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In the court of the senior sub Judge, Ambala ----------Sham Sunder Dass & another Vs Union of India Suit

for declaration Application under order 39 Rules 1 & 2 read with section 151 CPC for issue of an ad-interim injunction till the decision of the suit. Sir, The Plaintiff submits as under: That the !laintiff has filed a suit for declaration that the notice of resum!tion issued b" the officers of the defendant is illegal ,#oid, unconstitutional and against the !rinci!les of $ustice and, therefore, %ungalo& 'o (),The *all, Ambala cantt, as detailed in the heading of the !laint, has not been legall" resumed and continues to be the !ro!ert" of the !laintiffs for the reasons & grounds set out in the !laint &hich the !laintiff cra#es the indulgence of the learned court to refer the same at the time of hearing and to form a !art of this a!!lication+ ) That the !laintiffs ha#e got a #er" good !rima-facts case in as much as no notice of resum!tion &as gi#en to the !laintiffs and at the same time no o!!ortunit" &as gi#en to the


to contest the same notice of

resum!tion nor to ascertain the !rice on &hich resum!tion can ta,e !lace+ A che-ue of #er" meager amount of .s /0 )/1- &as sent to the !laintiffs as against the mar,et #alue of the !ro!ert" in dis!ute+

That the defendants ha#e had no $urisdiction or !o&er to resume the !ro!ert" in dis!ute unless the !rice &as settled offered and !aid to the !laintiffs b" mutual agreement or b" the Tribunal+

That the balance of con#enience is also on the side of the !laintiff for the reasons that the house is a residential !ro!ert" &herein the !laintiffs are residing &ith their families and children and in case the defendant is not restrained from dis!ossessing the !laintiff, the !laintiff shall suffer an irre!arable in$ur" & loss besides shall be on the road+

That it is e4!edient and in the interests of $ustice that the status--uo be maintained and the defendant and its ser#ants be restrained from dis!ossessing the !laintiff till the decision in the suit+ If the defendants are allo&ed to dis!ossess the !laintiff during the

!endenc" of the suit and ultimatel" the suit succeeds, there shall not onl" be multi!licit" of !roceedings and suits but the !laintiffs shall suffer an irre!arable in$ur" & loss+ / That the defendant has in e4ercise of its e4ecuti#e !o&ers issued a notice to the !laintiffs under the Public Premises56#iction of Unauthori7ed 6#iction8Act, 9: on the !resum!tion that the resum!tion is #alid and the !ro!ert" has become that of the defendant and the !roceedings are !ending before the *ilitar" 6state ;fficer, Ambala <antt: : It is, therefore, res!ectfull" !ra"ed that an ad-interim in$unction restraining the defendant and its ser#ants, *ilitar" 6state ;fficer and others from interfering &ith the !eaceful & la&ful !ossession of the !laintiffs of the !ro!ert" in dis!ute till the decision of the suit be issued+ An affida#it of one of the !laintiffs is enclosed here&ith+

-9-:3 Thro: counsel+ Sham Sunder Dass5Plaintiff8

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