Utah Public Lands Initiative

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Utah ub||c Lands In|t|at|ve

5totos kepott fot 5tokebolJets, lotetesteJ lottles,

ooJ tbe lobllc

november 19, 2013


repared by sLaff from Lhe offlces of unlLed SLaLes
Congressmen 8ob 8lshop, !ason ChaffeLz, and Chrls SLewarL


Welcome 4
ConLacL lnformaLlon 3
rlnclples 6
PlsLory 7
rocess 12
Lmerglng ConcepLs and Cb[ecLlves 17
arLlclpanLs and locus Areas 19
Medla Coverage 34
Appendlx 33

Dear Ir|ends:

1hank you for your parLlclpaLlon and lnLeresL ln Lhe uLah ubllc Lands lnlLlaLlve. Much progress has
been made on Lhls lnlLlaLlve over Lhe pasL 13 monLhs. We are pleased Lo provlde Lhls sLaff reporL wlLh
baslc lnformaLlon abouL Lhe lnlLlaLlve, updaLes on Lhe plannlng process, and oLher perLlnenL maLerlal
lnvolvlng Lhls locally-drlven efforL.

ln Lhls sLaff reporL you wlll flnd lnformaLlon LhaL wlll beLLer explaln Lhe genesls of Lhe ubllc Lands
lnlLlaLlve, our goals, ob[ecLlves, and guldlng prlnclples, whaL acLlvlLles have occurred over Lhe pasL 13
monLhs, a recap of whlch groups have parLlclpaLed ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve, and why full lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe
lnlLlaLlve could be good for local communlLles, Lhe sLaLe of uLah, and our naLlon.

1he ubllc Lands lnlLlaLlve has been an open, lncluslve, and LransparenL process. We have held open
meeLlngs, forums, and hearlngs LhroughouL uLah and ln WashlngLon, u.C. ln an efforL Lo hear from
clLlzens and colleagues - lncludlng local offlclals, Covernor PerberL, SenaLors PaLch and Lee, and
8epresenLaLlve MaLheson - and all oLhers who have an lnLeresL ln land managemenL ln uLah. lnlLlaLlve
plannlng ls ongolng and we remaln commlLLed Lo local engagemenL and an lncluslve process.

1hls reporL ls lnLended Lo educaLe and lnform clLlzens from all parLs of uLah and Lhe counLry. We
welcome new clLlzens or groups LhaL have an lnLeresL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve Lo conLacL our offlces, local
offlclals, and/or a non-governmenLal organlzaLlon LhaL represenLs Lhelr vlews Lo beLLer undersLand and
parLlclpaLe ln Lhe process.

1he reporL ls avallable on our webslLes and hard coples wlll be kepL ln our WashlngLon, u.C. and uLah
offlces (conLacL lnformaLlon can be found on Lhe nexL page). We lnvlLe all lnLeresLed clLlzens Lo revlew
Lhe reporL, submlL commenLs, and [oln Lhe process.

We look forward Lo hearlng from you.

8ob, !ason, and Chrls


Congressman kob 8|shop
SLaff ConLacL: lred lerguson

WashlngLon Cfflce:
123 Cannon 8ulldlng
WashlngLon, uC 20313

Cgden Cfflce:
1017 lederal 8ulldlng
324 23Lh SL
Cgden, u1 84401

Congressman Iason Chaffetz
SLaff ConLacL: Wade CarreLL

WashlngLon Cfflce:
2464 8ayburn Pouse Cfflce 8ulldlng
WashlngLon, u.C. 20313
(202) 223-7731

rovo Cfflce:
31 S unlverslLy Ave., SulLe 318
rovo, u1 84601
(801) 831-2300

Congressman Chr|s Stewart
SLaff ConLacL: 1lm 8oblson

WashlngLon Cfflce:
323 Cannon Pouse Cfflce 8ulldlng
WashlngLon, u.C. 20313

SalL Lake ClLy Cfflce:
136 L. SouLh 1emple SL, SulLe 900
SalL Lake ClLy, u1 84111

1he ubllc Lands lnlLlaLlve ls a locally-drlven efforL Lo brlng resoluLlon Lo some of Lhe mosL challenglng
land dlspuLes ln Lhe sLaLe of uLah. 1he lnlLlaLlve ls rooLed ln Lhe bellef LhaL conservaLlon and economlc
developmenL can coexlsL and make uLah a beLLer place Lo llve, work, and vlslL.

Achlevlng success ln Lhe ubllc Lands lnlLlaLlve requlres a commlLmenL Lo guldlng prlnclples and clearly
arLlculaLed goals. Adherence Lo Lhe Lhree C's of CollaboraLlon, Compromlse, and CreaLlvlLy wlll ensure
LhaL Lhe lnlLlaLlve sLays on Lrack and produces Lhe Lypes of ouLcomes LhaL beneflL local communlLles,
Lhe sLaLe of uLah, and Lhe naLlon aL-large.

llndlng common ground beglns wlLh a boLLom-up process. Local leaders, local lnLeresLs, and sLakeholders musL
be fully engaged ln Lhe process. 1he process musL also be fully collaboraLlve, wlLh all wllllng sLakeholders and
lnLeresL groups lnvolved. no counLy wlll be forced Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe process, or be lncluded ln Lhe leglslaLlon,
over Lhelr ob[ecLlon.

8argalnlng (glvlng up someLhlng for someLhlng else of value) wlll be requlred, wlLh all sLakeholders holdlng
currency" ln varlous forms LhaL Lhey musL be wllllng Lo exchange. no sLakeholder group wlll geL everyLhlng lL
wanLs. Cenulne negoLlaLlon and compromlse ls key and can lead Lo wln-wln ouLcomes for all lnvolved.

Slmllar efforLs Lo resolve land managemenL lssues ln uLah have been aLLempLed ln Lhe pasL. MosL of Lhese
efforLs have proven unsuccessful. ln order Lo break Lhe grldlock and reach dlfferenL, poslLlve ouLcomes, new
ldeas, new proposals, and new approaches Lo land managemenL wlll need Lo be consldered, adopLed, and

1be kepteseototlves

Congressmen 8ob 8lshop, !ason ChaffeLz, and Chrls SLewarL represenL uLah's llrsL, 1hlrd, and Second
Congresslonal ulsLrlcLs of uLah, respecLlvely, ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves.
CollecLlvely, Lhese dlsLrlcLs encompass 34 mllllon acres of federal land, or abouL 97 of all federally
owned lands wlLhln uLah. 1he lourLh Congresslonal ulsLrlcL, held by Congressman !lm MaLheson, ls
geographlcally separaLed from Lhe lnlLlaLlve plannlng area whlch ls why lL ls noL lncluded.

ClLlzens wlLhln Lhese dlsLrlcLs are acuLely aware of Lhe federal governmenL's lnfluence over Lhe land
and affalrs wlLhln Lhelr communlLles. 1helr elecLed offlclals aL Lhe local level and ln WashlngLon, u.C.
share Lhls awareness and are famlllar wlLh Lhe unlque lssues LhaL federal land ownershlp creaLes.
Congressmen 8lshop, ChaffeLz, and SLewarL have a long hlsLory worklng on federal land lssues and are
ln key poslLlons ln WashlngLon, u.C. Lo lnfluence and shape federal land managemenL pollcy.

Congressman 8lshop ls a senlor member of Lhe Pouse naLural 8esources CommlLLee and, as Chalrman,
ls Lhe hlghesL-ranklng offlclal on Lhe ubllc Lands SubcommlLLee, whlch has [urlsdlcLlon over all maLLers
lnvolvlng federal land pollcy and land use. Any blll produced as parL of Lhe ubllc Lands lnlLlaLlve wlll
go Lhrough hls ubllc Lands SubcommlLLee. Congressman 8lshop slmulLaneously serves as Chalrman
LmerlLus of Lhe Congresslonal WesLern Caucus, a coallLlon of wesLern lawmakers LhaL advocaLe for
wesLern-speclflc pollcles ln Congress. Congressman 8lshop's poslLlons ln WashlngLon, u.C. and hls
prevlous experlences as a schoolLeacher and sLaLe leglslaLor have helped hlm become one of Lhe
leadlng volces ln WashlngLon, u.C. for rural publlc land communlLles.

Congressman ChaffeLz was an lnfluenLlal member of Lhe Pouse naLural 8esources CommlLLee durlng
Lhe 111
Congress, playlng key roles on Lhe energy and wlldllfe subcommlLLees. Congressman ChaffeLz
has champloned a serles of wesLern naLural 8esources bllls LhaL have passed Lhe Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves wlLh blparLlsan ma[orlLles and slgned lnLo law by resldenL Cbama. Congressman
ChaffeLz ls an acLlve member of Lhe Congresslonal WesLern Caucus, ls a former hlgh-ranklng sLaLe
governmenL offlclal, and rouLlnely Lravels Lo rural communlLles wlLhln hls large souLheasLern dlsLrlcL Lo
lnLeracL wlLh local leaders and Lhe publlc.

Congressman Chrls SLewarL's dlsLrlcL has more rural counLles Lhan any of uLah's four dlsLrlcLs.
Congressman SLewarL's commlLLee asslgnmenLs reflecL Lhls reallLy. Pe ls a promlnenL member of boLh
Lhe Pouse naLural 8esources CommlLLee and Sclence CommlLLee. ln facL, Congressman SLewarL ls one
of [usL a few Pouse freshmen Lo have rlsen Lo Lhe level of SubcommlLLee Chalrman. Congressman
SLewarL was selecLed by Pouse leadershlp Lo be Lhe leader of Lhe LnvlronmenL SubcommlLLee.
Congressman SLewarL's professlonal background as an envlronmenLal planner also makes hlm a
leadlng volce wlLhln Lhe Congresslonal WesLern Caucus and an effecLlve advocaLe for hls uLah


lotoJlqm 5blft

lor decades, unseLLled land-use deslgnaLlons, such as wllderness sLudy areas, have fueled dlsLrusL and
acrlmony ln uLah. 1he uncerLalnLy surroundlng Lhe fuLure of Lhese lands has creaLed confllcL amongsL
Lhose favorlng dlfferlng Lypes of uses. 1he dlverse uses of publlc lands have an lmporLanL role ln
maklng uLah healLhy, vlable, and lnvlLlng. 1he fuLure of Lhe sLaLe depends on a responslble balance of
boLh conservaLlon and developmenL.

Congressmen 8lshop, ChaffeLz, and SLewarL have observed and parLlclpaLed ln Lhe debaLe over Lhe
managemenL of publlc lands for more Lhan Lwo decades. lor Lhe flrsL Llme, Lhey are seelng Lhe
paradlgm shlfL Loward a more balanced, locally-focused use of publlc lands ln uLah. Local leaders and
user groups are drawn Lo a more collaboraLlve process, drlven by wln-wln ouLcomes and noL Lhe zero-
sum process of Lhe pasL. 1here appears Lo be a growlng consensus amongsL counLy and sLaLe leaders,
Lrlbal leaders, conservaLlon groups, lndusLry, non-governmenLal organlzaLlons, and Lhe publlc, LhaL
uLah ls ready Lo move away from Lhe sLandard grldlock of Lhe pasL and Loward a senslble resoluLlon.

SLarLlng ln !uly 2012, Lhe congressmen and sLaff held numerous lnformal meeLlngs wlLh local offlclals,
sLaLe leaders, and non-governmenLal organlzaLlons Lo see lf federal leglslaLlon mlghL be needed Lo
codlfy lnLo law Lhe emerglng lands paradlgm. 1he responses from Lhese lnformal meeLlngs were
poslLlve and suggesLed LhaL local leaders and sLakeholders shared Lhe vlew LhaL federal leglslaLlon was
needed Lo advance poslLlve ouLcomes, flnallLy, and cerLalnLy LhaL all agree ls needed.

1he lnlLlaLlve galned momenLum on lebruary 13, 2013 when Congressman 8lshop lssued a serles of
leLLers Lo local leaders and lnLeresLed sLakeholders ln an efforL Lo collaboraLe wlLh key leaders and Lo
undersLand Lhelr perspecLlves, prlorlLles, and goals.


Whlle all Amerlcans own and en[oy uLah's publlc lands, local communlLles are Lhe mosL lmpacLed by
federal land managemenL pollcy and declslon-maklng. Congressmen 8lshop, ChaffeLz, and SLewarL
have sald on mulLlple occaslons LhaL any pollcles lncluded ln federal leglslaLlon musL be derlved
prlmarlly from local communlLles ln a boLLom-up fashlon and supporLed on Lhe ground.

Cn lebruary 13, 2013, Congressman 8lshop senL leLLers Lo local elecLed offlclals represenLlng uLah's
publlc lands counLles. 1he purpose of Lhe leLLers was Lo offlclally engage local leaders and Lo begln Lhe
process of developlng federal leglslaLlon. ln Lhe leLLer, Congressman 8lshop ouLllned hls vlslon for
brlnglng greaLer regulaLory cerLalnLy, local managemenL, economlc developmenL, recreaLlonal
opporLunlLles, and land-conservaLlon Lo uLah and lnvlLed any lnLeresLed counLy Lo conslder Lhe
beneflLs federal leglslaLlon mlghL brlng Lo Lhelr communlLles. LxcerpLs from Lhe leLLer can be vlewed
here (Appendlx l):

l am wrlLlng Lo formally lnform you of my lnLenLlon Lo develop federal leglslaLlon Lo Lackle many
of Lhe lssues LhaL have plagued publlc land managemenL ln uLah for decades. Any counLy ln
uLah LhaL ls lnLeresLed ln parLlclpaLlng ln Lhls process ls welcome. l fully undersLand efforLs llke
Lhls have been aLLempLed before, and l reallze why many of you may feel skepLlcal abouL
federal lands leglslaLlon. A number of my predecessors ln Congress have, ln good-falLh, sLarLed
down Lhls same paLh. MosL of Lhose efforLs falled and so may Lhls. Slnce many of Lhese prevlous
efforLs dld noL succeed, l am noL golng Lo follow Lhe same paLLern of prevlous aLLempLs. ln
order for Lhls efforL Lo work, we need Lo Lhlnk dlfferenLly, and approach Lhese lssues ln a way
LhaL hasn'L been aLLempLed before.

keqloool Apptoocb

Many uLah counLles responded poslLlvely Lo Congressman 8lshop's leLLer. MosL local leaders agreed
LhaL Lhe sLaLus quo was noL worklng and LhaL a new approach was needed ln addresslng land
managemenL lssues on uLah's publlc lands. MulLl-counLy supporL and lnLeresL ln parLlclpaLlng qulckly
separaLed Lhe ubllc Lands lnlLlaLlve from lands bllls of Lhe pasL.


revlous land bllls focused on small geographlc areas locaLed wlLhln a slngle counLy. 1hls narrow
approach ofLen produced unbalanced bllls or falled Lo generaLe needed momenLum Lo move a blll
Lhrough Lhe leglslaLlve process ln WashlngLon, u.C. lnvolvlng mulLlple counLles lncreases Lhe llkellhood
LhaL conservaLlon and developmenL can be falrly balanced and boosLs Lhe prospecLs for success before

Addresslng land managemenL confllcLs ln easLern uLah offers Lhe greaLesL opporLunlLles for lmmedlaLe
success. CommunlLles here have llved Lhrough Lhe uncerLalnLy creaLed by Lhe lederal Land ollcy and
ManagemenL AcL (lLMA) for more Lhan Lhree decades and undersLand Lhe lmporLance of locally
drlven land managemenL soluLlons. LasLern uLah ls also world famous for conservaLlon, energy, and
recreaLlon opporLunlLles, whlch all sLand Lo be enhanced as parL of Lhe process.

1he early success of Lhe lnlLlaLlve has been fueled by each counLy's bellef ln Lhe reglonal process and
deLermlnaLlon Lo do whaL's rlghL for Lhelr communlLles. CounLy leaders have worked Llrelessly Lo
engage Lhelr consLlLuenLs and local sLakeholders Lo galn a beLLer undersLandlng of local lssues LhaL can
and should be addressed Lhrough federal leglslaLlon.

CLher uLah counLles and communlLles face unlque challenges and lssues relaLlng Lo publlc land
managemenL. 1hese challenges and lssues should also be addressed. lf successful, Lhe model used ln
Lhls lnlLlaLlve could be repllcaLed Lo brlng resoluLlon Lo confllcLs ln Lhese oLher uLah communlLles and
ln oLher parLs of Lhe counLry.


ubllc land managemenL pollcy declslons affecL a varleLy of dlfferenL land users. 1he dlverse uses of
publlc lands play an lmporLanL role ln maklng uLah healLhy, vlable, and lnvlLlng. ConservaLlon
advocaLes, Lrlbal governmenLs, agrlculLural producers, energy developers, sporLsmen, and ouLdoor
recreaLlon enLhuslasLs are among Lhe leadlng users of uLah's publlc lands. 1helr parLlclpaLlon and
lnpuL ls crlLlcal for Lhe success of Lhe uLah ubllc Lands lnlLlaLlve.

Congressmen 8lshop, ChaffeLz, and SLewarL have lnLeracLed wlLh over 120 dlfferenL advocacy groups,
buslnesses, and organlzaLlons LhaL have expressed an lnLeresL ln land managemenL ln easLern uLah.
1hese organlzaLlons represenL Lhe enLlre specLrum of pollcy and pollLlcal vlewpolnLs.

Congressmen 8lshop, ChaffeLz, and SLewarL belleve lL ls essenLlal LhaL sLakeholders be glven
opporLunlLles Lo submlL ldeas, feedback, and lnpuL. Advocacy and lnLeresL groups represenL Lhousands
of dlfferenL land users wlLh dlfferlng buL lmporLanL perspecLlves abouL how publlc lands should be
used or managed. Lngaglng Lhese groups furLher allows local clLlzens and land users Lo be engaged ln
Lhe process and Lo shape provlslons LhaL mlghL be lncluded ln Lhe blll.

5tokebolJet oqoqemeot

Cn lebruary 13, 2013, LwenLy-one sLakeholders, lncludlng Lhe SouLhern uLah Wllderness Alllance,
WesLern Lnergy Alllance, uLah larm 8ureau, uLah Culdes and CuLflLLers, 8ackcounLry PunLers and
Anglers, 8ocky MounLaln Llk loundaLlon, Safarl Club lnLernaLlonal, SporLsmen for llsh and Wlldllfe,
uLah Mlnlng AssoclaLlon, uLah eLroleum AssoclaLlon, 1he Wllderness SocleLy, LW CharlLable 1rusL,
1rouL unllmlLed, Crand Canyon 1rusL, nava[o naLlon, uLe 1rlbe, 1he naLure Conservancy, Slerra Club,
CuLdoor lndusLry AssoclaLlon, uLah CaLLlemen, and Lhe uLah Shared Access Alllance, recelved leLLers
from Congressman 8lshop seeklng lnpuL and parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe ubllc Lands lnlLlaLlve (copy of one of
Lhe leLLers ln Appendlx ll). 1he lnlLlal poslLlve feedback and supporL from Lhese dlverse groups of
sLakeholders has been essenLlal Lo Lhe lnlLlaLlve's success.

As more people and groups learned abouL Lhe uLah ubllc Lands lnlLlaLlve, more wanLed Lo be
lnvolved. Congressman 8lshop esLabllshed Lhe ubllc Lands lnlLlaLlve" page on hls webslLe aL
robblshop.house.gov/publlc lands. Pere, Congressman 8lshop ouLllnes Lhe process for Lhe publlc,
provldes answers Lo lrequenLly Asked CuesLlons", llsLs sLakeholders and parLlclpanLs, and makes
avallable leLLers LhaL were submlLLed Lo hls offlce.

WlLh lnLeresL sLlll growlng, on !une 3, 2013, Congressmen 8lshop, ChaffeLz, and SLewarL senL addlLlonal
leLLers Lo over 60 new organlzaLlons, lncludlng Lhe Sagebrush CoallLlon and lnLernaLlonal MounLaln
8lklng AssoclaLlon, seeklng Lhelr lnpuL, feedback, and ldeas (Appendlx lll). Many of Lhese organlzaLlons
responded wlLh exclLemenL for Lhe process and submlLLed leLLers, maps, and oLher supporL maLerlals
LhaL communlcaLed Lhelr group's prlorlLles and ldeas.


