before. If you're using olives, add these into the mi'ture as well, then heat the sauce through. & .nce the tomato mi'ture is heated, the chicken should be ready to come out of the oven. ,eave the oven on and drain off any e'cess li5uid from the chicken, then place it in the casserole dish. If using packet ham or chori+o, place this in between the chicken pieces. & (our the sauce mi'ture into the pot making sure all of the chicken is covered. -eel free to mi' it around a little before it goes in the oven. .nce you've done this, put the lid on the casserole dish and place in the oven. ,eave to cook for an hour to an hour and a half while you write. & .nce cooked, take the dish out of the oven and serve. -eel free accompany it with whatever you feel, and to eat it however you like) one&handed (when possible) while typing is probably going to be how I do it6

+PA&#+H ) A) ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Cin'man #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne pound ground turkey or ground beef .ne cup dry or+o .ne fifteen ounce can tomato sauce or two fifteen ounce cans of diced tomatoes (preferred) .ne medium onion Two stalks celery .ne&half teaspoon powdered cumin .ne&half teaspoon chili powder .ne&half teaspoon oregano .ne&half teaspoon basil .ne&half teaspoon black pepper .ne&half teaspoon powdered garlic P EPA AT#)&6 & In a ten or twelve inch skillet, start browning the ground meat (on medium heat). !ice the onion and celery, drain the li5uid from the two cans of diced tomatoes or 3ust open the one can of tomato sauce. Start water heating in a four to si' 5uart saucepan (only two to three 5uarts of water are needed). & 0hen the meat is mostly browned, drain most of the fluid and add the onion, celery, and spices. & 0hen onions start to get transparent, add the tomatoes and cover the skillet with a lid. & (ut or+o in the water when it starts boiling. #oil for three to five minutes. !rain or+o, add to the skillet. Simmer for a few's almost 9; minutes now. & If you feel like it, sprinkle a little shredded mo++arella on top and put it under the broiler to melt. .r 3ust put a little (armesan cheese on top and serve.

side dishes
2E+T T%#3E(2A<E7 P)TAT)E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 7vil8ueen #&G E7#E&T+6 -our medium potatoes .ne&half cup sour cream (I use fat&free and no one knows the difference6) .ne&fourth cup milk .ne&fourth cup margarine .ne&half cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese .ne&half teaspoon salt .ne&fourth teaspoon pepper -our slices bacon, crisp and crumbled (or one cup real bacon bits) P EPA AT#)&6 & #ake in oven at 9:;< for one hour. Set aside and allow to cool. & $ut in half and scoop out the potatoes, leaving behind a shell. $ombine all ingredients (sans shell) into a bowl and mi' until well blended. & Scoop mi'ture back into potato shells and bake for an additional fifteen minutes. +P#3' P)TAT) %E7GE+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Simply0riting #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne&fourth cup canola oil .ne tablespoon chili powder Two teaspoons onion powder Two teaspoons garlic salt .ne teaspoon sugar .ne teaspoon paprika Three&fourth teaspoon salt .ne&fourth to one&half teaspoon cayenne pepper .ne and one&half pounds large red potatoes, cut into wedges P EPA AT#)&6 & In a large bowl, combine all ingredients with the e'ception of your potatoes. & 0hen you have cut the potatoes into wedges, drop them into the bowl and toss them to coat completely. & %rrange the individual potato wedges in a single layer on a greased baking pan. ?ou might need two, we usually do. & #ake them at K;;R- for thirty to thirty&five minutes (be sure and turn them once about halfway) or until they are tender and golden brown. These are so good and are awesome served with a sour cream or cheese dip.

8A5TE &AT#$E E3#PE 8+2A )9+ +T'5E P)TAT)E+; ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 74 Bote from the contributor1editor) if you've ever been to Sbarro's and have had their potatoes, you will be over3oyed to hear this is them. The seasonings are a little hard to guess. I suggest that you bottle the seasoning mi'ture if you ever get it right. #&G E7#E&T+6 (aprika (epper Salt Seasoning salt !iced potatoes "argarine P EPA AT#)&6 & !ice your potatoes. #e sure to leave the skin on. That makes it even better. & #oil the potatoes, but nor for too long. I'd say probably about two minutes ma'. & (ut them in a large bowl and melt the margarine in a bowl in the microwave. 0hen it's melty and almost to the point of boiling, pour it over the potatoes and shake the bowl they're in so it'll get over them. & $ombine all your spices to your liking (that being said, if you don't like spicy things, tone down on the paprika). %s stated in my note, if you get what you feel is the perfect combination, bottle it. 0e have a bottle that's about half&full in the cabinet. It's a smart move. & Spread the potatoes out on a cookie sheet and coat them with the seasoning. & (ut the cookie sheet in the oven on broil (that's :;;<f if memory serves me correct) for about ten minutes. & !o a word war. & $ome back after your word war and check on them. -lip them over and let them cook ten more minutes. & !o another word war. & $ome back after your second word war and pull them out of the oven. #y this point, they should be done to the point that some of them are crispy on top. If not, pop them back in the oven for about two more minutes. Bo word wars this time around, unless you're a speed writer, then go right on ahead. & Serve.; *&+T*""E7 PEPPE + ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 seisaN #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne pound lean ground beef .ne large green bell pepper, diced .ne package norr (,ipton) Spanish rice Two cups water (or whatever the Spanish rice calls for) Seven ounce can tomato sauce Shredded mo++arella P EPA AT#)&6 & In large skillet, brown ground beef) drain. & %dd diced pepper, Spanish Aice, and water. $ook according to package directions. In my e'perience, it needs to cook longer than seven minutes to absorb most of the water. & 0hen it has, add the tomato sauce and simmer another five minutes or so, or until most of the sauce is absorbed and thickened. (late up, top with shredded cheese, and en3oy6

+%EET +T#3<'

#3E A&7 4A&G) ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 $id

#&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne can =;;X natural coconut milk (look in the %sian section) 0hite minute rice -resh mango .ptional) .ne cup sugar P EPA AT#)&6 & $ook rice per normal instructions, only with coconut milk instead of water. %dd sugar first and mi' generously. & %dd rice at a rolling boil and let cook 3ust a few minutes longer than normal. & 0hen done, spoon into container, let sit to thicken and refrigerate. 7at with freshly sliced mango6 PEPPE E7 G EE& 2EA&+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 74 #&G E7#E&T+6 *reen beans. The fresh ones (the ones you have to snap, take the tops off of, et cetera) taste the best, but this is Bovember. -ro+en bags work 3ust as well. (eppercorn grinder. 0hatever kind, really) but it has to be freshly ground. .live oil. This is key. $anola oil works, but it's really not as good as the olive oil. P EPA AT#)&6 & (our a little bit of olive oil in a frying pan1skillet and heat it up. & (our however many green beans into your skillet once it's heated up) then get your peppercorn grinder and add however much pepper you want. 0e tend to add a lot to our's, but it's pretty much by taste. & $ook them until they look as you desire. 0e blacken1carameli+e ours a little and they are ama+ing. I highly suggest it. They really taste great when you season them with a little salt once you serve them. 0e've also learn that they blacken up a little better when you cook them in a cast iron skillet as opposed to a regular Teflon or whatever frying pan.

+T*""E7 3AP+#3*4+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 heart.mo3o #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne capsicum 7nough chopped mushrooms to fill it (depends on the si+e of both capsicum and mushroom... and for the sake of your writing, you'll want to be sure the mushrooms aren't of the 'magic' variety.... then again, maybe it would helpL) %bout a tablespoon of butter1margarine % teaspoon of whole grain mustard % teaspoon of !i3on mustard (epper, to taste (arsley, to taste P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to =>;<$. & $ut the guts out of the capsicum and wash it, then dry it nicely and put it in an oven proof baking dish. & $ut the mushrooms into nice, regular si+es, and s5uash them into the capsicum. melt the butter, then mi' in the mustards, then pour (or dollop & it can be pretty thick if you leave it to sit for any space of time). & The stuff over the mushrooms in the capsicum, put pepper on top, I like a lot of pepper, but maybe you only like a bit, I dunno, do IL & Stick it in the oven for half an hour, and use this convenient time to daydream about what could happen ne't in your pretty bloody fabulous bit of novel. Time flies by. & Aemove from oven and stick a bit of parsley on top, being careful not to burn yourself. & !evour. & Aeturn to caffeine and crampy hands. ?ou have been fed. 3HE3<E 2)A 7 P)TAT)E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 aurorablack #&G E7#E&T+6 Three (eight ounce) sweet potatoes, cut into one&fourth inch slices Three large red potatoes, cut into one&fourth inch slices .ne cup heavy cream .ne&half cup unsalted butter Salt to taste .ne&half teaspoon ground cinnamon, or to taste P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat the oven to 9O:< - (=F;< $). & In a nine by thirteen inch baking dish, alternate the sweet potato and red potato slices in overlapping rows to create a checkerboard effect. (our the cream evenly over the potatoes. !ot with pieces of butter, and sprinkle with cinnamon. & #ake uncovered for one hour in the preheated oven, or until the potatoes are fork tender, and slightly brown around the edges. Aemove from the oven and let stand for fifteen minutes before serving.

2 )33)5# A 5A 2 E4&E 3A"E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 3itterymouse Bote from the contributor) #remner *old "ining !istrict is located at [=R='N>LB =K9RN['NKL0 (although, that may be $hitina, now that I think about it), and here's the 0iki pageD httpDZen.wikipedia.org1wiki1#remnerJ2istoricJ"iningJ!istrict. The #remner $afe is the name we give the bunkhouse in the summer when an B(S volunteer comes out to caretake the place... she's very nice and she cooks ... which is welcomed when you've been on the trail for days eating free+e dried stuff... D&) It's an old picture on the 0iki page. 0e pushed the truck back into the garage years ago. 7n3oy6 #&G E7#E&T+6 -resh broccoli (depending on how hungry you are or what you have in you rucksack) Two cloves of fresh garlic (mashed with your Swiss %rmy knife) .live oil (enough to get the garlic nicely browned) Sundried tomatoes (cut into strips && use your ,eatherman for this if you're in a pinch && bagged or 3arred && bagged are lighter) Two teaspoons ground ginger (or to taste) Two teaspoons turmeric (or to taste) .ne&half cup walnuts (I usually get the halves and then crush them for this recipe) Salt1pepper to taste P EPA AT#)&6 & (ut frying pan over a pocket rocket (ultra high heat makes this better), saute garlic in olive oil, add broccoli and stir like a stir fry. %dd spices and the sundried tomatoes and T27B walnuts. #roccoli will turn that nice, dark green, and the walnuts will actually carameli+e a bit if you've crushed them and gotten the pocket rocket hot enough... E)E +3H4) H)4E " #E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ,ydiaJ7mber Bote from the contributor) The pan I used was kinda small (about seven inches). -eel free to ad3ust the amounts. #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne large potato or two to three small potatoes, diced (don't dice this too early or it starts to turn gray) %round two to three tablespoons of veggie oil Salt and pepper to taste (those spice mi'es are good if all you have are the potatoes) .ptional) 2alf an onion, diced (I like Cidalia, but white or yellow should be fine) %bout one&fourth cup of mushrooms, chopped P EPA AT#)&6 & %dd oil to pan over medium heat. If you have an onion, dice it and add it now. & .nce onion is turning brown, add potatoes and mushrooms. %dd a little salt and pepper here. & $over. Stir occasionally. It's done 3ust when some of the potatoes start to crisp, about =:&N; minutes or so.

GA 5#3 +4A+HE7 P)TAT)E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 mutewolfJ #&G E7#E&T+6 Aed potatoes (I leave the skin on because I like it and cook as many as I think boyfriend and I will eat) *arlic 0hole milk (I prefer it since it's a little creamier but fat free or skim is fine too) #utter P EPA AT#)&6 & #oil the potatoes until they are soft and drain the water all out. I add about half a stick of butter or roughly four tablespoons. & Smash the potatoes all up with a pair of tongs or fork or whatever you have handy6 & (our in some milk, I go for about half a cup. %dd more for creamier potatoes, add less for thicker. & $hop up some garlic cloves. I add two to four but, again, add less for not so much garlicky taste, etc. "i' it all in and serve6 4E7#TE A&EA& P)TAT) +A5A7! 3)&T #2*T) 6 0oodsmoke

#&G E7#E&T+6 Two and one&half pounds small red skinned potatoes (two and one&fourth to three inches), scrubbed .ne&half cup thinly sliced green onions .ne and one&half cups (two and three&fourths ounces) crumbled feta cheese .ne&fourth cup minced fresh basil Si' ounces 3ar roasted red peppers , drained .ne&half cup nonfat cottage cheese .ne&half cup chicken broth Two tablespoons lemon 3uice .ne&fourth tablespoon ground pepper Salt and pepper P EPA AT#)&6 & In a large pan, bring three 5uarts water to a boil. %dd potatoes, cover, and cook over medium heat until potatoes are 3ust tender when pierced, thirty to forty minutes. !rain, and immerse in cold water. $ut cooled potatoes into 5uarters. In a large bowl, combine potatoes with green onions, feta cheese, and basil. & In a blender, whirl red peppers, cottage cheese, chicken broth, lemon 3uice, and ground pepper until smooth. Toss gently but thoroughly with potato mi'ture) season to taste with salt and more pepper.

#&+A&E5' 7E5#3#)*+ +T*""E7 4*+H ))4+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 bighillgoddess #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9:;<& ,ine cookie sheet with thirty to forty mushroom caps (keep stems for the stuffing) that have been gently brushed1wiped off. #rush with melted butter. & "i'D .ne block of softened cream cheese .ne&half cup freshly grated (armesan&Aeggiano cheese Two tablespoons finely chopped scallion Two tablespoons butter .ne teaspoon olive oil -ifteen finely chopped mushroom stems Splash of red wine (optional) & Stuff mushrooms with mi'ture, then & "i'D -our tablespoons Italian bread crumbs .ne&half teaspoon oregano .ne tablespoon chopped parsley !ash of salt and pepper & Sprinkle over stuffed mushrooms & #ake for fifteen to twenty minutes. 3HEE+E 3))<#E+>P*""+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Cin'man Bote from the contributor) These free+e well. Aeheat directly from free+er at N:; for : to =; minutes. #&G E7#E&T+6 7ight ounces of grated cheddar cheese .ne&half cup butter .ne cup flour .ne&half teaspoon salt .ne cup of Aice rispies .ne&fourth teaspoon cayenne pepper P EPA AT#)&6 & $ream cheese and butter together. %dd flour, salt and pepper. %dd cereal and mi' with hands. #atter will be stiff. & "ake small balls and flatten with a fork in cross hatch pattern. & #ake at 9:;<- for seventeen minutes, or until golden brown.

A*33H#&# " #TTE + ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Baydriel #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne small egg, lightly whisked .ne tablespoon self&raising flour .ne tablespoon buttermilk Two small +ucchinis, about N;; grams, coarsely grated -ifty grams of feta, crumbled 2alf of a red onion, halved and thinly sliced Two teaspoons finely chopped fresh thyme .ne clove garlic, crushed Salt and black pepper .ne tablespoon vegetable oil .ne lemon, cut into wedges P EPA AT#)&6 & $ombine egg, flour and buttermilk in a bowl. & %dd +ucchini, feta, onion, thyme and garlic and gently stir to combine. & Season with salt and pepper. & 2eat the oil in a non&stick frying pan over medium heat. & (lace four heaped tablespoons of +ucchini mi'ture around the edge of the pan, allowing room for spreading, and flatten slightly. & -ry for one to two minutes each side or until golden and cooked through. & Transfer to a plate lined with paper towels. & Aepeat with the remaining +ucchini mi'ture. & Serve with lemon wedges. 5E"T)$E 4A+HE7 P)TAT) 3A<E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Aaksab #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne pound leftover cooked potatoes .ne egg 2alf of an onion, minced .ne&half cup grated cheese "ustard Salt P EPA AT#)&6 & "ash the potatoes so they're in small chunks and crumbles. "i' in the cheese and the onion bits so they're evenly distributed. #eat the eggs and add a generous spoonful of mustard. %dd some salt to the egg mi'ture. Stir the eggs into the potatoes, and keep stirring so the potatoes are more or less coated with the eggy stuff. & *rease and flour a small baking dish or cast iron skillet. (ress the potato mess into the pan, and s5uish it down gently so the top is more or less flat. (.ptionalD *rate more cheese and sprinkle on top. #readcrumbs are good too.) & #ake in the oven at 9:;R- until the top and edges get golden brown, about twenty minutes. & $ut in slices and eat.


