Edc 3399 Research Methods in Islamic Education

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Kulliyyah / Institute Department / Centre r!"ramme Name !# C!urse / M!$e C!urse C!$e Name %s& !# A'a$emi' sta## / Instru't!r%s& Rati!nale #!r the in'lusi!n !# the '!urse / m!$ule in the pr!"ramme Semester an$ Year O##ere$ Status Le(el r!p!se$ Start Date )at'h !# Stu$ent t! *e A##e'te$ Institute of Education N/A
Bachelor of Education

Research Methods in Islamic Education EDC 3399 Assoc. Dr. To pro ide students !ith essential "no!led#e and s"ills to conduct academic research related to Islamic education. $emester %& '(%3 $peciali) Three $emester %& '((*/'((+ $emester %& '((,/'((- on!ards
In$epen$ent Learnin"

/ro0ectIndi idual

T!tal Stu$ent Learnin" Time %SLT&


%( Cre$it Value (hours) re+re,uisites (if any) C!+re,uisites (if any) 3 Credit .ours



1thers /

E+-!rum / Dis'ussi!n

-!rmal Assessment

T!tal .ui$e$ an$ In$epen$en t Learnin"



C!urse O*0e'ti(es

The o30ecti es of this course are to4 %. ena3le students to appl5 3asic research methodolo#5 in the field of Islamic education. '. pro ide an opportunit5 for students to anal5)e research literatures and related to Islamic Education. 3. e6pose students !ith the arious approaches of doin# educational research. 2. pro ide an opportunit5 to students to learn some s"ills and techni7ues in ol ed in conductin# research and anal5)in# the data. B5 the end of this course& students should 3e a3le to4 %. identif5 and comprehend the meanin# of concept& principles and methods in educational research '. differentiate 3et!een the !estern and Islamic perspecti es of educational research. 3. differentiate a ran#e of research methods and their limitations 2. appl5 a num3er of practical research rele ant to the field of Islamic education ,. demonstrate an understandin# of and a3ilit5 to dra! on current techni7ues of doin# action research and !ritin# a research report -. conduct research on an5 #i en Islamic education issue S1ills Critical thin"in# and pro3lem sol in# s"ills 3!4 they are $e(el!pe$ Indi idual assi#nments <roup assi#nment <roup assi#nment <roup !or" Assessment meth!$ Research re ie!s :ritin# research proposal /resentation :ritin# research proposal

Learnin" Out'!mes

Trans#era*le S1ills

Research s"ills Communication s"ills Team !or" and leadership s"ills T2L / Assessment Strate"ies Teachin# and 8earnin# $trate#ies Assessment $trate#ies

Des'ripti!n 8ecture and Discussion Mid9term Test& Research re ie!s& :ritin# research proposal& /resentation& ;inal E6amination

Tea'hin"+Learnin" / assessment strate"y

C!urse Syn!psis

This course co ers concepts& principles and methods in educational research. Topics include de elopin# research 7uestions& formulation of pro3lem of statement& determinin# population and sample& constructin# 7uestionnaire and data processin# anal5sis. Application of practical research rele ant to the field of Islamic Education !ill 3e the main focus. More importantl5& the Islamic perspecti e of research !ill also 3e emphasi)ed. '

M!$e !# Deli(ery

8ecture LO % %&3 %& ' All Meth!$ ;orum / Discussion Indi idual /ro0ect @ui) ='? ;inal E6amination TOTAL 8 '( 3( %( 2( 799

Assessment Meth!$s an$ Type/C!urse Assessment

Mappin" !# '!urse / m!$ule t! the r!"ramme Learnin" Out'!mes Learnin" Out'!me !# the '!urse
%. I '. D 3. D 2. A research rele ant to the field of Islamic

r!"ramme Out'!mes
(% (' (3 (2 (, ((* (+ (9

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

,. D

-. C

C!ntent !utline !# the '!urse / m!$ule an$ the SLT per t!pi' 6ee1s 7 T!pi's Introduction/;oundations of Research in Education4 The nature of research in education ;undamental assumptions Research concepts and characteristics A #eneral o er ie! of the research process =A to >? Learnin" Tas1/Rea$in" (author/page) 3!urs , $i"es& et.al. ='((3? Cro!l =%99-?& p# %9%, Bo#dan and Bi"len =%99+?& Ch. % $il erman ='(((?

