Adfull Report OT 18-7-2012

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UNCONFIRMED Validation of BSc (Hons) Occupational Th !ap" (#th ns) E$ nt h ld on % &ul" '()' at #*MI M t!opolitan Coll + , Ma!

oussi, #th ns )-) Outco. The Programme was validated for a maximum cohort of 30 students a year, for a period of five years commencing in October 2012, sub ect to satisfactory completion of the conditions below! )-' 1!2!1 Conditions That a dedicated space for specific occupational therapy s"ills training be identified and an action plan provided indicating the resources and e#uipment to be supplied to support delivery! $% &'( )*+,*-*./0 1.0 ,* .23 43/562 .%7 /8/)2,/98%- 4.%7: ;8.<=50% 2012 %0 >%0.2.4: .%7 ?5%@5A,,/.%: B/ 4C%73 ?51+=/+2 +.0: *6D: *@8/./+.A+*0: +.%7: C<5%7: .%7 campus +.% E/5%-+0 F G%7HI3/ *0)08A )0/,%5>J,432 @0/ /+B*3*I: ?%7 /8%K%7B%-3 ?51@5/,,/ *5@%B*5/?*I/:, C<5% 2,*52+IJ3 )5/+.250%.D.J3 ,* )73/.1.2.*: 8/./+8*7D: C*05%.*C32,A.J3! L?I+2: .% 0)0J.081 843.5% /?%8/.A+./+2: M0K%8.D.2:, .% %?%I% /?%.*K*I 43/ *8 .J3 clinical placement .%7 NE(, B/ ?/54C*0 .%7: *0)08A )0/,%5>J,43%7: C<5%7: .%7 ?5%+J?08D: 7@0*03D: 8/0 O>5%3.I)/:P @0/ .23 8AK7Q2 .J3 /?/0.D+*J3 .%7 ?5%@5A,,/.%: @0/ .% ?5<.% 4.%: 7K%?%I2+2: .%7 ?5%@5A,,/.%:!N?1 .%3 ;8.<=50% .%7 2013 )*-.*5% 4.%: 7K%?%I2+2: .%7 ?5%@5A,,/.%: /?1 .% &'( B/ *?*8./B%-3 %0 *@8/./+.A+*0: ?%7 8/K-?.%73 .0: /3A@8*: .%7 ?5%@5A,,/.%: +.% campus +.% E/5%-+0, <+.* 3/ 7?A5C*0 ?5%+%,%IJ+2 .J3 *5@/+0/8<3 C<5J3 .2: L5@%B*5/?*I/: +* 1K/ ./ /?/0.%-,*3/ *?I?*)/ *>/5,%@D: .%7 /3.08*0,43%7 +?%7)<3&'( commits that from the very beginning of the academic year, October 2012, the students of the programme will have full access to the following facilities within the 'aroussi campusF Ritchen, specially configured for patients undergoing an Occupational Therapy programmeS space for &ctivities of daily living O&TUsP accommodating an area for creative wor" such as handcrafts, etc! Vn addition, the rehabilitation centre Philoctetes, which constitutes one of &'(Ws clinical placements, will provide its specialist spaces designated for personal hygiene and care, towards the satisfaction of the demands of the programme for the first year of its materialiXation! Yrom October 2013, the second year of the materialiXation of the programme from &'(, the programmeWs facilities will be expanded to cover its demands inclusively in the 'aroussi campus, thereby allowing for a simulation of 1

Occupational Therapy wor" spaces to operate in all the re#uired levels of application of the sub ect of studies! #ction /lan Prioritised objectives for Session 2012-2013, regarding the condition arising from the validation panel. These will be incl ded in the ann al monitoring report of the first !ear of the materiali"ation of the programme. #or each objective, the responsible for action will be identified and the timescale b! which it sho ld be met. $lso details of the e%pected enhancement arising from the action are briefl! mentioned. #ction
To create a Ritchen space with the 'aroussi premises, specially configured for patients undergoing an Occupational Therapy programme To create a space for &ctivities of daily living O&TUsP and creative wor" such as handcrafts, etc! To provide specialist spaces designated for personal hygiene and care