Amasslng a mulLl-counLy land managemenL blll requlres coordlnaLlon and collaboraLlon amongsL local,
sLaLe, and federal governmenLal leaders, non-governmenLal lnLeresL groups, advocacy groups, naLlve
Amerlcan represenLaLlves, and oLher members of Lhe publlc. ln keeplng wlLh one of Lhe sLaLed
prlnclples of CollaboraLlon" and Compromlse", Congressmen 8lshop, ChaffeLz, and SLewarL have
engaged wlLh a varleLy of dlfferenL lndlvlduals, organlzaLlons, and Lhe general publlc as parL of Lhe
ubllc Lands lnlLlaLlve.


Cver Lhe lasL 13 monLhs, Congressmen 8lshop,
ChaffeLz, SLewarL, and sLaff have parLlclpaLed ln over
400 meeLlngs wlLh elecLed offlclals, Lrlbal leaders,
nCC's, and lndlvlduals. Some of Lhe meeLlng
parLlclpanLs have lncluded Covernor Cary PerberL,
counLy commlssloners, u.S. ueparLmenL of lnLerlor
SecreLary Sally !ewell, u.S. SenaLe CommlLLee on
naLural 8esources Chalrman 8ob Wyden, leaders
from Lhe uLah SLaLe LeglslaLure, and SouLhern uLah
Wllderness Alllance execuLlve dlrecLor ScoLL Croene.
1he ubllc Lands lnlLlaLlve was Lhe prlmary dlscusslon
Loplc durlng each of Lhe 400+ meeLlngs.

llelJ 1tlps

When dlscusslng land managemenL, Lhere ls no beLLer way Lo undersLand an area Lhan ln person and
on Lhe ground. Congressmen 8lshop, ChaffeLz, and sLaff have parLlclpaLed ln over 13 fleld Lrlps durlng
Lhe lnlLlaLlve plannlng process. 1he fleld Lrlps have covered
slx counLles, lnvolved more Lhan 30 dlfferenL organlzaLlons,
and lncluded over 200 lndlvldual parLlclpanLs. Some of Lhe
fleld Lrlp locaLlons lnclude PaLch olnL ln San !uan CounLy,
San 8afael Swell ln Lmery CounLy, Cedar Mesa wlLh ulne
8lkeyah ln San !uan CounLy, 8ar M 8ecreaLlon Area ln Crand
CounLy, and Lhe WlnLer 8ldge Wllderness SLudy Area ln
ulnLah CounLy.

lobllc oqoqemeot

Local clLlzens whose llvellhoods are dlrecLly lmpacLed by land
managemenL declslons are key sLakeholders ln Lhe process.
Congressmen 8lshop, ChaffeLz, and sLaff have hosLed slx
dlfferenL publlc meeLlngs Lo explaln and sollclL lnpuL on Lhe
lnlLlaLlve. Cver 300 clLlzens from Lmery, San !uan, Crand,
Wayne, and ulnLah counLles have lnLeracLed wlLh
Congressmen 8lshop, ChaffeLz, and sLaff ln dlfferenL publlc
forums ln whlch dlalogue and debaLed occurred. CounLy and
Lrlbal leadershlp have hosLed addlLlonal publlc meeLlngs ln an efforL Lo furLher undersLand Lhe needs
and concerns of Lhelr fellow clLlzens.

wosbloqtoo, u.c.

ln WashlngLon, u.C., Congressman 8lshop's ubllc Lands SubcommlLLee and Lhe Congresslonal WesLern
Caucus are advanclng Lhe lnlLlaLlve wlLh oLher members of Congress and Lhe Amerlcan publlc.
Pearlngs have been held Lo ldenLlfy problems and soluLlons relaLed Lo energy developmenL on federal
lands, conservaLlon deslgnaLlons, ouLdoor recreaLlon plannlng, and school LrusL land managemenL.
1hese proceedlngs lncluded wlLnesses from uLah who have been closely lnvolved wlLh Lhe lnlLlaLlve
and Lhe ldeas dlscussed wlll asslsL Lhe congressmen as Lhey move forward wlLh Lhe lnlLlaLlve.

1he WesLern Caucus recenLly held a panel dlscusslon ln whlch land collaboraLlon on wesLern publlc
lands was Lhe Loplc. 1he uLah ubllc Lands lnlLlaLlve was referenced on mulLlple occaslons as a model
for successful land plannlng and local collaboraLlon. uurlng Lhe dlscusslon, 8epubllcan and uemocraLlc
offlces were lnvolved, asked varlous quesLlons relaLed Lo Lhe lnlLlaLlve, and were lnvlLed Lo learn more
abouL Lhe process and Lo parLlclpaLe.

ltocess lottlclpoots

1hroughouL Lhe plannlng process, Lhe followlng lndlvlduals, governmenLal organlzaLlons, buslnesses,
and advocacy groups have expressed an lnLeresL ln Lhe process or parLlclpaLed ln a meanlngful way.
1helr lnpuL and parLlclpaLlon has drlven Lhe process and accounLs for Lhe early success of Lhe ubllc
Lands lnlLlaLlve. 1helr conLlnued lnvolvemenL - and lnvolvemenL of fuLure lndlvlduals and groups - wlll
be crlLlcal as Lhe process moves forward.

Carbon CounLy School lnsLlLuLlonal 1rusL
Lands AdmlnlsLraLlon
ubllc Lands SoluLlons
Lmery CounLy 8lue 8lbbon CoallLlon uLah LnvlronmenLal Congress
uaggeLL CounLy uLah Shared Access Alllance naLlonal CuLdoor Leadershlp School
Crand CounLy San !uan ubllc LnLry and
Access 8lghLs
lrlends of Cedar Mesa
ulnLah CounLy uLah larm 8ureau SouLheasL uLah Crazlng lmprovemenL
San !uan CounLy uLah CaLLlemen AssoclaLlon 1he 1rusL for ubllc Lands
Wayne CounLy LW Campalgn for
Amerlca's Wllderness
uLah CuLdoor 8uslness neLwork
Congressman 8ob 8lshop 1he Wllderness SocleLy WesLern SplrlL Cycllng AdvenLures
Congressman !ason
uLah 8LM ulrecLor !uan
Amerlcan Lands Councll
Congressman !lm
Crand Canyon 1rusL 8ed Cllffs Lodge
Congressman Chrls SLewarL 1rouL unllmlLed Colorado laLeau CoallLlon
SenaLor Crrln PaLch uLah Culdes and CuLflLLers 8ackcounLry Porsemen
SenaLor Mlke Lee 8ack CounLry PunLers and
lndependenL eLroleum AssoclaLlon of
Covernor Cary PerberL 8ocky MounLaln Llk
uLah 8ural LlecLrlc Co-ops
SecreLary Sally !ewell uLah ChapLer of Safarl Club
8ural uLah WaLer users
1he Cfflce of Congressman
8ush PolL
SporLsman for llsh and
1read LlghLly
1he Cfflce of SenaLor ulck
uLah Mlnlng AssoclaLlon Amerlcan eLroleum lnsLlLuLe
uLah AssoclaLlon of
uLah 8alanced 8esource
8ound 8lver ConservaLlon SLudles
uLah SLaLe SenaLe uLah eLroleum AssoclaLlon naLural 8esources uefense Councll
uLah SLaLe Pouse of
WesLern Lnergy Alllance Colorado Canyons AssoclaLlon
uLe lndlan 1rlbe SouLhern uLah Wllderness
uLah eLroleum MarkeLers and 8eLallers
nava[o naLlon 1he naLure Conservancy Crow Canyon Archeologlcal CenLer
veL volce loundaLlon CuLdoor lndusLry Alllance Crand SLalrcase-LscalanLe arLners
uLah ubllc Lands ollcy
CoordlnaLlng Cfflce
naLlonal 1rusL for PlsLorlc
ClLlzens for ulxle's luLure
SLaLe lnsLlLuLlonal 1rusL
Lands AdmlnlsLraLlon
naLlonal arks
ConservaLlon AssoclaLlon
Amerlcans for 8esponslble 8ecreaLlon
8lue 8lbbon CoallLlon CreaL Cld 8roads for
8ecreaLlonal Cff-Plghway vehlcle
Mule ueer loundaLlon MoLorcycle lndusLry
Councll/SpeclalLy vehlcle
lnsLlLuLe of Amerlca
Colorado CuLward 8ound School
uLah Woolgrowers SpeclalLy LqulpmenL
ManufacLurers AssoclaLlon
ulnLah MounLaln Club
Wyss loundaLlon Amerlcan Councll of
Snowmoblle AssoclaLlons
Clen Canyon lnsLlLuLe
SalL Lake Chamber of
8lg Came lorever uLah 8roadcasLers AssoclaLlon
CenLral uLah WaLer
Conservancy ulsLrlcL
norLhwesL Mlnlng
uLah 8lvers Councll
Moab Chamber of
Women's Mlnlng CoallLlon lldellLy
vernal Chamber of
ConservaLlon Leadershlp
uLah SLaLe arks
Lmery CounLy Chamber of
Amerlcan CuLdoors
8landlng ClLy
8landlng Chamber of
1he Slerra Club uLah Cfflce of CuLdoor 8ecreaLlon
uLah 4 Wheel urlve
Carkane Lnergy 8lde wlLh 8especL
Moab 4 Wheel urlver Club Congresslonal SporLsmen
Moab 1rall Mlx
Sage 8rush CoallLlon lnLernaLlonal MounLaln
8lklng AssoclaLlon
Magna 8esources
naLlonal Cff-Plghway
vehlcle ConservaLlon
8ed 8ock 4 Wheelers CelLlc 8esources
Access lund 8ecreaLlonal AvlaLlon
uLah 8ackcounLry lloLs AssoclaLlon


varlous sLakeholders, local leaders, and concerned clLlzens have ldenLlfled pollcles and/or concepLs
Lhey would llke Lo see lncluded or addressed as parL of Lhe ubllc Lands lnlLlaLlve. 1hese concepLs
range from deslgnaLlng federal and sLaLe wllderness areas and culLural slLe proLecLlons Lo Sl1LA
exchanges and AnLlqulLles AcL reforms. CLhers have ldenLlfled 8.S. 2477 road resoluLlon and wlld and
scenlc rlver deslgnaLlons as lmporLanL prlorlLles. SLlll oLhers supporL Lhe conslderaLlon of new, or Lhe
expanslon of exlsLlng naLlonal ark's ln uLah, whlle oLhers supporL wllderness sLudy area releases and
esLabllshmenL of energy developmenL zones.

Some of Lhese concepLs have broad supporL whlle oLhers do noL. 8uL mosL sLakeholders have
recognlzed LhaL desplLe Lhelr dlfferences, wln-wln ouLcomes can be achleved when all sLakeholders acL
ln good falLh and adhere Lo Lhe prlnclples of collaboraLlon, compromlse, and creaLlvlLy. MosL
parLlclpanLs seem Lo undersLand LhaL ln order for Lhls process Lo bear frulL, vlrLually everyone lnvolved
wlll need Lo keep an open mlnd and be wllllng Lo conslder dlfferlng polnLs of vlew and aL Llmes,
lmporLanL concesslons.

5boteJ Objectlves

Whlle lndlvldual concepLs and speclflc pollcy
prescrlpLlons have varled person-Lo-person or group-
Lo-group, flve shared ob[ecLlves have emerged over
Lhe lasL 13 monLhs LhaL should garner wldespread
supporL from all ends of Lhe specLrum.

rovlde real, meanlngful, and permanenL conservaLlon
deslgnaLlons LhaL wlll proLecL uLah's mosL prlsLlne and
beauLlful ecosysLems as wllderness and/or oLher
sulLable conservaLlon deslgnaLlons.

Loca| art|c|pat|on
laclllLaLe greaLer local lnvolvemenL, land managemenL, and ln some lnsLances, ownershlp, Lo ensure
LhaL Lhose mosL lmpacLed by federal land managemenL declslons are glven a seaL aL Lhe plannlng Lable
or glven Lhe flexlblllLy Lo manage local affalrs.

A Vo|ce |n the rocess
uLahns, and concerned clLlzens who llve ln oLher parLs of Lhe counLry, wanL Lo feel llke Lhelr vlews,
values, perspecLlves, and lnslghLs are Laken lnLo accounL when declslons abouL land managemenL are
belng made ln Lhe shorL, medlum, and long-Lerm.

CreaLe cerLalnLy for local communlLles and land-users by brlnglng resoluLlon Lo long-sLandlng publlc
lands dlspuLes and creaLlng wln-wln scenarlos ln whlch mulLlple land uses are proLecLed and

Lconom|c Cpportun|ty
AcceleraLe energy developmenL and boosL ouLdoor recreaLlon and Lourlsm ln approprlaLe locaLlons, ln
order Lo:

lncrease educaLlon revenue for uLah's school chlldren by developlng and enhanclng lncome
opporLunlLles on school LrusL lands
SLrengLhen and dlverslfy uLah's overall economy
rovlde good-paylng [obs, especlally ln rural uLah

Next 5teps

As Lhe lnlLlaLlve moves forward and negoLlaLlons narrow ln on more conLenLlous proposals and speclflc
locaLlons, Lhere wlll be dlsagreemenLs amongsL sLakeholders. Many of Lhe emerglng concepLs are
poLenLlally conLroverslal and could lead Lo polarlzaLlon. 8uL lnsLead of focuslng on dlfferences or re-
llLlgaLlng baLLles of Lhe pasL, Congressmen 8lshop, ChaffeLz, and SLewarL are hopeful LhaL local leaders,
sLakeholders, and concerned clLlzens can work Lhrough Lhelr dlsagreemenLs by focuslng on Lhe Lhree
C's, flve shared ob[ecLlves, and bulldlng upon Lhe foundaLlon creaLed over Lhe pasL 13 monLhs.


8elow ls a llsL of nearly 100 sLakeholders LhaL have been parLners and parLlclpanLs ln Lhe ubllc Lands
lnlLlaLlve. lncluded are overvlews of Lhe organlzaLlon and a brlef summary of Lhelr focus areas LhaL
were communlcaLed Lo Lhe congressmen Lhrough meeLlngs, phone calls, and leLLers.

ulsclalmer - Croups and lndlvlduals represenLlng varlous land managemenL perspecLlves were asked Lo Lhlnk blg and Lo
submlL ldeas and suggesLlons relaLed Lo how lands ln uLah should be managed. A shorL, general overvlew of each of Lhe
varlous recommendaLlons submlLLed Lo Lhe congresslonal delegaLlon ls lncluded ln Lhls 8eporL. lncluslon of a parLlcular ldea
or concepL should noL necessarlly be consLrued as an endorsemenL, or an lndlcaLlon LhaL lL wlll be lncluded ln Lhe flnal
ubllc Lands lnlLlaLlve leglslaLlon. lull verslons of wrlLLen sLakeholder submlsslons can be found on onllne under Lhe ubllc
Lands" secLlon aL www.robblshop.house.gov/publlc lands.


1be 5ootbeosteto utob Ctozloq AJvlsoty 8ootJ (5CA8)
SLCA8 producers ln souLheasLern uLah have been lnvolved ln Lhe culLural, soclal, economlc and
hlsLorlc aspecL of publlc land managemenL for as many as slx generaLlons. 1he use of publlc lands ls
crlLlcal Lo Lhe susLalnablllLy of agrlculLure ln Lhls reglon, whlch ls crlLlcal Lo Lhe susLalnablllLy of Lhls
reglon as a whole. SLCA8 belleves LhaL grazlng on publlc lands ls a necessary Lool for fuel reducLlon and
flre conLrol and conLrlbuLes economlc acLlvlLy by harvesLlng a renewable resource LhaL produces food
and flber for Lhe naLlon.

SLCA8 has been an acLlve parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce March. SLCA8 opposes Lhe creaLlon of
wllderness and belleves LhaL Wllderness SLudy Areas should be hard released" and reLurned Lo
mulLlple-use. SLCA8 furLher opposes Lhe creaLlon of monumenLs, naLlonal arks, resLrlcLlons on
LransporLaLlon sysLems and 8S 2477 roads, and Lhe consolldaLlon of school LrusL lands. lurLher, SLCA8
belleves LhaL lf wllderness ls creaLed or school LrusL lands are Lraded, all hlsLorlcal uses should be
proLecLed, lncludlng, buL noL llmlLed Lo, grazlng, mechanlzed acLlvlLy, road access, and waLer

utob cottlemeos Assoclotloo (ucA)
uCA was founded ln 1890 and has been known as Lhe uLah CaLLlemen's AssoclaLlon slnce 1936. uCA's
mlsslon ls Lo promoLe and proLecL Lhe buslness of ralslng beef caLLle and upholdlng Lhe rlghLs of all
persons engaged ln Lhe caLLle buslness.

uCA has been a parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce March and shares Lhe vlews expressed by Lhe
SouLheasLern uLah Crazlng Advlsory 8oard.

utob lotm 8oteoo (l8)
l8 ls uLah's largesL volunLary organlzaLlon of farmers and ranchers wlLh more Lhan 29,000 member
famllles represenLlng all commodlLy lnLeresLs. l8 ls a leader ln represenLlng Lhe lnLeresLs of Lhe sLaLe's
farmers and ranchers on publlc lands, properLy rlghLs, waLer rlghLs and ln provldlng servlces Lo farmers
and ranchers and Lhe communlLles Lhey supporL.

l8 has been an acLlve parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce lebruary. l8's prlmary lnLeresL ls malnLalnlng
mulLlple use of Lhe publlc lands beneflLlng all Amerlcans Lhrough Lhe producLlon of food and flber,
llvesLock grazlng, energy, mlnerals, recreaLlon, hunLlng, flshlng, as well as sollLude.


colotoJo lloteoo coolltloo (clc)
CC was founded ln 2011 as a way Lo lmprove coordlnaLlon and unlLe efforLs Lo proLecL, resLore and
expand 8LM's naLlonal ConservaLlon Lands across Lhe Colorado laLeau. arLner groups lnclude:

lrlends of Cedar Mesa Crand SLalrcase LscalanLe arLners
lrlends of Lhe Cllffs ClLlzens for ulxle's luLure
Colorado Canyons AssoclaLlon Crow Canyon Archaeologlcal CenLer

1he CC became lnvolved ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve ln May and has expressed supporL for Lhe process. 1he CC
would llke Lo see proLecLlve deslgnaLlons for Cedar Mesa, MonLezuma Canyon, and Lhe Pole-ln-Lhe
8ock 1rall as parL of Lhe lnlLlaLlve.

ctow cooyoo Atcboeoloqlcol ceotet (ccAc)
CCAC was founded ln 1983 and conducLs sclenLlflc archaeologlcal research ln Lhe lour Corners area
wlLh Lhe lnvolvemenL of Lhe publlc and Amerlcan lndlan Lrlbes, lncludlng Lhe ueblo peoples of new
Mexlco and 1exas, Lhe Popl of currenL-day Arlzona, and Lhe uLe and nava[o of Lhe four corners area.

CCAC has been a parLlclpanL ln Lhe process slnce !uly and has a sLrong lnLeresL ln Lhe culLural and
hlsLorlcal resources ln San !uan CounLy. CCAC would llke Lo see proLecLlve deslgnaLlons for Cedar Mesa,
MonLezuma Canyon, and Lhe Pole-ln-Lhe 8ock 1rall as parL of Lhe lnlLlaLlve.

ltleoJs of ceJot Meso (lcM)
lCM was founded ln 2012 as a non-proflL group based ln San !uan CounLy, uLah LhaL ls dedlcaLed Lo
sLewardshlp of Lhe naLural and culLural resources of Lhe Cedar Mesa reglon.

lCM has been an acLlve parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce March, submlLLlng Lwo leLLers ouLllnlng Lhelr
lnLeresLs and prlorlLles, whlch are focused on naLlonal conservaLlon area proLecLlons for Lhe Cedar
Mesa reglon of San !uan CounLy, uLah.

