After CHOGM, Rajapaksa Regime Faces Fresh Challenges

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After CHOGM, Rajapaksa Regime faces fresh challenges

By Our Political Editor-Sunday, November 17, 2013

Indo-Lanka relations on collision course again, consequences could be

disastrous GLs Look Africa policy fails as Africa is not looking at Lanka; Ranil decides to boycott following iri !ot"a attacks

#"e $o%%onwealt" su%%it t"at ends today "as posed toug" and newer c"allenges to t"e &'(A Go)ern%ent* It is still too early to %ake a fuller assess%ent of t"e week-long e)ent including t"e t"ree-day %eeting of leaders* +et, so%e i%portant foreign policy and do%estic issues "a)e already co%e to t"e fore* ,ne is ri Lankas future relations wit" India, t"e countrys one ti%e strong ally and closest neig"bour* #"e two now appear to be "eading again towards a frig"tening collision course* Anot"er is -.ternal Affairs /inister G*L* 'eiris %uc" touted Look Africa policy* 0e wanted ri Lanka to )eer away fro% close ties wit" western nations to build strong alliances wit" African countries* #"is was "is %antra to gain international support* After an in)est%ent of "undreds of %illions of rupees o)er %any %ont"s, $0,G/ s"owed it was only a pipedrea%* As one wag co%%ented, t"e proble% wit" 'eiris Look Africa policy is t"at Africa is not looking at us* ,n t"e do%estic front, conspicuous by t"eir absence were representati)es of all opposition parties at (ridays colourful $0,G/ opening cere%onies at 1elu% 'okuna 1ational Arts #"eatre* -arlier in t"e week, t"e countrys %ain opposition &nited 1ational 'arty 2&1'3 leader Ranil 4ickre%esing"e 2also Leader of t"e ,pposition3 "ad %ade a strong case to take part* 0is party General ecretary #issa Attanayake set t"is out in a detailed state%ent on w"y 4ickre%esing"e s"ould attend* It ca%e after &'(A inter%ediaries won an assurance fro% t"e &1' leaders"ip in pri)ate t"at t"ey would not stage any de%onstrations in t"e $ity of $olo%bo after 1o)e%ber 5 until $0,G/ was o)er* Go)ern%ent sponsored protestors attacked %y official )e"icle and tried to pre)ent %e fro% entering iri !ot"a 2t"e &1' "eadquarters in !otte3,6 4ickre%esing"e told t"e unday #i%es* 0ence, "e said, t"e Leaders"ip $ouncil "ad decided at its )ery first %eeting to boycott $0,G/* #"is was after a string of incidents by t"e sa%e protestors outside t"e party

"eadquarters for a second day* 'resident /a"inda Ra7apaksa telep"oned to persuade 4ickre%esing"e to attend* #"e 'resident "ad e.plained "e was unaware of t"e incident* (ollowing suit was 8efence ecretary Gotabaya Ra7apaksa* 0owe)er, 4ickre%esing"e, w"o "ad 7ust conferred so%e of "is powers to t"e Leaders"ip $ouncil, "ad to stick to its decision* 4it" a new Leaders"ip $ouncil in place, t"e &1' is beco%ing asserti)e by %aking toug" decisions e)en at t"e e.pense of an uneasy rapport wit" t"e &'(A leaders"ip* #"at is a turning point* (ears t"at ri Lanka and India %ay "ead for anot"er collision course surfaced after it beca%e known t"at Indian 'ri%e /inister /an%o"an ing" would not attend $0,G/* #"e first official inti%ation to 'resident Ra7apaksa ca%e in a telep"one call fro% 'rasad !ariyawasa%, ri Lankas 0ig" $o%%issioner in 1ew 8el"i, last week* 0e was to say t"at a p"one call to Ra7apaksa fro% 're%ier ing" could be e.pected* #"is was besides a co%%unication in writing e.pressing 're%ier ing"s regrets o)er "is inability to tra)el to $olo%bo for $0,G/* As is now known, opinion o)er t"e Indian 'ri%e /inisters participation was s"arply di)ided between political considerations on t"e one "and and strategic reasons on t"e ot"er* Indias parlia%entary elections are due before April ne.t year* (or t"e ruling $ongress 'arty, s"ould it win t"e polls, t"e support of t"e 8ra)ida /unnetra !a9"aka% 28/!3 in #a%il 1adu would be i%perati)e* 8/! leader /ut"u)el !arunanid"i insisted ing" s"ould not attend* At least t"ree $abinet /inisters : 'alaniappan $"ida%bara% 2(inance3, A*!* Ant"ony 28efence3 and ;ayant"i 1atara7an 2-n)iron%ent and (orests3 : strongly backed t"e de%and* 0owe)er, t"e Indian -.ternal Affairs /inistry "ierarc"y in t"e out" <lock in 1ew 8el"i as well as its 0ig" $o%%ission in $olo%bo took a %ore prag%atic approac"* #"ey argued t"at it was in Indias strategic interests for 're%ier ing" to take part and t"us not distance 1ew 8el"i furt"er away fro% $olo%bo* uc" a %o)e, t"ey argued, would be to Indias disad)antage* #"ey called for engage%ent wit" ri Lanka instead* In t"e "ig"er ec"elons of t"e &'(A Go)ern%ent, t"e belief t"at 're%ier ing" would co%e to $olo%bo was bolstered by t"e two day )isit of -.ternal Affairs /inister al%an !"urs"id on ,ctober =* In be"ind-t"e-scene %o)es a"ead of "is arri)al, &'(A leaders "ad agreed to finalise t"e

