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Ivica Kopriva, Antun Perin Institute for Defense Studies, R&D, Bijenika 46, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Institute !Ru"er Bo#ko$i%!, &aser R&D De'art(ent, Bijenika )6, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia e*(ai+, i$i-a.ko'ri$a/'

1n o'ti-a+ s2ste( based on rotating reti-+e is used to deter(ine 'o+ar -o*ordinates of t0e 'ri(ari+2 infrared o'ti-a+ sour-e. Su-0 s2ste( fai+s to dis-ri(inate si(u+taneous+2 se$era+ o'ti-a+ sour-es. 3e de(onstrate e4'eri(enta++2 in a -ase of t5o o'ti-a+ sour-es t0at t0is dra5ba-k -an 'rin-i'a++2 be o$er-o(e b2 a''+i-ation of t0e b+ind signa+ se'aration 6BSS7 a+gorit0(s on data re-orded at t0e out'uts of an origina++2 (odified o'ti-a+ s2ste(. Se'aration of (odified o'ti-a+ s2ste( res'onses into inde'endent -o('onents 2ie+ds (odu+ating fun-tions t0at -arr2 infor(ation about 'o+ar -o*ordinates of t0e -orres'onding sing+e o'ti-a+ sour-es.

8otentia+ a''+i-ation of t0e BSS t0eor2 +ies in (an2 areas su-0 as, s'eaker se'aration in s'ee-0 re-ognition 9:;, -o((uni-ation signa+ 'ro-essing b2 'erfor(ing ada'ti$e b+ind e<ua+i=ation 91;, 96;, re-o$er2 of bio(edi-a+ signa+s 6>>?, >C?, @>?7 91A;, et-. 3e be+ie$e t0at for t0e first ti(e t0e BSS t0eor2 is a''+ied to t0e ne5 'rob+e(, dis-ri(ination of o'ti-a+ sour-es. 1n o'ti-a+ s2ste( based on rotating reti-+e is used to dete-t and deter(ine t0e 'osition of an obje-t fro( 50i-0 so(e for( of t0e 'ri(ari+2 infrared energ2 is e(anated 9);, 9B;, see figure 1.

su-0 serious +i(itation of t0e o'ti-a+ tra-ker -an 'rin-i'a++2 be o$er-o(e b2 -o(bined use of t0e BSS a+gorit0(s and a''ro'riated (odifi-ation in t0e o'ti-a+ tra-ker -onstru-tion. In se-tion t5o t0e <ua+itati$e (at0e(ati-a+ (ode+ of t0e o'ti-a+ tra-ker out'ut signa+ a--ording to figure 1, and a+so of t0e out'ut signa+s of t0e (odified o'ti-a+ tra-ker, figure A, is deri$ed. In se-tion t0ree a brief o$er$ie5 of t0e funda(ents of t0e BSS t0eor2 is gi$en. E0ree (ain assu('tions on 50i-0 a++ BSS a+gorit0(s are based 6statisti-a+ inde'enden-e of t0e sour-e signa+s, non*?uassianit2 of t0e sour-e signa+s and non* singu+arit2 of t0e (i4ing (atri47 are inter'reted in t0e -onte4t of t0e o'ti-a+ sour-e dis-ri(ination 'rob+e(. In t0e fourt0 se-tion e4'eri(enta+ resu+ts are des-ribed. It 0as been de(onstrated t0at in a -ase of t5o o'ti-a+ sour-es dis-ri(ination bet5een t0e( is 'ossib+e b2 using (odified o'ti-a+ tra-ker and ada'ti$e b+ind se'aration a+gorit0(s. E0e statisti-a+ inde'enden-e assu('tion of t0e sour-e signa+s is e4'eri(enta++2 in t0at se-tion a+so $erified. Con-+usion is gi$en in se-tion fi$e 50i+e <uoted referen-es are +isted in se-tion si4.