Theoretical Anderpinnin#s of Research4 /hilosophical /erspecti es of Research =/ositi ist& Interpreti e and Critical? @ualitati e and @uantitati e /aradi#m& differences and similarities& shift in methods& the m5th of the dichotom5 Research from an Islamic /erspecti eB Ta!hidic /aradi#m as the ;oundation of Research in Islamic education Research Methodolo#ies4 Introduction to common methodolo#ies in educational research4 e#. #rounded theor5& phenomenolo#5& ethno#raph5& hermeneutics& historio#raph5& feminist and critical approaches& curriculum criticism& and narrati e in7uir5 ;ocusin# on action research in schools Re ie! of literature4 /urpose& sources =on line data 3ases?& conductin# li3rar5 research A3stractin#& citin#& re ie!in#& e aluatin# and criti7uin#. Research Approaches& Desi#n and Method of Data Collection4 <eneral o er ie! of arious approaches e#. case studies& historical and philosophical methods& o3ser ational studies& document anal5sis& narrati e 3ased and comparati e studies. Earieties of 7ualitati e data4 Te6tual/narrati e and isual data ;ield notes& transcript from taped inter ie!s& documents& photo#raph& and ideo. /opulation and $ample4 Definin# stud5 population& use of sample& samplin# and sample si)e determination $amplin# procedure& t5pes of samplin# Research Techni7ues and De elopment of Instrument4 Basic desi#n of sur e5 Desi#nin# o3ser ation schedules Desi#nin# inter ie!in# schedules

$i"es& et. al. ='((3? :ellin#ton ='(((? Al9>eera ='((%?

Bo#dan and Bi"len =%99+?& Ch %& 3 and 2 $il erman ='(((? Mad)ni5ah =%99,? Carr C Demmis =%9+-?


Cro!l =%99-?& Ch.%2

Bo#dan and Bi"len =%99+?& Ch ' $il erman ='(((?& Ch 3 $il erman ='(('?& Ch 3 Bo#dan and Bi"len =%99+?& Ch 2C,


8e 5 C 8emesho! =%99%? $ulaiman =%99%?

:ellin#ton ='(((?& Ch 2 Bo#dan and Bi"len =%99+?& Ch 3C2 $il erman ='(((?& Ch ' C 3

Issues of Relia3ilit5& Ealidit5& @ualit5 and Credi3ilit5 of Research4 /ilot Testin#4 test alidit5 and relia3ilit5 Trian#ulation4 /rocedural ri#our& trust!orthiness Ethical Issues and the Role of the Researcher4 /ositionalit5 Issues of Entr5 and Reciprocit5 Ethical considerations4 Consent& Confidentialit5& Anon5mit5& and 1!nership. Mana#ement& Interpretation and Anal5sis of @uantitati e Data4 Computer9Assisted Mana#ement $oft!are =$/$$?4 "e5in# and codin# data Interpretin# and anal5)in# 7uantitati e data =descripti e and inferential statistics& parametric and non9parametric tests& re#ression? Mana#ement& Interpretation and Anal5sis of @ualitati e Data4 Computer9Assisted Mana#ement $oft!are =CA@DA$& N i o& Nudist?4 codin# and cate#ori)in# data Interpretin# and anal5)in# and 7ualitati e data =te6tual& narrati e and isual? /ractical re ie! of action research/case stud5 research pro0ects4 Re ie! of chapter % Re ie! of chapter ' Re ie! of chapter 3 Re ie! of chapter 2 Re ie! of chapter , /reparin# a research report and proposal4 1r#ani)ation& introduction Re ie! of literature Anal5sis& presentation of results References& and appendices /resentation of Indi idual proposal

.op"ins =%99+?& Ch 2 C , $il erman ='(((?& Ch + C %3 $il erman ='((%?& Ch + $il erman ='(((?& Ch %, $il erman ='((%?& Ch 9


Mui0s ='((2? $ulaiman =%99%?




Bo#dan and Bi"len =%99+?& Ch , C $il erman ='(((?& Ch '& 3& %(& %% and %' $il erman ='((%?& Ch 2 9* Mad)ni5ah =%99,? Carr C Demmis =%9+-?



Tuc"man =%999? :ellin#ton ='(((? A3dul Rashid =%99+? A3dul Rashid =%99+?