4)3HA 3)""EE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 TowerJ eeper #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne cup instant coffee powder Twelve envelopes instant cocoa mi' -our 5uarts hot water .ne 5uart milk $innamon sticks and whipped topping P EPA AT#)&6 & $ombine all ingredients e'cept cinnamon and whipped topping in slow cooker. Stir well. $over and cook on 2I*2 for four hours. Stir well after three hours. & Turn control know to ,.0. Serve immediately or keep warm as desired. Serve in mugs with cinnamon sticks and whipped topping. "akes about five 5uarts. *++#A& TEA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 krechet Bote from the contributor) "y mother has made this since I was little and continues to do so every winter. It's a sweet1tart drink that's easy to make and convenient, and I've always loved it. 2ope you en3oy it6 #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne cup instant tea Two cups Tang mi' (or generic brand orange breakfast drink mi') .ne&half cup Splenda .ne and one&half teaspoons cinnamon .ne teaspoon ground clove P EPA AT#)&6 eep in a 3ar or closed container. & %dd one or two spoon fulls to your taste to one drinking mug full of hot water. & (ut all together in a Miploc bag and shake until evenly mi'ed. H)T $A&#55A ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 simplywriting #&G E7#E&T+6 Two cups milk .ne&fourth cup whipping cream .ne whole vanilla bean .ne and one&half cups sugar P EPA AT#)&6 & Split the vanilla bean in half, lengthwise and save one half for & In a saucepan, mi' the milk, the cream and the sugar. Scrape out the vanilla pod and mi' them into the pan also. & #ring the vanilla mi'ture to a low simmer. Aemove from the heat, fifteen minutes. & Strain out any remaining vanilla seeds. Then put the pot back on heat through again. & 0hisk through and pour into a mug. another recipe. the seeds from and 4steep4 for the stove, and

D*#3< ) A&GE E*5#*+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 3oeyh #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne&third cup dried milk 7ight ounces orange Euice !ash of vanilla Splenda (to taste) Ice P EPA AT#)&6 & (lace all ingredients in a tightly sealed container and shake until blended and frothy. P#&A 3)5A7A ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Shona #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne&fourth cup pineapple 3uice .ne&fourth cup coconut cream1milk .ne tablespoon white sugar Two to three cubes of ice .ptional) Two tablespoons white rum (I don't recommend it for when you're trying to focus. "ore of a celebratory addition at the end of Bovember.) 3H*&<' 25*E2E ' +4))TH#E 84#&*+ THE 25E&7E ; ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Spork*irl

#&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & (ick your favorite large cup or mug and fill it about three&fourths full of blueberries. (This works best with fro+en blueberries.) %dd as much sugar as you want and fill it with 3ust enough milk to cover the blueberries. %fter you mi' it (I prefer a fork) for a few minutes it turns into a sort of chunky smoothie. 4*55E7 3#7E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 writerKchrist;:

#&G E7#E&T+6 Two 5uarts apple cider .ne&fourth packed brown sugar Two sticks cinnamon .ne teaspoon whole cloves .ne&eighth teaspoon ground ginger .ne orange, sliced (unpeeled) P EPA AT#)&6 & $ombine ingredients in slow&cooking pot. $over and heat on low for two to five hours or longer. Serve from pot. "akes ten to twelve servings. APP5E 3#7E $#&EGA CTEAC ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 -o'wind

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne teaspoon apple cider vinegar (preferably #raggs, because it has the floaty pulpy stuff in it) .ne or more teaspoons honey 2ot water

"A53)& P*&3H ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 $aptain -reetime #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne twelve ounce can orange 3uice concentrate .ne twelve ounce can lemonade concentrate Two twelve ounce cans pineapple concentrate .ne two liter bottle of "ountain !ew .ne to three cups of Sugar .ptional) .ne to two energy shots P EPA AT#)&6 & $ombine the 3uices into a large pitcher. Stir together so it's not as thick as the orange 3uice is & %dd the sugar, and stir once more. & %dd energy shots, if you wish. & %dd in "ountain !ew, stir again. & eep contents chilled and under pressure. & 7n3oy. 2A+#5 5E4)&A7E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 !anica: #&G E7#E&T+6 Simple sugar syrup) .ne cup sugar .ne cup water -our large basil leaves, washed and shredded ,emonade) Ice .ne cup lemon 3uice Two to three cups water P EPA AT#)&6 & (lace ingredients in a sauce pan and cook 3ust until the sugar goes into solution. & -ill a large pitcher half way with ice, and combine lemon 3uice and water. #lend all ingredients together. Taste and ad3ust for sweetness or tartness. %#&TE #&G .ne Si' .ne %A 4(*P ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 writerKchrist;:

E7#E&T+6 (four to five 5uart) bottle sherry or muscatel cups orange 3uice teaspoon ground cardamom

P EPA AT#)&6 & In slow&cooking pot, combine wine with orange 3uice and cardamom. $over and heat on low for two to three hours. ,adle into heat&proof glasses or mugs. "akes ten to twelve servings.

4)3HA " APP*3#&) ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 simplywriting #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne&half cup milk Two tablespoons chocolate syrup .ne tablespoon granulated sugar, plus .ne teaspoon granulated sugar .ne&third cup strong coffee .ne cup ice P EPA AT#)&6 & In a blender, combine everything but the ice, and blend until sugar has dissolved. Then add the ice and blend until smooth. & If you want more ice, add and then blend again. & %lso if you would like a hot version of this, mi' all ingredients e'cept ice together in a pan on the stove. 2eat until hot, stirring constantly. & (our into mugs and add some whipped cream on top. ) A&GE T#3 TA3 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 "urder!eath ill #&G E7#E&T+6 Two ounces #acardi . or other orange&flavored rum Aed #ull (season to taste) P EPA AT#)&6 & "i', drink. 7nter creativity6 Studies show it improves your singing, too. 2A&A&A 4#5< ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 angelfreak>K Bote from the contributor) I bet it'd also be good adding a bit of ice cream and making it more of a smoothie. #&G Two Two .ne E7#E&T+6 cups milk to four bananas (however strong you like the taste) teaspoon vanilla e'tract

P EPA AT#)&6 & $ombine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. 8A5TE &AT#$E E3#PE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 alei3i #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne banana .ne cup milk .ne teaspoon vanilla e'tract *round cinnamon P EPA AT#)&6 & $ut banana into small pieces. (ut banana pieces, milk, and vanilla e'tract in blender and blend until creamy. *arnish with cinnamon.;

$EGA& H)T 3H)3)5ATE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 bubble #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & (ut small amount of plain1unsweetened soy milk (thick varieties are better) in cup, heat 'til 5uite hot. & %dd a somewhat heaping teaspoonful of sugar (less for sweetened soy milk), a 5uite heaping teaspoonful of cocoa powder, a drop of vanilla e'tract, and a scanty pinch of salt. .ptionalD cinnamon powder. & Stir. & %dd more soy milk and stir again. & 2eat to desired temperature and stir some more. +P #TE A&7 ) A&GE E*#3E 4#, ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 sushimustwrite #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne cup orange 3uice .ne cup Sprite or similar carbonated beverage ?ou can ad3ust the ingredient amounts as desired. This is 3ust enough for a nice tall fi++y glass. P EPA AT#)&6 & (our orange 3uice into a glass. (our Sprite on top. !rink and en3oy the energy rush. 0rite. (.ptional but encouraged.) # #+H 3)""EE 8G )%& *P; ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Aaksab #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne cup strong black coffee .ne shot whiskey Some heavy cream P EPA AT#)&6 - *ently stir all together, add sugar to taste, and drink S,.0,?. ()e a are that caffeine and hot drinks (oth speed your uptake of alcohol' meaning you ill get intoxicated faster. *se appropriate caution.) ,a+y versionD add a generous shot of #ailey's Irish $ream to coffee. 3) E3T G EE& TEA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Canyahiril Bote from the contributor) This isn@t much of a recipe, but I always thought I hated green tea until I was told how to do it properly. %pparently black tea is slightly fermented, and therefore the flavor won@t be damaged by boiling water. *reen tea, however is not fermented, and boiling water burns it, making it taste bitter. #&G E7#E&T+6 *reen tea (teabag, or loose leaf) 0ater % tea kettle % tiny dollop of honey, if you must P EPA AT#)&6 & #ring water to a boil in the kettle, then remove from heat, and let cool for a minute or two (our over teabag and let steep for one to three minutes (I prefer the flavor at three). %dd your sweetener right after you pour, so that it has a chance to dissolve. 7n3oy.

THE TH )%(#T(A55(#&(A(25E&7E

4#5<+HA<E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 &-antasy0riter& && whatever you ice cream bars, a little water think will work.

#&G E7#E&T+6 ,i5uid && "ilk, of any kind. $hocolate, vanilla, strawberry, plain have in the fridge Thickener && %gain, any number of things work. Ice cream, pudding, whip cream, cool whip, chocolate mousse, powdered brownie mi' with so it's thick. 7'tra flavor && any kind of sundae topping1syrup you have that you

P EPA AT#)&6 & Throw it all in a blender. There's no e'act measurements, but keep in mind that if your 4thickener4 isn't all that thick, like cool whip, chocolate mousse, or pudding, you'll need less milk, and vice versa. If you're using a thick syrup like 2ershey's chocolate or caramel syrup, it can also thicken up your shake, but you'll need a lot of it. "y favorite formula is milk, -udgesicle, chocolate syrup, and cool whip & makes a light, fluffy milkshake that's to !I7 for. 7E5#3#)*+ 3)""EE 4#5<+HA<E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 writer&chick=N9 #&G E7#E&T+6 Ice cream (I used vanilla, but any flavor would work, I assume) Instant coffee "ilk "ini %ero chocolate bars (again, I assume any kind would work) P EPA AT#)&6 & Throw it all in a blender and make sure that it's blended A7%,,? A7%,,? well or you'll get little chocolate bar chunks. 3#&&A4)& APP5E 3#7E #&G E7#E&T+6 %pple 3uice $innamon powder P EPA AT#)&6 & (our some apple 3uice into a cup1mug1whatever. The amount you use doesn't matter. & (ut a few dashes of cinnamon powder into the apple 3uice. ?ou probably won't need more than a few shakes, but you can always add more when you're done if necessary. & Stir well. & (ut in microwave for one to two minutes, depending on how hot you would like it to be. ( Stir once more and en3oy your cider6 ?ou can also add more cinnamon at this point and put in the microwave an additional thirty seconds if you would like to. 2A&A&A +4))TH#E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Sa+iikins #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & $ut up a banana and put it into a blender. %dd milk, the amount depending on how smooth you want it. ?ou can also add vanilla ice cream which sweetens it and thickens it. #lend together and drink. ?ou can make it with strawberries too, and banana and strawberries together. It's lovely and refreshing and good for you. ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 amandaJkristin

7A79+ 7#A2ET#3(" #E&75' +%ET TEA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 !" #&G E7#E&T+6 Bine tea bags (we do three of the singles and three of the doubles) and I know my math sucks, but I'm pretty sure that's nine) .ne and one&fourths cup Splenda. ?ou can substitute it with sugar, but I'm not sure if it would be the same. Ten cups of water P EPA AT#)&6 & (ut tea bags in the...thing they put the coffee in on the coffee maker. I am so elo5uent, you know. & -ill the carafe full with water and pour it into the coffee maker. & .nce it brews, get an empty gallon of milk or a gallon pitcher, and put the sugar in it. Then pour the brewed tea in from the carafe and put it in the fridge. Tastes best with a bunch of ice. " *#T A&7 +P#&A3H +4))TH#E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 fullmoonmidget #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) Spinach -ruit of choice ?ogurt #erries (blueberries work best) .ptional) -la' Seed or oil .ne teaspoon peanut butter P EPA AT#)&6 & Toss everything in blender, spinach and yogurt first, so you can be sure it gets blended. If using fla' seed that should go in early too. (eanut butter gives it a really rich flavor. /se as much berries as needed to make it colorful. Start with a handful of spinach. 3A""E#&E(" EE H)&E' 4#5< TEA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 !ragonJ*al Bote from the contributor) %dding cinnamon or nutmeg might work too. #&G E7#E&T+6 "ilk 2oney P EPA AT#)&6 & -ill your mug with milk, then add some honey. (I believe I used about three teaspoons, but this can be varied to suit personal tastes) & "icrowave the mi'ture for si'ty seconds, before pulling out and stirring. & Then microwave for a further thirty seconds.

2*225' +*44E TEA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 %niAemi Bote from the contributor) It's happiness in a glass. % lovely summery variation on traditional Southern sweet tea that sustained me during $amp. #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) Two bags iced tea brew .ne and one&half cups sugar .ne orange .ne two liter bottle lemon&lime soda .ptional) .ne small bag any fruit&flavored tea you want & I like white mango tea) P EPA AT#)&6 & #oil two 5uarts clean fresh water. Aemove from heat, add all teabags 3ust when the bubbling stops, and steep for ten minutes. !on't boil teabags & it makes the tea bitter. & 0hile you wait, combine water and sugar in pitcher. Euice orange (save a few thin slices for garnish) and add 3uice to pitcher. & (our steeped tea into pitcher, add orange slices, and chill. Serve over ice combined with lemon&lime soda. D*#3< A&7 EA5 H)T 3)3)A! 3)&T #2*T) 6 writerKchrist;:

#&G E7#E&T+6 Two tablespoons sugar Two tablespoons cocoa powder % dash of salt .ne cup milk .ne&fourth teaspoon vanilla, almond, peppermint, or another of your favorite e'tracts P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' sugar, cocoa, and salt in large mug. 2eat milk in microwave at high a minute and a half, or until hot. *radually add milk to cocoa mi'ture) stir well. Stir in e'tract. 2*225' 2A&A&A ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 -ruple #&G .ne .ne 9;; E7#E&T+6 banana can of lime 3uice milliliter can of ginger&ale

P EPA AT#)&6 & (ull all ingredients in blender. "i'.

+PE3#A5 7A < 3)3)A ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 simplywriting #&G Two Two Two .ne .ne .ne E7#E&T+6 cups whole milk ounces dark chocolate, grated teaspoons honey tablespoon brown sugar teaspoon vanilla cinnamon stick

P EPA AT#)&6 & (our the milk into a small saucepan over medium heat. %dd the grated chocolate, honey, sugar and cinnamon stick. & $ontinue heating and stir gently and constantly until the chocolate melts. %dd the vanilla. Aemove the cinnamon stick 3ust before serving. & %dd some whipped cream on top and heat yourself up on a cold evening. #&+TA&T 5*&3H ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 %mber gris #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & "ake a paste with two heaping tablespoons of milk powder, one spoon of water. & (lop into glass. & -ill glass with cold milk. & S5uirt in some chocolate syrup. & Stir vigorously. EA+'= '*44' +4))TH#E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 pearannoyed #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne to one and one&half cup fro+en fruit mi' & I prefer a tropical blend, but any fruit will work. Three&fourths to one cup mango nectar or other 3uice .ne&half cup milk or soy milk .ne scoop (about one&eighth cup) chocolate or vanilla whey protein powder .ne&half scoop (about one to one and one&half teaspoons) fruit punch flavored workout supplement .ne small scoop (about one tablespoon) ground fla' I'm kinda guessing on my proportions. I make these by dumping fro+en fruit and 3uice into my blender... 4about up to there4. I usually end up with enough for one gigantic smoothie or two average smoothies or three smallish smoothies depending whether my husband and son are around and want a smoothie. "y daughter, the weirdo, won't drink smoothies. P EPA AT#)&6 & Throw all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth. %dd more 3uice or milk if it's too thick. %dd some crushed ice if it's too runny. (our into thirty&two ounce plastic cup from a fastfood place and en3oy through a fat straw if available (skinny straws don't do so well with smoothies). If you add berries, raspberries and blueberries are best because they don't have seeds. If you use strawberries, blackberries, marion berries, et cetera, limit the total number of berries to three to five so you don't end up with too many seeds...unless you don't mind a little e'tra te'ture in your smoothie. ?ou can leave out any of the supplements, but they add a lot to the flavor and make this smoothie a healthy meal replacement instead of 3ust a bunch of e'tra&fruity calories.