Cleo cooyoo lostltote (Ccl)
CCl was founded ln 1996 and ls a non-proflL organlzaLlon dedlcaLed Lo Lhe resLoraLlon of Clen Canyon
and a free flowlng Colorado 8lver.

CCl has been a parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce !uly, and ls advocaLlng for a 1,424,000-acre expanslon
of Clen Canyon naLlonal 8ecreaLlon Area LhaL would lnclude a comblnaLlon of wllderness, n8A, and
naLlonal ark expanslons.

CtooJ cooyoo 1tost (Cc1)
lounded ln 1983 by lormer lnLerlor SecreLary SLuarL udall, lormer Arlzona Covernor 8ruce 8abblLL and
oLhers, CC1's mlsslon ls Lo proLecL and resLore Lhe Colorado laLeau - lLs landscapes, flowlng rlvers,
clean alr, dlverslLy of planLs and anlmals, and areas of beauLy and sollLude.

CC1 has been an acLlve parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce lebruary. CC1's prlorlLles are prlmarlly
locaLed on naLlonal loresL SysLem lands, however, CC1 has also expressed an lnLeresL ln expandlng
naLlonal park unlLs, new wllderness deslgnaLlon for loresL Servlce and 8LM lands slmllar Lo varlous
clLlzen wllderness proposals, alLernaLe deslgnaLlons such as nCAs for 8LM and naLlonal Scenlc Areas
(nSA) for loresL Servlce lands, and cerLaln Sl1LA Lrades, dependlng on Lhe Lypes of energy
developmenL LhaL mlghL occur on Lhe newly acqulred LrusL lands.

Cteot OlJ 8tooJs fot wllJetoess (CO8w)
CC8W was founded ln 1989 on Lhe 23Lh annlversary of Lhe Wllderness AcL, by a group of lady hlkers
who wanLed Lo refuLe a member of Lhe uLah's delegaLlon's noLlon LhaL wllderness ls lnaccesslble Lo
elders. 1hey are a naLlonal advocacy organlzaLlon LhaL engages and lgnlLes Lhe acLlvlsm of elders Lo
preserve and proLecL wllderness and wlld lands and glves volce Lo Lhe mllllons of older Amerlcans who
wanL Lhelr publlc lands proLecLed as wllderness for Lhls and fuLure generaLlons.

CC8W has been a parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce March and supporLs wllderness proLecLlons for
quallfylng wlld lands ln uLah, conservaLlon area deslgnaLlons for key landscapes such as Cedar Mesa
and CreaLer Canyonlands, expanslon of Canyons of Lhe AnclenLs naLlonal MonumenL lnLo uLah,
consolldaLlon of Sl1LA lands, and resoluLlon of 8S2477 clalms.

Notloool lotks coosetvotloo Assoclotloo (NlcA)
nCA was founded ln 1919 and alms Lo proLecL and enhance Amerlca's naLlonal ark SysLem for
presenL and fuLure generaLlons. nCA has over 730,000 members and supporLers naLlonwlde who are
dedlcaLed Lo proLecLlng and enhanclng Lhe naLlonal ark SysLem.

nCA has been an acLlve parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce March. nCA's prlorlLles lnclude proLecLlons
around several park unlLs Lhrough speclflc land deslgnaLlons as well as ensurlng LhaL acLlvlLles on lands
ad[acenL Lo park unlLs do noL lmpalr Lhe alr, waLer, sounds, nlghL skles, vlews and oLher values. nCA
ldenLlfled four speclflc prlorlLles, whlch lnclude Canyonlands naLlonal ark expanslon, Sl1LA land
exchanges Lo preclude developmenL near park unlLs, resoluLlon of 8.S. 2477 clalms wlLhln park unlLs,
and expanslon of Povenweep naLlonal MonumenL.

Notloool 1tost fot nlstotlc ltesetvotloo (N1nl)
n1P was founded when resldenL 1ruman slgned leglslaLlon creaLlng Lhe naLlonal 1rusL on CcLober
26, 1949. Lver slnce, Lhe naLlonal 1rusL for PlsLorlc reservaLlon has focused on savlng Amerlca's
hlsLorlc places.

n1P has been an acLlve parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce March. n1P ls prlmarlly focused on areas
wlLhln San !uan CounLy, uLah. Speclflcally, n1P would llke Lo see culLural and archeologlcal slLes
proLecLed and properly managed. n1P has ldenLlfled Cedar Mesa, MonLezuma Canyon, Pole-ln-Lhe-
8ock 1rall, 8uln ark and lndlan Creek as prlorlLy areas lL would llke Lo see addressed as parL of Lhe

lew cbotltoble 1tosts (lw)
LW ls a non-proflL organlzaLlon founded ln 1948 and applles a sclence-based approach Lo lmprovlng
publlc pollcy. LW focuses on economlc pollcy, conservaLlon, healLh lssues, and sLaLe and consumer
pollcy lnlLlaLlves. LW's u.S. ubllc Lands rogram has many success sLorles worklng on collaboraLlve
land plannlng efforLs ln wesLern sLaLes.

LW has been an acLlve parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce lebruary. LW supporLs wllderness and oLher
proLecLlve deslgnaLlons for a varleLy of lands and wlld and scenlc rlver deslgnaLlons for many rlvers
locaLed ln easLern uLah.

1be Notote coosetvoocy (1Nc)
1he naLure Conservancy was founded ln 1931 and has been acLlve ln uLah slnce 1980. lL works
collaboraLlvely wlLh landowners, agencles and local communlLles Lo proLecL lands and waLers for
people and naLure. ln LasLern uLah, Lhe Conservancy's ma[or pro[ecLs have lncluded conservlng Lhe
900-acre ScoLL M. MaLheson WeLlands reserve near Moab, acqulrlng Lhe 330,000-acre uugouL 8anch
ouLslde of Canyonlands naLlonal ark, securlng over 4,000 acres of conservaLlon easemenLs and fee
lands along Lhe 30 mlle sLreLch of Lhe Colorado 8lver Corrldor ln Crand CounLy, and helplng Lo lnlLlaLe a
ma[or publlc/prlvaLe conservaLlon lnlLlaLlve ln Lhe 8ookcllffs.

1nC has been an acLlve parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce March and has ouLllned a varleLy of
conservaLlon prlorlLles lL would llke Lo see addressed. 1hese lnclude prlorlLy landscapes such as LasLern
Canyonlands near Lhe uugouL 8anch, Lhe CreaLer Creen 8lver lncludlng uesolaLlon, Cray and LabyrlnLh
Canyons and porLlons of Lhe ulnLa 8asln, LasL 1avapuLs laLeau and 8ookcllffs, Lhe Colorado 8lver
Corrldor from WesLwaLer Canyon Lo Canyonlands naLlonal ark, and Lhe San !uan 8lver WaLershed
conLalnlng uLah's only populaLlon of Cunnlson sage-grouse. ln addlLlon, 1nC has proposed prlorlLy
programs, such as uevelopmenL-by-ueslgn modellng (a sclence-drlven sLakeholder process), Lhe
esLabllshmenL of a uLah ConservaLlon 1rusL lund modeled afLer Wyomlng's, and a CommunlLy lmpacL
lund. 1nC's compleLe llsL of prlorlLles was ouLllned ln lLs 3/22/13 leLLer Lo Congressman 8lshop, and
has been updaLed ln subsequenL documenLs LhaL are avallable upon requesL.

1be wllJetoess 5oclety (1w5)
1WS ls a naLlonal conservaLlon organlzaLlon LhaL works Lo proLecL our naLlon's shared wlldlands. 1WS
was founded ln 1933 and has over 300,000 members.

1WS's hlghesL prlorlLy ls permanenL proLecLlon of Wllderness SLudy Areas and oLher lands wlLh
wllderness characLerlsLlcs ln souLheasL uLah, lncludlng places such as uesolaLlon Canyon, Cedar Mesa,
and Lhe San 8afael Swell. 1WS has long been concerned wlLh Lhe lmpacLs of 8S 2477 clalms and energy
developmenL on uLah's wlldlands, and has acLlvely parLlclpaLed ln efforLs Lo address Lhose lmpacLs.
1WS supporLs collaboraLlve approaches--lncludlng sLaLe-federal land exchanges--as a means Lo address
Lhese lssues and lmprove proLecLlons for wlldlands.

1be utob ovltoomeotol cooqtess (uc)
uLC has been lnvolved ln loresL Servlce lssues ln uLah for over 14 years. uLC ls Lhe only sLaLewlde
foresL advocacy group.

uLC has been a parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce March. uLC's sole focus and lnLeresL ls ln uLah's
naLlonal foresL lands. uLC has advocaLed LhaL lands ldenLlfled ln Lhelr comprehenslve foresL
wllderness lnvenLory be used Lo gulde deslgnaLlons ln Lhe counLles lnvolved ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve, wlLh
speclal emphasls on Lhe Canyonlands areas, CaplLol 8eef headwaLers, and Lhe San 8afael Swell and
8ook Cllffs reglons.

utob klvets cooocll (ukc)
u8C was founded ln 1993 and works Lo proLecL uLah's rlvers and clean waLer sources.

u8C has been a parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce !uly. u8C's prlorlLles are mosLly ouLllned ln Lhe
organlzaLlon's prevlously publlshed documenL known as Lhe A cltlzeos ltoposol to ltotect tbe wllJ
klvets of utob. As parL of Lhls lnlLlaLlve, u8C has ldenLlfled waLerways on a counLy-by-counLy basls LhaL
lL belleves should be consldered for wlld and scenlc sLaLus.

1be utob wllJetoess coolltloo (uwc)
1he uWC, whlch lncludes Lhe SouLhern uLah Wllderness Alllance, Slerra Club, and naLural 8esources
uefense Councll, ls focused on long-Lerm proLecLlon for wllderness-quallLy lands on all 8ureau of Land
ManagemenL lands (8LM) ln uLah.

uWC has been an acLlve parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce March. uWC's prlmary focus ls ensurlng LhaL
wllderness-callber lands are Lruly proLecLed and LhaL lands deslgnaLed as wllderness are noL dlmlnlshed
by compeLlng uses, lncludlng cerLaln 8.S. 2477 roads. Speclflc areas of lnLeresL for uWC lnclude Lhe
Canyonlands reglon, Lhe San 8afael Swell, and swapplng school LrusL lands ouL of conservaLlon areas
and lnLo economlcally developable lands.

Moltl-qtoop lettet
1he SouLhern uLah Wllderness Alllance, Slerra Club, and naLural 8esources uefense Councll, and Lhe
Wllderness SocleLy [olnLly slgned a leLLer provldlng lnformaLlon and daLa relaLed Lo Lhe Amerlca's 8ed
8ock Wllderness AcL, whlch ls Lhelr organlzaLlons' collecLlve preference for land deslgnaLlons ln easLern

Lnergy and M|nera|s

utob Mloloq Assoclotloo (uMA)
uMA, founded ln 1913, ls a uLah-based non-proflL, non-parLlsan Lrade assoclaLlon LhaL provldes lLs 113
corporaLe members wlLh full-Llme professlonal lndusLry represenLaLlon before Lhe SLaLe LeglslaLure,
varlous governmenL regulaLory agencles on Lhe federal, sLaLe and local levels, oLher assoclaLlons, and
buslness and lndusLry groups. uMA members are acLlvely lnvolved ln exploraLlon and mlnlng
operaLlons on publlc and prlvaLe lands LhroughouL uLah. uMA membershlp lncludes every faceL of Lhe
mlnlng lndusLry, lncludlng geology, exploraLlon, mlnlng, englneerlng, equlpmenL manufacLurlng, legal
and Lechnlcal servlces, and sales of equlpmenL and supplles.

uMA has been an acLlve sLakeholder ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce March. Some of uMA's prlorlLles lnclude
safeguardlng access Lo publlc lands, placlng resLralnLs on Lhe AnLlqulLles AcL, resoluLlon of Wllderness
SLudy Areas, and reforms Lo Lhe naLlonal LnvlronmenLal ollcy AcL (nLA) and Lhe Lndangered Specles
AcL (LSA).

westeto oetqy Alllooce (1be Alllooce)
WesLern Lnergy Alllance represenLs over 400 companles lnvolved ln all aspecLs of envlronmenLally
responslble oll and naLural gas developmenL ln Lhe WesL. 1he Alllance ls engaged ln any federal
regulaLlon and leglslaLlon LhaL affecLs wesLern oll and naLural gas producers, parLlcularly on publlc

1he Alllance has been an acLlve parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce Lhe beglnnlng, supporLlng
conservaLlon for approprlaLe lands ln exchange for pollcles LhaL encourage developmenL ln hlgh
poLenLlal oll and naLural gas areas. 1he Alllance supporLs wllderness deslgnaLlons when Lhey are locally
drlven, ln collaboraLlon wlLh land users, and ln con[uncLlon wlLh sLaLe-federal land exchanges, sLaLe
managemenL of energy permlLLlng, and creaLlon of cerLaln energy prlorlLy areas ln whlch energy
developmenL would be prlorlLlzed. 1he Alllance has requesLed llmlLaLlons on wllderness-characLer
lnvenLorles, Llme llmlLs on Wllderness SLudy Areas, resLrlcLlons on Lhe AnLlqulLles AcL, and Lhe release
of !ack's Canyon, uesolaLlon Canyon, and WlnLer 8ldge Wllderness SLudy Areas back Lo mulLlple-use.



cotboo coooty
Carbon CounLy ls locaLed wlLhln uLah's 1hlrd Congresslonal ulsLrlcL and has a populaLlon of 21,403.
Carbon CounLy ls home Lo mulLlple coal mlnes and power planLs, Scoefleld 8eservolr, and uesolaLlon

Carbon CounLy supporLs deslgnaLlon of wllderness along cerLaln segmenLs of Lhe uesolaLlon Canyon
Wllderness SLudy Area, ln con[uncLlon wlLh Lhe creaLlon of an energy developmenL zone, and hard
release of WSA's noL deslgnaLed as wllderness. Carbon CounLy furLher supporLs efforLs Lo lncrease
local and sLaLe managemenL of lands and wlldllfe, lncludlng Lhe greaLer sage grouse, and would
supporL llmlLaLlons on Lhe AnLlqulLles AcL once lands ln easLern uLah have been deslgnaLed

uoqqett coooty
uaggeLL CounLy has a populaLlon of 1,039 and ls Lhe gaLeway Lo llamlng Corge naLlonal 8ecreaLlon
Area. ApproxlmaLely 1.3 mllllon vlslLors come Lo uaggeLL CounLy every year Lo en[oy Lhe llamlng
Corge 8ecreaLlon Area. ubllc Lands are 89 of Lhe LoLal land ln uaggeLL CounLy. 1he CounLy ls
worklng Loward developlng and promoLlng a beLLer selecLlon of recreaLlon opporLunlLles Lo encourage
Lourlsm and economlc developmenL. uaggeLL CounLy ls locaLed ln uLah's llrsL Congresslonal ulsLrlcL.

uaggeLL CounLy supporLs a varleLy of dlfferenL conservaLlon and developmenL measures wlLhln Lhe
counLy, lncludlng creaLlon of a locally managed recreaLlon area on 8are 1op MounLaln, ulamond
8reaks Wllderness, and Wlld and Scenlc rlver deslgnaLlon for Lhe Creen 8lver, among oLher lLems.

mety coooty
Lmery CounLy ls locaLed ln uLah's 1hlrd Congresslonal ulsLrlcL and has a populaLlon of 10,600. Lmery
CounLy ls home Lo Lwo power planLs, (flve unlLs) whlch are Lled ln Lo aclflcorp's norLhwesLern uS
power grld, whlch lncludes resldenLs of Lhe WasaLch lronL. 1he San 8afael Swell ls a domlnanL, rugged
and scenlc landscape feaLure ln Lhe cenLer of Lmery CounLy. uesolaLlon Canyon ls locaLed along
Lmery's norLheasLern boundary and ls consldered Lo be Lhe largesL conLlguous wlld area ln Lhe lower
forLy elghL sLaLes.

Lmery CounLy's ubllc Lands Councll, followlng a mulLl-year and mulLlsLakeholder process, has creaLed
Lhe drafL Lmery CounLy ubllc Land ManagemenL AcL, whlch would creaLe needed regulaLory cerLalnLy
by flnallzlng wllderness, wlld and scenlc rlvers, conservaLlon deslgnaLlons LhaL proLecL worLhy
landscapes whlle also proLecLlng exlsLlng resource use. 1he drafL proposal would furLher enhance
recreaLlonal opporLunlLles and convey federal lands Lo local enLlLles, among oLher Lhlngs. 1he proposal
ls lnLended Lo proLecL currenL resource use of all sLakeholders. Lmery CounLy furLher supporLs pollcles
LhaL fosLer local managemenL of lands and resources, whlch ensures LhaL Lhose closesL Lo Lhe land are
drlvlng land managemenL declslons.

CtooJ coooty
Crand CounLy ls ln uLah's 1hlrd Congresslonal ulsLrlcL and ls home Lo Arches naLlonal ark, ueadhorse
olnL SLaLe ark and ls Lhe norLhern gaLeway Lo Canyonlands naLlonal ark. Crand CounLy ls an
lnLernaLlonal desLlnaLlon for Lourlsm and recreaLlon, has deep rooLs ln Lhe mlnlng lndusLry, and has a
varleLy of unLapped energy resources LhaL are elLher belng developed or could be developed ln Lhe
near fuLure. 1here are also world class poLash resources wlLhln Lhelr counLy.

Crand CounLy would llke Lo conLlnue Lo enhance recreaLlon and Lourlsm opporLunlLles whlle also
dlverslfylng Lhelr economlc base Lhrough lncreases ln energy producLlon, LransporLaLlon and poLenLlal
poLash mlnlng. Crand CounLy ls acLlvely lnvolved wlLh local clLlzens and local and naLlonal sLakeholder
groups ln developlng a counLy proposal LhaL lncludes pollcles LhaL promoLe conservaLlon, recreaLlon,
and energy and poLash developmenL, among oLher Lhlngs.

Crand CounLy has ldenLlfled a varleLy of dlfferenL managemenL ob[ecLlves as parL of Lhls process,
lncludlng formally deslgnaLlng recreaLlon managemenL areas, wllderness areas, proLecLlons for Lhe
Creen and Colorado rlverway recreaLlon lndusLry, lncreased energy and poLash developmenL areas,
malnLalnlng moLorlzed and non-moLorlzed Lravel managemenL opporLunlLles, and ellmlnaLlng Lhe need
for fuLure AnLlqulLles AcL deslgnaLlons.

Novojo Notloo
1he nava[o naLlon ln cooperaLlon wlLh Lhe uLah ulne 8lkeyah, has been lnvolved ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce
Lhe beglnnlng sLages. 1ogeLher, Lhe nava[o naLlon and uLah ulne 8lkeyah are proposlng Lhe creaLlon
of Lhe ulne 8lkeyah naLlonal ConservaLlon Area wlLhln nava[o ancesLral land ln souLheasLern uLah.

1he 1.9 mllllon acre conservaLlon area lncludes wllderness deslgnaLlons, as well as a co-managemenL
relaLlonshlp Lo ensure Lhe susLalnable conLlnuaLlon of culLurally lmporLanL acLlvlLles. roLecLlon of Lhe
rlch culLural herlLage slLes wlLhln San !uan CounLy ls a Lop prlorlLy for Lhe nava[o. ulne Llders speak
clearly and conslsLenLly abouL Lhelr deslres for a volce ln deLermlnlng land managemenL ln San !uan
CounLy. 1he sLaLed goals for Lhe ulne 8lkeyah naLlonal ConservaLlon Area are: 1) provlde clear
managemenL prlorlLlzaLlon Loward Lhe proLecLlon of culLural and blologlcal resources over oLher land-
uses, 2) lncrease fundlng allocaLlon Lo lmprove managemenL of resources for Lhls reglon, 3) creaLe a
process LhaL recognlzes Lhe leglLlmaLe lnLeresLs of Lhe nava[o on federal land, and 4) provlde a means
of lncorporaLlng Lhe exLenslve and valuable knowledge of Lhe nava[o lnLo land managemenL declslons.

lobllc looJs lollcy cootJlootloo Offlce (lllcO)
LCC coordlnaLes Lhe sLaLe of uLah's lnLeresLs on publlc lands lssues and acLs Lo ensure LhaL sLaLe and
local lnLeresLs are consldered ln Lhe managemenL of publlc lands.