Re,uire$ re#eren'es supp!rtin" the '!urse ,

A3dul Rashid& M. =%99+?. A guide to research proposal and report writing. <om3a"4 International Islamic Ani ersit5& Research Centre. Bo#dan& R. C. CBi"len& $. D. ='((3?.Qualitative research for education4 an introduction to theory and method. Ne! For"4 pearson Education <roup& Inc ;rean"el& G. R. C:allen& N. E. ='((-?.How do design and evaluate research in education. 8ondon4Mc<ra! .ill. 8ichtman& M. ='((9?.Qualitative research in education4 a userHs #uide. 8ondon4 $A<E /u3lication. Bo#dan& R.C. C Bi"len& $. D. =%99+?. Qualitative research for education: an introduction to theory and methods. Boston4 All5n and Bacon. Carr& :. C Demmis& $. =%9+-?. Becoming critical: education knowledge and action research. 8ondon4 ;almer /ress. Cro!l& T. D. =%99-?. undamental of educational research. Boston4 Mc <ra!9.ill. .op"ins& D.D. =%99+?. !ducational and psychological measurement and evaluation. Boston4 All5n C Bacon. 8e 5& /. C 8emesho!& $. =%99%?. "ampling of populations: methods and applications. Ne! For" 4 :ile5. Mad)ni5ah M. G. C Dim& /. 8. =%99,?. #odul $a%ian &indakan. Duala 8umpur4 Dementerian /endidi"an Mala5sia. Mui0s& D. ='((2?. 'oing (uantitative research in education with ")"". 8ondonB Thousand 1a"s4 $a#e /u3lications. $i"es& /& Ni6on& G& C Carr& :. ='((3?. &he moral foundations of educational research: knowledge* in(uiry and values. Buc"in#ham& En#land4 1pen Ani ersit5 /ress4 $il erman& D. ='(((?. 'oing (ualitative research: a practical hand+ook. 8ondon4 $a#e. $il erman& D. ='((%?. ,nterpreting (ualitative data: methods for analysing talk* te-t and interaction. California4 $a#e /u3lications. :ellin#ton& G.G. ='(((?. !ducational research: contemporary issues and practical approaches. 8ondon4 Continuum. $ulaiman N. <. =%99%?. )enggunaan statistik dalam penyelidikan pendidikan. Duala 8umpur4 De!an Bahasa dan /usta"a. Tuc"man& B.:. =%999?. .onducting education research. ;ort :orth4 .arcourt Brace Colle#e /u3lisher.

Re'!mmen$e$ re#eren'es supp!rtin" the '!urse Den)in& N.D and 8incoln F. $. =Eds.? ='(((?. Hand+ook of (ualitative research. Thousand 1a"s4 $a#e /u3lications. Den)in& N. D. and 8incoln& F. $. =Eds.? ='((,?. &he "A/! Hand+ook of (ualitative research. Thousand 1a"s4 $a#e /u3lications. Rose& <. ='((*?. 0isual methodologies: an introduction to the interpretation of visual materials. ='nd ed.? 8ondon4 $A<E /u3lications

repare$ *yB

Che'1e$ *yB

Appr!(e$ *yB


At the en$ !# the pr!"rammeE stu$ents are a*le t!4 %. '.

Demonstrate familiarit5 !ith esta3lished "no!led#e in the field of research methods and a!areness of current de elopment therein. Ase rele ant s"ills learnt in this research methods area for professional and personal de elopment. Cooperate !ith others and appl5 "no!led#e in a sociall5 responsi3le manner for the pro#ress of the nation and the ummah. Demonstrate commitment to ethics& autonom5 and professionalism in the !or"place and e er5da5 life. Communicate !ith people from a di erse ran#e of 3ac"#rounds !ith empath5& sho!in# leadership 7ualities. Anal5se issues and demonstrate s"ilfulness in plannin#& e6ecutin# and e aluatin# strate#ies and action plans. Ase the necessar5 learnin# s"ills in information mana#ement and appl5 effecti e strate#ies for lifelon# self9impro ement.

Dno!led#e /ractical $"ills $ocial s"ills and Responsi3ilities Ealue& Attitudes and /rofessionalism Communication& 8eadership and Team $"ills /ro3lem $ol in# and $cientific $"ills Information Mana#ement and 8ifelon# 8earnin# $"ills Mana#erial and Entrepreneurial $"ills Islami)ation of Dno!led#e


2. ,.

-. *.

+. 9.

Appl5 3asic mana#erial and entrepreneurial s"ills in rele ant fields. Inte#rate Islamic uni ersal alues in the e6ecution of their professional duties

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