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ASTROLOGY - INSIGHTS"V K Choudhry Author & Astrologer www.YourNetAstrologer. o!

Whenever Rahu-Ketu axis is placed exactly over or close to the most effective points of houses containing odd signs, besides afflicting the houses occupied and aspected it turns the planets Saturn, the Sun, Venus, Mars and Jupiter ea! by afflicting their mooltri!ona houses" Whenever Rahu-Ketu axis is placed exactly over or close to the most effective points of houses containing even signs, besides afflicting the houses occupied and aspected it turns the planets the Moon and Mercury ea! by afflicting their mooltri!ona houses" #he close influence of the lord of the eighth house or Rahu or the lord of the t elfth house on the lord of the seventh house, and$or the most effective point of the seventh house and$or Venus and the close influence of Rahu on the lord of the eighth house gives indulgence out of marital bond for excessive sensual pleasures and endangers the native ith sexually transmitted diseases" #he close affliction of the nodes to ea! planets ma!es one vulnerable to cancerous diseases" %ver since the author, V"K"&houdhry identified this planetary configuration giving cancerous results in the year '()(, our team had been very particular in atching the horoscopes ith such planetary configuration for administering preventive astral remedies and e are very proud to say that in cases here the native had not started suffering from such a fatal disease, the preventive astral remedies proved to be of great help and the natives suspected for cancerous disease did not suffer in the sub-periods of such afflicting$afflicted planets" Whenever the affliction is close to the extent of one degree, the problems surface in the first operating planetary period" When the affliction is close to the extent of t o degrees, the problem may surface in the second operating planetary period" #he affliction, ith the longitudinal difference of three degrees or more gives problems in the third operating planetary period" Similarly, e should treat the afflictions of longitudinal difference of four and five degrees" #his varies ith the strength of the primary determinants" *f the primary determinants are ea!, it hastens the surfacing of problem" + planet placed in the mooltri!ona sign cannot exceed the strength of its dispositor" ,uring the sub period of a planet the results of planets placed in its mooltri!ona sign also fructify simultaneously" -rediction of unfavorable results can be$is made for the significations ruled by the ea! planets even if there are no afflictions in the natal chart and no planet is badly placed" + strong planet ill give beneficial results of its general and particular significations throughout the life" *f it is a ay from the M%- of the house of its placement, it may give results for the significations of the said house in the later part of life" + .M planet does not afflict its o n M# sign by con/unction or by aspect" + .M

planet ill afflict its o n M# sign by aspect only if it itself is afflicted by another .M planet" ,ispositor ea!ness or bad placement affliction is not applicable in this case" #he benefit of aspect to the M# sign of .M is limited to the proportion of the strength of the .M" *** 0ouse also rules learning and comprehension" #he placement of the tenth lord in the second house gives professional eduction" #he strength of Sun or the Sun li!e house -lanets improve the results of other planets to some extent" *n ,&s e see the influence of .Ms of ,&s"

#he strong affliction of MM- to the significators of longevity, the placement of planets in the )th house ith Moon being afflicted cause short life span" &lose afflictions to M%- of the houses harm the main significations of the house" #he strong planets give results ithout any efforts more efforts ith little$delayed success" hile the ea! planets need

1ive due consideration to placement of the planets" #he planets placed in the third house ta!e the person to M2+ $ mar!eting li!e studies" #he strong planets bring brilliance coupled ith stability" #he ea! planets sho their impact through instability" 23+&K M+1*&4 *mpact of nodes on fifth house, ea! Mercury $ Moon ma!es one vulnerable to blac! magic" #he M# sign lords of the eighth and t elfth houses also act as Rahu" #he !arma results arise through the principles of divine /ustice" Jyotish$+stral remedies are the means for alleviating the !arma results" #he important tools for predictive accuracy are the functional nature of planets, strength of planets, inter-relationships of planets, divisional charts, impact of Rahu 5 Ketu, planetary periods and triple transit triggers" .or differentiating bet een - having issues in a particular area throughout life - en/oying good results in a particular area but in some sub-periods facing issues and dra bac!s the guiding principles are that the planets give results as per their strength in their sub periods" #ransit influences ta!e precedence over sub period results" #he strong$exact afflictions to natal planets are not easy things to be dealt ith" 3ongtime propitiation ith strengthening of afflicted planets help" Some other strong planets in the birth chart help in bringing do n the impact of strong afflictions" #he strong planets, in general, give good results for their significations throughout the life" Where there are no strong or ell placed planets, there is little hope of things turning good"