LCC belleves Lhe ubllc Lands lnlLlaLlve represenLs Lhe mosL vlable pollcy vehlcle Lo lncrease sLaLe
and local parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe managemenL of publlc lands ln uLah. LCC supporLs federal
conservaLlon and developmenL deslgnaLlons whlch supporL and enhance Lhe sLaLe and local
economles. LCC advocaLes a balanced approach Lo conservaLlon and developmenL whlch proLecLs
lands of lmporLance, yeL allows clLlzens Lo make a llvlng from Lhe abundanL naLural resources found ln
Lhe sLaLe. LCC advocaLes for Lhe consolldaLlon of Lhe holdlngs of Sl1LA lnLo energy-rlch areas,
creaLlng sLaLe managed conservaLlon areas or parks, full lmplemenLaLlon of sLaLe wlldllfe conservaLlon
plans, and creaLlng sLaLe managed areas focused on oLher resource uses, among oLhers.

5oo Iooo coooty
San !uan CounLy ls locaLed ln uLah's 1hlrd Congresslonal ulsLrlcL and has a populaLlon of nearly 13,000,
approxlmaLely half of whlch are naLlve Amerlcans. 1he only operaLlng uranlum processlng planL ln Lhe
unlLed SLaLes operaLes near Lhe Lown of 8landlng and Lhe counLy ls home Lo numerous oll and gas
flelds LhaL produce prlmarlly from Lhe ueserL Creek and lsmay lormaLlons. San !uan CounLy ls also
home Lo Canyonlands naLlonal ark, naLural 8rldges, Povenweep and 8alnbow 8rldge naLlonal
MonumenLs, and Lhe Clen Canyon naLlonal 8ecreaLlon Area.

San !uan CounLy has held a serles of local meeLlngs and senL over 7,000 mallers Lo resldenLs and
properLy owners ln an efforL Lo engage Lhe publlc Lo beLLer undersLand clLlzen lnLeresL ln Lhe process.
lncreaslng energy and poLash developmenL, enhanclng ouLdoor recreaLlon opporLunlLles, boosLlng clLy,
counLy, and sLaLe land managemenL responslblllLles, resolvlng wllderness deslgnaLlon grldlock, and
llmlLlng fuLure use of Lhe AnLlqulLles AcL wlLhln San !uan CounLy are some of Lhe pollcles LhaL have
been dlscussed as parL of Lhe ongolng plannlng process.

ulotob coooty
ulnLah CounLy ls locaLed wlLhln uLah's llrsL Congresslonal ulsLrlcL and has a populaLlon of 31,383. 1he
exLracLlon of naLural resources lncludlng oll, naLural gas, phosphaLe, and gllsonlLe consLlLuLe Lhe
prlmary economlc acLlvlLy of ulnLah CounLy. ulnLah CounLy ls Lhe largesL naLural gas producer ln uLah.
Some agrlculLure acLlvlLy occurs ln ulnLah CounLy, wlLh a prlmary focus on ralslng caLLle and sheep, and
culLlvaLlng alfalfa. ulnLah CounLy ls also home Lo ulnosaur naLlonal MonumenL.

ulnLah CounLy ls open Lo boLh conservaLlon and developmenL provlslons as parL of Lhe lnlLlaLlve.
ulnLah CounLy ls supporLlve of wllderness deslgnaLlons so long as compeLlng uses, such as energy
developmenL, are noL llmlLed. ulnLah CounLy supporLs Lhe consolldaLlon of Sl1LA lands wlLhln Lhe
counLy, expanded elecLrlclLy Lransmlsslon corrldors, expanded energy developmenL on federal lands
Lhrough Lhe creaLlon of energy developmenL zones, and release of Lhe WlnLer 8ldge WSA. lurLher,
ulnLah CounLy supporLs creaLlon of an alr quallLy lmprovemenL program, lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe sLaLe
of uLah's greaLer sage grouse conservaLlon managemenL plan, and AnLlqulLles AcL reforms Lo ensure
LhaL any lncreased energy developmenL faclllLaLed as parL of Lhe lnlLlaLlve ls noL undone by fuLure
federal acLlons.

utob Offlce of oetqy uevelopmeot (Ou)
CLu was creaLed ln 2011 Lo serve as Lhe prlmary resource for advanclng all forms of energy
developmenL ln Lhe SLaLe of uLah. CLu's "all-of-Lhe-above" sLaLuLory charge ls ouLllned ln Lhe SLaLe
Lnergy ollcy (uLah Code 63M-4-301), and Lhe offlce ls llkewlse gulded by Lhe goals and ob[ecLlves of
Covernor Cary 8. PerberL's 10-?ear SLraLeglc Lnergy lan.

CLu has been an acLlve parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce laLe 2012. CLu supporLs Lhe balanced
developmenL of energy resources ln uLah, lncludlng convenLlonal, unconvenLlonal, and renewable
energy resources. CLu supporLs Sl1LA land Lrades lnLo areas wlLh energy resources and endorses Lhe
creaLlon of mulLlple Lnergy Zones LhroughouL Lhe sLaLe Lo sLreamllne and expedlLe Lhe developmenL of
uLah's energy resources.

utob OotJoot kecteotloo Offlce (OkO)
1he new C8C ls Lhe flrsL offlce ln Lhe counLry, aL Lhe Covernor's level, dedlcaLed Lo growlng Lhe SLaLe's
recreaLlon economy. 1he offlce ls Lasked wlLh lmplemenLlng Lhe ldeas and concepLs LhaL were wrlLLen
lnLo Lhe uLah CuLdoor 8ecreaLlon vlslon, recognlzlng LhaL Lhe ouLdoors are an essenLlal componenL of
uLah's culLure, ldenLlLy, economy and way of llfe. 1o accompllsh Lhls Lhe C8C works wlLh local
communlLles, publlc land agencles, user groups and lndusLry leaders Lo develop new recreaLlon
lnfrasLrucLure, promoLe an acLlve and healLhy llfesLyle, and lmprove Lhe Lourlsm opporLunlLles around
Lhe SLaLe.

C8C has been an acLlve player ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce Lhe offlce was offlclally opened ln !uly of 2013.
C8C advocaLes for land managemenL pollcles and deslgnaLlons LhaL boosLs recreaLlon access on uLah's
publlc lands and uLah's ouLdoor recreaLlon economy, such as new or exlsLlng naLlonal arks, whlch
accordlng Lo C8C, are one of Lhe besL ways Lo moneLlze federally owned lands for local communlLles.
C8C furLher supporLs lncreases ln sLaLe and local managemenL of recreaLlon, conservaLlon, and some
energy areas where lL makes sLraLeglc and economlc sense.

woyoe coooty
Wayne CounLy ls locaLed ln uLah's Second Congresslonal ulsLrlcL and has a populaLlon of 2,778. 1he
federal governmenL owns 97 of Lhe land wlLhln Wayne CounLy and ls home Lo CaplLol 8eef and
Canyonlands naLlonal arks, secLlons of Clenn Canyon naLlonal 8ecreaLlon Area and Lhe world-famous
lacLory 8uLLe CPv recreaLlon area.

Wayne CounLy ls lnLeresLed ln a varleLy of dlfferenL land managemenL pollcles, lncludlng Lhe creaLlon
of wllderness and release of Wllderness SLudy Areas. Wayne CounLy furLher supporLs creaLlon of
Lransmlsslon corrldors and Sl1LA land consolldaLlons Lo faclllLaLe developmenL of local waLer rlghLs.

5cbool ooJ lostltotloool 1tost looJs AJmlolsttotloo (5l1lA)
Sl1LA ls an lndependenL sLaLe agency LhaL manages 3.4 mllllon acres of uLah LrusL lands for Lhe beneflL
of uLah's schools and oLher publlc lnsLlLuLlons.

Sl1LA has been an acLlve parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce Lhe beglnnlng. Sl1LA's goal ls Lo Lrade
uneconomlcal school LrusL parcels and/or parcels capLured wlLhln deslgnaLed conservaLlon areas lnLo
areas where Lhe land can be developed for Lhe beneflL of uLah's school chlldren. Sl1LA has shared
several drafL maps wlLh Lhe publlc LhaL show a range of lands ln whlch Sl1LA could acqulre or exchange
wlLh Lhe federal governmenL as parL of Lhe process. lurLher, Sl1LA ls commlLLed Lo worklng wlLh land
users, such as ranchers, Lo mlnlmlze Lhe lmpacLs of poLenLlal land Lrades.

utob Assoclotloo of coootles (uAc)
uAC ls a volunLary, sLaLewlde organlzaLlon operaLed by Lhe 29 counLles of uLah. uAC was formed ln
1924 and lLs prlmary purpose ls Lo lmprove Lhe operaLlon of uLah's counLy governmenLs and Lhereby,
Lhe servlces counLles provlde Lo Lhelr resldenLs.

uAC has been an acLlve parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce lebruary. uAC's ubllc Lands CommlLLee
passed a 8esoluLlon of SupporL for Lhe ubllc Lands lnlLlaLlve on SepLember 23, 2013, whlch can be
vlewed ln Appendlx lv. 1he 8esoluLlon expresses opposlLlon Lo Lhe use of Lhe AnLlqulLles AcL and
offers supporL for Lhe lnlLlaLlve and for counLles LhaL wlsh Lo parLlclpaLe. 1he resoluLlon furLher
supporLs Lhe lnlLlaLlve because of lLs complemenLary naLure Lo Lhe sLaLe of uLah's 1ransfer of ubllc
Lands AcL.


8loe klbboo coolltloo (8kc)
88C has champloned responslble use of publlc lands and waLers for Lhe beneflL of all recreaLlonlsLs
slnce 1987. 88C's prlmary focus ls safeguardlng and expandlng responslble moLorlzed access Lo
federally owned Lralls and lands. 88C has membershlp ln all 30 sLaLes and ls one of Lhe mosL acLlve off-
hlghway vehlcle (CPv) groups aL Lhe sLaLe and federal level.

88C has been an acLlve parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce Aprll, submlLLlng Lwo deLalled proposals.
88C's prlorlLles lnclude wllderness deslgnaLlons wlLhln WSA boundarles, no-neL-Lrall-loss requlremenLs,
codlflcaLlon of 8LM Lravel managemenL plans, and plannlng cerLalnLy.

coolltloo of tecteotloool off-blqbwoy veblcles oJvocotes (Onv coolltloo)
A coallLlon of groups represenLlng moLorlzed recreaLlon lnLeresLs submlLLed a [olnL leLLer ouLllnlng
Lhelr lnLeresLs and prlorlLles. 1he CPv CoallLlon ls comprlsed of well-known naLlonal groups lncludlng:

Amerlcans for 8esponslble 8ecreaLlonal
Cff-8oad 8uslness AssoclaLlon
Amerlcan MoLorcycllsL AssoclaLlon 8ecreaLlonal Cff-Plghway vehlcle
Amerlcan WaLercrafL AssoclaLlon SpeclalLy LqulpmenL MarkeL
8lue8lbbon CoallLlon SpeclalLy vehlcle lnsLlLuLe of Amerlca
MoLorcycle lndusLry Councll unlLed lour Wheel urlve AssoclaLlons
naLlonal Cff-Plghway vehlcle ConservaLlon

1he CPv CoallLlon as a whole, and lndlvldual groups, have been acLlvely parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve
slnce lebruary. 1he CPv CoallLlon ls advocaLlng LhaL local clLlzens and land users drlve Lhe declslon-
maklng and sLrongly opposes unllaLeral efforLs Lo deslgnaLe lands boLh whlle Lhe lnlLlaLlve ls ongolng,
and ln general. 1he CPv CoallLlon ls noL opposed Lo land conservaLlon, and readlly accepLs LhaL Lhere
are many lands deservlng of speclal proLecLlve deslgnaLlons, buL Lhese declslons musL be made
collaboraLlvely and wlLh all land users lnvolved.

keJ cllffs loJqe
1he 8ed Cllffs Lodge ls a prlvaLely-owned company ln Moab. 1he company has a varleLy of dlfferenL
brands ln Moab, lncludlng Lhe 8ed Cllffs Lodge, Lhree moLels, a resLauranL, gulde and ouLflLLlng
buslness, ranch, and wlnery.

1he 8ed Cllffs Lodge owner, Colln lryer, has been a parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce May. Mr. lryer
supporLs mulLlple uses of Lhe publlc lands, lncludlng mlneral developmenL, moLorlzed and non-
moLorlzed recreaLlon, grazlng, and Lourlsm. Mr. lryer belleves LhaL Lhe publlc lands ln easLern uLah
offer enough opporLunlLy for all uses, so long as declslons are made wlLh affecLed users ln a
collaboraLlve, LhoughLful manner.

keJ kock loot wbeelets (kk4w)
884W ls a well-known local four-wheellng group based ln Moab, uLah. 884W manages and oversee
Lhe annual !eep Safarl ln Moab, whlch sLarLed ln 1967 by Lhe Moab Chamber of Commerce. 1he Club
lLself was founded ln Lhe early 1980's.

884W sLrongly opposes Lhe creaLlon of a naLlonal monumenL ln Lhe Canyonlands area of uLah. 884W
belleves currenL federal proLecLlons and sLaLe and federal managemenL provlde adequaLe proLecLlons
for senslLlve areas wlLhln Lhe reglon. lurLher, 884W sLrongly dlsagrees wlLh Lhose LhaL clalm Lhe areas
surroundlng Canyonlands naLlonal ark are roadless".

5oqebtosb coolltloo
1he Sagebrush CoallLlon ls a non-proflL organlzaLlon comprlsed of a dlverse group of clLlzens ln
souLheasLern uLah wlLh an lnLeresLs and concerns perLalnlng Lo sLaLe and publlc lands. 1he coallLlon's
mlsslon ls Lo promoLe balanced envlronmenLal and publlc land pollcy and Lo enhance access Lo publlc
lands ln uLah for lndusLry and recreaLlon.

1he Sagebrush CoallLlon has been an acLlve parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce !une. 1he coallLlon's
prlorlLles are cenLered on local use and local volces. 1he coallLlon ls concerned LhaL perpeLual land
managemenL negoLlaLlons dlmlnlsh local use and access Lo Lhe publlc lands. 1he fuLure of Lhe
coallLlon's members and communlLles depends on access, wheLher for mlneral developmenL or
recreaLlon, and Lhey wanL Lo ensure LhaL access and use ls noL llmlLed.

5oo Iooo Alllooce
S!A ls a non-proflL organlzaLlon based ln San !uan CounLy, uLah whose mlsslon ls Lo keep lands and
resources ln San !uan CounLy open and accesslble for all Lypes of uses.

S!A has parLlclpaLed ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce november. S!A supporLs mulLlple-use pollcles and belleves
LhaL all federally deslgnaLed conservaLlon areas ln San !uan CounLy should be released and reLurned Lo
open, mulLlple-use. S!A furLher proposes LhaL land managemenL plannlng declslons be ln accordance
wlLh Lhe San !uan CounLy MasLer lan and LhaL any changes be pursued aL Lhe clLy and counLy levels of
governmenL and noL by federal agencles.

5peclolty polpmeot Motket Assoclotloo (5MA)
SLMA ls a naLlonal Lrade assoclaLlon LhaL conslsLs of a dlverse group of manufacLurers, dlsLrlbuLors,
reLallers, publlshlng companles, auLo resLorers, sLreeL-rod bullders, resLylers, car clubs, race Leams and
more. SLMA was founded ln 1967 and Loday has approxlmaLely 6,300 member companles.

SLMA has been a parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce !uly and welcomes Lhe opporLunlLy Lo parLner wlLh
local communlLles and groups, such as Lhe 8lue8lbbon CoallLlon and uLah Shared Access Alllance, Lo
shape consensus leglslaLlon LhaL resolves speclflc land use deslgnaLlons ln uLah.

utob 5boteJ Access Alllooce (u5All)
uSALL was founded ln 1998 and ls dedlcaLed Lo proLecLlng access Lo publlc land. uSALL has over
10,000 members across Lhe sLaLe of uLah and Lhe counLy.

uSALL has been an acLlve parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce lebruary. uSALL's prlmary focus ls
proLecLlng, safeguardlng, and enhanclng CPv Lrall use and access.
Cutdoor kecreat|on

1be colotoJo OotwotJ 8oooJ 5cbool (cO85)
CC8S ls a non-proflL organlzaLlon LhaL uLlllzes Lhe wlld lands of Lhe wesL Lo change llves Lhrough
challenge and dlscovery Lhrough ouLdoor advenLure programmlng LhaL focuses on characLer
developmenL and leadershlp Lralnlng. 1he organlzaLlon was founded ln 1962 and serves more Lhan
400 sLudenLs ln uLah alone.

CC8S has parLlclpaLed ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce !uly and have expressed concerns abouL energy
developmenL near operaLlng areas as well as Lhe creaLlon of CreaLer Canyonlands naLlonal MonumenL
due Lo Lhe posslble llmlLaLlons on Lhe guldlng and ouLflLLlng communlLy.

lotetootloool Moootolo 8lcyclloq Assoclotloo (lM8A)
lM8A was founded ln 1988 and ls a neLwork of 80,000 lndlvldual supporLers, 730 afflllaLe clubs, and
600 dealer members LhaL encourages responslble rldlng, volunLeer Lrall work, and cooperaLlon among
Lrall user groups and land managers.

lM8A has been a parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce !une and welcomes Lhe opporLunlLy Lo engage ln a
comprehenslve land managemenL process. lM8A has ldenLlfled speclflc blklng areas ln easLern uLah
LhaL are of slgnlflcance Lo Lhe group's membershlp.

Notloool OotJoot leoJetsblp 5cbool (NOl5)
nCLS was founded ln 1963 and ls one of Lhe preemlnenL groups LhaL allow sLudenLs of all ages Lo
parLlclpaLe ln remoLe wllderness expedlLlons. nCLS Leaches sLudenLs Lechnlcal ouLdoor skllls,
leadershlp, and envlronmenLal eLhlcs.

nCLS prlorlLles for easLern uLah lnclude wllderness deslgnaLlons for Lhe uesolaLlon Canyon and ulrLy
uevll Wllderness SLudy Areas, wlld and scenlc rlver deslgnaLlons, and a large naLlonal conservaLlon area
LhaL covers mosL of wesLern San !uan CounLy.

OotJoot loJostty Assoclotloo (OlA)
ClA ls Lhe leadlng Lrade assoclaLlon and volce of Lhe ouLdoor recreaLlon lndusLry, servlng more Lhan
4,000 manufacLurers. ClA was founded ln 1989 and has a large presence ln uLah, boLh durlng Lhe
blannual CuLdoor 8eLaller Show ln SalL Lake ClLy, and ln local communlLles and buslnesses.

