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oOlimpiada da limba engleza Buzau, cls. a XI-aaaaaa I. Read the text and decide which answer A, B, , or !

! best "it in each space. #$ p.

People who frequently wake up in the middle of the night and are unable to 1) a trip to the fridge may in fact be suffering from a 2).medical complaint, say scientists. They ha e !).biochemical differences in people who cannot ") the urge to eat during the hours #).most of us are asleep. $ight %ating &yndrome, as it is called, is not a new phenomenon. 'n the 1(#)s, doctors found that *)one and two percent of people admitted to regularly raiding their fridges at night. The new findings +).e,isting e idence that the syndrome is a serious eating disorder. &ymptoms include -) appetite for breakfast and eating more than half of the day.s total food intake after +pm. &ufferers are prone to stress and ha e a ().to cra e foods which are high in carbohydrates, e en though these are the 1)).nourishing. # % & ' ( ) * + , #$ / a oid / legal / in ented / control / when / about / help / keeping / trend / few 0 stop 0 true 0 disco ered 0 guide 0 which 0 between 0 assist 0 holding 0 tendency 0 least 1 resist 1 genuine 1 produced 1 command 1 while 1 around 1 aid 1 ha ing 1 fashion 1 less 2 delay 2 sincere 2 e,plored 2 rule 2 where 2 roughly 2 support 2 owning 2 habit 2 little

II. omplete the second sentence in each o" the pairs below so that the meaning sta-s the same and so that -ou include the word gi.en. !o not change the word gi.en. #$ p. 1. The new presenter certainly has plenty of confidence. 3/14 The new presenter 55555555555555555555555 confidence. 2. 6e has ne er felt so embarrassed before. %7%8 't.s 5555555555555555555555555 embarrassed. !. &he was going to hand in her notice when the boss decided to promote her. P9'$T &he 555555555555555555555 notice when the boss decided to promote her. ". :rance hasn.t won a gold medal in this sport for ages. T';% 't.s 5555555555555555555 a gold medal in this sport. #. 't was proposed that a new orphanage should be built. :98</82 They 5555555555555 to build a new orphanage. *. /ccording to 2ono an, 8osie is bound to be offered the position. 29=0T /ccording to 2ono an 5555555555555555 the position. +. >ou.ll ha e problems if you park here. 0%TT%8 >ou 555555555555555555555 park here. -. The suspect could not e,plain why he had sand in his boots. /119=$T The suspect 5555555555555 in his boots. (. ' don.t know how ' can make it up to you for spoiling your plans. /;%$2& ' don.t know 55555555555555 your plans. 1). 9ur teacher doesn.t like it when we lea e the classroom without asking first. /PP897% 9ur teacher 5555555555555555 without asking first.

III. /ut the .erbs in brac0ets in the right tense 1

#$ p.

/le, ?1) ?work) in the accounts department when ' ?2).?become) ad ertising manager at the firm. /t first ' ?!). ?find) him to be ery efficient, but after a while his work ?").?start) to deteriorate. 6e ?#)..?fore er lose) important documents and ?*)?make) e,cuses when there were delays. The final straw was when he ?+).. ?spend) three weeks on a piece of work that should ha e taken only a day or so. 0y the time he ?-) ?finish), ' ?()?feel) pretty annoyed and ?1))?complain) to the managing director. I2. 3ill in the correct word deri.ed "rom the word in bold1 #$ p.

1. The risk of using nuclear power farits benefits. 45I67 2. The farmers say that their.has been reduced this year due to unfa ourable weather conditions O85 !. 'n countries people die of diseases related to polluted water. !5259O/5! ". &uch beha iour is not .in our school under any circumstances. A 5/: #. The doctor warned him to reduce his .of salt. :A;5 *. The of pesticides in con entional farming has made people turn to organic products. <=5 +. :or your %nglish 3iterature lesson you will be asked to read a.. of te,ts. 2AR> -. &he was. when she recei ed her e,am results. :7RI99 (. 't was keep studying without a break. :IR5 1). /fter many years of hard work, Professor @ohnson recei ed. for his contribution to science. A ;?O495!65 2. 3ind the unnecessar- word and correct each sentence1 ( p.

1. ;y brother was failed his dri ing test for the third time. 2. ' was being gi en a low grade in the final test. !. 6e can.t a oid getting into trouble at school. ". '.m afraid ' ha en.t got much of money to lend you. #. Please turn off the lights when you lea e from the room. *. >ou.d better wear a scarf as well as a coat too. +. This dry weather is for sure to lead to a water shortage. -. /ccording to e,perts, sea le els will ha e been risen up to (#cm by the year 21)). (. That.s the old church where we were married there. 1). 3et.s take a map in case of we get lost. 7'. 6i.e -our opinion on the "ollowing statement1 @5ducation ma0es a people eas- to lead, but di""icult to dri.eA eas- to go.ern but impossible to ensla.e.B Henry Peter 4rite a %($- &$$ word essa-. '( p. #$ p. gi.en

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