protracted ri Lanka-India coal fired t"er%al power pro7ect in a%pur, #rinco%alee costing & > ?@@ %illion* In fact t"e agree%ents were signed by !"urs"id gi)ing rise to furt"er confidence t"at a %a7or irritant in $olo%bo1ew 8el"i relations, now t"at t"e 1ort"ern pro)incial $ouncil "ad been establis"ed, "as been re%o)ed pa)ing t"e way for 're%ier ing"s participation at t"e $0,G/* As reports of "ea)y pressure on t"e $entre by t"e state go)ern%ent politicians in #a%il 1adu %ounted, ruling &'(A leaders belie)ed "e would sur%ount t"e% and co%e to $olo%bo* #"e fact t"at "e did not was to cause so%e serious concern* #"is was reflected in a discussion 'resident Ra7apaksa "ad wit" "is close ad)isors and senior officials* 0e noted t"at despite do%estic opposition, "is Go)ern%ent "ad %o)ed in fa)our of India on a nu%ber of issues and "ad e)en conceded t"e a%pur coal power pro7ect to it* India wanted elections in t"e 1ort" and t"e &'(A Go)ern%ent "eld t"e%* 0ow could 7ust one state out of AB ask "i% not to attend $0,G/C 0owe)er, Ra7apaksa told a news conference on #"ursday t"at 're%ier ing" "ad not told "i% in "is letter t"at pressure fro% #a%il 1adu was t"e reason w"y "e was unable to )isit ri Lanka* 'resident Ra7apaksa queried at t"e %eeting w"et"er it was now necessary to consult India w"en it co%es to local issues like %atters relating to t"e DEt" A%end%ent to t"e $onstitution* ,n t"e ot"er "and, "e also raised issue on w"et"er it was incu%bent on ri Lanka now to gi)e ear to %atters raised by India in t"is regard* #"oug" no fir% decisions "a)e been %ade, in t"e recent years Ra7apaksa "as played an increasing role in t"e conduct of ri Lankas foreign policy* It began wit" failures by -.ternal Affairs /inister G*L* 'eiris and "is /inistry to e.ecute Go)ern%ent policies on %any instances* In t"at e.ercise, now t"at Ra7apaksa is $"air in ,ffice of t"e $o%%onwealt", suc" a role, "ig"ly placed Go)ern%ent sources say, would increase* #"at apart, it is known t"at senior officials in t"e -.ternal Affairs /inistry often %ust guide t"e%sel)es on t"e Go)ern%ents t"inking on foreign policy issues only during discussions wit" 'resident Ra7apaksa* #"ese sources said if t"e Go)ern%ent is to take a toug" stand, it would enco%pass not only key issues now in focus like t"e DEt" A%end%ent to t"e $onstitution but e)en ot"er lesser i%portant ones* ,ne suc" e.a%ple, t"e source said, was t"e Indian request for its $entral <ureau of In)estgation 2$<I3 to question !u%aran 'at"%anat"an alias !' in connection wit" t"e assassination of one ti%e Indian 'ri%e /inister, Ra7i) Gand"i in /ay DFFD* 'at"%anat"an, w"o was responsible for equipping t"e #iger guerrillas wit" sop"isticated %ilitary "ardware at )arious stages of t"e war, is now free to %o)e around and was one of t"e in)itees at t"e $0,G/ related 'eoples (oru% in 0ikkaduwa* Apart fro% legal and ot"er i%plications, t"ere is a serious downside to any %o)e to free9e relations wit" India* It would only be logical to e.pect a retaliatory response* ,ne suc" area would be t"e /arc" A@DG &nited