3A"K 4)3HA ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Ceruca #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne cup of strong coffee Two tablespoons sugar (I use Sugar in the Aaw) it tastes ama+ing6) Two tablespoons milk1creamer (feel free to use more or less creamer1milk...I usually get very carried away with this step6) .ne tablespoons chocolate syrup .ptional) Two tablespoons white chocolate flavoring syrup (I usually do either chocolate syrup or white chocolate flavoring syrup as opposed to using both) P EPA AT#)&6 & %fter you have your mug of coffee hot and ready to go, start combining things6 .nce you'd added all the ingredients, stir well and drink immediately6 THE TH )%(#T(A55(#&(A(25E&7E +4))T#E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 &-antasy0riter&

#&G E7#E&T+6 ,i5uidD "ilk, orange 3uice, other fruit 3uices ThickenerD ?ogurt of any kind, ice cream, pudding -ruitD -ro+en fruit, fresh fruit, fruit popsicles P EPA AT#)&6 -rom the editor) (lease see &-antasy0riter&'s milkshake recipe on page =OF for instructions on preparing this. 2A&A&A ) A&GE P#&EAPP5E +4))TH#E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 simplywriting #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne banana .ne and one&half cups pineapple chunks, drained .ne&half cup orange 3uice .ne&half cup milk Two tablespoons honey -our to five ice cubes P EPA AT#)&6 & (lace all ingredients into the blender. #lend until smooth. Serve. !elish6 2A&A&A H)&E' ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 -ruple #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne one&half cups vanilla soy milk (or regular reduced fat milk) Two large bananas .ne cup yogurt (plain or vanilla && fro+en works great) .ne&fourth cup clover honey .ne&half teaspoon vanilla e'tract .ne&eighth teaspoon ground nutmeg P EPA AT#)&6 & (ut all ingredients in a blender, mi'.

HE )E+9 HE 3*5A7E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 2ideyo #&G .ne .ne .ne E7#E&T+6 pint purple grape 3uice pint ginger ale pint club soda

P EPA AT#)&6 & 7ither mi' warm ingredients together and chill, or chill ingredients overnight and mi'. ?ou can make more or less, as long as you add the same amount of everything. Cery very C7A? easy and pretty good6 EA+' H)T 3)3)A ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 %et ,indling #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & "icrowave some chocolate milk until it's hot. THE +4))TH#E )" HEA5TH ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 astults #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne banana, fro+en % handful of fro+en (organic if you can) berries, your choice (about one&third cup) .ne&half cup fro+en organic spinach (a big handful) Two scoops protein powder (I use a vanilla whey protein powder) .ne&half cup -age yogurt (I use the nonfat. -age is creamy and 0.B!7A-/,) .ne&half cup orange 3uice 0ater, as needed If you like it sweeter, add one packet M Sweet (this is a sugar alcohol that is safe6) P EPA AT#)&6 & (ut everything in a blender (I have a K:; watt blender that works great6) and ,7T 27A AI(6 $A&#55A 5ATTE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 $EF= #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & Start brewing a pot of whatever coffee you happen to like. 0hen it gets close to done, fill your mug halfway with milk and add however much sugar you like in your coffee (two spoonfuls is about right for me), plus a few drops of vanilla e'tract. "i' it as well as you can, then stick in the microwave for a couple minutes. 0atch closely, and when the milk starts boiling, take it out. The coffee should be done by now, so fill your mug the rest of the way with coffee, give it a stir, and en3oy6

2*TTE 2EE 5ATTE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 !ragon *al Bote from the contributor) Some whipped cream topped with cinnamon would be a nice addition to this drink. The mug mentioned is whatever mug you're using to drink it. #&G E7#E&T+6 Two tablespoons butter Two tablespoons brown sugar .ne mug of milk .ne teaspoon vanilla essence !ash of cinnamon P & & & & EPA AT#)&6 "i' and heat the butter and brown sugar in a saucepan until caramelised "i' vanilla and milk, then add to saucepan. #ring to boil %dd cinnamon (our mi'ture into mug, and it's ready to drink.

+*PE A4AA#&G 3A #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6

)T(APP5E+A*3E +P#3E 3A<E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 phoeni'.spice

& (reheat oven to 9O:<& In large bowl, mi'D .ne cup freshly grated carrots .ne cup unsweetened applesauce (if sweetened is all you have, cut a bit of the sugar out) .ne&third cup vegetable oil .ne tablespoon vanilla e'tract .ne teaspoon almond e'tract (if you have it1like it) & Sift together and add to wet mi'tureD .ne and one&half cups flour .ne cup sugar .ne teaspoon baking soda .ne&half teaspoon salt Spices to taste (about two to four teaspoons) & #ake thirty&five to fifty minutes in greased thirteen inch by nine inch pan. -reshly grated carrots give the cake a richer te'ture, but if you want to buy the preshredded ones to save time (it saves about si' minutes) go ahead, I 3ust wouldn't suggest it. Spices I en3oy in my cake areD Butmeg, clove, cinnamon and black pepper. #aking time will most likely vary upon your oven and how cooked you like your cakes. P#&EAPP5E A&GE5 "))7 +P)&GE 3A<E TH#&G ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 #ird0hisperer #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne bo' of angel food cake mi' .ne (twenty ounces) can of crushed pineapples. P EPA AT#)&6 & "ake the angel food cake as directed on the bo', and pour it into a greased, nine inch by thirteen inch pan. & (our in the pineapples, then fold it into the cake mi' with a spatula or spoon. #ake at 9:;< - (=O:<$) for twenty&five minutes or until golden brown. ?ou can eat it plain or with whipped cream.


3A<E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 lrparks

#&G E7#E&T+6 Two cups flour .ne&half teaspoon salt .ne teaspoon baking soda .ne cup dark brown sugar .ne&half cup sugar .ne&half cup butter, softened .ne cup buttermilk .ne egg .ne teaspoon vanilla .ne cup 2eath toffee bits .ne cup mini chocolate morsels .ne cup chopped nuts (not peanuts) P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9:;R-. & #utter =9'F'N&inch pan. & Sift the flour, salt, and soda together and set aside. & $ream the sugars and butter together. %dd the flour mi'ture, then the rest of the li5uid ingredients and mi' until uniform. (our into the prepared pan. Sprinkle the toffee bits, morsels, and nuts uniformly over the top of the batter. #ake until the top is golden and a toothpick comes out of the center clean. %bout thirty to forty minutes, depending on your oven. 7*4P 3A<E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ristyn"arie

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne bo' yellow cake mi' .ne stick (one&half cup) margarine .ne can (twenty ounces) crushed pineapple .ne can pie filling (cherry, apple, or blueberry) .ne&half cup chopped walnuts or pecans P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9:;<. & "i' undrained pineapple and pie filling in the bottom of a nine inch by thirteen inch baking dish. & Sprinkle dry cake mi' over the mi'ture. & !ot with pats of butter. Top with chopped nuts. & #ake forty&five minutes to one hour. & $ool in dish. Serve with vanilla ice cream or $ool 0hip6

E7 $E5$ET 3A<E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 7vil8ueen #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne&half cup shortening .ne and one&half cups sugar Two eggs Two tablespoons cocoa .ne one&half ounce red food coloring .ne teaspoon salt Two and one&half cups flour .ne teaspoon vanilla .ne cup buttermilk .ne teaspoon soda .ne tablespoons vinegar P EPA AT#)&6 & $ream shortening) beat in sugar gradually. %dd eggs, one at a time) beat well after each addition. & "ake paste of cocoa and food coloring) add to creamed mi'ture. & %dd salt, flour and vanilla alternately with buttermilk, beating well after each addition. & Sprinkle soda over vinegar) pour vinegar over batter. Stir until thoroughly mi'ed. & #ake in three eight inch pans or two nine inch pans for thirty minutes at 9:;R. 3A<E #& A 4*G ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 0illowe #&G E7#E&T+6 -our tablespoons cake flour (plain, not self&rising) -our tablespoons sugar Two tablespoons cocoa .ne egg Three tablespoons milk Three tablespoons oil Small splash of vanilla Three tablespoons chocolate chips P EPA AT#)&6 & %dd dry ingredients to mug, mi' well with a fork. & %dd egg, mi' thoroughly. & (our in milk and oil and vanilla, mi' well. %dd chips. & (ut mug in microwave, and cook for three minutes on =;;; watts. & $ake will rise over top of mug && do not be alarmed6 & %llow to cool a little) tip onto a plate if desired. & 7at6 Bote from the contributor) This needs a bit more chocolate than the recipe calls for. !on't put in too much vanilla or it tastes horrible. Ice cream or whip cream with it is absolutely delicious. I'm still e'perimenting with this recipe. I've made it good a couple of times and horribly a few times as well.

+TA 2*3<+ G#&GE 2 EA7 5)A" ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 TowerJ eeper #&G E7#E&T+6 3ake@ "andatory) .ne and one&half cups all&purpose flour Two teaspoons ground cinnamon .ne teaspoon ground cloves Two one&fourth teaspoons ginger .ne teaspoon salt .ne&half cup butter, softened .ne cup white sugar .ne cup applesauce .ne teaspoon baking soda .ptional) .ne teaspoon orange e'tract "rosting@ .ne (eight ounce) package cream cheese, softened .ne teaspoon vanilla e'tract .ne&half teaspoon orange e'tract two and one&half cups confectioner's sugar P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat your oven to 9:;< -. *rease and flour a nine&inch s5uare pan. & In a medium bowl, mi' together flour, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and salt. Then set aside. In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar until fluffy. Stir in orange e'tract. & "i' baking soda into applesauce and stir into creamed butter mi'ture. & %dd flour mi'ture. "i' until smooth. (our batter into prepared loaf pan. & #ake at 9:;< - for forty to fifty minutes or until a toothpick inserted into center of cake comes out clean. " )+T#&G P EPA AT#)&6 & #eat cream cheese until fluffy. #eat in vanilla and orange e'tract. Slowly beat in confectioner's sugar. .nce the cake has cooled, evenly spread the frosting on top. !ecorate with chopped candied orange peel or candied ginger. &*TE55A 3A<E #& A 4*G ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 IrishIris #&G E7#E&T+6 -our tablespoons self&rising flour -our tablespoons granulated sugar .ne egg Three tablespoons cocoa powder Three tablespoons Butella Three tablespoons milk Three tablespoons vegetable oil P EPA AT#)&6 & 0hisk all ingredients together in mug with fork until smooth. & "icrowave on high for one to one and two&thirds minutes & Top with whipped cream and chocolate sauce (if desired) "akes one C7A? ,%A*7 serving.

5A4#&GT)&+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 %et ,indling #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) Sponge cake (eight inches by eight inches preferably) -our cups powdered sugar .ne&thirds cup cocoa powder .ne&half cup milk (soymilk works fine if you're vegan) Two cups of shredded coconut .ptional) Three tablespoons unsalted butter P EPA AT#)&6 & $ut the sponge cake into two inch s5uares and chill them. 0hile they're in the refrigerator, write. & 2eat the butter, if you are using it, in a small bowl in the microwave until it has melted. & "i' powdered sugar, cocoa powder, butter, and milk until the mi'ture is smooth. & This is messy, so do it over newspaper or some such. Take a s5uare and dip each side in the icing so that it is covered completely. (ut it on wa' paper, repeat. & 0hen all s5uares of cake are iced, put the shredded coconut in a bowl and cover each s5uare in it. Ideally, you should cover it so thoroughly that you will be able to hold them without getting your hands messier. & $hill the lamingtons in the refrigerator. I suggest putting them in a Tupperware container separated by layers of aluminum foil or wa' paper. (,ay some down at the bottom, put foil over, lay some down over those, put foil over, repeat until all lamingtons are stored.) They will keep for about two weeks like this and should last you that long, unless you gobble them all down right away. 4#7) #9+ 3H)3)5ATE 3A<E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 whiteorchids Bote from the contributor) This is my friend "idori's recipe, so all the credit goes to her. IB*A7!I7BTSD Two hundred grams dark chocolate or milk chocolate Two hundred grams butter Two hundred grams sugar -our eggs -our tablespoons flour (A7(%A%TI.BD & "elt the chocolate and butter in a pan on the stove & "i' the sugar with the eggs until smooth & $ombine the chocolate and butter mi'ture in with the sugar and egg mi'ture & "i' and add flour & "i' together and pour into a pan & $ook on 9O:<- for about twenty minutes, or until fork comes out clean.

4E5T#&G 3H)3)5ATE 3A<E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 SA #&G E7#E&T+6 N;; grams of dark chocolate. Twenty&five grams of soft butter =;; grams of brown sugar Three eggs Twenty&five grams flour P EPA AT#)&6 & Start the oven up at N;;<$. & "elt the chocolate, either in the microwave or over boiling water, doesn't matter much as long as it melts. & "i' the sugar and the butter together, then once it's mi'ed add the three eggs to the mi'ture one by one and mi' it up. %dd the flour to the mi'ture and maybe a pinch of salt. & ,astly you add the melted chocolate to the mi'ture. Stir well6 & Bow either you can grab a spoon and eat the mi'ture, but that would let the cupcake cups go to waste, so you divide the mi'ture over as many cupcakes cups as you can (generally one batch will consist of nine cupcakes shapes, not sure about muffin shapes but I'd assume si'). & (ut them in the oven and let them bake for about ten to fifteen minutes. !on't bake 'em for too long because you want the inside to be s5uishy and melty6 & Take out of the oven and eat directly. ?ou can leave them to cool off but really, they're best when they're still warm and gooey inside. ?ummy with some ice cream or 3ust plain with some tea1coffee. +#4P5E APP5E P#E 3A<E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 -antasys!ream%urora #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne cup flour .ne cup sugar Three eggs % little baking soda %pples, as many as you want. #read crumbs P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' the flour, sugar, egg, and soda together. I find a blender or food processor very useful. ?ou should get a thick, but pourable li5uid. Slice the apples as thin or thick as you want. & $oat the inside of a round (or s5uare) pan with butter or some cooking spray, then add a handful of breadcrumbs and shake around until all sides are covered with breadcrumbs. Be't, layer the apple slices at the bottom. $over with the earlier sugar&egg&flour thing. #ake about forty to fifty minutes at 9:;&9O:<-. Cariations) peaches, pears, strawberries, any fruit your heart desires. .r combine a few6

3H)3)5ATE ) A&GE

A#+#& 3A<E %#TH 3H)3)5ATE GAAE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 lrparks

3A<E #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 Two tablespoons raisins, chopped .ne tablespoon *rand "arnier .ne&fourth brown sugar Three tablespoons vegetable oil .ne egg, lightly beaten Two tablespoons milk .ne&fourth cup flour Two tablespoons cocoa powder .ne&fourth teaspoon cinnamon .ne&half teaspoon baking powder .ne&eighth teaspoon salt & ,ine the bottoms of two one&cup microwave&safe ramekins with wa' paper and fasten a wa' paper collar two inches high around each ramekin. & In a microwave&safe measuring cup stir together the raisins and the *rand "arnier and microwave the mi'ture at high power (=;;X) for one minute. In a bowl whisk together the brown sugar and the oil and whisk in the egg, the milk, the flour, the cocoa powder, the cinnamon, the baking soda, and the salt. & Stir in the raisin mi'ture, combine the batter well, and divide it between the ramekins. "icrowave the cakes at medium power (:;X) for two minutes. & ,et the cakes stand on a rack for five minutes. Aun a thin knife around the edges of the ramekins, invert the cakes onto the rack, removing the wa' paper carefully, and let them cool slightly. G5AAE #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 .ne&third cup cream .ne tablespoon butter, diced Two ounces semisweet chocolate chips & In a one pint microwave&safe glass measure combine the cream, the butter, the chocolate, and a pinch of salt, microwave the mi'ture at high power (=;;X) for one minute, or until the cream comes to a boil, and stir it until it is smooth. Set the rack with the cakes over a baking sheet and pour the gla+e over the cakes, spreading it as necessary to coat the tops and sides.

