Virtual Classroom-@mumbai-Academics

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The project name is Virtual Desktop. This project is for communicating different people from distance. We can chat with one another. Not only chatting options but also some useful options available here. There would be a free white space on the screen, if we draw anything on that space then a person on the other side can see it, vice versa. Whatever the diagram which we draw on the screen it will be displayed on the other persons window. We can send the photo also through it. If we dont want to chat with some specified user then we can ignore it. We can have any number of members for chat. We can create groups. There are three modules the first module is Admin odule which would have the administration purpose. The second module is the users module which has many options. We can create any number of new users! we can change font si"e, style, color. #esign module has many options. This module is for presentation purpose. This project is developed for electronic learning for Training institutions. This project makes use of cheap communication media through internet. This product can use for online Training and online seminars. It makes the institutions to provide quantity of education to door steps. It avoids the unnecessary infrastructure and unnecessary time. It makes Trainers available 24/7 if required.

These are Two Modules:

1) Admin Module:
The eb application allo s students and trainers to register if they ant to interact ith each other ith their soft are .

This application acts as administrator in bet een the student and trainer applications. !ur "dmin module helps you plan# organi$e# and manage an event. "dmin module takes care of o nership for all logistics and project management activities including registration setup# evaluation forms# and confirmation of registration and attendance reports.

2) Client Module (User Module)

The %lient side soft are module is used to prepare client side application. The client &student' can interact by using this application . ith trainer application

This application is used to grab the trainer desktop screen and hear the voice of t


Project includes the following details:

This particular project is a solution developed to communicate between the users across worldwide through Internet using VPN. A message or information can be sent via many medias such as it can be telephonic telegrams fa! etc to the recipient. "ach such information re#uires a high level of security. the

The entire process has been automated using $AVA technology to smoothen flow of information in a highly secure environment across the networ%.

&e can send both the te!t based and graphical images so. &hile designing the system care has been ta%en in efficiency maintenance and reusability of the software for the present and future changes in the system. &e can have any number of members for chat. &e can create groups. There are two modules the first module is Admin 'odule which would have the administration purpose. The second module is the user(s module which has many options. &e can create any number of new users) we can change font si*e style color. +esign module has many options. This module is for presentation purpose.

S/W And H/W Requirement

Hardware Requirements
Development hardware For mplementation Processor 'emory /i*e /torage +isplay 6ey 2oard 'ouse
#escription %ystem type $A (ache %torage #is3 #rive #isplay :ser Interface ;utput media

: : : : : :

Pentium III ,--'.* 01, '2 3A' 1- 42 .ard +is% "4A5V4A color 'onitor Any with minimum 3e#uired %eys Any
inimum I& compatible '( $ecommended I& compatible '( with ,*+"

with )*+" ,-. & ,-. /& 01 *& 5loppy or (#6$W 2&ac3 up purpose4 )- 7*A /ey &oard and mouse # ' 'rinter

-), & -), /& ),1 *& 2(onvenient for &ac3up4 5loppy or (#6$W or #AT 2&ac3 up purpose4 )8 %7*A 29(#4 (ompatible 3eyboard and mouse 9aser 'rinter 25or reports4

So!tware Requirements
Server side:
;perating %ystem 7anguages used < : Windows ,111 %erver 8ore $AVA and /oc%et

'roblem Analysis
The first step in designing a system was to identify the underlying cause behind the problems in the e!isting system. 9or this purpose the information was gathered and chec%ed for the completeness and accuracy of the data. Analy*ing the information involved identification of components of the system and their interrelationship is made. Information is collected from the e!isting machine. The problem is thoroughly analy*ed and a test is done on the technical social and economic feasibility of developing the proposed system. The data needed to develop the system was collected from all these documents and discussing with the authorities for changes needed to the proposed system. The re#uirements are drawn on the basis of the needs of the users through an e!pert and the developers e!perience on the system.

"#istin$ S%stem &

The e!isting is full of manual one where one individual has to communicate with the other manually. Pass the files manually have to chat with one another physically etc. In an IT world the things must go faster for that efficient means of communication is re#uired.

Drawbacks of the Existing System

.ave to communicate manually. .ave to transfer the files physically. .ave to record the information manually. .ave to go to another person manually to contact. The above things cause problem when it is a pea% time.

Limitation of existing system :

Virtual e-learning limitations can be categorized as technological limitations, limitations compared to traditional campus, and personal issues. Limitations that do not fit into these categories are considered as other limitations. Students need necessary hardware for Virtual e-learning such as desktop or notebook computers and printers . Therefore, one of the major technological limitations of e-learning is the necessity of computer hardware and relevant resources. Virtual e-learning comes with benefits such as unlimited access 24 hours, 7 days a week, this privilege does not seem to be feasible for some people in rural areas due to the inability to access Internet services. Although Virtual e-learning provides 24 hours and 7 days of unlimited access, this may not be advantageous to some individuals. Difference in time zones is another problem in online e-learning, as it is accessible for learners from all over the world. It is rather hard to schedule an online class to accommodate different students from different time zones. In order to be successful in e-learning one has to learn new skills and technologies. Another technological Limitation is bandwidth. Some problems related to bandwidth are Internet connectivity, busy Internet lines and Internet traffic problems. Apart from technological limitations, poor writing skills may hinder communications. Other limitations in e-learning are: Difficulty in ensuring academic honesty in an online environment. Unlimited learning stresses both learners and tutors, as there are too many online source.

Difficulty in conducting synchronous learning due to different time zones . Concern about the reputation and accreditation status of an e-learning institution. Learners may still have a negative perception of e-learning .

'roposed S%stem&
Virtual e:7earning will loo% li%e an e:class or virtual class where its design will be based on instructor led courses ta%en place in a classroom. Pedagogical methodologies subject curriculums artificial intelligence and human computer interaction will be considered while designing those e:classes for broader and faster adoption of the system. The target audience could be individuals ranging from ; years of age until <=> which will be divided into the following groups: ;:01 0?:0, 0@:1A 1=:AA A=:<A and <=>. Bur aim is to focus on the first three groups which concentrate on primary secondary and higher education. In the primary and secondary education data needs to be gathered and processed which will build the foundation of an individual to help him5her decide on which field to follow in higher education. +uring the higher education period the system will continue to build on the information gathered in the previous years with data from the individuals higher education studies and degrees with an aim to help the individual continue his5her professional career. The system will focus on the different fields and subjects of .ealth /tudies education where the content of each subject will also be based on a number of factors such as nationality accessibility etc. &hen a user joins an e:class will be able to personali*e the environment based on his5her nationality and will also be able to choose the desired language Cmultilingual supportD. Initially the target language of the system will be "nglish but the design will enable multilingual support.

Advantage of Proposed System:

Enable students a uniform access to all teaching materials at one place 24 hours a day and 7 days per week. Direct students toward other learning resources on the internet. Improve and accelerate communication between students and teachers / trainers. Improve and accelerate communication among students. Stimulate students team work. Enable students to adjust place, speed and way of learning according to their needs and capabilities.

Provide students with self evaluation mechanism. Facilitate teachers monitoring students progress. Simplify and speed up the procedure notifying students. Track student's response, their initiative, suggestions and needs. Automate monitoring system of student progress. Ensure privacy and security. Implant netiquette in students and teachers minds.

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