1ations 0u%an Rig"ts $ouncil 2&10R$3 sessions in Gene)a* India "as )oted in fa)our of two successi)e resolutions by t"e &nited tates at t"e &10R$ sessions* #"ere is little doubt t"ere will be redoubled efforts by $anada, w"ic" boycotted $0,G/ toget"er wit" t"e & to pus" for stronger %easures* <ritis" 'ri%e /inister 8a)id $a%eron w"o %et nine different <ritis"-based #a%il 8iaspora groups at 1o D@ 8owning treet a"ead of "is )isit to $olo%bo told t"e% "is Go)ern%ent would back a call for an Hinternational in)estigation6 if t"e Go)ern%ent did not conduct a Hdo%estic in)estigation6 by t"at ti%e* &'(A leaders "ad belie)ed t"at t"e Ht"aw6 resulting fro% t"e ,ctober )isit by Indian -.ternal Affairs /inister !"urs"id and ri Lanka conceding t"e a%pur coal fired power pro7ect would pa)e t"e way for 're%ier ing"s )isit and lea)e a clean slate for future relations* #"e question now facing senior officials in t"e &'(A ad%inistration is about t"e free9e in $olo%bo-1ew 8el"i relations* If t"at is cause for concern, anot"er is -.ternal Affairs /inister 'eiris Look Africa foreign policy ad)enture, w"ic" took "i% repeatedly to t"at continent in recent %ont"s* If it was intended to "arness support of African nations at international fora, only four : out" Africa, Rwanda, Lesot"o and #an9ania I sent t"eir 0eads of Go)ern%ent for t"e t"ree-day su%%it* ,ne of t"e countries w"ere t"e initiati)e was first tested was &ganda* Its leader +oweri /ussa)eni was a notable absentee saying one of "is relati)es was unwell* 0e was represented by Jice 'resident -dward !iwanuka sekandi* Also absent was t"e !enyan 'resident &"uru !enyatta* $"arged wit" cri%es against "u%anity before t"e International $ri%inal $ourt, "is appeal to t"e &1 "as been re7ected* It was only last %ont" /inister 'eiris told 'arlia%ent t"at !enya "ad denied newspaper reports t"at it was lobbying African countries not to attend* 0e asserted t"at t"ey would be present in $olo%bo at t"e "ig"est le)els* At t"e $0,G/ cere%onial opening at 1elu% 'okuna 1ational Arts #"eatre on (riday, t"e seats reser)ed for opposition parties were e%pty* It was only early t"is week &1' General ecretary #issa Attanayake set out t"e reasons w"y t"e &1' leader 4ickre%esing"e would take part in t"e e)ent* 0e said t"ere was Hone )alid reason for "olding t"e $0,G/ in $olo%bo*6 0e said as $"air in ,ffice, 'resident /a"inda Ra7apaksa and t"e Go)ern%ent of ri Lanka Hare now under obligation to enforce t"e $o%%onwealt" $"arter*6 #"at included ad"ering to principles of de%ocracy, "u%an rig"ts, freedo% of e.pression, separation of powers of t"e role of Legislature, -.ecuti)e and ;udiciary, rule of law, good go)ernance, access to "ealt", education, food, s"elter, gender equality and role of ci)il society* H,n conte%plation and in cogni9ance of all t"ese facts, t"e Leader of t"e ,pposition "as decided to attend t"e opening of $0,G/,6 t"e state%ent said* Attanayakes state%ent also noted t"at H,ne of &1's %ain concerns, "owe)er, is t"at t"e e.penditure incurred by t"e Go)ern%ent to "ost t"e

