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Goals 1. To be familiarize with the physical and chemical characters of normal urine 2. To be able to characterize unknown urine samples 3. To understand the importance of urine analysis Background information Importance of urine analysis Can reveal diseases that have gone unnoticed such as diabetes mellitus various forms of glomerulonephritis and chronic urinary tract infections. Cost!effective "acroscopic analysis #olume$ %bout 1.&' per day (olyuria oliguria and anuria Turbidity$ Clear (usuria Color$ )traw or amber color Colorless red *hematuria hemoglobinuria+ brown white and black ,rder Chemical analysis p-$ ../ to 0.1 %cidosis and alkalosis )pecific 2ravity *sp gr+$ 1.//3 to 1./3/ -yposthenuria and hypersthenuria (rotein$ 3one (roteinuria 2lucose$ 3one 2lucosuria 4etone$ 3one 4etonuria "icroscopic analysis Cells 5pithelial cells$ 1!3 cells per field 67C$ /!1 per field 87C$ /!3 per field )perm Casts 87C and 67C cast -yaline cast 2ranular cast Crystals 9ipstick method %llows :ualitative and semi!:uantitative analysis within one minute The color change on each segment of the strip is compared to the color chart

Principle !8hat are the related disease when following components are not normal; Color Turbidity )pecific 2ravity (rotein )ugar 4etone body <robilin )endiments 87C 67C Casts Procedures -ave & urine samples or more for the urine analysis 1. "acroscopic and chemical tests 1+ Color ,bserve urine color 2+ Turbidity ,bserve turbidity of urine 3+ p<se p- strip 1+ )pecific 2ravity <se hydrometer =ill the cylinder with 3>1 of urine sample =loat urinometer in the cylinder by slightly spinning it !9on?t let it touch the cylinder 6ead at the meniscus on the urinometer scale &+ 2lucose *tablet method+ (lace & drops of urine into a glass vial %dd 1/ drops of water to the vial 9rop one Clinitest tablet into the vial ,bserve the reaction !9o not allow the contents of the vial to come into contact with your skin or eyes Compare the color to the Clinitest color chart @2lucose *dipstick method+ 9ip a stick into urine 8ait ./ seconds Compare with the color to the color chart on the container .+ (rotein (lace 1ml of urine to a glass vial %dd 2ml of biuret reagent to the vial 2ently swirl the vial to miA the contents %fter 1/min. hold the test tube against a white background and observe the color Color change indicates presence of protein 6eport as positive or negative @(rotein *dipstick method+ 9ip a stick into urine 6ead within 3/!./ seconds by comparing with the color to the color chart on the container 0+ 4etone *dipstick method+

9ip a stick into urine 8ait ./ seconds Compare with the color to the color chart on the container 2. "icroscopic eAaminations =ill a conical centrifuge tube and centrifuge at 1 &//rpm for 1/min. 9iscard the supernatant "iA sediment by tapping the bottom of the tube (lace 1 drop of the sediment on a clean slide and cover with a cover glass )can the slide with the low power *1//B+ then eAam with the high power *1&/B+ 6eport presence and number of the cells casts and crystals

Color Turbidity p)p. gr. 2lucose (rotein 4etone )ediments

8hat are the related disease when following components are not normal; Color Turbidity )pecific 2ravity (rotein )ugar 4etone body <robilin )endiments 87C 67C Casts

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