25A3< 2)TT)4 3*P3A<E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 sarasek #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne eight ounce package cream cheese, softened .ne egg .ne&third cup white sugar .ne&eighth teaspoon salt .ne cup miniature semisweet chocolate chips .ne and one&half cups all&purpose flour .ne cup white sugar .ne&fourth cup unsweetened cocoa powder .ne teaspoon baking soda .ne&half teaspoon salt .ne cup water .ne&third cup vegetable oil .ne tablespoon cider vinegar .ne teaspoon vanilla e'tract P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9:;<- (=O:<$). ,ine muffin tins with paper cups or lightly spray with non&stick cooking spray. & In a medium bowl, beat the cream cheese, egg, one&third cup sugar and one&eighth teaspoon salt until light and fluffy. Stir in the chocolate chips and set aside. & In a large bowl, mi' together the flour, one cup sugar, cocoa, baking soda and one&half teaspoon salt. "ake a well in the center and add the water, oil, vinegar and vanilla. Stir together until well blended. -ill muffin tins one&third full with the batter and top with a dollop of the cream cheese mi'ture. & #ake in preheated oven for twenty&five to thirty minutes. EA55' EA+' P*4P<#& 3A<E A&7 3#7E G5AAE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 antialias;N

P*4P<#& 3A<E #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 .ne can pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling6) .ne bo' yellow cake mi' (supposedly you can use any kind of cake mi', but this thought scares me) & #eat pumpkin and dry cake mi' together, then pour into your pan of choice & I use F'==. #ake according to the bo', but err on the side of caution. !o not over bake. 3#7E G5AAE #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & .ne cup powdered sugar & Three tablespoons apple cider & (umpkin pie spice, to taste

This one is iffyD use more or less of any of these three as you like. I use cinnamon and nutmeg alone if I@m out of pumpkin pie spice. -eel free to gla+e the cake as soon as it's out of the oven, and watch as your household demolishes it.

7EA7 EA+' P)*&7 3A<E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 e'plosioned #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne&fourth pound flour (about one cup, under filled) .ne&fourth pound sugar (about one&half cup, mounded) .ne&fourth pound butter (one stick), softened .ne&fourth pound egg yolks (four) Splash of milk .ne&half tablespoon (one and one&half teaspoons) e'tract of your choice, or brandy P & & a & & & EPA AT#)&6 $ream together butter and sugar. %dd egg yolks and milk (3ust a bit, to make things moister. I'd say no more than tablespoon or two). %dd flour. Spoon into buttered, floured pan of your choice (great for bundts) #ake in a 9;;<- (=:;<$) oven for an hour and a half.

?ou can gla+e a pound cake with a gla+e made from 3ust powdered sugar and milk, or one with powdered sugar, butter, and milk. %dd 3ust enough li5uid to dissolve all the sugar. APP5E 3)""EE 3A<E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 %le'$ynara #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne cup flour .ne teaspoon baking powder .ne&half teaspoon salt .ne&half cup of sugar .ne teaspoon ground cinnamon -ive and one&half tablespoon unsalted butter, room temperature .ne egg, beaten .ne&half cup whole milk .ne medium $ortland or other baking apple, peeled and sliced P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat the oven to 9O:R-. *rease a nine inch s5uare baking dish with or pie pan with a four cup capacity. & In a medium bowl, whisk vigorously together the flour, baking powder, and salt. & In a separate small bowl, mi' a fourth of a cup of the sugar with the cinnamon, set aside. & /sing an electric mi'er, beat the butter with the remaining one&fourth cup sugar. #eat in the egg until blended. %dd the flour mi'ture in three additions, alternating with the milk, beating after each addition until 3ust combined. & (our half of the batter in the bottom of the baking dish. ,ay the apple slices on the batter so they 3ust cover the batter (you may have to overlap some slices). Sprinkle the apples with the cinnamon&sugar mi'ture, reserving a teaspoon or two to sprinkle on top. Spread the rest of the batter over the apples. Sprinkle the remaining cinnamon&sugar on top. & #ake the cake for twenty&five minutes or until it is golden brown and apples start to bubble at the edges.


)T 3A<E )" THE G)7+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Hooray+ayThe oses

#&G E7#E&T+6 Two cups of flour Two cups of sugar .ne and a half cups of oil -our eggs .ne teaspoon of allspice Two teaspoons of cinnamon Two teaspoons of baking soda Two teaspoons of baking powder .n teaspoon of salt Three cups of shredded carrot 2alf a cup of chopped walnuts P EPA AT#)&6 & Stir together all dry ingredients, including spices, in a large mi'ing bowl. %dd the oil. #egin incorporating the eggs, one at a time, mi'ing well between each addition. #? 2%B!, stir in the carrot and nuts. #e careful not to overmi'. ?ou can scoop the batter into a paper lined muffin tin, or into greased and floured cake pans. #ake at 9N:<- for about thirty minutes or until the top is golden brown and a toothpick comes out clean. $ool for ten minutes and then remove from pans. 7n3oy6 D! I recommend making theses as cupcakes and free+ing them. Stick em in the microwave for about twenty seconds and smear some canned cream cheese icing on the top and you've got a 5uick treat. .r make the whole cake and gorge as a reward.

THE E$E ')&E(TH#&<+(#T9+(4A7E(" )4(+3 AT3H P#E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Eustice Bote from the contributor) Bow this pie is easily made from scratch, and that's how my mother taught me to make it. #ut, you can cut corners and fool everyone. *reat for family parties around Thanksgiving when you're in the final crunch #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne pre&made graham cracker pie crust (which will give you instructions on the pie, but this is kicking it up a step) .ne eight ounce package of instant chocolate pudding .ne package of graham crackers (or if you really wanted to go all out in pre&done, they sell graham cracker crumbs) -ruit 0hipped cream P EPA AT#)&6 & $rush a package (not bo', 3ust one of the plastic packages inside) of graham crackers into crumb&si+e pieces. Bow you can buy the already done pieces, or use this as a great way to take your frustration out on your muse. 0hip up the instant pudding according to directions (there should be a special set of instructions for pies, if there isn't, subtract about one&half cup of milk from the recipe) and pour about one&half into the pie crust. & Sprinkle about one&third to one&half of the graham cracker crumbs to make a layer. %dd the rest of the instant pudding and then sprinkle on the rest of the graham cracker crumbs. ,et sit in fridge at least two to three hours, then add cut up pieces of fruit (if desired). Serve with whipped cream, and everyone's going to think you made it all the way from scratch. PEA&*T 2*TTE ) E) P#E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Sam Eam

#&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 .ne .reo pie crust. % layer of peanut butter on the crust bottom. % couple of bo'es of chocolate pudding (the 3ust add milk and stir kind6) Then whip cream on top and tada, you have a yummy pie6 3H)3)5ATE P#E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ladybard #&G E7#E&T+6 $hocolate instant pudding "ilk (as per instant pudding directions) $ool&0hip *raham cracker pie crust P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' up the instant pudding. /se it to fill the pie crust. (ut the container of $ool&0hip over the pudding. ,eave it in the fridge to set for at least a couple hours. This is another recipe where one can vary flavors and such) chocolate .reo crust can also work well, and I'd imagine that other pudding flavors would also be good.

3))5 %H#P P#E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Stravos #&G E7#E&T+6 Two packages instant pudding mi' (favorite flavor) Two cups milk .ne container $ool 0hip *raham cracker pie crust P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' two packages of pudding and two cups of milk thoroughly. *ently fold in \one container of $ool&0hip. Spoon into a graham cracker crust. $hill. A5TE &AT#$E #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' one package of pudding with one cup of milk and add $rystal ,ite tub. *ently fold in one container of of $ool&0hip. Spoon into graham cracker crust. $hill. -or low calorie variations use low fat $ool&0hip (do not use fat free) and fat&free graham cracker crust. $rystal lite version gives stronger taste, but lighter set to contents. P#&A 3)5A7A P#E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 lrparks 3 *+T #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 .ne (seven&ounce 3ar) roasted macadamia nuts Three&fourths cup sweetened shredded coconut Three tablespoons brown sugar .ne tablespoon butter, melted & (reheat oven to 9:;R-. Spray a ten inch pie pan with (am. & -inely chop nuts, coconut and brown sugar in processor. %dd butter and blend until moist crumbs form. & (ress mi'ture firmly onto bottom and up sides (but not rim) of prepared pie dish. -ree+e ten minutes. & #ake crust until golden brown, about fifteen minutes. & -ree+e twenty minutes. "#55#&G #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 .ne and one&half pints pineapple sorbet, softened .ne cup sweetened cream of coconut -our teaspoons dark rum .ne&half teaspoon imitation coconut e'tract Three&fourths cup sweetened shredded coconut, packed Two pints vanilla fro+en yogurt, softened .ne&half large pineapple, trimmed, cored, thinly sliced Toasted sweetened shredded coconut & Spread sorbet in crust) smooth top. (lace in free+er. & #oil cream of coconut in heavy small saucepan over medium&high heat until reduced to three&fourths cup, stirring fre5uently, about seven minutes. & (our into large bowl. "i' in rum and e'tract, then three&fourths cup coconut. $ool slightly. & %dd fro+en yogurt to coconut mi'ture and fold in until blended. -ree+e until semi&firm, stirring occasionally, about one hour. & Spoon filling over sorbet in pie dish, mounding slightly. & $over and free+e overnight. ($an be prepared two weeks ahead.) & %rrange pineapple decoratively atop pie. Sprinkle with toasted coconut.

H)4E4A7E PEA3H P#E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 hpcra+e:N 3 *+T #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 %bout four cups flour % little salt $risco vegetable shortening 0ater & (ut flour and salt in #I* mi'ing bowl. If you use a small one, you're going to end up losing half the flour...or I do anyway. & %dd shortening a little at a time until the flour forms into crumbles. & %dd water a little at a time until pie dough sticks together and forms a ball that doesn't crumble when you break it up. If it becomes slimy feeling, you've put too much water in it. Eust add a little more flour and it'll be alright, though. & Aoll. This should make enough for a nine inch pie plate. Sorry if it was vague, but when my grandma taught me how to make it she used measurements like 4%bout that much Spointing to a bowlS4. %lso note that the more you mess with this stuff, the harder it gets to work with. Eust play around with it, pie dough takes practice. "#55#&G #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 Two si'teen ounce cans sliced peaches in heavy syrup (you may need three depending on how deep your pie plate is) .ne&half cup sugar Two tablespoons butter (I use margarine) Two tablespoons flour .ne&fourth teaspoon cinnamon .ne tablespoon lemon 3uice (inch of salt & !rain peaches, reserving one&third cup of the syrup. & "i' together sugar, flour, cinnamon, and a pinch of salt & %dd reserved syrup and cook over medium heat while stirring constantly until mi'ture becomes thick and bubbly. & %dd butter, lemon 3uice, and peaches. Aemove from heat to allow to cool. This makes enough for one nine inch pie. & #ake pies at KN:<- for thirty to thirty&five minutes. 2 )%&#E P#E! 3)&T #2*T) 6 %le'$ynara #&G E7#E&T+6 Bine inch pie crust .ne cup chocolate chips -ifteen ounce package brownie mi' .ne&third cup water .ne egg .ne ounce s5uare semisweet chocolate, melted P EPA AT#)&6 & Sprinkle chocolate chips over the bottom of crust&lined pan. #eat together brownie mi', water, egg and melted chocolate in a medium bowl. (our over chips in pie pan. & #ake at 9O:<- for thirty&five to forty minutes until crust is golden brown and brownie top is shiny and appears done. ,et cool for at least one hour before serving.


"*7GE P#E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 sierramcconnell

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne cup peanut butter .ne&half cup sugar 7ight ounces cream cheese Three cups whipped topping .ne 3ar hot fudge topping .ne .reo pie crust P EPA AT#)&6 & In a bowl, mi' together thoroughly the peanut butter, sugar, and cream cheese. & *ently fold in whipped cream until no lumps remain. & (our into pie crust and even it out with a spatula. & 0arm the hot fudge topping in microwave for one minute and then pour slowly over the pie filling. & (ut in fridge to set for at least eight hours. Some people like to chill the pie in the fridge first and then pour the topping to help avoid mi'ing of the layers. %lso, you can serve with whipped topping on top and dri++le with peanut butter and fudge. This thing can kill. Some have said it makes them slap their mommas. 3)3)&*T 4#5< P*4P<#& P#E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 7ralath #&G E7#E&T+6 /nbaked nine inch pie crust (I used Safeway roll&out) Three&fourth cups sugar .ne&half teaspoon cinnamon .ne&half teaspoon salt .ne&half teaspoon ginger .ne&fourth teaspoon cloves .ne&fourth teaspoon nutmeg .ne&fourth teaspoon allspice Two large eggs .ne fifteen ounce can pumpkin .ne&half fifteen ounce can coconut milk P EPA AT#)&6 & 2eat oven to KN:<-. #eat eggs in large bowl and stir in pumpkin, sugar, salt and spices. *radually stir in coconut milk. (our into shell. & #ake fifteen minutes at KN:<-, then lower temperature to 9:;<. $over pie with foil and bake an additional forty to five minutes or until knife inserted into the center comes out clean.

+T A%2E

' 4#&*TE P#E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 stephensdemise

#&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne ready made graham cracker crust .ne cup boiling water .ne three ounce package strawberry flavored gelatin .ne si'teen ounce package fro+en sliced strawberries .ptional) 0hip cream for topping P EPA AT#)&6 & In large bowl, pour boiling water over gelatin and stir until completely dissolved. %dd fro+en berries, stir to break apart. 0hen gelatin is partially set, pour into pie shell. $hill until fully set. Cariation) Aaspberry minute pie & substitute raspberry gelatin and two ten ounce packages raspberries EA+' A&'("5A$) P#E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 aelyn%ngelfoot Bote from the contributor) here

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne&fourth cup water, boiling .ne package flavored gelatin .ne si' ounce container yogurt in same flavor as gelatin .ne eight ounce container cool whip, defrosted .ne graham cracker crust I like strawberry and lime flavors but anything you can get Eello and yogurt in works great. I've also made the strawberry with a chocolate coated graham cracker crust... mmm tasty6 P EPA AT#)&6 & !issolve the gelatin completely in the boiling water (it helps to do this on the stove, heating while mi'ing the gelatin). Aemove from heat. & In bowl, combine dissolved gelatin and yogurt. -old in cool whip and mi' until completely incorporated. (our into pie crust, refrigerate until set (three to four hours).

) A&GETA+T#3 4E #&G*E P#E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 "asked "aiden 3 *+T #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 .ne cup of all&purpose flour .ne&half teaspoon of sugar .ne&fourth cup of canola oil Two tablespoons of cold milk Two tablespoons of ice water % pinch of salt & & & & & & & & & & (reheat oven to K;;<-. Sift together the flour, sugar, and salt. Stir in the oil and mi' with a fork until you have pea&si+ed pieces. Stir in the milk and mi' until the dough forms. Stir in enough water to form a smooth ball of dough. Set it in the refrigerator and let it chill for forty&five minutes to an hour. .nce the dough has set, mold it into a pie pan. (lace parchment paper on top of dough and fill with dried beans. #ake in the oven for fifteen to twenty 0hen finished, set out to cool.

