Thirteen-Year-Old Quin E... IT Grads How To Program - 20131120200029

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Thirteen$%ear$!ld &'hi( )id* +uin Etn re Schools M,T Graduates ,n Electronic Programming
,n five ears- he he will be attending the Cambridge school for college/
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+uin Etn re has his own that manufactures electronic bits for .eo.les* .et .ro4ects- has taught M,T graduates how to .rogram- and is alread fairl confident he will attend the .restigious school himself in a few ears/ "nd he is onl 56 ears old/ This wee7 the BBC ran a feature about Etn re*s im.ressive list of accolades- which outside of o.erating his own small$scale business venture- +tech7now- aimed at other 7ids get into electronic .rogramming- includes building a moveable robot that can detect when there is a wall or other structure and move awa without the hel. of a human o.erator/ ,n the BBC feature- Etn re is seen teaching a class to members of the M,T Club of Southern California- a volunteer$run organi(ation that unites alumni and friends of M,T- how to .rogram/ 8uring the session- Etn re .roudl wears a fresh$.ressed T$shirt bearing the M,T logo as he e9.lains how "rduino- an o.en$source electronic .rotot .ing .latform:the 56$ ear$old*s favorite to wor7 with:o.erates/ Etn re*s famil admits at first the ;didn*t get it-< referencing their son*s curious obsession for com.uter .rogramming- and teaching adults how to do the same:something most 7ids his age aren*t worried about in their dail lives:but the su..ort him wholeheartedl / "ll Proceeds Benefit The !ne #und

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Boston reached out to Etn re- but his father- Ethan- said he was in school for the da - after ;a ver bus BBC-filled morning/< But his mother- )aren Mi7uni- was ha.. to discuss her son*s success- sa ing that Etn re has been over$boo7ed with adult students tr ing to get in his classes/ ;,t*s all ver e9citing/< Mi7uni said her son*s goal of getting into M,T started around the time he launched his business last ear- but nothing is set in stone/ ;That*s all his idea- there is no assurance from M,T- but he has met a lot of good$will .eo.le- including some engineers from the school A and he heard that M,T was good for engineering- so he decided that*s where he wanted to go/< "ccording to Mi7uni- Etn re*s love for electronics- and im.ressive brain .ower- started at a oung age- and Buic7l evolved/ ;"ll the tech stuff is com.letel on his own/ 'e are not engineers or an thing li7e that/ 'e 7new he had that 7ind of brain because when he was a toddler he loved to line things u. and do .u((les- and we would do math .roblems when he was threeAwe 4ust 7ind of 7new he had that brain-< she said/ ;He thought it was fun/< "s the told the BBC- Etn re does ma7e time for engaging in t .ical 56$ ear$old behaviors- and en4o s other e9tracurricular activities outside of his science .ro4ects/ That being said- he also managed to find a wa to fuse his love of electronics with the crude sub4ects that can often be the focal .oint of adolescent behaviors= farting/ Etn re develo.ed a hat and switch combo that allows .eo.le to measure the intensit of the methane .roduced b their flatulence/ 'hen someone releases gas- the ;fart sensor-< which goes in a .ersons* .oc7et and is made from an "ltoids mini$tin- .ic7s u. on the methane concentrations- and s on a hat 4ust how bad it was b activating flashing @E8 lights connected to the base of the hat/ "ll of this- of course- is a .recursor to his ultimate goals of both attending M,T:which- in his Twitter .rofile he indicates will be in five ears:and landing a good 4ob/ ;, want to be- li7e- an educator A and also an engineer-< he said/ Etn re isn*t alone in his admirable M,T feats at such a oung age/ ,n Se.tember- Battushig M anganba ar- of 2lan Bator- made headlines when he got a .erfect score in the M,T Circuits and Electronics course he too7 through edC/ "t 4ust 5D ears old- the Mongolian student aced the so.homore$level M,T course with the hel. of his .rinci.alEn7hmun7h Eurgaan4in- M,T*s first Mongolian graduate/

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