R sponsi0l

Ti. scal Zefore Zeginning of [inter \emester 2012

E1p ct d Enhanc . nt

Zefore Zeginning of [inter \emester 2012

]ehabilitation centre Philoctetes

Zefore Zeginning of [inter \emester 2012


That the Team expand and clarify the documentation in relation to practice education as followsF to clarify the role and content of the placement passportS to reflect accurately the division of staff roles and responsibilities as they will operate at &R'V 'etropolitan (ollegeS to include assessment forms for each placement within the practice education handboo"S and to ma"e more explicit the procedure to be followed to enable students with extenuating circumstances to ensure satisfactory completion of placement hours!


That the Team amend the programme documentation as followsF

to clarify the language of instruction in the different levels of the programme and the language^related programme specific regulationsS to address issues within module descriptors as identified in discussion with the PanelS and to clarify the operation of attendance regulations!

The above conditions are to be met by 2) &ul" '()'! )-2 R co.. ndations The Panel recommended the Team toF 1!3!1 1!3!2 (ontinually review student numbers and recruitment in line with the availability of suitable placements! \ource additional expertise in relation to occupational therapy in physical rehabilitation in order to support the existing team! Co.. ndations The Panel commended the Team on the following mattersF 1!_!1 1!_!2 1!_!3 The provision of a clear and comprehensive student handboo"! The range of assessment methods employed within the Programme! The coherent structure for the development of "ey s"ills as students progressed through the Programme! Bac3+!ound Prior to the event, the Panel received the following information about the ProgrammeF & een 'argaret (niversit! )&'(* has been in collaboration with $+', 'etropolitan -ollege )$'-*, since 2001. Thro gh this collaboration, the following programmes have been delivered b! $'- and . alit! ass red b! &'(/ 0Sc )1ons* 2ogopaedics )d e to complete 2011-12* 0$ 'ass -omm nication and 'edia $rts )at $thens and Thessaloni3i* 0Sc )1ons* Ph!siotherap! )at $thens and Thessaloni3i* 0$ Performing $rts )$thens* 0Sc )1ons* 4ietetics )$thens*



,t is now proposed to e%tend provision b! offering the programme 0Sc )1ons* 5cc pational Therap! for deliver! in $thens. 3

The programme is based on the 0Sc )1ons* 5cc pational Therap! programme as offered at &'( ntil the review and revalidation of 2011. There are some modifications to the content and individ al mod les to fit with the 6ree3 conte%t and the facilities available at $+',. The Panel is therefore as3ed to review the c rric l m and to approve the individ al mod le descriptors. The programme cannot be accredited b! the 1ealth Professions -o ncil )1P-* and does not provide direct eligibilit! for registration in the (+. ,ndivid al grad ates ma! appl! to the 1P- for registration as international registrants. $s with man! other allied health professions, 5cc pational Therap! is t!picall! ta ght at diploma level in 6reece, altho gh there is a growing interest in degree level . alifications. This wo ld be the first (+ degree in the s bject to be available in 6reece. The programme operates over 7 !ears )7 levels* with 2 semesters in each !ear. ,n all !ears, e%cept !ear 7, each semester is 18 wee3s in d ration. There are placement bloc3s in ever! !ear. The first two !ears will be ta ght and assessed in 6ree3. 2evels 3 and 7 will be ta ght and assessed in 9nglish. 9nglish lang age s pport will be provided to st dents. 2 Co.position of th /an l and o$ !all ! .it The membership of the Panel is listed in &ppendix One! The Panel, approved by the `ice Principal O&cademicP, the &cademic ]egistrar and the aead of Tivision, comprised the (onvener, one internal panellist and one external! The primary aim of the validation was to approve the design and content of the Programme and to approve its delivery by the &thens team! The Panel was invited to recommend to \enate that the Programme shouldF be approved without conditions be approved sub ect to specified conditions being met or not be approved

The Panel was additionally as"ed to specify the date of the next programme review and Oif desiredP to identify particular issues to be addressed by that review or in the annual monitoring reports! % Tou! of faciliti s Vn view of &'(Ws long partnership with b'c there was no re#uirement for the Panel to see all teaching facilities! aowever, the Panel was shown the general facilities available at 'aroussi and progress on the new building Odue for completion in \eptember 2012P!

