S.No Word Meaning: Tyagna, Kam Se Ji Churana Beh Se Kampna, Tharrana

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1- Evidently Plain and clear ,spast
2- Exaggerate To describe broadly,vistrit varnan
3- Exaltation A state of great excitement & pleasure.
4- Erratic Uncertain ,irregular
5- Erratum An error in printing
6- Erroneous Incorrect
7- Erupt To break out Fatna
8- Enigma A riddle
9- Eminent Distinguish ,alag,pratisdith
10- Endure I cant endure him ,I hate him .sahan karna,
11- Shirked Tyagna,kam se ji churana
12- Shudder Beh se kampna ,tharrana
13- Solitude Lonely life,nirzanta,akelapan
14- Sought To find
15- Souffle Low murmer sound
16- Salvation Papon se mukti.
17- Saga Story of heroic deeds.
18- Sagacious Very Clever.
19- Satire Uphaaspurn lekh.
20- Scaffold The plateform on which criminal is executed,makanbanane ki machan.
21- Blurt Say something suddenly and strongly.
22- Mandatory Authoritative command
23- Hoist Blowen up by his own bomb ment for others.
24- Ulterior Gupt,
25- Umbrage Bura lagana, narajgi jhahir karna
26- Ultraist
27- pertinet To the point.
28- Petitioner Prarthi
29- Pertain To belong
30- Persecute Giving ill treatment
31- Perplex To puzzle
32- Penniless Having no money
33- Penitentiary Reformatory institution
34- Pacify To reduce to quite shant karna
35- Perturb To disturb mentally
36- Pernicious Destructive nashak
37- Periphery Circumfrence
38- Negation Denying
39- Namby pamby Mildly sentimental
40- Navete Artlessness,simplicity
41- Naive Artless unefected, bhola bhala
42- Napery A table linen
43- Nape Back of neck
44- Nap A spell of short sleep
45- Narghile Tabbaco pipe
46- Nascent In process of birth ,springing up
47- Nascency Amature
48- Nasty Dirty,illnatured,unpleasant.
49- Nefarious Wicked,atidust,jhaganya
50- Neglige Free and easy attire
51- Nescience State of not knowing, ignorance
52- Nestle To settle oneself comfortably.
53- Nestor Wise and old man
54- Stray To wonder aimlessly.A few stray instances.
55- Sendentary Sust baitha rehne wala.
56- Acme Highest point.
57- Accurse To call down curse on
58- Accuse Dosh lagana
59- Ail Fell trouble ,be ill.
60- Ardent Enthusiastic, utsaahit
61- Anonymity Aagyat rehna
62- Antagonism Active opposition ,opposing principle
63- Antagonist Oppenent
64- Annihilation Utter destruction, purn vinash
65- Annex Add ,attach
66- Anklet Ornamet for the ankle
67- Aniseed Seed of anise, sonapka beej
68- Anguish Severe mental pain
69- Amuse Entertain
70- Amateur Shokiya,
71- Ambit Circumference
72- Amblent Aas pass ka
73- Ambiguity Doubtfulness of meaning
74- Ambiguous Sandigdh,aaspast
75- Ambidexter Able to use both hand alike
76- Aceldama Scene of bloodshed&butchery
77- Ample Enough ,adequate
78- Adolescent A boy or girl between age group 13 to 18 years
79- Abolish To end somethingor get rid of by law
80- Accent A way of speaking that shows a person comes from a particular place
81- Alley A very narrow road in the town .
82- Annoy To make someone angry.I was annoyed because I missed my bus &get
late for work.
83- Commence To begin, to start
84- Commend To praise,commendable(worthy)
85- Commotion Physical disturbance, confusion
86- Communiqué An official intimation
87- Conceive To become pregnant, to think of
88- Concise Brief and comprehensive .
89- Confiscate To seize property
90- Congregation Assembly of people for religious worship
91- Lynch Anyay purn dand.
92- Lust Severe desire of intercourse
93- Luscious Richly sweet in taste
94- Lukewarm Neither too hot nor too cold
95- Lout A rough mannered man
96- Longing An eager desire
97- Laison Illicit relation between man &women
98- Layman A person without professional knowledge
99- Layette Clothes for infant child
100- Laureate Rajkavi
101- Lavish Kharchila
102- Lass,lassie A sweet girl
103- Laches Negligence in performing a legal duty.

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