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Hope. Love. Faith. Belief. Beauty. Geoffrey McCarthy November 2013 Ju t ay !hat" i# your heart. $o#"t hol% bac&.

Be !ho you are. No matter !hat. No o#e" really li ter#i#' a#y!ay. Ju t ay !hat" your to ay. (ay !ho you are. (top tryi#' to be humble a#% be you. Be !ho you are. )hi boo& i about #ot bei#' afrai% a#ymore. )hi boo& i about bei#' o# the bu a#% thi#&i#' !hat if thi !ere my la t bu ri%e. * !a#t to !rite about fre h i%ea a#% #e! thi#' . * !a#t to !rite about life+ but all * &#o! i my life. * !a#t to ma&e picture that are fille% !ith e#er'y a#% pirit. * !a##a ma&e picture that are beautiful. * feel li&e a# a%ve#turer loo&i#' for trea ure. * ee thi#' that are beautiful. * ho! people beautiful thi#' but * mo tly %o#,t 'et a re po# e. Maybe *,m #ot there yet+ but *"m hea%i#' to!ar% ma&i#' omethi#' truly pecial. * &#o! it. *,ll ma&e a 'reat boo& o#e %ay. * #ee% to have co#tribute%. Becau e that, the o#ly !ay to feel peace a#% feel ati fie%. But * have to leave everythi#' here. -verythi#' * thi#& a#% feel. -veryo#e ha their o!# thi#' 'oi#' o#+ their o!# tru''le + tryi#' to 'et their o!# live i# or%er. * have a choice. * ca# try to ma&e a 'reat boo& or * ca# 'et %ru#& !ith .frie#% / !ho put me %o!# for !riti#' all the time a#y!ay. * !a#t to tell them it !a #ever a'ai# t a#y of you. *t !a o#ly ever about !hat * ca# %o a#% follo!i#' my %ream. (o that * ca# be ati fie% a#% #ot have a#y re'ret + a#% #ot loo& bac& a#% thi#& * %i%#,t try har% e#ou'h. * !o#"t be ati fie% 0u t !or&i#' a #ormal 0ob a#% havi#' #othi#' el e. )hat !o#"t be for me. *"m 'oi#' to !rite the e boo& . *"ll &#o! my elf. *,ll &#o! !hat * ca# %o. 1 lot of my art !or& !ill be i# here too+ !hich *,m really prou% of. * put my !hole heart i#to tho e picture . * &#o! that !he# people ee them they,ll 'et it. Ju t ay !hat" your to ay. $o#"t be afrai%. 2our %ream i your %ream. 2ou are a !riter a#% a# arti t. )ho e are the o#ly thi#' you"ve ever fou#% truly ati fyi#' a#% that" 34. *t %oe #"t help &eepi#' thi#' i#. (ay it ho!ever you !a#t to ay it. Get it all out. 5ut it all %o!#. Be prou% of it. 6rite. Ma&e picture . 4eep all your art !or&. Go o#. $o#,t be afrai%. )he importa#t thi#' i to !rite !hat come to you+ !hatever form it ta&e + !hatever it mea# + eve# !he# you"re at !or&. 3#e %ay you"ll be 'o#e. )a&e that a permi io# to live a#% %o !hat you love to %o. 6rite !hat" i# your heart. 5ut a#ythi#' you"% li&e i# your boo& . Boo& a#% !riti#' are about po ibilitie . *t, 7am a#% *,m ru##i#' up the hill i# the fo'. *,ve 'otta 'et phy ically fit. No e8cu e . *,ve 'otta be ure my hea%, o# ri'ht. Gotta &#o! my bo%y" healthy for my hea% to be ri'ht. )hi mor#i#' !he# * !a tru''li#' to 'et out of be%+ * ha% my eye clo e% a#% * hear% my 'ra#%father, voice. He !a telli#' me to 'et out of be%. )o 'et to !or&. )o follo! the roa% *,m o#. )o loo& for i'# . )hi#' are al!ay cha#'i#'+ he ai%. 6atch for roa% i'# . 5ay atte#tio#.

