Secret Lairs: Online Greenlight Review

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Online Greenlight Review

Scott Turner 20.11.2013

Secret Lairs

Aztec Super Villain

Character Profile.
Nopax - Nopalxochitl the evil love child of Mictlancihuatl and Itztlacoliuhqui-Ixquimilli Mictlan - Mictlancihuatl the wife of the ruler of the land of the dead. Itz-milli - Itztlacoliuhqui-Ixquimilli - the god frost, ice, cold, winter, sin, punishment and human misery. Huehue Huehuecoyotl the god of deception. Nopax is the most feared of all the Aztec Gods he is the love child of Mictlan and Itz-milli. His anger is pure and his intentions no less than evil. Nopax was born out of spite as revenge to Mictlans ex-lover Mitchlee who used her. Due to this betrayal, Nopax was raised with a hatred to all men. Many say this disrupted upbringing created the evil god we know today. Nopax has not a single enemy - only man. He grew to become more and more powerful, strengthening his bond with the land of the dead and his control over the humans and their weatherly elements. The combination of his parents powers encouraged Nopax to experiment causing immense misery and torment wherever he went. Banished by Huehue for all his sins, Nopax was tricked into being entrapped within a sacrificial pyramid in Iztapalapa, Mexico. Although it was Huehue who tricked him, Nopax blamed man. After centuries of entrapment Nopax discovered a way out - a crack that allowed him into the undead world of which he controlled. For a further 100 years Nopax searched the undead world for a way of getting back to Earth for vengeance what he saw over these years only corrupted him further, generating more evil and hatred that he was to unleash on man. Finally he discovered a way. All his evil dreams where starting to materialize the first - a portal back to Earth. Nopax sought shelter, away from the eye of the humans, a deep dark location where he could rebuild his former strength and bide his time until the day he could unleash his revenge. Deep in a London Sewer he found it, exactly what he was looking for, a secret lair that he could call his own, where he could create a world to live in whilst he plotted his revenge and the destruction of all mankind.

Initial Research

- Visual Concept

After my first OGR I started to rethink my idea after feedback from peers and Phil. I decided to place my lair into a sewer rather than have my character trapped in a pyramid. I feel that this will help portray my Supper Villain side of my project.

Visual Concept Research Cont.

My old designs were very boxy and bedroom 'like so I started to break the stereotypical rectangle room and designed a floor plan derived from a Aztec Symbol this created a much more dynamic room that held much more atmosphere.

Visual Concept Idea.

My idea is that my Aztec Super Villain has escaped after years of being trapped and has recreated his home out of ice in a London Sewer. What I have based my designs upon has been heavily influence by images of sewers and Aztec symbols with colours taken from ice and complimentary colours used as ice. Because my Lairs is very much DC/Marvel I have been very bold with my lighting and shadows, using definitive lines that generate bold, sharp shapes within my lair.

Hero Prop.
My idea for my hero prop is a plinth that allows Nopax to control the world of the dead.

Hero Prop

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