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Section 1 Brief Introduction...............................................2 Note 2 Dimension of Installation.....................................14

1 Nantong Jugao Machinery Co Ltd Tel:008651388932366 Mobile:0086132221111 8 !dd:Libao "ndu#try $ar% &aian Couty Nantong City Jiang#u $ro'ice

Section 1 Brief Introduction

Thank you for using SNC 1! "ress brakes series control system. #or your correct use an$ safety% &lease rea$ this brochure an$ &ut forwar$ your 'aluable o&inions( SNC 1! "ress brakes )*r Shearing machine+ Control system has the following &rofessional functions: 1 When "ress brakes% "osition Control for ,ack gauge an$ Sli$er stroke When shearing machine% "osition control for ,ack gauge an$ Cutting counting C -a. "recision /ate for 0 an$ 1 is 2.221 )mm+ 3*ne way an$ two way &ositioning% remo'e screw transmission clearance effecti'ely. 4System has soft restrict. 5"osition memory when &ower off 6 Set the $is&lay scale factor accor$ing to screw &itch an$ transmission ratio% also through the o&eration $emonstration by nc system calculation automatically for the scale factor. the o&eration sim&le an$ con'enient. 7"asswor$ &rotection. When user starts system Teaching &osition or mo$ify the o&eration &arameters% user nee$s to in&ut the correct &asswor$% or he can only rea$ the &arameters or mo$ify the current &osition% as shown in the rele'ant sections of the o&eration instructions.

Section 3 8escri&tions
3.1 8is&lay Two 9ine Total 13 Numbers 9E8 0 2 ;;;;.;;mm /esolution /atio: 2.21mm 1 2 ;;;;.;;mm /esolution /atio: 2.21mm 1 #or Shearing machines is the signal for cutting times counting Two System running in$icators: <reen one shows running well an$ /e$ *ne shows Sto&.

3.4 Electric S&ecification System "ower Su&&ly: =n&ut >oltage: 8C6> ?12@ -a. Current: AB 1: Enco$er "ower *ut&ut: *ut&ut >oltage: 8C6> ?12@ -a. Current: 322m: =* "ower Su&&ly: =n&ut >oltage: 8C35> ?12@
3 Nantong Jugao Machinery Co Ltd Tel:008651388932366 Mobile:0086132221111 8 !dd:Libao "ndu#try $ar% &aian Couty Nantong City Jiang#u $ro'ice
-a. Current: AB 322m: =n&ut Channel: =n&ut >oltage: 8C35> ?12@ -a. Current: 32m: *ut&ut Channel: Connecte$ >oltage: 8C35> ?12@ -a. Current: 62m: 3.5 :mbient Tem&erature Working Tem&erature: 262 Storage Tem&erature: 32C2

Section 4 =nstallation an$ Connection

4.1:ttention for =nstallation an$ Connection Shut off the &ower su&&ly before =nstallation an$ Connection )#or Enco$er+ -ain /easons for Serious 8amage of Systems are -isconnection of "ower su&&ly &ort%-istake of =n&ut an$ *ut&ut Connection%Short Circuit of out&ut 9ine.So ,efore &ower on%"lease Check the "ower Su&&ly%<roun$ Connection%=n&utDout&ut 9ine right or not. "lease Ese the stan$ar$ Switch "ower Su&&ly "lease Choose a safe area for SNC 51 =nstallation an$ a'oi$ Figh Tem&erature%Sunshine 8irectly%-oisture%water 8ro& s&illing. "lease 8o not use in the following area such as Figh Tem&erature%-oisture Con$ensation%8ust%9am&black%Electric Con$ucti'ity 8ust% corrosi'e gas% inflammable gas 4.3 8irection an$ S&ace for =nstallation SNC 1! Control system are &ut into the Control "anel.-ust Gee& enough S&ace with near "arts an$ 8am boar$. 4.4:mbient for =nstallation Without Water 8ro&%Steam%8ust an$ *iliness 8ust. Without =nflammable%e.&losi'e%corrosi'e <as Without Strong Electromagnetism 8isturb :mbient Tem&erature 2 62.=f :mbient Tem&erature is higher than 52 %"lease Gee& $raughty well. 4.5 8imensions Whole =nstallation 8imension of SNC 1! &lease rea$ Note 3. 4.6 ,ack "anel :t the ,ack "anel%There are System "ower Su&&ly%=n&utD*ut&ut Connection "ort%Status =n$icator an$ Enco$er.
4 Nantong Jugao Machinery Co Ltd Tel:008651388932366 Mobile:0086132221111 8 !dd:Libao "ndu#try $ar% &aian Couty Nantong City Jiang#u $ro'ice