Loo&i#' out over the city !hile *,m ru##i#'+ * ca# ee a trai# comi#' i#to the city. *t, all lit up alo#' the i%e a#% * ca# ee it" full of people+ people up early to come to the city to !or&. * bet they believe that if they !or& har% they ca# ma&e a 'oo% life for them elve a#% the people they love. )hat, !hat * thi#&. * !i h omeo#e !oul% have tol% me !he# * !a a &i% !hat people are capable of. )hat the thi#' !e u e every %ay tarte% a a# i%ea a#% that * coul% try to ma&e omethi#' ama9i#' too. 1%% omethi#'. )hat" all * thi#& about #o!. Ho! to co#tribute. 6hat am * 'oo% at+ !hat ca# * %o !ell. * ee %iffere#tly. For ure. * have a# eye for hape a#% compo itio#. *,m a !riter too. * thi#& about my future. * thi#& about my family. 6hat ca# * %o !ith a picture+ !hat ca# * %o !ith a boo&. 2ou"ll ma&e beautiful thi#' a#% you &#o! you ca#. 2ou &#o! you have it i# you. 2ou have to. *t" about tryi#' #e! thi#' + lear#i#' #e! thi#' for the e8perie#ce. But eve# if it" about bei#' fru trate% *,ve 'ot to tal& about that too. * !a##a ma&e art that reache people. * !a##a ma&e boo& that are real. * !a#t to ay ho! it i + eve# if that, 0u t ho! it i for me. * %o#"t !a#t to be a hame% of a#ythi#' that happe# or a#ythi#' * feel. * feel li&e it" all part of bei#' huma# a#% participati#'. (omethi#' happe#e% !here * 'ot %i co##ecte% from people. * %o#,t !a#t that a#ymore. * !a#t to be part of other people, live a'ai#. )he poi#t i ma&e omethi#'+ co#tribute omethi#' that, true for you ri'ht #o!+ eve# if ho! you feel about it cha#'e later. 3h a#% it !ill cha#'e+ by the !ay. Guara#tee%. 2ou,ll !a##a 'o bac& a#% cha#'e ome of thi . But it, 0u t a #ap hot. )hat, all a boo& i . )hat, all a picture i . *"m 'oi#' to try to !rite clearer a#% clearer. * !a##a !rite omethi#' that ma&e e# e to #ormal people. * it !orth tryi#' eve# if it fail : 6hat, faili#' tho: 2ou !a#te% to be a !riter a#% you are a !riter. )he importa#t thi#' i %oi#' !hat you !a#t to %o+ ma&i#' !hat you !a#t to ma&e. 2ou have time a#% you have a 0ob. 1ccept that+ a#% 'et o# !ith it. )here, #o e8cu e #ot to !rite !hatever you !a#t to !rite #o!. * %o#,t !a#t to let fear %etermi#e the cour e of my life. * !ill be a# arti t if *,m a# arti t. 1 !riter if *,m a !riter. No matter !hat a#yo#e ay + year o# !he# * loo& bac&+ *"ll be prou% of my elf. *"ll have !or&e% har%. )here are thi#' * #ee% to hear me ay+ #ot 0u t rea% from a# ol% boo&. (ure you ca# ay or !rite a#ythi#' you !a#t. )o hear it thou'h. )o ay a#% hear your elf+ li&e o# the ra%io or );. )o be able to ay tho e are my !or% a#% be prou%. * !a !al&i#' the %o' i# the par& o#e #i'ht. * !a loo&i#' up at the tar . * !a a &i#' for 'ui%a#ce+ for clarity of mi#% a#% heart+ for a i'# *"m %oi#' the ri'ht thi#'. * believe * ca# put to'ether everythi#' i# o#e boo& < all the !riti#'+ all the picture = i# o#e boo& a#% it"ll be beautiful. * too& out a piece of paper from my poc&et a#% tarte% !riti#'> Be i#

