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TLP Format Course Title: Designing Spaces Grade Level: 8 Date: Day 18 -26 Time: 44 minutes each class

period Broad Concept: Basic sewing skills Sub Concept: Pillowcase project Recurring Concerns: What should be done about students not able to read and follow directions? What should be done about students who do not understand sewing safety rules? What should be done about students who do not know how to use basic sewing skills?

Learner Objectives: The student will be able to listen, read, and follow directions to complete the sewing project. The student will be able to demonstrate how to use measuring tools accurately. The student will be able to measure and cut fabric for pillowcase. The student will be able to demonstrate a basting, back stitch and zig zag stitch. The student will be able to explain the purpose of zig zag stitch and basting. The student will be able to demonstrate a French seam.

Guiding Questions: What is a selvage? What is a seam? What is the purpose of basting? Why is zig zag important? What is the purpose of a French seam? Why would you use a French seam? What are some other enclosed seams that could be used? Why is it important to read and follow the directions for this project? What other classes is it important to read and follow directions? What about at home or maybe at a workplace? Why is measuring important in sewing? Where else would you use measurement?

Rationale: Students who do not read and follow directions will not be able to complete projects as successful as those students who read and follow directions. Students who do not understand sewing safety rules may harm themselves or their peers. Students who know how to use basic sewing skills will be able to repair or create clothing or other textiles than those students who do not know how to use basic sewing skills. FCS National Standards: 16.3.1 Explain the ways in which fiber, fabric, texture, pattern, and finish can affect visual appearance. 16.4.1 Demonstrate professional skills in using a variety of equipment, tools, and supplies for fashion, apparel, and textile construction, alteration and repair. 16.4.5 Demonstrate basic skills for producing and altering textile products and apparel.

FCS Nebraska Standards: FCS 6-12.9.1 Analyze how knowledge and skills related to textiles and apparel affect the wellbeing of individuals, families and society. FCS.9.C Care for and repair, alter or produce textile products and apparel.

Summative Assessments: Pillow case rubric Day 18 Set Activity: today students will start on their pillow project. Activity #1: Teacher gives a quick demonstration on how to wind bobbins. Student will wind bobbins. Transition: Students will read and follow directions from the pillowcase directions step #1. Activity #2: Teacher hands out Pillowcase directions. Have students read steps 1 and 2. Today students will complete step 1. Students will need to determine which fabric color/pattern will be used for their pillowcase body, heading and lip. Students will need to label the colors/patterns on their pillowcase directions. Summary/Conclusion: tomorrow students will continue pillow case project. Resources and materials needed: NOTES: Day 19 Student tote trays Pillowcase directions

Set activity: yesterday, students completed step 1. Ask why we tore the fabric. Today students will continue with their pillowcase project. Activity #1: students should have completed step 1 yesterday will continue with step 2 and 4. We will skip step 3 until towards the end of the project, just because some fabrics do not lie flat, so it is easier to wait until the end. Students will fold heading lengthwise at 7 inches, press and using a fabric marker/pencil, mark from folded edge 6 inches. Using shears, cut on marks. Heading should measure 12 inches unfolded. Transition: now students fabric is straight and ready to start on the pillowcase. Activity #2: teacher will have examples of steps 5, 6 and 7 ready for students to view as teacher demonstrates these steps. Students will need to continue reading and following directions from worksheet. Conclusion/summary: students will continue working on pillowcases tomorrow. Resources and materials needed: NOTES: Day 20 Set activity: review what students did yesterday. Some students will be ready for steps 6 and 7. Activity #1: teacher demonstrate step 5, 6 and 7. Teacher should inform students how important all four layers are lined up and lip is straight for step 7. If they are not lined up, the lip may be crooked or the sewing machine will not sew all five layers together, creating a gap. Conclusion/summary: students will continue working on pillowcases tomorrow. Resources and materials needed: NOTES: Day 21 Set Activity: review what students did yesterday. Break students into groups of which step they are currently working on with their pillowcase. Activity #1: some students will be starting step 7. Teacher demonstrate step 7 and will have a sample of step 7. Conclusion/summary: students will continue working on pillowcases tomorrow. Samples of steps 5, 6 and 7 Samples of steps 5, 6 and 7