4 1 ,ack "anel 4.61 =n&ut Signal "ort H6> H6> "ower Su&&ly =n&ut "ositi'e "ole <N8 H6> "ower Su&&ly =n&ut &ort 35> =n&utD*ut&ut Channel "ower Su&&ly =n&ut "ositi'e "ole C*=n&utD*ut&ut Channel "ower =n&ut "ort E8 =n&ut "ort of To& 8ea$ Center.When To& 8ea$ Center Close%There are Signal =n&utI:lso #or Counting Signal =n&ut "ort.When There is =n&ut Signal%Count a$$s one. /$ Concession Signal in&ut "ort.When there is Signal in&ut%=t begins the Concession.When There is 8elay%Concession after 8elay. 4.63 *ut&ut Signal "ort 0HH 0 Figh s&ee$ at #orwar$ 8irection *ut&ut "ort 0H 0 9ow s&ee$ :t #orwar$ 8irection *ut&ut "ort 0 0 9ow S&ee$ :t re'erse 8irection *ut&ut "ort 0 0 Figh S&ee$ :t re'erse 8irection *ut&ut "ort 0=" 0 =n &lace Signal *ut&ut "ort.When :utoly running un$er fi.e$ allowe$ tolerance%=t will out&ut =n &lace Signal.There will be not signal out&ut when Sto& Status. 1HH 1 Figh s&ee$ at #orwar$ 8irection *ut&ut "ort 1H 1 9ow s&ee$ :t #orwar$ 8irection *ut&ut "ort 1 1 9ow S&ee$ :t re'erse 8irection *ut&ut "ort 1 1 Figh S&ee$ :t re'erse 8irection *ut&ut "ort 1=" 1 =n &lace Signal *ut&ut "ort.When :utoly running un$er fi.e$ allowe$ tolerance%=t will out&ut =n &lace Signal.There will be not signal out&ut when Sto& Status. Each &ort for =n&utD*ut&ut has the =n$icator show they status. 4.64 Connector Enco$er
5 Nantong Jugao Machinery Co Ltd Tel:008651388932366 Mobile:0086132221111 8 !dd:Libao "ndu#try $ar% &aian Couty Nantong City Jiang#u $ro'ice

SNC 51 Control System has two 8,; ; Nee$le Enco$er Connector ENCJ0: 0 Enco$er Connector ENCJ1: 1 Enco$er Connector 8efinition of 9ea$ #oot Singal as #ollowing: ; Nee$le Enco$er "hase 1st Connect Enco$er : "hase 3e$ Connect Enco$er , "hase 5th Connect Enco$er "ower Su&&ly H6> 6th%;th Connect <N8 of Enco$er "ower Su&&ly 7th Connect Enco$er D: "hase Cth Connect Enco$er D, "hase 4.7 Electrical 8esign Ty&ical :&&lication

4 3 Ty&ical :&&lication

Section 5 *&eration =nstructions

5.1Control "anel

6 Nantong Jugao Machinery Co Ltd Tel:008651388932366 Mobile:0086132221111 8 !dd:Libao "ndu#try $ar% &aian Couty Nantong City Jiang#u $ro'ice
For Shearing machine

For Press brakes

7 Nantong Jugao Machinery Co Ltd Tel:008651388932366 Mobile:0086132221111 8 !dd:Libao "ndu#try $ar% &aian Couty Nantong City Jiang#u $ro'ice

5.3 *&eration Check the Connection of SNC 1! System "ower Su&&ly%<roun$ Wire%=n&utDout&ut Signal an$ Enco$er "lug right or not. Check =n&ut 9ine of "ower Su&&ly Normal or not until the 8C of System &ower su&&ly is normal. Check the System normal Working or not after "ower on.=f abnormal%Cut off the "ower su&&ly an$ Check the connection.

C Nantong Jugao Machinery Co Ltd Tel:008651388932366 Mobile:0086132221111 8 !dd:Libao "ndu#try $ar% &aian Couty Nantong City Jiang#u $ro'ice

! Nantong Jugao Machinery Co Ltd Tel:008651388932366 Mobile:0086132221111 8 !dd:Libao "ndu#try $ar% &aian Couty Nantong City Jiang#u $ro'ice

; Nantong Jugao Machinery Co Ltd Tel:008651388932366 Mobile:0086132221111 8 !dd:Libao "ndu#try $ar% &aian Couty Nantong City Jiang#u $ro'ice