love !ith that you %o. Be i# love. 1ct the !ay you !oul% act if your art !a a per o#. Give it time a#% pace+ love a#% re pect. Be patie#t !ith it. Choo e your !or% carefully. Be true to it. 1rt i the o#e place !here you ca# ay a#ythi#'+ be a#ythi#'. )hi i the o#ly place you ca# ma&e your o!# roa% a#% aim the roa% i# !hichever %irectio# you !a#t+ eve# i# a circle if you !a#t !hile you 'ather your elf. -ve#tually you,ll pot that mou#tai# i# the %i ta#ce. 2ou &#o! it !o#"t be ea y but you,ll have your eye o# it a#% oo# you ca#"t 'et it out of your mi#%. 2ou have to 'et there. 2ou love !riti#'+ you love art+ you !a#t to ma&e beautiful thi#' a#% you &#o! you ca#. 1#% you have to try. *t, i# you to try. *f you %o#"t try you may a !ell 0u t be %ea% alrea%y+ becau e that" !hat life i for you> tryi#' #e! thi#' + lear#i#' #e! thi#' + havi#' #e! e8perie#ce . * !a#t a better life but * &#o! it !o#"t be 0u t 'ive# to me. * have to ma&e it for my elf out of my o!# ha#% a#% brai#. But that" !hat * !a#t to %o a#y!ay. -very %ay * have to !or&. -very %ay * have to !or& har%er to ma&e a 'reat picture or a 'reat boo&+ ma&e art that commu#icate + ma&e a boo& that breathe a#% !arm a#% teem !ith life. Beauty i bei#' touche% by omethi#'. Beauty i commu#io# !ith omethi#'. 1 par& i all that" #ece ary for omethi#' to be bor#. 1#% e#er'y i all that" #ece ary to #ouri h it a#% ma&e it 'ro!. * !a##a ma&e a boo& that that reache people. * !a#t to ma&e art that people feel. -very!here arou#% me are thi#' people %reame% up a#% create%. *pho#e + car + bri%'e + trai# . )hi#' that tarte% a i%ea a#% !ere ma%e i#to omethi#' ta#'ible a#% real. No! all tho e thi#' are part of my life. * feel li&e * houl% co#tribute omethi#'. * u e% to !rite poetry but #o o#e rea% it. No! it" li&e+ ho! ca# * commu#icate better: )hat cha#'e !a uppo e% to happe#+ !a #"t it: * !a uppo e% to cha#'e+ !a #"t *: )ho e fir t boo& !ere#"t ba% thou'h. * really love% them. * !a#te% to ay omethi#' at the time a#% * ai% it the !ay * &#e! ho!. )hi#' cha#'e thou'h. * feel li&e *"m 'etti#' clo er to omethi#' pecial a#% u#i?ue becau e * ca# ma&e the boo& * !a#t to ma&e. )here are till fear * have to let 'o of> Fear of faili#'. Fear of bei#' a lo er. 2ou ca# o#ly co#trol ho! har% you !or&+ ho! mart you are about thi#' . Hol% o# to !hat you love. Let 'o of !hatever, #ot !or&i#' for you. * feel li&e the e are thi#' * alrea%y &#o!+ but to really li te# to them a#% hear them+ that, har%. *"m #ot 'oi#' to 'ive up thou'h+ becau e * have a# opportu#ity to %o omethi#'. * 0u t have to #ot 'ive up !ith thi a#% &eep tryi#' to ma&e thi#' that are more beautiful a#% pecial tha# a#ythi#' *"ve ever %o#e or ee# before. * &#o! * ca# %o it. 3pe# up your heart a#% ma&e better a#% better art. Ma&e thi#' you are prou% of a#% be prou%. (ay everythi#' you !a#t to ay. 2ou,re uppo e% to 'et fru trate% ometime . )hat, uppo e% to happe#. 2ou are #ot !here you !a#t to be.