su%%it will beco%e an o)erw"el%ing econo%ic burden on t"e people of t"is country* 4"ile t"e Go)ern%ent purports to "ost a su%%it on be"alf of an organisation t"at e.tols t"e )alues of de%ocracy, "u%an rig"ts and good go)ernance, t"ere "as been no transparency regarding t"e e.penditure incurred by t"e state for t"is purpose* #"e Ra7apaksa Go)ern%ent "as not only far e.ceeded t"e original e.penditure esti%ates, but "as been tig"t lipped about t"e nu%erous contracts and fa)ours granted to its cronies*6 0e clai%ed t"at t"e Hopportunity to restore eroded de%ocratic )alues and its 2Go)ern%ents3 co%%it%ent to stri)e to li)e up to t"e )alues of t"e $o%%onwealt", t"e ri Lankan Go)ern%ent "as turned $0,G/ A@DE into an e.tra)agan9a to s"owcase t"e Ra7apaksa regi%e*6 #"e &1's position was to c"ange following t"e incidents outside iri !ot"a, t"e party "eadquarters on 4ednesday and #"ursday* &1' leader 4ickre%esing"e outlined t"e e)ents* 0e told t"e unday #i%es, H,ur party toget"er wit" ot"er organisations t"at for% t"e a%agi <ala)egaya 2&nited (orce3 "eld an e."ibition t"at related to t"e i%ple%entation of reco%%endations of t"e Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation $o%%ission 2LLR$3 and up"olding t"e $"arter of t"e $o%%onwealt"* I went to 8elkanda for a funeral and was returning to t"e party office* A foreign delegation was co%ing to see %e t"ere* /y security was ad)ised to use a side entrance since crowds "ad gat"ered outside* 4"en we did t"at, Go)ern%ent-sponsored t"ugs surrounded %y )e"icle and began pounding on t"e side I was seated* ecretary #issa Attanayake telep"oned t"e Inspector General of 'olice* 0e was not a)ailable* 0e "ad t"en spoken to t"e 8IG of t"e area* +et no "elp arri)ed* /any atte%pts were %ade by t"e t"ugs to get into %y )e"icle* It was wit" great difficulty t"at I %anaged to get into t"e office*6 0e said t"at "is )isit to t"e party "eadquarters was also to %eet a /aldi)ian delegation t"at was co%plaining about t"e )olatile situation in t"e arc"ipelago* After t"e %ob attack w"ic" t"ey witnessed, t"ey %ust "a)e t"oug"t t"at t"e situation in /ale is safer t"an $olo%bo, 4ickre%esing"e quipped* #"e e."ibition on 4ednesday, &1's $o%%unications 8irector /angala a%araweera, e.plained was t"e result of an arrange%ent between t"e &1' and so%e DD? ci)il society groups* #"ey "ad first soug"t to "a)e it at t"e ;ayewardene $entre but per%ission to use t"e pre%ises was refused* HIt was t"e sa%e case w"en we went to a few ot"er )enues* 0ence, we decided to "a)e it in t"e rear building at iri !ot"a,6 "e said* #"e e."ibition "ad p"otograp"s about t"e incidents at Rat"upaswala, t"e deat" of a worker at t"e -.port 'rocessing Kone in !atunayake and ot"er H"u%an rig"ts6 )iolation issues, "e said* #"ere was also a section t"at depicted p"otograp"s of t"ose w"o "ad disappeared* ,t"er sources said at least fi)e busloads of widows and ne.t of kin of %issing persons were to co%e fro%