#o ans er 6uestions for timing of events, see the natal and transit planetary strengths, operating sub period and transit and ans er these 6uestions" .or example, in a 6uery for /ob, if the natal determinants of profession and the Sun are strong or ell placed ith at least 789 po er and there is no transit affliction the person is li!ely to get or! in a couple of months:time" +nother month or so can be added if Rahu-Ketu are stationary" .or rest of the people it may ta!e longer time and they need strengthening of their planets and propitiation of the planets causing afflictions" Whenever there are double or multiple close$exact afflictions, these ta!e first priority in giving their results" *n case such close$exact afflictions of MM- and RahuKetu axis are suffered by the prime significator of the marriage, the marriage can be delayed inordinately or even denied" *n such cases the use of a special purpose !avach and continuous special propitiatory remedies become absolutelly essential" Strong Venus hastens marriage" Strong Sun brings do n the level of sufferings due to afflictions" -lanetary castes and ;ature4 #hose ith strong influence of Jupiter go in the learning, teaching, training, development and spiritual or! - 2rahmins" #hose ith strong Sun and Mars go for administrative $ organisation profession, government assignments 5 security forces are fighters - Kshatriyas" #hose ith strong Moon, Mercury and Venus go for trading $ business ventures - vaishayas" #hose ith ea! planets and strong influences of Saturn and Rahu go for routine /obs Sudra$routine /obs" The "!#$ t o% #l$&et's( #l$ ed "& !ooltr")o&$ s"g&s gets $ t"*$ted dur"&g the su+ #er"ods o% the d"s#os"tor. ,here there "s &o -T s"g& "& the %"%th house. losses through s#e ul$t"o& $re "de&t"%"ed through lose "&%lue& e o% R$hu or the lord o% the /0th house o& the houses o% sel% '/H( we$lth 0'H(. "&"t"$t"*e '1H(. $ssets 'IVH(. #ro%ess"o& '/2H( $&d s#e ul$t"o& '3H(. The lose "&%lue& e o% R$hu o& the th"rd lord !$)es the #erso& $d*e&turous. The #l$ e!e&t o% #l$&ets "s $& "!#ort$&t %$ tor "& horos o#e re$d"&g. The #l$ e!e&t o% $ #l$&et g"*es results o&&e ted w"th the s"g&"%" $t"o&s o% the house ruled +y the #l$&et w"th the house o% #l$ e!e&t des#"te "ts we$)&ess or des#"te the #l$&et +e"&g $w$y %ro! the !ost e%%e t"*e #o"&t o% the house. I% $ %u& t"o&$l !$le%" #l$&et "s o& the !ost e%%e t"*e #o"&t o% $ house "t $uses #ro+le!s +ut the #ro+le!s !$y +e o&&e ted w"th the s"g&"%" $t"o&s ruled +y the s$"d #l$&et. 4or e5$!#le. "% the lord o% the se o&d "s #l$ ed "& the twel%th house. the #erso& !$y !o*e to $ d"st$&t #l$ e or $ %ore"g& l$&d "& o&&e t"o& w"th the #ro%ess"o&$l st$tus. I% the se o&d lord "s #l$ ed "& the te&th house the #erso& !$y $ 6u"re st$tus "& l"%e due to h"s7her #ro%ess"o&$l $ h"e*e!e&ts. I% the se o&d lord "s #l$ ed "& the %"%th house. o&e !$y $ 6u"re #ro%ess"o&$l 6u$l"%" $t"o& $&d $ 6u"re st$tus through the s$!e. I% the se o&d lord "s #l$ ed "& the se*e&th house o&e !$y $tt$"& st$tus "& $ %ore"g& l$&d. I% the se o&d lord "s #l$ ed "& the %ourth house o&e !$y $tt$"& st$tus +y +e"&g +or& "& $ resour e%ul %$!"ly. I% the se o&d lord "s #l$ ed "& the e"ghth house o&e !$y $tt$"& st$tus "& l"%e w"th so!e del$y. I% the se o&d lord "s #l$ ed "& the &"&th house o&e !$y +e lu )y to $tt$"& the st$tus "& l"%e w"thout !$&y e%%orts w"th the hel# o% #$re&ts $&d #re e#tor. I% the se o&d lord "s #l$ ed "& the ele*e&th house. o&e !$y $ 6u"re st$tus "& l"%e +e $use o% good e$r&"&gs "& l"%e $&d +e $use o% %r"e&dsh"# w"th h"ghly #l$ ed #erso&s. I% the se o&d lord "s #l$ ed "& the se o&d house. o&e !$y e&8oy good st$tus "& l"%e due to the $##o"&t!e&t w"th the st$te or due to the %$!"ly st$tus. I% the se o&d lord "s #l$ ed "& the $s e&d$&t o&e !$y e&8oy $uthor"t$t"*e st$tus. The #l$ e!e&t o% the Su& $&d -$rs "& the th"rd house +r"&gs our$ge. The lose "&%lue& e o% the %"%th lord o& the te&th