E0e 'o+ar -oordinates 6 r , 7 of t0e o'ti-a+ sour-e 'roje-tion on t0e reti-+e area are defined re+ati$e to t0e -enter of t0e reti-+e t0at -orres'onds 5it0 t0e -enter of t0e o'ti-a+ tra-ker fie+d of $ie5. It -an be s0o5n 910; t0at s'eed of rotation of t0e o'ti-a+ sour-e 'roje-tion around t0e -enter of t0e reti-+e is gi$en 5it0,

Photodetector Reticle Amplifier BP filter

6 , t 7
x6t 7

6 t 7 = M [1 -os6 M t 7]
50ere = r G r0 is re+ati$e distan-e bet5een -enter of t0e -ir-+e 5it0 radius r0 and -enter of t0e reti-+e, and M is s'eed of rotation of t0e reti-+e, see figure 1. Cor reti-+e 5it0 fan*b+aded 'attern, su-0 as s0o5n on figure H, 5it0 'airs of -+ear and o'a<ue seg(ents t0e instantaneous fre<uen-2 of t0e o'ti-a+ sour-e radiating f+u4 after t0e reti-+e is gi$en 5it0 9B;, 910;, 617

Cigure 1, D'ti-a+ tra-ker basi- -onstru-tion Cro( t0e reasons of -on$enien-e o'ti-a+ s2ste( s0o5n on figure 1 5i++ be -a++ed o'ti-a+ tra-ker in t0e rest of t0e 'a'er. E0e rotating reti-+e, a+so -a++ed (odu+ating disk, (odu+ates 6 , t 7 and is +o-ated at t0e fo-a+ in-identa+ o'ti-a+ f+u4 '+ane of an o'ti-a+ i(aging s2ste(. Fere stands for 5a$e+engt0 and t (eans ti(e. De'ending on t0e s0a'e of -+ear and o'a<ue seg(ents of t0e reti-+e t0e o'ti-a+ f+u4 after reti-+e i.e. on t0e out'ut of t0e '0otodete-tor is (odu+ated on t0e a''ro'riated 5a2. It 0as been 'ointed out t0at o'ti-a+ tra-ker fai+s to dis-ri(inate se$era+ o'ti-a+ sour-es si(u+taneous+2 914;. E0e subje-t of t0is 'a'er is to s0o5 t0at

6 t 7 = m -os6 M t 7 0
6H7 50ere,

0 = n M , m = n M 6A7


6 , t 7 is s+o5 $ar2ing fun-tion re+ati$e to s6 r , , t 7 t0e fo++o5ing e4'ression for x(t) is obtained,

x 6 t 7 = 6 t 7 s6 r , ,t7 6B7 50ere 6 t 7 is gi$en 5it0,

Cigure H, Reti-+e 5it0 fan*b+aded 'attern E0e ti(e fun-tion t0e instantaneous fre<uen-2 of 50i-0 is res'e-ting ru+e 6H7 0as t0e for(,
6 t 7 = 6 t 7 Ahc

R6 7 6 ,t7

s6 r , , t 7 =-os[ 0t sin6 M t 7]
647 50at is -anoni-a+ re'resentation of t0e fre<uen-2 (odu+ated 6C@7 signa+ 91I;. E0is 5a$efor( is a-tua++2 t0e funda(enta+ ter( of t0e '0otodete-tor res'onse on t0e in-identa+ o'ti-a+ f+u4. E0e s'e-tra+ ter(s around t0e fre<uen-ies H 0 , A 0 ,... e4ist but t0e se+e-ti$e a('+ifier, figure 1, re(o$es t0ose ter(s 9B;, 914;. Conse<uent+2 t0e in-identa+ o'ti-a+ f+u4 at t0e dete-tor area -an be a''ro4i(ate+2 des-ribed 5it0,
6 ,t7= 6 ,t7 s6 r , ,t7