t"e nort" for t"e e."ibition and arrange%ents for t"is "ad been %ade by a ci)il society group* 0owe)er, t"ey were stopped by t"e security forces and asked to turn back* #"e ne.t day, 2#"ursday3 a%araweera said, t"e partys Leaders"ip $ouncil was %eeting at iri !ot"a* HGo)ern%ent-sponsored groups, %ost of w"o% were present t"e pre)ious day, turned up carrying placards* #"ey began s"outing slogans calling %e and our leader Ranil BBS monks and supporters gather outside the Siri Kotha on Thursday to protest against 4ickre%esing"e traitors the Samagi Balawegaya's, human rights exhibition. Pic by Nilan aligaspe w"o s"ould be killed,6 "e said* #"e %eeting went on in t"e upper floor* o%e were specifically asking for %e, "e added* #"e Leaders"ip $ouncil %eeting began wit" its $"air%an !aru ;ayasuriya signing a docu%ent at an auspicious ti%e 7ust after D@*E@ a*%* &p for discussion were t"ree different docu%ents : one for%ulated by 4ickre%esing"e, one by a%araweera and t"e t"ird by Ga%pa"a 8istrict parlia%entarian Ruwan 4i7ewardene* Around D?@ %e%bers of t"e <udd"ist clergy were in)ited to a dana 2al%s gi)ing3 to bless t"e Leaders"ip $ouncil* Jenerable Giraa%be Ananda #"era, Anunayake of t"e Ra%anya 1ikaya deli)ered an anusasana 2speec"3* 0e said, H#"e <udd"ist clergy "a)e always co%e out w"ene)er t"ere "as been a national issue or a religious issue* #"e %onks inter)ened as we noticed t"at t"e country was "eading towards disaster* 4e s"ould unite to draw t"is country out of disaster* If ri Lanka is to be con)erted to a prosperous society, I pray t"ose responsible would "a)e t"e wisdo% to do so* I regret t"at a7it" 're%adasa "as not co%e for t"is e)ent* If "e is a true son of t"e late Ranasing"e 're%adasa "e s"ould attend t"e Leaders"ip $ouncil %eetings*6 ecurity personnel %anning iri !ot"a were confused w"en %ore %e%bers of t"e <udd"ist clergy entered* #"ey "ad belie)ed t"ey were arri)ing late for t"e cere%onies connected wit" t"e Leaders"ip $ouncil* 0owe)er, it later turned out t"at t"ey were %e%bers of t"e <odu <ala ena 2<< 3* o%e of t"e% were on t"e lookout for a%araweera* #"ere was confusion and scuffles w"ere t"e << %onk- ecretary was also roug"ed up* Later, t"e %onks w"o "ad attended t"e al%s gi)ing "ad persuaded t"e << %e%bers to lea)e* #"e Leaders"ip $ouncil decided unani%ously to reco%%end t"at t"e &1' leader s"ould not attend t"e cere%onial inauguration of $0,G/* A letter

dated 1o)e%ber D? and signed by General ecretary Attanayake was despatc"ed to t"e $o%%onwealt" ecretary General !a%ales" "ar%a* In t"at Attanayake c"arged t"at a ser)ice ar% was in)ol)ed and Go)ern%ent )e"icles transported t"e Ht"ugs w"o "ad attacked t"eir leaders )e"icle w"ilst t"e 'olice looked on*6 0e said t"e %obs returned again on #"ursday to Hcontinue t"eir )itriolic ca%paign against our leader*6 #"e letter added, HIronically, t"ese fascist t"ugs were protesting against an e."ibition organised by a%agi, a coalition of ci)il society groups "ig"lig"ting t"e need to i%ple%ent t"e $o%%onwealt" $"arter t"roug" t"e speedy i%ple%entation of t"e 'residents own LLR$ proposals* #"e e."ibition was labelled as treac"erous and t"e state %edia "as unleas"ed a )icious ca%paign against all t"ose w"o "a)e been in)ol)ed wit" t"e e."ibition and t"ey "a)e been labelled as Htraitors6 and L##- sy%pat"isers*6 &ntil #"ursday %orning, we "ad decided we were going for t"e $0,G/* Last nig"t we were branded all kinds of na%es in t"e state electronic %edia* #"ey attacked %y )e"icle* #"e 'olice 7ust looked on and did not"ing* -noug" is enoug",6 4ickre%esing"e said* 0e said "e soug"t t"e )iews of t"e Leaders"ip $ouncil* A few said I s"ould attend but t"e %a7ority felt I s"ould not go after w"at "as been done by t"e Go)ern%ent, "e added* 0e c"arged t"at $ri%inal In)estigations 8epart%ent 2$I83 detecti)es were in t"e precincts of iri !ot"a c"ecking t"e national identity cards of t"ose present* ,ne #a%il yout" was arrested on suspicion t"at "e was fro% t"e nort"* 0owe)er, it turned out t"at "e was a %e%ber of t"e 1a)a a%a a%a7a 'arty 21 '3 leader, 4ickre%aba"u !arunaratnes staff* 0e was later released* <ot" t"e #a%il 1ational Alliance 2#1A3 and t"e ;anat"a Ji%ukt"i 'era%una 2;J'3 also kept away fro% t"e $0,G/ cere%onies on (riday* #1A parlia%entarian ures" 're%ac"andran told t"e unday #i%es, H#"is was a decision taken because we strongly feel t"at issues of t"e #a%il people need to be addressed* (our years after t"e war t"ere is still "ea)y %ilitarisation in t"e nort", %ore t"an E?,@@@ people are in welfare ca%ps still and people do not "a)e access to t"eir own lands* #"e Go)ern%ent is painting a rosy picture to t"e world* 4"en t"e go)ern%ent says e)eryt"ing is fine, t"at t"ere are no "u%an rig"ts )iolations and t"at t"ere are no internally displaced people we cannot be part of it* #"at is w"y we decided to boycott $0,G/*6 ;J' parlia%entarian Ji7it"a 0erat" told t"e unday #i%es t"ere were two reasons w"y "is party did not take part* H'rince $"arles ca%e to ri Lanka to represent t"e Lueen for t"e $0,G/* 4e refuse to be any part of it because we are against beco%ing a <ritis" colony again* It cost t"e country a colossal a%ount w"ic" t"e Go)ern%ent "as not disclosed* #"is co%es at a ti%e w"en t"e country is going t"roug" an econo%ic crisis* #"e people find it "ard to li)e* 4e see t"is e)ent as a waste of %oney and it is wrong for t"e go)ern%ent to "ost suc" an e)ent at a ti%e like t"is*6