(ometime * thi#& about !here *,m at a#% !here * !a#t to be. )hi city, 'ot it %ar& i%e. 2ou ee people me e% up o# meth all the time. )hat %ru' i horrible. *t rot #ei'hborhoo% a#% affect #ormal people !ho 'o to !or& a#% come home to fi#% their %oor &ic&e% i# a#% their thi#' tole#. (ometime * ee all the ba% tuff i# a city a#% let it affect me more tha# the 'oo% tuff. )ho e are the time !he# my 'irl a#% * 'o !al& alo#' %o!# by the river or %o!# to the fa hio# hi'h treet a#% loo& at the 0ac&et a#% the hoe i# the !i#%o! at Gucci+ Herme + Fe#%i. 6e love the clothe + the tyle+ the color . )hey,re the fre he t i%ea you ca# ee i# a city+ a#% you ca# ee them for free. (eei#' tho e thi#' move me to !a#t to 'et to a better place i# my life+ a place !here * ca# affor% #ice thi#' . * feel li&e art a#% !riti#' i my !ay+ maybe the o#ly !ay. )he ba% thi#' * ee pu h me to !or& har%er a#% 'et to !here * !a##a be+ a#% *"m 'o##a ma&e it happe# for other too !he# * 'et there. * have to 'et there. Be t thi#' * ca# %o for a#ybo%y i !or& har%. * ca# tell other li&e * %o over a#% over you,re 'reat+ you"re 'reat+ you ca# %o a#ythi#'. )he reality i that mo t people * &#o! are#,t 'oi#' to try. * !ill thou'h. * %o#,t !a#t to live arou#% cheap thi#' + cut<cor#er + lo! ?uality a#% #ot have the mo#ey for ?uality. * ay * !a#t tho e thi#' + but %eep %o!# !hat * !a#t mo t of all i to %o !or& *,m ati fie% !ith a#% be at peace !ith havi#' %o#e omethi#' * thi#& i beautiful. * have to 'o all the !ay !ith the %ream a#% create my o!# life. * %o#"t &#o! !hat the boo& i . *t" part of omethi#'. -veryo#e ha their o!# per pective. No o#e tell you !hat" it" li&e for them+ but * !oul% li&e to &#o!. Before you &#o! it they,re 'o#e a#% their voice i lo t. * u e% to be reli'iou . * thou'ht that !a the thi#'. But the thi#' that ma%e it 'oo% !a the people. )he church !a full of 'oo% people+ 'uy a#% 'irl . )he 'uy !ho !oul% i#vite you to play ba &etball a#% 'irl !ho !oul% hu' you !he# they a! you. * 0u t !a#te% to be accepte% a#% there !ere #ice people there. 6he# * tarte% traveli#' a#% eei#' the !orl% thou'h+ everythi#' cha#'e%. Nice people are every!here. (ometime * !o#%er !hy * !a o %ra!# to church. * thi#& that art a#% reli'io# probably fille% the ame voi% i# me. * till !a#t to believe a#% have faith. * !orry that *,ve replace% reli'io# !ith art. *t, i# me to hol% ti'htly to thi#' + to ta&e thi#' for more tha# the mall part they play+ beyo#% the le o# they teach. 1rt %oe #,t ave a#ybo%y thou'h. *t, 0u t a tool. *t, li&e a#ythi#' el e. *t" o#e of a millio# thi#' you ca# plu' your elf i#to to ee !hat you are capable of. * %o#"t !a#t to ma&e it my everythi#'+ but alo#' !ith !riti#' it" my thi#'. Life ha to be bala#ce% thou'h. 2i# a#% 2a#'. For the 'oo% of the art. For the health of the !riti#'. * have to remi#% my elf to 'o to 'ame a#% 'o out to the movie + 'et the re%9o#e pac&a'e+ 'et a flat cree#+ 'et a# ipho#e. 5articipate. Go bac& to faceboo&. (tay i# touch. * !a#t to be active+ u eful+ a pro%ucer of valuable thi#' . * 'et a#'ry that * have a bori#' 0ob+ but *,m luc&y to have it. My bo i a 'oo% 'uy. He" o#e of my o#ly frie#% i# thi