6107 and L (eans -on$o+ution. 30en t5o o'ti-a+ sour-es "# and "$ are 'resent si(u+taneous+2 in t0e o'ti-a+ tra-ker fi+ed of $ie5 on -oordinates 6 r 1, 1 7 and 6 rH , H 7 res'e-ti$e+2 t0e se+e-ti$e a('+ifier out'ut signa+ 5i++ be of t0e for(,

x 6 t 7 = 16 t 7s16 r , , t 7 + H 6 t 7sH 6 r , , t 7 6117

16 t 7 = 6 t 7 Ahc H 6 t 7 = 6 t 7 Ahc

R6 7 16 , t 7

6)7 E0e de$iation of t0e C@ signa+ 647 i.e. t0e (agnitude of t0e (odu+ation is gi$en 5it0,

f 0 nf M r = = n = n = k r fM fM r0

667 50ere k i.e. n and r0 are -onstru-tion -onstants. De$iation 667 is dire-t+2 'ro'ortiona+ to t0e radia+ distan-e of t0e i(age 'roje-tion fro( t0e a4is of rotation 914;. B2 using e+e(entar2 se(i-ondu-tor t0eor2 916; it -an be s0o5n t0at -urrent res'onse of t0e 8IJ '0otodiode on t0e in-identa+ o'ti-a+ f+u4 6)7 is gi$en 5it0,

61H7 >4'ression 61H7 s0o5s t0at, 50en '0oto*dete-tor +inearit2 is assu(ed, t0e o'ti-a+ tra-ker out'ut signa+ is -on$o+$ed -o(bination of t0e (odu+ating fun-tions, t0at -arr2 infor(ation about 'o+ar -o*ordinates of t0e -orres'onding o'ti-a+ sour-e, and non*stationar2 i('u+se res'onses of t0e for( 61H7. It 0as been ana+2ti-a++2 s0o5n in 914; t0at o'ti-a+ tra-ker in su-0 -ase fo++o5s t0e -entroid t0e -oordinates of 50i-0 are fun-tions of t0e effe-ti$e brig0tness of t0e t5o sour-es. In a -ase of t5o -o++inear sour-es +o-ated at 'oints 6 r 1,0 7 and 6 rH ,0 7 5it0 e<ua+ brig0tness t0e o'ti-a+ tra-ker 5i++ see t0e fi-titious
o'ti-a+ sour-e 5it0 -oordinates

R6 7 H 6 , t 7

1 ( 6 r1 +rH 7, 0) . E0e 'oint H

i6 , t 7 = A

ch 6 , t 7 R6 7

6:7 50ere A is dete-tor sensing area, c is s'eed of +ig0t, h is 8+an-kKs -onstant, R6 7 is '0otodiode res'onsi$it2 and is 5a$e+engt0. E0e o$era++ '0oto-urrent is obtained integrating e4'ression 6:7 o$er dete-tor sensiti$it2 range,

is t0at o'ti-a+ tra-ker fai+s to deter(ine t0e a--urate -oordinates of an2 of t0e t5o sour-es. In order to reso+$e t0is dra5ba-k t0e (odifi-ation of t0e o'ti-a+ tra-ker -onstru-tion 5as 'erfor(ed su-0 as s0o5n on figure A.

16 , t 7

s1 6 r, , t 7 1 6 , t 7 split er sH 6 r , , t 7 H 6 , t 7
Beam Photodetector -1Amplifier BP filter -1-

x16 t 7

6I7 E0e se+e-ti$e a('+ifier out'ut signa+ x(t), see figure 1, is obtained b2 -on$o+ution of t0e se+e-ti$e a('+ifier i('u+se res'onse, (t), 5it0 t0e '0oto-urrent i(t)! 1ssu(ing t0at '0oton

i6 t 7 =Ahc

R6 7 6 ,t7

d s6 r , ,t7

H 6 , t 7

Reticle Photodetector -2Amplifier BP filter -2-

xH 6t 7

Cigure A, @odified o'ti-a+ tra-ker

E0e (ain 'oint is in introdu-ing bea( s'+itter after (odu+ating disk and t0en dete-ting (odu+ated o'ti-a+ f+u4 5it0 t5o '0otodete-tors. E0is is in agree(ent 5it0 t0e BSS t0eor2 t0at re<uires for b+ind se'aration of % sour-es M % dete-tors to be used 9H;, 91:;, 91B*H1;. In a--ordan-e 5it0 t0e e4'osed (ateria+ t0e se+e-ti$e a('+ifiers out'ut signa+s are,

x16 t 7 = 116 t 7s16 r , , t 7 + 1H 6 t 7sH 6 r , , t 7 xH 6 t 7 = H16 t 7s16 r , , t 7 + HH 6 t 7sH 6 r , , t 7

