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Vocabulary, Writing and Reading in Children

The educational training today get children must go beyond learning the basic subjects taught in school, it is necessary for children in addition to their native language , expand their knowledge and learning another language better than he who speaks in most of the world. The fact that the child speaks English other than their mother tongue, not create confusion , as many parents believe , to the contrary, will more easily absorb all the knowledge and learn to master it more easily . It is said that the best time for children to study English is between infancy stage and was six, when children are highly sensitive to the language and can study faster, the earlier study , the better your domain

" The limits of my language are the limits of my mind " Ludwig Wittgenstein
As mentioned before children have excellent absorption capacity of language and imitation of sounds. They are extremely spontaneous and have no sense of the ridiculous to feel older , which makes them not feel inhibited about to speak and practice English. Thus, by imitation , children play sounds and phrases and are able to learn a second language faster . During childhood, the game is a favorite activity of every child and connect and English game definitely capture your attention and increase their willingness to learn the language. You can always use toys, games, multimedia bilingual , or use songs and games we invent for them. The exposure of children to English should be the highest possible and done in the same way and at the same time they learn their mother tongue. As the child begins to learn English well see how they develop other skills simultaneously , including: * The language skills and verbal ability . * Creativity . * The problem-solving skills . * Self-esteem . * A greater independence and autonomy .

" If help and salvation are to come can only be through children. Because children are the creators of mankind. " Maria Montessori
If learning to read is hard work for children , but it is still learning to read in two languages, we must consider the child is working double , therefore it is advisable to start with the alphabet in Spanish first, and once known as their mother tongue and dominates it , is when we start introducing more games based theory . The best time to integrate the English alphabet to children is when they have mastered the alphabet of the language. We can use this method once recognized in the first language the child has the ability to form words while learning to read without his account , is this possible ? Yes, it is

By using the mobile alphabet method , the child learns through the use of sound and shape of each of the letters. When working with mobile alphabet and know the sound of each letter , the child learns that the union of some sounds form a word , this discovery is of him and this makes love to form words and read without stopping. When the child is allowed to discover this knowledge alone is yours, is born from within the child , is very different if from outside the teacher says . It will never be as intense . When Maria Montessori observed young children the alphabet work mobile and sandpaper letters , and taste for form and read short words , she called these two phenomena "The explosion of reading " and " writing explosion " . She explains that it is like an explosion because as soon as the child discovers this ability to read and write , for a long time not to do so. Apart from using this method , we could implement songs for the child to recognize letters and sounds and this in turn Use the method mentioned above ( Mobile alphabet ) for writing. Many, many songs we can find to help children learn the alphabet in both English and Spanish , for it eh chosen the most classic of all , "The ABC Song" so we can go over all the letters to the time we play children and are interested in learning more . A ( y) - B ( bi) - C (si) - D ( di ) - E ( i ) - F ( ef) - G ( yi ) H ( eich ) - I ( i) - J ( ei ) - K ( quei ) - L ( el) - M ( em) - N ( en) - O ( o) - P (pi ) Q ( kiu ) - R ( r) - S ( s) - T (ti ) - U ( iu ) - V ( bfi ) W ( doboliu ) - X ( ecs ) - Y ( guai ) - Z ( SDI ) Now I know my A - B - C's Next time will not you sing with me ? Using this type of dynamic , entertaining , and according to the age of the children, we can get great results , to reach the goal of vocabulary knowledge , learning, writing and reading turn . Note that even a baby of two years could learn English , but the safest way for a child to learn a second language is that a parent would speak in another language from birth . ( For this you need to learn English , not by choice of necessity to learn to communicate ) what speech therapists recommend is that if the father is English , always use that language with their children , and although they want to speak in Castilian , he stands firm in his native tongue . This formula , if it is reinforced by the school , a caregiver or an academy, allows an early and almost effortlessly complete mastery of language by the child . It is also very important for parents to work from home for your child to facilitate more and better learning of the target language . Asking songs and rhymes that your child is working on your class and practice with him. It will be very helpful to learn while playing with them.

Read stories or watch movies in the language children learn, easy to get used to the pronunciation . If you have any notion about the language they studied , will be fun games and songs to share with your children .

remember children are the future of a country , but I think that given the time we face , children are the present of each nation, despite their age, are learning prepares them to function in the world today , to become a successful person in the not too distant future .

Guadalupe Xochitlanezi Torres Gallegos Lingstica Aplicada

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