Section 6 8ebug of -achines

6.1 #irst 8ebug When -achine get the /ight connection with "ower su&&ly an$ Turn on the System. =f There is no :larm or S&ecical Situation%Start the *il "um& an$ then Start the #ollowing #irst Test: 1Checking the ,la$e *r -oul$ /est%-ake it sto& at the 8ea$ &oint. 3"ress # ,utton an$ Come into =nching -o'ing =nterface.Choose 0 an$ 1 Se&arately. Then =nching -o'ing an$ watch out about the 8is&lay Normal or not%8irection of Electric Engine Working right or not.=f the -achine Can not run%#irst Check any misconnection or fle.ible of wires.=f you check out it is not thiese &roblems an$ :lso Still can not sol'e the &roblems%"lease Contact with the &rofessional &erson of Su&&liers an$ ask them to check electric for you. 4 -ake the =nching Electric Engine sto& at one "osition an$ then use ruler to measure the actual &osition then make com&arision with the Numbers showe$ on the systems. 1ou nee$ to choose at least Two &oints an$ -ore far away long 8istance -uch better.-eanwhile watch out the :ctual 8ifference with the 8ifference showe$ in the Systems. Note: When "ower Turne$ *ff of SNC 1! Systems%There is -emery of "resent "osition. So Ne.t time Turn on%No nee$ to Set &resent "osition%Kust nee$ to &rocess it $irectly. ,ut if you mo'e it after the &ower off or 9ast time when &ower off%The machines was still un$er the status of -o'ing%So the &osition of SNC 1! memory is not right. So Ne.t time%When restart the Systems%1ou ha'e to ins&ect the &resent &osition right or not. =f not right%1ou nee$ to re&eat the o&eration of Setting &resent "osition.
12 Nantong Jugao Machinery Co Ltd Tel:008651388932366 Mobile:0086132221111 8 !dd:Libao "ndu#try $ar% &aian Couty Nantong City Jiang#u $ro'ice

Section 7 System "arameters =nstruction

7.1 "arameters Table "arameters N:-E "SW -mDin "n 221 "n 223 "n 224 "n 225 "n 226 "n 227 "n 22C "n 22! "n 22; "n 212 "n 211 "n 213 "n 214 "n 215 "n 216 "n 217 "n 21C "n 21! "n 21; ":SSW*/8 -ale intercon'ersion $efault 'alue 11111 2 2L1 1L12222 1L12222 2L;;;;;.; 2L;;;;;.; 2L1 2L12.2 2L122.2 2L1222.2 2L1 2L1222.2 12L1222 1LC 2L1 /ange

0 $is&lays scaling factor1 molecules 0 $is&lays the $enominator1 scaling factor 0 soft limit minimum 'alue2 )mmDinch+ 0 soft )mmDinch+ limit ma.imum1222.2

0 $irection. Take the enco$er 2 count 0 &ositioning )mmDinch+ tolerance2.6

0 sto& $istance in a$'ance6.2 )mmDinch+ 0 high or low s&ee$ switching 62.2 $istance )mmDinch+ 0 localiMation way )2:%1:+2 0 su&er )mmDinch+ cheng $istance32.2

0 &oint start out&ut wi$th time 122 )+ 0 when &ositioning motor start1 times restrictions 0 $oes the electricity to be2 automatic fin$ reference &oint 0 reference &oint 12 0 $irection for a reference 2 &oint Ste& change wait time )in secon$s+ 1.2 Concession secon$s+ waiting time )in1.2

2L1 2L122.2 2L122.2 1L12222 1L12222

The 1 shows scaling factor 1 molecules The 1 shows scaling factor 1 $enominator

11 Nantong Jugao Machinery Co Ltd Tel:008651388932366 Mobile:0086132221111 8 !dd:Libao "ndu#try $ar% &aian Couty Nantong City Jiang#u $ro'ice
"n 232 "n 231 "n 233 "n 234 "n 235 "n 236 "n 237 "n 23C "n 23! "n 23; "n 242 "n 241 "n 243 The 1 soft limit minimum2 'alue )mmDinch+
2L;;;;;.; 2L;;;;;.; 2L1 2L12.2 2L122.2 2L1222.2 2L1 2L1222.2 12L1222 1LC 2L1

The 1 soft limit ma.imum1222.2 )mmDinch+ 1 shaft enco$er counter $irection 1 &ositioning )mmDinch+ 2 tolerance2.6

The 1 sto& $istance in a$'ance 6.2 )mmDinch+ The 1 high or low s&ee$ 62.2 switching $istance )mmDinch+ 1 localiMation way%1:one way+ way )2:two2 32.2

1 su&er $istance )mmDinch+

The 1 &oint start out&ut wi$th122 time )ms+ The 1 when &ositioning motor 1 start times restrictions The 1 $oes the electric2 automatic fin$ reference &oint The 1 reference &oint &osition 12 The 1 $irection for a reference 2 &oint


13 Nantong Jugao Machinery Co Ltd Tel:008651388932366 Mobile:0086132221111 8 !dd:Libao "ndu#try $ar% &aian Couty Nantong City Jiang#u $ro'ice

14 Nantong Jugao Machinery Co Ltd Tel:008651388932366 Mobile:0086132221111 8 !dd:Libao "ndu#try $ar% &aian Couty Nantong City Jiang#u $ro'ice

Note 2 Dimension of Installation

15 Nantong Jugao Machinery Co Ltd Tel:008651388932366 Mobile:0086132221111 8 !dd:Libao "ndu#try $ar% &aian Couty Nantong City Jiang#u $ro'ice

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