?ou $%B use a premade pie crust if you so desire, but I don't touch them with a ten foot pole. It's a little more work, but well worth it. "#55#&G A&7 4E #&G*E #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 .ne can of sweetened condensed milk .ne&half cup of orange 3uice Two teaspoons of grated orange +est Three egg yolks .ne&fourth cup of sugar .ne&half teaspoon of vanilla e'tract I like to use two oranges for freshly s5uee+ed orange 3uice and the orange +est. If you don't have any oranges, you can use store bought 3uice and disregard the +est. "eringueD Three egg whites .ne&fourth cup of sugar & & & & & & & & (reheat oven to 9:;<-. $ombine the milk, orange 3uice, and orange +est in a medium bowl. #lend in the egg yolks. (our filling into the cooled pie crust. #eat egg whites until soft peaks form. *radually beat in the sugar until the meringue is stiff. Spread the meringue over the filled) seal to the edge of the crust. #ake for ten to fifteen, or until meringue is golden brown.

If the meringue isn't golden brown after fifteen minutes, I sometimes switch the oven to broil for a minute or two. If you do this, keep a close eye on the pie to make sure it doesn't burn.

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne cup creamy peanut butter Three&fourths cup powdered sugar .ne&half cup milk Two cups chocolate chips Two cups rolled oats (uncooked)

35A++#3 &)(2A<E 3))<#E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Aaksab

P EPA AT#)&6 & "elt together the peanut butter, chocolate, sugar, and milk. %dd a teaspoon of vanilla if you want. & 0hen it's smooth, stir in the rolled oats until they're all coated, then scoop onto a sheet of foil or wa'ed paper and let 'em cool. 3 EA4 3HEE+E 3))<#E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 lilJwings #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne eight ounce package of cream cheese .ne egg yolk .ne bo' yellow cake mi' (standard si+e) P EPA AT#)&6 & $ombine in large bowl. "i' well. $hill for about thirty minutes to one hour. 0ork on novel a little bit. & Shape into two inch balls, bake at 9:;<- for nine to thirteen minutes. #e careful, they can go from perfectly done to burnt pretty fast, depending on your oven or baking sheet. ,ook for a light brown around the edges. $ool completely. They taste 3ust like little cheese cakes. 3A )T 3))<#E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 amyJJ'o

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne tablespoon margarine Two tablespoons sugar -our tablespoons grated raw carrot Si' tablespoons self&rising flour (or plain flour with one&half teaspoon baking powder added) .ne tablespoon of water P & & & & & EPA AT#)&6 $ream the margarine and the sugar together. #eat in the grated carrot. -old in the flour. If mi'ture very dry then add a little water. !rop spoonfuls onto greased tray and press down 3ust a little. Sprinkle tops with sugar and cook in an oven at N;;<$ for about twenty minutes.

2A<E %H#5E ')* +5EEP 3))<#E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 3oeyh #&G E7#E&T+6 Two egg whites !ash of salt Three&fourths cup sugar .ne teaspoon vanilla This is where you customi+e this to your tasteD .ne cup chocolate, butterscotch, or peanut butter chips. (0e also have used a cup of a favorite cereal instead) .ne cup of coconut .ne cup of chopped nuts .r whatever you like. eep the cups as your measurement.

P EPA AT#)&6 & /sing electric mi'er, beat egg whites until stiff. %dd sugar gradually until mi'ture forms stiff peaks. %dd salt and vanilla. -old in chips and nuts. !rop by teaspoons onto a well greased cookie sheet. & (reheat oven to 9:;<. (ut cookies into the oven and T/AB .-- T27 27%T. ,eave in the oven overnight or for at least si' hours. !. B.T .(7B T27 .C7B !..A until the time is up. A 5)9+ 3H)3)5ATE 3H#P 3))<#E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 lrparks #&G E7#E&T+6 Two cups oatmeal .ne and three&fourths cups flour .ne teaspoon baking soda .ne&half teaspoon salt .ne&half cup butter, softened .ne cup brown sugar .ne&half cup sugar Two eggs .ne teaspoon vanilla .ne cup chopped walnuts Two cups chocolate chips (a twelve ounce bag) P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9O:R-. & -inely grind oats in processor. %dd flour, baking soda and salt and blend five seconds. #eat butter and both sugars in large bowl until well blended. #eat in eggs and vanilla. "i' in dry ingredients. "i' in walnuts and chocolate chips. & -orm a ball of two tablespoons of the ough into ball and place on a parchment lined baking sheet and flatten slightly. #ake until edges are golden brown, about twelve minutes. & $ool on sheets five minutes. Transfer to racks) cool completely.

HA42* GE

3))<#E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 autumn rose

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne cup oatmeal .ne cup flour .ne&half cup brown sugar .ne&half cup butter .ne&fourth cup milk .ne&half teaspoon baking soda P EPA AT#)&6 & $ombine first four ingredients together. #lend with hands or pastry cutter. %dd milk and baking soda. Aoll into small balls or roll out and cut into circles. #ake at 9:;<- until light brown. 0atch carefully. "#55#&G #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 .ne&half cup dates .ne&half cup raisins Three&fourths cup water & #oil until soft and spreadable. (lace between two cookies. (Aaisins can be ground) 5E4)& %H#PPE +&APPE + ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Canyahiril

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne package lemon cake mi' Two cups $ool 0hip .ne large beaten egg .ne&half cup powdered sugar (in separate bowl) P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9:;<-. & $ombine dry cake mi', cool whip, and beaten egg in large bowl. Stir until well mi'ed. & !rop by teaspoon into bowl of powdered sugar and roll. & (lace coated cookies drops on greased cookie sheet. & #ake for ten minutes, let cool on sheet for two minutes, and remove to wire rack. 7EA7 EA+' 4E #&G*E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 e'plosioned #&G E7#E&T+6 -our egg whites Two and a half cups sugar (superfine is probably best, but any kind is good) P EPA AT#)&6 & #eat eggs until somewhat fluffy. & %dd sugar slowly until thick, white, and satiny. & (ipe out onto a greased, sugared pan. I use a Miploc bag with a pastry tip for this) 3ust a Miploc bag with a cut corner should work. & #ake in a N;;R- (F:R$) oven for three hours. ?ou can substitute Splenda for the sugar, but the meringues will not be as tough. They will be goopy when unbaked and very fragile when baked. If you're afraid to pipe out the cookies, I'd say 3ust spoon dollops of the beaten white onto the pan. The piping is really only to get the cookies to look pretty.

2A&A&A 3))<#E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Bovelist#yBight #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne&half cup unsalted butter, room temp .ne cup sugar .ne egg .ne cup mashed bananas .ne teaspoon baking soda Two cups flour (inch of salt .ne&half teaspoon ground cinnamon .ne&half teaspoon ground mace or nutmeg .ne half teaspoon ground cloves .ne cup of pecans (walnuts and1or chocolate chips are fine alternatives) P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9:;<. $ream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. %dd the egg and continue to beat until the mi'ture is light and fluffy. & In a separate bowl, mi' the mashed bananas and baking soda. ,et sit for two minutes. The baking soda will react with the acid in the bananas, which in turn will give the cookies their lift and rise. "i' the banana mi'ture into the butter mi'ture. & "i' together the flour, salt and spices, and sift into the butter and banana mi'ture. "i' until 3ust combined. -old in the pecans or chocolate chips or walnuts into the batter (if so desired). & !rop in dollops onto parchment paper&lined baking sheet. #ake for eleven to thirteen minutes or until nicely golden brown. ,et cool on wire racks. "akes about thirty cookies. 4)3HA E*425E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 $offeetailor Bote from the contributor) These aren't super fast to make, but if you put them in an airtight container, they last forever, so 3ust make a huge batch at the end of .ctober. #&G E7#E&T+6 Two tablespoons shortening .ne&half cup sugar .ne egg .ne tablespoon cold water .ne one&ounce s5uare unsweetened chocolate, melted .ne and one&half cups all&purpose flour Two teaspoons baking powder .ne tablespoon instant coffee granules (I uses -olgers, but the recipe doesn't specify) .ne&half teaspoon ground cinnamon %dditional sugar P EPA AT#)&6 & $ream the shortening in a large mi'ing bowl) gradually add one&half cup sugar, beating well. %dd egg and water, beating until well blended. Stir in slightly cooled chocolate. & $ombine flour, baking powder, coffee, and cinnamon in a small mi'ing bowl. %dd to creamed mi'ture, stirring well. 0rap dough in wa'ed paper, refrigerate until firm. & Aoll dough to one&eighth inch thickness on a lightly floured surface. $ut with a doughnut or round cutter. (I actually 3ust used a little flower cutter, about an inch across, and it was perfect for bite si+ed cookies.) Sprinkle lightly with additional sugar. (lace two inches apart on greased cookie sheets. #ake at 9:;R for ten minutes. Aemove to wire racks to cool. Store in airtight containers.

4)49+ )AT4EA5 3))<#E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 lrparks #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne&third cup dried apricots .ne&third cup shelled pistachios Three&fourths cup flour .ne&half teaspoon baking soda .ne&fourth teaspoon salt .ne&eighth teaspoon cinnamon .ne&half cup butter, softened Three&fourths cup brown sugar .ne&fourth cup sugar .ne&fourth teaspoon vanilla .ne egg .ne and one&half cup oatmeal (not 5uick&cooking) .ne&third cup dried tart cherries P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9:;R-. & ,ine two baking sheets with parchments and set aside. & $hop the apricots into bite si+ed pieces, about a 5uarter inch si+e, and set aside. & $oarsely chop the pistachios and set aside. !. B.T /S7 A7! !?7! (IST%$2I.S & Sift together the flour, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon and set aside. & $ream the butter and sugars in a large bowl with an electric mi'er until fluffy, then beat in vanilla and egg and beat until combined well. & Aeduce the speed of the mi'er to low and add the sifted dry ingredients, and beat until 3ust combined. -old in oats, apricots, and pistachios until uniform. & !rop rounded tablespoons of dough onto the lined baking sheets. #ake cookies until golden brown, si'teen to eighteen minutes for crisp cookies. Transfer cookies to a rack to cool. If you want to make them fancy you can dip the cooled cookies into a ganache made by melting a cup of chocolate chips (I prefer semisweet chocolate) in a half cup of cream over low heat, and then set them on wa' paper until the ganache sets. $EGETA25E 3))<#E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 SA #&G E7#E&T+6 Two tablespoons of oil K;; grams mi'ed vegetables of your choosing. chopped up in chunks. $an be any type of vegetables you like as long as it's stir&fryable. -ro+en pre&fab bags of vegetables from the supermarket work too6 =:; grams of flour Two large eggs. P EPA AT#)&6 & Start the oven at N;;<$. & 2eat up the oil in a stir frying pan (or similar pan) and bake the vegetables in it for about five minutes. Season with salt and pepper (and other herbs) to your liking. Turn the fire down1off6 & Sprinkle the flour over the vegetables so it's evenly spread out. %dd the eggs to the mi'tures and mi' it. & If at this point you think it might be a bit too dry you can add in a bit of water (or milk or cream if you prefer the softer taste) to get it nice and pasty so it'll stick together. Scoop piles of the vegetable mi'ture onto the oven plate at some distance from each other. ?ou can make eight to ten cookies from one batch. & (ut them into the oven and let them bake for about fifteen to twenty minutes.

G))E' 2*TTE 3))<#E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Ceruca Bote from the contributor) I know, I know...I hear that they sound disgusting all the time. 2owever, they are anything but6 *ooey butter cakes1cookies are a tradition here in St. ,ouis, and I made sure that I learned how to make some mean gooey butter cookies as soon as I moved to ST,. I get praised all of the time for them and they're usually gone before I even get to try one. #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne package (eight ounces) of cream cheese .ne&half cup of butter (softened) .ne egg .ne&fourth teaspoon vanilla e'tract .ne package (eighteen and a half ounces) of yellow butter cake mi' (or 3ust yellow cake mi') but yellow butter works the best6) .ne cup powdered sugar (placed in a separate, small bowl) P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9:;<- (=O:<$). In a medium si+ed bowl, mi' together the cream cheese and butter until blended well. (This part always takes a while and your arm 0I,, start to hurt) but keep at it6) & Stir in the vanilla e'tract and add the egg in) don't get discouraged if your dough becomes mushy and lumpy...everything will be okay6 Eust keep stirring6 & %dd in the yellow butter cake mi'. %fter mi'ing the cake mi' in, your dough will start to look more like, well, dough. eep stirring until well blended. & Take pieces of dough and roll them into one inch balls. (lace them in the bowl of powdered sugar and roll them around in it until they are fully coated with the powdered sugar. & %fter coating in powdered sugar, place the dough balls about an inch apart on an ungreased cookie sheet. #ake for ten to thirteen minutes. (I usually go about ten minutes and thirty seconds) that seems to be the 'perfect' amount of time in the oven) & 0hen finished, remove from oven and let cool for about ten minutes. %fter they've cooled, I generally take the e'tra powdered sugar and sprinkle it over the cookies one last time. %nd then you're finished6 #&+TA&T PEA&*T 2*TTE 3H)3)5ATE 2#TE TH#&G+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 sikemonkey

#&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & -irst, *et some globs of peanut butter in a bowl. "i' it with some mashed Aice rispies and flour (how much of both is really up to you) the rispies are for a crunchy te'ture and the flour is to help it hold together) until it is sort of cookie&dough te'tured, then stick it in either the fridge or the free+er depending on how long you are willing to wait. 0hen the peanut butter stuff is cold and not sticky but still malleable, take your chocolate chips1chocolate coating and melt it. Take the peanut butter mi'ture, roll it into balls (you pick the si+e, I usually go with about an inch in width), and roll those balls in the chocolate. & Stick the freshly chocolated balls on something (a plate covered in wa' paper is probably good) and stick it in the fridge. The chocolate should be hard within twenty minutes in which case you can eat all of them and promptly hate yourself. This is not a very specific recipe because I made it myself and a lot of this comes down to personal preference and your level of patience. This is 3ust a basic outline for how to have delicious peanut butter1chocolate treatage within an hour. ?ou can also mi' this up, by putting other stuff in the peanut butter mi'ture or maybe using a different coating.

$EGA& 3)3)A 3))<#E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 vengeful vegan #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne cup flour .ne&third cup cocoa .ne&half cup dark&brown sugar 75uivalent of one egg egg&replacer, or one&half banana, mashed .ne&half teaspoon table salt .ne&half teaspoon baking soda .ne&half cup canola oil Two teaspoons vanilla e'tract Two tablespoons white sugar .ptional) *round cinnamon P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9:;<-. & "i' dry ingredients (flour, cocoa, salt, baking soda, white sugar) thoroughly in a bowl. (repare egg replacement. "i' egg replacement, canola oil, vanilla e'tract and dark&brown sugar in large bowl until the mi'ture is smooth. & "i' the dry ingredients into the wet until a soft dough is formed (if it is too dry add more oil only small bits at a time, until you have reached your preferred consistency). & !rop tablespoon&si+ed balls of dough onto greased cookie sheet or coat tablespoon&si+ed balls of dough with a cinnamon&sugar combination generously, and place onto un&greased cookie sheet. #ake for appro'imately ten minutes. 7n3oy6 7)*25E 3H)3)5ATE 4#&T 3))<#E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ,oraJ2e' #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne cup (two sticks) butter, softened (if you fear for your cholesterol levels, use half a cup of butter and half a cup of shortening) .ne and one&half cups white sugar Two eggs Two teaspoons vanilla e'tract Two cups all&purpose flour Two&thirds cup cocoa powder Three&fourths teaspoon baking soda .ne&fourth salt .ne bag of %ndes mints (found in most cooking aisles. If not, it takes about two packages of the regular kind, you 3ust have to chop them up. %lso, any other mint will do, but %ndes are my favorite.) P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9:;<- (=O:<$). & In large bowl, beat butter, sugar, eggs, and vanilla until light and fluffy. $ombine the flour, cocoa, baking soda, and salt) stir into the butter mi'ture until well blended. & "i' in the chocolate chips and mint chips. !rop by rounded teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheets. & #ake for eight to ten minutes in the preheated oven, or 3ust until set. $ool slightly on the cookie sheets before transferring to wire racks to cool completely.