ClA has been an acLlve parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce March and ls enLhuslasLlc abouL Lhe prospecLs
for an easLern uLah land plannlng process and has ouLllned varlous areas of crlLlcal ouLdoor recreaLlon

utob OotJoot 8osloess Netwotk (uO8N)
uC8n ls a group of uLah recreaLlon buslnesses worklng for Lhe wlse sLewardshlp of recreaLlon asseLs
LhaL supporL Lhe currenL and fuLure recreaLlon economy of Lhe reglon. Companles lnvolved are malnly
locaLed are llsLed here:

olson Splder 8lcycles Moab Cllffs and Canyons
WesLern 8lver LxpedlLlons Cne Way 8oaL Works
Pollday 8lver LxpedlLlons 8ecapLure Lodge
WesL Wlnds 8esLauranL Moab Cyclery
lar CuL LxpedlLlons Chlle epper 8lke Shop
WesLern SplrlL Cycllng Lscape AdvenLures
CuLerblke 8obbers 8oosL MoLel
MllL's SLop & LaL Moab Sprlngs 8anch
Canyon CounLry 8lver AdvenLures Sklnny 1lre, LLC
Moab 1rall MaraLhon Moab valley 8v 8esorL
8lm 1ours Magple Cycllng
Sabaku Sushl aradox lzza
8ed 8lver AdvenLures 8ed 8ock llaLes
World Wlde 8lver LxpedlLlons Colorado 8lver and 1rall LxpedlLlons
Moab AdvenLure CenLer LosL 8lver CloLhlng
Moab 8eLreaLs, LLC WlndgaLe AdvenLures

uC8n has been an acLlve parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce May. uC8n ls prlmarlly lnLeresLed ln
proLecLlng and enhanclng recreaLlon asseLs ln easLern uLah, many of whlch are ouLllned ln uC8n's
recreaLlon asseL lnvenLory. ueslgnaLlons such as wllderness, wlld and scenlc rlvers, naLlonal
ConservaLlon Areas, and naLlonal 8ecreaLlon Areas, and sLaLe-federal land exchanges are some of Lhe
Lools uC8n hlghllghLs as meLhods Lo proLecLlng recreaLlonal asseLs.

kecteotloool Avlotloo loooJotloo (kAl)
8Al ls a naLlonal organlzaLlon wlLh over 6,000 members represenLlng all 30 sLaLes and 12 forelgn
counLles. 8Al's sLaLed mlsslon ls keeplng Lhe legacy of recreaLlonal avlaLlon sLrong by preservlng,
malnLalnlng and creaLlng publlc use recreaLlonal and backcounLry alrsLrlps naLlonwlde"

8Al has been an acLlve parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve. 8Al ls supporLlve of Lhe process and ls eager Lo see
land managemenL resoluLlon afLer nearly 30 years of uncerLalnLy. 8Al ls mosLly lnLeresLed ln
preservlng access Lo back counLry alrsLrlps, many of whlch have been acLlvely used for over 30 years.

utob 8ock coootty lllots Assoclotloo (u8lA)
u8A began ln 1996 as a group of plloLs who en[oyed flylng Lhe "back counLry" and now has over 430
members. u8A has Lhree goals, whlch lnclude Lhe promoLlon of safeLy, proLecLlon and malnLenance
of remoLe recreaLlonal alrsLrlps, and Lhe leave-no-Lrace vlslLlng and camplng eLhlc.

u8A has been an acLlve parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve. u8A's focus ls recreaLlonal avlaLlon wlLh respecL
Lo publlc land access. u8A has ldenLlfled over 200 landlng sLrlps LhaL have hlsLorlcally been used by
alrplanes and provlded speclflc deLalls on 10 landlng sLrlps LhaL are of slgnlflcanL lmporLance, lncludlng
Lhe landlng sLrlp locaLed wlLhln Lhe Mexlcan MounLaln Wllderness SLudy Area.


8ockcoootty nootets ooJ Aoqlets (8nA)
8PA ls a naLlonal non-proflL conservaLlon organlzaLlon composed of famllles and lndlvlduals who llve
for Lhe opporLunlLy Lo experlence LradlLlonal, nonmoLorlzed hunLlng and flshlng on backcounLry publlc
lands. 8PA was founded ln 2004 and focuses on proLecLlng quallLy wlldllfe hablLaL and clean waLer on
publlc lands LhroughouL Lhe WesL.

8PA has been an acLlve parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce lebruary and has submlLLed varlous leLLers
and maLerlals. 8PA's prlorlLles are proLecLlons for wlldllfe hablLaL and game managemenL, Lhe
souLhern 8ook Cllffs area, wllderness deslgnaLlons ln llne wlLh Wllderness SLudy Area boundarles and
collaboraLlvely developed, counLy-supporLed plans, and speclflc land exchanges Lo proLecL lmporLanL
flsh and wlldllfe hablLaL and movemenL corrldors.

5pottsmeo fot llsb & wllJllfe (5lw)
SlW ls a Leam of 13,000 members spread LhroughouL all 30 sLaLes. SlW ls dedlcaLed Lo Lhe
perpeLuaLlon of wlldllfe, and Lhey're passlonaLe abouL hunLlng. SlW membershlp ls a collecLlon of
sporLsmen and women lncludlng everyLhlng from average hunLers and lnfluenLlal celebrlLles, Lo wlldllfe
experLs, flrearm and ammunlLlon manufacLurers, LaxldermlsLs, guldes and ouLflLLers.

SlW has been a parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce !uly. SlW belleves LhaL declslons on land use and
access ln Lhe sLaLe of uLah should be made by uLah voLers noL federal offlclals ln WashlngLon u.C.

8lq Come lotevet (8Cl)
8Cl ls a grassrooLs conservaLlon organlzaLlon wlLh over 23,000 members across Amerlca. 8Cl's
conservaLlon mlnded-sporLsmen are dedlcaLed Lo resLorlng and proLecLlng abundanL wlld game herds
for fuLure generaLlons.

8Cl has been a parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce !uly. 8Cl ls sLrongly encouraglng uLah's congresslonal
delegaLlon Lo ensure LhaL uLah's uses, LradlLlons, values, LradlLlon, and honesL efforLs are noL only
respecLed, buL also remaln Lhe basls for declslon maklng of land use ln Lhe sLaLe.

1toot uollmlteJ (1u)
1u ls a naLlonal sporLsmen's organlzaLlon founded ln 1969 wlLh over 130,000 members. 1u works Lo
malnLaln and lmprove flsh and wlldllfe hablLaL by flndlng collaboraLlve locally grown soluLlons LhaL
work for boLh flsh and people.

1u has been an acLlve parLlclpanL ln Lhe lnlLlaLlve slnce March and has ouLllned four prlmary prlorlLles.
roLecLlon for Lhe souLhern 8ook Cllffs area, Creen 8lver, 8ange Creek, and Lhe norLh Slope of Lhe
ulnLa 8ange comprlse 1u's prlorlLy llsL.

Med|a Coverage

8|shop seeks grand barga|n on pub||c |ands
8y 1homas 8urr, SalL Lake 1rlbune
Aprll 16, 2013


WashlngLon - 1lred of Lhe grldlock over how Lo manage federal lands, 8ep. 8ob 8lshop ls aLLempLlng Lo
brlng LogeLher all sldes of Lhe lssue Lo flnd common ground Lo elLher preserve or drlll.

1he uLah 8epubllcan ls one of Congress' Lop cheerleaders for oll and gas developmenL and a dogged
crlLlc of envlronmenLallsLs - buL he says lL's Llme Lo Lone down Lhe rheLorlc and selze on a change aL
Lhe lnLerlor ueparLmenL Lo geL beyond Lhe blLLer feud ln Lhe publlc-lands debaLe.

8lshop has lnvlLed energy companles, green groups, local offlclals and oLher lnLeresLed parLles Lo
submlL Lhelr plans for whaL Lhey wanL Lo geL done and hopes Lo crafL leglslaLlon Lo brlng up laLer Lhls

1here ls some land LhaL needs Lo be preserved and Lhere's noLhlng wrong wlLh LhaL," 8lshop sald ln an
lnLervlew recenLly. 1here's also land LhaL needs Lo be developed, and Lhere's no reason why Lhe Lwo
can'L coexlsL."

8lshop's offlce has held more Lhan 100 lndlvldual meeLlngs wlLh envlronmenLallsLs, oll and gas offlclals,
counLy leaders and oLher lnLeresLed parLles Lo gauge lnpuL on a grand bargaln of sorLs almed aL endlng
Lhe back-and-forLh sparrlng abouL whaL Lo do wlLh mllllons of acres awalLlng a deslgnaLlon.

l Lhlnk we know LhaL we're noL golng Lo agree on everyLhlng. ln facL, we may noL agree on many
Lhlngs," says aul SplLler, dlrecLor of wllderness campalgns wlLh 1he Wllderness SocleLy, who has meL
wlLh 8lshop abouL Lhe proposed collaboraLlon. 8uL Lhere are some areas we wlll agree."

WlLh Lhe excepLlon of a few small parcels, Lhere hasn'L been agreemenL on how Lo dlvvy up federal
lands ln uLah slnce Lhen-Sen. 8ob 8enneLL pushed Lhrough hls WashlngLon CounLy Lands 8lll ln 2009
LhaL soughL Lhe same Lype of compromlse soluLlon. Slmllar efforLs have sLalled or are sLlll ln Lhe early
sLages ln a few oLher uLah counLles.

AbouL 12.7 mllllon acres ln uLah are already seL aslde for naLlonal parks or monumenLs, conservaLlon
areas, wllderness or wllderness sLudy areas as well as wlld and scenlc rlver corrldors and loresL Servlce
roadless areas. AbouL 4.3 mllllon acres are currenLly leased for oll and gas exploraLlon by Lhe 8ureau of
Land ManagemenL, meanlng abouL 36 percenL of Lhe sLaLe ls off-llmlLs Lo developmenL whlle 12
percenL ls for oll and gas drllllng, accordlng Lo 8lshop's offlce.


Congress ls equally deadlocked on wllderness. 1he pasL congresslonal sesslon was Lhe only one ln
modern Llmes durlng whlch noL a slngle acre ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes was seL aslde. resldenL 8arack
Cbama, however, clrcumvenLed Congress lasL monLh Lo declare flve new naLlonal monumenLs LhaL had
been awalLlng deslgnaLlons.

8lshop, who heads a Pouse subcommlLLee over federal lands, says he wanLs Lo wlden Lhe efforL,
looklng reglonally ln uLah for poLenLlal compromlses and noL [usL counLy by counLy. Pls flrsL LargeL, he
says, ls easLern uLah, and he hopes Lo unvell leglslaLlon Lhls summer Lo sLarL Lhe process.

unllke 8enneLL's leglslaLlon - whlch was Lacked onLo anoLher blll ln Lhe wanlng hours of a
congresslonal sesslon - 8lshop wanLs Lo run hls blll Lhrough Lhe regular process, lncludlng a full
commlLLee hearlng and floor debaLe.

l wanL Lo brlng some concluslon Lo Lhe lssues we're deallng wlLh Lhere," 8lshop says, noLlng LhaL, as a
former Leacher, he wanLs Lo brlng more revenue ln for uLah sLudenLs from school LrusL lands and
energy company royalLles.

1he Llmlng ls rlghL, Lhe congressman adds, slnce new lnLerlor SecreLary Sally !ewell has Laken offlce and
slgnaled an lnLeresL ln worklng wlLh local offlclals Lo Lackle land concerns.

lf we can do lL now, whlle we have a new lnLerlor secreLary comlng ln, [and] before everyone geLs Loo
locked down ln Lhelr hablLs or blases, l Lhlnk Lhls ls an opporLunlLy Lo flnally geL someLhlng done,"
8lshop says. 1here's a wlndow of opporLunlLy now, whlch lf we were Lo walL Loo much longer would
probably geL closed."

lresh sLarL

!ewell, Lhe former head of 8ecreaLlonal LqulpmenL lnc., whose flrsL full day ln offlce was Monday, sald
durlng her SenaLe conflrmaLlon hearlng LhaL she ls commlLLed Lo publlc lnpuL and worklng wlLh
communlLles on lssues so LhaL lL's noL a surprlse" when an acLlon ls Laken.

l Lhlnk people ln our sLaLes [who] are on Lhe ground by Lhese specLacular places or lmporLanL places
know LhaL beLLer Lhan anybody else around Lhe counLry," she sald.
ln hls leLLer Lo varlous groups seeklng compromlse, 8lshop sald Lhe hlsLory of publlc lands ln uLah ls
long on eplsodes of conLenLlon and confllcL and shorL on examples of compromlse and consensus."

Much of Lhe debaLe has cenLered on a false cholce beLween mulLlple use or land conservaLlon,"
8lshop wroLe ln Lhe leLLer obLalned by 1he SalL Lake 1rlbune. l re[ecL Lhls elLher-or proposlLlon."

1he prospecL of a deal, or serles of deals, has generaLed some opLlmlsm LhaL perhaps for Lhe flrsL Llme
Lhe parLles can slL down and seLLle some of Lhe long-sLandlng land dlspuLes.

We're weary of Lhe sLruggle," says kaLhleen Clarke, Lhe former 8LM dlrecLor who now heads up Cov.
Cary PerberL's ubllc Lands ollcy CoordlnaLlon Cfflce. We're Llred of Lhe endless baLLle, and nobody
ls wlnnlng. Lveryone ls anxlous Lo see someLhlng break loose."

PerberL has endorsed Lhe process and Lwlce meL wlLh 8lshop Lo go over Lhe concepL, Clarke sald.

1he SouLhern uLah Wllderness Alllance, Loo, ls on board.

We look for every opporLunlLy Lo proLecL wllderness," says 8lchard eLerson-Cremer, SuWA's
leglslaLlve dlrecLor based ln WashlngLon. We're open Lo see how Lhls progresses."

ulnLah CounLy Commlssloner Mlke Mckee, who also meL wlLh Lhe congressman and hls sLaff on Lhe
proposal, says lL's Llme Lo puL Lhe conLroversy aslde and work lL ouL.
Speclal lnLeresLs have dug ln, counLles have dug ln, and Lhere has been an lmpasse here for a bunch of
years," Mckee says, noLlng LhaL Lhe WashlngLon CounLy Lands 8lll paved Lhe way for oLhers Lo follow.

1here ls probably more of a wllllngness of Lhe parLles Lo work LogeLher and for LhaL Lo happen,"
Mckee adds. lL has Lo beneflL all parLles."

A New koute to Lnd|ng Utah's W||derness Sta|emate
by Creg Panscom, Plgh CounLry news
!uly 22, 2013


Cn leb. 13, 2013, Congressman 8ob 8lshop, a 8epubllcan from a deeply conservaLlve sLreLch of
norLhern uLah, senL a leLLer Lo groups represenLlng envlronmenLallsLs, oll and gas companles, off-road
vehlcle users and oLhers, announclng hls plan Lo end Lhe sLaLe's decades-long wllderness war.

1he mlsslve dldn'L speclfy whaL was aL sLake -- mllllons of acres of [aw-dropplng red-rock deserL, lands
LhaL hold rlches ln oll and gas, and LhaL, lf opened Lo off-road rldlng, could be a moLorhead's
ulsneyland -- buL Lhe baLLle-hardened reclplenLs needed no remlnder. ConservaLlonlsLs have long
wanLed Lhese lands proLecLed forever, buL dozens of wllderness bllls have gone down ln flames, Lhanks
Lo people llke 8lshop, who blocked any leglslaLlon LhaL would "lock up" WesLern land.

now, 8lshop clalmed he wanLed Lo Lurn over a new leaf. "l belleve uLah ls ready Lo move away from
Lhe Llred argumenLs of Lhe pasL," he wroLe. "We have a wlndow of opporLunlLy Lo end Lhe grldlock and
brlng resoluLlon Lo some of Lhe mosL challenglng land dlspuLes ln Lhe sLaLe."

Pe asked each group Lo llsL lLs prlorlLles for easLern uLah's publlc lands -- wllderness proLecLlon, energy
developmenL and everyLhlng ln beLween. Pls plan wouldn'L cover Lhe enLlre sLaLe, buL lL would lnclude
some of uLah's mosL specLacular and conLesLed landscapes, lncludlng Lhe area around Canyonlands
naLlonal ark, Lhe San 8afael Swell, Lhe 8ook Cllffs and uesolaLlon Canyon -- 3.3 mllllon acres LhaL
conservaLlonlsLs belleve are worLhy of wllderness proLecLlon, plus Lhe energy-rlch ulnLah 8asln.

"l look forward Lo worklng wlLh you as we move lnLo Lhe nexL phase of Lhls crlLlcally lmporLanL
endeavor," 8lshop concluded. "l ask LhaL you please provlde your llsL of prlorlLles vla emall . no laLer
Lhan March 13, 2013."

Cne monLh Lo lay Lhe groundwork for resolvlng a war LhaL had been raglng for a generaLlon, from
WashlngLon, u.C., Lo Lhe SLaLehouse ln SalL Lake ClLy, lnslde counLy commlsslon chambers and ouL on
Lhe sand and sllckrock.

1o many of lLs reclplenLs, Lhe leLLer seemed Lo drop ouL of Lhe sky. 1he rheLorlcal baLLle beLween
conservaLlonlsLs and sLaLe leaders, and beLween uLah's elecLed offlclals and Lhe federal governmenL,
had recenLly bolled over for Lhe umpLeenLh Llme. Led by chesL-Lhumplng sLaLes-rlghLs advocaLe Cov.
Cary PerberL, uLah was sulng Lhe feds for conLrol over 19,000 mlles of rlghLs of way across publlc lands
-- a blaLanL fronLal aLLack on proposals Lo proLecL Lhose lands as wllderness. lf LhaL wasn'L enough,
PerberL and Lhe sLaLe LeglslaLure were pourlng mllllons of Lax dollars lnLo a dublous campalgn Lo Lake
conLrol of 22 mllllon acres of federal land, argulng LhaL lL had been sLolen from Lhe sLaLe, whlch Lhey
lnslsLed could do a beLLer [ob of managlng lL anyway.

ConservaLlonlsLs, ln Lurn, had Laken Lhelr cause Lo a frlendly lnLerlor ueparLmenL, asklng offlclals Lo
provlde Lemporary proLecLlon for a 1.4 mllllon-acre bulwark of mounLalns, sandsLone splres and rlver
canyons surroundlng Canyonlands naLlonal ark, and Lo lnlLlaLe a publlc process Lo explore long-Lerm
proLecLlon. lnLerneL chaL boards llL up wlLh chaLLer abouL Lhe "CreaLer Canyonlands consplracy" and
blLLer remlnders of Lhe lasL "federal land grab" ln uLah ln 1996, when resldenL CllnLon deslgnaLed Lhe
1.7 mllllon-acre Crand SLalrcase-LscalanLe naLlonal MonumenL, a move LhaL sLlll chafes many locals.

1he CuLdoor lndusLry AssoclaLlon and more Lhan 100 gear companles Lhrew gas on Lhe flames when
Lhey senL resldenL Cbama a leLLer urglng hlm Lo use hls execuLlve powers Lo proLecL Lhe area as
CreaLer Canyonlands naLlonal MonumenL. ln Moab, furlous off-road vehlcle enLhuslasLs and self-
proclalmed Sagebrush 8ebels organlzed a boycoLL of buslnesses LhaL supporLed Lhe monumenL. 1he
backlash was so vlLrlollc, says one local mounLaln-blke Lour operaLor, LhaL "Lhere were a couple of
weeks Lhere when l was worrled abouL my son wearlng hls aLagonla coaL Lo school."

8lshop had made no secreL abouL where he sLood. When an Cbama admlnlsLraLlon plan Lo provlde
Lemporary proLecLlon for Lhe sLaLe's wlld lands came Lo llghL ln laLe 2010, he howled LhaL lL was Lhe
work of "far lefL exLremlsLs who oppose Lhe mulLlple uses of our naLlon's publlc lands." A longLlme
crlLlc of federal envlronmenLal laws, and federal power ln general, he Lold 1he SalL Lake 1rlbune LhaL
conservaLlonlsLs and Lhe ouLdoor lndusLry were "Lrylng Lo do an end-run around whaL ls good for

8uL here he was, [usL a few monLhs laLer, holdlng ouL an ollve branch, promlslng Lo puL an end Lo Lhe

lf you wanL Lo undersLand Lhe fraglle deLenLe currenLly belng negoLlaLed ln uLah, Lake a Lrlp Lo SL.
Ceorge, ln Lhe souLhwesL corner of Lhe sLaLe. lL wasn'L all LhaL long ago LhaL Lhe Lown was a sleepy
Mormon backwaLer -- "uLah's ulxle," as locals called lL, because Lhe area's earllesL Mormon ploneers,
lead by 8oberL uockery CovlngLon, a SouLhern slave owner, hoped Lo grow coLLon here.