61A7 50ere i('u+se res'onses 5it0,







(t) are gi$en

116 t 7 = 16 t 7 A 1hc 1H 6 t 7 = 16 t 7 A 1hc

6 7 R16 7 16 , t 7 d

6 7 R16 7 H 6 , t 7 d
6 7 RH 6 7 16 , t 7 d

H16 t 7 = H 6 t 7 AH hc

E0e rea+*5or+d situations t0at often in-+ude ti(e de+a2s bet5een t0e sour-es in t0e (i4ture are des-ribed 5it0 -on$o+uti$e (i4ing (ode+ x(t))&*s(t), 50ere s(t) is $e-tor of sour-e signa+s, & is (i4ing (atri4 t0at -ontains -0anne+ i('u+se res'onses, x(t) is $e-tor of t0e obser$ed signa+s and L (eans -on$o+ution. E0e goa+ is to re-onstru-t t0e sour-e signa+s fro( t0e obser$ed signa+s on+2, i.e. t0e (i4ing (atri4 & is assu(ed to be unkno5n. So+utions for su-0 'rob+e( are gi$en in 91;, 94;, 9:;, 9I;, 911;, 91H;, 91);, 91:;, 91B;*9H1;. Fo5e$er, so(e of t0e 'ro'osed so+utions are iterati$e b2 nature, 9H;, 9:;, 91H;, 9H1;. Cor rea+ ti(e sour-e se'aration ada'ti$e i.e. se<uentia+ $ersion of t0e a+gorit0(s is ne-essar2. Su-0 a+gorit0(s are des-ribed in 91;, 94;, 9I;, 911;, 91);, 91:;, 91B;, 9H0;. E0is kind of a+gorit0(s is of interest for dis-ri(ination of o'ti-a+ sour-es t0at is a rea+*ti(e 'rob+e(. E0ere are t0ree funda(enta+ assu('tions on 50i-0 a++ BSS a+gorit0(s are based, statistica+ independence of the source si na+s, non,&aussianit- of the source si na+s and non, sin u+arit- of the mixin matrix in the mode+ of the o.served si na+s . Fere, it 5i++ be brief+2 e4a(ined 50et0er t0ese assu('tions are fu+fi++ed for t0e (ode+ of t0e (odified o'ti-a+ tra-ker out'ut signa+s 61A7. E0e statisti-a+ inde'enden-e , t 7 and assu('tion of t0e sour-e signa+s s16 r ,

6147 >4'ressions 61A7 and 6147 re'resent (at0e(ati-a+ (ode+ of t0e (odified o'ti-a+ tra-ker out'ut signa+s. In 6147 6 7 and 6 7 are bea( s'+itter trans(ission and ref+e-tion
-oeffi-ients res'e-ti$e+2, 50i+e R 16 7 and RH 6 7 are '0oto*dete-tor s'e-tra+ res'onsi$ities. Con$o+uti$e signa+ (ode+ 61A7, suitab+e for a''+i-ation of t0e BSS a+gorit0(s, is i++ustrated 5it0 figure 4, 50ere &##(',k), &#$(',k), &$#(',k) and &$$(',k) are ( transfor(s of t0e re+ated i('u+se res'onses 6147.
s16 r , , k 7

