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Error Tracking System is aimed at providing the Tracking System of the bugs generated in software, maintenance of the bug levels, fixing of the Bugs by the developers or programmers inside the organization, the status of the bugs etc. It also provides ways to view the Bug priorities and assigned levels to the bug identified and yet accordingly for the bug status. The Bug priorities are maintained in the form of filters and those filters are created according to the user level or Administrator level depending upon the status organized. Reports are now and then produced to maintain the functionality of the System. All the above features like entry of the bug information, fixing them up and the filter maintenance category are dealt within the Error Tracking System. This Project is implemented in Java.


Problem The objective of this project is to build a tool for the maintenance of bugs involved in the software production. Based on the performance of each programmer in terms of bugs, the appraisal value must be calculated. It also automates the process of manually handling the status and critical evaluation of bugs and its priorities.

Software tools Front-end tool: JAVA 1.4 Java is an object-oriented programming language developed sun microsystems and it is also a powerful internet programming language. Java is a high-level programming language which has the following features Object oriented Portable Architecture-neutral High-performance Multithreaded Robust Secure Java is an efficient application programming language. It has APIs to support the GUI based application development. The following feature of java makes it more suitable for implementing this project. Platform Independent Platform independence-that is, the ability of a program to move easily from one computer system to another-is one of the most significant advantages that Java has over other programming languages. Java is platform independent at both the source and the binary level. Powerful database connectivity Java has powerful database connectivity. The effective back end connectivity support will results in quick retrieval and storage of large volume of data .It also supports concurrency control mechanisms and thus it can improve the data consistency.

Back-end tool: Oracle 8i Oracle supports the largest of databases, which can contain terabytes of data. It minimizes data contention and guarantees data concurrency. Oracle maintains the preceding features with a high degree of overall system performance. Database users do not suffer from slow processing performance. Oracle also offers the heterogeneous option that allows users to access data on some non oracle database transparently.

Problem Statement Error tracking system is aimed at providing the tracking system of bugs generated in the software, maintenance of bug levels, and fixation of bugs by the developers in the organization, the status of the bugs etc. It also provides way to view the bug priorities and assign levels to the identified bugs and yet according to the bug status. The bug priorities are maintained in the form of filters and those filters are created according to the user level or administrator level depending on the status organized.

Problem Description Bug Identification This module identifies the bug for a specific language. The languages will be distinguished by unique language code. This module includes the types of errors which are present in the program and a master table is maintained for the type of errors. Bug Status Maintenance There are four different states Wait, Open, Ready, Closed. Initially the status of the bug will be wait. When the bug is viewed the status is set to open. After the bug is cleared the status is set to ready. Then the project leader cross checks the bug and if he is satisfied then the status of the bug is set to close. Programmer Tracking In this module the employee details are maintained in a separate database. Also the details of the project under which the employees are working is maintained.

Appraisal The appraisal is calculated depending upon the performance of the employee. The factors for deciding the performance includes efficiency, effectiveness, total working hours, time taken to clear the bugs etc., Filter Design This module is developed for assigning permission level for different users. It also give provision for updating the error codes and assigning accessing and denials.

Hardware & Software Requirements Hardware specification: Monitor : 800*600 minimum resolution of 256 colors Processor: At least 166 MHz processor Input : Two or Three button mouse and standard 104 keyboards.

Software specification: Front End: Java 1.4 Back End: Oracle 8i

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