The Panel noted that the specialist facilities and resources to support delivery of an occupational therapy programme were not yet in place! The Tirector of &'( provided assurances that texts identified in module descriptors would be purchased! ae stated that students would be able to access a number of other libraries in &thens through an inter^library agreement, as well as using the facility at 'aroussi! The Team would also investigate the extent to which individual chapters of boo"s could be made available via 'oodle! ]ooms available for use in the Occupational Therapy programme included wor"shops currently used by the architecture programme, physiotherapy and early childhood studies! The Panel noted that occupational therapy students would re#uire access to a space that was prioritised for their programme! Vn particular, students re#uired resources to explore activities of daily living O&TUP and an area for creative wor"! &'( was as"ed to provide an action plan setting out the resources to be supplied as the programme developed! 4 /!i$at . tin+ of th /an l

Vn their private meeting, the Panel identified the following areas for discussion with the Programme TeamF ]ationale for programme Temand, mar"eting, recruitment and admissions Uearning, teaching and assessment \taff experience \tudent experience and placement education 'odules

The Panel had no concerns regarding the title, aims and ob ectives of the programmeS structure and contentS or the proposed programme management and #uality assurance arrangements! 5 M tin+ 6ith /!o+!a.. T a.

& full list of staff attending on behalf of the programme team is in &ppendix Two! The (onvener welcomed everyone to the event and congratulated the team on the thoroughness of the documentation supplied! 5-) Rational fo! th /!o+!a.. The Team explained the context for developing the programme! Vt was stated that there was only one occupational therapy degree offered in dreece! Zy introducing this programme it was hoped to meet demand in &thens and, potentially in future, in the north of the country through extension of delivery to Thessaloni"i! &necdotal evidence suggested that employers struggled to find well^#ualified occupational therapists to fill vacancies! There was also interest in applying best practice from the Zritish model of occupational therapy to advance the profession in dreece! The two clinical representatives expressed enthusiasm for the programme! They saw it as an opportunity to provide a high #uality occupational therapy training that e

blended theory and practice and prepared students for the range of roles occupational therapists could play! Zoth clinicians indicated that there was a need to develop and expand the profession in dreece! Vt was emphasised that the programme had been designed to meet both furopean and Zritish standards! Vt was expected that some graduates would want to see" aealth Professions (ouncil OaP(P registration! The (linical (o^ordinator reported that some graduates of the Z\c OaonsP Uogopaedics programme had been successful in attaining aP( registration! Vt was not "nown whether they had been able to ac#uire professional rights in dreece by this route! The Panel was reminded that the ma ority of allied health professionals in dreece wor"ed in the private sector! 5-' D .and, .a!3 tin+, ! c!uit. nt and ad.issions The Team ac"nowledged that part of their mar"eting strategy needed to involve raising awareness of the profession to potential applicants! 'ar"eting would be focused on school^leavers although mature students were welcome to apply! The Panel #ueried the emphasis on physics as a "ey sub ect in the admissions criteria! Vt was replied that in the dree" education system physics and chemistry were entry re#uirements for all health^related courses! Vf these sub ects were not stipulated the programme would be seen as lower in #uality! Vt was noted that placements would be re#uired in each year of the programme! The Team stated that they already had a networ" of private healthcare providers and would see" to develop further placement opportunities to ensure students received a variety of experience! Vt was proposed to recruit a maximum of 20 students in 2012^13, rising to 2e in 2013^1_ and a maximum of 30 subse#uently! The Programme Ueader affirmed that students would not be recruited unless sufficient placements were available! The Panel recommended that student numbers and placement availability be "ept under constant review, bearing in mind the need to have extra places to call on as a contingency! 5-2 7 a!nin+, t achin+ and ass ss. nt The Panel were impressed by the use of over^arching themes in the programme structure and the clear way in which underpinning s"ills were developed from level to level! They also commended the Team on the wide range of assessment formats employed! The Team were invited to clarify the language of instruction at different levels of the programme! Vt was stated that placements would be underta"en and assessed in dree" at all levels! Uevel Three and Your would be taught and assessed in fnglish! The Team stressed that there were very few occupational therapy textboo"s in dree" so students would re#uire to read in fnglish throughout the programme and would thus become familiar with the relevant terminology! & glossary of "ey terms in both languages could be supplied on 'oodle! The Panel noted that there was some inconsistency in the documentation regarding the language of instruction and as"ed for that to be amended in the final documents! Vt was also noted that the programme specific regulations re#uired to be clarified g