1he old Lown cenLer has survlved -- Lhe orlglnal Mormon Lemple, hewn from Lawny naLlve sandsLone,
Lhe wlde, well-Lended green, and 1homas !udd's general sLore, esLabllshed ln 1911, where you can sLlll
buy !udd's famous breadsLlcks wlLh cheese sauce. 8uL ln Lhe laLe 1990s and early 2000s, SL. Ceorge and
Lhe resL of WashlngLon CounLy exploded. lor a whlle, lL was among Lhe fasLesL growlng counLles ln Lhe
u.S., as vegas-sLyle suburban developmenL sprawled lnLo Lhe deserL easL, souLh and wesL of Lown.

1oday, Lhe counLy's populaLlon has Lopped 140,000. 1he old Lown cenLer ls surrounded by a sea of
clay-Llle roofs Lucked behlnd lron gaLes flanked wlLh burbllng founLalns -- houslng developmenLs wlLh
names llke Sedona Pllls, ArLesla 1errace and LakoLa 8ldge.

8uL norLh of all Lhls, flame-colored cllffs rlse llke a dragon's back -- and much of LhaL land ls proLecLed
as wllderness. 1o Lhe norLhwesL, 8ed MounLaln, a buLLress of sandsLone Lhe color of drled blood, rlses
1,300 feeL sLralghL ouL of Lhe subdlvlslons. 1o Lhe norLheasL, CoLLonwood Canyon snakes Lhrough
domes of nava[o sandsLone. 1hese wllderness areas are bound LogeLher by Lhe 8ed Cllffs naLlonal
ConservaLlon Area, a 43,000-acre swaLh of land LhaL ls [olnLly managed by federal, sLaLe and local
governmenLs Lo proLecL Lhe LhreaLened Mo[ave ueserL LorLolse and oLher wlldllfe.

1he deal LhaL proLecLed LhaL land was born ln Lhe early 2000s, largely ouL of frusLraLlon. lor 20 years,
conservaLlonlsLs, led by Lhe SouLhern uLah Wllderness Alllance (SuWA), had foughL Lo pass a
mammoLh sLaLewlde wllderness blll. 1hey'd scoured Lhe sLaLe for lands worLh proLecLlng, raLcheLlng up
Lhelr proposal Lo cover 9.4 mllllon acres and bulldlng a naLlonal followlng ln Lhe process. 8uL wlLhouL
supporL from uLah's congresslonal delegaLlon, Lhe proposal foundered Llme and agaln. ln Lhe absence
of a resoluLlon, Lhe players resoluLely sLuck Lo Lhelr roles: SuWA foughL Lo proLecL wlld areas wlLh
lawsulLs and execuLlve acLlon from allles ln Lhe WhlLe Pouse, whlle anLl-wllderness lnLeresLs punched
back wlLh clalms LhaL Lhe counLles held rlghLs of way across many roadless areas.

Lven as uLah was mlred ln a sLalemaLe, however, oLher WesLern sLaLes were negoLlaLlng deals over
smaller-scale, locally generaLed wllderness bllls. uLah's Lhen-governor, Clene Walker, Look noLlce and
approached Lhe sLaLe's counLy commlsslons, asklng for volunLeers for a flrsL uLah aLLempL. WashlngLon
CounLy [umped.

WhaL convlnced Lhe counLy commlssloners, LradlLlonally hosLlle Lo wllderness proLecLlon, Lo come Lo
Lhe Lable? lL was all LhaL growLh. lnsplred by a slmllar deal ln nevada, Lhey reallzed LhaL Lhey could use
wllderness as a bargalnlng chlp Lo wln more ground for subdlvlslons and shopplng malls.

8uL Lhe paLh forward was anyLhlng buL smooLh. 1he orlglnal WashlngLon CounLy lands blll, champloned
by 8epubllcan Sen. 8ob 8enneLL and lnLroduced ln Lhe Pouse by uLah's Loken uemocraL, !lm
MaLheson, was a developer's dream. lL would have proLecLed approxlmaLely 220,000 acres of
wllderness, lncludlng much of whaL was proposed for Lhe counLy by SuWA. ln reLurn, roughly 24,000
acres of federal lands could be sold off for developmenL. 1he blll would have also lald Lhe groundwork
for a new hlghway LhaL would cuL Lhrough endangered deserL LorLolse hablLaL, connecLlng SL. Ceorge's
boomlng wesLern suburbs Lo lnLersLaLe 13. And 8 percenL of Lhe proceeds from land sales would have
gone Lo Lhe local waLer conservancy dlsLrlcL Lo fund a long-dreamed-of plpellne Lo pull waLer from Lake

1he blll ouLraged locals who dreaded more unconLrolled sprawl as well as envlronmenLallsLs and Lhelr
frlends ln Congress, lncludlng SenaLe Ma[orlLy Leader Parry 8eld. "8eld wouldn'L leL lL happen," says
Alan Cardner, a rancher and longLlme counLy commlssloner who has sold ground Lo developers, wlLh
obvlous blLLerness. "WhaL was good for nevada couldn'L be good for anywhere else."

lL would be more Lhan a year before 8enneLL and MaLheson would Lake Lhelr blll back Lo WashlngLon,
u.C. ln LhaL Llme, WashlngLon CounLy would go Lhrough a ma[or sLraLeglc plannlng process called
vlslon ulxle, whlch lnvolved exLenslve publlc lnpuL and revealed LhaL mosL locals supporLed managed
growLh and opposed selllng off federal lands. 8enneLL also meL wlLh conservaLlon groups and made a
serles of concesslons Lo wln Lhelr supporL.

8y Lhe Llme lL was relnLroduced ln 2008, Lhe blll lncluded more Lhan 260,000 acres of wllderness, a
subsLanLlal lncrease from Lhe orlglnal, as well as "wlld and scenlc" deslgnaLlon for 163 mlles of Lhe
vlrgln 8lver ln and around Zlon naLlonal ark, and Lhe creaLlon of Lwo new naLlonal conservaLlon areas.
8lghLs of way for Lhe hlghway and Lake owell plpellne were dropped and federal land sales were cuL
Lo approxlmaLely 9,000 acres.

1he new blll won Lhe supporL of naLlonal conservaLlon groups, lncludlng 1he Wllderness SocleLy, 1he
naLure Conservancy and Lhe naLlonal arks ConservaLlon AssoclaLlon, buL SuWA and a local group
called ClLlzens for ulxle's luLure sLlll opposed lL. lL falled a second Llme, and Lhe counLy made yeL more
concesslons before lL flnally passed ln 2009 as parL of an omnlbus lands blll.

Looklng back, CounLy Commlssloner Cardner has mlxed feellngs. "Pad we ever conLemplaLed Lhe
amounL of wllderness and some of Lhe boundarles we ended up wlLh, we never would have goLLen
sLarLed," he says. "1he blg Lhlng Lhe counLy goL was resoluLlon."

ConservaLlonlsLs remaln slmllarly amblvalenL: "1he ouLcome of all Lhls was a good wllderness blll,"
SuWA LxecuLlve ulrecLor ScoLL Croene sald ln a leLLer publlshed ln Plgh CounLry news. "8uL Lhe blll
wasn'L Lhe resulL of a consensus-based process, and lL shouldn'L serve as a model."

1o daLe, none of Lhe avallable 9,000 acres of federal land has been sold: 1he real esLaLe markeL
lmploded [usL as Lhe blll flnally passed. 8uL counLy offlclals are opLlmlsLlc LhaL, once Lhe markeL
rebounds, Lhe land wlll sell, and SL. Ceorge wlll resume expandlng.

More Lhan anyLhlng, Lhe WashlngLon CounLy deal showed local offlclals around uLah LhaL wllderness
deslgnaLlon could serve as a lever: lf Lhey were clever enough, Lhey could use lL Lo pry Lhlngs ouL of
envlronmenLallsLs' LlghL flsLs.

8ob 8lshop ls a sllver-halred mounLaln of a man wlLh a self-deprecaLlng sense of humor and a glfL for
worklng a conservaLlve crowd lnLo a laLher. Pe has bullL hls career on anLl-governmenL, anLl-
envlronmenLallsL bombasL, ofLen dellvered ln Lhe calm Lones of a Mormon paLrlarch.

Aslde from a Lwo-year Mormon mlsslon ln Cermany and hls Llme ln u.C., where he has represenLed
uLah's flrsL congresslonal dlsLrlcL slnce 2002, 8lshop has llved ln uLah all hls llfe. Pe resldes ln 8rlgham
ClLy, a Lown of 18,000 near Lhe easLern shore of Lhe CreaL SalL Lake. Pe and hls wlfe, !eralynn, have
flve chlldren: Shule, !arom, Zenock, Maren and !ashon -- named afLer people and places ln Lhe 8ook of

8lshop LaughL hlgh school hlsLory for more Lhan a decade, someLhlng he ofLen menLlons ln lnLervlews
and campalgns, buL hls maln occupaLlon has been pollLlcs. Pe was elecLed Lo Lhe sLaLe Pouse ln 1978 aL
Lhe age of 27 and rose Lhrough Lhe ranks Lo be LhaL body's speaker, and laLer, chalrman of Lhe uLah
8epubllcan arLy. ln 1992, he co-founded Lhe WesLern SLaLes CoallLlon, a group of lawmakers, ranchers
and Sagebrush 8ebels LhaL ralsed a hue and cry over resldenL CllnLon's conservaLlon lnlLlaLlves.

ln u.C., 8lshop has been one of Lhe exLracLlve lndusLrles' mosL loyal supporLers, sponsorlng aL leasL
Lhree bllls LhaL would requlre Lhe feds Lo "more efflclenLly develop" oll and gas on publlc lands. Cll and
gas lnLeresLs donaLed more Lhan $38,000 Lo hls 2012 campalgn, more Lhan any oLher lndusLry,
accordlng Lo Lhe nonproflL Cpen SecreLs.

1he League of ConservaLlon voLers, meanwhlle, glves 8lshop a llfeLlme score of [usL 4 percenL. Pe has
campalgned Lo allow 8order aLrol agenLs Lo drlve wllly-nllly across fraglle deserL ln pursulL of "bad
guys" and "poLenLlal LerrorlsLs," and supporLed efforLs Lo weaken Lhe Lndangered Specles AcL, Lhe
naLlonal LnvlronmenLal ollcy AcL and oLher bedrock envlronmenLal laws.

8lshop has also pushed leglslaLlon LhaL would Lurn over paLches of federal land Lo Lhe sLaLes and
supporLs uLah's efforLs Lo lay clalm Lo mosL of Lhe 30-plus mllllon acres of federal esLaLe wlLhln lLs
borders. AL a 2011 energy summlL ln ulnLah CounLy, he held up a map wlLh whaL looked llke a red palnL
spaLLer coverlng roughly a Lhlrd of Lhe sLaLe. "1hls ls Lhe real sLaLe of uLah," he sald. "LveryLhlng LhaL's
red ls prlvaLe properLy. 1he resL ls publlc properLy. 1haL's why l wanL my land back."

SLlll, 8lshop lsn'L opposed Lo proLecLlng wllderness when lL sulLs hls needs. Pe sponsored Lhe 2006 blll
LhaL creaLed Lhe 100,000-acre Cedar MounLaln Wllderness Area ln wesLern uLah -- Lhe sLaLe's flrsL new
wllderness slnce 1984. 1he law, whlch SuWA supporLed, blocked a proposed rall llne LhaL would have
carrled radloacLlve wasLe Lo a sLorage slLe on Lhe Skull valley CoshuLe lndlan 8eservaLlon -- wasLe LhaL
Lhe mlllLary belleved could have [eopardlzed acLlvlLles aL a nearby bomblng range.

8uL whlle wllderness has lLs uses, Lhere's one Lhlng 8lshop slmply cannoL ablde: Lhe AnLlqulLles AcL,
whlch CllnLon famously used Lo proLecL Crand SLalrcase-LscalanLe ln 1996. LasL March, 8lshop was one
of Lhe few Lo ob[ecL Lo resldenL Cbama's creaLlon of four naLlonal monumenLs, lncludlng Lhe 8lo
Crande del norLe naLlonal MonumenL ln new Mexlco, Lhe San !uan lslands naLlonal MonumenL ln
WashlngLon sLaLe, and a monumenL ln uelaware dedlcaLed Lo ParrleL 1ubman, who helped escaped
slaves make Lhelr way norLh along Lhe underground 8allroad.

"1here ls a rlghL way Lo deslgnaLe federal lands, and Lhere ls a wrong way," 8lshop Lold 1he
WashlngLon osL. "LxecuLlve flaL ls unquesLlonably Lhe wrong way and ls an abuse of execuLlve

WlLh pressure mounLlng for Cbama Lo deslgnaLe a masslve new monumenL ln easLern uLah, 8lshop has
an opporLunlLy Lo show Lhe presldenL, and Lhe world, whaL he means by Lhe rlghL way. 1haL, however,
requlres a dramaLlc change of LacLlcs. ulllng a llne from hls hlsLory books, 8lshop hearkens back Lo
general-Lurned-presldenL uwlghL u. Llsenhower: "Llsenhower used Lo say, lf he had a problem he
couldn'L solve, he made lL blgger."

1he same day 8lshop senL hls leLLer Lo sLakeholders asklng for lnpuL on hls new wllderness pro[ecL, he
also wroLe Lo commlssloners ln slx easLern uLah counLles. 1hls second leLLer was more persuaslve,
maklng Lhe case LhaL lL was ln Lhe counLles' besL lnLeresL Lo parLlclpaLe. lL was also more frank abouL
Lhe rules of Lhe game.

"Wllderness, or oLher land deslgnaLlons, can acL as a currency," 8lshop wroLe. "lf wllderness ls
deslgnaLed ln your counLy, you should recelve some speclflc, Langlble beneflL for lL."

1hls could be good, he argued, as counLles domlnaLed by federal lands could wln rlghLs of way for
roads, speclal zones for energy developmenL, or federal acreage for a local park, an alrporL or oLher
amenlLles -- lf Lhe counLles were wllllng Lo pay. "1he more (wllderness) we're wllllng Lo deslgnaLe,"
8lshop wroLe, "Lhe more we can expecL on Lhe oLher slde of Lhe ledger."

8uL whlle easLern uLah holds some wllderness gems, none of Lhe communlLles Lhere are boomlng Lhe
way LhaL SL. Ceorge was back ln Lhe early 2000s. So whaL, one mlghL ask, are 8lshop and Lhe local
economlc lnLeresLs really afLer? ln a word: energy.

1he ulnLah 8asln ls a wlde concavlLy ln Lhe earLh LhaL sweeps down from Lhe ulnLa MounLalns ln Lhe
norLheasL corner of uLah. 1he scaLLered communlLles here -- uuchesne, 8oosevelL, vernal, and Lhe
ulnLah and Curay lndlan 8eservaLlon -- are longLlme agrlculLural cenLers LhaL have ln recenL decades
been Lransformed by oll and gas developmenL.

1en Lhousand pump [acks and gas wells currenLly suck llquld and gaseous gold from Lhe ground here.
AL nlghL, Lhey llghL up Lhe [unlper-doLLed hllls llke bonflres. 1he lndusLry, whlch now accounLs for
roughly 60 percenL of Lhe reglon's economy, wanLs Lo drlll anoLher 23,000 wells ln Lhe near fuLure --
and LhaL's [usL Lhe beglnnlng. 1he basln holds enough Lar sands, oll shale and shale oll Lo keep Lhe drlll
rlgs and sLrlp mlnes cranklng for years Lo come.

"1he neaL Lhlng abouL Lhe ulnLah 8asln from a producer's or a geologlsL's sLandpolnL ls LhaL you've goL
producLlve (rock) horlzons LhaL are sLacked geologlcally on Lop of each oLher," says Lowell 8raxLon, Lhe
uLah represenLaLlve for Lhe WesLern Lnergy Alllance, an lndusLry group. "8lghL now, we're worklng ln
young, shallow formaLlons. 8uL Lhere's Mancos shale underneaLh LhaL, whlch has poLenLlal as a shale
oll producer, and Lhere's poLenLlal for gas formaLlons ln Lhe sands. And Lhen you can keep golng on
down. 1he deepesL well ln Lhe basln ls 18-20,000 feeL rlghL now. eople aren'L drllllng LhaL deep, buL
Lhe lnfrasLrucLure ls Lhere -- Lhe roads, Lhe plpellnes -- Lo geL Lhe resource ouL. Cur long-Lerm lnLeresL
(as an lndusLry) ls llkely Lo be ln Lhe ulnLah 8asln."

8uL lf companles are golng Lo lnvesL ln Lhls klnd of developmenL, 8raxLon says, Lhey need some
assurance LhaL Lhey're noL golng Lo be held up or locked ouL. "lf you could lncrease Lhe probablllLy of
geLLlng a lease and noL have somebody say, 'We're golng Lo make a monumenL ouL of lL, or a
wllderness area,' l Lhlnk you could acLually do some lnvesLlng ln LhaL."

A counLy-level wllderness deal llke WashlngLon CounLy's [usL wouldn'L work here, Lhough. 1he ulnLah
8asln ls carved up among aL leasL Lhree counLles, and comblned Lhey don'L hold enough wllderness
"currency" Lo buy Lhe klnd of access 8lshop and hls lndusLry frlends are seeklng. 1hus, Lhe reglonal
approach: Lxpand Lhe bargalnlng Lable Lo lnclude wlld lands souLh of Lhe basln, such as Canyonlands,
and maybe you have enough Lo Lrade wlLh.

Cf course, Lhere are more Lhan Lwo players aL Lhls Lable. Any dlscusslon of Lhe fuLure of wllderness and
energy ln uLah musL lnclude a whole range of sLakeholders, from sLaLe offlclals and land managers Lo
counLy commlssloners and everyday clLlzens, who have a wlde range of lnLeresLs ln Lhe publlc lands.
no surprlse, Lhen, LhaL Lhls process ls Laklng a llLLle longer Lhan 8lshop anLlclpaLed.

8y laLe May, 8lshop's sLaff reporLed LhaL Lhey'd held 160 meeLlngs wlLh varlous lnLeresL groups and
counLy, sLaLe and federal offlclals, lncludlng newly mlnLed lnLerlor SecreLary Sally !ewell. 1helr llsL of
sLakeholder groups has swelled lnLo Lhe 60s, Lhey've opened Lhe dlscusslons Lo lnclude more parLles,
broughL ln uLah's oLher 8epubllcan congressmen, Chrls SLewarL and !ason ChaffeLz, and moved Lhelr
lnpuL deadllne Lo !uly 10.

8lshop's Leam ls plannlng fleld Lrlps ln AugusL and SepLember Lo geL sLakeholders ouL on Lhe ground.
AfLer LhaL, deLalls geL murky, buL aL some polnL Lhls fall or wlnLer, Lhey'll need Lo sLarL drawlng llnes on
maps and geLLlng down Lo Lhe dlfflculL buslness of negoLlaLlng boundarles. So far, Lhere has been llLLle
communlcaLlon beLween Lhe players, buL Lhe game chlps are beglnnlng Lo plle up.

WhaL do Lhe varlous lnLeresLs wanL? 1he sLaLe governmenL, for lLs parL, wanLs Lo resolve longsLandlng
lssues wlLh school LrusL lands. 1he LrusL lands, glven Lo WesLern sLaLes by Lhe federal governmenL Lo
generaLe revenue for Lhe sLaLe's schools, are scaLLered LhroughouL uLah. 1he agency LhaL oversees
Lhem, Lhe SLaLe of uLah lnsLlLuLlonal 1rusL Lands AdmlnlsLraLlon, has opened many of Lhese parcels Lo
energy developmenL, and sold off oLhers. 8uL some of Lhe land remalns lnaccesslble, landlocked ln a
sea of federal land, and Lhe sLaLe would love Lo Lrade Lhose parcels ouL for acres LhaL can be easlly
drllled or mlned.