cou#try. He, itti#' over there typi#' at hi computer. He" a 'oo% ma#+ a father+ a har% !or&er. * !oul% li&e to help the people i# my life that * care about but *"m i# #o po itio# to ri'ht #o!. * have all the time * !a#t here to !or& o# my boo& + to ma&e picture . *,m tryi#' to ma&e omethi#' happe# for my elf. * &#o! i# my heart that *,m a# arti t. *t eem li&e the o#ly !ay a#ythi#' !ill improve for me i if * !or& har% at !hat * thi#& *,m 'oo% at. )he e %ay a#yo#e ca# ma&e a boo&. * 0u t !a##a ma&e boo& that, %iffere#t a#% real a#% ha beautiful art i# it. 1ll of your fear of bei#' a lo er+ of livi#' a# avera'e life+ let that 'o. *t lea% you to rece%i#' from people. 2ou,re #ot a lo er. 2ou,re #ot a bum. 2ou,re a# arti t a#% the arti t, life i #ot a trai'htfor!ar% o#e. (ometime it ta&e a !hile. )he i ue !ill olve them elve . )hi year 0u t &eep !or&i#'. 2ou,ve fou#% omethi#' you love to %o. Go !ith it. * &#o! there" life out there. * &#o! there i . * ee it. * ca# i#terpret it. * ca# u#%er ta#% the la#'ua'e of it. * &#o! my part. * have to 'o full for!ar% o# !riti#' boo& . *t" my o#ly !ay. )o fi#% fulfillme#t i# the !or& you %o. )hat !ill lea% me to the peace *,m loo&i#' for. )he !hole thi#' i fi#%i#' peace of mi#%. * u e% to !a#t to travel all the time+ ee #e! place + ta te #e! foo% . No! * 0u t !a#t to ma&e omethi#' 'oo% a#% have it reco'#i9e%. *"ve bee# !or&i#' a #ormal 0ob for o lo#'+ *"m tarti#' to fear *"ll #ever be more tha# !hat * am. )ime i flyi#' by. *t" 2013. *# three mo#th *"ll be 3@. * %o#"t !a#t to have a#y re'ret . * !a#t to have 'ive# it my all+ but * al o %o#"t !a#t to have tru''le% a#% be poor my !hole life. * !a#t a car. * !a#t to travel a'ai#. * %o#"t !a#t to have mi e% life. 1rt i 0u t a i%e thi#'. $oi#' omethi#' you love i importa#t to me+ but there are other thi#' too+ li&e a family a#% a !ife a#% a hou e. * thi#& * 0u t have to &eep !riti#' a#% eve#tually *"ll ma&e a 'reat boo& people !ill li&e. * &#o! ucce ful arti t !ho %o#"t ma&e art a#ymore. )hey ay they %o#,t have time. 1t !hat a'e %oe that happe#: * put everythi#' i#to !hat * %o. 6he# %oe that e#%: Ho! ma#y year !ill * !rite boo& a#% ma&e art: Ca# it ever be primary: (houl% it ever be primary: $oe it ever #ee% to be: 6hat i itti#' all %ay %oi#' to my bac&: My le' : 6hat i tari#' at a computer cree# %oi#' to my eye : * 'et pai% 'oo% mo#ey to be here. * li&e the mo#ey a#% * li&e the time to !rite+ but there, omethi#' tu''i#' o# me to leave. )o ee 1frica+ 1 ia+ Au ia. )o ma&e frie#% there. )here, o much more tha# thi + but thi i part of my life+ becau e * love %oi#' thi . * !oul%#"t choo e a#other thi#' to %o other tha# !rite. Havi#' people i# your life !ho you love a#% care about you i more importa#t thou'h. But * have to ma&e omethi#' out of my life. * ca#"t be a bum. * ca#,t ha#%le bei#' that. * ca##ot %o that. * have to try har%er+ !or& har%er. * #ee% my family to &#o! * !a a !or&er a#% a !arrior a#% * care% e#ou'h about them that * !a#te% them to have ?uality thi#' a#% live i# a #ice hou e. But the# * &#o! %eep %o!# i# i%e if *,m ho#e t that they %o#"t #ee% that. )hey 0u t #ee% you to love them throu'h everythi#' a#% ta&e care of them a#% put them up fro#t i# your life. Nothi#' !ill ever