$riticis% notwit"standing, Ra7apaksas speec" at t"e cere%onial inauguration won plaudits fro% bot" t"e Go)ern%ent and ,pposition side* H0is deli)ery in -nglis" was perfect and t"e speec" "ad substance,6 said one of "is bitterest critics w"o did not wis" to be identified* #"at was t"e Hbest speec"6 during t"e $o%%onwealt" e)ents in ri Lanka, "e added* #"e talking point a%ong %any cabinet %inisters was also on t"e sa%e lines, t"oug" t"ere were t"ose w"o argued if "e s"ould not "a)e rubbed it in to "is detractors by so%e of "is co%%ents, especially being t"e "ost* An e)ent of so%e i%portance on t"e sidelines of $0,G/ was t"e %eeting between 'resident /a"inda Ra7apaksa and <ritis" 'ri%e /inister 8a)id $a%eron* An official state%ent fro% t"e 'residential ecretariat on (riday nig"t saidM H'ri%e /inister $a%eron e.pressed "is satisfaction on t"e %anner $0,G/ A@DE "as been organised* 0e said "e did not belie)e t"e idea of boycotting t"e %eeting as so%e proposed* Referring to "is )isit to t"e 1ort" today 2(riday3, t"e &! 'ri%e /inister noted t"at %uc" progress "as been %ade since t"e end of t"e conflict four years ago* 0e described "olding elections to t"e 1ort"ern 'ro)incial $ouncil as a )ery positi)e step toward reconciliation* 0owe)er, "e said t"at t"ere are still se)eral concerns to be addressed relating to displaced persons, land issues, %ilitary presence in t"e 'ro)ince and de)ol)ing powers to t"e newly elected $ouncil* 'resident Ra7apaksa in response e.plained t"at an enor%ous a%ount of work "as been done in ter%s of resettle%ent, re"abilitation and reconstruction of infrastructure destroyed during t"e conflict* In order to reac" consensus on political %atters a 'arlia%entary pecial $o%%ittee 2' $3 "as been establis"ed for all parties concerned to air t"eir )iews and reac" a settle%ent* #"e ' $ is t"e best foru% for t"e purpose6, obser)ed t"e 'resident*6 As it is now only four years since t"e end of t"e conflict t"e country needs so%e %ore ti%e to o)erco%e all %a7or c"allenges6, "e stressed* /r* 4illia% 0ague, (oreign ecretary and /r* ;o"n Rankin, t"e &! 0ig" $o%%issioner in ri Lanka acco%panied 'ri%e /inister $a%eron* /inister of -.ternal Affairs 'rof* G* L* 'eiris, /onitoring /' for t"e /inistry of -.ternal Affairs /r* a7in de Jaas Gunewardena, ecretary to t"e /inistry of 8efence and &rban 8e)elop%ent Gotabaya Ra7apaksa, ecretary to t"e 'resident /r* Lalit" 4eeratunga, ecretary to t"e /inistry of -.ternal Affairs !arunat"ilake A%unuga%a, ri Lankas 0ig" $o%%issioner in &! 8r* $"ris 1onis and $"ief of 'residents taff /r, Ga%ini enerat" were also present at t"e %eeting*6 0owe)er, t"e unday #i%es learnt t"at t"e "our-long %eeting saw "eated e.c"anges between 'resident Ra7apaksa and 're%ier $a%eron* #"e <ritis"