6 7 RH 6 7 H 6 , t 7 d HH 6 t 7 = H 6 t 7 AH hc

&11 6 ' , k 7
&1H 6 ' , k 7

x16 k 7

sH 6 r , , t 7 is +ogi-a+ sin-e t0e2 are generated b2 t5o different 6inde'endent7 o'ti-a+ sour-es. It 5i++ be de(onstrated e4'eri(enta++2 in t0e fourt0 se-tion t0at t0is assu('tion 0o+ds. E0e se-ond assu('tion, non*?aussianit2 of t0e sour-e signa+s, , t 7 and sH 6 r , , t 7 a+so fu+fi++ed. is for signa+s s16 r , 1s s0o5n in e4'ression 647 t0e2 are fre<uen-2 (odu+ated. E0is t2'e of signa+s, as (ost of t0e -o((uni-ation signa+s, be+ongs to t0e sub*?aussian -+ass of signa+s 0a$ing negati$e kurtosis. E0e t0ird assu('tion is non*singu+arit2 of t0e (i4ing (atri4 50en -on$o+uti$e (ode+ 61A7 is transfor(ed into fre<uen-2 do(ain. E0en it -an be 5ritten as, / 67 =& 67 " 67 61)7 7 are $e-tors t0e -o('onents of 50ere / 67 and " 6 50i-0 are Dis-rete Courier Eransfor(s 6DCEs7 of t0e obser$ed and sour-e signa+s res'e-ti$e+2, 50i+e & 67 is (atri4 t0e -o('onents of 50i-0 are DCEs of t0e re+ated i('u+se res'onses gi$en 5it0 6147. E0e non*singu+arit2 re<uire(ent of t0e (i4ing (atri4 o$er so(e fre<uen-2 region of interest is for(a++2 e4'ressed as,

&H16 ' , k 7
sH 6 r , , k 7

&HH 6 ' , k 7

xH 6 k 7

det & 6

7 0

Cigure 4, Con$o+uti$e signa+ (ode+ B2 using on*+ine BSS a+gorit0(s it s0ou+d be 'ossib+e to , t 7 and sH 6 r , , t 7 re-o$er t0e sour-e signa+s s16 r , on t0e basis of t0e obser$ed signa+s x#(t) and x$(t) on+2.


50ere 1 and H are fre<uen-ies deter(ined b2 t0e design of t0e se+e-ti$e a('+ifiers. Satisfa-tion of t0e -ondition 6167 is i('ortant sin-e it ensures t0at 5e 0a$e benefit fro( using t5o sensors. Dt0er5ise, bot0 obser$ed signa+s 5ou+d de+i$er to us t0e sa(e infor(ation and one of t0e( 5ou+d be 6 , t 7 is 'ie-e5ise use+ess. 1ssu(ing t0at o'ti-a+ f+u4 stationar2 at +east o$er t0e ti(e inter$a+ deter(ined b2 t0e +engt0 of DCE, t0e DCEs of t0e i('u+se res'onses 6147 -an be 5ritten as,


&i0 67 =&i 67 ki0 i, 0 {1,H}

Cigure ), Ceedba-k se'aration net5ork Eo re-onstru-t (odified o'ti-a+ tra-ker sour-e signa+s t5o ti(e do(ain on*+ine se'aration a+gorit0(s 5i++ be used, t0e a+gorit0( based on info(a4 -riterion 91H;, 9H0; and a+gorit0( t0at (ini(i=es instantaneous 9I; or genera+i=ed instantaneous energ2 911;. 1s 'ointed out in 91H;, 9H0; se'aration based on info(a4 -riteria is 'erfor(ed b2 (ini(i=ing t0e (utua+ infor(ation bet5een -o('onents of rando( $e-tor '(t)) (-(t)), 50ere is a non+inear fun-tion a''ro4i(ating t0e -u(u+ati$e densit2 t0at are (ost H1fun-tion 1H 6-df7 of t0e sour-es. Sig(oids 1 H often in use 6 (-))tanh(-), (-))#2(#3e,-)) a''ro4i(ate 5e++ t0e -dfs of t0e 'ositi$e+2 kurtoti- signa+s +ike s'ee-0. Je$ert0e+ess, 5e (anaged to se'arate o'ti-a+ tra-ker signa+s t0at be+ong to sub*?aussian -+ass of signa+s. 1s it 5i++ be re'orted in t0e ne4t se-tion t0is 5as 'robab+2 due to t0e fa-t t0at one sour-e signa+ 0ad negati$e kurtosis $er2 -+ose to =ero. E0e info(a4 +earning ru+es 5it0 ') (-))tanh(-) for feedba-k se'aration net5ork, figure ), are gi$en 5it0, 4i0 6 k +1, + 7 =4i0 6 k , + 7 +H tan06 -i 7 - 0 6 k + 7