house +r"&gs the ele!e&t o% "&telle t. The #l$ e!e&t o% the #l$&ets "& the se o&d house. wh" h rules st$tus. +r"&gs st$tus $s #er s"g&"%" $t"o&s ruled +y the!. The good #l$ e!e&t o% e"ghth lord "& the house o% st$tus +r"&gs e$sy g$"&s w"th s!$ll or l"ttle e%%orts. The #l$&ets "& the %"rst house "&%lue& e the #erso&$l"ty tr$"ts. The #l$&ets "& the se o&d house o&tr"+ute to #ro%ess"o&$l *e&tures. The #l$&ets "& the th"rd house +r"&g e&tre#re&eur"$l *e&tures $&d o##ortu&"t"es. The #l$&ets "& the %ourth house o&tr"+ute to $ssets. The #l$&ets "& the %"%th house o&tr"+ute to le$r&"&g. The #l$&ets "& the s"5th house "&*ol*e the #erso& "& de+ts. he$lth #ro+le!s $&d o&%l" ts. The #l$&ets #l$ ed "& the se*e&th house g"*e r"se to l"*"&g "& %ore"g& l$&ds. lo&g 8our&eys $&d $sso "$t"o&s. The #l$&ets #l$ ed "& the e"ghth house $use e$sy g$"&s. o+stru t"o&s $&d del$ys. The #l$&ets #l$ ed "& the &"&th house "&*ol*e the #erso& "& %$!"ly or rel"g"ous tr$d"t"o&s or s#"r"tu$l #ursu"ts. The #l$&ets #l$ ed "& the te&th house "&*ol*e the #erso& "& #ro%ess"o&s o&&e ted w"th the #l$&et. The #l$&ets #l$ ed "& the ele*e&th house o&tr"+ute to e$r&"&gs through the s"g&"%" $t"o&s ruled +y the o& er&ed #l$&ets. The #l$&ets #l$ ed "& the twel%th house t$)e o&e to d"st$&t #l$ es $&d %ore"g& l$&ds $&d $& $use losses $&d e5#e&ses. 9ur"&g the su+ #er"od o% -er ury th"&gs wor) w"th stresses $&d str$"&s e*e& whe& -er ury "s stro&g $&d or well #l$ ed "& the &$t$l h$rt. Th"s "s due to the *ol$t"le stre&gth o% -er ury "& tr$&s"t. ,he& -er ury "s we$) "& the &$t$l h$rt the results "& "ts su+ #er"od do re$te stresses $&d str$"&s. The s"tu$t"o& +e o!es %urther d"%%" ult whe& e"ther o% the Su& or -er ury "s $ %u& t"o&$l !$le%" #l$&et. ,he&e*er the lord o% the twel%th house "s #l$ ed "& the s"5th house or $%%l" ts so!e #l$&et %ro! the s"5th house losely. there $re h$& es o% #ro+le!s w"th go*er&e!e&t wh" h !$y result "& $rrest. leg$l #e&$lt"es. "!