'ri%e /inister was to say t"at "is Go)ern%ent would back an Hinternational probe6 if t"e Ra7apaksa Go)ern%ent did not conduct its own inquiry into alleged war cri%es issues before /arc", ne.t year* #"is was to pro%pt Ra7apaksa to say $a%eron s"ould not talk wit"out knowing all t"e facts* 0e c"arged t"at wit" t"e backing of t"e #a%il 8iaspora, $a%eron was creating dissension in t"e #a%il $o%%unity and pa)ing t"e way for confrontation* 4"en it ca%e to discussion on %edia freedo% issues, Ra7apaksa replied $a%eron by pointing out t"at "e s"ould "a)e also )isited newspaper offices in $olo%bo and spoken to %edia personnel t"ere* #"e <ritis" 'ri%e /inisters office "ad sc"eduled a )isit by $a%eron to ;affnas &t"ayan newspaper office w"ic" "as been sub7ect to a string of attacks* #"e idea was to pro7ect t"at "e was addressing %edia freedo% issues w"ilst in ri Lanka* #"is is w"en "is Go)ern%ent "as co%e in for "ea)y criticis% o)er a Royal $"arter it wants to introduce in <ritain to regulate t"e %edia t"ere* $a%eron took pictures of "is %eeting at t"e ;affna newspaper office wit" publis"er -aswarapat"a% ara)anapa)an and -ditor Jallipura% !ana%ylnat"an* #"ey sat in a roo% w"ere t"e walls "ad been peppered wit" bullets* Red circles "ad been %arked to identify t"e%* $a%eron tweeted, H;ournalists point out pictures of colleagues killed in nort" ri Lanka I red rings surround bullet "oles in t"e wall*6 #"at was t"e caption to a p"otograp" "e circulated* 're%ier $a%eron told t"e duo t"at "e "ad read %ost A%nesty International reports on attacks on &t"ayan* ,t"er t"an t"at )isit, t"e <ritis" 0ig" $o%%ission in $olo%bo was quite indifferent wit" t"e %edia in $olo%bo* In one instance, a %edia outlet was offered an eig"t %inute inter)iew wit" (oreign ecretary 4illia% 0ague, per"aps so%et"ing w"ic" is not done by t"e $onser)ati)e Go)ern%ent wit" t"e &! %edia* ,r does itC #"ey were all e)en left out of a news conference by $a%eron yesterday* It was only confined to t"e &! %edia t"at was co)ering "is )isit* H&nder t"e guise of press freedo%, $a%eron is playing 8iaspora politics,6 said a senior cabinet %inister* #"e "ig"lig"t of t"e news conference was "is t"reat t"at if ri Lanka does not conduct a Hdo%estic inquiry,6 <ritain would pus" for an Hinternational in)estigation6 into alleged war cri%es in /arc" ne.t year* $o%%enting on "is talks at yesterdays news conference $a%eron also said HIn ter%s of t"e issues I raised wit" t"e 'resident, well, its t"e full set of issues t"at we)e been discussing I t"e need for an independent inquiry into t"e e)ents at t"e end of t"e war; t"e need for displaced people to be gi)en "o%es and li)eli"oods; t"e need for "u%an rig"ts and 7ournalistic freedo%s; t"e need for reconciliation; t"e need to %ake sure t"at t"e rig"t track is taken* +ou know, I say t"is as "ead of one so)ereign country to anot"er* #"ese are t"e sorts of t"ings t"at we can discuss* #"e 'resident %ade a series of points in response* 0is point is )ery %uc" t"at t"ey need ti%e* And I accept it does take ti%e to reconcile* 4e discussed, for instance, t"e e.a%ple of 1ort"ern Ireland w"ere, in %y

country, you know I t"ere was, you know, years of conflict in part of t"e country* And we "a)e taken "uge steps to try and reconcile people toget"er* I ga)e, for e.a%ple t"e I as an e.a%ple, t"e building of a police ser)ice in 1ort"ern Ireland t"at reflects all co%%unities and people fro% all co%%unities can 7oin* o, we "ad a )ery open and )ery frank discussion about t"ese issues*6 'resident Ra7apaksa "as now worn t"e %antle of $"air in ,ffice of t"e $o%%onwealt"* ,n #"ursday, "e will present "is Go)ern%ents budget for A@DG* 0e will no doubt spend ti%e for a re)iew on "ow t"e $0,G/ went and w"ere t"e failures, if any, lay* $"allenges to "is Go)ern%ents foreign policy as well as do%estic issues, wit" t"e %ain opposition now at logger "eads, would no doubt assu%e a "ig"er le)el*

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