50ere &i 67 is DCE of t0e re+ated se+e-ti$e a('+ifier i('u+se res'onse i(t), 50i+e k i0 -an be easi+2 identified fro( 6147. E0en -ondition 6167 -an be re5ritten as,


&16 7&H 6 7[ k11k HH k

61I7 and is transfor(ed in, 61B7 sin-e in 61I7 &167 and &H 67 re'resent fre<uen-2 res'onses of t0e se+e-ti$e a('+ifiers and t0eir 'rodu-t is a+5a2s different fro( =ero. 1ssu(ing for '0oto*dete-tor s'e-tra+ res'onsi$ities in 6147 R 16 7 RH 6 7 R6 7 and

] 0

[ ,

k11kHH kH1k1H 0

6 7 = 1 6 7 e4'ression 61B7 is taking into a--ount transfor(ed in,

6H17 @ini(i=ation of t0e energ2 based -riterion 911; for odd $a+ue of p, p 1,H i 6 k 7 = 5 - i 6 k 7 si n6 - i 6 k 77 i =

6 7 R6 71 6 7 d

R6 7H 6 7

6HH7 ru+es, 6 7 R6 2ie+ds 7 6t0e 7fo++o5ing +earning R6 7 6 7


4 6k + 1, + 7 =


1 d 1 6k, + 7 + - p 6 k 7 si

n6 - i 6 k 77 - 0 6 k + 7

6H07 Condition 6H07 and -onse<uent+2 -ondition 6167 5i++ be fu+fi++ed 50en 6 7 const . o$er region of interest. 30en rea+ bea( s'+itter de$i-es are taking into -onsideration t0is is a+5a2s true. Fen-e, t0e ro+e of t0e bea( s'+itter de$i-e is t5ofo+d. Cirst+2, it ensures t0at bot0 dete-tors see t0e o'ti-a+ sour-es in t0e sa(e s2ste( of -o*ordinates and se-ond+2 t0e bea( s'+itter de$i-e ensures non*singu+arit2 of t0e (i4ing (atri4 in t0e fre<uen-2 do(ain. E0e abo$e '02si-a+ based reasoning gi$es us fra(e5ork for 'erfor(ing e4'eri(ent 5it0 (odified o'ti-a+ tra-ker. Cor re-onstru-tion of t0e sour-e signa+s t0e feedba-k se'aration net5ork s0o5n on figure ) is a''+ied. S'e-ifi-a++2, 1.0. E0e it 0as been ado'ted 1 116 ' 7 =1HH 6 ' 7 = reasons for using feedba-k net5ork 5it0 1##(') and 1$$(') set to unit2 is to a$oid 50itening effe-t e4'+ained ni-e+2 in 9H0;.

1,H,..., 6 , 50ere in 6H17 and 6HA7 i, 0 {1,H} and + = 50ere 6 is order of t0e -ross*fi+ters in t0e feedba-k se'aration net5ork.