regarding extra time in examinations and the maximum length of deferral allowed to enable a student to meet the VfUT\ hurdle for progression to Uevel Three! 5-% Staff 1p !i nc The Panel as"ed about arrangements for staff development! Vt was replied that all staff received a generic induction! Yurther induction was then provided regarding the procedures of the specific validating university! ]epresentatives from the (entre for &cademic Practice also provided wor"shops in dreece focussed on the needs of b'c programmes! Vt was noted that &'( was ma"ing increasing use of its virtual learning environment, 'oodle! VT and librarian support was available to support both staff and students in the use of electronic resources! The Panel commented that while the staff (`s presented demonstrated strong experience in the areas of child health and mental health there was less experience in relation to occupational therapy for adult physical rehabilitation! The Programme Ueader replied that all staff had some "nowledge in this area but that specialists could be brought in for guest lectures to ensure content was covered in sufficient depth! &dditional staff might be added to the team in future! The Panel recommended &'( to "eep this under consideration! 5-4 Stud nt 1p !i nc and plac . nt ducation The Panel commended the team on the thorough and user^friendly student handboo"! Vt was confirmed that module descriptors would not be supplied in the handboo" but would be published on 'oodle! \tudents would also receive a complete pac" of contact information for sources of advice and support! Vt was confirmed that students would receive fnglish language classes during the first and second years of the programme to prepare them for the VfUT\ re#uirement of g!0 in order to enter Uevel Three! The Team also advised that classes and one^to^ one support would be provided regarding academic writing s"ills and avoidance of plagiarism! \imilarly, the academic support department offered seminars on the use of reflection! The need to ensure occupational therapy students were facilitated to establish their distinct professional identity was discussed! Vt was agreed it would be important for the group to have a space on campus that was prioritised for occupational therapy! The possibility of a student conference was also considered! The Panel sought to clarify various aspects of the management of placement education, which formed a central element of the programme! The respective roles of the Practice Placement (o^ordinator and Practice Placement Tutor were #ueried! Vt was explained that this reflected arrangements in place at b'c and not the arrangements planned for &'(! This would be amended in the final documentation! The Panel re#uested more detailed information in the placement handboo" regarding the role and content of the placement passport, as the documents and certificates re#uired for this were not listed! Vt was also noted that it would be normal h