top a real arti t from ma&i#' art or a real !riter from !riti#'. 1 full life !ill o#ly e#ha#ce tho e pa io# . Ju t be happy a#% ma&e tuff you love. 2ou %o#"t have to ell a#ythi#'. $o#"t !orry about !hat other people %o. 2ou 0u t ta&e care of you a#% !hat you ca# %o for you a#% your family. 2ou ca# cha#'e everythi#' for you a#% for them. 2ou 0u t have to try har%er to 'et people to ee !hat you %o+ put it out there more omeho!. Maybe carry picture a#% boo& !ith you. Give them a!ay. $o omethi#'. )he cha#ce of ucce are lim. Fi#e+ but * love !hat *"m %oi#'. *"m havi#' fu# %oi#' it. *t ma&e me feel 'oo%. * &#o! *"m 'oo% at it. * ca#"t 'ive up. * !o#"t 'ive up. * thi#& if you,re a# arti t you houl% commu#icate everythi#'. $ifficultie too. * %o#"t feel li&e you ca# 0u t ha#' a picture a#ymore. 2ou have to tal& about it+ a#% tal& about !here you"re at. 2ou have to tell people !hy !hat you ma%e i pecial. )hi i my life. )hi i all * !a#t to %o. Ma&e omethi#' pecial a#% tell people about it. Go !ith your heart. -ve# a * !rite that thou'h it" har% to %o. $e i'#i#' a cover pa'e for a %ocume#t at !or&+ it, the o#e thi#' * really e#0oy %oi#' here. )o%ay * prepare% three %e i'# . )!o of them are fi#e. 3#e of them i perfect. )hat, the o#e they,ll choo e. * ca# feel it. * till li&e &#o!i#' !hat loo& 'oo%. * till li&e &#oc&i#' it out of the par&+ eve# if it mea# #othi#'. )he hu tle i o importa#t to me+ to feel li&e *,m %oi#' all * ca# a#% #ot leavi#' a#ythi#' to cha#ce. Getti#' up early+ !or&i#' har%+ 'oi#' to be% early+ !or&i#' a#% 'etti#' thi#' %o#e. * till have the hu tle a#% the fire. But people ca# ma&e you feel ba%+ eve# people clo e to you. 2ou coul%#"t ima'i#e they !oul% ever pu h you. )hey %o#,t mea# it thou'h. )a&e a breath. Let it 'o. * have a feeli#' that !hat people tell you i impo ible i 0u t impo ible for them. (omeo#e tol% them they coul%#,t %o omethi#' !he# they !ere you#' a#% they believe% it. Mo t people believe !hat they,re tol% becau e they fear #ot bei#' ure. But #ot &#o!i#' i a part of life. )here are time !he# it feel li&e *,m impo i#' mea#i#' o# thi#' that have #o#e. *t, %ifficult to ee thi#' a they are a#% #ot try to ma&e them i#to more+ e#ha#ce them i# ome !ay. 6he# * !a a &i% #o o#e tol% me !hat !a really 'oi#' o#. No o#e e8plai#e% a#ythi#'. Maybe !riti#' a#% picture i ho! * !or& out the thi#' * ee. Maybe that, all thi i . )he o#ly thi#' to %o i to ee thi throu'h. Fi#i h the boo&. 2ou ca# 'et throu'h a#ythi#' by ma&i#' a boo& you,re prou% of. * ca#,t ?uit. * have to %o !hat * love a#% ho! !hat * ca# %o.