E5o rea+*5or+d signa+s 5ere re-orded at t0e out'ut of t0e (odified o'ti-a+ (odu+ator, see figure A, 5it0 sa('+ing fre<uen-2 of 100 kF=. Cigure 6 s0o5s 'o5er s'e-tru( of t0e obser$ed signa+ x#(t) re-orded at t0e out'ut of one '0otoa('+ifier 50en bot0 o'ti-a+ sour-es 5ere 'resent in t0e o'ti-a+ (odu+ator fie+d of $ie5. E0e s'e-tru( of t0e se-ond (easured signa+ +ooks si(i+ar+2. E0e infor(ation about 'osition of bot0 o'ti-a+ sour-es is 'resent in t0e re-orded signa+. Cirst +ig0t sour-e, 5it0 s(a++er radius -oordinate, 0as de$iation of a''ro4i(ate+2 H0 F= and 5as +o-ated in t0e -enter of t0e fi+ed of $ie5 t0at -orres'onds 5it0 -arrier fre<uen-2 of HH.) kF=.E0e se-ond signa+, 5it0 +arger radius, 0as de$iation of a''ro4i(ate+2 4 kF= and o--u'ies s'e-tru( fro( 1I to H:.) kF=. E0e +engt0 of t0e re-orded b+o-ks of obser$ed signa+s x#(t) and x$(t) 5as AH:6I data sa('+es.

Cigure 6, 8o5er s'e-tru( of t0e obser$ed signa+ x#(t) 8o5er s'e-tru(s of t0e se'arated signa+s -#(t) and -$6t7 are s0o5n on figures : and I res'e-ti$e+2. Co('ared 5it0 figure 6 t0e se'aration of t5o signa+s is ob$ious. 1fter se'aration deter(ination of t0e -o*ordinates of t0e o'ti-a+ sour-es is t0e (atter of de(odu+ation of t0e re-o$ered sour-e signa+s t0at are of t0e for( 647. In order to (easure t0e se'aration <ua+it2 and -o('are different se'aration a+gorit0(s t0e se'arated signa+s -#(t) and -$(t) as 5e++ as sour-e signa+s s#(t) and s$(t) 5ere de(odu+ated b2 (eans of <uadrature C@ de(odu+ator. Due to t0e e4'ression 647 and 667 a('+itude of t0e de(odu+ated signa+ is dire-t+2 'ro'ortiona+ 5it0 t0e 'o+ar -oordinate r of t0e -orres'onding o'ti-a+ sour-e.

'osition. E0at -+ear+2 justifies our a''roa-0 to dis-ri(inate o'ti-a+ sour-es b2 'erfor(ing b+ind se'aration of o'ti-a+ tra-ker res'onses into inde'endent -o('onents. Signa+s obtained b2 de(odu+ation of t0e sour-e signa+ s#(t) and re-onstru-ted signa+ -#(t) are s0o5n on figures B and 10 res'e-ti$e+2.

Cigure :, 8o5er s'e-tru( of signa+ -#(t)

Cigure B, De(odu+ation of t0e sour-e signa+ s#(t)

Cigure I, 8o5er s'e-tru( of signa+ -$(t) Sin-e o'ti-a+ sour-es in our e4'eri(ent 5ere not (o$ing it 5as 'ossib+e to re-ord and de(odu+ate re-orded signa+s 50en ea-0 o'ti-a+ sour-e 5as 'resent in t0e (odified o'ti-a+ (odu+ator fie+d of $ie5 a+one. Dn t0at 5a2 5e 0a$e obtained referen-ed data in re+ation to 50i-0 a--ura-2 of t0e b+ind se'aration a''roa-0 -an be $erified. Resu+ts obtained 5it0 info(a4 se'arators 91H;, 9H0; M 6H17, 5it0 de--ore+ator 9I; as 5e++ as t0ose obtained b2 (ini(i=ing -riteria 6HA7*911; are re'orted in tab+e 1. Nurtosis of t0e sour-e signa+s is 6 s1 7 = 0.4I:

Cigure 10, De(odu+ation of t0e se'arated signa+ -#(t) E0e statisti-a+ inde'enden-e of t0e sour-e signa+s is of essentia+ i('ortan-e for t0e su--ess of t0e BSS t0eor2. 3e 0a$e (easured t0e +e$e+ of t0e se-ond and fourt0 order statisti-a+ 6in7de'enden-e bet5een obser$ed and bet5een se'arated signa+s. E0ree fourt0 order -ross*-u(u+ants 78#, 7$$ and 7#8 5ere -o('uted in order to (easure fourt0*order statisti-a+ 6in7de'enden-e. >4tre(e $a+ues for ea-0 statisti-s are gi$en in tab+e H. Eab+e H. &e$e+ of statisti-a+ 6in7de'enden-e Statisti-s >4tre(e for x#,x$ >4tre(e for -#,-$ C11 0.H6H *0.006: CA1 *0.10B: 4.66Be*) CHH *0.11H A.II)e*4 C1A *0.0)AA I.)4)e*4 In tab+e H fro( AB to e$en HA4B ti(es +ess +e$e+ of statisti-a+ de'enden-e bet5een se'arated signa+s re+ati$e to (easured signa+s -an be obser$ed. E0at -an be -onsidered as e4'eri(enta+ $erifi-ation of t0e statisti-a+ inde'enden-e assu('tion. E0e -ross*-orre+ation 7## bet5een obser$ed and se'arated signa+s are s0o5n on figures 11 and 1H res'e-ti$e+2 50en ti(e +ag 5as (o$ing fro( M)00 to )00.

. . Sin-e 6 s1 7 is re+ati$e+2 -+ose to and 6 sH 7 = 1AI =ero sour-e signa+ s# is not far fro( ?aussian and info(a4 se'arator 5it0 (-i))tanh(-i) 0as not di$erged. 1('+itudes of t0e de(odu+ated signa+s 5ere e4'ressed in dBs and (easured 50en de(odu+ated signa+s 5ere transfor(ed in fre<uen-2 do(ain. Cirst o'ti-a+ sour-e a+one 0as distan-e of *AA.HdB and se-ond o'ti-a+ sour-e M6)dB. Dire-t de(odu+ation of t0e obser$ed signa+s x#(t) and x$(t) dis-ri(inates on+2 se-ond o'ti-a+ sour-e gi$ing a('+itudes of M64dB. E0e -ross*fi+ters in t0e feedba-k se'aration net5ork 0a$e order 61.
Eab+e 1. Se'aration resu+ts 1+gorit0( Cirst sour-e Se-ond sour-e De--ore+ation 9I; *A6.4 dB *64.H dB 'OA, 6HH7,6HA7 *A6.4 dB *64.H dB Info(a4 M 6H17 *A) dB *64.4 dB Jo se'aration *6A.4 *64.6 30en info(a4 se'aration is e('+o2ed HdB error in re+ation to t0e referen-e 'osition is obtained. Co('ared 5it0 dire-t de(odu+ation of t0e obser$ed signa+s t0e info(a4 se'arator gi$es HBdB (ore a--urate esti(ate of t0e first o'ti-a+ sour-e

Cigure 11, Cross*-orre+ation bet5een x# and x$

Cigure 1H, Cross*-orre+ation bet5een -# and -$


1 so+ution for dis-ri(ination of se$era+ o'ti-a+ sour-es b2 (eans of (odified o'ti-a+ tra-ker and BSS a+gorit0(s is 'ro'osed. >4'eri(ent 'erfor(ed 5it0 (odified o'ti-a+ tra-ker and t5o o'ti-a+ sour-es -onfir(ed t0e 'rin-i'a+ 'ossibi+it2 to dis-ri(inate t5o o'ti-a+ sour-es. Cuture 5ork 5i++ be dire-ted to5ard on*+ine BSS a+gorit0(s 5orking in fre<uen-2 do(ain 91);, 91:; 50ere (ore a--urate resu+ts are e4'e-ted. Fere, due to t0e ort0ogona+ basis and natura+ gradient +earning ru+es 91;, 9A; faster -on$ergen-e and -onse<uent+2 better se'aration <ua+it2 is e4'e-ted. E0e 'er(utation indeter(ina-2 in0erent to a++ BSS a+gorit0(s, 50i-0 (akes es'e-ia++2 serious 'rob+e(s 50en BSS is 'erfor(ed in fre<uen-2 do(ain, s0ou+d be su--essfu++2 reso+$ed b2 using ne5+2 'ro'osed s'e-tra+ kurtosis -riterion 91);.

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