3HEA PA&#++E G#&GE +&AP+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 wcmckim #&G E7#E&T+6 7ight ounces (NN; grams) salted butter .ne and one&fourth cups, plus two tablespoons (N>; grams) sugar .ne&half teaspoon vanilla e'tract1paste Two small eggs or one and one&half large eggs .ne&third cup (==K grams) molasses Three cups (9[; grams) all&purpose flour Two and one&half teaspoons baking soda Two and one&half teaspoons cinnamon Two and one&half teaspoons ground ginger .ne&eighth teaspoon ground black pepper P EPA AT#)&6 & $ream butter until soft. %dd sugar, and beat until light and fluffy. %dd vanilla and eggs, and beat again. %dd molasses and beat until well incorporated. & Sift together the dry ingredients and add into the mi'ture. "i' until it all 3ust comes together. ,ine a nine inch by five inch (twenty&two by twelve centimeters) loaf pan with plastic wrap, so that some hangs over the sides. (ress the dough into the bottom of the pan, pack it tightly, and try to make the top as level as possible. $over the dough with the plastic overhangs. -ree+e until very firm, preferably overnight. & (reheat the oven to =>;R$ (9[;R-) and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. & Aemove dough from the pan and unwrap from one side. Slice the 4brick4 into very thin slices, no more than one&tenths of an inch (two millimeters). (lace the slices on the cookie sheet (give them a little room, they will e'pand) and bake for twelve to fifteen minutes, until the edges turn brown to dark brown (depending on how cooked and crispy you like them). Turn out on a rack to cool completely. +)"T 3HE%' G#&GE +&AP+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 autumn rose #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) -our cups flour -our teaspoons baking soda .ne teaspoon salt Two teaspoons ginger Two teaspoons cinnamon one and one&half cups shortening Two cups brown sugar .ne&half cup molasses Two eggs, beaten .ptional) Sugar P EPA AT#)&6 & $ombine dry ingredients. In a separate bowl, cream shortening, sugar, and molasses. %dd eggs. Stir in dry ingredients. & Shape into one inch balls and roll in sugar. !. B.T -,%TT7B. & #ake eight to ten minutes at 9:;<-. !o not over bake. #ake longer for harder cookies. $an be halved.


3))<#E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 %maya atana

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne&half cup butter Three&fourths cup peanut butter .ne and one&fourth cups firmly packed brown sugar .ne egg Two tablespoons milk Three&fourths teaspoon baking soda Two cups flour Two tablespoons granulated sugar P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat the oven to 9:;<-. & (lace the butter, peanut butter, and brown sugar in a large bowl and mi' with an electric mi'er on medium speed for two minutes, or until completely combined. & %dd the egg and milk and mi' on medium speed for two minutes, or until light a fluffy. & %dd the baking soda and mi' for thirty seconds. & %dd the flour and mi'ed until completely incorporated. & (lace the granulated sugar in a small bowl. & !rop teaspoonfuls of the dough onto an ungreased baking sheets at least two inches apart. & !ip a fork into the cookie dough to make it sticky. & !ip the fork in the sugar and press down twice on each cookie in a crisscross pattern, dipping the fork in the sugar after each press. & #ake the cookies for seven to ten minutes, or until they are lightly browned on the edges. 8A5TE &AT#$E= +#4P5#"#E7= E3#PE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Shark=9 #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne cup peanut butter .ne cup sugar .ne egg P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' everything together. & -orm little balls and make a crisscross pattern using a fork. & $ook them at about 9O:<-, for ten to twelve minutes. & 7n3oy6;

2A3)&= 3H)3)5ATE A&7 4A3A7A4#A 3))<#E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 theravensclaw #&G E7#E&T+6 Three&fourths cup butter (it has been suggested that using one full cup of butter works best due to cookie dough dryness) .ne and one&third cup packed sugar -our tablespoons maple syrup .ne&half teaspoon vanilla e'tract or cinnamon .ne egg (it has been suggested that using two eggs works best due to cookie dough dryness) Two and one&half cups self raising flour .ne&half teaspoon salt .ne cup white chocolate chips .ne cup macadamia nuts chopped #acon. I use prediced bacon, but go ahead and dice your own if you want. .ne small pack is enough, but for e'tra bacony goodness, you can use up to two cups. P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9:;<-1 =>;<$. & -irstly, you want to cook your bacon. -ry in a pan and don't drain it after cooking (gross, I know). %dd the bacon fat in the pan to the wet ingredients, or when you add the bacon, for a better bacony flavour. & #eat together the butter, sugar, syrup and eggs until creamy. In another bowl, sift together the dry ingredients. %dd the dry ingredients to the butter mi'ture and stir together. !ough will be slightly soft. If you want a cakier cookie, add another half cup of flour. & %dd in chocolate chips and bacon bits. Stir until well integrated. (lace dough on a sheet of wa'ed paper and refrigerate at least an hour. & Aemove dough from fridge, pinch off one and one&half inch pieces of dough and roll into balls. Set dough balls about two inches apart on an ungreased cookie sheet. -latten dough balls slightly with your fingers in the center. & #ake cookies for about ten minutes, or until the dough starts to turn golden brown. %llow cookies to cool on a cooling rack. & *la+e them with a little more maple syrup. #3E2), TEA 3))<#E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 "issBikki Bote from the contributor) #ecause this is an icebo' cookie, this is perfect for someone who wants a warm, not&T..&sweet cookie to snack on but doesn't want or need to make a huge batch. I usually 3ust slice off one or two cookies and bake them while the kettle gets to boiling. #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne cup flour .ne&fourth cup sugar .ne&fourth cup confectioner's sugar .ne&fourth teaspoon salt .ne&half teaspoon vanilla .ne teaspoon water .ne&half cup unsalted butter .ne tablespoon tea leaves, finely groundD flavorful teas are best, from fruity herbals to lady greys P EPA AT#)&6 & (ulse all dry ingredients in a food processor (or use a bowl). %dd wet ingredients and pulse or mi' until well blended. Scrape out onto a piece of wa' paper, form into a log and roll and seal with paper shut around it. (lace in free+er. & .nce fro+en1chilled, cut off one&fourth or one&third inch thick slices and place on cookie sheet (as many as you'd like to eat). #ake in pre&heated 9O:R- oven for twelve minutes or until browned, then en3oy6

+PE3*5AA+ 87*T3H +P#3E>%#&74#55 3))<#E+; ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 0estwoods #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne cup brown sugar .ne cup sugar .ne cup butter Two eggs Three cups flour .ne teaspoon salt .ne teaspoon cinnamon .ne&fourth teaspoon cloves .ne&half teaspoon cardamom .ne&half nutmeg or allspice .ne&half teaspoon baking soda .ne teaspoon baking powder .ptional) .ne&half chopped walnuts Two empty butter bo'es P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' together brown sugar, sugar, softened butter and eggs. & "i' flour, salt, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, baking soda, and baking powder in separate bowl. & %dd the dry ingredients slowly in with the wet. & "i' in the walnuts. and pack dough tightly into butter bo'es (one batch makes about a bo' and a half) if you don't have bo'es, 3ust wrap the dough in plastic wrap. & Aefrigerate over night. & Slice into one&fourth inch thick slices and bake at 9:;<- on a cookie sheet for about eight minutes or until golden. I suggest making them in .ctober and slicing a few off whenever you want during Bovember.

T #P5E 3H)3)5ATE E+P E++) 2EA& 3))<#E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 !"$ole #&G E7#E&T+6 Two and one&half cups whole&wheat pastry flour (substituting whole wheat for all& purpose flour works, but the te'ture isn't as nice) white flour yields a much softer cookie that tends to fall apart) Two tablespoons freshly ground espresso (any finely ground dark roast coffee works fine) Three&fourths teaspoon baking soda Three&fourths teaspoon baking powder Three&fourths teaspoon salt .ne&half cup cocoa powder (Scharffen #erger or !agoba preferred), not dutched .ne cup unsalted butter, room temperature (soft to the touch) .ne and one&half cups sugar .ne&half cup dark brown sugar Two large eggs Three teaspoons vanilla e'tract Three&fourths cup semi&sweet chocolate chips 7ight ounces chocolate covered espresso beans P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat your oven to 9O: degrees. In a medium bowl whisk together the whole wheat pastry flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and cocoa powder. Set aside. & In a big bowl or with an electric mi'er beat the butter until it is fluffy and lightens a bit in color. Bow beat in the sugars & it should have a thick frosting& like consistency. "i' in the eggs one at a time, making sure the first egg gets incorporated before adding the ne't. ?ou will need to scrape down the sides of the bowl once or twice as well. %dd the vanilla and mi' until it is incorporated. & %dd the dry ingredients to the wet mi' in about four waves. Stir a bit between each addition until the flour is 3ust incorporated. ?ou could add all the flour at once, but it tends to e'plode up and out of the mi'ing bowl and all over me every time I do that. %t this point you should have a moist, brown dough that is uniform in color. Stir in the espresso beans and chocolate chips by hand and mi' only until they are evenly distributed throughout the dough. !rop the cookies onto baking sheetsD I like to make these cookies medium in si+e. (They are rich6) & and use roughly one heaping tablespoons of dough for each one. I leave the dough balls rough and raggy looking & I never roll them into perfect balls or anything like that & this way each cookie will have a bit of uni5ue personality. & (lace the cookies in the ovenD #ake at 9O:<- for about ten minutes on the middle rack. ?ou don't want to over bake these cookies at all or they will really dry out. If anything, under bake them 3ust a bit. 0hen they are done, pull them out to cool. If you don't want to bake all the cookies at one once you can free+e some of the dough for 5uick cookies later. Instead of placing the cookies in the oven put the cookie dough balls into a free+er&5uality plastic bag and toss them in the free+er. ?ou can bake straight from the free+er at a later date, up the baking time by a couple minutes to compensate for the fro+en dough.

PE+)3H&)E <)5T+) ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 !" #&G E7#E&T+6 Two eggs Two and one&half cup flour .ne cup margarine. The recipe calls for two, but it tasted good with 3ust one) the only issue I had was some of the dry ingredients didn't 5uite want to mi'. Three&fourths cup sugar The tip of a teaspoon's worth of soda) I used !iet (epsi, but I honestly don't see what difference it made. 2alf teaspoon of vinegar 2alf teaspoon of vanilla Bow, the recipe also called for chopped, roasted peanuts) but I didn't use them for two reasonsD we had none in the house, and my mother is highly allergic. I honestly don't think I could picture them on, but go ahead and try anyway. P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to K;;<-. & $ombine all ingredients and mi'. 0hen it's mi'ed enough, form into little balls and place on a greased pan. & !o five minute word war. This is about the time they will be done. These do not f:atten oFt, I assume because of the lack of baking soda. So you must pay very close attention to make sure they do not burn on the bottom (although if they do, they still taste pretty good). & (ull out when the cookie turns a light cream colour.

other desserts
)44EG )T ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Shona E7#E&T+6 5uart thick cream and one&fourth cups flour cups milk cup sugar teaspoon ground cinnamon #&G .ne .ne Two .ne .ne P EPA AT#)&6 & (our cream into a heavy saucepan and heat until it starts to boil. Sift in three&fourths cup of the flour and whip with a wire whisk. & eep beating after the three&fourths cup of flour is all in, until the butter starts to come out of the cream. Then remove from the heat. Take a ladle and take off the butter, and put it in another bowl. eep stirring until all the butter comes out. & (ut the milk in another kettle and heat to boiling. & Sift one&half cup flour into the milk while beating. $ontinue beating until mi'ture is thick like pudding. Aemove it from the heat, add it to the cream mi'ture, and beat with a wire whisk until smooth and well blended. & (our into a two&5uart baking dish. Smooth out the top and sprinkle the cinnamon and sugar on top. (our the butter you saved over the top. Serve warm. +&#3<E + +A5A7 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Bovelist#yBight #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne bag mini&si+e Snicker bars .ne container $ool 0hip Two to three medium si+e *ranny Smith apples P EPA AT#)&6 & -ree+e Snickers bars still in their wrappers and bag. 0hen fro+en (right before preparing), remove from free+er and smash with hammer. I usually use the floor of the garage or the patio for the smashing. Aemove candy bars from wrappers and place in mi'ing bowl. & !ice apples into bite&si+e pieces. & "i' $ool 0hip, apples and candy bars together and serve immediately. If there are leftovers, keep them chilled. D) " )AE& ')G* T G APE+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 burkum #&G E7#E&T+6 % normal bag of seedless grapes .ne to two regular small tubs of the yogurt of your choice (vanilla and strawberry work great6) P EPA AT#)&6 & Take a paper plate and cover it with wa' paper. This will keep the yogurt from sticking. Be't, take your grapes and stick a toothpick in each one. /sing the toothpick, dip each grape into the yogurt, then lay them on the wa' paper. 0hen you're done, put them in the free+er for about four hours (maybe longer, 3ust keep checking them to see if the yogurt is fro+en). .nce they're fro+en, take them out and en3oy6 D)

T *""5E+ ")

HA5" THE 3)+T A&7 %#TH HA5" THE HA++5E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 !"

#&G E7#E&T+6 Two and one&half packages (twenty s5uares) of semi&sweet baking chocolate, or two bags of semi&sweet chocolate chips .ne package of cream cheese, softened P EPA AT#)&6 & "elt eight of the chocolate s5uares, or one bag of the chocolate chips, depending on your choice. The best method we learned is to have a large pot with water and a smaller pot on top. -ill the larger one with water and set it on the stove and set it to high to boil, then use the boiling water and heat from it to melt the chocolate. .r you can put it in the microwave. I guess that works too. & #eat cream cheese with with electric mi'er on medium speed until creamy. %dd melted chocolate and mi' well. $over, and refrigerate at least one hour, or until firm. So go do some word wars and come back later. & $ome back and cover a baking sheet with wa'ed paper. Shape chocolate mi'ture into thirty&si' balls, using about two teaspoons of the chocolate mi'ture for each ball. (lace in single layer on prepared baking sheet. & "elt remaining twelve chocolate s5uares or other bag of the chocolate chips. !ip truffles in chocolate, one at a time. Aeturn to baking sheet and refrigerate until chocolate is firm. Store covered in refrigerator. "akes about thirty. They're utterly ama+ing. 3HE ' %H#"" ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Een'

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne can flaky biscuit dough .ne can canned cherries (I guess this is the cherry pie filling, but it was 3uicy, not thick...) .ne&fourth cup flour Three&fourths cup sugar #utter P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat the oven to KN:<-. Bow put the flour and one&half cup of sugar in a frying pan on medium heat. .pen the cherries and drain the 3uice into the saucepan, then stir it all until it thickens up into a syrupy goop. Then pour the cherries in, stir it for a minute longer, and then pour the whole thing in a glass pan. & Bow flake off bits of the flaky biscuit dough and cover the cherry goop with the dough && probably about one&fourth to half a biscuit thick. Then dot the biscuits with butter, sprinkle the last one&fourth cup of sugar on top, and shove it in the oven for twelve minutes or so. ind of like the bastard lovechild of cherry cobbler and cherry pie. D*#3< EA+' +&A3< ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 skneal #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne container frosting (any flavor) .ne package graham crackers (or animal crackers) P EPA AT#)&6 & #reak graham cracker in half (so each half is a s5uare), spread frosting on one half, put second half on top like a sandwich.