for the detailed competencies re#uired for each placement to be set out in an appendix! The Team were as"ed to provide this information! Vt was also re#uested that there be more explicit guidance on the procedure to be followed should students fall short of the minimum number of re#uired placement hours due to illness or other extenuating circumstances! Vt was noted that the programme document stated that students who did not meet the re#uirement of i0j attendance in taught classes would not be allowed to sit for assessment! The Team explained that this did not happen in practice! Vnstead students whose attendance gave cause for concern were counselled by their personal academic tutor and Oif need beP the programme leader! The Panel re#uested that this be amended in the programme document! The role of personal academic tutor was discussed! The Team stated that students would have the same personal academic tutor throughout their studies! fach cohort also received support from a named level tutor! 5-5 Modul s & number of specific #ueries were raised regarding individual module descriptors! O111k -oncept al #o ndations of 5cc pational Therap!! The Panel #ueried the rationale for including a manual handling test in this module, and the high weighting accorded to the test! Vt was explained that successful completion of the manual handling test was essential before students could attend their first placement! The Panel suggested, however, that the test could be mandatory without attracting credit! ]elated to this point, the Panel as"ed whether the content of the #irst $id and 'an al 1andling module should be credit bearing! Vt was replied that this module had been developed as a replacement for the interprofessional education module in the fdinburgh version of the programme! Yirst &id was a standard element of the existing occupational therapy programme offered in &thens and its inclusion demonstrated parity! The Panel accepted this answer but suggested that manual handling best belonged in this module, rather than -oncept al #o ndations of 5cc pational Therap!! Vt was clarified that the assessments shown for the following modules were incorrect and would be amended in the final documentationF ' sc los3eletal $natom!/ Theor!S Participation in 5cc pation/ 'ind-0rain-0od! and -onte%t 1S and ' sc los3eletal $natom!/ Practical $pplication!

Vt was confirmed that the following modules, which were taught in other programmes, would be delivered separately for the Z\c OaonsP Occupational Therapy O&thensP and assessed separatelyF 1ealth and :elfareS and ' sc los3eletal $natom!/ Practical $pplication! &ssessments and learning outcomes would be ad usted to reflect the correct \(bY Uevel! O1122 ;esearch S3ills 1 The Panel #ueried the use of the term lcritical appraisalW in the assessment for an \(bY Uevel h module! The Team agreed to review this! i

O2122 Participation in 5cc pation/ 'ind-0rain-0od! and -onte%t 2 The Team confirmed that they had experience in using classroom debates as an assessment method and that clear mar"ing criteria had been developed! The Team also provided a rationale for the assessment format in O313g 5cc pational Therap!/ reflecting on practice! The lin"age of group wor" and counselling in the module O_131 -o nselling and gro p-wor3 in 5cc pational Therap! was discussed and the Panel were satisfied with the response! The Team agreed to clarify the use of a participation grade in the assessment for this module! The Panel advised the Team of some additional minor points in relation to individual descriptors and the Team undertoo" to consider these as part of their response to conditions! 8 Conclusion The (onvener than"ed everyone for their contributions and wished the programme every success! \heila &damson 12 muly 2012

#pp ndi1 On /an l fvelyn [eir Tr 'ary [arnoc" \heila &damson \andra ]owan

Co.position of /an l

\chool of aealth \ciences, b'c (onvener \chool of aealth \ciences, b'c Vnternal Panellist (ollaborations Tevelopment (o^ordinator, b'c \ecretary Vndependent (onsultant fxternal Panellist

9MU facilitato! Uinda ]enton &cademic Uin" Person, b'c


#pp ndi1 T6o Timitris Tiamantis 'agda ]emoundou Tr Panagiotis \iaperas 'aria ZogiatXi &i"aterini Zouri"a Tatiana nenou

M .0 !s of th p!o+!a.. t a. att ndin+ Tirector of &R'V 'etropolitan (ollege aead of &R'V 'etropolitan (ollege Vnternational Office Programme Ueader, Z\c OaonsP Occupational Therapy O&thensP (linical (o^ordinator, &R'V 'etropolitan (ollege Uecturer, Occupational Therapy Uecturer, aealth Psychology

(hristos (ommisopoulos Uecturer, Physiotherapy `ic"y 'allera"i Vn attendanceF &lexandros Tsaggiadis &lma Routsou Occupational Therapist, Yilo"titis Occupational Therapist, dalene Programme &dministrator


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