Materials needed: NOTES: Day 22 Set: Review what students did yesterday. Break students into groups of which step they are currently working on with their pillowcase. Activity #1: some students will finish step 7 and start step 8, 9 and 10. Teacher will have samples steps 7, 8, 9 and 10 for students to view. Teacher demonstrates step 8 for students ready for this step. Summary/conclusion: Monday, students will stop working on pillowcase and practice a French seam by completing a French seam sample. Materials needed: NOTES: Day 23 (video) Summative Assessments: Seam Sample Worksheet Set Activity: Today students will not work on their pillowcase project; there are several students ready to start the French seam on the pillowcase so students will practice the French seam first. Activity #1: students will view the Self-Enclosed Seams power point. Teacher will go through each slide discussing the different types of seams and finishes. Teacher will go through the six steps of sewing a French seam. Transition: now that students have listened and read the French seam directions, teacher will divide class into two groups and demonstrate the French seam to group 2 while group 1 collects supplies. Activity #2: Slide #16 will give specific directions to each group and which supplies each group is to collect. Teacher will demonstrate to group two as group one collects supplies, thread and test machine. They may also cut out the fabric they will need for the French seam sample. Transition: now that students have seen the demonstration, they will start on the French seam. Activity #3: students will work independently on their French seam, teacher will walk around room observing and helping students with their seam. Once students complete the seam, they will staple and place on the front desk to be graded (worth 10 points). Samples of steps 7, 8, 9 and 10 Samples of steps 6, 7 and 8

Transition: once students are finished, they will clean their work stations and then watch a few videos of other seams and finishes. Activity #4: teacher can show a video for the turned and stitched seam, zigzag seam and the flat-felled seam. Ask students questions on slide #18. Conclusion/summary: now that students have practiced the French seam, they will be able to finish their pillowcase using the French seam. Resources and materials needed: Self-enclosed Seams power point Students Seam Samples worksheet Pre-cut fabric Seam sample pattern Have two machines threaded before class begins Students will need their trays and sewing supplies available in classroom Accommodations: None needed for this class

*Day 24* (Carla observation) Set activity: review what students did yesterday. Break students into groups of which step they are currently working on with their pillowcase. Activity #1: teacher will have samples of steps 11, 12 and 13. Many students will be starting their French seam on their pillowcase. Remind students to stitch their wrong sides together first for the French seam; students need to read and follow directions. Conclusion/summary: students will continue working on pillowcases tomorrow. Resources and materials needed: NOTES: Day 25 Set activity: Students will continue working on pillowcases. Some students may be finishing pillowcases today. Have a two day sewing project ready for them to complete. Activity #1: Students will continue reading and following directions in order to complete pillowcase. Students who have completed their pillowcase project may start on another quick sewing project. Samples of steps 11, 12 and 13

Conclusion/summary: students will continue working on pillowcases. Most students will be finished today, if so, tomorrow will be the last day to work on pillowcases. Resources and materials needed: NOTES: Day 26 Set activity: Students will continue working on pillowcases. Some students may be finishing pillowcases today. Have a one day sewing project ready for them to complete. Activity #1: Students will continue reading and following directions in order to complete pillowcase. Students who have completed their pillowcase project may start on another quick sewing project. Conclusion/summary: Students who are not finished with pillowcase may come in before or after school to finish. Tomorrow students will be introduced to the serger machine. Resources and materials needed: Sample of step 13 2nd quick sewing project for students Samples of steps 11, 12 and 13 2nd quick sewing project for students

Resources: Millard Public Schools. (2005). Pillowcase Directions and Evaluation. Millard Public Schools. (2005). Seam Samples.

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