+P#3E7 T)""EE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 lrparks #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne and one&fourth cup butter Three&fourth cup sugar Three&fourth cup brown sugar .ne&third cup water .ne tablespoon molasses .ne&half teaspoon salt .ne&fourth teaspoon allspice Two cups chopped nuts (no peanuts) .ne cup chocolate chips P EPA AT#)&6 & Spray a large baking sheet with (am and set aside. & "elt butter in heavy saucepan over low heat. %dd sugars, water, salt, molasses, and allspice) stir until sugars dissolve, then bring to a boil. $ontinue boiling and stirring constantly until the mi'ture reaches NF;<- stirring slowly but constantly and scraping bottom of pan with wooden spatula, about twenty minutes. & Aemove pan from heat. "i' in the nuts. Immediately pour candy onto sheet. Spread toffee to one&fourth inch thickness. Immediately sprinkle chocolate chips on top toffee. ,et stand one minute. /se the back of spoon to spread the melted chocolate over toffee. & ,et stand until the toffee sets or chill one hour. #reak toffee into pieces. EA+' 4#3 )%A$E7 3H)3)5ATE "*7GE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 rayelynnelee #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne cup condensed milk .ne twelve ounce bag semi&sweet chocolate chips .ne teaspoon vanilla If you want to make it Aocky Aoad fudge 3ust mi' in one cup of mini marshmallows and one&half cup chopped nuts (I use walnuts) when you mi' in the vanilla. P EPA AT#)&6 & $ombine the milk and chips in a microwave safe bowl, microwave it for forty&five seconds. Stir, microwave forty&five seconds again. %dd the vanilla and stir well. (our into a greased (I 3ust use the spray stuff) F'F pan and refrigerate until set. ?ou can also 3ust line the pan or whatever you use with parchment paper, easier to get it out, its 3ust kinda hard to pour in the chocolate mi'ture with the paper sliding all over the place. "aybe taping it down would work...I'll have to try that. D! & .nce it's nice and firm (it'll take a while), dump it out onto a cutting board and chop it up into s5uares. I store them in a +ip bag in the fridge, but I think they'd be fine in anything contained. I think they'd be fine out of the fridge, it 3ust is still rather warm here in Bovember so I like them chilled. %H#PPE7 3 EA4 3 EAT#)& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Sam Eam #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 Tub of whipped cream Some cut up apples $ut up snicker bars & The amount depends on you6 I think the nuts from the snicker bars and the apples taste like a caramel apple. It's tasty and 5uick.

%A 4 APP5E +5#3E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 7mpreyean7vensong #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne apple .ne teaspoon butter .ne&half teaspoon maple syrup or sugar .ne&fourth teaspoon cinnamon P EPA AT#)&6 & 8uarter, core, and slice apple into one&eighth to one&fourth inch slices. & In medium pot, combine the apples with other ingredients, cover, and simmer on medium&low for about ten minutes. ) A&GE( A+P2E '(3H)3)5ATE G))7&E++ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 %maraAeyi #&G E7#E&T+6 .range sherbet -ro+en raspberries $hocolate syrup P EPA AT#)&6 & Scoop out however much orange sherbet you want. (ut a good amount of fro+en raspberries in a different bowl and microwave on high for a minute (they'll defrost %B! produce a little 3uice). %dd the raspberries to the sherbet, dri++le with chocolate syrup and en3oy. 5E4)& G#&GE +&AP P*77#&G ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Stravos #&G .ne .ne .ne E7#E&T+6 large container of plain yogurt good si+ed bag of ginger snap cookies tub lemonade $rystal ,ite

P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' the tub of $rystal ,ite with the yogurt. & In a one to one&half 5uart baking dish, smear 3ust enough of the mi'ture on the sides and bottom (this will make the first layer of ginger snaps stick). & ,ine the bottom and sides of dish with ginger snaps. & %dd layer of yogurt, alternating ginger snaps and yogurt until all ingredients are used up. & $hill for at least an hour. +T*""E7 7ATE+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 3oeyh #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne package pitted dried dates (eanut butter $onfectioner's sugar P EPA AT#)&6 & $ut dates open and use knife to fill with peanut butter, then close back up. & Aoll in confectioner's sugar before serving. (I cheat and dump some of the sugar in a baggie, toss the dates in and then shake the bag after sealing it securely.) These keep for a while in a sealed bag in the refrigerator.

3HEAP A&7 EA+' 8"A<E; PEA3H 3)225E #&G Two .ne .ne

! 3)&T #2*T) 6 verticalchaos

E7#E&T+6 si'teen ounce cans of sliced peaches (!. B.T !A%IB) bo' yellow cake mi' stick butter1margarine

P EPA AT#)&6 & 7mpty the peaches and 3uice into a pan (can be F'F or F'=9) I usually use F'=9). & (our the dry cake mi' relatively evenly over the peaches and 3uice & Slice the butter1margarine into pats and put them on top of the cake mi', spread evenly. & #ake at 9:;<f until the butter is melted and the top is browned I I think it's about twenty minutes, but it could be thirty. Serve6 I especially love it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top to melt in. " *#T 3A&APE+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 dead boots #&G E7#E&T+6 #read (I like using baguettes) Aicotta cheese -ruit (I normally use raspberries or mangoes) 2oney P EPA AT#)&6 & $ut the bread into small slices and put some ricotta cheese on top. (lace the fruit on top of the cheese and pour honey over the fruit. I like this recipe because it is fast and I can make as many variations as I want. I can add more or less cheese, and I can use whatever fruit happens to be in the fridge at the moment. Sometimes I sprinkle some mint over the cheese. 3H)3)5ATE 7A&G) 4)3H# ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 2atching (hoeni' #&G E7#E&T+6 Three&fourths cup mochiko, or sweet rice flower. This should be readily available at an %sian market or in the %sian section of your local supermarket. Two tablespoons cocoa powder Two teaspoons granulated sugar .ne&half cup water Si' inch bamboo skewers P EPA AT#)&6 & #oil some water in a medium&si+ed saucepan. & $ombine the mochiko, cocoa, and sugar in a mi'ing bowl. & %dd one&half cup of cold water S,.0,?. It your mi'ture is still too powdery, add an additional tablespoon, but your mi'ture shouldn't be too wet. & Shape the dough into balls roughly one inch or smaller in diameter. Set them gently into the boiling water. Stir gently to prevent sticking to the bottom of the pan. & #oil your mochi until the balls float to the surface. %llow to cook for an additional two minutes. & !rain your mochi and allow to stand for some time to cool. & Serve three to four balls on a skewer. !ust with e'tra cocoa powder, flour, or powdered sugar if desired. "akes about twenty pieces.

3)TTAGE 3HEE+E 3)&E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 %rtemis #&G E7#E&T+6 $ottage cheese Soft (ice cream) cones P EPA AT#)&6 & Scoop the cottage cheese into the soft (ice cream) cones, and en3oy6 W! It feels like eating ice cream, e'cept it doesn't melt and cottage cheese is chewy (and a lot healthier as well)6 %nd maybe you can mi' fruit yogurt and1or cut&up fruit with the cottage cheese before scooping it into the soft (ice cream) cones, but I haven't tried that yet Wp 3H)3)5ATE 3H#P P*4P<#& 4*""#&+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 simplywriting #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne and one&half cups all&purpose flour .ne&half cup sugar Two teaspoons baking powder .ne&half teaspoon cinnamon .ne&half teaspoon salt .ne cup milk .ne&half cup canned pumpkin .ne&fourth stick butter, melted. .ne medium si+ed egg Si' ounces semisweet chocolate chips .ptional) .ne&fourth cup nuts, finely chopped P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat the oven to K;;R-. In a large bowl, combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt. In the center, form a well. & In another bowl, combine the milk, canned pumpkin, butter and egg) "i' well. (our into the center well of the flour mi'ture. & %dd the chocolate chips and mi' until entire mi'ture is moist. Spoon the mi'ture into greased muffin pans (or use muffin papers), filling about three&fourths full. & If you want the nuts, sprinkle one teaspoon of chopped nuts over each muffin. & #ake for twenty minutes at K;;<-. Aemove from oven and allow to cool for five minutes. & Aemove muffins from pan and allow to cool on wire racks. "akes twelve deliciously moist muffins. These are great for a 5uick pick me up anytime of day or night. (air with a nice warm cup of coffee or tea and you have the perfect BaBo food6

#3E P*77#&G 2A&A&A PA "A#T ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 phoeni'.spice #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 & #oilD Three&fourths cup rice .ne and one&half cups water & Aeduce heat to simmer and let sit fifteen&ish minutes & "i' inD -our cups milk .ne&half cup sugar & ,et cook thirty to forty minutes over medium heat. Stirring fre5uently, especially toward the end the cooking. (udding is done when rice and milk look like porridge. Aemove from heat. & %ddD .ne&half teaspoon vanilla e'tract .ne&fourths teaspoon almond e'tract (if you have it) & Spoon layers of pudding into large mug along withD .ne banana, cut into pieces & Sprinkle with cinnamon 2 EA7 P*77#&G ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 !anica: #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne cup bread and various pastries, cut up .ne cup milk .ne egg .ne tablespoon sugar .ne half teaspoon vanilla e'tract .ne teaspoon salt P EPA AT#)&6 & (lace cut up bread and pastries in buttered pan (=>4 ' =N4). #lend milk, eggs, sugar, salt and vanilla e'tract together then pour over the bread. & ,et rest one hour or overnight in fridge. Then bake at 9:;R- for about one hour or until knife inserted into middle comes out clean. H)4E4A7E APP5E+A*3E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 !" #&G E7#E&T+6 7ight to ten apples, peeled, cored and sliced ,iberal amounts of cinnamon (from the shaker works, but it's great off the stick && it's a lot fresher6) .ne cup water % little bit of granulated sugar P EPA AT#)&6 & Toss everything into a big pot. Then bring to a boil, and turn on low and let simmer until soft. ?ou may have to e'periment a little because I'm not e'act on the measurements, but it doesn't matter. It's so good.

4*77#E 2*77#E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 !eltree #&G E7#E&T+6 Bine cups $he' cereal Si' ounces semisweet chocolate chips .ne&half cup peanut butter .ne&fourth cup butter .ne teaspoon vanilla one and one&half cup powdered sugar P EPA AT#)&6 & "easure $he' into large bowl. Set aside. & 2eat chocolate chips, peanut butter, and butter in saucepan over low heat until it's all melted. This is relatively fast and you have to keep stirring it or else it will burn easily. #e sure that it is a low heat. & Aemove from heat and stir in vanilla. & (our chocolate chip mi'ture over cereal in bowl and stir until everything is evenly coated. & (our into two plastic bags with powdered sugar in the bags, half the cereal with half the powdered sugar in each. & $lose these bags and shake them until the cereal is evenly coated. (ut it airtight bowl with lid to cool (putting them in the free+er works best). %nd that's it6 It's actually a lot easier than it seems. G*A$A 3*P+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ?amino*eemu #&G E7#E&T+6 *uavas. %s many as you like. Sugar $ream cheese P EPA AT#)&6 & (eel and cut each guava in half, and use a spoon (and, more helpfully if you're not opposed and have clean nails, your thumbnail, as it is more precise) to scoop all the seeds out until each half is like a little cup. 0hen finished, mi' together e5ual parts sugar and hot water, (I use two cups each, but depending on the si+e of your pan, you can use more or less) and pour into a large flat pan. (% wok is great) (lace the guava halves in the mi'ture and let them simmer. 0hen they get tender, (soft, but not mushy. Times vary, I would guess about ten&fifteen minutes), take them out and put them in a closed container and let them chill in the fridge. 0henever you need a sweet&yet&healthy snack, take a few out, put a spoonful of cream cheese inside each guava cup, and eat up6 (I'm really not a fan of raw guavas, yet I love these, so even fellow guava&dislikers can en3oy it.) P#&< 3)TTAGE 3HEE+E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ,adyJIndisJ!ress #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne small bo' cherry Eello Si'teen ounces of cottage cheese .ne can crushed pineapple, drained 7ight ounces $ool 0hip This also works well with other Eello flavors) I like it with lime. P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' all together. (ut in the fridge for a few hours. 7n3oy.

APP5E P)3<ET+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Shakespeare-reakO=K #&G E7#E&T+6 Three sweet apples && peeled, cored and thinly sliced Two tablespoons sugar Two tablespoons flour (inch of salt .ne teaspoon apple pie spice .ne tablespoon vanilla e'tract .ne (fifteen ounce) package prepared, unbaked pie crust, thawed (or if you're ambitious, make your own pie crust using your own recipe, it works 3ust as well) "ilk .ne egg, beaten P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9O:<-. In a bowl, toss apple slices together with sugar, flour, salt, apple pie spice, and vanilla e'tract until evenly coated. & Separate the pie dough into small circles (about si' inches in diameter). & ,ay pie dough circles flat on a lightly greased baking sheet. (ile apples on one side of dough, leaving a one inch border. #rush border and opposite half side of dough with milk. -old dough over apples, being careful not to over&stuff or the dough will tear. -old over edges and pinch together to seal. $ut several small slits in the top of the pocket with a sharp knife, then brush top with beaten egg. & #ake in the preheated oven for forty minutes, or until flaky and golden brown. Serve warm, or at room temperature. PEA&*T 2*TTE +94) E+ 2A + ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 $reativemess=FF:

#&G E7#E&T+6 -ourteen 2oney "aid honey grahams, broken crosswise in half (twenty&eight s5uares) Three&fourths cup (one and one&half sticks) margarine or butter, softened .ne&half cup crunchy peanut butter .ne&half cup semi&sweet chocolate chips .ne can (fourteen ounces) sweetened condensed milk Three cups Eet&(uffed "iniature "arshmallows "ake It P EPA AT#)&6 & (reheat oven to 9O:R-. (lace grahams in food processor container) cover. (rocess until coarse crumbs form. %dd margarine and peanut butter) cover. (rocess until well blended. & (lace graham mi'ture in =9'F&inch glass baking dish) press firmly onto bottom of dish to form crust. Sprinkle with chocolate chips) dri++le evenly with condensed milk, spreading gently to cover chips, if necessary. (Small holes will fill in as dessert bakes.) & #ake twenty&seven to thirty minutes or until top is bubbly all over. $ool completely on wire rack. #efore serving, sprinkle evenly with marshmallows. & #roil three to four inches from heat, one to two min. or until marshmallows are puffed and lightly browned. & ,et stand one minute before cutting into twenty&four bars to serve. & Store in tightly covered container at room temperature.

2A&A&A 2)AT ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 sasJessay #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne banana % handful of chocolate chips %s many marshmallows as you want (Eet (uffed or mini) P EPA AT#)&6 & Slice a slit into the banana with the peel still on so it has a cut down the middle the long way. & Stuff your chocolate chips and marshmallows into the slit. & 0hat you normally do camping is wrap it in tinfoil and put it in the fire, but I think B.T camping, you would put it in the microwave for a minute without foil. (-oil in microwave W bad) EA+#E+T 3HEE+E3A<E E$E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 scribblegrl

#&G E7#E&T+6 Two (eight ounces) packages cream cheese .ne cup sugar Three eggs Two teaspoons vanilla P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' together with blender1food processor (it takes -.A7C7A to mi' by hand if you want it to be nice). & (our into store bought graham cracker pie crust (or make your own with crackers and butter). & #ake around 9:;< until the top changes colors a little (maybe thirty minutesL). Top with fruit if desired. & $onsume6 I've heard this can also be done in a microwave but have never tried it myself. $heesecake in a mugL 8A5TE &AT#$E 3HEE+E3A<E E3#PE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 caradrake #&G E7#E&T+6 .ne graham cracker pie crust .ne package of cream cheese, softened .ne package of whipped cream, thawed .ne&third cup confectioners sugar P EPA AT#)&6 & #lend together cream cheese and sugar. Spoon in whipped cream and carefully fold the mi'ture together. (ut filling into pie crust and allow to refrigerate for two or more hours. $an be served with fruit topping.;

TH)+E 3H)3)5ATE HAAE5&*T 3 E+3E&T

)55 TH#&G+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 #ird0hisperer

#&G E7#E&T+6 % can or two or of crescent rolls. % 3ar or two of Butella, which is a chocolate ha+elnut spread. It's very popular in 7urope but I can only find it at %ldi stores in this part of the /S. ?ou could probably substitute it with other kinds of chocolate spreads if you had to, like chocolate peanut butter or something. P EPA AT#)&6 & Aoll out your crescent rolls and put a blob (about a tablespoon) of Butella on it. Then roll it back up, stick them on a pan and cook them for however long it says to cook the crescent rolls. ?ou can melt some more Butellla in a bowl in the microwave and dri++le it over the crescent rolls, eat them plain, or find something else you like with them. Bote from the editor) Since this recipe's inclusion into the cookbook, Butella is much more popular. ?ou should have no issue finding it) but if you do, 0orld "arket or 0hole -oods may be the way to go. 4A + 2A +5#3E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 mothgirl #&G E7#E&T+6 over in %merica "ilky 0ay bars) (Aice rispies) grams of butter

Three "ars #ars (around si' grams each) (-or you poor, poor souls who don't have "ars #ars, substitute Three cups of rice bubbles Binety & Aoughly chop butter and your chocolate bars and melt together they are melted, add your rice bubbles, and stir until evenly into a buttered tin (around N;cm by N;cm, but it depends on the and let it

P EPA AT#)&6 in a big pot. .nce mi'ed. (ut mi'ture amount of mi'ture) set in the fridge.