CounLy commlssloners are looklng for Lhelr own land swaps Lo make way for developmenL, and Lhe
klnd of cerLalnLy LhaL Lowell 8raxLon Lalks abouL. 1hey are also demandlng permanenL rlghLs of way
across federal lands -- access rouLes for lndusLry and recreaLlon.

Plkers, mounLaln blkers, moLorlzed recreaLlonlsLs and sporLsmen -- and Lhe lncreaslngly vocal
companles LhaL supply Lhem wlLh hlgh-Lech Loys -- wanL some assurance LhaL Lhey wlll reLaln
unfeLLered access for Lhelr varlous pursulLs. 1he muscle-powered recreaLlon crowd, led by Lhe CuLdoor
lndusLry AssoclaLlon and lLs nonproflL afflllaLe, Lhe ConservaLlon Alllance, has become an aggresslve
wllderness supporLer.

Cff-road vehlcle rlders, meanwhlle, wanL "regulaLory securlLy," says 8rlan PawLhorne, publlc-lands
pollcy dlrecLor for Lhe 8lue8lbbon CoallLlon, whlch represenLs LhaL consLlLuency. "We [usL goL Lhese
new managemenL plans (on 8LM lands). now Lo sLarL a new plannlng process based on Lhese new
wllderness deslgnaLlons, naLlonal conservaLlon areas, maybe a naLlonal monumenL -- Lhere's no way."
1haL sald, PawLhorne acknowledges LhaL Lhere are areas ln easLern uLah LhaL merlL wllderness

lL's lncredlbly complex, buL whaL beglns Lo emerge ls a plcLure of a grand bargaln LhaL would proLecL
some of uLah's mosL specLacular and foughL-over wlld lands ln reLurn for land Lrades LhaL would allow
for mlnlng or oLher economlc developmenL, and poLenLlally much larger-scale energy developmenL ln
Lhe ulnLah 8asln. lL's cerLalnly noL whaL uLah's envlronmenLallsLs have been fanLaslzlng abouL Lhese
pasL Lhree decades, buL lf 8lshop can convlnce counLles Lo offer up sufflclenL wllderness, lL [usL mlghL
be enough Lo make a deal.

When asked whaL's ln lL for hlm, 8lshop clLes Lhe baLLle faLlgue LhaL you hear abouL from many corners
Lhese days: "lL's Llresome Lo always have Lo flghL over Lhese areas."

8uL 8lshop could also earn ma[or pollLlcal polnLs by provldlng more fundlng for sLaLe schools and
boosLlng rural economles. "8lshop may noL glve a hooL abouL wllderness," says Marcla ArgusL, pollcy
manager for Lhe ew Campalgn for Amerlca's Wllderness, "buL he does seem Lo wanL Lo solve Lhls
problem for Lhe counLles and Lhe schools -- and we're parL of Lhe equaLlon."

erhaps mosL lmporLanLly, 8lshop would prove LhaL he ls capable of someLhlng more Lhan [usL ranLlng
agalnsL Lhe governmenL of whlch he ls a parL. 1he lasL Congress was Lhe flrsL slnce Lhe passage of Lhe
Wllderness AcL ln 1964 Lo proLecL noL a slngle acre of wllderness -- and 8lshop ls largely responslble for
LhaL. Pe ls chalrman of Lhe Pouse naLlonal arks, loresLs and ubllc Lands SubcommlLLee, Lhe gaLeway
Lhrough whlch any wllderness blll musL pass lf lL wanLs Lo see Lhe llghL of day.

"l am ln a poslLlon where my commlLLee asslgnmenLs can do a loL for Lhe sLaLe of uLah," 8lshop says. "l
sLarLed Lhlnklng LhaL now would be a good Llme Lo brlng people LogeLher. l could say, '?eah, l creaLed
wllderness, buL we creaLed some klnd of developmenL aL Lhe same Llme. Lveryone goL someLhlng
decenL ouL of lL.' "

1haL could puL 8lshop ln llne Lo become Lhe nexL chalrman of Lhe powerful Pouse naLural 8esources
CommlLLee, whose currenL chalr, WashlngLon 8epubllcan uoc PasLlngs, has Lo sLep down soon due Lo
Lerm llmlLs. And whlle no one's whlsperlng abouL lL yeL, uLah's senlor senaLor, Crrln PaLch, wlll be 80
nexL year. uLah wlll be looklng for a new senaLor ln Lhe noL-Loo-dlsLanL fuLure, and wlLh a masslve
wllderness and energy deal ln hls Lrophy case, 8lshop would be a sLrong conLender.

8lshop says, so far, he's opLlmlsLlc abouL Lhe prospecLs for a grand deal. "And LhaL scares me," he adds.
"lL's never a done deal unLll lL's acLually done."

ScoLL Croene slLs ln hls offlce ln Moab on a scorchlng early summer day, Lhe mercury hoverlng around
106 degrees. 1hrough hls wlndow, Lhe execuLlve dlrecLor of Lhe SouLhern uLah Wllderness Alllance can
see Lhe sandsLone LurreLs of Arches naLlonal ark, Lhe place LhaL, ln many ways, sparked Lhe flghL Lo
proLecL uLah's red-rock counLry and has carrled lL ln Lhe publlc's lmaglnaLlon all Lhese years.

lor several monLhs, Croene has been lmposslble Lo reach by phone, emalllng LhaL lL's Loo early ln Lhe
process Lo know where 8lshop's proposal wlll go, or lf lL wlll move aL all. 8uL Loday, he's LalkaLlve,
upbeaL -- sLlll careful wlLh hls words, buL almosL glddy wlLh Lhe scope of Lhe dlscusslons underway.

"lL's llkely LhaL Lhere's noL much we agree wlLh 8lshop on ln general on publlc lands," Croene says. "8uL
we worked really well wlLh hlm on Lhe Cedar MounLalns wllderness blll. lL lnLrlgues us Lo see whaL we
can accompllsh here."

SuWA has been meeLlng prlvaLely wlLh a coallLlon of oLher conservaLlon groups Lo hash ouL an offer
LhaL Lhey plan Lo presenL Lo 8lshop laLer Lhls summer. SLlll ln drafL sLages, lL lncludes new wllderness
areas on boLh 8LM and loresL Servlce land, plus new naLlonal conservaLlon areas. ln reLurn, sources
lnvolved wlLh Lhe dlscusslons say Lhey're wllllng Lo glve 8lshop and hls allles much of whaL Lhey wanL.

ln addlLlon Lo concedlng a subsLanLlal amounL of Lhe land Lhey're now proposlng for wllderness,
conservaLlonlsLs would cease flghLlng many of Lhe rlghLs of way on federal lands LhaL counLles clalm.
1he groups also seem wllllng Lo agree, ln prlnclple, Lo a masslve land Lrade, swapplng scaLLered paLches
of school-LrusL lands for drllllng and mlnlng ground ln Lhe ulnLah 8asln.

CLhers have been meeLlng, Loo, skeLchlng ouL Lhelr own verslons of a deal, buL Lhelr numbers are less
amblLlous Lhan Lhe conservaLlon crowd's. Crand CounLy Commlssloner Lynn !ackson, a Moab resldenL,
says dlscusslons on Lhe counLy level have been ln Lhe range of 1.3 Lo 2 mllllon acres of wllderness -- a
non-sLarLer for conservaLlonlsLs -- plus a couple of naLlonal recreaLlon areas. "1o me, as a WesLerner,
Lhls ls Lhe way you do lL," !ackson says. "?ou negoLlaLe, you horse-Lrade. Lverybody geLs a plece of Lhe
ple. 8uL we're noL golng Lo geL a blll LhaL makes everybody happy."

lf WashlngLon CounLy's wllderness deal ls any klnd of gulde, Lhe negoLlaLlng process wlll be dramaLlc
and fllled wlLh land mlnes. 1rue Lo form, Lhough Lhe acLual work of drawlng llnes on maps has yeL Lo
begln, already boLh Lhe commlssloners and conservaLlonlsLs have nearly sLomped away.
LnvlronmenLallsLs erupLed when yeL anoLher leLLer from 8lshop seemed Lo suggesL LhaL he would
enLerLaln wllderness deslgnaLlon only for lands offlclally ldenLlfled ln 1980s surveys as "wllderness
sLudy areas." Pe laLer explalned LhaL Lhls was noL Lhe leLLer's lnLenL, buL lL ralsed susplclons LhaL hls
overLures mlghL [usL be a ruse Lo prevenL Cbama from deslgnaLlng a CreaLer Canyonlands naLlonal

ConservaLlonlsLs asked 8lshop Lo creaLe a professlonally faclllLaLed publlc process surroundlng Lhe
proposal, buL so far, Lhe dlalogue has largely been beLween 8lshop's sLaff and lndlvldual sLakeholders,
wlLh Lhe exLracLlve lndusLry and counLy and sLaLe offlclals en[oylng Lhe mosL access Lo Lhe
congressman. "none of Lhe meeLlngs any of us (envlronmenLallsLs) have ever been lnvolved ln have
ever goLLen serlous abouL Lalklng abouL places, or goLLen sLakeholders LogeLher Lo Lry Lo work anyLhlng
ouL," says 8lll Pedden, execuLlve dlrecLor of Lhe Crand Canyon 1rusL and a member of SuWA's board of
dlrecLors. "1here has been no process, no negoLlaLlon whaLsoever Lo Lhls polnL."

Local offlclals, meanwhlle, were enraged when Slerra Club LxecuLlve ulrecLor Mlchael 8rune came
Lhrough Moab ln !une, once agaln ralslng Lhe specLre of a naLlonal monumenL.

lrom Lhe ouLslde, lL looked llke Lhe naLlon's blggesL envlronmenLal group was Lrylng Lo lncrease Lhe
pressure on counLles Lo cuL a deal or suffer Lhe consequences.

"lf he was lnLeresLed ln Lurnlng up Lhe heaL, he sure dld LhaL, buL he mlghL have [usL Lorpedoed Lhe
whole process," !ackson says. "We need some assurance ouL of Lhe WhlLe Pouse LhaL lf we work on
good falLh wlLh 8ep. 8lshop and work someLhlng ouL, Lhey're noL golng Lo slap a monumenL on us,

1here's no Lelllng whaL wlll happen when Lhe four-wheelers geL lnvolved, or Lhe local exLracLlve
lndusLrles, or Lhose Sagebrush 8ebels who see any wllderness as a serlous LhreaL Lo Lhelr freedom. And
even lf 8lshop ls able Lo convlnce Lhem all Lo hammer ouL a deal, any blll wlll have Lo wln Lhe supporL
of uLah's oLher congresslonal represenLaLlves. Wlll Sen. Mlke Lee, a hard-llne rlghL-wlnger who
unseaLed 8enneLL ln Lhe 8epubllcan prlmarles ln 2010, agree Lo a masslve wllderness blll on hls waLch?
Wlll Sen. PaLch, who Look a sharp Lack Lo Lhe rlghL durlng hls lasL prlmary ln order Lo beaL a 1ea arLy
rlval, LllL back Loward Lhe cenLer and lend hls supporL?

All of Lhese quesLlons sLlll hover ln Lhe hoL deserL alr. 8uL desplLe many mlsglvlngs, mosL of Lhe people
who have been prlvy Lo Lhe conversaLlon so far express a surprlslngly wldespread sense of opLlmlsm.
"We're ready Lo do someLhlng blg, we're ready Lo play, leL's do Lhls," says Cody SLewarL, Cov. PerberL's
energy advlser.

"Sooner ls beLLer Lhan laLer," says 8lshop when asked when he'd llke Lo have a blll ready. "We've goL a
new secreLary of lnLerlor comlng onllne. 1he lnLerlor ueparLmenL ls more recepLlve Lo new ldeas Lhan
Lhey have been. noL Lo dlsparage pasL leadershlp, buL everyone looks aL Lhlngs anew."

Cn good days, envlronmenLallsLs are calllng Lhls Lhe deal LhaL could proLecL enough ground LhaL lL puLs
SuWA ouL of buslness. "1haL's always been our goal," Croene says, when Lhe noLlon ls puL Lo hlm. "lL
would be a remarkable success.

"l know where Lhe smarL money would be on Lhls Lhlng," he adds. "More llkely Lhan noL, Lhere wlll be
no success. lL's [usL Loo blg and Loo challenglng."

Where's SuWA's money, Lhen? Croene pauses, Lhen replles: "We're wllllng Lo spend all of our Llme and
resources worklng on lL. WheLher LhaL's a smarL beL, LhaL's a dlfferenL quesLlon. 8uL we're ln."

lormer Plgh CounLry news edlLor Creg Panscom ls now a senlor edlLor aL CrlsL.org. A uLah naLlve, he
llves ln SeaLLle.

What |s Utah's 'secret sauce' for a good economy?
Lavarr Webb and lrank lgnanelll, uesereL news
AugusL 23, 2013


uLah's congresslonal delegaLlon, led by 8ep. 8ob 8lshop, 8-uLah, and hls sLaff member lred lerguson,
ls maklng an unprecedenLed efforL Lo forge a "grand bargaln" Lo solve long-sLandlng publlc lands
dlspuLes. lL could resulL ln addlLlonal wllderness deslgnaLlon ln uLah, along wlLh more energy
developmenL. uoes Lhls lnlLlaLlve have a chance Lo succeed?

lgnanelll: "8argalnlng has nelLher frlends nor relaLlons" - 8en[amln lranklln

"Crand bargalns" beLween speclal lnLeresLs are Lhe bedrock of Lhls counLry. 1he ConsLlLuLlon ls sLuffed
wlLh Lhem, and Lhey provlde Lhe sLrucLure for all slgnlflcanL leglslaLlon adopLed slnce Lhe lncepLlon of
Lhls republlc. When Congress ulLlmaLely decldes Lo accompllsh someLhlng, grand bargalns wlll dlcLaLe
changes Lo enLlLlemenL programs, regulaLory schemes and endlng budgeL deflclLs.

unLll recenLly, 8lshop was unable Lo say Lhe words "wllderness deslgnaLlon" wlLhouL a masslve smlrk.
So hls efforLs, and Lhose of 8ep. !ason ChaffeLz, 8-uLah, Lo sLrucLure a compromlse are slgnlflcanL.
Lqually eye-openlng ls Lhe wllllngness of ScoLL Croene (dlrecLor of SouLhern uLah Wllderness Alllance)
Lo meeL wlLh Lhese conservaLlves. 1he level of hosLlllLy among Lhe negoLlaLlng parLles ls only
ouLmaLched by Lhe vlolenL emoLlons beLween lsraells and alesLlnlans. MlsLrusL and a long hlsLory of
anLagonlsm could lnhlblL success. 8uL lf a grand bargaln ls reached, Lhese Lhree musL be shlpped Lo Lhe
Mlddle LasL Lo spread Lhelr charm.

Webb: So far, so good - buL Lhe LrlcklesL parL ls sLlll ahead. 8lshop and oLher members of Lhe
delegaLlon have worked lncredlbly hard Lo brlng every lnLeresL group LogeLher Lo Lry Lo flnd common
ground, lncludlng many groups LhaL have been enemles for decades.

WhaL makes Lhls efforL dlfferenL ls LhaL 8lshop ls appeallng Lo Lhe selflsh lnLeresLs of all parLles: "CeL
more of whaL you wanL by glvlng up someLhlng of value Lo someone else." Pe's Lelllng rural counLles Lo
Lrade addlLlonal wllderness for more energy developmenL, roads and oLher Lhlngs Lhey need. Pe's
Lelllng envlronmenLal groups Lo allow energy developmenL and oLher land uses on Lhe sagebrush flaLs
and hllls of Lhe ulnLah 8asln, ln exchange for more wllderness ln prlsLlne, scenlc areas.

1he LesL wlll come when llnes sLarL belng drawn on maps. lL's all very fraglle. AlmosL any lnLeresL group
could klll Lhe whole Lhlng. LeglslaLlon wlll have Lo survlve a very conservaLlve 8epubllcan Pouse and a
uemocraLlc SenaLe - and have Lhe supporL of Lhe Cbama admlnlsLraLlon.

W||derness |s currency as |awmaker sta|ks grand barga|n to end |and batt|es
hll 1aylor, L&L news
CcLober 22, 2013


MCA8, uLah -- 1he oLash Scenlc 8yway snakes souLh of Lown along Lhe muddy Colorado 8lver pasL
anclenL rock arL, dlnosaur Lracks and sLunnlng red rock walls.

1he road ends aL Lhe lnLrepld oLash Mlne, where brlne ls pumped lnLo Lwo masslve evaporaLlon
ponds LhaL shlmmer ln Lhe deserL sun.

WheLher Lhe 400-acre brlne pools -- vlLal Lo produclng poLash, an lngredlenL ln ferLlllzer -- beflL a
"scenlc" hlghway depends on who's looklng.

Some who see Lhem from hlgh above on Lhe canyon rlm say Lhe Lurquolse pools look llke shlny deserL
[ewels. CLhers say Lhey're a bllghL on Lhe prlsLlne landscape.

When Crand CounLy Councllman Lynn !ackson sees Lhe plLs, he sees money -- [obs and revenue for hls
9,000 consLlLuenLs. uesplLe lLs lndusLrlal appearance, he sald, Lhe mlne -- Crand CounLy's blggesL slngle
Laxpayer -- hasn'L deLerred hlkers, off-road vehlcle rlders and Lhrlll seekers who pass lL on Lhelr way Lo
Lhe popular Shafer 8asln.

!ackson ls supporLlng a proposal by Amerlcan oLash LLC Lo drlll four exploraLory wells on a red rock
plaLeau a dozen or so mlles wesL of here, argulng lL wlll help dlverslfy Lhe counLy's recreaLlon-based

"?ou don'L puL all your eggs ln one baskeL," sald !ackson, a geologlsL who worked more Lhan 30 years
aL Lhe 8ureau of Land ManagemenL.

8uL Lhe poLash proposal and a slmllar one ln nelghborlng San !uan CounLy are opposed by conservaLlon
groups and Lhe CuLdoor lndusLry AssoclaLlon. 1hey are asklng resldenL Cbama Lo deslgnaLe Lhe area
as a naLlonal monumenL.

oLash developmenL -- wlLh lLs drllllng rlgs, heavy equlpmenL, sludge plLs, Lanks, Lrucks, access roads
and processlng faclllLles -- would Larnlsh Lhe area's wlld characLer, Lhey argue.

1he flghL ls buL a sklrmlsh ln a war over publlc lands ln easLern uLah. 1he sLakes are hlgh for wllderness
advocaLes, energy developers, moLorlzed recreaLlon groups, sporLsmen and pollLlclans.

8ep. 8ob 8lshop (8-uLah) ls crafLlng a sweeplng publlc lands blll almed aL endlng Lhe blLLer confllcL over
publlc lands ln slx easLern uLah counLles coverlng 18 mllllon acres.

8lshop has held hundreds of meeLlngs wlLh sLakeholders Lhls year hoplng Lo hammer ouL a deal LhaL
would acceleraLe energy developmenL, offer cerLalnLy for Lrall users and deslgnaLe new wllderness

And noL [usL a paLch of wllderness, elLher. 8lshop's measure could easlly deslgnaLe well over a mllllon
acres, maklng lL Lhe largesL wllderness blll ln uLah's hlsLory and one of Lhe largesL ever for a 8epubllcan

8lshop, who has a measly 4 percenL llfeLlme score from Lhe League of ConservaLlon voLers, has been
reachlng ouL Lo envlronmenLallsLs Lo galn supporL for hls plan. Pe's worklng closely wlLh Lhe Wllderness
SocleLy, Lhe ew CharlLable 1rusLs, Lhe Crand Canyon 1rusL, Lhe SouLhern uLah Wllderness Alllance
(SuWA) and Lhe naLure Conservancy, among oLher groups.