#r"so&!e&t. et . The #ro+le!s $&d !"sh$#s $re re#rese&ted +y the we$) $&d we$) $&d7or $%%l" ted #l$&ets. ,he& the &$t$l -oo& "s $%%l" ted +y R$hu. R$hu-l")e #l$&ets or "s #l$ ed "& the R$hu-l")e houses the #erso& +e o!es !ore se&s"t"*e $&d es#e "$lly to u&%$*or$+le "& "de&ts. The e5$ t $%%l" t"o& to +$dly #l$ ed lord o% %ourth or se o&d or &"&th or th"rd house lord '!ost +e&e%" #l$&et( redu es the stre&gth o% other stro&g #l$&ets "& the &$t$l h$rt. The we$)&ess o% the lord o% the e"ghth house !$)es the %$ther *ul&er$+le to d$!$ge. +oth "& ter!s o% lo&ge*"ty $&d "& ter!s o% %"&$& es. The we$)&ess o% the lord o% the e"ghth house or %ourth house urt$"ls the %"&$& "$l resour es or lo&ge*"ty o% %$ther. I& :"s es $s e&d$&t there "s &o -T s"g& "& the &"&th $&d %ourth houses. So. the e"ghth house +e o!es #ert"&e&t s"g&"%" $tor o% the lo&ge*"ty o% the %$ther. ,e $lso o&s"der the stre&gth o% the Su& "& the &$t$l h$rt $s "t "s s"g&"%" $tor %or %$ther. A%%l" t"o& to the $s e&d$&t "& $&y d"*"s"o&$l h$rt +y the e"ghth lord o% the d"*"s"o&$l h$rt "s e6u$lly ser"ous $s the $%%l" t"o& to the #r"!e deter!"&$&ts #l$ ed "& e"ghth house o% the d"*"s"o&$l h$rt. I& d"*"s"o&$l h$rts +es"des the $%%l" t"o& o% R&K. the $%%l" t"o&s +y the %u& t"o&$l !$le%" #l$&ets o% the d"*"s"o&$l h$rts should +e o&s"dered $&d the $%%l" t"o&s +y the %u& t"o&$l !$le%" #l$&ets o% &$t$l h$rt $re &ot o&s"dered. ;$d #l$ e!e&ts $re $lso o&s"dered "& the d"*"s"o&$l h$rts. <CLI:S<S= < l"#ses. "& ge&er$l. does &ot !$)e $ stro&g or #rolo&ged "!#$ t %or l"*"&g #erso&s u&t"l $&d u&less so!e slow !o*"&g #l$&et "s st$t"o&$ry or !o*"&g utterly slow or $##e$r"&g retrogr$de &e$r the degree o% so!e &$t$l #l$&et "& the h$rt o% $& "&d"*"du$l or &$t"o&. 4or those who $re t$)"&g +"rth. there $re h$& es th$t there $re stro&g lose $%%l" t"o&s to the Su& $&d7or the -oo& or $&y other #l$&et "& the &$t$l h$rt. Th"s $& ert$"&ly $use #rolo&ged #ro+le!s %or the &$t"*e.

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