?ou can add other things to this fantastic recipe) desiccated coconut is a good one. ?ou can also melt a little butter and chocolate in a saucepan (make sure to be melting it over hot water, not a flame, as with all chocolate&melting) and pour that over as an icing.

2*TTE "#&GE

#3E 3 EA4 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ,adyJIndisJ!ress

#&G E7#E&T+6 % bowl of softened vanilla ice cream of your choice -un si+e #utterfinger candy bars P EPA AT#)&6 & $rush two candy bars in their wrappers. This can be done with a hammer or rolling pin. & $arefully open the wrappers over the bowl of ice cream and pour the contents onto the ice cream. & Scrape any chocolate remaining on the wrappers into the bowl. & "i' well. & 7at. 4)49+ +*PE (EA+' PEA&*T 2*TTE "*7GE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Strawberry.Suite #&G E7#E&T+6 Three and three&fourths cup icing sugar .ne&half cup cocoa .ne&half cup peanut butter .ne teaspoon vanilla .ne cup melted butter or margarine P EPA AT#)&6 & Eust dump everything in a big bowl together. The melted butter makes the peanut butter really easy to stir. & .nce it's all goopy, 3ust dump it into a convenient container (>'> fits nicely) and pop it in the fridge and try to let it cool. "y mom would sometimes modify the basic recipe to make vanilla, mint or plain chocolate fudge (3ust take out the peanut butter and1or replace the vanilla with a different flavoured e'tract) ad3ust the sugar if you need to fi' the te'ture). %nd of course nobody will complain if you throw chocolate chips or mini "Q"s or something into it. This is my favourite recipe for licking the bowl6 +A&7 ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 ladybard #&G E7#E&T+6 (ackage of vanilla instant pudding "ilk (as per directions on package) Billa 0afers (or other vanilla cookies) P EPA AT#)&6 & "ake up the instant pudding. ?ou can put it into individual serving containers or into a larger container and let people get their own. & (ut the vanilla cookies into a large free+er bag. Bow put that free+er bag inside another free+er bag (they sometimes have the tendency to break). Bow get something heavy (a rolling pin, a wooden mallet, the flat side of a meat tenderi+ing mallet) and use it to break up the cookies. ?ou want cookie crumbs here. & (ut the cookie crumbs on top of the vanilla pudding. ($an also be used to make a dessert in a large flat dish, if someone has made a slight spelling error and you're feeling especially punny) There's also a version of this which uses chocolate pudding and chocolate (.reo) cookies, often called 4dirt4 or 4mud.4 I'd imagine other cookie1pudding combos could also work well, depending on one's taste.


A&7 3)4P5ETE +5A3<E 9+ APP5E 3HA 5)TTE! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Steam&pug

#&G E7#E&T+6 Slice of bread (preferably white or potato, but whole wheat tastes good too) #utter, lots of butter %pplesauce $innamon P & & & & EPA AT#)&6 Toast bread 3ust enough so butter can melt into it satisfactorily. ,iterally drown bread with butter. Spread applesauce over the top. Sprinkle on cinnamon.

$EGA& A54)&7 4*""#&+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Shadows&Incarnated 4*""#& #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 .ne cup flour .ne&fourth cup almond flour .ne cup soy milk, vanilla or plain Three&fourths cup sugar .ne&third cup oil .ne teaspoon baking powder .ne&fourth teaspoon baking soda .ne&half teaspoon salt .ne&half teaspoon cinnamon .ne&half teaspoon almond e'tract .ne teaspoon vanilla e'tract (To make almond flour, grind or blend almonds until at a fine consistency. -or the topping, the almonds should be more course.) & (reheat over to 9:;<-. & In a large bowl, sift all dry muffin ingredients. In a small bowl, whisk together all of the wet ingredients. "ake a well in the middle of the large bowl, and pour in the wet mi'ture, and mi' until smooth. & *rease or line a cupcake1muffin pan and fill until three&fourths full. "i' the topping ingredients, and sprinkle an even layer over each muffin hole. #ake for twenty to twenty&two minutes. T)PP#&G #&G E7#E&T+6 & Two tablespoons crushed almonds & Two tablespoons sugar & .ne tablespoon cinnamon

&)(2A<E P*4P<#& 3HEE+E3A<E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6


#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne can (fifteen ounces) pumpkin .ne bar (eight ounces) cream cheese, softened .ne&half cup. sugar .ne&half teaspoon pumpkin pie spice .ne and one&half cups $ool 0hip .ne graham cracker crust P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' pumpkin, softened cream cheese, sugar and pumpkin pie spice with an electric mi'er until completely smooth. & %dd $ool 0hip with a mi'ing spoon until completely mi'ed, the mi'ture will be a pumpkin&gold color. & (our into graham cracker crust and refrigerate one hour, or until set up. The pumpkin cheese cake is more like a cream pie, but it's delicious. Sugar always helps me keep the brain working during BaBo0ri"o6 7n3oy6 T #P5E(3H)3)5ATE E+P E++) 2 )%&#E+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 !"$ole #&G E7#E&T+6 -ive ounces bittersweet chocolate, coarsely chopped Two ounces unsweetened chocolate , coarsely chopped .ne stick of butter, 5uartered Three tablespoons cocoa powder .ne and one&half tablespoon instant espresso powder Three large eggs .ne and one&fourth cup granulated sugar Two teaspoons vanilla e'tract .ne&half teaspoon salt .ne cup unbleached all&purpose flour P EPA AT#)&6 & 2eat oven to 9:;<-. Spray eight inch s5uare baking pan with nonstick vegetable cooking spray, or grease and 4flour4 using cocoa powder instead of flour. & In medium heatproof bowl set over a pan of almost&simmering water, melt chocolates and butter, stirring occasionally until mi'ture is smooth. 0hisk in cocoa and espresso until smooth. Set aside to cool slightly. & 0hisk together eggs, sugar, vanilla, and salt in medium bowl 3ust until combined. 0hisk warm chocolate mi'ture into egg mi'ture) then stir in flour with wooden spoon until 3ust combined. (our mi'ture into prepared pan, spread evenly. #ake until slightly puffed, thirty&five to forty minutes. $ool on wire rack about two hours, then remove brownies from pan. #rownies can be wrapped in plastic and refrigerated up to five days.


%)4A&9+ #&3 E7#25E APP5E 7*4P5#&G+ ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 #ird0hisperer

#&G E7#E&T+6 Two granny smith apples (any kind of apple works really) Two cans crescent rolls Two sticks butter .ne and one&half cups sugar .ne teaspoons vanilla $innamon .ne can of "ountain !ew P EPA AT#)&6 & (eel and core apples. $ut apples into eight slices each. & Aoll each apple slice in a crescent roll. (lace in a nine inch by thirteen inch buttered pan. & "elt butter, then add sugar and barely stir. %dd vanilla, stir, and pour over apples. & (our "ountain !ew all over the dumplings and around the edges of the pan. & Sprinkle with cinnamon and bake at 9:;<- for forty minutes. Serve with ice cream, and spoon some of the sweet sauces from the pan over the top. 7E5#3#)*+ "A&3' 2A + ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 Simply0riting #&G E7#E&T+6 -our cups graham crackers, crushed .ne cup butter, melted .ne&third cup sugar .ne and one&half bags semisweet chocolate chips (three cups) .ne bag butterscotch chips (two cups) Three and a half cups flaked coconut .ne and one&half cups pecans or walnuts, chopped Two cups sweetened condensed milk P EPA AT#)&6 & "i' the first three ingredients together in a medium bowl and then spread into a nine by thirteen inch pan. Spread the remaining ingredients over the top in the order they appear in the recipe above. & Top with the two cans of sweetened condensed milk poured evenly over the top. #ake at 9:;< for thirty minutes. $ool before cutting.

" *#T A&7 &*T 2A < ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 lrparks #&G E7#E&T+6 Twelve ounces bittersweet chocolate chips (two cups) Two&thirds cup mi'ed toasted nuts Two&thirds cup mi'ed dried fruit Si' 5uarter&si+e rounds crystalli+ed ginger, thinly sliced .ne&eighth teaspoon kosher salt P EPA AT#)&6 & ,ine small baking sheet with foil. & Thinly slice the ginger and set aside. & "elt chocolate chips in medium bowl over saucepan of simmering water, stirring until melted and smooth. (our melted chocolate onto foil, spreading with offset spatula to thickness of scant one&fourth inch. Scatter nuts and dried fruit over chocolate. Sprinkle with ginger. Sprinkle with fleur de sel. $hill until chocolate is firm, about thirty minutes. (eel off foil. $ut chocolate into irregular pieces. Serve bark slightly chilled. I like to use a mi'ture of nuts, like walnuts, pistachios, pecans, hickory nuts, etc. If you are going to use dried that comes in large pieces like apples, figs, peaches, pears, apricots, mangoes, pineapple, etc., cut this fruit into bite si+ed pieces. 3HEE+E3A<E T)A+T ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 wherethethymeblows #&G E7#E&T+6 #read (being a broke student, I use %sda Smartprice, but a farmhouse variety would probably work better) $ream cheese (I like (hiladelphia ,ight) Aaspberry 3am P EPA AT#)&6 & Toast the bread till it is nicely golden&brown. & Spread cream cheese on it, thickly. & Spread a thin layer of 3am. & 7n3oy the way in which it tastes of raspberry cheesecake. & $ontinue writing.

PA&&A 3)TTA= +T A%2E

#E+ A&7 2A5+A4#3 $#&EGA

! 3)&T #2*T) 6 !ybael

PA&&A 3)TTA #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 Two tablespoons water .ne and one&fourth teaspoon unflavored gelatin Two cups whipping cream .ne and one&fourth cup plain goat's milk or whole&milk yogurt .ne teaspoon vanilla e'tract .ne&half cup sugar & (our water into small bowl. Sprinkle gelatin over water. ,et stand until softened, about fifteen minutes. & 0hisk one cup of cream, yogurt, and vanilla in large bowl to blend. 2eat remaining cup of cream and sugar in small saucepan over medium heat, stirring until sugar dissolves and cream comes to simmer. Aemove from heat. %dd gelatin mi'ture, stirring to dissolve gelatin. "i' hot cream&gelatin mi'ture into yogurt mi'ture in bowl. !ivide mi'ture among si' three&fourth cup ramekins, using about one&half cup for each. Aefrigerate desserts uncovered until cold, then cover and refrigerate overnight. +T A%2E ' #&G E7#E&T+>P EPA AT#)&6 Two one pint baskets strawberries, hulled, thinly sliced Three tablespoons balsamic vinegar .ne tablespoon sugar .ne&half teaspoon freshly ground black pepper & Toss strawberries, vinegar, sugar, and pepper in large bowl to combine. ,et stand thirty minutes, tossing occasionally. Spoon strawberries over panna cotta and serve. 3H)3)5ATE +#& ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 %leusae #&G E7#E&T+6 "andatory) .ne si'teen ounce chocolate pound cake, cut into one&fourth inch slices Two packages (four serving si+e) instant chocolate pudding and pie filling Three cups milk .ne twelve ounce container fro+en whipped topping, thawed and divided .ne and one&fourth cups coarsely chopped chocolate sandwich cookies, divided .ptional) .ne cup chopped walnuts, divided P EPA AT#)&6 & ,ayer half of the pound cake slices in a nine by thirteen glass baking dish. & In a large bowl combine the chocolate pudding mi' and milk, and blend with a wire whisk until thickened. -old in half of the whipped topping. & Spread half of the pudding mi'ture over the pound cake slices and sprinkle with one&half cup nuts and one&half cup cookie crumbs. & Aepeat the layers then top with the remaining whipped topping and the remaining one&fourth cup cookie crumbs. & $over and chill for two hours before serving.

P*4P<#& 2*TTE

! 3)&T #2*T) 6 2ooraySayTheAoses

#&G E7#E&T+6 .ne can of pumpkin puree Three&fourths cup of apple cider (you can use apple 3uice, but it's not really the same) .ne and one&half cap of sugar Two teaspoons of ginger (please keep in mind that dried ginger is stronger than fresh ginger, I usually 3ust go by taste) Two teaspoons of cinnamon (you can go cra+y with the cinnamon if you want, I do) .ne teaspoon of nutmeg .ne&half teaspoons of cloves P EPA AT#)&6 & !ump all the ingredients in a pot. & #ring to a boil. Aeduce to a simmer. $ook for thirty minutes or until it thickens, stirring often. & If you can drag the spoon through the mi'ture and the trail doesn't close immediately, you're done. ,et it cool to room temperature to refrigerate, or immediately free+e. It will last for a month in the fridge. 0hat a coincidence6 &*TE55A 4)*++E ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 5uietly&making&noise #&G E7#E&T+6 NN; grams Butella (an entire small 3ar) -ifty grams creme fraiche (slightly sour cream with high butterfat content) -ifty&five grams butter Two tablespoons&ish sugar The whites of si' eggs The yolks of four eggs P EPA AT#)&6 & 0hip the yolks with the sugar until it goes light and moussey (electric mi'ers make this a bree+e, but it's possible with a whisk. I managed it once with a table fork, but I wouldn't recommend it...) & "elt the butter and Butella in a bowl balanced over a pan of boiling water. & "i' the yolks with the Butella mi', adding the creme fraiche. #ubbles should be starting to rise... & 0hip the whites until they turn into snow (nice and thick and solid&looking). & *ently incorporate the whites into the mi'ture with a spatula. 7ither pour this gorgeous&smelling goo into small ramekins or pots, or leave it in the bowl, and refrigerate for %T ,7%ST 9 hours. 7t voila. #on appUtit6

T#GE "*7GE ! 3)&T #2*T) 6 $herry$oke Bote from the contributor) % note about heatingD I like stovetop 3ust because I dislike microwaves, but microwaving is not only BaBo friendly but works 3ust as well6 #&G .ne .ne .ne E7#E&T+6 cup milk chocolate chips cup peanut butter cup white chocolate chips

P EPA AT#)&6 & "elt white chocolate chips and stir in peanut butter until it is smooth. (our into a greased dish. & Then melt the milk chocolate chips and pour over the peanut butter and white chocolate mi'ture. & Take a butter knife and swirl in the milk chocolate to marble it. !on't do it so much that it mi'es6 & $hill in fridge, .A if it's cold enough outside, wrap in foil and leave on your porch, because it takes half the time6 (That's what we do when it snows.) I dislike white chocolate and I love this. (lus I've found that a s5uare makes a nice chapter reward.

regarding editing!

If at any time you feel that a(n), or your, recipe has been improperly edited, you would like to change something, or would like your recipe removed from the $ookbook, send a BaBo"ail to DM with information on what you wish to be changed. It will be changed in the ne't edition.

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