* !oul% li&e to meet people !ho %o !hat * %o a#% a & you !hat you thi#& about omethi#' they ma%e. * love the feeli#' that come from eei#' omethi#' ama9i#' a#% beautiful. 6he# * ee that+ a little voice ay No! you. * love tryi#' to %o it my elf. * love ayi#' to people+ ta&e a loo& at thi . 6hat %o you thi#& about thi : (itti#' at my %e & at !or& eati#' a a#%!ich a#% %ri#&i#' a# ora#'e 0uice+ *,m thi#&i#' about my life. *# the e#% * !o#"t remember thi office. *t !ill fa%e a!ay. (o !ill my part i# it. *t"ll be li&e * !a #ever here. * !o#"t remember the time * at i# thi chair. But !hat * %i% here !ill tay. 5eace by !riti#' a#% fi#i hi#' boo& + by tur#i#' ethereal fire i#to omethi#' ta#'ible. No fear+ #o %i tractio# . 2ou mu t believe i# thi . 6or& ?uic&ly. )here, purity i# pee% a#% e8citeme#t. * 0u t have to &eep %oi#' !hat *"m %oi#'. 4eep !or&i#'. $o#,t 'ive up. $o#,t uccumb to fru tratio# a#% fear . 4eep movi#' for!ar%. 1fter a ba% %ay at !or&+ or i# the mi%%le of it+ * pull a #oteboo& out of my poc&et+ * 'o out i%e. * loo& at the tree . * mell the air. * loo& throu'h the picture i# the boo&. * rea% the !or% . * till believe the !or% . )hey"re my o#ly hot at a#ythi#'. *f * ca# 0u t !rite. 6rite a#% !rite. 1#% a%% the picture at the e#%. (ometime * feel pre ure bet!ee# my tomach a#% my che t. 1ll * !a#t i peace a#% calm. * %o#,t !a#t to lo e my health at a 0ob that mea# #othi#'. )here, o#ly o#e 0ob that mea# a#ythi#' to me. * have to &eep !riti#'. * have to !or& har%er. * have to ma&e a better picture. * have to ma&e a picture that pea& from the oul. * &#o! that * ca#+ a#% that it, the ri'ht roa%. )here" hope. Ho! %o * ettle %o!# thou'h+ calm %o!# a#% #ot be tre e% by !or&. (tep bac&. )hi#& bi''er. Not o#ly my heart a#% brai# but omethi#' el e tell me to &eep 'oi#'. Go further. $o your thi#' !herever a#% !he#ever. 3# your lu#ch brea&. *# the bathroom. 3# the bu . 6herever. 1 true !riter !rite . )here are #o limit . *t %oe #,t ma&e e# e !hy * thi#& * ca# till %o thi . )here are o ma#y people * &#o! !ho are marter tha# me. Maybe they &eep thi#' imple thou'h. )hey &eep it to a life of cari#' for each other. $eep i# my heart * &#o! that, probably the mart roa% to be o#. But * ca#,t be a failure. * ca#,t. *,m 'oi#' to &eep 'oi#'. * !a#t to ma&e art a#% !rite 'reat boo& . * feel li&e if you,re a ma# you have to try to ma&e omethi#' of your elf a#% you have to 'o for your %ream . )hat, #ot 0u t the 1merica# %ream+ that, every ma#, %ream. * ca#,t o#ly be a tech#ical !riter. * ca#,t be. * ca#,t ha#%le that that i all * am+ that *,ll #ever have ha% my foot i# the are#a. )here are bi''er thi#' i# the !orl% thou'h. 6or e thi#' . But come to term !ith it #o! or lear# to accept it later+ year a#% year from #o!> 2ou"re a !riter a#% a# arti t. 1ll the top alo#' the !ay have bee# ma#ma%e+ mo tly ma%e by you. 1ll the year !riti#' a#% e#%i#' thi#' out a#% rea%i#' about !riti#' !ere year #ot !riti#'. 1 !riter !rite . )hat, all he %oe . 1#% the e are 0u t boo& .