Pe's also engaglng counLy commlssloners, sLaLe lands offlclals, energy developers, off-road vehlcle
proponenLs and lnLerlor SecreLary Sally !ewell.

"AfLer observlng and parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe publlc lands debaLe for many years, l belleve we are on Lhe
cusp of a paradlgm shlfL," 8lshop wroLe ln a leLLer Lo counLy commlssloners lasL lebruary when hls
lnlLlaLlve began ln earnesL. "l belleve we have a unlque opporLunlLy Lo end Lhe grldlock and brlng
resoluLlon Lo some of Lhe mosL challenglng land dlspuLes ln Lhe sLaLe."

8uL 8lshop ls Lrylng Lo cross a pollLlcal mlnefleld. Conslder:

CounLy offlclals wanL 8lshop's blll Lo promoLe fossll fuel developmenL -- lncludlng unconvenLlonal,
carbon-lnLenslve fuels llke oll shale and oll sands LhaL envlronmenLallsLs have vlgorously opposed over
concerns Lhey'll acceleraLe cllmaLe change and sap waLer from Lhe arld Colorado 8lver 8asln.

ConservaLlonlsLs, meanwhlle, are presslng Cbama Lo declare 1.4 mllllon acres around Canyonlands
naLlonal ark a naLlonal monumenL, lnfurlaLlng counLy offlclals leery of federal overreach.

And uLah's School and lnsLlLuLlonal 1rusL Lands AdmlnlsLraLlon, or Sl1LA, whose role ls Lo geL Lhe
blggesL economlc bang ouL of uLah's mlneral-rlch Lerraln, wanLs Lo swap sLaLe lands for mlneral-rlch
8LM LracLs, a plan LhaL's always been conLroverslal.

"l am Lhe mosL pesslmlsLlc congressman you've ever meL unLll a flnal deal ls saLlsfled," 8lshop sald ln an
lnLervlew. "l see all klnds of ways people can walk ouL of lL."

AlLhough hls paLh ls Lreacherous, 8lshop's game. Pe sees blg poLenLlal payoffs all around. And he sald
he has a shoL wlLh fresh leadershlp aL Lhe lnLerlor ueparLmenL and slx counLles slgned on -- ulnLah,
Carbon, Lmery, Crand, Wayne and San !uan.

"l sLlll see Lhe opporLunlLy of dolng someLhlng blg," he sald. "lf l can brlng abouL LhaL flnallLy ... lL's
golng Lo be worLh Lhe efforL."
'1he land ls whaL lL ls'

8lshop has long dlsparaged wllderness proLecLlons as puLLlng land under "lock and key." 8uL he's
keenly aware of how much lL means Lo conservaLlonlsLs.

So lnsLead of knee-[erk opposlLlon Lo wllderness deslgnaLlons, 8lshop ls urglng counLy offlclals Lo vlew
Lhem as "currency" LhaL could be Lraded for "Langlble beneflLs" such as conLrol over roads, energy
pro[ecLs, Llmber developmenL and acqulslLlon of federal lands for parks or alrporLs.

"lnsLead of lnsLlncLlvely pushlng for as llLLle wllderness as posslble, l would hope you would approach lL
Lhls Llme wlLh a dlfferenL mlndseL," he wroLe Lo Lhe Wayne CounLy Commlsslon. "1he more we're
wllllng Lo deslgnaLe, Lhe more we can expecL on Lhe oLher slde of Lhe ledger."

uLah ls Lhe only WesLern sLaLe LhaL recelved no land deslgnaLed under Lhe 1964 Wllderness AcL. lL has
less deslgnaLed wllderness -- 1.1 mllllon acres -- Lhan any WesLern sLaLe excepL for Pawall. Lven llorlda
has more wllderness.

unLll 2006, when Congress passed 8lshop's blll deslgnaLlng roughly 100,000 acres of wllderness ln Lhe
Cedar MounLalns souLhwesL of SalL Lake ClLy -- ln parL Lo help block a proposed nuclear wasLe dump --
Lhere was no 8ureau of Land ManagemenL wllderness solely ln uLah.

Wllderness advocaLes say Lhere are several mllllons of acres worLh proLecLlng.

"We have a loL lefL LhaL [usL abouL everybody should be able Lo agree on," sald 1lm eLerson, uLah
wlldlands program manager for Lhe Crand Canyon 1rusL, who called 8lshop's efforL Lhe besL
opporLunlLy Lo pass conservaLlon leglslaLlon ln uLah ln nearly Lhe pasL Lwo decades.

CounLy offlclals and some off-hlghway vehlcle proponenLs agree Lhere are slgnlflcanL landscapes
worLhy of wllderness, desplLe lLs resLrlcLlons on moLorlzed access and energy developmenL.

"Wllderness. lL's a dlrLy word" ln uLah, sald 8ay eLersen, publlc lands dlrecLor for Lmery CounLy,
whlch has proposed LhaL up Lo 300,000 acres of wllderness be deslgnaLed on Lhe San 8afael Swell.

"1he facL of Lhe maLLer ls, Lhere's wllderness," he added. "lL may noL be deslgnaLed yeL congresslonally,
buL Lhe land ls whaL lL ls."

Crand, Lmery and San !uan counLles are wllllng Lo deslgnaLe up Lo 2 mllllon acres of wllderness ln
exchange for assurances LhaL oLher lands could be developed or conserved wlLh more flexlblllLy, sald
!ackson, Lhe Crand CounLy councllman.

1haL's abouL as much wllderness as was deslgnaLed ln several sLaLes ln Lhe 2009 Cmnlbus ubllc Land
ManagemenL AcL, one of Lhe largesL slngle wllderness bllls ln Lhe law's nearly 30-year hlsLory.

?eL lL's sLlll [usL half Lhe amounL of wllderness conservaLlonlsLs argue ls worLhy of proLecLlon ln Lhose
Lhree counLles. SuWA has backed leglslaLlon seeklng 3.3 mllllon acres of wllderness ln all slx counLles.
LeL's make a deal

1he efforL ls also personal for 8lshop, a former hlgh school hlsLory Leacher.

WlLh much of uLah's educaLlon fundlng comlng from mlneral developmenL, a prlorlLy for 8lshop ls
consolldaLlng sLaLe school LrusL lands so Lhey can be drllled and mlned wlLh greaLer efflclency.

ln an lnconvenlenL LwlsL of hlsLory, uLah, Arlzona and new Mexlco were granLed aL sLaLehood a
smaLLerlng of sLaLe lands -- four lsolaLed LracLs for every 36 square mlles -- wlLh many Lrapped lnslde
federal conservaLlon areas, sLlfllng Lhelr developmenL.

"We preLLy much ouL of necesslLy flnd ourselves ln Lhe land exchange buslness," sald !ohn Andrews,
Sl1LA's assoclaLe dlrecLor.

8y mldsummer, Sl1LA had ldenLlfled 200,000 acres of sLaLe lands -- lncludlng lnholdlngs ln Lhe San
8afael Swell, Lhe 8ook Cllffs and uesolaLlon Canyon -- Lo swap for mlneral-rlch federal lands ln Lhe
ulnLa 8asln, aL PaLch olnL and Lhe Llsbon valley ln San !uan, and norLh of Canyonlands.

Andrews argued a Lrade ls ln Lhe besL lnLeresL of uLah, counLles, energy developers and wllderness
advocaLes. lor example, abouL a Lhlrd of Sl1LA's 3.4 mllllon surface acres ls locaLed wlLhln SuWA's
"Amerlca's 8ed 8ock Wllderness AcL" and, accordlng Lo uLah law, should be developed, he sald.

ConservaLlonlsLs also supporL a Lrade. 1hey worry Sl1LA lands can be developed wlLh llLLle publlc
overslghL, Larnlshlng Lhe surroundlng lands' wllderness value.

uecades ago, for example, a Sl1LA parcel ad[acenL Lo Lhe Crand Culch Wllderness SLudy Area was
sLrlpped of lLs old-growLh plnyon and [unlper Lrees Lo make way for agrlculLure, desLroylng lLs wlld
characLer, sald eLerson of Lhe Crand Canyon 1rusL.

AL PaLch olnL, a plnyon-and-[unlper plaLeau overlooklng Canyonlands naLlonal ark, developer k20
uLah LLC, an AusLrallan company, has recenLly drllled a few poLash wells on Sl1LA lands wlLhln 8LM
lands deslgnaLed for recreaLlon.

"1hese former poLash drlll slLes wlll never be rehablllLaLed," neal Clark, a fleld aLLorney for SuWA, sald
durlng a recenL vlslL Lo a k20 drlll slLe, where lnvaslve LhlsLle and cheaLgrass grew nexL Lo abandoned
plpes and a sludge plL.

PaLch olnL wlll be one of Lhe ma[or baLLlegrounds ln 8lshop's blll, as lL ls rlch ln boLh mlnerals and
specLacular scenery.

8uL Lhere's broad consensus ln uLah LhaL land swaps can beneflL rural communlLles, schoolchlldren and
Lhe envlronmenL. 8lshop held a Pouse naLural 8esources subcommlLLee hearlng on Lhe lssue lasL
monLh (L&L ually, SepL. 11).

"We're Lalklng abouL sLaLe LrusL lands LhaL are scaLLered LhroughouL, especlally ln Lhe WesL, where we
have mllllons of acres LhaL are locked up ln areas where we cannoL geL Lo Lhem," 8lshop sald aL Lhe
Llme. "1helr value ls noL as slgnlflcanL as lf Lhey were acLually blocked up LogeLher ln a usable paLLern."

Land swap proponenLs polnL Lo Lhe success of Lhe uLah Schools and Lands Lxchange AcL of 1998, whlch
swapped 409,000 acres of Sl1LA lands and mlnerals wlLhln Crand SLalrcase-LscalanLe naLlonal
MonumenL, naLlonal parks and foresLs, and Amerlcan lndlan reservaLlons for more Lhan 120,000 acres
of federal lands.

1he monumenL's rugged plaLeaus and mulLlhued cllffs were spared from mlnlng and oLher
developmenL, and Lhe sLaLe was able Lo ralse $200 mllllon from newly acqulred coal and gas lands for
uLah sLudenLs.

8uL any land swap musL be a falr deal Lo Amerlcan Laxpayers, who could lose flscally lf oll and gas
deposlLs are handed over Lo Lhe sLaLe wlLhouL sufflclenL conservaLlon galns.

lor example, a proposal ln 2003 Lo Lrade Sl1LA lands on Lhe San 8afael Swell for federal lands ln Lhe
ulnLa 8asln lmploded afLer an lnvesLlgaLlon found 8LM had badly underesLlmaLed Lhe value of oll
shale, poLenLlally fleeclng federal Laxpayers.

"1hls ls someLhlng LhaL would have Lo be plcked aparL wlLh Lhe flnesL Lweezers posslble," sald !anlne
8laeloch, execuLlve dlrecLor of Lhe WesLern Lands ro[ecL, a SeaLLle-based group LhaL scruLlnlzes
federal land exchanges.

ConservaLlonlsLs say Lhey supporL a land swap ln prlnclple buL have slgnlflcanL concerns wlLh
acceleraLlng oll and gas, poLash, oll shale, and oll sands developmenL LhaL ls currenLly LlghLly regulaLed
by 8LM.

"lL's noL clear whaL Lrade-offs wlll be expecLed of us," sald ScoLL Croene, execuLlve dlrecLor of SuWA.
8uL glvlng up federal lands for mlneral developmenL "would be dlfflculL Lhlngs for Lhe conservaLlon
communlLy Lo accepL."

1he Crand Canyon 1rusL ln !uly Lold 8lshop lL ls "deeply concerned" over Lhe lmpacLs commerclal-scale
oll shale and oll sands developmenL would have on Lhe Colorado laLeau. "8esulLlng greenhouse gas
emlsslons would exacerbaLe Lhose lmpacLs, whlch lnclude warmlng, drylng, more severe droughL,
reduced rlver flow and waLer avallablllLy, dlmlnlshed snowpacks, and more severe flres," Lhe group

aul SplLler, dlrecLor of wllderness campalgns for Lhe Wllderness SocleLy, sald Lhe flnal blll musL offer a
"neL galn" for conservaLlon, Lhough lL's unclear how sLakeholders wlll draw LhaL llne.

ConservaLlonlsLs sald Lhey'll also need assurances LhaL 8lshop's blll wlll resolve uLah's legal clalms Lo
more Lhan 12,000 roads, many of whlch cross lands eyed for wllderness. uLah's road clalms, flled under
an obscure 1866 mlnlng law known as 8.S. 2477, are Lhe mosL serlous LhreaL Lo uLah's remalnlng
wlldlands, accordlng Lo conservaLlonlsLs, and could Lorpedo 8lshop's lands lnlLlaLlve (Creenwlre, SepL.

"uLah's 20-plus lawsulLs agalnsL Lhe unlLed SLaLes over 8.S. 2477 may be Lhe blggesL hurdle Lo
overcome ln Lrylng Lo reach agreemenL here," Croene sald.

8uL counLy commlssloners, off-hlghway vehlcle groups and energy proponenLs say Lhey also need
assurances LhaL any lands deal won'L be upended by a fuLure naLlonal monumenL deslgnaLlon.

8efore 8lshop's lnlLlaLlve, SuWA, Lhe Slerra Club, Crand Canyon 1rusL and Lhe CuLdoor lndusLry
AssoclaLlon began lobbylng Cbama Lo deslgnaLe 1.4 mllllon areas of sandsLone splres, red rock buLLes
and rlver washes surroundlng Canyonlands as a naLlonal monumenL -- a move almed aL blocklng new
oll and gas and poLash developmenL.

1empers flared ln !une when Slerra Club LxecuLlve ulrecLor Mlchael 8rune proclalmed Lo a pro-
monumenL crowd ln Moab LhaL he was "100 percenL" sure Lhe CreaLer Canyonlands area would be
proLecLed -- wlLh or wlLhouL 8lshop's blll.

"We need Lo geL some level of assurance LhaL lf we ln good falLh do all Lhls work wlLh all Lhese
sLakeholders, LhaL we're noL golng Lo geL a monumenL slapped on Lop of us when lL's all sald and
done," Crand CounLy's !ackson sald.

1haL fear ls prevalenL ln easLern uLah, parLlcularly afLer a leaked lnLerlor ueparLmenL memo Lwo years
ago suggesLed Lhe Cbama admlnlsLraLlon was conslderlng deslgnaLlng Lhe San 8afael Swell and Cedar
Mesa as naLlonal monumenLs.
'8ulld LrusL early on'

8lshop ls hoplng Lo follow ln Lhe fooLsLeps of former Sen. 8ob 8enneLL (8-uLah), who helped pass a
sweeplng blll ln 2009 Lo deslgnaLe 236,000 acres of wllderness and promoLe economlc developmenL ln
WashlngLon CounLy ln souLhwesL uLah.

1he blll, whlch was Lacked onLo Lhe 2009 omnlbus package, also deslgnaLed 163 mlles of Lhe vlrgln
8lver as wlld and scenlc, creaLed a 62,000-acre naLlonal conservaLlon area, esLabllshed a new all-Lerraln
vehlcle Lrall, and auLhorlzed Lhe sale of up Lo 9,000 acres of federal lands around SL. Ceorge and oLher

1he blll requlred sacrlflces by Lhe counLy, whlch had hoped Lo develop far more federal lands, and
conservaLlonlsLs, who were forced Lo accepL whaL SuWA's Croene called "a smaLLerlng of wllderness."

"lL was noL wlLhouL a loL of paln," sald 8lll Meadows, who was presldenL of Lhe Wllderness SocleLy aL
Lhe Llme and a key negoLlaLor of Lhe blll.

Llke 8lshop, 8enneLL was never known as a wllderness advocaLe. 8uL he developed LrusL wlLhln Lhe
conservaLlon communlLy as a falr broker, Meadows sald. ConservaLlonlsLs say 8lshop ls Laklng a
slmllarly dlplomaLlc approach Lo hls blll.

8lshop's offlce has meL wlLh former 8enneLL aldes ln hopes of mlmlcklng whaL wenL rlghL -- and wrong
-- ln WashlngLon CounLy.

"8lshop cannoL play an advocacy role," sald Mlchele SLraube, dlrecLor aL Lhe Wallace SLegner CenLer's
LnvlronmenLal ulspuLe 8esoluLlon rogram aL Lhe unlverslLy of uLah.

8lshop musL keep all slgnlflcanL sLakeholder lnLeresLs aL Lhe Lable, she added.

"8ulld LrusL early on," SLraube sald. "1haL LrusL can be broken very easlly, so lL needs Lo be rebullL and
malnLalned wlLh every lnLeracLlon."

Whlle many easLern uLah counLy commlssloners sLaunchly oppose wllderness, many appear wllllng Lo
supporL lL ln exchange for cerLalnLy over where and how Lhe publlc lands can be developed.

"ln one counLy ln Lhe sLaLe, aL leasL, 'wllderness' ls no longer a flghLlng word," 8enneLL, who ls now a
lobbylsL aL Lhe u.C. flrm ArenL lox, wroLe ln an op-ed Lhls !une ln Lhe uesereL news.

WlLh slx counLles aL play, 8lshop's blll ls conslderably more complex -- one former 8epubllcan alde
called lL Lhe MounL 8ushmore of lands bllls. 8uL Lhe process may have lLs advanLages.

lor example, Lhe blll could produce eye-popplng wllderness acreage, whlch could appeal Lo
conservaLlon groups buL also garner crlLlclsm from 8lshop's rlghL flank.

A reglonal approach also relleves lndlvldual counLy commlssloners of Lhe pollLlcal pressure of geLLlng a
deal across Lhe flnlsh llne. And Lhere wlll be more "currency" for sLakeholders Lo brlng Lo Lhe
negoLlaLlng Lable.

MosL agree LhaL Lhe sLaLus quo -- ln whlch Lhe uncerLalnLy of llLlgaLlon, 8.S. 2477 road clalms and Lhe
presldenL's monumenL powers hang over every acre -- ls unaccepLable.

WlLh envlronmenLallsLs challenglng slx 8LM resource managemenL plans coverlng nearly 12 mllllon
acres ln souLhern uLah, Lhere's no Lelllng whlch lands wlll remaln open Lo drlll rlgs, A1vs, wlldllfe or
quleL recreaLlon.

"eople are leery abouL Lhe Lools avallable Lo Lhe execuLlve and [udlclal branches," 8lshop sald. "lf l can
sLop 8LM from always havlng Lo pursue new and revlsed managemenL plans, lL's worLh lL. lL's golng Lo
be worLh Lhe efforL even Lhough lL's more complex and dlfflculL Lhan l LhoughL."

lf successful, 8lshop's blll would essenLlally leglslaLe 8LM's resource managemenL plans, someLhlng
LhaL has never been done aL such a scale.

8lshop and 8ep. !ason ChaffeLz (8-uLah), whose 3rd ulsLrlcL lncludes mosL of Lhe lands ln 8lshop's blll,
hosLed several fleld Lrlps Lo easLern uLah over Lhe AugusL recess Lo vlslL poLash and oll and gas pro[ecLs
norLhwesL of Moab, PaLch olnL and Lhe ulnLa 8asln, among oLhers.

"now LhaL people have had Lhe opporLunlLy Lo seL forLh Lhelr prlorlLles, a new vlew ls openlng as Lo
whaL ls and whaL ls noL posslble," 8lshop sald. "lL's more daunLlng Lhan lL was before. 8uL l go from
despalrlng Lo opLlmlsm qulLe qulckly."


Appendlx l - lebruary 13, 2013 leLLer from 8ep. 8ob 8lshop Lo local counLy commlssloners

Appendlx ll -lebruary 13, 2013 leLLer from 8ep. 8ob 8lshop Lo 21 sLakeholder groups (larm 8ureau
leLLer feaLured)

Appendlx lll - !une 3, 2013 leLLer from 8eps. 8ob 8lshop, !ason ChaffeLz, and Chrls SLewarL Lo
lnLeresLed parLles

Appendlx lv - uLah AssoclaLlon of CounLles 8esoluLlon of SupporL

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