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Leadership in Organisations

Learning Log 2 Leadership in Organisations

Name & student number #ourse$%ear Submission *ate Activity: Maurice Redmond 2005 0!" &&S '(ons) %ear +ed. 20th No,ember 20- . CA2: The L Factor Group Poster Assignment

Re./ect on your e0perience o. wor1ing with your team on 23he L 4actor5 6roup 7oster assignment8 and indi,idua//y answer the .o//owing 9uestions: 'ma0. one page typed) -. +hat two things did you /earn about leadership theories .rom your wor1 with your group during this assignment;
Firstly I learned that most of the theories aren t really helpful as they don t provide a practical ans!er for a person !ho !ants to learn ho! to "e a leader# They are $ust too impractical and sometimes difficult to put into practice# An e%ample of such impracticality I found !as the one proposed "y &la'e and (outon) as they created a grid of leadership styles that offered *+ alternative styles# ,o! can a person possi"ly select the correct leadership style from *+ other possi"le solutions.econdly I learned that leadership theories !ere "ro'en do!n into traditional theories and post/ industrial theories# I learned from going through the class notes that the traditional theories !ere more up to date !ith the current climate that the !orld of "usiness and leadership had moved into# Companies !ere "ecoming less dependent on people and moving to!ards technology# I found this !asn t the case !ith post/industrial theories they !ere a "it outdated and !ere very useful in the 20th century as not a lot !as 'no!n a"out leadership then) it !as seen as a ne! phoneme "ut you !ould find it very difficult to adapt them to a 2+st century "usiness#

2. <n comp/eting this assignment8 which author most in./uenced your ,iews on /eadership and why;
I found ,ersey and &lanchard to "e the most influential author s in relation to my vie!s on leadership# This !as "ecause !e chose to use their .ituational (odel as the model !hich "est e%plained leadership as a hole# I could identify to !hat ,ersey and &lanchard !ere trying to say that if a leader doesn t match their style of leadership to the maturity of the people they are leading) !hen style and maturity aren t matched) failure is the result that occurs# In this model there are four leadership styles that match the maturity level of the follo!ers# I found this to "e the most intriguing and practical part of the model as I could identify !ith it in a practical manner) as I could see ho! it !ould "enefit the scenario in the case study that !e !ere trying to solve#

. #omment on the nature o. /eadership !ithin your P&L team .or this assignment 'which indi,idua/s disp/ayed /eadership and in what ways).
In my group) there !asn t really a defined leader as such# 1e all had our o!n attri"utes !hich !e possessed and "rought to the team# Firstly !e !ould all gather the material and 2elly and I cut this material do!n to a suita"le level# (anon !as very good at gathering relia"le information off articles and $ournal s that !e could use# ,elene said that she !as very artistic so she designed our poster along !ith help from (anon# 2elly and I !ere competent that !e could structure the material in a !ay that !as appealing to our audience# As for leadership on an individual "asis) (anon and ,elene sho!ed a great deal of leadership as the minute !e gathered the information) they started designing the poster immediately and emailed it to myself and 2elly to see !hat !e thought so far and could !e add anything# They also along !ith 2elly attended every class) to ma'e that sure that !e got it done "y our deadline#

A. Sweeney

Leadership in Organisations

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