)hat, all they are. )hey,ll #ever be perfect. 2ou,ll #ever be perfect. )here i #o uch thi#' a perfect. )here" o#ly perfect for a mome#t i# time. 2ou mi'ht me up. 2ou mi'ht 'et luc&y. )he %iffere#ce bet!ee# ho! you feel ri'ht #o! a#% ho! you &#o! you"ll feel loo&i#' bac& i a very hort amou#t of time. Ju t &#o! that !herever you"re at i temporary. Be preciou about it. (o !hat. 3#e %ay you,ll be 'o#e. *f it !a real !he# you !rote it or %re! it+ it"ll al!ay mea# omethi#'. 1t lea t to you. 2ou pe#% my !hole time !riti#' about life+ a#% here i life ri'ht here. Live i# thi !orl%. )hi i your !orl%. Live i# it. Be i# it. )hi i home. Hear your elf pea&. (ay !hat you !a##a ay. *t %oe #,t matter !hat a#ybo%y ay . *t 0u t matter !hat you ay a#% %o. *t, ho! you act. *t, !hat you %o. *t, !hat you ma&e. *f you believe i# it. *f it, 'oo%. *f you love it. 1#% if you %o love it+ if you believe i# your elf+ believe i# your ta te+ you,ll be 3&. For'et the re t of it. For'et re!riti#'. For'et it. Ju t %o it. Ju t ay it. Ju t put it %o!#. Ju t 'et it %o!#. Before it, 'o#e. Before it 'oe a!ay. Before you,re 'o#e. Becau e the# it !o#,t mea# a#ythi#' at all. Ju t ay it a#% be prou% a#% ta#% behi#% it. )here, #othi#' el e. )here, really #othi#' el e ma#. )here, o#ly that. 2ou !ill uccee%. 2ou !ill. Becau e you ca# ta te it a#% you ca# ee it. 2ou ca# feel it. *t, your . *t, alrea%y your . )here, #othi#' to 'ai#+ #othi#' to !i#. )hi i it. )hi i it ri'ht here. )hi i the !hole thi#' ma#. )hi i the !hole re!ar%. )here, #othi#' other tha# thi . *t, the boo&. )hi i the re!ar%. )hi i the !hole thi#'. Faith. Love. Hope. Belief. Beauty. *t, here. *t, here. )here, #othi#' el e. )here, #othi#' to !i#+ there, #othi#' to 'ai#. )here, #o!here to 'o. *t, here. Ju t ee it. Ju t ee it. *t" all ri'ht here. Let that be e#ou'h.


)he &ateboar% &i%


$ream home

2ou"re #ot 'o##a 'et thi o#e u#le * e8plai# it. )hi i the ma'i follo!i#' the tar to the baby 0e u . )here are Ma'i i# yello! o# camel a#% mary a#% 0o eph to the i%e celebrati#'.

4eep !immi#'. (!im home.

Ga clou% momma

Nature" i#fi#ite patie#ce

3ur #ei'hbor !ho %ie% !ho !e al!ay u e% to meet o# hi !ay home from the upermar&et. He al!ay peele% off a piece of baco# for our %o'.


*#vi ible ma#

(ociali9e more rather tha# tay o# the boat by your elf+ eve# if it ta&e you omeplace beautiful a#% i#tere ti#'

* !a#t to carry my frie#% throu'h thi life


Faith i# people

(u# the Nouri her


Not fi#i he% bei#' bor#

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