Peer Prompt

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Alexandra Thompson Luann Henken ENC 1102 24 September 2010 Peer Prompt: The Weirdest Weekend of My Life!

Ive never been a fan of house sitting but this time, I had no choice. My Aunt V was taking a trip to the St. Petersburg, FL to study the effect of sunlight on birds and I was the lucky niece that got to spend the weekend at her oddly located cottage to watch not a dog, not a cat, but her fresh paint dry. Yes! You read that correctly, I would be spending the weekend watching PAINT DRY! Pardon my French but F my life! So after hours of driving I got to her place and there was this pigeon on her porch. Now normally if a bird was in my path I would have just ignored it and walked right through a door as it, startled, flew away. However, this was no ordinary pigeon! It strutted up to me and proceeded to walk me to the door. Before I stepped in I glanced down to see if the bird was still there. It was AND it was staring back at me! Great! Youre here! Hold the door for me! my aunt shouted as she walked towards me with arms full of luggage. Aunt V howd you train this pigeon to stare? I thought they had short attention spans? I asked out of curiosity. What are you talking about, I didnt train a pigeon. The pigeon thats sitting next to the do.. I replied as we both looked. It was gone. Okayyyyy? Anyways Ill be back in the morning! Stay out of trouble.and stay away from my medicine cabinet, I dont want to hear about staring pigeons when I get back! she giggled as she hopped in her taxi and drove away. Whatever. I looked at the porch one more timemaybe I had imagined the entire thing. I mean, the entire memory was pretty vague now. Thus, I walked into the house, locked the door, grabbed a stool and faced it towards the wall, and began my paint watching. [11 hours later] *WAKE UP!!!!* AHHHHHH I screamed waking up terrified! WHOS THERE!? Its me said the deep voice. I looked towards the window, I heard a rumble, and on the ledge appeared the pigeon. Hello gorgeous! It said. In my mind I thought, HA, I didnt imagine the pigeon! and with a

chuckle and a loud THUD I had fainted and was now passed out on the ground. I was awakened the next morning to the sound of my Aunts screaming IS THAT PIGEON POOP ON MY FRESHLY PAINTED WALLS!!!!! WAKE UP AND LEAVE! NOW!!! Confused I stumbled out of my door and into my car, not sure of what happened. As I drove off I peered in the review mirror and sitting on the porch was the pigeon doing what appeared to be..waving??? Freaked I speed home. Had that really just happened or not? Either way that was perhaps the weirdest weekend of my life!

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